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Table of Contents
Chapter 1. Basics of Python Programming
Chapter 2. Python Control Structures
Chapter 3. Python Functions and Modules
Chapter 4. Python Data Structures
Chapter 5. Object Oriented Programming in Python

Basics of Python Programming

Question 1. In Python, a list is one of the most commonly used data

structures, known for its ability to store a sequence of elements. What
happens when you use the append() method on a list to add a new item, and
then try to use the extend() method to add another sequence to the same
A. The append() method will add each character of the new item separately,
and extend() will create a new list within the existing list.
B. The append() method will add the new item as a single element at the
end of the list, while extend() will iterate over its elements and add each one
individually to the original list.
C. Both append() and extend() methods will add their contents in the same
way by creating a nested list inside the original list.
D. The append() method replaces the existing list, and extend() clears the
list before adding the new sequence.
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: The append() method adds its argument as a single element to
the end of the list, even if it's another list or sequence, whereas the extend()
method iterates over the elements of its argument and adds them to the
original list individually.

Question 2. In Python programming, the 'for' loop is highly flexible for

iterating over various iterable objects. Consider a scenario where you have
a dictionary with string keys and integer values. Which of the following
correctly iterates over both the keys and values of this dictionary?
A. for key, value in dictionary.items(): print(key, value)
B. for key in dictionary: print(key, dictionary[key])
C. for value in dictionary.values(): print(value)
D. for key in dictionary.keys(): print(key)
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: The items() method returns a view object that displays a list of
the dictionary's key-value tuple pairs. This allows for simultaneous iteration
over both keys and values in the 'for' loop, which is not possible with
methods like keys() or values() alone.

Question 3. In Python, variable scopes are crucial for understanding how

variables are accessed or modified within nested blocks of code. If a
variable with the same name is defined both inside a function and outside of
it, what will happen when the function tries to modify this variable without
any additional keyword?
A. The function will modify the global variable directly without any error.
B. Python will raise a SyntaxError due to conflicting variable scopes.
C. The function will create a new local variable with the same name as the
global variable, leaving the global variable unaffected.
D. The global variable will be shadowed, and its value will change only
when the function terminates.
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: In Python, variables declared inside a function are treated as
local to that function by default. If a variable of the same name exists
globally, any modification inside the function will not affect the global
variable unless the 'global' keyword is explicitly used.

Question 4. Python supports multiple data types, and strings are one of the
most commonly used data types. Which of the following is the correct way
to concatenate three strings in Python, while ensuring that the result is a
single string without any additional spaces added between them?
A. "Python" + "is" + "awesome"
B. "Python", "is", "awesome"
C. "Python" + " " + "is" + " " + "awesome"
D. "Python".join(["is", "awesome"])
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: The plus operator (+) is used to concatenate strings in Python.
Using "Python" + "is" + "awesome" results in a single string
"Pythonisawesome" without any additional spaces, while other options
either add spaces or fail to properly concatenate.

Question 5. When defining a function in Python, it is possible to set default

values for parameters, allowing for more flexibility when calling the
function. What will be the result of calling the following function: def
multiply(a, b=2): return a * b, if the function is called as multiply(5)?
A. The function will return 5.
B. The function will raise a TypeError for missing argument.
C. The function will return 10 because the default value of 'b' is used.
D. The function will return None since only one parameter is provided.
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: In Python, when a function parameter has a default value, it
can be omitted when calling the function. If multiply(5) is called, 'a' will be
5 and 'b' will use its default value of 2, resulting in a return value of 10.

Question 6. In Python, which method can be used to replace parts of a

string with another string, and what is the syntax for this method if you
want to replace 'cat' with 'dog' in the string s = "The cat sat on the mat"?
A. s.replaceString('cat', 'dog')
B. s.replace('cat', 'dog')
C. s.stringReplace('cat', 'dog')
D. s.replaceAll('cat', 'dog')
Answer: B
Explanation: The replace method in Python is used to replace parts of a
string with another string. The correct syntax is s.replace(old, new), where
old is the string to be replaced and new is the string to replace it with. In
this case, s.replace('cat', 'dog') replaces occurrences of 'cat' with 'dog'.

Question 7. When creating a function in Python that calculates the factorial

of a number using recursion, which of the following function definitions is
correctly implemented and adheres to the principles of recursion?
A. def factorial(n): return n * factorial(n-1) if n > 1 else 1
B. def factorial(n): return factorial(n-1) * n if n == 0 else 1
C. def factorial(n): factorial(n-1) * n
D. def factorial(n): return n * factorial(n) if n > 1 else 1
Answer: A
Explanation: The correct way to define a recursive function for calculating
the factorial of a number n is to call the function itself with the argument n-
1 until reaching the base case. Option A correctly implements this with n *
factorial(n-1) for n > 1 and returns 1 when n is 1 or less, correctly handling
the base case of the recursion.

Question 8. Which of the following statements about Python lists is true,

particularly when it comes to the flexibility of the types of elements a list
can contain?
A. Python lists can only contain elements of the same data type such as all
integers or all strings.
B. Python lists can contain elements of different data types, such as
integers, strings, and objects, all in the same list.
C. Python lists cannot contain other collection types like other lists or
D. Python lists are immutable, meaning that once created, their elements
cannot be modified.
Answer: B
Explanation: Python lists are highly flexible and can contain elements of
different data types within the same list. This includes any combination of
data types like integers, strings, and other complex objects such as other
lists, dictionaries, or custom objects. This flexibility makes lists a powerful
tool in Python for various applications.

Question 9. In Python, how can you efficiently concatenate multiple strings

stored in a list called strings = ["Python", "is", "awesome"] to form a single
string "Python is awesome"?
A. " ".join(strings)
B. strings.join(" ")
C. concatenate(" ", strings)
D. strings.concatenate(" ")
Answer: A
Explanation: The join() method of a string object can be used to
concatenate each element of an iterable (like a list) into a single string, with
the string object acting as a delimiter. In this case, " ".join(strings) uses a
space as the delimiter to join all elements of the strings list into one
coherent sentence. This method is efficient and commonly used for such

Question 10. Consider the Python code block for handling exceptions when
trying to parse an integer from user input using the input() function. Which
implementation correctly handles an input that might not be a valid integer,
such as 'five', and prints an error message?
A. try: num = int(input("Enter a number: ")) except ValueError:
print("That's not a valid number!")
B. try: num = int(input("Enter a number: ")) if not num: print("That's not a
valid number!")
C. num = int(input("Enter a number: ")) except ValueError: print("That's
not a valid number!")
D. try: num = int(input("Enter a number: ")) catch (ValueError):
print("That's not a valid number!")
Answer: A
Explanation: In Python, to handle exceptions such as converting an invalid
string to an integer, a try block is used followed by an except block
specifying the type of exception to catch. Option A correctly uses the try
and except blocks to attempt to parse the user input into an integer and
handles a ValueError (which is raised when the conversion fails) by printing
an appropriate error message.

Question 11. In Python, variable names are case sensitive, which means
that variable and Variable are considered different by the interpreter. Given
this information, which of the following statements would be correct if both
variable and Variable have been defined as integers in a Python script?
A. print(variable) and print(Variable) will output the same value if both
variables have been assigned the same number.
B. An error will occur, stating that variable names cannot be similar except
for their case.
C. Python will automatically overwrite the value of the first variable
(variable) with the second (Variable) throughout the script.
D. It is not possible to use the same name with different cases for different
variables in the same script.
Correct Answer: A
In Python, identifiers (including variable names) are case sensitive, which
means that variable and Variable are recognized as two distinct variables. If
both have been assigned the same value, then print(variable) and
print(Variable) will indeed output the same value. There is no error
regarding the case similarity of variable names, and Python does not
overwrite values based on case similarity.

Question 12. Python supports several data types that are used to define the
nature of data that can be stored in a variable. When considering the integer
(int), floating-point (float), and string (str) data types, which of the
following pieces of code will correctly convert a string representation of a
number to a float, and subsequently add it to an integer before printing the
A. result = int("10.5") + 5; print(result)
B. result = float("10.5") + 5; print(result)
C. result = str(10.5 + 5); print(result)
D. result = "10.5" + str(5); print(result)
Correct Answer: B
Option B is correct because it converts the string "10.5" to a float using the
float() function and then adds 5 (an integer) to the resulting float. The sum,
therefore, is a floating-point number, which can be correctly computed and
printed. Option A will cause a ValueError as the int() function cannot
convert a floating-point string directly to an integer without truncation.
Question 13. Considering Python’s dynamic typing system, which of the
following code snippets demonstrates the flexibility of type assignments in
Python, allowing variables to be reassigned to different data types within
the same script?
A. x = 10; x = "ten"; print(x)
B. x = 10; x = x + "10"; print(x)
C. x = "10"; x = int(x); x = x + 10; print(x)
D. x = "10"; x = int(x); x = x + "10"; print(x)
Correct Answer: A
In Python, you can change the data type of a variable through reassignment,
demonstrating Python's dynamic type system. In Option A, the variable x is
initially an integer and is later reassigned as a string with no errors. The
other options either result in type errors or incorrect conversions.

Question 14. Python functions are defined using the def keyword followed
by the function name and parentheses. Which of the following definitions
includes a default parameter, allowing the function to be called with fewer
arguments than parameters defined?
A. def print_value(x="Hello"): print(x)
B. def print_value(x, y): print(x)
C. def print_value(x, y="Hello", z): print(x + y + z)
D. def print_value(x): y = "Hello"; print(x + y)
Correct Answer: A
Option A correctly defines a function with a default parameter. A default
parameter is specified by providing a default value in the function
definition, allowing the function to be called either with or without that
specific argument. The other options either require all parameters to be
provided or have syntax errors (like Option C, where default parameters
must not precede non-default parameters).
Question 15. When iterating over a list in Python to compute the sum of its
elements, which of the following loop constructions is correctly formulated
to avoid an IndexError and successfully compute the total sum?
A. list_values = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]; total = 0; for i in range(len(list_values) + 1):
total += list_values[i]; print(total)
B. list_values = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]; total = 0; for value in list_values: total +=
value; print(total)
C. list_values = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]; total = 0; for i in range(1, len(list_values)):
total += list_values[i]; print(total)
D. list_values = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]; total = 0; for i in range(len(list_values) - 1):
total += list_values[i]; print(total)
Correct Answer: B
Option B is correct as it uses a for loop to iterate directly over the elements
of the list, adding each element to the total variable. This avoids any issues
with indexing out of the range of the list, which can occur in the other
options where the range in the loop is not correctly set to match the list

Question 16. What is the output of the following Python code snippet if

A. Welcome to Python programming where the value of y is 15

B. Error due to mismatched data types
C. Welcome to Python programming where the value of y is y
D. None of the above
Answer: A
Explanation: In Python, the + operator can concatenate strings. The variable
y is an integer, and to concatenate it with strings, it needs to be converted to
a string using the str() function. The provided code correctly performs this
conversion, resulting in the output "Welcome to Python programming
where the value of y is 15".

Question 17. What would be the behavior of the following Python


A. The function returns "Even" only if n is divisible by both 2 and 3

B. The function returns "Divisible by 3" for all numbers divisible by 3
regardless of them being even
C. The function returns "Even" for all even numbers, and "Divisible by 3"
for numbers not even but divisible by 3
D. The function cannot return "Other"
Answer: C
Explanation: The function first checks if the number n is even (divisible by
2). If n is even, it returns "Even". If not, it then checks if n is divisible by 3,
returning "Divisible by 3" if true. Only if n is neither even nor divisible by 3
does it return "Other".

Question 18. Given the following Python list modification code, what will
be the final output?
A. [5, 7, 9, 11, 13]
B. [2, 4, 6, 8, 10]
C. [3, 6, 9, 12, 15]
D. [5, 7, 9, 11, 15]
Answer: A
Explanation: The code iterates through the list items using a for loop that
modifies each element by adding 3 to its current value. Hence, each number
in the original list (2, 4, 6, 8, 10) is increased by 3, resulting in the new list
[5, 7, 9, 11, 13].

Question 19. Consider the execution of the following Python dictionary

operations. What is the state of the person dictionary after all operations are

A. {'name': 'Alice', 'age': 26, 'city': 'New York'}

B. {'age': 26}
C. {'age': 26, 'city': 'New York'}
D. {'name': 'Alice', 'city': 'New York'}
Answer: C
Explanation: Initially, the dictionary contains two key-value pairs. The age
is updated from 25 to 26. A new key city with the value 'New York' is
added. Finally, the name key is deleted, leaving the dictionary with age and
city as the remaining keys.

Question 20. What will be the result of executing the following Python
loop and conditional statements?

A. ['2 is even', '4 is divisible by 4', '6 is even', '8 is divisible by 4', '10 is
B. ['1 is odd', '2 is even', '3 is odd', '4 is divisible by 4', '5 is odd', '6 is even',
'7 is odd', '8 is divisible by 4', '9 is odd', '10 is even']
C. ['2 is even', '4 is even', '6 is even', '8 is even', '10 is even']
D. ['2 is divisible by 4', '4 is divisible by 4', '6 is divisible by 4', '8 is
divisible by 4', '10 is divisible by 4']
Answer: A
Explanation: The loop iterates over a list of numbers from 1 to 10. It checks
each number for divisibility by 2 (even). If a number is also divisible by 4, a
specific message stating it is appended to the output list; otherwise, a
general message for even numbers is appended. The final list correctly
reflects these conditions.
Question 21. In Python programming, what is the significance of the
__init__ method in a class, and how does it differ from other methods that
might be defined within the class? Specifically, explain how __init__
functions in object-oriented programming, including its role in the creation
of objects, and compare this to methods like __str__ and user-defined
functions that might be added later to the class.
A. The __init__ method is responsible for initializing newly created objects,
acting as a constructor, setting up initial state or properties of an instance
when an object is created.
B. The __init__ method provides a string representation of an object,
mainly for debugging purposes, and can be called directly to see a
formatted string.
C. The __init__ method is used to define how instances of the class should
be printed in a readable format to the console, usually called when using
print() or str().
D. The __init__ method is a method automatically called after any function
within the class is executed, providing a cleanup mechanism for unused
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: The __init__ method is called automatically when a new
instance of a class is created, setting up any necessary attributes for the
object. It is different from other methods like __str__ which provides a
string representation, or user-defined methods that perform specific

Question 22. In Python, the *args and **kwargs are often used in function
definitions to pass a variable number of arguments. How exactly do these
special syntax elements enhance the functionality of a Python function, and
what is the correct way to use them together in a function definition to
maintain correct syntax and ensure the function can accept both positional
and keyword arguments flexibly?
A. *args allows for passing multiple keyword arguments, while **kwargs
handles multiple positional arguments, making function calls simpler.
B. *args is used to pass a variable number of positional arguments as a
tuple, and **kwargs is used for variable keyword arguments as a dictionary,
allowing for flexible argument input.
C. *args can be used to pass all arguments as a list, while **kwargs only
works with string-based arguments. The syntax order is not important.
D. *args requires all arguments to be of the same data type, and **kwargs
forces only integer values to be passed as keyword arguments to ensure type
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: *args captures additional positional arguments passed to a
function as a tuple, while **kwargs captures additional keyword arguments
as a dictionary. They must be used in the correct order (*args followed by
**kwargs) to ensure flexible function argument input.

Question 23. In Python, list comprehension is a concise way to create lists.

Consider the following code: squared_numbers = [x**2 for x in range(10) if
x % 2 == 0]. How does list comprehension in this example compare to
traditional for-loop-based list generation, and what are the benefits of using
list comprehension in Python programming when working with larger
datasets or complex transformations?
A. List comprehension provides a less efficient way to generate lists
compared to traditional loops, often leading to increased time complexity.
B. List comprehension offers a readable and efficient approach to
generating lists in a single line, significantly reducing the code length and
enhancing performance due to the optimized Python internals.
C. List comprehension cannot handle conditions like if statements, and its
primary benefit is only to transform one list into another of the same length
without changes.
D. List comprehension is limited to generating numerical lists and cannot
be used for string manipulation or complex object creation within a list.
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: List comprehension allows for creating lists in a compact,
readable, and efficient way. It performs faster than traditional for-loops
because Python handles the iteration internally. It can include conditions
and complex transformations, making it powerful for data manipulation.

Question 24. The try and except blocks in Python are used for exception
handling to catch and manage errors during program execution. What is the
main advantage of using these blocks, and how does Python's exception
hierarchy help in catching and handling different types of exceptions, such
as ZeroDivisionError, FileNotFoundError, and generic Exception?
A. try and except blocks help in preventing program crashes by catching
exceptions, and Python's exception hierarchy allows specific exceptions to
be caught before generic ones to handle errors more precisely.
B. Using try and except guarantees that no error messages will ever be
displayed to the user, as all exceptions will be ignored without any output.
C. The try block only catches runtime errors like syntax mistakes, and the
except block logs these to a separate file for later review.
D. try and except blocks are used to improve performance by skipping over
sections of code that are prone to failure, and they do not handle exceptions
beyond those specified within the except block.
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: The try block allows code to run while the except block
handles exceptions if they occur. Specific exceptions like
ZeroDivisionError can be caught before generic exceptions (Exception),
allowing precise handling of errors without halting the entire program.

Question 25. In Python, the global and nonlocal keywords serve different
purposes when dealing with variable scope. How do these keywords
function within nested functions or modules, and what is the correct way to
use them to modify variable values that exist in different scopes, such as
within the outer function or global module level?
A. The global keyword is used to modify variables within nested functions,
while nonlocal can be used to access global variables directly from any
nested scope.
B. The global keyword allows modifying a variable at the module level
within a function, while nonlocal allows access to the nearest enclosing
scope variable that is not global, helping manage nested function variables.
C. The global keyword is mainly for declaring constants across multiple
functions, and nonlocal is used exclusively for modifying class-level
variables from within methods.
D. The global and nonlocal keywords are interchangeable in Python,
allowing any variable to be modified regardless of its original scope.
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: The global keyword is used to modify variables declared at the
module (global) level within a function. The nonlocal keyword accesses and
modifies variables from an enclosing (non-global) scope within nested
functions, allowing scope-specific changes.

Question 26. What is the significance of the None keyword in Python?

A. It indicates the absence of a value or a null value in the variable.
B. It is a special data type that can only be assigned to string variables.
C. It represents the zero numerical value in numeric calculations.
D. It is used to define an infinite loop in Python programming.
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: In Python, None is used to signify the absence of a value or a
null state in a variable. It is a NoneType data type and is distinct from False
or zero. It can be assigned to any variable as a placeholder to indicate that
there is no specific value present.

Question 27. What is the output of the following Python code snippet?
A. Yes
B. No
C. True
D. Error
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: Here, x ** 2 calculates to 100. The condition x ** 2 > 100 is
False because 100 is not greater than 100. Despite y < 100 being True, the
and condition requires both statements to be True to proceed with the 'Yes'
branch. Since the first condition fails, the 'else' branch is triggered, resulting
in "No" being printed.

Question 28. In Python, what does the append() method do when applied to
a list?
A. It merges another list into the current list at a specified position.
B. It adds a new element to the end of the list, expanding its size.
C. It calculates the total sum of all numerical elements within the list.
D. It removes the last element of the list and returns it.

Correct Answer: B
Explanation: The append() method in Python is used to add a single item to
the end of a list. This method does not return any value but updates the
existing list by adding the item to the end, thus increasing the list's length
by one.

Question 29. Given the following Python dictionary, how would you access
the value associated with the key 'color'?

A. car[1]
B. car.get("color")
C. car[color]
D. car['color']
Correct Answer: D
Explanation: In Python, dictionary values are accessed using their keys in
square brackets. car['color'] correctly accesses the value 'red' associated
with the key 'color'. Using car.get("color") would also retrieve 'red', but the
safest and most direct method is car['color'] as it is more commonly used
for direct access.

Question 30. What does the split() method do in Python strings?

A. Divides the string into substrings wherever a specified separator occurs
and returns these substrings as a list.
B. Combines multiple strings into a single string separated by a specified
C. Searches for a specified substring in the string and returns its position.
D. Replaces specified elements of the string with a new string.

Correct Answer: A
Explanation: The split() method in Python takes a string and divides it into
a list of substrings based on a specified separator, which by default is any
whitespace. This method is especially useful for parsing or analyzing
strings where different elements are separated by specific characters.

31. Which of the following statements accurately describes the role and
application of Python decorators in enhancing or modifying the behavior of
functions or methods in a program?
A. Decorators allow the alteration of function outputs without directly
modifying the function code, acting as a wrapper that provides additional
functionality before or after the original function call.
B. They primarily function to reduce the speed of execution of functions by
adding extra layers of logic that must be processed.
C. Python decorators serve to increase the memory usage of functions as
they introduce new layers and structures, thus slowing down the overall
execution process.
D. Decorators in Python can only be applied to object-oriented
programming methods, specifically for class method interactions and not
for standalone functions.
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: Python decorators are a powerful feature that allow a
programmer to modify the behavior of a function or method. They act as
wrappers, enabling the programmer to add functionality before or after the
target function is called, without altering the function's own code. This is
particularly useful in scenarios like logging, access control, memoization,
and more. Decorators provide a flexible way to extend the capabilities of
functions dynamically, often leading to cleaner and more concise code.

Question 32. What are the implications and typical uses of the 'yield'
keyword in Python's implementation of generators, considering its utility in
managing memory and controlling flow in large datasets?
A. The 'yield' keyword makes a function return a generator that can be
iterated over, allowing Python to lazily produce items one at a time and
only as required, thereby conserving memory.
B. It causes the immediate termination of a generator function's execution,
releasing all resources it had acquired during its operation.
C. Yield converts any Python function into a multi-threaded subroutine
capable of running in parallel with other functions.
D. It serves as a debugging tool within Python that allows developers to
monitor the values that are returned from functions at runtime without
affecting the function's execution.
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: The 'yield' keyword is essential in defining a generator in
Python. Unlike a regular function that returns a single result at the end, a
generator returns an iterator that yields one result at a time over the course
of its execution. This is particularly advantageous when dealing with large
datasets, as it allows the program to operate on one item at a time rather
than holding the entire dataset in memory, thus significantly reducing
memory footprint and enhancing performance.

Question 33. Given Python's dynamic typing system, how does the
handling of data types without explicit declaration affect variable
assignment and manipulation within a script?
A. Python's dynamic typing system means that variables can be reassigned
to values of different types without errors, enabling flexible and rapid
development cycles.
B. This system requires developers to manually manage memory allocation
for every variable in their code, leading to increased complexity in code
C. Dynamic typing strictly enforces that variables once set to a certain type
cannot be changed, which is crucial for maintaining type safety across the
D. The lack of explicit type declaration allows Python to automatically
optimize code execution speed by inferring types and compiling optimized
bytecode on-the-fly.
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: Python's dynamic typing system allows variables to be
reassigned to different data types without explicit declaration or re-
declaration. This feature affords a high degree of flexibility and speeds up
the development process, as programmers can quickly prototype and adjust
their code without worrying about rigid type constraints. However, it
requires developers to be mindful of type consistency and can sometimes
lead to bugs if variables are not handled carefully.

Question 34. What are the consequences of using mutable default

arguments in function definitions within Python, particularly in terms of
function object persistence across multiple calls?
A. Mutable default arguments are beneficial as they allow a function's
default values to be updated and retained across multiple function calls,
reflecting the most recent changes.
B. Using mutable default arguments can lead to unexpected behavior or
bugs because changes to these arguments persist across future calls to the
function, unless explicitly reset.
C. Immutable default arguments, unlike mutable ones, significantly slow
down the execution of functions by forcing Python to recreate the default
value on every function call.
D. Mutable default arguments prevent memory leakage by automatically
resetting the function's state after each call, ensuring no residual data is
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: Using mutable default arguments in Python functions can lead
to unintended consequences and bugs, particularly because any changes
made to these arguments are preserved between function calls. This
behavior occurs because the default argument values are evaluated at the
time of function definition, not each time the function is called, thereby
creating a scenario where changes to mutable objects like lists or
dictionaries persist across calls. This can lead to behavior that is difficult to
debug if not properly managed.
Question 35. How does Python's list comprehension provide a more
efficient and readable alternative to traditional loops for creating lists,
especially when processing and transforming large volumes of data?
A. List comprehensions allow for the concise creation of lists by integrating
loop and conditional logic into a single clear and expressive line of code,
which enhances both development speed and runtime efficiency.
B. They provide a method to bypass Python's garbage collection system by
directly interfacing with the underlying C API, which speeds up data
processing tasks.
C. This feature is purely syntactical sugar with no impact on performance
but improves the readability of the code by allowing loops to be written in a
more verbose manner.
D. List comprehensions require the pre-declaration of all variables used
within them, thus ensuring type safety and preventing runtime errors
associated with undefined variables.
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: List comprehensions in Python provide a succinct way to
create lists. They integrate for loops and conditional logic into a single line
of code, thereby making the code more readable and often more efficient
compared to equivalent code built using multiple loop constructs. This
method is particularly useful in data-heavy applications for transforming
and filtering data efficiently and cleanly, as it reduces both the lines of code
and the execution time by leveraging Python's optimized handling of such

Question 36. Considering the use of Python's __init__ method in class

definitions, how does it function within the lifecycle of an object to
initialize state or configure necessary properties immediately upon creation
of an instance?
A. The __init__ method is called automatically every time a class is being
subclassed to ensure that the derived class inherits all the properties and
methods of the parent class without explicit declaration.
B. It acts as the constructor for a class, automatically invoked when a new
object instance is created to initialize the instance's attributes or perform
any other startup necessary.
C. This method serves as the destructor for class instances, responsible for
deallocating resources that the object may have acquired during its lifetime.
D. The __init__ method in Python is called every time an object is copied,
ensuring that a new instance receives a distinct copy of the object's initial
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: In Python, the __init__ method functions as a constructor for a
class. It is automatically invoked when a new instance of a class is created.
This method is crucial for initializing the instance's attributes with values
specific to that instance or for executing any other initialization activities
required. It allows the programmer to ensure that the new objects start with
a proper configuration or state.

Question 37. How does Python's handling of exceptions with try-except

blocks aid in robust program development, particularly in terms of
operational continuity and error management?
A. Try-except blocks in Python are designed to only catch syntax errors in
the code, enabling programs to be syntactically correct and error-free.
B. These blocks are used to test a block of code for errors, catching
exceptions that occur and handling them within the except block, which
prevents the program from terminating abruptly.
C. The try-except structure automatically corrects logical errors in the code,
ensuring that the intended operations are performed without manual
D. This construct is used to enhance the execution speed of code by
ignoring exceptions that are not critical to the application's core
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: Python's try-except blocks are essential for building robust
applications because they allow developers to anticipate and manage
exceptions that could otherwise cause the program to crash. By wrapping
potentially problematic code in a try block, any exceptions that occur are
caught in the corresponding except block, where developers can implement
appropriate error-handling mechanisms. This not only aids in maintaining
operational continuity but also allows for graceful recovery and error

Question 38. What role does the global keyword play in Python functions
when dealing with variables defined outside the function scope, particularly
in modifying these variables within a local context?
A. The global keyword restricts a function's access to only read the values
of variables defined outside its scope, without allowing modifications.
B. It allows a function to modify a variable's value globally, not just within
the local function scope, by declaring that a variable inside a function is the
same as one defined outside the function.
C. Python uses the global keyword to protect external variables from being
accidentally modified within functions, enforcing immutable behavior.
D. The global keyword automatically initializes external variables within
every function scope to ensure uniform values throughout the program.
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: The global keyword in Python is used within a function to
declare that a variable is not local to the function but is defined in the global
scope. By using global, changes made to the variable inside the function
affect the variable at the global scope. This is particularly useful when the
function needs to update or modify a global variable, as it enables the
function to explicitly access and modify the variable defined outside its
local scope.

Question 39. In Python programming, how does the use of the enumerate
function enhance the functionality of loops, particularly when iterating over
sequences that require access to both index and element value?
A. Enumerate provides an automatic mechanism for breaking out of loops
when a specified condition is met, optimizing the loop's performance and
exit strategy.
B. It simplifies the process of retrieving the index of elements as they are
iterated over, returning an iterable that produces pairs of an index and the
corresponding element from the sequence.
C. The enumerate function encrypts each element of the sequence during
iteration for secure processing and storage.
D. It doubles the execution speed of loops by simultaneously processing
two adjacent elements in each iteration.
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: The enumerate function in Python adds a counter to an
iterable, making it easier to retrieve the index of each element within the
loop. By returning pairs of an index and the element from the sequence, it
allows the programmer to access both the element and its index directly in
the loop's body. This is particularly useful in scenarios where the index is
needed for computations or for referencing elements relative to their
position in the sequence, enhancing readability and efficiency.

Question 40. Discuss the implications of Python's pass statement within

conditional and loop structures, especially in terms of code development
and placeholder utility.
A. The pass statement in Python acts as a developmental tool that
temporarily increases the execution speed of loops by skipping
computational steps that are not yet implemented.
B. It serves as a non-operative statement, often used as a placeholder in
parts of the code where a statement is syntactically required but no action is
meant to be executed, allowing continuation of code development without
C. Python's pass statement automatically handles memory management by
deallocating unused resources within loops and conditionals, enhancing
D. The statement triggers an in-depth debugging mode that provides real-
time feedback on the execution state of the program.
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: The pass statement in Python is essentially a null operation;
when executed, nothing happens. It is most commonly used as a
placeholder in loops or conditionals where a statement is syntactically
necessary but no code needs to be executed yet. This allows developers to
maintain structural integrity and logical flow in their code while they
continue to develop other parts of the program. It is especially useful in
draft functions, loops, and conditional statements that are incomplete or
serve as placeholders for future code.

Question 41. What is the primary purpose and functionality of the

@staticmethod decorator in Python classes, and how does it affect the
method's interaction with class and instance attributes?
A. The @staticmethod decorator transforms a method into a class-only
method that can only modify class attributes and cannot access or modify
instance-specific data.
B. It allows a method to be called on an instance of the class or directly
from the class itself without requiring a class or instance reference, making
the method behave more like a plain function that does not operate on an
C. This decorator automatically optimizes the method to run in parallel
threads, improving performance for high-load functions within classes.
D. The @staticmethod decorator restricts a method to only be callable
during the instantiation of a class object, primarily used to initialize static
class attributes.
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: The @staticmethod decorator in Python is used to define
methods that are logically contained in a class but do not need to interact
with class or instance-specific data. These methods do not take a default
self or cls parameter, which means they can neither modify object instance
state nor class state. This is particularly useful for utility functions that
perform a task not dependent on the state of the class or its instances,
allowing them to be called either on the class itself or on instances of the

Question 42. Considering the significant features of Python's list data type,
what are the performance implications of using lists for operations
involving frequent insertion and deletion of elements, especially at the
beginning of the list?
A. Lists are optimized for fast fixed-position access, making them ideal for
applications that require frequent insertion and deletion at any position,
including the beginning.
B. Python lists are implemented as arrays, which means that insertions and
deletions at the beginning of the list can be slow as they require shifting all
the subsequent elements in memory.
C. The list data type automatically resorts its elements to maintain order
after each insertion or deletion, which significantly enhances performance
when elements are frequently added or removed.
D. Lists in Python are linked lists, ensuring that insertion or deletion of
elements at any position, including the beginning, is consistently fast.
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: Python lists are indeed implemented as dynamic arrays. This
structure allows for efficient indexing and rapid access to elements at any
position; however, it also means that operations like insertion and deletion
at the beginning of the list (or indeed anywhere except the end) require all
the subsequent elements to be shifted in memory. This can lead to less
efficient performance compared to data structures specifically designed for
such operations, like linked lists or deques, particularly when these
operations are frequent.

Question 43. How does the with statement in Python enhance code
readability and resource management, particularly in the context of file
handling and other resource-intensive operations?
A. The with statement restricts the execution block to access external
resources only, ensuring that all resource-intensive operations are
B. It automatically manages the opening and closing of resources, ensuring
that they are properly released after the block of code is executed, which
simplifies error handling and resource management.
C. This statement acts as a loop that continuously checks for errors in the
block of code, preventing the program from crashing due to unhandled
D. The with statement speeds up the execution of the code within its block
by optimizing memory usage and CPU cycles.
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: The with statement in Python is particularly useful for
ensuring that resources such as files are properly managed. By
automatically handling the acquisition and release of resources, it ensures
that a file or other resource is closed down properly, even if an error occurs
during processing. This "context management" is a critical feature for
writing cleaner, more reliable code, especially when dealing with file I/O
operations, database connections, or other tasks that require careful
handling of resources to avoid leaks or data corruption.

Question 44. In Python, how does the zip function facilitate the handling of
multiple iterables, and what is its typical use case in data manipulation and
aggregation tasks?
A. The zip function merges multiple lists into a single list of tuples, where
each tuple contains elements from all the lists at a specific index,
optimizing memory usage by compressing data.
B. It iterates over several iterables simultaneously, returning an iterator of
tuples where each tuple contains the elements of the iterables at the same
index, useful for parallel data processing.
C. Python's zip function encrypts data from multiple iterables to secure their
content before processing, primarily used in data-sensitive applications.
D. This function broadcasts the smallest iterable across the larger ones to
match their lengths, filling in missing values automatically for
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: The zip function in Python is a powerful tool for aggregating
data from multiple iterables. It allows parallel iteration over these iterables,
returning an iterator that produces tuples, combining elements from each
iterable based on their corresponding position. This is incredibly useful in
scenarios such as combining data from different lists, like names and
scores, or for simpler tasks like transposing a matrix, where rows and
columns need to be interchanged.

Question 45. What is the purpose and typical application of the assert
statement in Python, particularly in the context of debugging and
developing more robust code?
A. The assert statement in Python is primarily used to define the main
function of a program, ensuring that it is the first piece of code executed.
B. It is used to check the correctness of conditions in a program; if the
condition is True, the program continues, but if False, the program throws
an AssertionError, helping in debugging.
C. Python utilizes the assert statement to encrypt assertions in the code,
preventing unauthorized access to debug statements and sensitive checks.
D. The assert statement serves as a documentation tool that automatically
generates user manuals based on the assertions defined throughout the code.
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: The assert statement in Python is a debugging aid that tests a
condition as a means of catching errors and anomalies in code at an early
stage. If the condition evaluates to True, the program continues to execute
as normal; however, if it evaluates to False, the program raises an
AssertionError. This tool is invaluable for developers during the testing
phase of building software, allowing them to ensure that their code behaves
as expected under various conditions, thus improving the robustness and
reliability of their applications.
Question 46. What is the functionality of the super() function in Python,
particularly in the context of object-oriented programming and inheritance
A. The super() function is used to return a proxy object that delegates
method calls to a parent or sibling class, allowing access to inherited
methods that might have been overridden in a class.
B. It serves as a mechanism to bypass method overriding in subclasses,
ensuring that a method from a parent class cannot be overridden in any
descendant classes.
C. Python uses super() to automatically detect and call the constructor of
the base class, regardless of the method or attribute being accessed.
D. The function initializes all variables in the parent class with default
values, irrespective of how they were initialized in the subclass.
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: The super() function in Python is crucial in the context of
class inheritance. It allows a subclass to call methods of its parent class,
especially if those methods have been overridden. This is useful for
extending the functionality of inherited methods rather than replacing them
entirely, providing a way to ensure that the base class initialization code is
executed or that other methods of the parent class are accessible,
maintaining the integrity of the class hierarchy.

Question 47. How does Python's lambda function facilitate quick function
definition, and what are its typical use cases in programming?
A. Lambda functions in Python are used to create new function objects for
permanent use in applications, with the same capabilities as functions
defined with def.
B. They allow for the definition of small, anonymous functions in a single
line, typically used where function objects are required for short periods,
like with functions like map() or filter().
C. This function type automatically manages memory allocation and
garbage collection, significantly enhancing the performance of the
D. Lambda functions are primarily used to declare and manage global
variables within local scopes to improve code modularity and reuse.
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: Python's lambda functions are small anonymous functions
defined with a single expression. They are written in a concise format using
the lambda keyword and are particularly useful for short-term use where
simple functions are needed without the syntactic baggage of a normal
function definition. Common use cases include passing them as arguments
to higher-order functions like map(), filter(), and sort(), which perform an
operation on a sequence.

Question 48. In Python, what is the role of the __name__ variable, and how
is it used conventionally in scripts and modules?
A. The __name__ variable is used to define the class name of an object,
allowing dynamic referencing of the class type throughout the application.
B. It is a built-in variable that holds the name of the module in which it is
used; if the module is run as the main program, it holds the string
C. This variable acts as an identifier for memory address locations, helping
in the direct manipulation of object locations within Python applications.
D. Python's __name__ is a debugging tool that outputs the execution path
of the current function, aiding in tracing and logging.
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: The __name__ variable in Python is a special built-in variable
that is automatically set by the Python interpreter. It is used to determine
whether a module is being run directly or being imported into another
module. When a script is run directly, __name__ is set to "__main__",
allowing programmers to execute certain actions (like calling a main
function) only when the module is not being imported but is run as the main
program. This makes it invaluable for test code and main program
Question 49. How does Python handle memory management, particularly
with regard to the creation and destruction of objects?
A. Python uses a manual memory management model where developers
must allocate and free memory explicitly using system calls.
B. It implements an automated system using a combination of reference
counting and a garbage collector to manage memory, which handles
allocation and deallocation of objects dynamically.
C. Memory management in Python is handled through compulsory file-
based swapping, where data is temporarily stored on disk during execution.
D. Python allows programmers to adjust the memory allocation algorithm
in real time, optimizing performance for specific types of data structures.
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: Python abstracts many details of memory management from
the developer. It employs an automatic memory management system that
includes reference counting to keep track of the number of references to
each object in memory; when an object’s reference count drops to zero, it is
no longer accessible, and the memory can be freed. Additionally, Python
uses a garbage collector to detect and free up cycles of references (where
objects reference each other but are otherwise not in use), which reference
counting alone cannot handle. This system simplifies coding and reduces
the risk of memory leaks.

Question 50. What are the implications of using the import statement in
Python scripts, especially when managing dependencies and modular
A. The import statement increases the execution time of scripts by loading
all available library modules at the start, regardless of whether they are used
in the script.
B. It allows programmers to access code from other modules or libraries
within their own programs, fostering code reuse and modular programming.
C. Using import, Python compiles each imported module into a separate
bytecode file to prevent recompilation in future executions, reducing
D. The statement is used to encrypt and secure code modules to prevent
unauthorized access and modification of the codebase.
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: The import statement in Python is fundamental to modular
programming. It allows developers to include functionality from one
module into another. By using import, programmers can reuse code across
different parts of a program or across multiple programs, without having to
duplicate code. This promotes not only reuse but also separation of
concerns, as functionality can be segmented into logical modules. Python
handles these imports efficiently by loading a module once and caching the
compiled bytecode, which speeds up future imports.

Question 51. What is the purpose of the dir() function in Python, especially
when exploring the properties and methods of objects during runtime?
A. The dir() function is used to set the direction of execution in complex
applications, determining the flow control based on module dependencies.
B. It dynamically modifies the accessibility of methods and properties in
objects to control visibility from external modules.
C. This function lists all the attributes and methods of any object, providing
a quick way of understanding what operations an object can perform, useful
for debugging and development.
D. The dir() function encrypts the names of all methods and attributes in an
object to secure code against introspection and unauthorized access.
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: The dir() function in Python is a powerful tool for
introspection. It returns a sorted list of attributes and methods belonging to
any object (everything from string, module, class, or even a library), which
is highly beneficial during development and debugging. This allows
developers to quickly understand the capabilities of an object, see which
methods and properties are available, and make decisions about how to use
the object effectively in their code.
Question 52. How does Python's continue statement affect the flow of
control inside loops, and what is its typical use case?
A. The continue statement causes the immediate termination of the current
iteration and forces the loop to end, typically used to stop excessive
processing in nested loops.
B. It skips the remainder of the code inside the loop for the current iteration
and returns to the loop condition or the next iteration, commonly used to
bypass part of a loop when a condition is met.
C. Python's continue statement doubles the iteration speed by bypassing the
execution check at each step of the loop.
D. The statement enables the loop to skip all upcoming iterations and
resume execution from the point immediately following the loop structure.
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: The continue statement in Python is used within looping
constructs and serves to skip the rest of the code inside the loop for the
current iteration only. When continue is executed, the control immediately
returns to the beginning of the loop. In a for loop, this means moving to the
next item in the sequence. In a while loop, this means reevaluating the
condition. This is particularly useful for skipping specific elements or
conditions within a loop without breaking out of the loop entirely.

Question 53. What is the impact of using the del statement on Python data
structures, and how does it affect memory management and program
A. The del statement is used to delete variables or elements from data
structures, which immediately frees up all memory associated with those
elements, improving program efficiency.
B. It marks elements for deletion and schedules the garbage collector to
remove them during the next system downtime, minimizing impact on
program performance.
C. Python's del statement renames variables and data structure elements,
making them inaccessible under their original identifiers as a security
D. The del statement removes references to objects, potentially leading to
the object being garbage collected if all references are deleted, thus freeing
up memory.
Correct Answer: D
Explanation: The del statement in Python is used to delete objects, which
can include variables or elements within data structures. By using del, you
can remove references to an object, and if all references to an object are
removed, the object becomes unreachable and is a candidate for garbage
collection. This can help in managing memory by allowing Python's
garbage collector to reclaim space used by objects that are no longer
needed. It does not, however, guarantee immediate memory freeing, as this
is managed by the garbage collector according to its own schedule.

Question 54. In Python, what is the purpose and effect of using the break
statement in looping constructs?
A. The break statement is used within loops to exit the entire loop structure
immediately, terminating the loop's execution completely upon its
B. It causes the loop to pause execution and wait for user input before
continuing with the next iteration.
C. Python's break statement doubles the loop's execution speed by breaking
the loop into parallel tasks from the point of invocation.
D. The statement sends a break signal to external systems indicating that a
data processing limit has been reached within the loop.
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: The break statement in Python provides a way to break out of
the enclosing loop from anywhere within the loop's body, including nested
loops. It terminates the loop's execution at the point of invocation and
transfers control to the first statement following the loop body. This is
typically used to exit a loop when a condition is met, regardless of whether
the loop has completed all its iterations. It's particularly useful for exiting
infinite loops or ending a loop based on external conditions.
Question 55. Given the following Python code snippet, what is the
expected behavior of the program?

A. The program prints the numbers 0 to 4 without interruption.

B. It prints the numbers 0 to 2, and then stops before printing 3.
C. The program throws an error because the break statement is incorrectly
used outside a loop.
D. It continuously prints the number 3 in an infinite loop.
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: This Python code utilizes a for loop to iterate through a range
of numbers from 0 to 4. The if statement checks if the variable i equals 3,
and if so, the break statement is executed, which immediately exits the loop.
Since the break is encountered when i equals 3, the numbers 0, 1, and 2 are
printed before the loop is prematurely terminated, and thus 3 is not printed.

Question 56. What is the primary difference between the list and tuple data
structures in Python?
A. Lists are mutable, allowing modification after creation, whereas tuples
are immutable and cannot be changed once created.
B. Tuples can store elements of different data types, but lists cannot.
C. Lists are typically used for looping operations, while tuples cannot be
iterated over.
D. Tuples have faster access times but lists are slower because they are
encrypted for security reasons.
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: The primary distinction between lists and tuples in Python lies
in their mutability. Lists are mutable, meaning their elements can be
modified, added, or removed after the list is created. Tuples, on the other
hand, are immutable; once a tuple is created, its content cannot be changed,
which makes it a safer choice for constant data and can improve the
execution speed in contexts where a constant sequence is beneficial.

Question 57. In Python programming, what is the global keyword used for?
A. To declare that a variable inside a function is global and modifies the
variable at the module-level.
B. To enhance the visibility of a variable across different modules imported
in a script.
C. To protect a variable within a function from being modified by external
D. To declare a variable that can be accessed anywhere within the program,
regardless of scope.
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: The global keyword in Python is used within a function to
declare that a variable is global, meaning it refers to a variable that was
defined at the top level of the program or in the global scope. If a variable is
declared as global inside a function, it can be read and modified as the same
instance that exists outside the function, affecting its value everywhere it is
accessed across the module.

Question 58. What does Python’s in keyword evaluate in the context of

data containers like lists or strings?
A. It checks if a file exists in the directory.
B. It confirms whether a specified element is contained within the iterable
or sequence on the right side of the operator.
C. It is used exclusively within loops to iterate over each element of a
D. It modifies elements within the data container to ensure data integrity.
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: The in keyword in Python is used to check for membership. It
evaluates to True if it finds a variable in the specified sequence and False
otherwise. This keyword is widely used in conditionals, loops, and
comprehensions to check if an item exists in an iterable such as a list, tuple,
string, or other types of sequences or collections.

Question 59. Which Python built-in function would you use to find the
highest number in a list of integers?
A. max()
B. sum()
C. len()
D. high()
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: The max() function in Python is used to determine the largest
item in an iterable, such as a list or a sequence of numbers. It can also take
multiple arguments and return the largest of them. This function is
straightforward and efficient for finding the maximum value, making it
extremely useful in data analysis and general programming tasks involving
numerical data.

Question 60. What is the primary use of the assert statement in Python?
A. To define the initial state of variables at the start of a program.
B. To interrupt program execution if a specified condition is not met.
C. To guarantee that a condition in the code remains true, throwing an
AssertionError if the condition evaluates to false.
D. To encrypt sensitive data within the application to prevent data leakage.
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: The assert statement in Python is used as a debugging aid. It
tests a condition, and if the condition is True, it does nothing and your
program continues to execute as normal. However, if the condition
evaluates to False, an AssertionError is thrown, interrupting the program
flow. This helps in verifying that certain conditions are met during
development, particularly during testing phases.

Question 61. What is the output of using the len() function on a dictionary
in Python which contains five key-value pairs?
A. The function returns the number of keys in the dictionary.
B. It returns the total number of characters in all keys and values combined.
C. The output is the number of values in the dictionary.
D. It returns a list containing all the keys in the dictionary.
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: The len() function when used on a dictionary returns the
number of key-value pairs in the dictionary. Since a dictionary is essentially
a set of key-value pairs, len() counts the number of keys, which also
corresponds to the number of pairs, as each key has an associated value.

Question 62. How does the enumerate() function enhance the functionality
of a loop in Python when working with a list?
A. It reverses the list to loop over it from end to start.
B. The function adds a counter to each iteration of the loop, providing the
current index position alongside the value.
C. It multiplies each element by its index number to provide a new list.
D. Enumerate locks the list to prevent changes during iteration.
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: The enumerate() function in Python adds a counter to an
iterable and returns it in a form of an enumerate object. This can be used
directly in for loops and converts into tuples containing the count (from
start which defaults to 0) and the values obtained from iterating over the
iterable. This is particularly useful for obtaining an index-based loop over a
list or any other sequence.
Question 63. In Python, which method would you use to remove any
leading and trailing whitespace from a string?
A. strip()
B. trim()
C. cut()
D. slice()
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: The strip() method in Python is used to remove any leading
and trailing whitespaces, including tabs and newlines, from a string. This
method can also be used to remove other specified characters from the
beginning and the end of the string.

Question 64. What does the break statement do in a nested loop structure in
A. It terminates only the innermost loop.
B. It exits all loops immediately.
C. It pauses the execution of loops temporarily.
D. It skips the current iteration of the innermost loop.
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: In Python, the break statement terminates the innermost loop
entirely when executed within nested loops. It breaks out of the current loop
level only, allowing the outer loops to continue running unless they too
encounter a break or their conditions are no longer met.

Question 65. What is a primary use case for the else clause in a Python for
A. To execute a block of code if the loop completes normally without any
break interruptions.
B. It defines additional conditions that must be met for the loop to continue
C. The else clause is executed at the start of each loop iteration.
D. To handle exceptions that might be raised within the loop body.
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: In Python, the else clause in a for loop executes a block of
code only when the loop completes its iteration normally without
encountering a break statement. This is somewhat unique to Python
compared to other programming languages, where the else is typically
associated only with conditional statements. This feature can be particularly
useful for searching tasks where an item was not found, or other conditions
that must be validated if the loop completes without premature termination.

Question 66. Which data type would be most appropriate for storing unique
user IDs in Python?
A. List
B. Dictionary
C. Set
D. Tuple
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: A set in Python is the most appropriate data type for storing
unique items, as it automatically removes any duplicates and provides fast
membership testing. This makes it ideal for situations like storing unique
user IDs where each ID must only appear once and checks for existence
need to be efficient.

Question 67. In Python, what is the result of type conversion if you use the
int() function on a floating-point number like 7.7?
A. It rounds the number to the nearest whole number.
B. It truncates the decimal part and returns the integer.
C. It returns the closest lower integer if the decimal is below .5, and the
upper one if above.
D. It causes a ValueError unless explicitly handled.
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: Using the int() function on a floating-point number in Python
truncates the decimal portion and returns the integer part only. This does not
round the number but simply removes the decimal part, hence for 7.7, it
would return 7.

Question 68. What is the functionality of the pop() method when used on a
Python list?
A. It appends an item to the end of the list.
B. It removes and returns the last item of the list.
C. It randomly selects and removes an item from the list.
D. It sorts and then removes the smallest item from the list.
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: The pop() method in Python removes the last item of a list and
returns it. If an index is specified, pop() removes and returns the item at that
index. This method is commonly used when the last item of the list needs to
be accessed and the list modified simultaneously, such as in stack data

Question 69. How does the += operator function when applied to a string in
A. It concatenates another string to the end of the existing string.
B. It multiplies the string by the number following the operator.
C. It performs a bitwise addition on the characters of the string.
D. It converts the string into a list of characters and appends the character.
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: The += operator, when used with strings in Python, functions
as a concatenation tool. It appends the string on its right side to the string
stored in the variable on the left side of the operator. This is a common
practice for building up strings incrementally.

Question 70. What happens when the append() method is called on a

Python dictionary?
A. It adds a new key-value pair to the dictionary.
B. It causes an AttributeError because dictionaries do not support the
append() method.
C. It concatenates another dictionary to the existing one.
D. It updates the value of an existing key.
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: Dictionaries in Python do not support the append() method.
Attempting to call append() on a dictionary will result in an AttributeError.
Dictionaries have specific methods like update() for adding key-value pairs
or modifying values, which are appropriate for managing dictionary data.

Question 71. What does the split() method do when applied to a string in
A. It divides the string into a list of substrings wherever it finds whitespace
and returns the list.
B. It removes whitespace from the beginning and end of the string.
C. It joins two strings into one.
D. It reverses the string.
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: The split() method in Python splits a string into a list where
each word is a list item. By default, the split is done on all whitespace, but a
specific separator can be specified as an argument.

Question 72. Which method would you use to remove a specified item
from a set in Python?
A. remove()
B. pop()
C. delete()
D. clear()
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: The remove() method is used to remove a specified element
from a set in Python. This method will raise a KeyError if the specified item
does not exist in the set.

Question 73. How can you obtain the number of occurrences of a value in a
list in Python?
A. count()
B. length()
C. size()
D. number()
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: The count() method returns the number of times a specified
value appears in the list, allowing for easy tallying of specific elements.

Question 74. What is the purpose of the pass statement in Python?

A. To terminate a loop prematurely.
B. To act as a placeholder for future code.
C. To create a new passkey for secure coding practices.
D. To pass control back to the operating system.
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: The pass statement in Python is a null operation; it does
nothing when executed and is often used as a placeholder indicating where
code will eventually go. It allows for the maintenance of the structure in
loops, functions, and classes without implementing behavior.

Question 75. In Python, how does the sorted() function differ from the
sort() method?
A. sorted() can be used on any iterable, while sort() is a method that
specifically applies to lists only.
B. sorted() sorts lists in descending order, while sort() sorts lists in
ascending order.
C. sorted() returns a new list, while sort() modifies the list in place.
D. A and C are correct.
Correct Answer: D
Explanation: sorted() can be used on any iterable, and it returns a new
sorted list from the elements of any iterable, while sort() is specifically for
lists and sorts the list in place, modifying the original list.

Question 76. What is the return type of a lambda function in Python?

A. Integer
B. String
C. Object of function type
D. Boolean
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: A lambda function in Python returns an object of function
type. These functions are small anonymous functions that can take any
number of arguments but can only have one expression.

Question 77. Which function would you use to read a file line by line in
A. read()
B. readline()
C. readlines()
D. readfile()
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: The readlines() function reads a file and returns a list of lines
in the file. Each line in the file is an item in the list where the newline
character \n is included at the end of each line except the last one.

Question 78. What is the primary use of the zip() function in Python?
A. To compress files
B. To iterate over two or more sequences simultaneously
C. To extract files
D. To encode data
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: The zip() function makes an iterator that aggregates elements
from two or more sequences. It is used to loop over two or more lists or
other sequences at the same time.

Question 79. What does the is operator do in Python?

A. Checks if both variables point to the same object
B. Compares the values of two variables
C. Ensures variable types are identical
D. Converts an object type to an integer
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: The is operator checks whether both the operands refer to the
same object or not. It returns True if the operands point to the same object
and False otherwise.

Question 80. In Python, what does the globals() function return?

A. A list of all global symbols
B. A dictionary representing the current global symbol table
C. The value of the last expression evaluated by the interpreter
D. A list of all local symbols
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: The globals() function returns a dictionary representing the
current global symbol table. This dictionary always shows the current
module’s global variables and their values, making it useful for accessing
all global variables dynamically.
Question 81. What is the default return value of a function in Python if no
return statement is explicitly included?
A. 0
B. None
C. False
D. An empty string ""
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: In Python, if a function does not explicitly return a value, it
returns None by default. This is implicit and happens automatically when
the function block is exited without a return statement.

Question 82. Which Python keyword is used to create an anonymous

A. func
B. def
C. lambda
D. anon
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: The lambda keyword in Python is used to create small
anonymous functions. These are functions that are not defined with the
standard def keyword and can have any number of arguments but only one

Question 83. How do you check if "apple" is a key in the dictionary fruit?
A. "apple" in fruit.keys()
B. "apple" in fruit
C. fruit.has_key("apple")
D. Both A and B are correct.
Correct Answer: D
Explanation: Both "apple" in fruit.keys() and "apple" in fruit are correct
ways to check if "apple" is a key in the dictionary fruit. The second option
is more Pythonic and is generally preferred for readability and simplicity.

Question 84. What is the output of the expression all([0, 1, 2, 3]) in

A. True
B. False
C. None
D. An error occurs
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: The all() function in Python returns True if all elements in the
iterable are true. Since 0 is considered as False in Python, all([0, 1, 2, 3])
will return False.

Question 85. What does the continue keyword do in a loop?

A. Exits the loop immediately
B. Skips the rest of the code inside the loop for the current iteration
C. Pauses the execution of the loop
D. None of the above
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: The continue keyword in a loop skips the remaining
statements in the current loop iteration and moves directly to the next
iteration of the loop.

Question 86. How do you create a set in Python?

A. set = {1, 2, 3}
B. set = [1, 2, 3]
C. set = (1, 2, 3)
D. set = '123'
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: Sets in Python are created using curly braces {} containing
unique elements. It's different from creating lists [] or tuples ().

Question 87. What does the dict() function do in Python?

A. Creates a new dictionary
B. Converts a tuple into a dictionary
C. Converts a list of tuples into a dictionary
D. Both A and C are correct.
Correct Answer: D
Explanation: The dict() function is used to create a dictionary object, which
can convert a list of tuples into a dictionary or initialize a new empty

Question 88. What is the use of the else block in a try...except statement?
A. To execute code after the try block if no exceptions were raised
B. To handle the exception if except block fails to handle it
C. To always execute after the try block no matter if an exception was
raised or not
D. To check an additional condition after try and except blocks
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: The else block in a try...except statement is executed if the
code inside the try does not raise an exception. It is typically used to
implement code that must run if the try block was successful and no
exceptions were thrown.

Question 89. How can you concatenate two lists in Python?

A. list3 = list1 + list2
B. list3 = list1.append(list2)
C. list3 = concat(list1, list2)
D. list3 = list1.extend(list2)
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: Lists in Python can be concatenated using the + operator,
which combines the lists and returns a new list. The append() and extend()
methods do not return the new list but modify the original list.

Question 90. What is the difference between == and is in Python?

A. == checks for equality in value, whereas is checks for equality in
memory location.
B. == checks if the variables point to the same object, whereas is checks for
value equality.
C. == is used for strings, whereas is is used for numbers.
D. There is no difference; both are used interchangeably.
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: In Python, == is used to compare the values of two objects
(equality in value), whereas is checks whether two variables point to the
same object in memory (identity check).

Question 91. What is the effect of the * operator when used on a list in
A. It repeats the list a specified number of times.
B. It removes all elements from the list.
C. It is used to multiply each element by a number.
D. It creates a pointer to the original list.
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: In Python, the * operator can be used with a list to repeat the
sequence a specified number of times, resulting in a new list with the
original sequence repeated.

Question 92. How can you convert a list of integers into a list of strings?
A. Using the str() function individually on each element.
B. Using the map(str, list) function.
C. By concatenating each element with an empty string.
D. Both A and B are correct.
Correct Answer: D
Explanation: You can convert a list of integers into a list of strings either by
applying the str() function to each element individually or by using the
map(str, list) function to apply str() to each element of the list.

Question 93. Which of the following is not a valid Python identifier?

A. _myvar
B. 2myvar
C. my_var
D. myVar
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: Identifiers in Python cannot begin with a digit. Therefore,
2myvar is not a valid identifier, while the others adhere to the naming

Question 94. What is the output of the following code snippet?

A. Pythonisawesome
B. Python is awesome
C. ['Python', 'is', 'awesome']
D. None
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: The join() method concatenates a list of strings into a single
string without adding any spaces, because the string used to join the
elements in the list is an empty string ('').

Question 95. How is memory managed in Python?

A. Through manual memory management only.
B. Using a private heap containing all Python objects and data structures.
C. Exclusively through the operating system.
D. Using a stack memory allocation model.
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: Python manages memory through its internal memory
manager, which uses a private heap space. All Python objects and data
structures are stored in this private heap, and the programmer does not have
access to this heap. The allocation of heap space for Python objects is
handled by the Python memory manager.

Question 96. What does the with statement simplify in Python?

A. Error handling
B. File reading and writing operations
C. Syntax of function declarations
D. Implementation of loops
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: The with statement simplifies the management of resources
like file streams. It is used to wrap the execution of a block of code with
methods defined by the context manager, which ensures that resources are
properly managed (e.g., a file is automatically closed after its suite

Question 97. What does the yield keyword do in Python?

A. It terminates a function.
B. It returns a value from a function and pauses its state.
C. It prevents a loop from executing.
D. It skips the current iteration of a loop.
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: The yield keyword is used in Python to turn a function into a
generator. It allows the function to return an intermediate result to the caller
and remember the point in the function body where it left off. When the
function is called again, the execution resumes from the yield point.

Question 98. Which Python built-in is best for safely evaluating an

expression from user input?
A. eval()
B. exec()
C. input()
D. ast.literal_eval()
Correct Answer: D
Explanation: ast.literal_eval() safely evaluates an expression node or a
string containing a Python literal or container display. It can be used to
evaluate input containing Python data types like lists, dictionaries, tuples,
and booleans, and is much safer than eval().

Question 99. In Python, what does the @classmethod decorator do to a

A. It converts a method into a static method that belongs to a class.
B. It restricts a method so it cannot be overridden in subclasses.
C. It allows a method to be called on the class itself, not just on instances of
the class.
D. It makes a method private, so it cannot be accessed from outside its
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: The @classmethod decorator modifies a method to become a
class method that can be called on the class itself, rather than on instances
of the class. Unlike a static method, a class method receives the class as the
implicit first argument, conventionally named cls.

Question 100. What is the result of the following operation involving

Python's dictionary method update()?
Given two dictionaries:

What does dict1 look like after the update?

A. {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 4}
B. {'a': 1, 'b': 3, 'c': 4}
C. {'b': 3, 'c': 4}
D. {'a': 1, 'b': 2}
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: The update() method in Python adds elements to a dictionary
from another dictionary. If a key in the original dictionary (dict1) already
exists, it will be updated with the new value from the second dictionary
(dict2). In this scenario, dict1 initially has the keys 'a': 1 and 'b': 2. After the
update operation with dict2, which contains 'b': 3 and 'c': 4, the value of 'b'
in dict1 is updated to 3, and the key-value pair 'c': 4 is added. Thus, dict1
becomes {'a': 1, 'b': 3, 'c': 4}.


Python Control Structures

Question 1. Which of the following statements accurately describes the
function of an if statement in Python programming?
A. It allows for conditional execution of a sequence of statements, only
running its block of code if the condition evaluates to a non-zero or non-
null value.
B. It loops through a block of code as long as the condition is true.
C. It terminates a loop or skips the iteration if certain conditions are met.
D. It executes a block of code multiple times, typically using a counter.
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: The if statement in Python checks a condition, and if that
condition evaluates to True (or a truthy value, like a non-zero number or a
non-empty object), the code block within the if statement is executed. This
allows the program to respond differently depending on the input or other

Question 2. What is the purpose of the else clause in Python control

A. It provides an alternative set of statements that is executed if the if
statement's condition is False.
B. It repeats a block of code while a given condition is True.
C. It is used to filter out certain values in a loop.
D. It allows a program to perform repetitive tasks until a certain condition
changes to False.
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: The else clause complements the if statement. If the if
condition evaluates to False, the code block under else is executed. This is
useful for handling different scenarios and outcomes in a program, ensuring
that the code can handle both true and false outcomes of a condition.

Question 3. How does the elif keyword differ from else in Python?
A. elif allows for multiple, specific conditions to be checked, each with its
own code block, following an if statement.
B. elif is used to terminate loops when a condition is met.
C. elif can be used independently of an if statement to check conditions.
D. There is no difference; elif and else are interchangeable.
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: elif stands for "else if," and it allows a program to check
multiple different conditions after an initial if statement. Each elif must
have its own condition, providing a way to handle more than just two
possible outcomes (true or false) like with a simple if-else structure.

Question 4. What does the break statement do within a loop in Python?

A. It exits the current loop and resumes execution at the next statement
outside of the loop.
B. It skips the current iteration and moves directly to the next iteration
within the loop.
C. It temporarily pauses the loop execution and resumes only when a
specified condition changes.
D. It restarts the loop from the first line with the original condition.
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: The break statement is used to exit a loop prematurely when a
certain condition is met. This is particularly useful when searching for an
item that meets specific criteria in a list or when an external condition
triggers the termination of the loop.

Question 5. Consider a nested loop structure in Python. What does the

continue statement do when executed in the inner loop?
A. It causes the program to exit the inner loop and return to the first line of
the outer loop.
B. It skips the rest of the code inside the inner loop for the current iteration
and proceeds with the next iteration of the inner loop.
C. It terminates both loops immediately and exits to the next line of code
outside the nested loops.
D. It resets the condition of the inner loop and starts the loop from the
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: The continue statement, when executed in a loop, skips the
remainder of the code inside that loop for the current iteration and
immediately proceeds to the next iteration of the loop. In the context of a
nested loop, it affects only the loop in which it is placed.

Question 6. What role does the pass statement play in Python?

A. It acts as a placeholder, allowing for the syntactical integrity of the
program when no action is required but a statement is syntactically needed.
B. It transfers control to the next line of code outside the current function or
C. It provides a delay loop, forcing the program to wait for a specified
amount of time before continuing.
D. It checks for errors in the immediately preceding code block and passes
control to an error handler if an exception is found.
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: The pass statement does nothing and is treated as a
placeholder in Python. It is used when a statement is syntactically required
but you do not want any command or code to execute. This can be useful in
defining minimal classes, functions, or loops.

Question 7. In Python, how is a while loop used differently from a for

A. A while loop is typically used when the number of iterations is not
predetermined and must continue until a specific condition changes.
B. A while loop executes a block of code as long as the list provided to it
contains elements.
C. A for loop is used only for iterating over sequences (like lists or strings),
and cannot be used for conditional looping.
D. A for loop is generally used when you need to execute a block of code a
specific number of times, usually based on a counter or an iterable.
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: While loops are used for repeated execution as long as an
initial condition remains true, making them suitable for situations where the
number of iterations needed is not known beforehand. On the other hand,
for loops are typically used when the number of iterations is known or
definable through an iterable.

Question 8. What does the range() function provide when used in a for loop
in Python?
A. It generates a list of numbers, which is useful for iterating over a
sequence of numbers within the for loop.
B. It specifies the exact number of times a loop should rerun.
C. It creates a pause at each iteration, allowing time-based execution of
loop statements.
D. It defines the maximum value a loop counter can reach before
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: The range() function generates a sequence of numbers, which
is commonly used for looping a specific number of times in for loops. It is
beneficial for iterating over a sequence of numbers and is often used to
execute a loop a specific number of times.

Question 9. When using a for loop with an else statement in Python, under
what condition is the else block executed?
A. The else block executes after the loop completes normally, without
encountering a break statement.
B. The else block executes immediately after a break statement is
encountered within the loop.
C. The else block is executed for each iteration that does not meet the loop's
D. The else block never executes because for loops cannot logically include
an else clause.
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: In Python, the else block associated with a for loop is executed
when the loop has completed iterating over the loop sequence normally,
without being interrupted by a break statement. This feature is useful for
executing a block of code once after a loop ends if no break was

Question 10. What is the primary use of the zip() function in controlling
the flow of a for loop in Python?
A. It terminates the loop once all elements in any one of the iterators are
B. It combines several lists into one, making it easier to loop through
multiple sequences in a single for loop.
C. It extracts the first element from each passed iterator, skips the rest, and
continues to the next set of elements.
D. It is used to generate a list of booleans, indicating which elements of the
loop meet a specified condition.
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: The zip() function makes it possible to loop over multiple
sequences simultaneously by returning a tuple containing elements from
each sequence, which can be unpacked during the loop. This function is
particularly useful when you need to iterate over multiple lists or sequences
in parallel.

Question 11. How does the if-elif-else chain differ from a series of if
statements in Python when handling multiple conditions?
A. if-elif-else executes only one block of code among the several
conditions, while multiple if statements can execute all blocks of code
whose conditions are met.
B. There is no difference; both constructs evaluate all conditions provided
and execute the same block of codes.
C. Multiple if statements are used for single condition checks, whereas if-
elif-else is used for multiple, unrelated conditions.
D. if-elif-else can execute multiple blocks of code sequentially without
reevaluating conditions.
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: The if-elif-else construct ensures that only one block of code
executes among the multiple exclusive conditions—it stops checking
further conditions as soon as one is met. In contrast, a series of if statements
evaluates each condition independently, and if multiple conditions are true,
multiple blocks of code will execute.

Question 12. In Python, what does nesting control structures within each
other involve?
A. Placing a control structure inside another, like an if statement within a
for loop, to enhance decision-making processes based on varying
B. Using a single control structure to manage all looping and conditional
requirements of a program.
C. Structuring multiple control statements in parallel to ensure they execute
in a predefined order.
D. Separating control statements into different functions or modules for
better code readability.
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: Nesting control structures involves placing one control
structure such as an if, for, or while inside another. This is often used to
perform more complex decision-making or to execute specific tasks under
more precisely defined conditions, enhancing the program's ability to
handle multifaceted tasks dynamically.
Question 13. What impact does nesting a break statement within multiple
loops have on the loop structure?
A. It terminates only the innermost loop in which it is placed, allowing the
outer loops to continue executing.
B. It exits all nested loops immediately, terminating the entire loop
C. It skips only the current iteration of all affected loops, then resumes with
the next iteration.
D. It pauses all loops temporarily, resuming execution from the point of
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: In Python, the break statement terminates the innermost loop
where it is called. This means that control is passed to the code immediately
following the loop, and if this loop is nested within another, only the
innermost loop is affected, and the outer loop continues running.

Question 14. How does the else clause function within a while loop in
A. It executes a block of code once when the while loop condition no longer
holds true and if the loop was not terminated by a break.
B. It is executed each time the while loop condition is evaluated as False.
C. It provides an alternative condition that can extend the execution of the
while loop beyond its original condition.
D. It causes the while loop to terminate immediately when its condition
becomes False.
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: In Python, the else clause in a while loop runs a block of code
once after the loop exits, but only if the loop has not been terminated by a
break statement. This is particularly useful for code that must run once
immediately after the loop ends under normal conditions.

Question 15. What is the function of nested if statements in Python?

A. They enable the execution of an additional set of statements if more than
one condition proves true, thereby providing multi-level filtering.
B. They reduce the efficiency of the program by increasing the number of
checks performed.
C. They allow the programmer to specify a default block of code that runs
regardless of the conditions.
D. Nested if statements are used to break out of the outer if condition earlier
than usual.
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: Nested if statements in Python allow for detailed and multi-
level condition checking. This structure is useful when you need to perform
additional checks only if the previous conditions have been met, thereby
providing a way to filter or decide the flow of execution with great

Question 16. When should the continue statement be used within a loop in
A. When it is necessary to skip the remainder of the loop's code block and
proceed directly to the next iteration.
B. Whenever an error is encountered to prevent the loop from crashing.
C. To periodically pause execution of the loop for debugging purposes.
D. To verify whether additional iterations are required or not.
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: The continue statement is used within loops to skip the current
iteration's remaining statements and move directly to the next iteration of
the loop. This can be useful for bypassing certain conditions or values
without breaking out of the loop completely.

Question 17. What does the for-else construct allow you to check in a
Python loop?
A. It checks if the loop has completed all iterations without a break
interrupting it, and runs the else block if so.
B. It allows for an alternate loop condition to be checked alongside the
main condition.
C. The else part runs after each iteration of the for loop.
D. It serves as an error handling mechanism to capture and respond to
exceptions within the loop.
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: The for-else construct in Python is unique in that the else
block executes after the loop finishes iterating over the loop sequence if and
only if the loop was not terminated by a break. This is useful for post-loop
actions that should only occur if the loop was not interrupted.

Question 18. How does the while True loop function in Python?
A. It creates an infinite loop, which will run indefinitely unless interrupted
by a break statement or an error.
B. It checks a True condition once and exits after the first iteration.
C. It functions as a single-iteration loop, similar to an if statement.
D. It is a syntax error because True is not a valid condition.
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: The while True loop in Python is a common way to create an
infinite loop. The loop will continue to execute indefinitely because the
condition never becomes False unless it is explicitly exited with a break
statement or an unhandled error occurs.

Question 19. What purpose does the enumerate() function serve in a loop in
A. It adds a counter to an iterable and returns it in the form of an enumerate
object, which can be used in loops to retrieve both the index and the value
of each item.
B. It sorts the iterable before looping to improve the efficiency of the loop.
C. It converts all iterable elements into numerical indices only, discarding
the original values.
D. It is used to merge two different iterables into a single iterable for the
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: The enumerate() function in Python enhances loops by adding
a counter to the iterable, returning it as an enumerate object. This object
yields pairs containing the index and the value of each item as you loop
through it, which is particularly useful for loops where you need access to
the index of the items being looped over.

Question 20. In Python, how does the try-except structure handle the flow
of execution when an error is encountered?
A. It stops the program immediately upon encountering an error, unless
caught within an except block.
B. It redirects the flow of execution to the except block, handling the error
without stopping the program, if the error matches an exception specified in
the except clause.
C. It ignores all errors, allowing the program to continue without
D. It logs error messages to the console automatically, then continues with
the next line of code.
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: The try-except structure in Python is used to handle
exceptions (errors) that may occur in a block of code within the try block. If
an error occurs, the flow of execution is redirected to the except block,
where the specified error is handled, allowing the program to continue
instead of crashing. This control structure is essential for robust error
handling in Python applications.

Question 21. What is the effect of placing a return statement inside a for
loop within a function?
A. It causes the function to send back a value and immediately terminate
the loop and the function itself.
B. It pauses the execution of the function, waiting for a specific condition to
C. It returns control to the beginning of the loop for the next iteration.
D. It functions as a continue statement, skipping the rest of the iterations.
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: When a return statement is executed inside a for loop within a
function, it ends the function's execution and returns the specified value to
the caller. This also means the loop is terminated immediately, regardless of
whether it has completed all iterations.

Question 22. How does the finally clause function in a try-except block?
A. It executes the code within it only if no exceptions were raised in the try
B. It executes regardless of whether an exception was raised or not, and
even if a return statement has been encountered.
C. It is used to raise an exception if one was not raised in the try block.
D. It prevents any exception raised in the try block from propagating
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: The finally clause in a try-except block is designed to execute
as the last step of the try-except process, regardless of whether an exception
was raised in the try block or not. This is useful for cleaning up resources or
executing code that must run no matter what happens in the try and except

Question 23. What does the else block in a try-except sequence execute?
A. It runs if an exception occurs in the try block.
B. It executes if no exceptions are raised within the try block.
C. It always executes immediately after the try block, before any except
D. It acts as an additional exception handler, similar to except but for any
uncaught exceptions.
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: In a try-except block, the else block executes only if no
exceptions are raised in the try block. This allows for code that should only
run if the try block did not throw an exception, typically for code that
should not be executed if there is an error but depends on the try block
completing successfully.

Question 24. Which statement is true about the while loop with an else
A. The else clause runs if the loop never runs due to a false condition at the
B. The else clause executes at the end of every successful iteration of the
C. The else clause executes after the loop completes, but only if the loop
was exited with a break.
D. The else clause runs after the loop finishes and was not exited with a
Correct Answer: D
Explanation: In Python, a while loop with an else clause runs the else part
only after the loop completes and if the loop was not exited with a break.
This is useful for post-processing or cleanup tasks that should only be
performed if the loop ran to completion without external interruption.

Question 25. How do nested loops operate within a list comprehension in

A. They allow for the generation of flat lists from sequences of sequences.
B. They automatically filter out duplicate elements to ensure each element
is unique.
C. They are illegal and will cause a syntax error if used within a list
D. They extend the runtime of the program linearly based on the number of
nested levels.
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: Nested loops can be used within list comprehensions in
Python to flatten a list of lists or to perform more complex operations
involving multiple sequences. This technique is powerful for creating
complex lists in a concise and readable way.

Question 26. What is the primary function of the global keyword in Python
within a function?
A. It declares that the function should ignore all global variables and create
a new local scope.
B. It allows a function to modify a variable defined outside the function.
C. It restricts a variable's scope to within the function, regardless of where it
was initially defined.
D. It automatically initializes a variable at a global scope if it is not already
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: The global keyword in Python is used within a function to
declare that the function intends to modify a variable that is defined in the
global scope. This allows the function to modify variables that are outside
its local scope, affecting the variable's value outside the function as well.

Question 27. In Python, how can a for loop be used in conjunction with the
range() function to iterate backwards over a sequence?
A. By using range(len(sequence), 0).
B. Through range(start, stop, step) where the step is a negative number.
C. By reversing the sequence first and then using a regular range() function.
D. The range() function cannot be used to iterate backwards.
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: To iterate backwards over a sequence using a for loop with the
range() function, you can use three parameters: start, stop, and step, where
the step is a negative number. For example, range(len(sequence) - 1, -1, -1)
iterates over the indices of a list in reverse order.

Question 28. What does the in keyword do in a Python for loop?

A. It checks if a value exists within the subsequent sequence and exits the
loop if it does not.
B. It defines the loop variable to take each value from the sequence that
follows it.
C. It calculates the total number of iterations the loop should execute.
D. It restricts the execution of the loop to specific indices within the
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: In a Python for loop, the in keyword is used to specify the
sequence that the loop will iterate over. The loop variable takes on each
value from the sequence in turn, allowing the block of code within the loop
to operate on each element.

Question 29. How does the break statement affect the execution flow in
nested loops?
A. It exits only the innermost loop and continues with the next higher level
B. It terminates all loops immediately, regardless of their nesting level.
C. It pauses all loops and resumes execution from the outermost loop.
D. It causes the immediate execution of an else clause associated with the
innermost loop.
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: The break statement in Python terminates the innermost loop
in which it is placed. This stops the execution of the current loop and
continues with the next line of code following the loop, which might be part
of an outer loop if the break was within a nested loop structure.
Question 30. What is the purpose of the with statement in Python,
especially in the context of file handling?
A. It ensures that files or other resources are properly cleaned up after their
use, even if errors occur.
B. It locks the file for exclusive access within the program to prevent
external modifications.
C. It compresses file data on the fly to save disk space while reading.
D. It creates a temporary copy of the file that is automatically deleted after
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: The with statement in Python is used primarily for resource
management, particularly with file handling. It ensures that files are
properly closed after their contents have been processed, even if an error
occurs during file operations. This automatic handling of resource cleanup
is crucial for writing robust, error-resistant code.

Question 31. What is the correct way to implement a switch-case-like

structure in Python, given that Python does not natively support switch-case
A. Using a series of if-elif-else statements to handle different cases.
B. Creating a dictionary that maps keys to function calls, which is similar to
switch-case operations.
C. Utilizing a list of conditions in a single if statement separated by
D. Python supports switch-case directly as of the latest versions.
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: While Python does not have a built-in switch-case construct, a
common pattern is to use dictionaries to achieve similar functionality. Keys
in the dictionary can represent cases, and values are functions that are
executed for each case. This method provides a clean and efficient way to
handle multiple conditions.
Question 32. How can recursion be controlled in Python to prevent infinite
loops or excessive resource consumption?
A. By setting a maximum recursion depth using the sys.setrecursionlimit()
B. Python automatically prevents recursion from going beyond a certain
number of levels.
C. Using iterative loops as Python does not support recursion.
D. By including an exit condition within the recursive function to ensure it
stops calling itself.
Correct Answer: A and D
Explanation: Recursion depth can be explicitly controlled in Python by
setting a maximum limit using sys.setrecursionlimit(), and it is crucial to
have a proper base case in the recursive function to prevent it from calling
itself indefinitely. Together, these measures help manage and prevent
potential stack overflow errors due to deep recursion.

Question 33. In Python, how can a while loop be used to simulate a do-
while loop structure found in other programming languages?
A. By placing the condition at the end of the loop, using a break statement
to exit if the condition is not met.
B. Python’s while loop functions exactly like a do-while loop by default.
C. Implementing a do-while loop is not possible in Python.
D. Using a recursive function to simulate the post-condition loop.
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: Python does not natively support the do-while loop, which
executes at least once before checking its condition. However, you can
simulate this behavior using a while True loop that contains a conditional
break statement at the end, ensuring the loop executes at least once and
continues only if the condition is true.

Question 34. What is the purpose of using the assert statement in Python,
especially within functions?
A. To define conditions that must be true, typically for debugging purposes,
and to help catch bugs early.
B. To ensure that variables are initialized before use.
C. To prevent changes to variables by locking their current state.
D. To interrupt execution and redirect to a safer block of code.
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: The assert statement in Python is used as a debugging aid. It
tests a condition, and if the condition is false, it raises an AssertionError
exception. This is useful for checking for conditions that should always be
true and can help identify logical errors early in development.

Question 35. How does the next() function interact with iterators in a loop
in Python?
A. It retrieves the next item from the iterator and advances the iterator to the
following item.
B. It resets the iterator to its initial state.
C. It skips the next item in the iterator and returns the subsequent one.
D. It terminates the iteration process immediately.
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: The next() function is used with iterators to retrieve the next
item in the sequence. When used in a loop, it advances the iterator to the
next item, and when there are no more items, it raises a StopIteration
exception, which can be used to break a loop if not caught.

Question 36. What is the purpose of the @staticmethod decorator in Python

A. It indicates that a method does not access the instance (self) or class (cls)
B. It converts a method into a static variable with fixed memory allocation.
C. It ensures that a method can be called without creating a class instance.
D. It automatically optimizes the method for faster execution.
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: The @staticmethod decorator is used to declare a method
within a class as a static method, which means it does not modify or access
the class state. It is typically used for utility functions inside classes that
don't need to access any class-specific or instance-specific data.

Question 37. In a Python for loop, what does iterable unpacking allow you
to do?
A. It enables the loop to iterate over multiple sequences simultaneously.
B. It allows multiple variables to be assigned values from each element of
the iterable in a single loop iteration.
C. It converts the iterable into several smaller iterables before looping.
D. It locks the iterable from being modified by other threads during
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: Iterable unpacking in a for loop allows for multiple variables
to receive values from each iteration. For example, when iterating over a
list of tuples, each tuple can be unpacked into its constituent elements,
which are then assigned to variables declared in the loop header.

Question 38. How does the @property decorator enhance the functionality
of a class in Python?
A. It converts a method into a static attribute that can be accessed without
B. It allows a method to be accessed like an attribute, which can simplify
the API of a class.
C. It makes an attribute private and non-editable from outside the class.
D. It automatically documents the method for help in Python IDEs.
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: The @property decorator allows a class method to be accessed
as if it were a simple attribute. This can be useful for implementing getter
and setter behaviors while keeping the syntax clean and intuitive, as it
allows computation or other processing to occur inside the method each
time an attribute is accessed.

Question 39. In Python, what does slicing in iterable contexts (like lists,
strings) provide?
A. A method for reversing the entire iterable in place.
B. A way to create a new iterable that is a subset of the original, specified
by start, stop, and step parameters.
C. A facility for merging two or more iterables into a single sequence.
D. A built-in mechanism for multithreading support when processing
elements of the iterable.
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: Slicing allows you to extract a portion of an iterable by
specifying start, stop, and step indices. This returns a new iterable that
contains only the elements from the specified range, making it a powerful
tool for accessing sub-parts of arrays, lists, or strings without needing to
loop over them explicitly.

Question 40. What mechanism in Python allows you to handle different

exceptions in a more granular and specific manner?
A. Using multiple except blocks after a try block, each tailored to a specific
exception type.
B. Embedding if-else statements within a single except block to
differentiate exceptions.
C. The finally block allows specifying different handlers for various
D. Python does not support granular exception handling; all exceptions are
handled in the same way.
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: Python allows multiple except blocks after a try block, each
designed to catch and handle a specific type of exception. This feature
enables developers to write more robust and fault-tolerant applications by
providing tailored responses to different error conditions, improving both
the stability and usability of the software.

Question 41. What function does the is operator serve in Python when used
within a control structure?
A. It compares the values of two objects to determine if they are equal.
B. It checks if two variables point to the same object, not merely if they are
C. It ensures that the variable on the left conforms to the type of the one on
the right.
D. It generates a boolean value that toggles between True and False.
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: In Python, the is operator is used to check identity rather than
equality. It evaluates to True if two variables point to the same object in
memory. This is particularly important in control structures where exact
identity checks are necessary, distinguishing it from the == operator that
checks for value equality.

Question 42. How does the any() function facilitate decision making in
Python control structures?
A. It returns True if all elements in an iterable are true or if the iterable is
B. It checks whether any element in an iterable is true; if so, it returns True,
otherwise False.
C. It filters out non-true values, returning an iterable of only true values.
D. It converts any iterable into a boolean context, making it immutable.
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: The any() function is a utility that checks iterables in Python
and returns True if at least one element is true in a boolean context. This is
extremely useful in control structures that require at least one condition to
be met, streamlining complex or multiple condition checks.
Question 43. What purpose does the not operator serve in Python control
A. It inverts the boolean value of the following condition.
B. It confirms that two variables do not reference the same object.
C. It removes any falsy values from an iterable.
D. It serves as a negation for numerical values, converting positive to
negative and vice versa.
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: The not operator is used in Python to invert the truth value of
the condition it precedes. This operator is fundamental in control structures
for creating negated conditions, allowing constructs like if not condition: to
execute code blocks when the condition is False.

Question 44. In Python, how does the list comprehension [x for x in

iterable if x] filter the elements of the iterable?
A. It includes only the elements that are numerically zero.
B. It excludes any elements that evaluate to False in a boolean context.
C. It doubles the elements that evaluate to True.
D. It randomizes the order of elements based on their truth value.
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: The list comprehension [x for x in iterable if x] in Python
filters out any elements that evaluate to False in a boolean context, such as
0, False, None, empty sequences, and other "falsy" values. This construct is
an efficient way to remove unwanted elements based on their truthiness.

Question 45. How does the else clause interact with the try block when
exceptions are raised?
A. It executes immediately after any exception is caught in the except
B. It runs if the try block raises an exception that is not caught by
subsequent except clauses.
C. It executes if the try block does not raise any exceptions.
D. It serves as a default exception handler when no specific except clauses
match the exception raised.
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: In a try-except block, the else clause executes only if no
exceptions were raised in the try block. This clause is typically used to
execute code that should only run if the try block did not throw an
exception, helping to separate normal operations from exception handling.

Question 46. What role does the enumerate() function play in loops that
iterate over data structures with indices?
A. It creates a dictionary from a list by assigning indices as keys.
B. It adds a counter to an iterable and returns it as an enumerate object,
useful for obtaining an index within loops.
C. It concatenates index-value pairs into string representations for better
D. It restricts the loop to iterate only over numerical indices.
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: The enumerate() function in Python adds a counter to an
iterable, making it particularly useful in loops where both the index and the
value of elements are needed. This function returns an enumerate object,
which generates pairs containing indices and their corresponding values
from the iterable.

Question 47. What advantage does the set data structure provide when used
in a conditional statement to test membership?
A. It guarantees the order of elements, allowing for index-based conditions.
B. It provides a highly efficient way to check for the presence of an
element, as membership tests are O(1) on average.
C. It allows duplicate elements for repeated condition checks.
D. It automatically sorts elements, making it easier to predict outcomes of
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: Sets in Python are highly optimized for membership tests,
making them significantly faster than lists in such scenarios. Checking
whether an element is in a set is generally O(1), making it an excellent
choice for conditions that involve membership testing in control structures.

Question 48. How can the zip() function be used to simplify the process of
looping over two lists simultaneously?
A. By merging two lists into one longer list without pairing any elements.
B. It generates a new list with alternate elements from each list.
C. It creates pairs of elements from two lists, which can be used directly in
a loop.
D. It filters out elements from both lists that do not match.
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: The zip() function in Python makes it easy to loop over
multiple lists simultaneously by returning an iterator of tuples, where each
tuple contains elements from the input iterables paired together. This is
useful for parallel iteration over data structures, allowing for cleaner and
more efficient code.

Question 49. In Python, what does the slicing syntax list[::-1] achieve?
A. It reverses the list in place.
B. It creates a new list that is a reversed copy of the original.
C. It randomly shuffles the list elements.
D. It removes the last element from the list.
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: The slicing syntax list[::-1] in Python creates a new list that is
a reversed version of the original list. This is a commonly used shortcut for
reversing lists without modifying the original list.
Question 50. What is the significance of the pass statement in Python loops
and conditionals?
A. It increments the loop counter by one, similar to a continue statement.
B. It serves as a placeholder allowing for syntactically correct empty loops
or conditionals.
C. It checks the validity of the loop condition and exits if False.
D. It doubles the execution speed of the loop by simplifying the bytecode.
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: The pass statement in Python is used as a syntactic
placeholder where a statement is required by the syntax but no action is
needed. This is useful in defining empty loops, conditionals, functions, or
classes where the implementation is to be added at a later time or not

Question 51. How does Python handle nested conditions within list
A. It flattens all conditions to a single level, simplifying logical complexity.
B. Nested conditions can be implemented using nested list comprehensions
or by chaining conditions with logical operators.
C. Python prohibits more than one condition within a list comprehension
for readability reasons.
D. Each condition must correspond to a separate list comprehension; they
cannot be nested.
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: Python supports the use of nested conditions within list
comprehensions either through nested list comprehensions themselves or by
using logical operators (like and, or) to chain conditions. This enables
complex data filtering and transformation within a single, concise

Question 52. What functionality does the else clause provide in a for loop?
A. It executes before the loop starts if the iterable is empty.
B. It runs only if the loop completes without encountering a break
C. It acts as a loop continuation condition checker at the end of each
D. It functions as a default handler for exceptions thrown within the loop.
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: In Python, the else clause of a for loop is executed after the
loop completes its iteration over the iterable unless a break interrupts it.
This is useful for scenarios where it’s necessary to confirm that the loop
was not prematurely stopped by a break.

Question 53. When should the else block following a series of if and elif
statements be used?
A. To handle the case when none of the preceding conditions are true.
B. It is a mandatory end to any chain of if and elif statements.
C. To execute a final mandatory function after all other conditions check.
D. It should be used to raise an error if no conditions are met.
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: The else block in an if-elif-else chain is optional and executes
if none of the if or elif conditions match. This block is typically used to
handle the default case when no specific conditions are true.

Question 54. How do you efficiently check for multiple values in a single
variable using Python control structures?
A. Using multiple if and elif statements with separate condition checks.
B. By chaining conditions using the and and or operators within a single if
C. Utilizing a tuple or list with the in operator to check the variable against
multiple possible values.
D. Applying the switch function to compare multiple cases.
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: Using a tuple or list in conjunction with the in operator allows
for a concise and efficient way to check if a variable matches any one of
several values. This method simplifies code and enhances readability
compared to multiple if statements.

Question 55. What does the continue statement do in a Python loop?

A. It pauses the execution of the loop temporarily.
B. It skips the remainder of the code inside the loop for the current iteration
and proceeds to the next iteration.
C. It forces an immediate exit from the loop, similar to break.
D. It resets the loop's condition to reevaluate its truth value.
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: The continue statement is used within loops to skip the
remainder of the loop's code block for the current iteration and immediately
continue with the next iteration. This is useful for bypassing specific
conditions within a loop without terminating the loop entirely.

Question 56. How can the else clause be utilized in a try-except block?
A. To execute code immediately after the try block if no exceptions occur.
B. To handle exceptions that are not specifically caught by earlier except
C. To ensure that code runs regardless of whether an exception was raised
or not.
D. As a mandatory block to finalize the try-except structure.
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: In try-except blocks, the else clause runs if the code within the
try block did not raise an exception. This clause is useful for code that
should only execute if the try block was successful and no exceptions were
handled by except.
Question 57. What is the purpose of using sys.setrecursionlimit() in
A. To enhance the performance of recursive functions by optimizing
memory usage.
B. To prevent infinite recursion by setting an upper limit on the number of
recursive calls.
C. To allocate more memory specifically for use in recursive operations.
D. It resets the recursion algorithm to use iterative approaches.
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: Python sets a limit on the maximum depth of the recursion
stack to prevent infinite recursion from causing a stack overflow and
crashing the program. Using sys.setrecursionlimit(), you can adjust this
limit based on the requirements of your application, although it’s important
to be cautious not to set it too high.

Question 58. In Python, how can a while loop be terminated early?

A. By setting the condition to False within the loop.
B. Using the exit() function when a specific condition is met.
C. Employing the break statement to exit the loop when a condition or set
of conditions is satisfied.
D. Redefining the condition at the start of each iteration.
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: The break statement is used to exit a while loop prematurely
when a specified condition occurs. This provides control over the loop
beyond the simple true/false evaluation at the start of each iteration,
allowing for complex loop control and early termination.

Question 59. What does the global keyword do when used inside a
A. It declares that the function will use a global variable, rather than a local
one, if it exists.
B. It creates a new global variable from within the function.
C. It imports global variables from external modules.
D. It checks for the existence of a global variable and creates it if it does not
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: The global keyword in a function is used to declare that the
function intends to use a globally defined variable, rather than defining a
new local variable with the same name. This is necessary when the function
needs to modify the global variable directly.

Question 60. How can the map() function be used in control structures in
A. To apply a function to every item of an iterable and return a map object.
B. As a method to filter data by applying a testing function to each item.
C. To generate a series of boolean values indicating the success of a
function applied to data.
D. It exclusively converts all iterable items to strings.
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: The map() function in Python applies a specified function to
each item of an iterable (like a list) and returns a map object (which is an
iterator) of the results. This is especially useful in loops and other control
structures where the same operation needs to be applied to multiple items in
a sequence.

Question 61. How does the filter() function integrate into Python's control
structures for handling data?
A. It removes elements from an iterable that do not meet a specific
condition provided by a function.
B. It combines elements from multiple lists based on a condition.
C. It modifies elements in-place based on the condition's outcome.
D. It duplicates elements that meet a certain condition.
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: The filter() function in Python is used to construct an iterator
from elements of an iterable for which a function returns true. This is useful
in control structures where data needs to be filtered out based on certain
conditions, essentially acting as a conditional iterator.

Question 62. What is the result of using the range() function with a single
argument in a Python for loop?
A. The loop iterates from 0 to the specified number, excluding the number
B. The loop iterates exactly through the specified number of elements,
starting at 1.
C. The loop counts backwards from the specified number to 0.
D. The function generates a list from 0 to the specified number, including
the number.
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: When the range() function is used with a single argument in a
for loop, it causes the loop to iterate from 0 up to, but not including, the
specified number. This is a common way to repeat an action a specific
number of times in Python loops.

Question 63. In Python, what is the function of the lambda keyword within
a control structure?
A. It creates a new thread to parallelize operations.
B. It defines a small anonymous function at the point where it is needed.
C. It is used to declare a variable that cannot be changed later.
D. It forces a loop to execute at least once, similar to a do-while loop.
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: The lambda keyword in Python is used to create small
anonymous functions at the point where they are needed, often within
control structures. These functions are defined by a single expression and
can be used wherever function objects are required.

Question 64. What does the all() function do when used inside a control
structure in Python?
A. It checks if all elements in an iterable are true or if the iterable is empty,
returning True in these cases.
B. It transforms all elements in the iterable to their boolean equivalent.
C. It returns True only if the iterable contains multiple true elements of
different types.
D. It aggregates all elements into a single value using a specified operation.
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: The all() function in Python returns True if all elements in the
iterable are true (or if the iterable is empty). This is particularly useful in
control structures where a condition needs to be checked against a group of
elements collectively.

Question 65. How is exception handling integrated into Python's control

structures using try and except clauses?
A. The try block tests a block of code for errors, while the except block
handles the error.
B. The try block executes if the except block fails to handle an exception.
C. try and except blocks are used to loop through code until an exception is
not thrown.
D. The except block tests for errors, and the try block executes the error
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: In Python, the try block is used to test a block of code for
errors, and the except block allows you to handle the error. This structure is
essential for implementing robust error handling in Python programs,
allowing the program to continue even if an error occurs.
Question 66. What advantage does using the set data structure provide in a
loop for membership tests?
A. It preserves the order of insertion and allows for indexing.
B. It allows for mutable elements to be stored and checked.
C. It provides a faster membership testing than lists or tuples.
D. It automatically sorts the elements upon insertion.
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: Sets in Python are implemented as hash tables, which provide
average-case O(1) complexity for membership tests, making them much
faster than lists or tuples, which have O(n) complexity for such operations.
This makes sets highly effective for membership testing in loops.

Question 67. How can the with statement be beneficial in managing

resources within Python control structures?
A. It automatically handles opening and closing operations for file objects
or other resources.
B. It pauses execution of code within its block until all resources are ready.
C. It encapsulates the control structure within a single thread for
D. It logs all operations performed on the resources for debugging.
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: The with statement in Python simplifies exception handling by
encapsulating common preparation and cleanup tasks in resource
management, thereby ensuring that resources like file streams are properly
cleaned up after use, even if an error occurs.

Question 68. How does the raise keyword function within Python's
exception handling?
A. It suppresses an exception and forces the program to continue.
B. It is used to define a new exception that can be caught later in the
C. It triggers an exception; used in conjunction with try-except blocks to
handle potential errors.
D. It logs the exception to the console without stopping the program.
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: The raise keyword in Python is used to trigger an exception
explicitly. This can be used within try-except blocks to force an error
condition to occur, which can then be caught by an except block, allowing
for controlled testing and handling of error conditions.

Question 69. In what way does the break statement affect the flow of
control structures like loops in Python?
A. It causes the loop to skip the next iteration.
B. It exits the loop and transfers control to the code immediately following
the loop.
C. It temporarily pauses loop execution and resumes from the same point
after a condition is met.
D. It restarts the loop from the first iteration without evaluating the
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: The break statement in Python immediately terminates the
loop it is placed in and transfers control to the code that follows the loop.
This allows for conditional premature termination of the loop based on
specific requirements met within the loop.

Question 70. How do try-except-else-finally blocks work together in

A. The else block runs after try if no exceptions were raised, and finally
runs after all other blocks, regardless of exceptions.
B. The else block is executed as a default when no specific exceptions are
caught in the except blocks.
C. The finally block executes before try to set up initial conditions.
D. The except block transfers control to finally without executing else if an
exception is caught.
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: In Python, the try block is used to wrap code that might raise
exceptions. The except block catches and handles these exceptions. The
else block runs if no exceptions occur, and the finally block runs no matter
what happens in the other blocks, providing a guaranteed execution path for
cleanup tasks.

Question 71. What functionality does the zip function provide when
working with loops and multiple iterables in Python?
A. It compresses the iterables to save memory when looping.
B. It creates an iterator that aggregates elements from each of the iterables.
C. It locks the iterables from modification during iteration.
D. It filters and returns only those items that are common to all the
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: The zip function in Python takes multiple iterables and returns
an iterator of tuples, where the i-th tuple contains the i-th element from each
of the input iterables. This functionality is particularly useful in loops where
parallel iteration over multiple sequences is needed, allowing simultaneous
retrieval of corresponding elements.

Question 72. How can Python's list comprehensions be used to replace

certain types of loops?
A. They can replace any loop, including infinite loops.
B. They are only suitable for loops that append to a list conditionally.
C. They are primarily used to replace nested loops with a more concise
D. They replace loops that involve complex calculations or multiple
conditional checks.
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: List comprehensions in Python are a concise way to create
lists. They can effectively replace for loops that are used to populate a list,
especially when each element requires a conditional transformation or filter.
This makes the code more readable and often more efficient.

Question 73. In Python, what is the purpose of the else block in a try-
except-else-finally sequence? A. To execute code after the try block if no
exceptions are thrown. B. To handle the exception if except does not catch
it. C. To execute code whether an exception is thrown or not, but before
final cleanup. D. To replace the need for a finally block if no resources need
to be freed.
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: The else block in a try-except-else-finally sequence is
executed if the code within the try block did not raise an exception. This is
useful for writing code that should only run if the try block succeeded
without any exceptions.

Question 74. What does the slice object do in Python?

A. It creates a new list that is a subset of an original list, based on specified
start, stop, and step parameters.
B. It modifies the original list to contain only elements that meet specific
C. It acts as a generator that incrementally returns pieces of a list.
D. It permanently removes elements from a list based on an index range.
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: A slice object in Python represents a set of indices specified
by start, stop, and step parameters. It is commonly used to extract a portion
of a list or other sequence types without altering the original list, allowing
for clean and efficient data manipulation.

Question 75. How is the finally block useful in Python's error handling
A. It retries the execution of the try block code after an exception occurs.
B. It executes code that should run irrespective of whether an exception
occurred or not.
C. It is used to log the details of an exception that occurred in the try block.
D. It resets the program's state to what it was before the try block executed.
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: The finally block in Python is crucial for executing code that
must run regardless of whether an exception was raised or not. This
typically includes clean-up actions such as closing files or releasing
resources, ensuring that the program maintains proper resource
management even when errors occur.

Question 76. When would you use a for-else loop in Python?

A. When you need to check if a for loop has completed without any break
statement execution.
B. When the for loop needs to execute at least once regardless of the
C. When multiple alternative conditions need to be evaluated during
D. When the loop must handle multiple types of exceptions.
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: The else block in a for-else loop is executed when the loop
completes normally without any interruption by a break statement. This can
be useful to determine if a loop was able to run through all iterations
without a premature exit, which is often used in searching algorithms.

Question 77. What is the use of the @classmethod decorator in Python?

A. It allows a method to alter a class variable across all instances of the
B. It restricts method access to only the class that defines it, not its
C. It automatically converts a method call into a multithreaded call.
D. It designates a method that cannot modify any class or instance
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: The @classmethod decorator is used to define a method that
operates on the class itself rather than instance variables. This allows it to
modify class variables that are shared across all instances of the class,
making it useful for implementing behavior that affects every instance

Question 78. How does the in keyword enhance loop structures in Python?
A. It is used to check if a value exists within an iterable, enhancing the
efficiency of loops.
B. It provides a way to increment loop counters automatically.
C. It replaces traditional loop counters with a more efficient, Pythonic
D. It eliminates the need for conditional statements within loops.
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: The in keyword is primarily used in Python to check for
membership within an iterable. This is extremely useful in loops for
checking if certain values are present in a collection, thereby simplifying
and optimizing the code required to perform these checks.

Question 79. What is the role of the @staticmethod decorator in Python

A. It indicates that a method should be called without creating an instance
of the class.
B. It specifies that a method is immutable and cannot modify the class or
instance state.
C. It ensures that a method can only be called in a static context.
D. It forces all instances of the class to share a single method
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: The @staticmethod decorator is used to declare that a method
belongs to the class rather than any individual instance and can be called on
the class itself without the need to instantiate the class. This is useful for
utility functions that don't modify the class or its instances.

Question 80. How do generator expressions support loop operations in

A. They provide a memory-efficient way to handle large data sets within
B. They automatically manage loop termination and state preservation.
C. They enable multi-threaded execution of loops for faster processing.
D. They compile loop-based code into native machine code for performance
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: Generator expressions are a powerful feature in Python that
allow for iterating over large data sets efficiently. They generate items one
at a time, only when required, using less memory than a comparable list
comprehension. This makes them ideal for use in loops where large or
infinite sequences need to be processed without loading the entire data set
into memory.

Question 81. In Python, the if statement is used to execute a block of code

only if a specified condition is true. Considering its use in real-world
applications, which scenario would be the most appropriate application of
an if statement?
A. Iterating through the elements of a list and executing a block of code for
each element.
B. Executing a block of code repeatedly as long as a particular condition
remains true.
C. Executing a block of code once based on the evaluation of a condition at
a specific moment.
D. Handling exceptions that may occur during the execution of a block of
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: The if statement checks a condition and executes the
associated block of code only once if the condition is true. It is not used for
repetitive or iterative tasks but for conditional execution based on the
current state or input.

Question 82. What is the role of the else part in an if-else structure in
A. To specify the condition to be evaluated.
B. To execute a block of code if the if condition is not met.
C. To repeat a block of code multiple times.
D. To catch and handle exceptions.
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: In an if-else structure, the else part follows an if condition and
specifies a block of code that is executed only if the if condition is false.
This allows for alternative execution paths in the program, enabling
different actions based on different conditions.

Question 83. Consider a loop that needs to execute a certain number of

times with an index that is used within the loop. Which Python control
structure is best suited for this purpose?
A. if statement
B. while loop
C. for loop
D. try-except block
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: A for loop is ideal for situations where you need to iterate over
a sequence (like a list, tuple, string, or range) and perform actions a specific
number of times using an index. This loop is easy to write and prevents
errors related to loop variables.

Question 84. In Python, what is the function of the break statement in loop
A. To skip the rest of the code inside the loop for the current iteration.
B. To exit out of the loop entirely, irrespective of the loop condition.
C. To pass control to the next iteration without executing the code below it
in the loop.
D. To repeat the loop from the beginning.
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: The break statement is used to exit a loop prematurely when a
specific condition is met. This is particularly useful in nested loops or when
searching for a particular element or condition that, once satisfied, renders
the continuation of the loop unnecessary.

Question 85. Which Python control structure is most suitable when you
need to execute a block of code repeatedly, a fixed number of times, and
you know the exact number of iterations beforehand?
A. while loop
B. if statement
C. for loop
D. switch statement
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: The for loop is specifically designed for looping through a
sequence (which could be a list, a tuple, a dictionary, a set, or a string) with
a predetermined number of iterations, making it ideal for cases where the
number of iterations is known before entering the loop. Unlike the while
loop, the for loop provides a clear, concise way to iterate over sequences.
Question 86. In Python, what will be the output of the following code
snippet if the input is 7?

A. More than 10
B. More than 5 but less or equal to 10
C. 5 or less
D. No output
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: The elif statement checks if the input x is greater than 5 after
the first condition (x > 10) fails. Since 7 is greater than 5 but less than or
equal to 10, the code prints "More than 5 but less or equal to 10".

Question 87. Which Python control structure is most suitable when you
need to execute a block of code repeatedly, a fixed number of times, and
you know the exact number of iterations beforehand?
A. while loop
B. if statement
C. for loop
D. switch statement
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: The for loop is specifically designed for looping through a
sequence (which could be a list, a tuple, a dictionary, a set, or a string) with
a predetermined number of iterations, making it ideal for cases where the
number of iterations is known before entering the loop. Unlike the while
loop, the for loop provides a clear, concise way to iterate over sequences.

Question 88. In Python, what will be the output of the following code
snippet if the input is 7?

A. More than 10
B. More than 5 but less or equal to 10
C. 5 or less
D. No output
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: The elif statement checks if the input x is greater than 5 after
the first condition (x > 10) fails. Since 7 is greater than 5 but less than or
equal to 10, the code prints "More than 5 but less or equal to 10".

Question 89. Which of the following statements about the break and
continue statements in Python is correct?
A. The break statement terminates the current loop and resumes execution
at the next statement, while the continue statement skips the remainder of
the current loop and moves directly to the next iteration of the loop.
B. The break statement exits the entire program.
C. The continue statement terminates all loops in the current function.
D. Neither break nor continue has any effect on the flow of a loop.
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: The break statement is used to exit the current loop before its
normal termination, while continue skips the current iteration and proceeds
with the next iteration of the loop. This makes them very useful for
controlling loop execution beyond simple iteration criteria.

Question 90. What is the function of the else clause in a Python for loop?
A. Executes before the loop starts if the loop condition is True
B. Executes once after the loop ends, if the loop has not been terminated by
a break
C. Is used to define an alternative loop to execute if the first loop condition
is False
D. Executes once during each iteration if the condition is False
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: In Python, the else clause in a for loop executes after the loop
completes its iteration over the entire sequence, unless the loop has been
terminated prematurely with a break. This can be useful for searching tasks
where a confirmation is needed if the search was unsuccessful.

Question 91. How does a while loop start?

A. By ensuring the loop's terminating condition is met
B. By checking a condition before executing the body of the loop
C. By executing the loop body at least once before checking a condition
D. By declaring the number of iterations at the start
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: A while loop in Python continually executes the block of code
as long as the condition specified at the start of the loop remains true. It
checks the condition before entering the loop body.
Question 92. Which statement is true regarding infinite loops?
A. They cannot be created in Python
B. They are always undesirable and a sign of errors
C. They can be useful for continuous application processes, such as servers
D. They execute a finite number of times but can be made infinite with
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: Infinite loops, where the loop condition never becomes false,
can be quite useful in scenarios such as continuously running server
processes that wait for user interactions or other triggering events.

Question 93. What is a nested loop in Python?

A. A loop that can be defined within another loop
B. A loop that executes only after the first loop has completed
C. A single loop that has multiple exit points
D. A loop that runs infinitely within another finite loop
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: A nested loop in Python refers to a loop inside the body of
another loop. This allows for the execution of more complex iteration

Question 94. What does the pass statement do in Python?

A. Terminates the loop immediately
B. Acts as a placeholder for future code
C. Skips the rest of the loop and starts the next iteration
D. None of the above
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: The pass statement does nothing and is used as a placeholder
in areas of your code where Python expects an expression.
Question 95. How can the range() function be effectively used in loops?
A. To create a list of numbers which the loop iterates over
B. To set a specific number of iterations in a while loop
C. To delay loop execution for a specified time
D. To define the conditions under which a loop exits
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: The range() function generates a sequence of numbers, which
is often used for looping a specific number of times in for loops.

Question 96. Which Python control structure is used for making a decision
from more than two alternatives, evaluating the conditions one after the
other until one is found to be true, thereby executing its associated block of
A. for loop
B. while loop
C. if-elif-else statement
D. try-except block
C. if-elif-else statement
Explanation: The if-elif-else statement is used when there are multiple
conditions to be evaluated and different outcomes to be executed depending
on which condition is true. It provides a way to define several alternative
blocks of code, only one of which will execute when its associated
condition is true.

Question 97. In Python, what control structure would you use to repeatedly
execute a block of code as long as a given condition is true, and possibly
alter the flow using 'break' and 'continue' statements?
A. while loop
B. for loop
C. if statement
D. switch case
A. while loop
Explanation: The while loop in Python is designed to repeatedly execute a
block of code while a specified condition remains true. It checks the
condition before executing the block and can be manipulated to exit the
loop or skip iterations using break and continue statements, respectively.

Question 98. Given a sequence of numbers stored in a list, how can you
iterate through each element and perform an operation, such as printing
each number multiplied by 2, using Python's control structures?
A. do-while loop
B. for loop
C. if-elif-else statement
D. while loop
B. for loop
Explanation: The for loop is the ideal control structure for iterating over a
sequence (like a list, tuple, dictionary, set, or string), executing a block of
code for each element. For example, multiplying each element by 2 and
printing it can easily be done in a for loop.

Question 99. When you need to handle different exceptions that might
occur during the execution of a block of code, which Python control
structure allows you to define specific responses to different types of
A. if-elif-else statement
B. for loop
C. try-except block
D. while loop
C. try-except block
Explanation: The try-except block is used to handle exceptions in Python. It
allows developers to try a block of code and catch various exceptions that
might occur during its execution. Each 'except' clause can specify the type
of exception to catch and how to handle it.

Question 100. Consider a scenario where you need to continuously prompt

the user for input until they provide a valid number. Which Python control
structure allows you to implement this with the capability to immediately
exit the loop once a valid number is entered?
A. do-while loop
B. while loop
C. for loop
D. if statement
B. while loop
Explanation: Python’s while loop is a suitable choice for this task as it
continually executes a block of code while a condition is true and can be
terminated instantly once a valid input is detected, using a condition that
checks the validity of the input right within the loop's condition.


Python Functions and Modules

Question 1. What is the purpose of the def keyword in Python, and how
does it relate to function definitions, specifically in creating reusable blocks
of code that can be invoked with different arguments and return values?
A. It declares a variable for function names.
B. It starts the function declaration and allows for code reuse.
C. It defines the function but does not allow passing parameters.
D. It defines a constant that functions can use.
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: The def keyword in Python is used to define a function. This
allows you to create reusable blocks of code that can be called multiple
times with different arguments. Functions can return values and accept
parameters, which makes them essential for writing modular and organized

Question 2. When a Python function has a default argument, what happens

if the caller does not provide a value for that argument, and how does this
feature help streamline function calls, reducing redundancy in the code?
A. The function will raise an error.
B. The default value specified is used if no argument is passed.
C. The function will ignore that argument and not return anything.
D. The function will call another function to handle missing arguments.
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: Default arguments in Python allow a function to use a
predefined value when no value is provided during the function call. This
reduces redundancy in code by eliminating the need to repeatedly pass the
same value in every call.

Question 3. How does Python’s module system enable code reuse across
different scripts, and what is the role of the import statement in achieving
this by loading a module into the current namespace for access to its
functions and classes?
A. Modules are only used for organizing functions and cannot be reused
across files.
B. The import statement allows you to load a module and use its classes and
functions in your script.
C. The import statement only works for built-in functions and not user-
defined ones.
D. Modules automatically execute all code when imported, making them
unsuitable for reuse.
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: Python’s module system allows for code reuse by enabling
you to import external modules that contain functions, classes, or variables
into your script. The import statement loads the module, making its
functionality available for use without having to redefine it in every script.

Question 4. In Python, what is the difference between a function and a

method, and how is a method typically bound to a specific object or class
instance, whereas a function exists independently of any object?
A. A function is defined globally, while a method must be defined inside a
B. A function can only be called by objects, while methods are global
C. A method is a function that is tied to an object and typically operates on
its data.
D. There is no difference; both are the same in Python.
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: In Python, methods are functions that are associated with an
object, typically defined within a class. Unlike standalone functions,
methods operate on the data of the object (or class instance) and are
invoked through the object, allowing them to manipulate that data.

Question 5. When using Python's *args in a function definition, what is the

benefit of this feature in allowing a function to accept a variable number of
positional arguments, and how does it handle those arguments within the
A. It lets you specify only one argument at a time.
B. It collects all passed arguments into a tuple, allowing flexibility in the
number of arguments.
C. It only works when the arguments are passed as keyword arguments.
D. It limits the function to accept exactly three arguments.
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: The *args syntax allows a function to accept an arbitrary
number of positional arguments, which are stored in a tuple. This gives
flexibility to the function, allowing it to handle a varying number of
arguments without having to explicitly define each one.

Question 6. What does the __name__ == '__main__' construct do in Python

scripts, and how does it allow a script to be both executable as a standalone
program and importable as a module without executing its main logic?
A. It checks if the script is being imported as a module or run directly and
prevents execution of the script's main code if imported.
B. It defines a constant variable named __main__.
C. It ensures the script will only run if it is being executed in the Python
D. It automatically imports all modules when the script is run.
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: The __name__ == '__main__' construct is used to determine if
the script is being executed directly or imported as a module. When the
script is run directly, the code block under this condition is executed. If the
script is imported as a module, the code block is not executed, allowing for
modular code reuse without running the main logic.

Question 7. In Python, when importing a specific function from a module

using the from module_name import function_name syntax, what is the
advantage of this over a standard import module_name statement, and how
does it affect the namespace?
A. It automatically installs external dependencies.
B. It imports only the specified function into the current namespace,
avoiding the need to reference the module name.
C. It makes the module completely inaccessible from the script.
D. It only works for built-in modules, not custom ones.
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: The from module_name import function_name statement
allows importing only the specified function from a module, making it
directly accessible in the current namespace without needing to prefix it
with the module name. This makes the code cleaner and avoids unnecessary
imports of unused functions.

Question 8. What is the role of the global keyword in Python functions, and
how does it enable a function to modify variables that are defined outside of
its scope, particularly in cases where you want to modify a global variable
from within a function?
A. It allows a function to define new variables only inside its local scope.
B. It makes the function's variables global, affecting all other functions.
C. It allows a function to access and modify a variable from the global
D. It is used to restrict functions from accessing global variables.
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: The global keyword allows a function to access and modify a
variable that is defined in the global scope. Without global, Python would
treat the variable as local to the function, and changes would not reflect in
the global scope.

Question 9. How does Python's import system handle module caching, and
why does this behavior ensure that modules are only loaded once during a
program's execution, even if they are imported multiple times in different
parts of the code?
A. Python reloads the module every time it's imported.
B. Python keeps a reference to the imported module in sys.modules, so it's
only loaded once.
C. Python does not allow importing a module more than once in a program.
D. Python deletes the module from memory after the first import to save
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: Python uses a caching mechanism for imported modules,
storing them in sys.modules. Once a module is imported, it is loaded into
memory and subsequent imports simply reference the already loaded
module. This ensures efficient use of memory and avoids redundant

Question 10. In Python, what is the purpose of the __init__ method within
a class, and how does it serve as a constructor that is invoked automatically
when an instance of the class is created, allowing for initialization of object
A. It is used to define static methods within the class.
B. It serves as a destructor that cleans up the object after it is no longer
C. It initializes object attributes and is called when a new instance is
D. It defines the main method of the class that is called every time the
object is referenced.
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: The __init__ method in Python is known as the constructor
and is automatically called when a new instance of a class is created. It
allows the initialization of object attributes and provides a way to set up the
object with specific values or state when it is first created.
Question 11. What is the primary purpose of the Python global keyword
when used inside a function, and how does it affect the variable scope in
relation to variables declared outside the function?
A. It makes the variable accessible only within the function
B. It allows the variable to be modified outside the function
C. It makes the variable globally available across the entire program
D. It makes the variable inaccessible outside the function
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: The global keyword in Python is used to declare that a
variable inside a function refers to a globally scoped variable, allowing its
modification across the entire program. Without it, Python treats the
variable as local to the function, and changes to it would not affect the
global variable.

Question 12. How can you import a specific function from a Python
module and use it without needing to prefix it with the module name?
A. import module_name.function_name
B. from module_name import function_name
C. import function_name from module_name
D. use module_name.function_name
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: The correct syntax to import a specific function from a module
is from module_name import function_name. This allows the function to be
used directly without the need to reference the module name, making the
code cleaner and more readable.

Question 13. In Python, how does the def keyword differ from lambda
when defining functions, particularly in terms of function declaration and
A. def defines a function that must return a value, while lambda cannot
return any value
B. def defines a full function with a name and multiple expressions, while
lambda defines an anonymous function with one expression
C. lambda defines a function that can be used as a generator, whereas def
D. def is used for classes and objects, while lambda is reserved for
functions alone
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: The def keyword in Python defines a full function with a
name, multiple expressions, and a block of code, while lambda creates an
anonymous function (i.e., a function without a name) that is restricted to a
single expression. This distinction gives lambda a more concise syntax but
limits its functionality.

Question 14. What is the primary benefit of using Python’s __init__()

method in classes, and how does it affect object initialization?
A. It is used to initialize class variables only, not instance variables
B. It automatically calls itself whenever a class is instantiated
C. It is the constructor method that gets called when a new object of the
class is created to initialize instance variables
D. It is used to inherit properties from a parent class when creating an
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: The __init__() method in Python is the constructor method
that is automatically invoked when a new instance of a class is created. It
initializes the instance variables of the object, ensuring that the object starts
in a valid and expected state.

Question 15. When you use the import * statement in Python, what is the
result of this type of import, and why should it generally be avoided in
production code?
A. It imports all functions and classes from the module, but it hides all
variable names from the module’s namespace
B. It imports only the functions and classes that are specifically needed
from the module
C. It imports all the variables, functions, and classes from the module,
which can lead to naming conflicts and unclear code
D. It imports the entire module, but it does not load the functions into
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: The import * statement imports everything (variables,
functions, and classes) from a module into the current namespace. This can
lead to naming conflicts and makes the code less clear, as it's not obvious
which variables or functions are coming from the imported module. It is
best practice to import only what is necessary.

Question 16. How does Python’s map() function work when applied to a
sequence of values and a function, and what is the main difference between
map() and filter()?
A. map() applies the function to filter elements, while filter() maps the
elements to a function
B. map() applies a function to every item in the sequence and returns a list
of results, whereas filter() applies a function that returns True/False to filter
items from the sequence
C. map() applies the function only to even-numbered elements, while
filter() applies the function to odd-numbered elements
D. map() applies a function to each sequence and returns a dictionary,
whereas filter() returns a set of results
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: The map() function applies a given function to every item in a
sequence (or multiple sequences) and returns an iterable map object that
contains the results. In contrast, filter() applies a function that returns either
True or False to filter out elements from the sequence, keeping only those
for which the function returns True.
Question 17. What is the key distinction between staticmethod() and
classmethod() in Python, especially in relation to how they are bound to the
class and its instance?
A. staticmethod() can only access instance-level attributes, while
classmethod() can access class-level attributes
B. staticmethod() is bound to the class, whereas classmethod() is bound to
the instance of the class
C. staticmethod() is used to define a method that does not have access to
either instance or class attributes, whereas classmethod() has access to
class-level attributes
D. staticmethod() automatically accesses both class and instance variables,
while classmethod() only accesses class variables
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: The key difference is that a staticmethod() does not have
access to either the instance or class attributes. It behaves like a normal
function but belongs to the class. A classmethod(), on the other hand, is
bound to the class and has access to class-level attributes, making it suitable
for factory methods and class-level operations.

Question 18. How does Python’s yield keyword function in comparison to

return in a function, particularly in terms of memory management and lazy
A. yield causes a function to return all results at once, while return returns
results one at a time
B. yield is used in generator functions and allows for lazy evaluation,
meaning the function can produce a value and pause, resuming where it left
off without consuming memory for all results
C. yield works similarly to return, but it stores the results in memory rather
than generating them on demand
D. yield is used for debugging purposes and does not affect memory
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: The yield keyword is used in generator functions to produce
values one at a time and allows the function to pause and resume execution,
which is known as lazy evaluation. This prevents memory overload because
values are generated on-demand rather than all at once, unlike return which
immediately exits the function.

Question 19. In what scenario would you use a Python module’s __all__
attribute, and how does it influence the behavior of import *?
A. __all__ is used to restrict access to certain attributes of the module when
using import * and only imports the specified names
B. __all__ allows all functions of a module to be imported, regardless of the
scope of the functions
C. __all__ is used to expose private attributes to the module’s namespace
D. __all__ helps in the performance optimization of module imports by
reducing memory usage
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: The __all__ attribute in a module is a list of strings that define
which names (functions, variables, or classes) will be exposed when import
* is used. This provides control over what is imported into the namespace
and hides other module contents, improving encapsulation and preventing
unwanted namespace pollution.

Question 20. How does the with statement work in Python, and what is its
primary advantage when handling resources like file I/O or database
A. with is used for executing a block of code in a safe context,
automatically cleaning up resources when the block is exited, thus reducing
the risk of resource leaks
B. with is used to open a file, but it does not automatically close the file
after the block has been executed
C. with forces the programmer to manually close resources after use
D. with provides better error-handling capabilities by raising exceptions
when resources are not available
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: The with statement in Python is used to manage resources like
files or database connections efficiently. It ensures that resources are
automatically cleaned up (i.e., closed) when the block of code is exited,
even if an exception occurs, thereby reducing the risk of resource leaks and
making the code more reliable.

Question 21. Which of the following is the correct syntax for defining a
function in Python that accepts two parameters and returns their sum?
A. def function add(a, b): return a + b
B. function def add(a, b): return a + b
C. def add(a, b) { return a + b }
D. def add(a, b): return a + b
Correct Answer: D
Explanation: In Python, the function definition starts with def, followed by
the function name, parameters in parentheses, and the return statement.
Option D follows this structure correctly. The other options are either
syntactically incorrect or improperly formatted.

Question 22. When you import a Python module using import math, which
of the following functions can be used to find the square root of a number?
A. math.sqrt()
B. sqrt(math)
C. math.square_root()
D. square_root(math)
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: The math.sqrt() function is used to compute the square root of
a number. This is part of the standard math module and is called using
math.sqrt(). The other options either reference non-existing functions or
misuse the module.

Question 23. What will be the output of the following code snippet if a
function returns the value 5 and it is printed?
A. 5
B. None
C. Error
D. example()
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: When a function returns 5 and that value is printed, the result
will be 5. The return statement successfully passes the value to the print
statement without any errors.

Question 24. What is the purpose of the __name__ variable in Python when
used in a module?
A. It determines whether the module is being run directly or imported
B. It provides the name of the file that is running
C. It checks the type of the module
D. It stores the list of functions defined in the module
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: The __name__ variable is a special built-in variable that helps
determine whether a Python file is being run directly or imported as a
module. If run directly, it is set to "__main__". If imported, it holds the
name of the module.

Question 25. Which of the following Python functions is used to find the
largest of all elements in a list?
A. max()
B. largest()
C. biggest()
D. max_value()
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: The max() function is used to find the largest element in a list.
It is a standard Python function and works on various iterables like lists,
tuples, and sets. The other options do not exist in Python.

Question 26. What is the result when a function accepts one argument and
another argument has a default value, but the first argument is provided?
A. The function uses the provided value for the first argument and the
default for the second
B. The function only uses the default value for both arguments
C. The function returns None
D. The function generates an error
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: When a function has a default value for an argument, but a
value is provided for the argument, the function will use the provided value
for that argument and the default value for the remaining one. This allows
flexibility in function calls.

Question 27. What does the from module import function statement do in
A. It imports only the specified function from the module
B. It imports the entire module
C. It imports only the specified module, not its functions
D. It renames the module before importing it
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: The from module import function syntax imports only the
specified function from the module, making it available for use without
needing to reference the module name. This method is efficient when only
certain functions are required from the module.
Question 28. Which of the following statements is true regarding Python
functions with a variable-length argument list (using *args)?
A. It allows the function to accept any number of positional arguments
B. It restricts the function to a maximum of 3 arguments
C. It allows the function to accept keyword arguments only
D. It must be followed by **kwargs for the function to work
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: Using *args in a function definition allows the function to
accept any number of positional arguments. The arguments are collected
into a tuple and can be accessed within the function. **kwargs is used for
keyword arguments, but it is not mandatory when using *args.

Question 29. How can you prevent a Python module from executing certain
code when it is imported elsewhere?
A. By placing the code inside a function
B. By using an if __name__ == '__main__': block
C. By commenting out the code
D. By using the import statement in the module
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: The if __name__ == '__main__': block is used to prevent code
from executing when a module is imported elsewhere. It ensures that
certain code runs only when the module is executed directly, not when
imported as part of another program.

Question 30. In Python, how would you import all functions and variables
from a module called utilities?
A. from utilities import *
B. import utilities.all()
C. import utilities as *
D. from utilities import all
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: The from utilities import * syntax imports all functions,
classes, and variables from the utilities module into the current namespace.
This eliminates the need to prefix them with the module name. The other
options are incorrect Python syntax.

Question 31. What is the purpose of the __init__ method in a Python class
and how does it relate to object instantiation and initialization, particularly
when an object is created from that class?
A. It serves as a destructor method that cleans up the object’s memory after
it is used.
B. It is used to initialize object attributes and set up the object when it is
C. It checks for errors during the creation of the class.
D. It returns the value of the object when accessed.
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: The __init__ method is a constructor used to initialize the
attributes of an object when it is instantiated. It runs automatically when an
object is created from a class and helps to set initial values or prepare the
object for use.

Question 32. When defining a function in Python, what does it mean to use
*args in the function definition, and how does it affect the way arguments
are passed to the function?
A. It allows the function to accept a fixed number of keyword arguments.
B. It allows the function to accept an arbitrary number of positional
arguments as a tuple.
C. It restricts the number of arguments that can be passed to the function.
D. It forces the function to accept arguments in the form of a list.
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: The *args syntax in Python allows a function to accept an
arbitrary number of positional arguments. These arguments are packed into
a tuple, allowing the function to handle more arguments than initially
specified in its signature.

Question 33. How does the import statement in Python work when you are
importing a module, and what does it imply about the namespace of the
A. It creates a global alias for the module and automatically imports all its
contents into the namespace.
B. It imports the module into the global namespace but restricts access to its
functions and variables.
C. It loads the module and makes its functions available by accessing them
with the module's name as a prefix.
D. It removes any pre-existing references to the module from the
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: The import statement loads a module into the current program,
and to access its functions or variables, you need to use the module name as
a prefix (e.g., module.function). This avoids polluting the namespace by
keeping the module’s contents contained.

Question 34. In Python, what is the difference between using from module
import function versus import module in terms of how you can access the
functions or variables from that module?
A. from module import function imports the function into the global
namespace, while import module requires using the module’s prefix.
B. from module import function imports the entire module’s functions,
while import module restricts the access to only the function’s variable.
C. from module import function creates a reference to the module itself,
while import module ignores the function.
D. from module import function makes the function inaccessible from the
global namespace, but import module allows full access.
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: When you use from module import function, only the specific
function is imported directly into the global namespace. In contrast, import
module imports the entire module, so you need to use the module name as a
prefix to access any of its contents.

Question 35. What happens when a Python function has a return statement
without a value, and how does it affect the result of that function when it is
A. The function returns None by default, indicating that no value has been
explicitly returned.
B. The function raises an exception since it requires a return value to be
C. The function continues execution after the return statement, and the
result is an empty string.
D. The function returns an empty dictionary as the default return value.
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: When a Python function includes a return statement without
specifying a value, it returns None by default. This is the standard behavior
for functions that do not explicitly return anything.

Question 36. How can you define a module in Python, and what is its
purpose in organizing and reusing code across different Python programs?
A. A module is defined using a function that encapsulates reusable code for
execution in the current program.
B. A module is created by writing Python code in a separate file, and its
contents (functions, classes) can be reused in other scripts by importing.
C. A module is an external library that needs to be downloaded and
installed before usage.
D. A module is a variable that stores different types of data and can be used
for dynamic operations.
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: A module in Python is a file containing Python code
(functions, classes, or variables). You can create modules to organize your
code into reusable components. Once a module is created, it can be
imported into other scripts to reuse the functionality.

Question 37. What is the role of the global keyword in Python, and when
would you use it in a function?
A. It allows a variable to be accessed globally from any part of the code
without needing to reference the module.
B. It is used to declare variables that are available only within a function’s
local scope.
C. It enables a function to modify the value of a variable that is defined
outside its local scope.
D. It indicates that the variable will be stored in the global memory space
and not use any memory from the local scope.
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: The global keyword is used within a function to indicate that a
variable declared inside the function refers to a variable defined outside its
local scope (typically in the global namespace). This allows the function to
modify the variable's value.

Question 38. In Python, what is the difference between a list and a tuple in
terms of mutability and their typical use cases?
A. A list is immutable, meaning it cannot be modified after creation, while
a tuple is mutable and can be changed at any time.
B. A list is mutable and allows for modifications, while a tuple is
immutable, meaning its contents cannot be changed once defined.
C. Both a list and a tuple are immutable and cannot be altered after creation.
D. A list and a tuple are both mutable, but tuple provides more efficient
access to its elements.
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: A list in Python is mutable, meaning you can change its
contents (add, remove, or modify elements). On the other hand, a tuple is
immutable, meaning its contents cannot be altered after creation, making it
suitable for situations where the data should remain constant.

Question 39. How does Python's with statement work when handling files,
and what is its advantage over manually opening and closing files?
A. It automatically closes files after reading or writing, even in the event of
an exception, ensuring resources are released properly.
B. It forces the program to read from the file in a specific encoding format,
ignoring any errors that may occur during file operations.
C. It only opens the file, but it does not close it, and the user is responsible
for ensuring the file is closed.
D. It opens the file in a secure mode that prevents any changes to the file
during the session.
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: The with statement is used to open files in Python in a way
that automatically closes the file when the block of code is exited, even if
an exception occurs. This ensures that resources are released properly,
reducing the risk of memory leaks or file lock issues.

Question 40. What is the purpose of the filter() function in Python, and
how does it differ from the map() function in terms of what it returns?
A. The filter() function applies a function to each element in an iterable and
returns a filtered version with elements that evaluate to True. The map()
function applies a function to each element and returns a modified version
of the original iterable.
B. The filter() function applies a function to an iterable and returns a tuple
of all elements in the iterable. The map() function returns a list of all values
in the iterable.
C. The filter() function performs calculations on an iterable and returns a
numeric value, while map() performs logical operations.
D. Both filter() and map() return the same result, with no functional
difference between them.
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: The filter() function returns an iterable containing only the
elements that meet a specified condition, while the map() function applies a
given function to each element in an iterable and returns a modified
iterable. filter() is used to filter elements, while map() is used to transform

Question 41. What will be the output of the following Python code when
you define a function greet that takes two arguments, name and greeting,
where greeting has a default value of "Hello", and you call greet("John")?
A. John Hello
B. Hello John
C. TypeError: missing required positional argument
D. None of the above
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: The function greet uses the default argument "Hello" for
greeting if no value is provided. Since greet("John") is called with only one
argument, name takes the value "John", and the default greeting ("Hello") is
used, making the output "Hello John".

Question 42. In a Python module, how do you make functions and

variables defined inside it accessible from outside the module?
A. By using the __init__ function
B. By importing the module
C. By writing global before the variable
D. By defining __main__ block
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: To access functions and variables from a Python module in
another script, the module needs to be imported. This is typically done
using the import statement, which allows access to the functions, classes,
and variables defined within that module.

Question 43. If you have a Python function with an argument *args and
you call it as my_function(1, 2, 3), what type of object will args be within
the function?
A. A tuple
B. A list
C. A dictionary
D. An integer
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: The *args in a Python function collects all positional
arguments passed to the function into a tuple. In this case, my_function(1,
2, 3) would result in args being a tuple with the values (1, 2, 3).

Question 44. When importing a Python module, what happens if the

module has a function and you try to call it before importing the module?
A. It raises an ImportError
B. The function is called automatically
C. The function will execute only if it is called directly
D. The Python interpreter will ignore the function
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: If you try to call a function from a module before importing it,
Python will raise an ImportError because it does not know about the
module or its contents until you explicitly import it using the import
Question 45. How would you define a Python function that can accept an
arbitrary number of keyword arguments and return the sum of all values
passed as keyword arguments?
A. def sum_args(**kwargs): return sum(kwargs)
B. def sum_args(*kwargs): return sum(kwargs)
C. def sum_args(*args): return sum(args)
D. def sum_args(**args): return sum(args)
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: The **kwargs allows the function to accept an arbitrary
number of keyword arguments, which are stored in a dictionary. Using
sum(kwargs) will correctly sum the values passed as keyword arguments.
The other options are incorrect due to improper use of argument types.

Question 46. What is the purpose of the __name__ variable in Python

modules, especially in the context of function definitions and module
A. It checks whether the module is being run as the main program or
imported as a module
B. It defines the name of the class inside the module
C. It controls access to private functions
D. It automatically imports other modules in the same directory
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: The __name__ variable helps determine whether the Python
file is being executed as the main program or imported as a module into
another program. When a file is executed directly, __name__ is set to
"__main__", allowing you to control what code runs when the module is
imported versus executed.

Question 47. What is the correct way to define a Python function that will
return multiple values and what is the data type of the returned result?
A. def multiply(a, b): return a * b, a + b
B. def multiply(a, b): return [a * b, a + b]
C. def multiply(a, b): return (a * b, a + b)
D. def multiply(a, b): return {a * b, a + b}
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: In Python, a function can return multiple values by separating
them with commas, which implicitly creates a tuple. Option C correctly
returns a tuple containing the multiplication and sum of a and b. Other
options return a list or set, which are not tuples.

Question 48. If you import a function from a Python module like this: from
math import sqrt, what will happen if you try to call the function sqrt(16)?
A. It will return 4.0
B. It will return 16
C. It will raise an ImportError
D. It will return the string '16'
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: The sqrt function from the math module calculates the square
root of a number. In this case, sqrt(16) returns 4.0, as the square root of 16
is 4.0 in Python.

Question 49. What will happen if you define a function in Python but never
invoke it within your code?
A. The function will execute automatically at runtime
B. The function will generate an error and terminate the program
C. The function will be ignored by the interpreter
D. The function will be stored in memory but not executed
Correct Answer: D
Explanation: When a function is defined in Python but not called, it is
stored in memory as an object but will not execute. The function will
remain available to be called later, but Python will not automatically invoke
it unless explicitly called.

Question 50. Which of the following methods is used to import all

functions from a Python module in one statement?
A. from module import *
B. import * from module
C. include module.*
D. require module
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: The syntax from module import * imports all the functions,
variables, and classes from the specified module into the current
namespace. This is the correct way to import everything from a module,
though it is generally discouraged due to the potential for naming conflicts.

Question 51. What is the primary purpose of using functions in Python, and
how do they enhance code reusability and readability while allowing
developers to create modular code that can be easily maintained and tested?
A. To group multiple statements into a single callable block that can take
parameters and return values.
B. To store data temporarily in memory for processing.
C. To provide a way to execute loops and conditionals more efficiently.
D. To define variables globally across multiple modules.
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: Functions in Python serve to encapsulate a block of code that
can be reused throughout the program. By taking parameters and returning
values, they allow for cleaner, modular programming, making code easier to
maintain and test. This modularity facilitates better organization and
reduces redundancy in code.

Question 52. In Python, how can you define a function that accepts an
arbitrary number of positional arguments, allowing for greater flexibility in
how many inputs can be processed without requiring the caller to specify
each argument explicitly?
A. By using a single asterisk (*) before a parameter name in the function
B. By defining the function with two asterisks (**) before the parameter
C. By using the input() function to capture user inputs dynamically.
D. By creating a list or tuple to hold the arguments passed to the function.
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: Using a single asterisk (*) before a parameter name in a
function definition allows the function to accept an arbitrary number of
positional arguments. This is useful for cases where the number of
arguments may vary, enabling the function to handle different input sizes

Question 53. When importing a module in Python, what are the differences
between using the import statement and the from ... import ... syntax,
particularly in terms of how the imported entities are accessed within the
A. import imports the whole module, while from ... import ... imports
specific attributes directly into the current namespace.
B. import does not allow the use of functions, whereas from ... import ...
C. import only works with built-in modules, while from ... import ... works
with user-defined modules.
D. import requires a file extension, while from ... import ... does not.
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: The import statement brings the entire module into the current
namespace, requiring the module name to access its functions or classes. In
contrast, from ... import ... allows specific entities from a module to be
imported directly, making them accessible without needing to prefix them
with the module name, which can simplify code when only a few items are

Question 54. What is the significance of the __init__ method in a Python

class, and how does it function as a constructor that initializes object
attributes when a new object is created from that class?
A. It is an optional method used to define additional class attributes that do
not need initialization.
B. It serves as a default method that is called when a class is instantiated,
allowing for initialization of instance attributes.
C. It is used to define static methods that belong to the class rather than to
any specific instance.
D. It is a method that facilitates inheritance and overrides methods from
parent classes.
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: The __init__ method is a special constructor method in Python
classes that is automatically invoked when a new object is created. It allows
the initialization of instance attributes with specific values, ensuring that
each object can start its life with the necessary data, thus promoting object-
oriented design principles.

Question 55. How do you create a module in Python, and what steps are
required to ensure that your functions and classes within that module can be
reused in other Python scripts without directly copying the code?
A. By writing the functions in a Python file and saving it with a .txt
B. By creating a Python file with a .py extension and ensuring it is in the
same directory as the script that will import it.
C. By defining all functions in the interactive Python shell and exporting
them to a file.
D. By creating a compiled binary of the code using a separate tool and
importing that binary file.
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: To create a reusable module in Python, you write your
functions and classes in a Python file with a .py extension. This file can
then be imported into other scripts, provided it is in the same directory or in
the Python path, enabling code reuse without duplication.

Question 56. What is the difference between args and kwargs in Python
function definitions, and how do they allow for passing variable-length
arguments to a function while maintaining the readability and flexibility of
the code?
A. args is used for passing named parameters, while kwargs is for unnamed
B. args collects additional positional arguments as a tuple, while kwargs
collects additional keyword arguments as a dictionary.
C. args is used only for methods, while kwargs can be used in both
functions and methods.
D. args refers to global variables, while kwargs refers to local variables
within the function.
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: In Python, *args is used in function definitions to collect
additional positional arguments into a tuple, while **kwargs collects
additional keyword arguments into a dictionary. This mechanism allows
functions to accept a variable number of arguments, enhancing flexibility
and readability without sacrificing clarity.

Question 57. How can you handle exceptions that may arise when calling
functions in Python, particularly in terms of preventing program crashes
and allowing for graceful error handling through the use of try, except, and
finally blocks?
A. By using a single try statement without any except blocks.
B. By surrounding the function call with try and providing an except block
to catch specific exceptions, followed by an optional finally block for
cleanup actions.
C. By importing the error module and using its methods to manage
D. By writing all function calls in a loop to ensure they can be retried upon
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: To handle exceptions in Python, you can use the try block to
wrap around function calls that may raise errors. If an exception occurs,
control passes to the except block, allowing you to manage the error
gracefully. The finally block, if present, executes cleanup code regardless of
whether an exception occurred, ensuring proper resource management.

Question 58. What is the purpose of the return statement in a Python

function, and how does it affect the flow of execution within the function,
particularly in terms of passing values back to the caller and terminating the
function’s execution?
A. It allows for the continuation of code execution without terminating the
B. It defines the scope of the function and restricts the usage of its
C. It ends the function’s execution and optionally passes a value back to the
D. It pauses the function's execution and allows for later resumption.
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: The return statement in Python serves to terminate the
execution of a function and optionally pass a value back to the calling
context. Once a return statement is executed, the function's execution is
complete, and control returns to the caller, along with any specified return
value, enabling further processing of that value.

Question 59. In Python, how do modules and packages differ, particularly

in terms of organization and structure, and what advantages does using
packages offer in managing larger codebases?
A. Modules can only contain functions, while packages can only contain
B. Modules are single files, while packages are directories containing
multiple modules and a special __init__.py file.
C. Modules can be directly executed, while packages cannot be executed.
D. Modules cannot import other modules, while packages can import
multiple modules simultaneously.
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: In Python, a module is typically a single .py file that contains
code, whereas a package is a directory that contains multiple modules along
with an __init__.py file to indicate that it is a package. This organization
allows for better structuring of code in larger projects, facilitating easier
management, reuse, and collaboration.

Question 60. What is the role of the lambda function in Python, and how
does it differ from standard functions in terms of syntax and use cases,
especially in contexts where concise function definitions are advantageous,
such as in functional programming?
A. It is a function that can only take one argument and returns a string.
B. It is a way to define a function in a single line without a return statement,
primarily used for simple operations and often passed as an argument to
higher-order functions.
C. It is a type of function that can only be used within classes and not in
standalone scripts.
D. It is a built-in function that does not require any arguments to execute.
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: The lambda function in Python is an anonymous function
defined with a single line of code. It differs from standard functions as it
does not require a name or a def keyword, making it particularly useful for
short, simple operations that are often passed to higher-order functions like
map() and filter(). This succinctness aligns well with functional
programming paradigms, allowing for clearer and more concise code.
Question 61. What is the purpose of the def keyword in Python and how
does it interact with function creation, including the optional arguments that
a function can take when defined?
A. It defines a function but cannot specify optional arguments, which must
be added after defining the function.
B. It creates a function that accepts only keyword arguments but no
positional arguments.
C. It defines a function, and optional arguments can be added in the
function's signature, allowing flexibility for the function to be called with or
without those arguments.
D. It is used to call a function without explicitly defining its parameters in
the function signature.
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: The def keyword in Python is used to define a function, and
optional arguments can be added within the function signature. This
flexibility allows a function to be called with or without optional arguments,
making the code more adaptable.

Question 62. How does the Python global keyword modify the scope of a
variable when used inside a function, and what is its effect when the
variable has already been defined in the outer scope?
A. It creates a new variable in the local scope, and changes to this variable
will not affect the variable in the outer scope.
B. It modifies the variable only if it is explicitly defined inside the function,
but leaves the outer variable untouched otherwise.
C. It allows a function to modify a variable that exists in the outer (global)
scope, meaning changes to the variable inside the function will persist
outside it.
D. It raises an error if the variable has already been declared in the outer
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: The global keyword allows a function to modify a variable
from the global scope, meaning that any changes to the variable inside the
function will reflect in the outer context. Without global, changes would be
local to the function.

Question 63. What is the primary difference between the *args and
**kwargs syntax in Python when defining a function?
A. *args collects positional arguments while **kwargs collects keyword
B. *args collects keyword arguments, and **kwargs is used to gather
positional arguments.
C. *args is used for defining default arguments, while **kwargs allows for
optional arguments.
D. *args is used for limiting the number of arguments passed to a function,
and **kwargs is used for handling function returns.
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: The *args syntax is used to collect an arbitrary number of
positional arguments, while **kwargs is used to collect keyword arguments
passed to a function. This makes functions more flexible by allowing an
indefinite number of arguments.

Question 64. What is the expected behavior of a function that uses the
return statement without a value in Python?
A. The function will return None and automatically print this value when
B. The function will raise an exception due to missing a return value.
C. The function will continue execution, returning whatever value was last
D. The function will exit prematurely, without returning any value.
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: In Python, if a function uses the return statement without a
value, it returns None by default. This is a valid behavior, and None will be
the result if the function does not explicitly return a value.

Question 65. How do you import only specific functions from a module in
Python, and how can this improve the readability and efficiency of the
A. You must import the entire module, and then reference the function via
the module name.
B. You can use the import keyword followed by the module name, and then
the from keyword to directly reference the function, reducing the need to
reference the full module each time.
C. You must import each function separately with multiple import
statements, making the code less efficient.
D. You can import a function only after fully defining the module in the
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: By using the from module_name import function_name
syntax, Python allows you to directly import specific functions from a
module. This enhances code readability by eliminating the need to prefix
functions with the module name, making the code cleaner.

Question 66. What will happen if a Python function is defined inside a loop
and called multiple times within the same loop?
A. The function will be defined repeatedly in every iteration of the loop,
and only the last definition will be effective.
B. The function will be called only once, regardless of the number of
iterations in the loop.
C. The function will be redefined and called in every iteration, which can
lead to performance inefficiencies.
D. The function will not be defined at all and will raise an error in the first
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: If a function is defined inside a loop, it will be redefined every
time the loop executes. While this is technically valid, it is inefficient, as
defining a function repeatedly can lead to unnecessary overhead, especially
in performance-sensitive code.

Question 67. What is the role of the __name__ variable in a Python

module, and how does it affect the behavior of code when a module is
imported or run directly?
A. It stores the function names inside the module for better readability.
B. It is used to track whether the code is being imported as a module or run
as a standalone script, with the value being '__main__' if the script is run
C. It prevents the module from being imported more than once in a
D. It tracks the number of times a module has been accessed during
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: The __name__ variable helps distinguish whether a Python
file is being executed as the main script or is being imported as a module. If
the file is run directly, __name__ will be set to '__main__', allowing the
script to conditionally execute certain code blocks.

Question 68. What is the output when a function with default arguments is
called with both positional and keyword arguments, where the keyword
arguments override the default values?
A. The function will raise an error if positional arguments are passed after
keyword arguments.
B. The function will use the keyword arguments provided and ignore the
default values, while positional arguments will be treated as if they were
keyword arguments.
C. The function will use the default values even if keyword arguments are
passed, because default values always take precedence.
D. The function will execute without changes to default values and print an
error message.
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: When a function with default arguments is called, any
keyword arguments provided will override the default values. Positional
arguments are matched based on their order, while keyword arguments can
explicitly assign values to the parameters, overriding any default values.

Question 69. How can you improve the clarity of a Python module that
contains multiple functions by documenting them and what is the effect of
using docstrings for this purpose?
A. By adding comments inside the function, which will make the code
easier to debug but not readable to users.
B. By using docstrings to add descriptive text that can be accessed through
the help() function or other documentation tools, improving code
maintainability and readability.
C. By using docstrings that are automatically converted into comments by
the Python interpreter, helping to keep the code clean and concise.
D. By removing all comments and adding functions only with the return
keyword to ensure clarity.
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: Using docstrings in Python allows you to add documentation
for functions, which can be accessed by using the help() function. This
improves readability and maintainability, and allows other developers to
easily understand the function's purpose and usage.

Question 70. In Python, when using the import statement to import a

module, what is the significance of the as keyword, and how does it alter
the way the module is referenced in the code?
A. It allows you to rename the module during import, which can help
shorten long module names and make the code more concise.
B. It imports only the functions defined inside the module without the need
to reference the module name.
C. It prevents the module from being used more than once by creating a
global alias.
D. It imports the module but does not allow any functions or variables from
the module to be accessed directly.
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: The as keyword allows you to create an alias for the module,
which can make the code shorter and easier to write, especially when
dealing with long module names. For example, import pandas as pd lets you
reference pandas as pd in the code.

Question 71. What is the purpose of the __init__() method in Python, and
how is it utilized when creating an instance of a class in a modular
programming environment?
A. It initializes the class attributes when the object is created
B. It is used to define a class method that will be inherited by subclasses
C. It automatically invokes the destructor method when an object is
D. It defines the primary function of the module
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: The __init__() method in Python is the constructor method of
a class. It is automatically called when an instance (object) of the class is
created. It is used to initialize the attributes of the object.

Question 72. When importing a Python module, how can you import
specific functions from that module without importing the entire module,
and what is the correct syntax?
A. from module_name import function_name
B. import function_name from module_name
C. import module_name.function_name
D. from module_name as function_name
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: The correct way to import a specific function from a module is
using from module_name import function_name. This allows the function
to be used directly without loading the entire module, which is more
memory efficient.

Question 73. In Python, which of the following statements about functions

is true regarding the *args and **kwargs parameters, and how do they
contribute to function flexibility?
A. *args allows you to pass a variable number of positional arguments,
while **kwargs allows for passing a variable number of keyword
B. *args can only be used with positional arguments, and **kwargs can
only be used with keyword arguments
C. *args and **kwargs are the same and can be used interchangeably in a
function definition
D. **kwargs must be specified before *args in the function signature
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: *args is used for passing a variable number of positional
arguments, while **kwargs is used for passing a variable number of
keyword arguments. This provides flexibility in function calls and allows
functions to handle multiple argument formats.

Question 74. When defining a module in Python, what is the effect of using
the if __name__ == '__main__': construct at the end of a module, and how
does it influence the execution of code when the module is imported
A. It ensures that code inside the block runs only when the module is
executed as a script, not when imported into another module
B. It imports all the functions and classes defined in the module
C. It serves as a destructor, cleaning up resources after module execution
D. It forces the module to reload each time it is imported by other modules
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: The if __name__ == '__main__': construct ensures that the
code within that block only runs if the module is executed directly (not
imported). This is used to prevent certain code from running when the
module is imported in other scripts.

Question 75. What is the primary difference between a regular function and
a generator function in Python, and how does this affect the return of values
from the function?
A. A generator function uses yield to return values one at a time, whereas a
regular function returns all values at once
B. A regular function returns multiple values, while a generator function
returns only one value at a time
C. A generator function does not return anything, while a regular function
can use return
D. Both functions behave the same, with no significant differences in how
they return values
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: A generator function uses the yield keyword to return one
value at a time, creating a generator object that can be iterated over. This
differs from a regular function, which returns all values at once using

Question 76. In Python, when working with modules, what is the

recommended approach to avoid name conflicts between module functions
and the local namespace when importing multiple functions from different
A. Use the import module_name syntax to avoid potential conflicts and
access functions with module_name.function_name
B. Use from module_name import * to bring all functions into the global
C. Use import module_name as alias to rename the module for clearer
reference and avoid conflicts
D. Always define functions using def within the module to avoid import
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: By using import module_name as alias, you can rename the
module when importing it, which helps avoid conflicts with other functions
or variables in the local namespace. This is a common practice to manage
multiple imports cleanly.

Question 77. What is the purpose of the global keyword in Python, and
how does it affect the behavior of variables declared inside a function
compared to global variables?
A. It allows a function to modify variables that are in the global scope,
ensuring the global variable is updated
B. It prevents any variable inside the function from being changed, keeping
it local
C. It allows functions to return variables that are defined inside other
D. It converts a local variable into a global variable without changing the
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: The global keyword in Python is used inside a function to
indicate that a variable being assigned or modified is a global variable, not a
local one. This allows the function to change the value of the variable in the
global scope.

Question 78. How can you handle exceptions within a Python function to
prevent the program from terminating unexpectedly when an error occurs,
and what is the correct syntax for such error handling?
A. Use the try block followed by an except block to catch and handle
B. Use the error keyword to specify which exception to catch
C. Use catch followed by except to handle exceptions
D. Use finally only, as it automatically catches all exceptions
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: The try block in Python is used to execute code that may raise
an exception, and the except block catches the exception, allowing you to
handle it without terminating the program. This is the standard way to
manage exceptions in Python.

Question 79. When defining a function in Python, what is the role of

default arguments, and how can you assign them in the function signature
for enhanced code reusability?
A. Default arguments allow you to assign a value to a parameter if no
argument is provided during the function call
B. Default arguments are used to prevent a function from accepting any
C. Default arguments are used only for keyword arguments, not positional
D. Default arguments change the behavior of the function every time it is
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: Default arguments are assigned in the function signature,
allowing the function to use a specified value when no argument is
provided. This increases code reusability by making the function flexible
with optional parameters.

Question 80. What happens when you attempt to import a module in

Python that contains an error, and how does this affect the rest of the code
in your script?
A. Python raises an ImportError and stops the execution of the current
script until the error is fixed
B. Python ignores the error and proceeds with the script, skipping the
problematic module
C. Python reloads the module, fixing the error automatically without halting
D. Python executes the script but only imports the parts of the module
without errors
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: When an import error occurs, Python raises an ImportError
and stops the execution of the script. The module with the error is not
imported, and the program cannot proceed with that module’s functionality
until the error is resolved.

Question 81. Which of the following statements best describes the function
of a Python module and how it facilitates code reuse and organization,
particularly when it is imported into other scripts or programs?
A. A Python module allows you to include a new file system that helps in
file operations only.
B. A Python module provides a mechanism to define reusable functions,
classes, and variables that can be imported into other programs, allowing
for better code organization and avoiding code duplication.
C. A Python module is a special type of library that is used only to create
user interface designs in Python programs.
D. A Python module is a fixed, non-reusable code section that is loaded in
memory only when it is called explicitly within the program.
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: A Python module is essentially a file containing Python code
that defines functions, classes, or variables. When imported into other
programs, these elements can be reused, which helps in organizing and
modularizing code, leading to better readability and maintainability.
Question 82. When defining a function in Python, what is the purpose of
the *args parameter, and how does it differ from **kwargs in terms of
handling arguments passed to the function?
A. *args allows you to pass a fixed number of arguments while **kwargs
permits you to pass a variable number of positional arguments.
B. *args collects positional arguments into a tuple, while **kwargs collects
keyword arguments into a dictionary, allowing flexibility in the number and
type of arguments a function can accept.
C. *args collects keyword arguments into a list, and **kwargs only accepts
default parameters passed by the user.
D. *args is used only to pass arguments between different modules, while
**kwargs is for static arguments within the module.
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: In Python, *args is used to pass a variable number of
positional arguments to a function, collecting them into a tuple. **kwargs is
used for passing keyword arguments, collecting them into a dictionary.
These mechanisms make Python functions highly flexible.

Question 83. What is the outcome of using the return statement inside a
Python function, and how does it affect the function’s behavior in terms of
output and flow control?
A. The return statement terminates the function without returning any
value, and no further code in the function will execute after it.
B. The return statement sends the function’s result back to the caller, and
after returning, the function’s local variables and memory are cleared.
C. The return statement halts the execution of a function but continues the
program execution from the point where the function was called.
D. The return statement makes the function execute repeatedly in a loop,
regardless of the input.
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: The return statement sends a value back to the calling code.
Once a return is executed, the function’s execution is stopped, and any
remaining lines of code after the return are not executed. The local variables
and memory used by the function are also cleared after returning.

Question 84. In Python, when a function is defined with the def keyword,
how can you make a function parameter optional by providing a default
value, and what effect does this have on function calls?
A. You can assign a default value to a function parameter using the
assignment operator (=) during the function call, which makes the
parameter optional.
B. To make a parameter optional, you must specify a default value in the
function definition itself, and the caller can omit that argument when
invoking the function, falling back to the default if not provided.
C. Default values for function parameters in Python are set using the default
keyword, which allows the caller to pass a new value if required.
D. If a function parameter is set as optional, the function will not execute if
the caller does not provide the argument, causing a syntax error.
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: By assigning a default value to a function parameter in the
function definition, it becomes optional during a function call. If the caller
omits the argument, the default value is used. This improves flexibility and
can be useful for providing fallback values.

Question 85. How does Python’s global keyword affect variables inside a
function when they are referenced and modified, especially if the variable is
declared outside of the function's scope?
A. The global keyword allows a function to refer to a variable defined in the
global scope and modify its value, making it globally accessible.
B. The global keyword restricts functions from modifying global variables
and makes them local to the function.
C. The global keyword automatically imports variables from other modules
and makes them available in the current function.
D. The global keyword is used to convert local variables to class variables
within the function’s scope.
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: The global keyword tells Python that a variable inside a
function is global and should refer to the variable declared outside the
function. This allows the function to modify the global variable’s value,
rather than creating a new local one within the function.

Question 86. What is the role of the __init__ method in Python classes, and
how does it interact with object instantiation and initialization?
A. The __init__ method is a special function used to define the class itself,
and it is called when the class is loaded into memory.
B. The __init__ method is a constructor in Python classes that is
automatically called when an instance of the class is created, allowing for
the initialization of object attributes.
C. The __init__ method is used to assign default values to the class
variables, and it is called only once during the program's execution.
D. The __init__ method is an optional method that helps in dynamically
creating new classes based on user input, but it does not affect object
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: The __init__ method is the constructor in Python classes. It is
automatically invoked when a new object of the class is instantiated,
allowing for the initialization of attributes specific to that object. It plays a
crucial role in setting up the object’s initial state.

Question 87. When importing a module in Python, which keyword allows

you to import specific parts (such as functions or classes) from that module,
and how does this affect memory usage?
A. The import keyword allows you to bring in specific parts of a module,
reducing memory usage by only loading the parts needed.
B. The from keyword is used in conjunction with import to import specific
attributes, which can reduce memory usage and keep the namespace clean.
C. The load keyword can be used to import specific functions or classes
from a module without loading the entire module into memory.
D. Python automatically loads the entire module into memory when you
import it, regardless of whether specific parts are needed or not.
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: The from keyword in conjunction with import allows you to
load specific components (like functions or classes) from a module, rather
than importing the entire module. This can improve memory usage and
minimize unnecessary imports, keeping the namespace clean.

Question 88. In Python, how does the use of the yield keyword differ from
return in a function, especially in terms of memory efficiency and the
behavior of the function?
A. yield is used to create an iterator and produces values one at a time,
allowing the function to generate values lazily, while return returns a single
result and terminates the function.
B. yield and return are essentially the same, with yield being a more
efficient way to return values in Python functions.
C. yield is used for terminating the function without returning any values,
while return allows for multiple results to be returned at once.
D. yield allows the function to return values in reverse order compared to
return, making the function more efficient when dealing with large datasets.
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: The yield keyword is used to create a generator function,
which allows the function to yield one value at a time and pause execution,
conserving memory. In contrast, return sends the result back immediately
and terminates the function, requiring more memory for large datasets.

Question 89. What is the purpose of Python’s @staticmethod decorator,

and how does it differ from the @classmethod decorator in terms of access
to the class instance and class itself?
A. The @staticmethod decorator allows you to define a method that doesn’t
have access to the class instance, while @classmethod provides access to
the class itself and can modify class variables.
B. The @staticmethod decorator creates a method that only accesses global
variables, while @classmethod creates a method that directly accesses
instance variables.
C. The @staticmethod decorator is used for creating methods that can be
called on the class itself, but @classmethod is used for methods that create
new instances of the class.
D. Both @staticmethod and @classmethod behave identically and do not
differ in their ability to interact with class or instance data.
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: The @staticmethod decorator creates methods that do not
have access to the class instance (self) or class variables. On the other hand,
@classmethod allows methods to access the class itself (cls) and modify
class variables, making it more versatile for class-related operations.

Question 90. How can you ensure that a Python module is executed as the
main program, and how does this affect the execution of code inside the
A. By checking if __name__ == '__main__', you can ensure that a module
runs only when it is directly executed, and not when it is imported into
another script.
B. The __main__ keyword automatically executes the module’s main
function, but it cannot be used in conjunction with any imports.
C. Python automatically treats all modules as main programs, so the
__name__ check is unnecessary when running modules directly.
D. The __name__ keyword is used to import external libraries into the
program and has no effect on whether the module is executed directly or
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: The check if __name__ == '__main__' ensures that the code
inside a module is executed only when the module is run directly, not when
it is imported into another program. This is useful for creating reusable
modules with standalone functionality.

Question 91. What is the purpose of the __init__ method in a Python class,
and how does it relate to the construction of objects?
A. It is used to define a function that runs when the class is invoked.
B. It initializes an instance of the class and is automatically called when an
object is created.
C. It serves as the entry point for running the main script of the class.
D. It defines a destructor method that cleans up resources when the class
object is deleted.
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: The __init__ method is a special method in Python classes that
initializes an instance of the class. It is automatically called when a new
object is created, making it crucial for setting up the object's initial state.

Question 92. Which of the following is a correct way to import only a

specific function my_function from a module my_module in Python?
A. import my_module.my_function
B. from my_module import my_function
C. import my_function from my_module
D. from my_module.my_function import *
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: The correct syntax for importing a specific function from a
module in Python is from module_name import function_name. This allows
you to use my_function directly without needing to reference my_module.

Question 93. How can you avoid name conflicts when importing multiple
modules that contain the same function or variable names?
A. By using from module import * for all imports.
B. By aliasing the module or function using the as keyword.
C. By renaming the function inside the module manually.
D. By avoiding importing functions that are already defined in the code.
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: Using the as keyword allows you to create an alias for a
module or function, helping you avoid naming conflicts between different
imports. For example, import module_name as alias_name helps distinguish
functions from different modules.

Question 94. What is the primary purpose of the global keyword in Python
A. To create global variables that can only be accessed within a function.
B. To declare that a variable defined inside a function is global and can be
accessed outside the function.
C. To force a variable to be defined as a global constant that cannot be
D. To make a local variable behave like a global variable in multiple
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: The global keyword in Python is used within a function to
declare that a variable refers to a global variable, allowing it to be accessed
and modified outside the function.

Question 95. Which of the following statements is true about Python

modules and packages?
A. A module is a single Python file, while a package is a collection of
multiple modules inside a directory.
B. A module is a directory containing Python files, while a package is just a
single Python file.
C. A module and a package are the same thing in Python.
D. A package can only contain one Python file, while a module can contain
multiple files.
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: In Python, a module is a single Python file that contains code,
while a package is a collection of modules, typically organized in
directories with an __init__.py file, allowing for more structured code

Question 96. How would you create a function in Python that accepts a
variable number of arguments?
A. By using the *args parameter in the function definition.
B. By using the **kwargs parameter in the function definition.
C. By using the ... syntax in the function signature.
D. By defining multiple parameters without specifying any arguments in the
function call.
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: The *args syntax in Python allows a function to accept a
variable number of positional arguments. These arguments are stored in a
tuple, which can be iterated over inside the function.

Question 97. What will be the result of calling a function with an argument
that has a default value and no argument is passed during the function call?
A. The function will raise an error due to missing arguments.
B. The function will use the default value provided in the function
C. The function will skip the argument and execute the code without it.
D. The default value will be ignored, and the function will not execute
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: When a function has a default value for an argument, and no
value is provided during the function call, Python uses the default value
defined in the function’s signature.

Question 98. When importing a module in Python, what does the

__name__ variable refer to if the module is executed directly (not
A. It refers to the name of the module being executed.
B. It refers to the name of the function that invoked the module.
C. It refers to the global namespace of the Python interpreter.
D. It is set to '__main__' when the module is run directly.
Correct Answer: D
Explanation: When a Python module is run directly (rather than imported),
the __name__ variable is set to '__main__'. This allows you to execute code
only if the script is run directly, not when it is imported as a module.

Question 99. How can you access the documentation string (docstring) of a
Python module or function?
A. By using the help() function.
B. By using the docs() function.
C. By calling get_docstring() method on the function object.
D. By accessing the __doc__ attribute of the function or module.
Correct Answer: D
Explanation: In Python, the __doc__ attribute contains the documentation
string (docstring) for modules, classes, and functions. You can access it by
using the syntax module_name.__doc__ or function_name.__doc__.

Question 100. What is the key difference between @staticmethod and

@classmethod decorators in Python?
A. A @staticmethod can access and modify the class’s attributes, while
@classmethod cannot.
B. A @staticmethod does not receive any reference to the instance or class,
whereas @classmethod receives a reference to the class itself.
C. A @staticmethod allows access to both class and instance attributes, but
@classmethod does not.
D. Both @staticmethod and @classmethod behave the same way and can
be used interchangeably.
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: A @staticmethod does not take a reference to the instance or
the class as its first argument, whereas a @classmethod takes a reference to
the class (cls) as its first argument. This allows @classmethod to modify
class attributes.


Python Data Structures

Question 1. Which of the following statements accurately describes a list in
Python, particularly in terms of its ability to contain different data types,
mutability, and indexing capabilities, especially when compared to other
built-in data types like tuples or strings, which have distinct characteristics
regarding their data storage and access?
A. A list can contain only elements of the same type, is immutable, and has
no special indexing capabilities.
B. A list can contain elements of different data types, is mutable, and
supports indexing like arrays in other programming languages.
C. A list can only store numerical data, is mutable, and has fixed length.
D. A list can only contain string data, is immutable, and is a type of
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: A list in Python is a versatile data structure that can hold
multiple data types, including integers, strings, and even other lists. It is
mutable, meaning its contents can be changed after creation, and it supports
zero-based indexing, allowing access to its elements like arrays in other
programming languages.

Question 2. In Python, when dealing with dictionaries, which of the

following correctly identifies the key characteristics of this data structure,
particularly emphasizing its use for storing data in key-value pairs and its
efficiency in lookup operations compared to other data structures?
A. A dictionary is an ordered collection that allows duplicate keys and
stores data in a linear format for easy iteration.
B. A dictionary is an unordered collection that does not allow duplicate
keys and is optimized for fast lookups based on unique keys.
C. A dictionary is a collection of values only, organized by indices similar
to lists, and is mutable but slow in search operations.
D. A dictionary is a fixed-size array that only holds string data and is
immutable once created, preventing any changes to its contents.
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: A dictionary in Python is an unordered collection of items
where each item is a pair consisting of a key and a value. It does not allow
duplicate keys, ensuring that each key maps to a unique value. This
structure is highly efficient for lookups because it uses hashing to access
elements directly, making it faster than searching through lists or tuples.

Question 3. When discussing sets in Python, which statement correctly

summarizes the primary properties of this data structure, particularly in
relation to its uniqueness, mutability, and operations available such as
union, intersection, and difference, that set it apart from lists and tuples?
A. A set is an ordered collection of items that can contain duplicates and
allows indexing for individual elements.
B. A set is an unordered collection that cannot contain duplicate elements,
is mutable, and provides powerful operations for mathematical set theory.
C. A set is a fixed-size data structure that holds only numeric values and
does not allow any operations like union or intersection.
D. A set is a type of list that can hold any number of items but is
immutable, meaning once created, its contents cannot be changed.
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: Sets in Python are unordered collections that automatically
discard duplicate elements, ensuring that every element in a set is unique.
They are mutable, allowing modifications, and provide built-in methods for
various mathematical operations such as union, intersection, and difference,
which are not available in lists or tuples.

Question 4. In the context of Python's built-in data structures, particularly

the tuple, which of the following statements accurately highlights its
defining features, especially regarding immutability, storage efficiency, and
how it compares to lists in terms of performance and use cases?
A. A tuple is a mutable collection that allows modifications and is generally
slower than lists in terms of performance.
B. A tuple is an ordered collection that is immutable, meaning its contents
cannot be changed, and is more memory-efficient than lists.
C. A tuple is an unordered collection that can contain duplicate items and is
only used for numeric data storage.
D. A tuple is a special type of list that allows indexing but cannot store
complex data types such as dictionaries or sets.
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: Tuples in Python are ordered collections of items that are
immutable, which means that once they are created, their contents cannot be
altered. This immutability allows tuples to be stored more efficiently in
memory compared to lists, making them faster for certain operations,
particularly when used as keys in dictionaries.

Question 5. When analyzing the performance characteristics of various

data structures in Python, particularly in relation to their time complexity
for common operations like insertion, deletion, and access, which statement
correctly compares lists and dictionaries?
A. Insertion and deletion operations in lists have O(1) time complexity,
while dictionaries have O(n) for access.
B. Lists provide O(1) time complexity for access, while dictionaries provide
O(1) time complexity for both insertion and access due to their hash table
C. Both lists and dictionaries have O(n) time complexity for insertion and
access, making them equally efficient.
D. Dictionaries provide O(n) time complexity for all operations, while lists
have O(1) for insertion but O(n) for access.
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: Lists allow O(1) time complexity for accessing elements based
on their index, but insertion and deletion can be O(n) in the worst case due
to potential shifting of elements. In contrast, dictionaries use a hash table
for their implementation, providing O(1) time complexity for insertion,
deletion, and access, which makes them highly efficient for these
Question 6. Which of the following best describes the concept of a deque
in Python, especially in relation to its capabilities for adding and removing
elements from both ends, and how it is implemented compared to
traditional lists?
A. A deque is a data structure that allows efficient insertions and deletions
only from the front end, similar to a stack.
B. A deque allows efficient appending and popping from both ends, making
it more versatile than lists, and is implemented using a doubly linked list for
C. A deque is an immutable data structure that only allows access from the
front, similar to a queue but with restrictions on item types.
D. A deque functions similarly to a list but is limited to only a fixed number
of elements and does not allow dynamic resizing.
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: The deque (double-ended queue) in Python allows efficient
appending and popping of elements from both ends, making it ideal for
scenarios where you need to manage data from both sides. It is
implemented using a doubly linked list, providing better performance for
these operations compared to lists, which can be slower due to their reliance
on contiguous memory allocation.

Question 7. In Python, when examining the characteristics and use cases of

the array module compared to lists, which statement correctly highlights the
key differences, particularly in terms of data type constraints and memory
efficiency for numerical data storage?
A. The array module allows for storing only characters and is immutable,
making it less flexible than lists.
B. The array module allows for homogeneous data types, is mutable, and is
more memory-efficient for numerical data compared to lists.
C. The array module can hold mixed data types but is fixed in size and
offers better performance than lists for all operations.
D. The array module is a type of dictionary optimized for numerical data
and allows for fast lookup operations using keys.
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: The array module in Python is specifically designed to handle
numerical data efficiently by allowing only homogeneous data types (all
elements must be of the same type). It is mutable and more memory-
efficient than lists when storing large volumes of numerical data, making it
a better choice for performance-sensitive applications involving numerical

Question 8. Which of the following statements accurately reflects the

differences between lists and tuples in Python, particularly regarding their
mutability, use cases, and the implications of these characteristics on their
performance and behavior in programs?
A. Lists are faster than tuples in all cases and can be used as dictionary
keys, while tuples cannot.
B. Tuples are immutable, making them generally faster and more suitable
for fixed collections of items, whereas lists are mutable and ideal for
collections that require frequent updates.
C. Lists can only contain numeric data, while tuples can contain any data
type and are used for iteration only.
D. Tuples are mutable and can be used for fast lookups, while lists are
immutable and slower in performance.
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: Tuples are immutable, which means once they are created,
their elements cannot be changed. This characteristic allows them to be
used as keys in dictionaries and makes them generally faster for fixed
collections. In contrast, lists are mutable and designed for collections that
require frequent updates, making them more flexible but potentially slower
for certain operations due to the need for element shifting.

Question 9. In the context of the Python programming language, which of

the following correctly describes the relationship between dictionaries and
sets, especially in terms of their underlying data structures and how they
handle uniqueness of elements?
A. Both dictionaries and sets are unordered collections that can hold
duplicate keys but differ in their data storage methods.
B. A dictionary is essentially a set that pairs keys with values, while a set is
a collection of unique keys without associated values.
C. Dictionaries can only hold string data as keys, while sets can contain any
type of data including numbers and lists.
D. Sets are a type of dictionary that uses a fixed-length structure to store
keys only and does not allow any modifications after creation.
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: In Python, a dictionary can be viewed as a set with additional
functionality, where it pairs unique keys with corresponding values. Both
dictionaries and sets utilize hash tables to ensure that elements are unique
and allow for fast lookups. However, a set only contains keys (unique
elements) without any associated values.

Question 10. Considering the performance implications of using different

data structures in Python, particularly the implications of choosing a list
versus a set for membership testing (i.e., checking if an item exists), which
statement accurately summarizes the differences in their efficiency for this
A. Membership testing in lists has O(1) time complexity, making it faster
than in sets, which are O(n).
B. Membership testing in sets has O(1) average time complexity due to
their hash table implementation, while in lists, it can be O(n) as it may
require iterating through the elements.
C. Both lists and sets provide O(n) time complexity for membership testing,
making them equally efficient for this operation.
D. Membership testing in sets is O(n) due to the need to sort elements first,
while lists are faster because they maintain order.
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: Sets in Python utilize a hash table, allowing for average-case
O(1) time complexity for membership testing, meaning that checking if an
item exists is very efficient. In contrast, lists require O(n) time complexity
for membership testing because they must iterate through each element
until the target is found, which can be slow for large lists.

Question 11. What is the primary distinction between a list and a tuple in
Python, specifically in terms of mutability, performance, and use cases, and
how does that affect the choice of which data structure to use in different
programming scenarios?
A. Lists are immutable and tuples are mutable, making tuples faster for
B. Lists are mutable and tuples are immutable, which can lead to
performance differences when processing large datasets.
C. Both lists and tuples are mutable but have different memory storage
D. Lists are used for fixed-size collections, while tuples are for dynamic
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: Lists in Python are mutable, meaning they can be changed
after their creation (elements can be added, removed, or modified). Tuples,
on the other hand, are immutable, meaning once created, they cannot be
modified. This immutability often makes tuples faster in performance for
iteration since they are fixed in size, which is especially useful when
dealing with large datasets. Therefore, when you need a collection of items
that should not change, tuples are the better choice.

Question 12. When creating a dictionary in Python, what are the

implications of using mutable data types as keys, and how does this affect
the integrity and functionality of the dictionary in practical applications?
A. Mutable types like lists can be used as dictionary keys without any issue.
B. Only immutable types, such as strings and tuples, can be used as keys to
maintain data integrity.
C. Both mutable and immutable types can be used as keys, but mutable
keys can lead to data loss.
D. The choice of key type does not affect the functionality of the dictionary.
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: In Python, dictionary keys must be immutable data types, such
as strings, numbers, or tuples. This requirement is because mutable types,
like lists, can change, which would compromise the dictionary's integrity by
altering the hash value used to store the keys. Using mutable types can lead
to unexpected behavior or data loss, as the dictionary may not be able to
locate the modified key.

Question 13. Considering the implementation of a stack using Python's

built-in data structures, what are the best practices for ensuring that stack
operations (push, pop, peek) are executed efficiently while adhering to the
principles of Last In, First Out (LIFO)?
A. Use a list to implement a stack because it allows O(1) time complexity
for all operations.
B. Use a deque from the collections module for a stack to optimize
performance on large datasets.
C. Use a dictionary to store stack elements to ensure unique entries.
D. Stack operations should be implemented using a custom class only for
better control.
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: While lists can be used to implement a stack in Python, they
are not the most efficient for all operations due to potential performance
issues with resizing. Using a deque from the collections module is the
recommended practice because it provides O(1) time complexity for both
append and pop operations, making it optimal for stack implementations,
especially with large datasets. This maintains the Last In, First Out (LIFO)
principle effectively.

Question 14. In Python, when discussing the properties of sets, which

characteristic differentiates sets from lists and tuples, particularly
concerning the handling of duplicate elements and the implications for data
integrity in applications where unique entries are critical?
A. Sets allow duplicate entries but are ordered.
B. Sets do not allow duplicate entries and are unordered, which can prevent
data redundancy.
C. Sets maintain order and can contain duplicates.
D. Sets can only contain string data types.
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: Sets in Python are designed to hold unique elements and do
not allow duplicates, differentiating them from lists and tuples, which can
contain multiple instances of the same item. Additionally, sets are
unordered collections, which means that the items do not maintain any
specific sequence. This property is particularly useful in applications that
require data integrity by preventing redundancy and ensuring that each
entry is unique.

Question 15. When working with a priority queue in Python, which data
structure is most efficient for this purpose, and what are the advantages of
using this structure over others in managing tasks with different priority
A. A regular list, because it allows for easy insertion of elements at any
B. A deque, which allows for both ends to be accessed efficiently.
C. A binary heap, typically implemented with a list, which ensures that the
highest or lowest priority element is accessible in O(1) time.
D. A dictionary, which maps tasks to priority levels.
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: A binary heap, often implemented using a list, is the most
efficient data structure for a priority queue. It allows for efficient access to
the highest or lowest priority element in O(1) time and ensures that
insertions and deletions can be performed in O(log n) time. This structure is
particularly useful when managing tasks with varying priority levels, as it
maintains the necessary ordering of elements based on their priorities.

Question 16. In the context of Python data structures, particularly when

utilizing linked lists, what are the key advantages of using a linked list over
a traditional array when it comes to dynamic memory allocation and the
performance of insertion and deletion operations?
A. Linked lists require less memory overhead than arrays.
B. Linked lists allow for O(1) time complexity for accessing elements.
C. Linked lists provide efficient O(1) insertion and deletion, whereas arrays
require O(n) time due to element shifting.
D. Linked lists can be resized dynamically without any performance
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: Linked lists provide significant advantages over traditional
arrays in terms of dynamic memory allocation. Specifically, linked lists
allow for O(1) time complexity for insertion and deletion operations, as
these can be done by simply adjusting pointers without needing to shift
elements like in arrays, which can have O(n) time complexity for the same
operations. This makes linked lists particularly beneficial in scenarios
where frequent modifications to the dataset are required.

Question 17. What is the effect of using a default mutable argument in a

function definition in Python, particularly with lists or dictionaries, and how
can this lead to unexpected behaviors in function calls?
A. Mutable defaults create a new object each time the function is called.
B. Mutable defaults can lead to shared state across multiple calls, which can
cause bugs.
C. Mutable defaults are not allowed in Python and will raise an error.
D. Mutable defaults only apply to class methods, not regular functions.
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: In Python, if a function uses a mutable default argument like a
list or dictionary, that single object is created once and shared across all
subsequent calls to the function. This means if the default argument is
modified, that change persists across calls, leading to unexpected behavior.
To avoid this, it is recommended to use None as the default value and
instantiate the mutable object inside the function if needed.

Question 18. When considering the use of the collections.Counter class in

Python, what specific functionalities does it provide that enhance the ability
to count hashable objects, and how does it improve code efficiency
compared to manual counting methods?
A. Counter only counts strings and cannot handle other hashable types.
B. Counter provides methods like most_common() and elements(),
streamlining counting and retrieval operations.
C. Counter is less efficient than using a dictionary for counting occurrences.
D. Counter can only be used for counting in a single dimension.
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: The collections.Counter class is specifically designed to count
hashable objects and provides several built-in methods that simplify
counting tasks. For example, methods like most_common() allow for
efficient retrieval of the most frequent items, while elements() returns an
iterator over the elements. This functionality enhances code efficiency
significantly compared to manual counting methods, which would require
more verbose and complex logic.

Question 19. In Python, when utilizing a deque from the collections

module, what advantages does it offer over a standard list in scenarios that
involve frequent additions and removals of elements from both ends of the
A. Deques provide O(1) time complexity for append and pop operations
from both ends, unlike lists which have O(n) time complexity for such
B. Deques allow for faster access to elements by index compared to lists.
C. Deques cannot be used for multi-threading due to thread safety issues.
D. Deques only support adding elements from the front.
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: The collections.deque is optimized for fast appends and pops
from both ends, providing O(1) time complexity for these operations. In
contrast, standard lists in Python can have O(n) time complexity for these
operations when elements need to be shifted. This makes deques
particularly advantageous in scenarios that involve frequent modifications
from either end of the collection.

Question 20. When comparing dictionaries and sets in Python, what are the
primary structural differences between these two data structures,
particularly regarding how they handle data organization, retrieval, and the
implications for performance in large-scale applications?
A. Dictionaries can only hold unique values, while sets can store duplicates.
B. Dictionaries are key-value pairs, while sets store unique elements
without associated values, affecting data retrieval efficiency.
C. Both dictionaries and sets are unordered collections with the same
performance characteristics.
D. Sets have a fixed size, while dictionaries are dynamic.
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: The primary structural difference between dictionaries and
sets in Python is that dictionaries store data as key-value pairs, allowing for
efficient retrieval of values based on their keys. Sets, on the other hand,
store only unique elements without any associated values. This difference
impacts performance, as dictionaries can provide quick access to values
through keys, while sets focus solely on membership and uniqueness. This
distinction is crucial in large-scale applications where data organization and
retrieval efficiency are paramount.

Question 21. What is the time complexity of accessing an element by its

index in a Python list, and why is it efficient despite potentially large list
A. O(1), because Python lists are implemented as arrays and index-based
access is constant time.
B. O(n), because the list needs to search through n elements sequentially to
find the index.
C. O(log n), because Python lists use binary search to find elements by their
D. O(n^2), because Python lists are unsorted and require quadratic time to
search for indices.
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: Python lists are implemented as dynamic arrays, allowing
direct access to elements by their index in O(1) time. The memory location
of each element is calculated directly, making the access constant regardless
of the list's size.

Question 22. In a Python dictionary, which of the following operations is

expected to have an average time complexity of O(1), and why?
A. Inserting a new key-value pair
B. Accessing a value by its key
C. Deleting an existing key
D. All of the above
Correct Answer: D
Explanation: Python dictionaries are implemented using hash tables. Both
insertion, access, and deletion operations typically run in O(1) time on
average due to efficient hash-based indexing. However, in the worst case
(e.g., hash collisions), these operations can degrade to O(n), but such cases
are rare.

Question 23. Which Python data structure would be most appropriate if

you require elements to be sorted and ensure that each element is unique?
A. list
B. set
C. tuple
D. sorted dictionary
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: A Python set automatically eliminates duplicate elements and
provides O(1) average time complexity for insertion and lookups. However,
sets are unordered by default. If you need sorted unique elements, you
could use a combination of sorted() on the set.

Question 24. Which Python data structure can be used for fast lookups by
key and also maintains the order in which items are inserted?
A. Dictionary
B. OrderedDict
C. Tuple
D. List
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: An OrderedDict is a subclass of the standard dict that
remembers the order in which entries are added. This is useful when
insertion order matters in addition to fast lookups (O(1) time).

Question 25. What is the difference between a Python list and a tuple in
terms of their use cases and mutability?
A. Lists are mutable, meaning their elements can be modified, while tuples
are immutable.
B. Tuples are mutable, meaning their elements can be modified, while lists
are immutable.
C. Lists are ordered collections, while tuples are unordered.
D. There is no difference; they are both mutable and ordered.
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: Lists are mutable, allowing for dynamic modification (like
adding, deleting, or updating elements). Tuples, on the other hand, are
immutable, meaning their contents cannot be changed once they are
created, making them useful for fixed collections.

Question 26. Which Python data structure would be most efficient for
implementing a queue where you frequently need to enqueue and dequeue
elements at both ends of the structure?
A. list
B. deque
C. set
D. dictionary
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: The deque (double-ended queue) is optimized for fast appends
and pops from both ends (O(1) operations). In contrast, using a list would
result in O(n) complexity for such operations, making deque the better
choice for queue-like behavior.

Question 27. How does Python handle negative indexing in lists, and what
is the reason behind this feature?
A. Negative indexing is not allowed in Python lists.
B. Negative indexing counts elements from the start.
C. Negative indexing allows accessing elements from the end of the list.
D. Negative indexing reverses the order of the list.
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: In Python, negative indices allow you to access elements from
the end of a list, with -1 being the last element, -2 the second-to-last, and so
on. This feature offers a convenient way to access elements relative to the
end of the list.

Question 28. If you want to check whether an element exists in a list,

which operation should you use, and what is its time complexity?
A. list.append() with O(1) complexity
B. list.index() with O(n) complexity
C. "in" operator with O(n) complexity
D. "in" operator with O(1) complexity
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: The "in" operator checks for the presence of an element in a
list by scanning it sequentially, which has a time complexity of O(n). This is
because, in the worst case, it may need to check every element of the list.

Question 29. Which Python data structure would be the best choice if you
need to store key-value pairs but frequently need to check whether a
particular key is present?
A. List of tuples
B. Dictionary
C. Tuple
D. Set
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: A dictionary is the ideal data structure for storing key-value
pairs and efficiently checking for the presence of a key. It allows for O(1)
average time complexity for key lookups, making it far more efficient than
using a list of tuples or other data structures.

Question 30. What is the primary reason for using a Python heap queue (or
heapq), and what type of data structure does it implement?
A. To maintain a sorted sequence of items, implemented using a binary
B. To enforce unique elements, implemented using a hash set.
C. To allow quick lookups of elements, implemented using a hash table.
D. To store key-value pairs, implemented using a priority queue.
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: The heapq module implements a binary heap, which is a type
of priority queue that efficiently maintains a partially ordered structure. The
smallest element can always be accessed in O(1), and insertion or removal
has a time complexity of O(log n). This makes it ideal for algorithms like
Dijkstra’s shortest path or any task requiring the smallest or largest element

Question 31. Which of the following data structures in Python allows you
to store a collection of items that are unordered, changeable, and do not
allow duplicate elements, making it ideal for situations where you want to
maintain unique entries while being able to perform operations like add or
remove items dynamically?
A. List
B. Set
C. Tuple
D. Dictionary
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: A Set in Python is designed specifically to store unique items
in an unordered manner. Unlike Lists, which allow duplicates and maintain
order, Sets automatically filter out duplicate entries and provide efficient
operations for adding, removing, and checking membership of items.

Question 32. When dealing with large datasets in Python, which data
structure would be the most suitable to efficiently perform operations such
as lookups, insertions, and deletions with an average time complexity of
A. List
B. Dictionary
C. Set
D. Tuple
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: A Dictionary in Python is implemented as a hash table, which
allows for average-case time complexity of O(1) for lookups, insertions,
and deletions. This makes it highly efficient for managing large collections
of data where quick access and modification are essential. Lists and Tuples,
on the other hand, have higher time complexities for similar operations due
to their sequential nature.

Question 33. In Python, which data structure is immutable, meaning once it

is created, it cannot be altered, and is typically used to store a fixed
collection of items, such as a sequence of numbers or a set of coordinates,
without the need for any changes?
A. List
B. Set
C. Dictionary
D. Tuple
Correct Answer: D
Explanation: A Tuple in Python is an immutable data structure that allows
the storage of a collection of items. Once defined, a Tuple cannot be
changed, making it ideal for representing fixed collections of related data,
such as coordinates or other data points, where changes are not necessary or

Question 34. Which of the following Python data structures is best suited
for implementing a queue, where elements are added to one end and
removed from the other, adhering to the First-In-First-Out (FIFO) principle?
A. Stack
B. List
C. Dictionary
D. Deque
Correct Answer: D
Explanation: A Deque (double-ended queue) in Python is specifically
designed to allow the addition and removal of elements from both ends
efficiently. This makes it perfect for implementing a queue, where you want
to maintain the order of elements while allowing for fast append and pop
operations from both ends. Lists can be used as queues but are less efficient
for operations at both ends.

Question 35. When comparing the performance of Lists and Tuples in

Python, which statement accurately describes their differences, especially in
the context of memory usage and speed of operations?
A. Lists are faster and use less memory than Tuples.
B. Tuples are slower and use more memory than Lists.
C. Lists are mutable, leading to higher memory usage than Tuples.
D. Tuples can store heterogeneous data types while Lists cannot.
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: Lists are mutable, meaning they can be modified after their
creation, which can lead to higher memory usage due to dynamic memory
allocation and resizing. Tuples, being immutable, have a fixed size and are
generally faster to access, making them more memory-efficient for storing
collections of data when modifications are not required.

Question 36. In Python, which data structure allows for the storage of key-
value pairs and provides efficient mapping and retrieval of values based on
their associated keys, making it particularly useful for situations where
quick access to data is essential?
A. List
B. Set
C. Dictionary
D. Array
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: A Dictionary in Python allows for the efficient storage and
retrieval of data using key-value pairs. This data structure uses hash tables
under the hood, enabling average-case O(1) complexity for lookups,
making it highly effective for situations that require fast data retrieval based
on specific keys.

Question 37. Which of the following statements accurately describes the

behavior of a Python List when it comes to memory allocation, resizing,
and performance implications, especially when multiple elements are added
to it over time?
A. Lists have a fixed size and cannot be resized once created.
B. Lists automatically resize and allocate more memory when needed, but
this can lead to performance overhead.
C. Lists are implemented as linked lists, making them efficient for large
D. Lists require less memory than Tuples for the same number of elements.
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: Python Lists are dynamic arrays that automatically resize
themselves when the number of elements exceeds their current capacity.
This resizing process involves allocating a new array and copying the
existing elements, which can lead to performance overhead during
operations that frequently modify the List size.

Question 38. Which Python data structure would you choose if you need to
maintain a unique collection of items, support mathematical operations like
union and intersection, and have the ability to perform membership tests
A. List
B. Set
C. Tuple
D. Dictionary
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: A Set in Python is optimized for storing unique items and
supports various mathematical operations such as union and intersection. It
also provides O(1) average time complexity for membership tests, making it
an excellent choice for scenarios that require unique collections and
efficient set operations.

Question 39. When working with nested data structures in Python,

particularly a List of Dictionaries, what is the most effective way to access
values from these structures when you want to retrieve a specific attribute
from each Dictionary contained within the List?
A. Using a for loop to iterate through each Dictionary and access the values
by their keys.
B. Using the map function to apply a lambda function that retrieves the
desired attribute from each Dictionary.
C. Using list comprehensions to extract the specific values from each
Dictionary in a concise manner.
D. Both A and C are effective methods for accessing the values.
Correct Answer: D
Explanation: Both using a for loop and list comprehensions are effective
methods for accessing values from a List of Dictionaries. A for loop
provides clarity and can be modified easily, while list comprehensions offer
a more concise and Pythonic way to retrieve values. Both methods are
commonly used in practice depending on the context.

Question 40. In Python, when comparing a List and a Set, which of the
following statements is true regarding their capabilities in terms of order,
uniqueness of elements, and typical use cases?
A. Lists maintain the order of elements and allow duplicates, making them
ideal for ordered collections.
B. Sets do not maintain order and do not allow duplicates, making them
suitable for scenarios requiring uniqueness.
C. Both Lists and Sets are mutable and can have their contents modified
after creation.
D. All of the above statements are true.
Correct Answer: D
Explanation: All of the statements accurately describe the characteristics of
Lists and Sets in Python. Lists preserve the order of elements and permit
duplicates, while Sets enforce uniqueness and do not maintain order. Both
data structures are mutable, allowing modifications to their contents,
making them versatile tools for various programming tasks.

Question 41. What is the time complexity of accessing an element in a

Python list by its index, and how does it compare to accessing an element in
a Python dictionary by its key?
A. O(1) for both
B. O(n) for both
C. O(1) for list, O(n) for dictionary
D. O(n) for list, O(1) for dictionary
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: Both accessing an element in a Python list by index and
accessing an element in a Python dictionary by key have a time complexity
of O(1). Lists are implemented as dynamic arrays, allowing direct index
access, while dictionaries use hash tables, enabling direct key access. This
efficiency makes both operations constant time.

Question 42. Which of the following statements correctly describes a set in

Python and its properties compared to a list?
A. Sets can contain duplicate elements and maintain order.
B. Sets are mutable but do not allow duplicates, while lists are ordered and
can contain duplicates.
C. Sets are immutable and can contain duplicates, while lists are mutable
and unordered.
D. Sets are ordered collections of elements that allow duplicates and can be
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: In Python, sets are mutable and do not allow duplicate
elements, meaning each element is unique within the set. In contrast, lists
are ordered collections that can contain duplicate elements and can also be
modified. This distinction makes sets ideal for operations requiring

Question 43. How would you use a dictionary to count the occurrences of
each character in a given string in Python, and what will be the final
structure of the dictionary after processing the string "hello"?
A. {'h': 1, 'e': 1, 'l': 2, 'o': 1}
B. {'h': 0, 'e': 0, 'l': 0, 'o': 0}
C. {'h': 1, 'e': 1, 'l': 1, 'o': 1}
D. {'h': 1, 'e': 1, 'l': 3, 'o': 1}
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: When processing the string "hello" with a dictionary to count
character occurrences, the dictionary would correctly reflect each
character's count. The letter 'l' appears twice, while 'h', 'e', and 'o' appear
once. Thus, the final structure would be {'h': 1, 'e': 1, 'l': 2, 'o': 1}.

Question 44. What is the main difference between a list and a tuple in
Python regarding their mutability, and how does this affect their usage in
A. Lists are immutable; tuples are mutable, which makes lists more suitable
for data that changes frequently.
B. Tuples are immutable; lists are mutable, allowing tuples to be used as
dictionary keys.
C. Both lists and tuples are immutable, but lists can be indexed.
D. Both lists and tuples are mutable, but tuples cannot be resized.
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: The key distinction is that tuples are immutable, meaning they
cannot be modified after creation, while lists are mutable and can be
changed. This immutability of tuples allows them to be used as keys in
dictionaries and for fixed collections of items, whereas lists are preferable
for data that requires frequent updates.
Question 45. Which data structure would you choose for implementing a
priority queue in Python, and what built-in library can facilitate this
A. List with sorting
B. Dictionary with priority keys
C. Set for unique elements
D. heapq module for a heap-based implementation
Correct Answer: D
Explanation: The heapq module in Python provides an efficient
implementation of a priority queue using a heap data structure. This allows
for maintaining the priority of elements in O(log n) time for insertion and
O(1) for retrieval of the highest priority element. Other options do not
provide the required efficiency for priority queues.

Question 46. How does the Python collections module enhance the
capabilities of standard data structures, particularly when using
namedtuples and defaultdicts?
A. It provides enhanced performance for basic lists and dictionaries.
B. It allows the creation of lightweight, immutable objects with
namedtuples, and defaultdicts simplify the creation of dictionaries with
default values.
C. It replaces all built-in data structures with more complex alternatives.
D. It only offers additional data structures without any performance
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: The collections module enhances standard data structures by
offering specialized alternatives like namedtuple, which creates lightweight,
immutable objects with named fields, and defaultdict, which automatically
provides default values for non-existent keys in a dictionary. These features
simplify coding and improve readability and maintainability.
Question 47. In what scenario would using a deque from the collections
module be more advantageous than using a list for adding and removing
elements from both ends?
A. When you need to frequently access elements by index.
B. When you want to minimize memory usage for small collections.
C. When you require O(1) time complexity for appending and popping
elements from both ends.
D. When you need to maintain the order of elements strictly.
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: A deque (double-ended queue) allows for O(1) time
complexity for appending and popping elements from both ends, making it
highly efficient for scenarios requiring frequent insertions and deletions. In
contrast, lists incur O(n) time complexity for these operations at the
beginning of the list, which can lead to performance bottlenecks in such

Question 48. Which of the following describes how Python dictionaries

handle collisions, and what method do they use to ensure unique keys?
A. By allowing duplicate keys, where the last value assigned to a key is
B. By using a linear probing method to find the next available slot for the
new key.
C. By employing a hash table where collisions are resolved using chaining
or open addressing techniques.
D. By limiting the number of entries in a dictionary to ensure no collisions
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: Python dictionaries utilize a hash table to store key-value pairs
and resolve collisions through techniques like chaining (using linked lists)
or open addressing (finding another slot in the table). This ensures that keys
remain unique, as each key is hashed to an index in the table, and any
collisions are efficiently managed.
Question 49. What will be the output of the following code snippet that
creates a list of squares for even numbers between 1 and 10 using a list
comprehension in Python: squares = [x**2 for x in range(1, 11) if x % 2 ==
A. [1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81, 100]
B. [4, 16, 36, 64, 100]
C. [2, 4, 6, 8, 10]
D. [2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12]
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: The code snippet creates a list comprehension that generates
squares of even numbers between 1 and 10. The condition if x % 2 == 0
filters for even numbers, resulting in the even numbers 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10
being squared. The resulting list will therefore be [4, 16, 36, 64, 100].

Question 50. What is the primary purpose of using a frozenset in Python,

and how does it differ from a regular set?
A. A frozenset is mutable and can be modified after creation, while a
regular set is immutable.
B. A frozenset can contain duplicate elements, while a regular set cannot.
C. A frozenset is an immutable version of a set, meaning it cannot be
altered after creation, making it hashable and usable as a key in dictionaries.
D. A frozenset allows for ordered elements, while a regular set does not.
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: A frozenset is an immutable version of a set in Python,
meaning once it is created, it cannot be modified. This property allows
frozensets to be hashable, enabling their use as keys in dictionaries and
elements in other sets. In contrast, regular sets are mutable and can be
altered after their creation.

Question 51. Which of the following data structures in Python is mutable,

meaning it can be changed after its creation, and allows for the storage of an
ordered collection of elements, which can include duplicate values, making
it ideal for scenarios where you need to keep track of items in the order they
were added?
A. Tuple
B. Set
C. List
D. Dictionary
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: Lists in Python are mutable ordered collections that allow for
duplicates. This means that you can modify them (add, remove, or change
items) after creation. They maintain the order of elements, which is
particularly useful for applications where the sequence of elements is
important. In contrast, tuples are immutable, sets do not allow duplicates
and do not maintain order, while dictionaries store key-value pairs and are
unordered until Python 3.7.

Question 52. When using a dictionary in Python, which method would you
use to retrieve the value associated with a specific key, while also providing
a default value that will be returned if the key is not found in the dictionary,
thus preventing a KeyError from being raised?
A. get()
B. fetch()
C. retrieve()
D. obtain()
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: The get() method of a dictionary is used to access the value
associated with a given key. If the key does not exist, it returns None by
default, but you can specify a different default value to return instead. This
functionality makes get() a safe way to access dictionary values without
raising exceptions for missing keys, unlike directly accessing a key that
may not exist.
Question 53. In Python, which built-in data structure is specifically
designed to store unique elements and is implemented as a hash table,
providing an average time complexity of O(1) for lookups, insertions, and
deletions, thereby making it highly efficient for membership testing and
eliminating duplicate entries?
A. List
B. Dictionary
C. Set
D. Tuple
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: Sets are built-in data structures in Python that are specifically
designed to hold unique elements. They are implemented using hash tables,
which allows for average-case time complexities of O(1) for basic
operations such as insertions, deletions, and lookups. This makes sets
particularly useful for scenarios where you need to ensure that all items are
distinct, such as removing duplicates from a collection.

Question 54. If you need to create an ordered collection of elements where

each element is associated with a unique key, allowing for efficient retrieval
based on that key, which data structure should you use in Python, which
also maintains the insertion order since Python 3.7, thereby providing a
predictable iteration order?
A. Set
B. List
C. Dictionary
D. Tuple
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: A dictionary is the ideal data structure for creating a collection
of key-value pairs in Python. Since Python 3.7, dictionaries maintain the
order of insertion, which means that when you iterate over a dictionary,
items will appear in the order they were added. This makes dictionaries not
only efficient for retrieval based on unique keys but also predictable in how
items are processed in loops.

Question 55. Which of the following data structures can store an ordered
sequence of elements and allows indexing, slicing, and even nested
structures, making it versatile for various data manipulation tasks, while
also allowing for the combination of different data types within the same
A. List
B. Dictionary
C. Tuple
D. Set
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: Lists in Python are ordered sequences that support indexing
and slicing. They are mutable and can hold elements of different data types,
making them highly versatile. Lists allow nesting, meaning you can have
lists within lists, which is useful for creating complex data structures such
as matrices or trees. This flexibility makes lists a fundamental data structure
for many programming tasks in Python.

Question 56. When it comes to storing immutable sequences in Python,

which data structure is ideal for this purpose, allowing for the storage of a
fixed collection of elements that cannot be changed after creation, thus
providing a way to prevent accidental modifications while also allowing for
element access via indexing?
A. Set
B. Dictionary
C. List
D. Tuple
Correct Answer: D
Explanation: Tuples are the data structure in Python designed for storing
immutable sequences. Once a tuple is created, its elements cannot be
altered, which helps prevent unintended changes in the data. Tuples allow
indexing and slicing, making it easy to access elements by their position.
This immutability feature is especially useful in situations where you want
to ensure that data remains constant throughout the program.

Question 57. If you want to implement a last-in-first-out (LIFO) stack in

Python, which data structure would you use that supports efficient append
and pop operations, making it suitable for scenarios such as depth-first
search algorithms or undo mechanisms in applications?
A. Queue
B. List
C. Set
D. Dictionary
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: Lists can be effectively used to implement a stack in Python
due to their ability to support append (using append()) and pop (using
pop()) operations efficiently. The LIFO nature of stacks means that the last
element added is the first one to be removed. Lists maintain this behavior,
making them a straightforward choice for stack implementations in various
programming scenarios, such as managing function calls or handling user

Question 58. In Python, if you need a data structure that allows for the fast
retrieval of data based on unique keys and requires that each key must be
associated with a value, which of the following would be the most
appropriate choice, considering factors such as performance and ease of
A. List
B. Set
C. Dictionary
D. Tuple
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: Dictionaries are the best choice for storing data with unique
keys associated with values in Python. They provide O(1) average time
complexity for retrieval, making them highly efficient for lookups.
Dictionaries are easy to use, allowing for quick additions and modifications,
and they maintain the association between keys and their corresponding
values, which is crucial for many applications requiring structured data

Question 59. When you need to create a data structure in Python that can
hold multiple values of different types while also ensuring that no duplicate
values are stored and that the collection does not maintain any specific
order, which of the following data structures would be the best choice for
such requirements?
A. List
B. Set
C. Tuple
D. Dictionary
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: Sets are specifically designed to hold unique elements in
Python. They automatically eliminate duplicates and do not maintain any
particular order of elements. This makes sets ideal for scenarios where the
uniqueness of values is paramount, such as when checking for membership
or removing duplicates from a list, while still allowing for various data
types to be included.

Question 60. If you want to implement a queue data structure in Python

that follows the first-in-first-out (FIFO) principle, which data structure
would be the most suitable choice that allows for efficient enqueue and
dequeue operations, ensuring that the first element added is the first one to
be removed?
A. List
B. Dictionary
C. Set
D. Queue
Correct Answer: D
Explanation: While lists can be used to implement queues, they can be
inefficient for large data sets because removing an item from the front of a
list has O(n) time complexity. A queue can be implemented using
collections.deque, which allows for O(1) complexity for both enqueue and
dequeue operations. This makes queues ideal for scenarios requiring
processing in the order items are added, such as scheduling tasks or
managing requests in applications.

Question 61. Which of the following statements regarding Python's list

data structure is true?
A. Lists in Python can store elements of only one data type at a time.
B. Python lists are immutable, meaning their contents cannot be changed
after initialization.
C. Python lists are dynamic arrays that can grow and shrink in size
automatically based on the number of elements.
D. Lists in Python are implemented as linked lists.
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: Python lists are implemented as dynamic arrays, which means
their size can grow or shrink automatically as elements are added or
removed. They can also store elements of different data types, and they are
mutable, allowing for changes to their content.

Question 62. Which of the following methods removes the first occurrence
of a specified element in a Python list?
A. remove()
B. pop()
C. delete()
D. discard()
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: The remove() method in Python removes the first occurrence
of the specified value from the list. The pop() method removes an element
at a given index, while delete() and discard() are not valid methods for
removing elements from a list.

Question 63. Which of the following statements is correct about Python's

dictionary data structure?
A. Python dictionaries maintain the order of insertion starting from Python
B. Python dictionaries can only have integers as keys.
C. The values of a Python dictionary must be unique, but the keys can be
D. Accessing a non-existent key in a dictionary will return None without
raising an error.
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: Starting from Python 3.7, dictionaries in Python maintain the
insertion order of elements. Dictionaries can have any immutable type as
keys, and values can be duplicated while keys must be unique. Accessing a
non-existent key raises a KeyError.

Question 64. In Python, which of the following statements correctly

describes a set?
A. A set allows duplicate values but maintains the order of elements.
B. A set is an unordered collection of unique elements that allows mutable
objects as members.
C. A set is an ordered collection of elements where duplicates are allowed.
D. A set is an unordered collection of unique elements, where mutable
objects like lists cannot be elements.
Correct Answer: D
Explanation: A set in Python is an unordered collection of unique elements,
meaning that no duplicates are allowed. Furthermore, a set cannot contain
mutable objects like lists because sets themselves are mutable, and elements
must be hashable.

Question 65. Which Python data structure would be most appropriate for
efficiently retrieving the largest and smallest element, while also supporting
dynamic insertions and deletions?
A. List
B. Dictionary
C. Heap (Priority Queue)
D. Set
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: Heaps or priority queues are efficient for retrieving the
smallest or largest element, as they maintain a semi-sorted structure. Lists,
dictionaries, and sets do not provide the same efficiency for this purpose,
especially in dynamic scenarios with frequent insertions and deletions.

Question 66. If my_dict = {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}, what will my_dict.get('d', 4)
A. KeyError
B. None
C. 4
D. 'd'
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: The get() method of a dictionary in Python allows you to
specify a default value to return if the specified key does not exist. Since 'd'
is not in my_dict, it will return the default value 4.

Question 67. Which of the following operations can be performed in O(1)

time complexity on a Python set?
A. Adding an element
B. Removing a specific element
C. Checking if an element exists in the set
D. All of the above
Correct Answer: D
Explanation: In Python, sets are implemented using hash tables, which
allows the operations of adding an element, removing an element, and
checking membership to be performed in average O(1) time complexity.

Question 68. When working with Python’s deque from the collections
module, which of the following operations can be efficiently performed in
constant time (O(1))?
A. Appending an element to the end
B. Inserting an element at the beginning
C. Removing an element from the front
D. All of the above
Correct Answer: D
Explanation: A deque (double-ended queue) allows for efficient O(1)
operations at both the front and the rear. This includes appending, inserting,
and removing elements from either end, making it more efficient than a list
for such operations.

Question 69. Which of the following is true about the relationship between
lists and tuples in Python?
A. Lists are immutable, while tuples are mutable.
B. Lists consume less memory than tuples because tuples are more flexible.
C. Tuples support fewer built-in methods compared to lists due to
D. Lists are generally faster to iterate over compared to tuples.
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: Tuples are immutable, and as a result, they support fewer
built-in methods compared to lists. This immutability allows for some
optimizations in memory usage and iteration, but the statement that lists are
faster to iterate over is not true.

Question 70. Which of the following methods can be used to sort a

dictionary by its keys?
A. sorted()
B. reverse()
C. filter()
D. zip()
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: The sorted() function can be used to sort the keys of a
dictionary in Python, returning them in a sorted order. Other options like
reverse(), filter(), and zip() are not relevant to sorting dictionaries by keys.

Question 71. In Python, which built-in data structure is implemented as a

dynamic array, allows for indexing, slicing, and contains methods like
append(), extend(), and pop(), making it a versatile option for managing
collections of items?
A. Tuple
B. List
C. Dictionary
D. Set
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: Lists in Python are dynamic arrays that can grow and shrink in
size, allowing for flexible data management. They support various
operations such as indexing, slicing, and built-in methods like append() for
adding elements, extend() for adding multiple elements, and pop() for
removing elements. Unlike tuples, lists are mutable, meaning their contents
can be modified after creation.

Question 72. When using a dictionary in Python, which of the following

statements is true regarding the retrieval of values and the performance of
lookups when compared to lists, particularly in terms of average time
complexity for accessing elements?
A. Dictionary lookups are slower than lists due to the need for traversal.
B. Dictionary lookups have an average time complexity of O(n).
C. Dictionary lookups have an average time complexity of O(1), making
them faster than list lookups.
D. Dictionary cannot have non-unique keys, hence making them less
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: In Python, dictionaries use a hash table for storage, allowing
for average-case time complexity of O(1) for lookups, insertions, and
deletions. This efficiency surpasses lists, where accessing elements requires
O(n) time due to potential traversal. Therefore, dictionaries are ideal for
scenarios where quick data retrieval is necessary, despite the constraint of
unique keys.

Question 73. Which of the following methods is used to add a new key-
value pair to a Python dictionary, and what will happen if the key already
exists in the dictionary?
A. dict.add() adds the key-value pair without modifying existing ones.
B. dict.update() will raise an error if the key exists.
C. dict.setdefault() will add a key-value pair only if the key is absent,
otherwise it returns the existing value.
D. dict.insert() can be used to insert a new key-value pair.
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: The setdefault() method in Python dictionaries serves to add a
new key-value pair only if the specified key does not already exist. If the
key is present, it returns the existing value associated with that key,
allowing for conditional insertion without overwriting. This method is
particularly useful for initializing dictionary keys with default values.
Question 74. In Python, which of the following data structures is
unordered, mutable, and can contain duplicate elements, and what are its
primary use cases in practical programming scenarios?
A. List, used for ordered collections of items where duplicates are allowed.
B. Tuple, suitable for fixed collections of items where immutability is
C. Set, primarily for membership testing and removing duplicates from a
D. Dictionary, designed to associate keys with values for fast lookups.
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: A set in Python is an unordered and mutable data structure
that does not allow duplicate elements. This characteristic makes sets
particularly useful for tasks such as membership testing (checking if an
element is in the set) and removing duplicates from a collection, as they
automatically disregard repeated entries when elements are added.

Question 75. What will be the outcome when you attempt to concatenate
two lists using the "+" operator in Python, especially considering the data
types involved and the implications for memory allocation?
A. The two lists will merge, creating a new list without affecting the
original ones.
B. An error will be raised, as the "+" operator cannot be used with lists.
C. The first list will be altered to include elements of the second list
D. Concatenation will result in a tuple containing both lists.
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: Using the "+" operator to concatenate two lists in Python
results in the creation of a new list that combines the elements of both. The
original lists remain unchanged, as the concatenation does not modify their
contents. This operation allocates new memory for the combined list,
making it efficient for generating new collections without altering existing
Question 76. Given a scenario where you have a large collection of data
and you need to frequently check for membership, which Python data
structure would be most efficient to utilize, and what are its performance
characteristics related to membership testing?
A. List, as it allows for easy iteration and checking for membership.
B. Dictionary, which provides fast lookups but requires keys.
C. Set, which offers O(1) average time complexity for membership tests.
D. Tuple, ideal for immutable collections but inefficient for membership
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: A set is the most efficient data structure for frequent
membership tests in Python, offering an average-case time complexity of
O(1) due to its underlying hash table implementation. This efficiency is
significantly better than that of lists, which have an O(n) time complexity
for checking if an element is present. Sets are therefore preferred when
quick membership checks are essential.

Question 77. When converting a list of tuples into a dictionary using the
dict() constructor, which format is required for the input list, and what
should the contents of the list represent to achieve successful conversion?
A. A list of strings that will become the dictionary's keys.
B. A list of tuples where each tuple contains exactly two elements,
representing key-value pairs.
C. A list of integers that will be automatically converted to strings as keys.
D. A list of sets that will define the unique keys and values.
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: The dict() constructor in Python requires a list of tuples for
conversion, where each tuple must contain exactly two elements. The first
element will become the key and the second the corresponding value in the
dictionary. This structure is crucial for ensuring the successful
transformation of the list into a valid dictionary, enabling direct associations
between keys and values.
Question 78. If a Python tuple is created and assigned to a variable, what is
the primary distinction between this tuple and a list in terms of mutability,
and how does this property influence the choice of data structures in
scenarios requiring data integrity?
A. Tuples are mutable, allowing for in-place modifications.
B. Lists are immutable, providing data integrity.
C. Tuples are immutable, which means they cannot be altered after creation,
ensuring data integrity.
D. Both tuples and lists are mutable, but tuples have a more limited set of
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: A tuple in Python is immutable, meaning that once it is
created, its contents cannot be changed, added, or removed. This property
provides data integrity, making tuples suitable for use cases where it is
critical to maintain a consistent collection of items without the risk of
modification. In contrast, lists are mutable, allowing changes to their
contents, which may be desirable in dynamic situations.

Question 79. When initializing a dictionary with default values for keys
that may not yet exist, which of the following methods should be used to
ensure that a default value is returned for non-existent keys, thus preventing
KeyError exceptions during access?
A. dict.get() method, which returns None for missing keys.
B. dict.pop() method, which removes keys from the dictionary.
C. dict.values() method, which retrieves all the values in the dictionary.
D. dict.clear() method, which empties the dictionary.
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: The get() method in Python dictionaries allows for safe
retrieval of values without raising a KeyError if the specified key is absent.
Instead, it returns None (or a user-defined default value if specified) for
non-existent keys, making it an effective way to access dictionary values
while avoiding exceptions. This method enhances robustness in programs
that may deal with incomplete data.

Question 80. In terms of data structure capabilities, what distinguishes a

deque from a regular list in Python, particularly concerning performance for
operations at both ends of the structure?
A. Deques are slower for appending elements to either end compared to
B. Deques allow for fast O(1) operations at both ends, while lists are slower
for such operations.
C. Deques are immutable, similar to tuples, making them unsuitable for
dynamic operations.
D. Deques are only suitable for stacks but not queues due to their
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: Deques (double-ended queues) in Python provide O(1)
performance for appending and popping elements from both ends, making
them significantly faster than lists for these operations, which can be O(n)
when modifying the beginning of a list. This efficiency makes deques ideal
for applications that require frequent insertions and deletions from both
ends, such as in queue and stack implementations.

Question 81. What is the time complexity of accessing an element in a

Python list using its index?
A. O(1)
B. O(n)
C. O(log n)
D. O(n^2)
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: The time complexity for accessing an element by its index in a
Python list is O(1) because lists in Python are implemented as dynamic
arrays. This allows for direct access to any element using its index, making
it a constant-time operation regardless of the size of the list.

Question 82. Which of the following data structures in Python allows

duplicate values and maintains the order of elements?
A. Set
B. Dictionary
C. List
D. Tuple
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: A Python list allows duplicate values and maintains the order
of the elements in which they were added. Lists are mutable, meaning that
they can be modified after their creation, including adding or removing
elements while preserving their order.

Question 83. Which built-in function can be used to create a new set in
Python, given an iterable like a list or tuple?
A. create_set()
B. set()
C. new_set()
D. generate_set()
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: The built-in function set() is used to create a new set from an
iterable, such as a list or tuple. This function removes any duplicate
elements and stores the unique items in an unordered collection, making it a
convenient way to create sets in Python.

Question 84. What is the primary difference between a list and a tuple in
Python in terms of mutability?
A. Lists are mutable; tuples are immutable.
B. Lists are immutable; tuples are mutable.
C. Both are mutable.
D. Both are immutable.
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: The primary difference between a list and a tuple in Python is
their mutability. Lists are mutable, meaning their contents can be changed
after creation (elements can be added, removed, or modified). In contrast,
tuples are immutable, meaning once they are created, their contents cannot
be changed.

Question 85. When using a dictionary in Python, how are keys accessed,
and what is the time complexity for this operation?
A. Keys are accessed using list indexing, O(1) time complexity.
B. Keys are accessed using set operations, O(log n) time complexity.
C. Keys are accessed using dictionary indexing, O(1) time complexity.
D. Keys are accessed using iterators, O(n) time complexity.
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: In Python, keys in a dictionary are accessed using dictionary
indexing, and the time complexity for this operation is O(1). This is due to
the underlying implementation of dictionaries using hash tables, which
allows for fast access to values based on their keys.

Question 86. What will be the output of the following code snippet: my_set
= {1, 2, 3}; print(my_set)?
A. {1, 2, 3}
B. [1, 2, 3]
C. (1, 2, 3)
D. {1, 2, 3, 1}
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: The output of the code snippet will be {1, 2, 3} because
my_set is a set containing the elements 1, 2, and 3. Sets in Python do not
allow duplicates, so even if we try to add 1 again, it will still display as {1,
2, 3}.

Question 87. Which of the following data structures would be the most
suitable for implementing a queue in Python, where the order of element
processing matters?
A. List
B. Dictionary
C. Set
D. deque
Correct Answer: D
Explanation: The deque (double-ended queue) from the collections module
is the most suitable data structure for implementing a queue in Python. It
allows for efficient appending and popping of elements from both ends,
which is ideal for queue operations (FIFO—first in, first out).

Question 88. In Python, which method is used to remove an element from a

list at a specified index?
A. delete()
B. pop()
C. remove()
D. discard()
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: The pop() method is used to remove an element from a list at a
specified index. If no index is specified, it removes and returns the last item
in the list. The remove() method, on the other hand, removes the first
occurrence of a specified value, while discard() is not a method for lists.

Question 89. Which of the following statements about Python dictionaries

is true?
A. Dictionaries can have duplicate keys.
B. Dictionary keys must be immutable.
C. Dictionaries are ordered collections in all Python versions.
D. Values in a dictionary must be unique.
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: In Python, dictionary keys must be immutable types, which
include strings, numbers, and tuples. While values can be of any data type
and do not need to be unique, keys must be unique within a single
dictionary, ensuring that each key maps to one specific value.

Question 90. When using a list comprehension to create a list of squares for
the numbers 0 through 9, which of the following syntaxes is correct?
A. squares = [x*x for x in range(10)]
B. squares = list[x*x for x in range(10)]
C. squares = (x*x for x in range(10))
D. squares = [x^2 for x in range(10)]
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: The correct syntax for creating a list of squares for numbers 0
through 9 using a list comprehension is squares = [x*x for x in range(10)].
This constructs a new list by iterating over the range of numbers and
applying the square operation to each number. The other options are either
incorrect or do not produce a list.

Question 91. Which of the following data structures in Python is

immutable and can store elements of different data types, allowing
duplicate values but does not support item assignment or modification once
A. List
B. Tuple
C. Set
D. Dictionary
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: Tuples in Python are immutable sequences, meaning that once
a tuple is created, its elements cannot be changed or reassigned. They can
contain multiple data types and allow duplicates. Lists, on the other hand,
are mutable and support item assignment, while sets do not allow duplicates
and dictionaries are mutable collections of key-value pairs.

Question 92. In Python, which data structure would you choose when you
need to maintain a unique collection of items that should not change order
and you want to ensure that the items are hashable and can support set
operations like union and intersection?
A. List
B. Dictionary
C. Set
D. Tuple
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: Sets in Python are designed to hold unique items and are
unordered. They provide efficient membership testing and support
operations like union, intersection, and difference. Lists allow duplicates
and maintain order, while dictionaries hold key-value pairs, and tuples are
immutable sequences but do not enforce uniqueness.

Question 93. When working with a large dataset that requires frequent
updates to both the beginning and end of a collection of items, which data
structure would provide the most efficient performance for these
A. List
B. Tuple
C. Set
D. Deque
Correct Answer: D
Explanation: A deque (double-ended queue) from the collections module is
optimized for appending and popping items from both ends with O(1) time
complexity. In contrast, lists have O(n) complexity for operations at the
beginning, and tuples are immutable. Sets do not provide efficient access
for indexed updates.

Question 94. If you need to represent a collection of items in Python where

each item is associated with a unique key, and you also want to be able to
quickly look up, add, or remove items based on that key, which data
structure would be the most appropriate choice?
A. List
B. Dictionary
C. Set
D. Tuple
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: Dictionaries in Python store key-value pairs, allowing for
efficient lookups, additions, and deletions based on keys. Each key must be
unique, making it an ideal structure for associative arrays. Lists, sets, and
tuples do not support this key-based access method, making dictionaries the
clear choice for this scenario.

Question 95. In Python, which method would you use to convert a list into
a set, thereby removing any duplicate elements present in the list while
preserving the unique items?
A. set()
B. list()
C. tuple()
D. dict()
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: The set() function in Python can be used to convert a list to a
set, effectively removing any duplicate values and retaining only unique
elements. This transformation is particularly useful for cleaning up data and
ensuring uniqueness. The other functions listed do not serve this purpose.
Question 96. When you have a need for a mutable, ordered collection of
items that can also contain duplicate entries, which of the following Python
data structures would serve this requirement best?
A. Set
B. Dictionary
C. List
D. Tuple
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: Lists in Python are mutable, meaning their contents can be
modified after creation. They maintain the order of elements, which allows
for duplicates. This makes lists ideal for scenarios where order matters, and
you may want to repeat certain values. Sets do not allow duplicates,
dictionaries do not maintain order (prior to Python 3.7), and tuples are

Question 97. Which of the following data structures would you use if you
want to create a collection of items in Python that is both unordered and
does not allow duplicates, and you require fast membership testing?
A. List
B. Tuple
C. Set
D. Dictionary
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: Sets in Python are specifically designed for storing unique
elements and provide O(1) average time complexity for membership
testing, making them very efficient for checking whether an item exists in
the collection. Lists allow duplicates and maintain order, tuples are
immutable sequences, and dictionaries associate keys with values rather
than merely storing items.

Question 98. If you want to maintain a collection of items in Python that

allows you to store them in key-value pairs, where each key is associated
with a single value, which data structure is the most suitable?
A. List
B. Tuple
C. Dictionary
D. Set
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: A dictionary is a built-in data structure in Python that allows
you to store data in key-value pairs. Each key must be unique and is used to
access the corresponding value. This structure provides a way to efficiently
store and retrieve data based on the key, unlike lists or tuples, which do not
have this key-value association.

Question 99. When dealing with a sequence of elements that you may need
to sort frequently, while also requiring the ability to add or remove elements
without losing the order, which data structure would you find most
A. List
B. Set
C. Dictionary
D. Tuple
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: Lists are ideal for maintaining an ordered collection of items
in Python, allowing for sorting operations to be performed using the sort()
method. They are mutable, so elements can be added or removed, and they
retain their order throughout these operations. Sets do not maintain order,
dictionaries do not sort by values, and tuples are immutable.

Question 100. Which data structure in Python would you utilize to

implement a stack, which is a collection of elements that follows the Last
In, First Out (LIFO) principle, allowing only the addition and removal of
elements from one end?
A. List
B. Dictionary
C. Set
D. Tuple
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: Lists in Python can be easily used to implement a stack using
the append() method to add items and the pop() method to remove items
from the end of the list, following the LIFO principle. Other structures like
dictionaries and sets do not support this type of ordered access, and tuples
are immutable, making them unsuitable for stack implementation.


Object Oriented Programming in Python

Question 1. In Python, when you create a class that inherits from another
class, what mechanism allows you to access methods and properties of the
parent class from the child class, and how can you explicitly invoke a
method from the parent class within the child class?
A. Use the super() function followed by the method name.
B. Call the parent class name directly using ParentClass.method().
C. The child class can access parent class methods directly without any
D. Use the parent() function to invoke parent class methods.
Correct Answer: A

Question 2. The super() function is used in Python to call methods from a

parent class within a child class. By using super().method_name(), you can
explicitly invoke the parent class's method, ensuring that you maintain the
inheritance structure and allow for the proper method resolution order.
When defining a class in Python, what is the purpose of the __init__
method, and how does it differentiate from a standard method in terms of its
role within the class?
A. The __init__ method is a constructor that initializes object attributes and
is automatically called when a new object is created.
B. The __init__ method is used to finalize object properties after creation,
not during initialization.
C. The __init__ method serves as a destructor, cleaning up resources before
the object is deleted.
D. The __init__ method is an ordinary method that can be invoked
explicitly after object creation.
Correct Answer: A
Question 3. The __init__ method in Python is a special method known as
the constructor, which is automatically invoked when an instance of the
class is created. It is used to initialize the attributes of the new object,
setting them to their initial state, which distinguishes it from standard
methods that require explicit invocation.
In Python's object-oriented programming paradigm, how do you achieve
method overloading, given that Python does not support this feature in the
traditional sense like some other programming languages?
A. By defining multiple methods with the same name but different
B. By using default argument values in method definitions.
C. By using variable-length argument lists with *args and **kwargs.
D. By creating a single method that handles different types and numbers of
arguments within its body.
Correct Answer: D

Question 4. Since Python does not support traditional method overloading,

you can achieve similar functionality by defining a single method that
processes different types or numbers of arguments using conditional
statements or type checks within the method. This allows for flexible
handling of various input scenarios.
What is the significance of the self parameter in Python class methods, and
how does it facilitate the interaction between instance attributes and
methods within a class?
A. self refers to the class itself and is used to access class-level variables.
B. self acts as a placeholder for instance attributes, enabling their access
within methods.
C. self is optional and can be omitted when defining methods in a class.
D. self is required only in static methods but not in instance methods.
Correct Answer: B

Question 5. The self parameter in Python instance methods represents the

instance of the class through which the method is being invoked. It allows
access to the instance's attributes and other methods, facilitating the
interaction and manipulation of the object's state during method execution.
How can you implement encapsulation in Python, and what are the different
visibility levels provided by Python to manage access to class attributes and
A. By using public, private, and protected access modifiers.
B. By defining all class attributes as public and using getters and setters for
C. By utilizing private and public keywords, which enforce strict access
D. By prefixing attribute names with single or double underscores to denote
their visibility level.
Correct Answer: D

Question 6. Encapsulation in Python is achieved by using naming

conventions, such as prefixing attribute names with single underscores
(protected) or double underscores (private). This indicates the intended
visibility level of the attributes and methods, thereby controlling access and
promoting data hiding, even though these are not strictly enforced by the
In Python, what is the concept of multiple inheritance, and what challenges
can arise from its use, particularly concerning the method resolution order
A. Multiple inheritance allows a class to inherit from more than one base
class, potentially leading to ambiguous method calls.
B. Multiple inheritance is a way to implement interfaces from different
classes, ensuring type safety.
C. Multiple inheritance is not supported in Python and must be avoided.
D. Multiple inheritance allows a class to extend its functionality without the
need for constructors.
Correct Answer: A

Question 7. Multiple inheritance in Python allows a class to inherit

attributes and methods from more than one base class. However, this can
lead to ambiguity in method calls when two or more parent classes define
methods with the same name. Python resolves this using the method
resolution order (MRO), which can be complex and lead to the diamond
problem if not managed carefully.
What is the purpose of the property decorator in Python, and how does it
enhance the way you access and modify instance attributes in a class?
A. The property decorator allows you to create managed attributes that can
perform additional logic during access and modification.
B. The property decorator makes all instance attributes immutable.
C. The property decorator allows instance attributes to be directly accessed
without any method calls.
D. The property decorator is only used for private attributes to expose them
Correct Answer: A

Question 8. The property decorator in Python is used to create managed

attributes, enabling additional logic to be executed whenever an attribute is
accessed or modified. This allows for encapsulation, validation, and the
addition of behavior (like logging or transformation) while keeping the
syntax clean and intuitive for the user.
How does Python handle polymorphism in the context of Object-Oriented
Programming, and what benefits does this provide when working with
different object types through a common interface?
A. Python requires explicit type declarations for polymorphism to work
B. Polymorphism allows different classes to be treated as instances of the
same class through method overriding and duck typing.
C. Polymorphism is achieved through the use of abstract base classes that
enforce method signatures.
D. Polymorphism is only applicable to classes that inherit from a common
Correct Answer: B

Question 9. Polymorphism in Python is achieved through method

overriding and duck typing, allowing different object types to be treated as
instances of the same interface. This flexibility enables developers to write
more generic and reusable code, as functions and methods can operate on
objects of various classes without requiring explicit type checks.
What distinguishes a class method from a static method in Python, and in
what scenarios would you typically choose to use each type of method
within your class design?
A. Class methods require an instance of the class to be called, while static
methods do not.
B. Class methods can modify class state, while static methods operate
independently of class or instance state.
C. Static methods can only be defined in derived classes, whereas class
methods can be defined in base classes only.
D. Class methods and static methods serve the same purpose and can be
used interchangeably.
Correct Answer: B

Question 10. A class method is bound to the class and can modify the class
state, while a static method does not operate on class or instance data. Class
methods are often used for factory methods that create instances of the
class, while static methods are utilized for utility functions that perform
actions related to the class but do not need access to class or instance
In Python, what role do abstract base classes (ABCs) play in enforcing
interface contracts within an object-oriented design, and how can they be
implemented using the abc module?
A. ABCs prevent class instantiation and require derived classes to
implement all abstract methods defined in the base class.
B. ABCs allow multiple inheritance without method resolution
C. ABCs serve as a way to create static methods that do not require object
D. ABCs are optional and can be bypassed if a class does not need to
enforce any interface requirements.
Correct Answer: A

Question 11. Abstract base classes (ABCs) in Python, implemented using

the abc module, serve to enforce interface contracts by preventing
instantiation of the base class itself and requiring any derived classes to
implement all abstract methods defined. This promotes a clear structure in
object-oriented designs and ensures that certain methods are consistently
available across various subclasses.
In Python's object-oriented programming, constructors are used to initialize
an object's state when it is created. Which of the following methods serves
as the constructor in Python and is automatically called when an instance of
a class is created? This method is crucial for setting initial values for object
attributes and allows for custom initialization logic to be defined by the
A. __del__
B. __init__
C. __new__
D. __str__
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: The __init__ method is the constructor in Python and is
automatically called when an instance of a class is created. It is used to
initialize the object’s attributes and allows for setting up the necessary
variables for the object's state. This method is crucial for the proper
functioning of object initialization.

Question 12. When dealing with inheritance in Python, the derived class
has the ability to inherit methods and properties from the base class. Which
of the following Python mechanisms allows the derived class to explicitly
call a method from its base class and extend its behavior, commonly used in
constructors to ensure the base class is correctly initialized?
A. super()
B. self
C. classmethod()
D. staticmethod()
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: The super() function in Python is used to call methods from a
parent class within the derived class. It is most commonly used to extend
the behavior of the parent class, especially in constructors, allowing the
base class to be initialized while adding additional functionality in the
derived class.

Question 13. In Python, a method can be defined in such a way that it

operates on the class rather than instances of the class. These methods do
not require an instance to be invoked. Which of the following decorators
should be applied to a method to make it a class method that can be called
on the class itself without creating an instance?
A. @staticmethod
B. @classmethod
C. @property
D. @abstractmethod
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: The @classmethod decorator is used to define methods that
are bound to the class and not to an instance of the class. These methods
can be called on the class itself and receive the class as their first argument
(cls), allowing the method to modify class-level attributes.

Question 14. Python supports multiple inheritance, allowing a class to

inherit from more than one base class. This can lead to ambiguity if
methods with the same name exist in the base classes. Which of the
following methods does Python use to resolve method lookup in such cases,
ensuring that the method from the correct class is called?
A. Method Resolution Order (MRO)
B. Linear Resolution Order (LRO)
C. Base Class Priority (BCP)
D. Multiple Class Lookup (MCL)
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: Python uses the Method Resolution Order (MRO) to resolve
method lookup in cases of multiple inheritance. MRO ensures that methods
are searched in a specific order, following the C3 linearization algorithm, to
avoid ambiguity when multiple base classes define the same method.

Question 15. In Python, encapsulation refers to the bundling of data with

the methods that operate on that data, and it restricts direct access to some
of an object's components. Which of the following keywords or techniques
is used in Python to indicate that an attribute is intended to be private and
should not be accessed directly from outside the class?
A. Single underscore prefix (_)
B. Double underscore prefix (__)
C. Double underscore suffix (__)
D. Triple underscore prefix (___)
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: The double underscore prefix (__) is used in Python to denote
private attributes or methods. This triggers name mangling, which makes
the attribute inaccessible from outside the class, though it can still be
accessed indirectly through a name-mangled version. This promotes
encapsulation by hiding implementation details.

Question 16. Polymorphism in object-oriented programming allows objects

of different types to be treated as instances of the same class through a
common interface. Which of the following examples demonstrates
polymorphism in Python by allowing a single function to operate on
different types of objects, enabling code reuse and flexibility?
A. Using a function that performs addition on both integers and strings
B. Using a method with multiple return types
C. Inheriting multiple classes with a common interface
D. Defining multiple methods with the same name but different signatures
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: Polymorphism in Python is demonstrated by a function that
can operate on different types, such as performing addition on integers and
concatenation on strings. This flexibility allows a single function to handle
different data types, showcasing Python's dynamic and polymorphic nature.

Question 17. In Python, which of the following best describes the concept
of method overriding, where a method in a subclass has the same name and
parameters as a method in its superclass, but provides a different
implementation, allowing for the customization of behavior specific to the
A. Method overloading
B. Method resolution
C. Method overriding
D. Method chaining
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: Method overriding occurs when a subclass provides its own
implementation of a method that is already defined in its superclass. This
allows the subclass to modify or extend the behavior of the inherited
method, enabling more specialized functionality while retaining the same
method signature.

Question 18. Python's dynamic typing system allows variables to change

types at runtime, providing flexibility but also posing challenges for type
safety. In an object-oriented program, how does Python's use of duck typing
facilitate the execution of methods or operations on an object, even if the
object belongs to an unexpected class, as long as it implements the required
A. Duck typing is based on the object's type signature
B. Duck typing checks the class hierarchy of the object
C. Duck typing ensures compatibility by checking the method names and
D. Duck typing checks for exact method signatures in the object's class
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: Duck typing in Python is a concept where the object's
compatibility is determined not by its class but by whether it implements
the required methods and properties. This allows objects from different
classes to be used interchangeably, as long as they provide the correct
interface, following the principle "If it walks like a duck and quacks like a
duck, it’s a duck."

Question 19. In object-oriented Python, a special method is responsible for

defining the string representation of an object, which is returned when the
object is printed or converted to a string using the str() function. This
method provides a way to create human-readable output for instances of a
class. Which of the following is the correct special method for this
A. __str__
B. __repr__
C. __print__
D. __display__
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: The __str__ method is a special method in Python that returns
a string representation of an object, intended for human-readable output. It
is called by the print() function and the str() conversion. The __repr__
method, by contrast, is used to provide an unambiguous string
representation of the object for developers.

Question 20. In Python, a class attribute is shared among all instances of

the class, while an instance attribute is specific to each instance. When
designing object-oriented systems, which of the following statements
correctly distinguishes between class attributes and instance attributes,
emphasizing their behavior in different contexts?
A. Class attributes are specific to an instance, while instance attributes are
shared across all instances
B. Class attributes can be modified independently by each instance, while
instance attributes are modified for all instances
C. Class attributes are shared among all instances, while instance attributes
are specific to each instance
D. Class attributes cannot be changed, while instance attributes can be
dynamically added to an object
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: Class attributes are shared among all instances of a class,
meaning that if the attribute is changed in one instance, the change is
reflected across all instances. Instance attributes, on the other hand, are
unique to each instance, allowing each object to have its own individual
state separate from others.
Question 21. In Python, Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) revolves
around the concept of objects, which are instances of classes. Each object
can hold data in the form of attributes and has associated functions called
methods. Given this understanding, which of the following best describes
the relationship between a class and its objects in Python, and how
inheritance affects this relationship in a typical OOP structure?
A. A class is a blueprint for objects, and objects inherit only the methods of
the class but not the attributes.
B. A class is an instance of an object, and each object is independent with
no relationship to other objects of the same class.
C. A class serves as a template for objects, and each object inherits both the
attributes and methods from the class.
D. A class is a static entity with no direct impact on object creation or
inheritance in Python.
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: A class in Python is indeed a blueprint that defines the
structure of objects. Objects created from a class inherit both the attributes
(data) and methods (functions) defined by the class. This allows for
consistency in behavior across different objects of the same class, while
inheritance allows subclasses to inherit the properties and methods of a
parent class.

Question 22. In Python’s Object-Oriented Programming, when a method is

defined within a class, the first parameter is typically self. This parameter is
essential in ensuring the method works properly with objects of the class.
Which of the following statements best explains the purpose of the self
parameter in class methods in Python, and how it differentiates between
instance and class-level attributes?
A. self is a special keyword in Python used to access global variables from
inside a class method.
B. self refers to the class itself and is used to define methods that are
specific to the class but not its instances.
C. self is a reference to the instance of the class, and it is used to access
instance-level attributes and methods within the class.
D. self is optional in Python methods, and its use is only recommended
when dealing with class inheritance.
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: self is a reference to the current instance of the class and is
passed automatically in instance methods. It allows access to instance
attributes and methods from within the class. This ensures that each object
can maintain its state separately, as opposed to class-level attributes shared
by all instances.

Question 23. In Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) in Python, the

concept of encapsulation is fundamental. It allows classes to restrict access
to their data, preventing direct modification from outside the class. Which
of the following techniques is most appropriate for achieving encapsulation
in Python, while still providing controlled access to class attributes through
special methods?
A. Using public attributes directly in the class and providing no additional
methods for access.
B. Declaring class attributes as global variables to make them accessible
throughout the program.
C. Prefixing class attributes with a single underscore (_) to indicate that
they are meant for internal use only.
D. Defining getter and setter methods along with private attributes (using a
double underscore __) to control access.
Correct Answer: D
Explanation: In Python, encapsulation is achieved by marking attributes as
private using a double underscore (e.g., __attribute) and then providing
getter and setter methods. This allows controlled access to the private
attributes, preventing accidental modification from outside the class while
still exposing the functionality needed.
Question 24. In Python, when creating a new class, you can define special
methods to customize the behavior of its instances. One commonly used
special method is __init__, which is responsible for object initialization.
However, there are other dunder (double underscore) methods as well.
Which of the following correctly describes the purpose and use of the
__str__ method within Python's OOP, and what its output is expected to
A. The __str__ method is used to return a string representation of the
object, typically for user-friendly output purposes.
B. The __str__ method is responsible for initializing an object and must
always return a dictionary of attributes.
C. The __str__ method is used to define custom operators for objects,
allowing comparison between instances.
D. The __str__ method is automatically called during object destruction to
clean up memory resources.
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: The __str__ method is intended to provide a human-readable
string representation of an object. It is automatically invoked when the
print() function is called on an object, making it useful for generating user-
friendly output, as opposed to the __repr__ method, which is more for

Question 25. Python allows for method overriding in its Object-Oriented

Programming model, where a method in a subclass can have the same name
as a method in the superclass. However, when overriding methods, there is
a need to retain some functionality of the parent method while extending it
in the subclass. Which of the following correctly describes how you would
access the parent class’s method in Python while overriding it in the
A. You can simply call the parent class's method directly by using the
super() function within the subclass's method.
B. Overriding a method in Python means you cannot access the parent
class's method from the subclass.
C. You must create a completely new method in the subclass and cannot
reuse any functionality from the parent class method.
D. Overriding methods in Python does not follow inheritance rules, so it is
unnecessary to access the parent class's method.
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: In Python, super() is used to call the parent class's method
when overriding it in a subclass. This allows you to extend the functionality
of the inherited method while still utilizing its original implementation. It’s
a common practice when you want to build on existing behavior.

Question 26. In Python’s Object-Oriented Programming, inheritance allows

a class to acquire properties and behaviors from another class. However,
there is also a concept of multiple inheritance, where a class can inherit
from more than one parent class. Which of the following statements
accurately describes Python’s approach to handling multiple inheritance,
and how does Python resolve method conflicts arising from multiple
A. Python does not support multiple inheritance and restricts classes to
inherit from only one parent class.
B. Python supports multiple inheritance and uses the Method Resolution
Order (MRO) to determine which method to execute when there is a
C. Python supports multiple inheritance but does not provide any
mechanism to resolve method conflicts, leaving it to the programmer to
handle them manually.
D. Python uses static inheritance, so method conflicts are resolved at
compile-time based on the order in which classes are defined.
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: Python supports multiple inheritance and resolves method
conflicts using the Method Resolution Order (MRO). The MRO follows the
C3 linearization algorithm, determining the sequence in which parent
classes are traversed when searching for a method. This ensures predictable
behavior in cases of ambiguity.
Question 27. Python allows for the creation of static methods and class
methods in addition to instance methods in its Object-Oriented
Programming paradigm. Which of the following is the key difference
between a class method and a static method in Python, and how is each one
declared within a class?
A. A class method requires the @classmethod decorator, takes cls as its first
argument, and can modify class-level attributes, while a static method uses
@staticmethod and does not access class or instance attributes.
B. A class method does not require any special decorator, while a static
method uses @staticmethod and can access both class and instance-level
C. A class method uses the @staticmethod decorator and can access only
instance attributes, while a static method can access both class-level and
instance-level attributes.
D. A class method requires the @staticmethod decorator, and a static
method requires no decorator, both being interchangeable.
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: A class method is defined with the @classmethod decorator
and takes cls as its first parameter, allowing it to modify class-level
attributes. In contrast, a static method is declared with the @staticmethod
decorator and does not have access to the instance (self) or class (cls)
attributes, making it ideal for utility functions related to the class.

Question 28. Python’s Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) model allows

for a concept known as polymorphism, which enables objects of different
classes to be treated as objects of a common parent class. Which of the
following best explains how Python handles polymorphism, and how
dynamic typing supports this feature in Python’s OOP paradigm?
A. Python handles polymorphism through static type checking, ensuring
that all objects used in a polymorphic context belong to the same class
B. Python uses dynamic typing to allow polymorphism, enabling objects of
different classes to respond to the same method calls if they share common
method names.
C. Polymorphism in Python is restricted to built-in types, so user-defined
classes cannot participate in polymorphism unless explicitly declared.
D. Python handles polymorphism through the use of type annotations,
ensuring that only specific types can be used in a polymorphic context.
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: Python’s dynamic typing allows for polymorphism, where
objects of different classes can respond to the same method calls as long as
they implement methods with the same name. This feature supports
flexibility in Python’s OOP paradigm, as objects from unrelated classes can
be treated interchangeably if they provide the same interface.

Question 29. In Python’s Object-Oriented Programming, inheritance allows

a subclass to inherit methods and attributes from its parent class. There is
also the concept of method overriding, where the subclass can provide its
own implementation of a method defined in the parent class. However,
Python also provides the @property decorator, which can be used to
manage attributes more efficiently
What is the purpose of the self parameter in Python class methods, and why
is it necessary to include it in all instance methods of a class, even though it
is not passed explicitly when calling a method on an object? Additionally,
how does the use of self within a method differentiate between class-level
and instance-level variables?
A. self is used to refer to the class itself and is necessary to create class-
level variables.
B. self is used to refer to the current instance of the class and is necessary to
access instance-level variables and methods.
C. self is used to initialize class attributes and is passed automatically
during object creation.
D. self is an optional keyword that can be used to improve code readability.
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: self refers to the current instance of the class and is passed
automatically when calling instance methods. It allows access to instance
variables and other methods within the same object. Without self, methods
would be unable to differentiate between local variables and instance

Question 30. Which of the following best describes how Python handles
inheritance, especially in the context of multiple inheritance, and what is the
significance of the method resolution order (MRO) when two or more
parent classes define methods with the same name?
A. Python does not support multiple inheritance; a class can inherit from
only one base class.
B. Python uses depth-first search to resolve method conflicts in multiple
inheritance scenarios.
C. Python uses the MRO, which follows a breadth-first search approach, to
resolve method conflicts in multiple inheritance scenarios.
D. Python uses the MRO, which follows the C3 linearization algorithm, to
resolve method conflicts in multiple inheritance scenarios.
Correct Answer: D
Explanation: Python supports multiple inheritance and resolves method
conflicts using the C3 linearization algorithm, which ensures a consistent
and predictable order for method lookup (MRO). The MRO follows the
class hierarchy to determine the order in which base class methods are
called when they share the same name.

Question 31. In Python, how can a class method be defined that operates on
the class itself rather than on instances of the class, and what is the main
distinction between a class method and an instance method in terms of how
the first argument is treated?
A. A class method is defined using the @staticmethod decorator, and it
treats self as the first argument.
B. A class method is defined using the @classmethod decorator, and it
treats cls (the class itself) as the first argument.
C. A class method is defined using the @property decorator, and it treats cls
(the class itself) as the first argument.
D. A class method is defined using the @instance decorator, and it treats
self as the first argument.
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: Class methods are defined using the @classmethod decorator,
and they take cls as the first parameter, which refers to the class itself. This
allows class methods to operate on the class and class variables rather than
on instance-specific data.

Question 32. When working with Python classes, what is the difference
between an object’s instance variable and a class variable, and how are class
variables shared across instances of the same class?
A. Instance variables are shared among all instances of the class, while
class variables are unique to each instance.
B. Class variables are shared among all instances of the class, while
instance variables are unique to each instance.
C. Both instance and class variables are unique to each instance of the class.
D. Both instance and class variables are shared among all instances of the
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: Class variables are shared among all instances of a class,
meaning changes to a class variable affect all instances. Instance variables,
on the other hand, are unique to each instance, allowing for instance-
specific data.

Question 33. How does Python’s super() function facilitate inheritance in a

subclass, and in what situation would you use super() to invoke a parent
class’s method?
A. super() is used to call any method from a sibling class in a multi-level
inheritance chain.
B. super() is used to call the __init__() method of the parent class when
initializing a subclass.
C. super() is used to create multiple instances of the same class in a
D. super() is used to dynamically replace methods in the child class with
those from the parent class.
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: The super() function allows a subclass to call methods from its
parent class, especially the __init__() method. This is essential when a
subclass needs to extend or modify the functionality of the parent class
without completely overriding the method.

Question 34. In Python, what is the significance of the __str__() and

__repr__() methods in a class, and how do they differ in their intended
usage when an object is printed or inspected?
A. Both __str__() and __repr__() are used to define how an object should
be printed, with no difference between them.
B. __str__() is used to provide a readable string representation of the object,
while __repr__() is used for an official, unambiguous representation
intended for debugging.
C. __str__() is used to display the memory address of an object, while
__repr__() is used to print the object’s class name.
D. __str__() is called only in interactive sessions, while __repr__() is called
during normal program execution.
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: The __str__() method is meant to return a readable string
representation of an object, while __repr__() provides an official string
representation that is more suitable for debugging and development. If
__str__() is not defined, Python will fall back on __repr__().

Question 35. When defining a Python class that uses operator overloading,
which special method should be implemented to overload the addition
operator (+), and how does operator overloading improve the usability of
custom classes?
A. Implement the __add__() method to overload the addition operator.
B. Implement the __sum__() method to overload the addition operator.
C. Implement the __plus__() method to overload the addition operator.
D. Implement the __append__() method to overload the addition operator.
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: To overload the addition operator (+), the __add__() method
must be implemented in the class. Operator overloading allows custom
classes to mimic built-in types, making objects more intuitive and easier to
work with using standard operators.

Question 36. What is the purpose of Python’s @staticmethod decorator,

and how does it differ from the @classmethod decorator in terms of its
relationship to class instances and the class itself?
A. @staticmethod does not require access to the class or instance, while
@classmethod operates on the class itself, taking cls as its first argument.
B. @staticmethod requires self as its first argument, while @classmethod
requires cls.
C. @staticmethod is used only for utility functions, while @classmethod is
used for modifying class-level data.
D. @staticmethod modifies instance variables, while @classmethod
modifies class variables.
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: The @staticmethod decorator defines a method that neither
operates on an instance nor the class itself. It does not require self or cls as
an argument. In contrast, @classmethod operates on the class and requires
cls as its first argument.

Question 37. How does Python’s __init__() method differ from the
__new__() method in the object creation process, and in which cases would
you need to use __new__() instead of __init__()?
A. __init__() is responsible for creating the object, while __new__()
initializes the object’s attributes.
B. __init__() initializes the object after it is created, while __new__() is
responsible for actually creating the object and returning it.
C. __init__() is called before __new__() during object creation.
D. __new__() is only used in single inheritance, while __init__() is used in
multiple inheritance.
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: The __new__() method is responsible for creating a new
instance of a class, while __init__() is used to initialize the object’s
attributes after it has been created. __new__() is typically used in situations
where object creation needs to be customized, such as when working with
immutable types.

Question 38. In Python’s object-oriented programming model, what is the

effect of using the @property decorator, and how does it allow for the
creation of managed attributes within a class?
A. @property allows direct access to private variables without the need for
getter and setter methods.
B. @property creates class methods that are automatically called when an
object’s attribute is accessed, allowing for validation and control over how
values are assigned.
C. @property is used to mark class variables as constant and unchangeable.
D. @property creates static methods that are bound to the class and not
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: The @property decorator allows class methods to be accessed
like attributes, enabling the creation of managed attributes. This allows for
validation and control over how attribute values are set and retrieved,
without requiring explicit getter and setter methods.
Question 39. Which of the following best describes the concept of
"Encapsulation" in Python's Object-Oriented Programming, where classes
and objects are used to create complex systems, and how does it help in
maintaining the security and integrity of the data stored within the objects?
In addition, which of the following mechanisms in Python supports
encapsulation by restricting access to certain attributes of an object and
enabling controlled access through public methods, also ensuring that only
relevant code can access sensitive data?
A. Inheritance
B. Polymorphism
C. Encapsulation
D. Abstraction
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: Encapsulation is the principle of wrapping data and the
methods that operate on that data within a single unit, such as a class. In
Python, encapsulation is implemented by using private or protected
attributes to restrict access to certain object data, ensuring that sensitive
information is only accessible via public methods.

Question 40. In Python, when a class is defined with one or more methods
that have the same name but behave differently depending on the input or
the context, which of the following object-oriented programming principles
is being applied? This principle allows objects of different classes to be
treated in a similar manner, where the method signature remains the same,
but the actual method execution may vary based on the object type.
A. Polymorphism
B. Inheritance
C. Encapsulation
D. Abstraction
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: Polymorphism allows for methods to be used in different
contexts while maintaining the same interface. This is a key feature of
object-oriented programming in Python, enabling different classes to define
the same method in a way that is specific to the object being acted upon.

Question 41. When designing an object-oriented system in Python, classes

often need to inherit attributes and methods from other classes to promote
code reuse and modular design. Which of the following terms describes the
process of defining a new class based on an existing class, and how does
this process improve the efficiency of coding by reducing redundancy and
enhancing maintainability?
A. Inheritance
B. Polymorphism
C. Encapsulation
D. Method Overriding
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: Inheritance allows a class to inherit the attributes and methods
of a parent class, thus promoting code reuse and avoiding redundancy. It
also makes maintenance easier because common features are centralized in
a single base class, while derived classes can specialize behavior.

Question 42. In Python's object-oriented programming, a method that

belongs to a class but is independent of the specific instance of that class
and does not operate on instance variables is defined as a "Static Method."
Which of the following is a correct syntax for defining a static method in a
Python class, and how does it differ from instance methods that typically
require the use of 'self' as the first parameter?
A. @staticmethod def method_name(self):
B. @staticmethod def method_name():
C. @classmethod def method_name(cls):
D. def method_name(self):
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: A static method in Python is defined using the @staticmethod
decorator and does not take self as a parameter since it is not tied to any
instance of the class. Static methods can be called on the class itself without
needing an instance.

Question 43. In Python's object-oriented programming, which of the

following special methods is used to define the behavior of an object when
it is initialized, and why is it important to ensure that this method is
properly defined to allow objects to be correctly instantiated with the
required initial state or attributes?
A. del
B. str
C. init
D. repr
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: The __init__ method in Python is a constructor that initializes
the object's state when an object of the class is created. It allows the
programmer to define initial values for the attributes of the object, ensuring
that it is ready for use immediately after creation.

Question 44. Which of the following Python object-oriented programming

techniques is used to restrict direct access to certain attributes of a class,
such that the data is hidden from outside users, and access to the data is
only permitted through well-defined interfaces like getter and setter
methods, promoting data integrity and encapsulation?
A. Public attributes
B. Private attributes
C. Protected attributes
D. Class attributes
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: Private attributes in Python are denoted by prefixing the
attribute name with double underscores (e.g., __attribute). These attributes
are not accessible directly from outside the class, ensuring that the data is
protected and can only be modified through getter and setter methods.
Question 45. In Python, if a class has a method that is defined in a parent
class but overridden in a child class, and the child class method has the
same name and parameters but a different implementation, which of the
following object-oriented principles is this an example of? How does this
principle allow for more flexible and dynamic behavior in class hierarchies?
A. Method Overriding
B. Method Overloading
C. Encapsulation
D. Polymorphism
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: Method overriding occurs when a child class provides a
specific implementation for a method that is already defined in its parent
class. This allows the child class to modify or extend the behavior of the
inherited method, providing more flexibility in class hierarchies.

Question 46. In Python's object-oriented programming, when an object of a

class has access to methods from multiple classes that are not directly
connected through inheritance, what term best describes this feature? This
feature allows a class to inherit attributes and methods from more than one
base class, promoting a more modular and flexible design.
A. Multiple Inheritance
B. Single Inheritance
C. Polymorphism
D. Encapsulation
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: Multiple inheritance allows a class to inherit from more than
one base class in Python. This feature promotes modularity and flexibility
by allowing classes to reuse code from multiple sources, although it can
also introduce complexity when method resolution becomes ambiguous.

Question 47. In Python, if a class method is designed to operate on the

class itself rather than on an instance of the class, which of the following
decorators is used to define this method, and how does this differ from an
instance method that operates on a specific object of the class?
A. @classmethod
B. @staticmethod
C. @property
D. @instance_method
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: A class method is defined using the @classmethod decorator
and operates on the class as a whole, rather than a specific instance. It takes
cls as its first parameter and can modify class-level attributes or methods,
making it useful for factory methods or managing class-level data.

Question 48. In Python's object-oriented programming, how does the

concept of abstraction help in designing classes by allowing developers to
define abstract methods that must be implemented by derived classes, and
which of the following modules in Python provides support for abstract
base classes (ABCs) that enforce this behavior?
A. abc module
B. os module
C. math module
D. functools module
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: The abc module in Python provides support for abstract base
classes, allowing developers to define abstract methods that must be
implemented by any derived classes. This ensures that the necessary
functionality is provided while promoting a clear and consistent interface
across related classes.

Question 49. In Python, which of the following accurately describes the

concept of encapsulation as a fundamental principle of object-oriented
programming, particularly focusing on how encapsulation restricts direct
access to some of an object’s components and allows controlled access
through public methods, thereby protecting the integrity of the object's
internal state?
A. Encapsulation refers to the practice of defining all attributes of a class as
private, ensuring that external code cannot access or modify them directly,
and allowing access solely through the use of accessor and mutator methods
that control and validate any changes to the internal state.
B. Encapsulation mandates that all attributes and methods within a class
must be public to ensure easy interaction between classes, which facilitates
seamless communication between different components of a program.
C. Encapsulation is the practice of grouping related classes into a single
module or package, allowing the programmer to organize and manage
classes more efficiently, although it does not directly affect how class
attributes are accessed or modified.
D. Encapsulation ensures that the implementation of a class is hidden from
external code, which can only interact with the class through a predefined
interface, typically involving public attributes and methods that expose the
underlying logic of the class without protecting the internal state.
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: Encapsulation is fundamentally about restricting access to an
object's internal state and providing controlled access through methods. By
using private attributes and public methods (getters and setters),
encapsulation helps maintain the integrity of the object's state and prevents
unintended interference from external code.

Question 50. In the context of Object-Oriented Programming in Python,

which of the following best explains the concept of inheritance, particularly
how it allows a new class to inherit attributes and methods from an existing
class while enabling the new class to add or modify its functionalities?
A. Inheritance allows a new class to inherit all the attributes and methods of
an existing class without any modifications, meaning the new class cannot
introduce any new behaviors or properties that differ from those defined in
the parent class.
B. Inheritance enables a derived class to extend the functionality of a base
class by inheriting its attributes and methods, thereby allowing the derived
class to implement additional behaviors or override existing ones, which
facilitates code reuse and promotes a hierarchical class structure.
C. Inheritance is a mechanism that restricts access to the methods and
attributes of the base class, ensuring that the derived class can only access
its own properties and methods while completely isolating it from the
parent class's implementation.
D. Inheritance facilitates the creation of unrelated classes that share
common methods and attributes, allowing them to be combined into a
single unit for easier management and interaction among different
components in a program.
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: Inheritance in Python allows a new class (derived class) to
inherit the properties and methods of an existing class (base class). This not
only enables code reuse but also allows the derived class to introduce its
own attributes and methods or override those of the base class, thereby
extending or modifying functionality as needed.

Question 51. What accurately defines polymorphism in the context of

Object-Oriented Programming in Python, particularly focusing on how
different classes can implement the same method name while providing
different functionalities, thereby enabling flexibility and the ability to
handle various data types through a common interface?
A. Polymorphism allows different classes to implement the same method
name, requiring that these methods must accept the same parameters and
return identical types, thus creating a standardized interface that simplifies
method calls across multiple classes.
B. Polymorphism is the ability of different objects to respond to the same
method name in ways that are specific to their individual types, enabling the
same operation to be performed on different classes, which enhances the
flexibility and extensibility of the code.
C. Polymorphism restricts method names within a class to ensure that they
cannot conflict with one another, allowing for unique method signatures
that prevent ambiguity in function calls, thereby improving the clarity of
code interactions.
D. Polymorphism involves creating abstract classes that serve as a blueprint
for derived classes, where all derived classes must implement the abstract
methods, ensuring uniform behavior across all implementations without the
need for common method names.
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: Polymorphism in Python allows different classes to implement
methods with the same name but different behaviors, enabling a common
interface for these method calls. This flexibility allows programmers to
write code that can work with objects of different classes in a unified
manner, promoting code extensibility and easier maintenance.

Question 52. In Python's Object-Oriented Programming paradigm, which

of the following statements best describes the role of the self parameter
within instance methods, specifically focusing on how it refers to the
instance of the class and distinguishes instance attributes from local
A. The self parameter is a placeholder that can be replaced with any
variable name, and it refers to the class itself, allowing all instances of the
class to share the same attributes and methods without needing to specify
the instance explicitly.
B. The self parameter is a mandatory first argument in instance methods
that refers to the current instance of the class, enabling access to instance
variables and other methods, thus allowing each object to maintain its own
state independent of others.
C. The self parameter serves as a global reference to the last created
instance of a class, which means that it provides access to all attributes and
methods of the class without the need to create an instance explicitly before
invoking them.
D. The self parameter is optional in instance methods and can be omitted,
allowing for easier method calls from other classes or functions without the
necessity of maintaining an instance reference.
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: The self parameter is essential in instance methods as it allows
the method to access instance-specific attributes and other methods. It
distinguishes instance variables from local variables, enabling each object
to maintain its unique state and behavior, ensuring that the operations
performed pertain to the correct instance of the class.

Question 53. When defining an abstract class using Python's abc module,
which of the following best illustrates the proper way to create an abstract
method that must be implemented by any concrete subclass, emphasizing
the importance of abstract methods in enforcing a contract for subclasses?
A. An abstract class can contain fully implemented methods along with
abstract methods, but concrete subclasses are required to implement all
abstract methods to be instantiated; if they do not, they cannot be used to
create objects.
B. Abstract methods in an abstract class can be defined without the
@abstractmethod decorator, meaning that any class derived from it can
choose to implement them or ignore them altogether, leading to flexibility
in subclass implementations.
C. Abstract classes can only contain abstract methods, and they cannot
provide any default implementations; however, a derived class must
implement all methods to provide specific functionalities for object
D. An abstract class allows for the definition of abstract methods using the
@abstractmethod decorator, requiring all concrete subclasses to provide
their own implementations of these methods, thereby enforcing a contract
and ensuring consistent behavior across different subclasses.
Correct Answer: D
Explanation: In Python, an abstract class uses the @abstractmethod
decorator to define methods that must be implemented by any subclass.
This ensures that all derived classes provide specific functionality,
enforcing a contract and promoting a consistent interface across different

Question 54. Which of the following statements about method overriding

in Python is accurate, particularly focusing on how it allows a derived class
to provide a specific implementation of a method that is already defined in
its base class, thereby altering its behavior for instances of the derived
A. Method overriding is not possible in Python, as all methods defined in a
base class are final and cannot be changed by any derived classes, ensuring
that the behavior of base classes remains unchanged.
B. When a derived class overrides a method, it must use the same method
signature as the base class, but it can also introduce new parameters;
however, this could lead to ambiguity if the base class method is invoked
C. Method overriding enables a derived class to provide its own
implementation of a method that exists in its base class, allowing the
derived class to alter or enhance the functionality without modifying the
base class’s implementation.
D. Overridden methods in derived classes are completely independent of
the methods in their base classes, meaning that changes made to a method
in the base class do not affect the derived class, which could lead to
inconsistencies in behavior.
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: Method overriding allows a derived class to redefine a method
from its base class, providing a specific implementation tailored to the
derived class's requirements. This mechanism enables the derived class to
alter or enhance the functionality of the inherited method while keeping the
base class intact.

Question 55. What is the primary purpose of using classes and objects in
Object-Oriented Programming, particularly in Python, and how does it
enhance code organization and reusability in software development?
A. To make code less readable by using complex structures.
B. To group related data and functionalities, allowing for modular design
and reuse.
C. To enforce strict procedural programming rules.
D. To eliminate the need for functions in programming.
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: The primary purpose of classes and objects in OOP is to
encapsulate related data and functionality, promoting modular design. This
encapsulation allows developers to reuse code efficiently, as classes can be
instantiated multiple times, each time creating a new object that maintains
its own state while sharing common behavior defined in the class.

Question 56. How does inheritance work in Python, and what are the
advantages of using inheritance when creating subclasses to extend the
functionality of base classes?
A. Inheritance allows subclasses to override the behavior of base classes,
but no additional features can be added.
B. Inheritance enables subclasses to inherit attributes and methods from
base classes, enhancing code reusability and organization.
C. Inheritance is not supported in Python, as it is a strictly procedural
programming language.
D. Inheritance restricts the use of polymorphism in object-oriented design.
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: Inheritance in Python allows subclasses to inherit the
attributes and methods of base classes, facilitating code reuse and better
organization. By extending the base class, a subclass can utilize existing
functionality while also adding new features or modifying behavior, which
is a powerful aspect of OOP that leads to more maintainable and scalable

Question 57. What is polymorphism in the context of Python's Object-

Oriented Programming, and how does it allow for different data types to be
treated as a common interface?
A. Polymorphism only allows the use of the same variable name in different
B. Polymorphism refers to the ability of different classes to be instantiated
with unique characteristics, without a common interface.
C. Polymorphism enables methods to perform different tasks based on the
object invoking them, allowing for flexibility in code.
D. Polymorphism is a method of encapsulation that hides the
implementation details of classes.
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: Polymorphism in Python allows methods to operate on
different data types or classes through a common interface, enabling
flexibility. For instance, the same method name can produce different
results based on the object type calling it, which promotes code simplicity
and readability by allowing the same operation to apply across various

Question 58. What role does encapsulation play in Python's Object-

Oriented Programming, and how does it contribute to data hiding and
protection of object integrity?
A. Encapsulation restricts all access to an object's data and methods,
making it impossible to use them.
B. Encapsulation combines data and methods in a single unit while
allowing external access to all attributes.
C. Encapsulation provides a way to protect an object's data by restricting
access to certain attributes and methods.
D. Encapsulation is irrelevant in OOP and does not influence data
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: Encapsulation is a fundamental principle of OOP that protects
an object's data by restricting direct access to its attributes and methods. By
using access modifiers (like private and protected), encapsulation ensures
that internal states are hidden from the outside, promoting data integrity and
preventing unintended interference, which enhances the robustness of the

Question 59. In Python, how can you implement method overriding in a

subclass, and what effect does it have on the behavior of inherited methods
from the base class?
A. Method overriding is not possible in Python; all methods must retain
their original functionality.
B. Method overriding allows a subclass to define a method with the same
name as a method in the base class, changing its behavior.
C. Method overriding ensures that the base class method cannot be called
from the subclass.
D. Method overriding creates ambiguity and should be avoided in Python
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: Method overriding is a feature in Python that enables a
subclass to provide a specific implementation of a method that is already
defined in its base class. By defining a method with the same name, the
subclass can change or extend the behavior of the inherited method,
allowing for specialized functionality while still retaining the base class’s

Question 60. What is the significance of the __init__ method in Python

classes, and how does it facilitate the creation and initialization of objects?
A. The __init__ method is a special method that creates classes but does not
initialize object attributes.
B. The __init__ method is the constructor in Python that initializes object
attributes when an instance is created.
C. The __init__ method is used for garbage collection and memory
management of Python objects.
D. The __init__ method allows for the automatic destruction of class
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: The __init__ method in Python serves as the constructor for
classes, automatically invoked when an object is instantiated. Its primary
purpose is to initialize object attributes with specific values, allowing for
proper setup of the object’s state upon creation. This ensures that each
instance of a class starts in a valid and defined state.

Question 61. How does the concept of abstraction in Object-Oriented

Programming enhance the design of software systems in Python,
particularly regarding the hiding of complex implementation details?
A. Abstraction is irrelevant in Python and does not contribute to software
B. Abstraction simplifies code by exposing only the necessary parts to the
user while hiding complex details.
C. Abstraction forces all implementation details to be public, making the
system less secure.
D. Abstraction is only applicable in functional programming and has no use
in OOP.
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: Abstraction in OOP allows developers to focus on the
essential features of an object while hiding the complex implementation
details. This simplification aids in understanding and using objects
effectively, leading to cleaner, more manageable code. In Python,
abstraction can be implemented through abstract classes and interfaces,
enhancing software design by promoting modularity and separation of

Question 62. In the context of Python's Object-Oriented Programming,

how does the use of class methods and static methods differ, and what are
their respective use cases?
A. Class methods can only access instance variables, while static methods
cannot access any class or instance variables.
B. Class methods are used for creating class-specific methods that modify
class state, while static methods are independent of class state.
C. Class methods and static methods are interchangeable and serve the
same purpose in Python.
D. Class methods are not a valid feature in Python, while static methods are
essential for all classes.
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: In Python, class methods are defined using the @classmethod
decorator and are primarily used for operations related to the class itself,
such as modifying class state or creating alternative constructors. Static
methods, defined with the @staticmethod decorator, do not access or
modify class or instance state, serving as utility functions that belong
logically to the class but operate independently of it. This distinction allows
for clearer, more organized code.

Question 63. What is the purpose of the super() function in Python, and
how does it facilitate method resolution in class hierarchies, especially in
cases of multiple inheritance?
A. The super() function is used to access private methods of the base class.
B. The super() function allows for direct instantiation of base class objects
without involving subclasses.
C. The super() function simplifies method resolution by providing a way to
call methods from a parent class in the current context, aiding in multiple
D. The super() function has no real utility and is rarely used in Python
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: The super() function in Python provides a way to call methods
from a parent class, facilitating method resolution in class hierarchies,
particularly when multiple inheritance is involved. It ensures that the
correct method from the appropriate parent class is called, thus promoting
cleaner and more maintainable code. By using super(), developers can
avoid explicitly naming parent classes, which enhances flexibility and
adaptability in their code structure.

Question 64. In Python, inheritance allows a new class, known as a derived

class or subclass, to inherit the attributes and methods of another class,
referred to as the base class. Given that multiple inheritance allows a class
to inherit from more than one base class, consider a scenario where a class
inherits from two classes that have methods with the same name. How does
Python determine which method to execute in such cases, and what
mechanism resolves this ambiguity in method resolution?
A. The method from the first base class is always called
B. The method from the most recently defined base class is called
C. Python uses the Method Resolution Order (MRO) to determine which
method to call
D. Python throws an error due to ambiguity
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: Python resolves ambiguity in method inheritance using the
Method Resolution Order (MRO). This is determined by the C3
linearization algorithm, which follows the order of inheritance as specified,
ensuring consistent and predictable behavior.

Question 65. In Python's object-oriented programming, polymorphism

allows functions to use objects of different classes in a unified way.
Suppose we have two classes, Dog and Cat, each having a speak() method
that returns a string. If we call the speak() method from an instance of each
class using the same function, what is the most accurate description of how
polymorphism is applied in Python, and what key principle of OOP does
this feature represent?
A. Encapsulation
B. Abstraction
C. Polymorphism
D. Inheritance
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: Polymorphism in Python allows objects of different classes to
be treated uniformly. This occurs when a method like speak() can be called
on both Dog and Cat instances, and the method will behave appropriately
for each instance based on its class.

Question 66. In Python, the __init__ method is a special method that is

automatically invoked when an object is created. Given that constructors in
Python are defined using the __init__ method, what is the correct role of
this method, and how does Python handle the initialization of object
attributes when using this method?
A. __init__ initializes the class itself, not the object
B. __init__ method is automatically called every time a class is defined
C. __init__ initializes the object by setting its initial attributes when the
object is instantiated
D. __init__ method can only be called manually by the user
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: The __init__ method in Python is automatically called when
an object is instantiated. Its primary purpose is to initialize the object’s
attributes and prepare it for use, acting as a constructor.

Question 67. Encapsulation in Python is a key principle of object-oriented

programming that restricts access to certain components of an object to
prevent accidental interference and misuse. Which feature of Python is most
closely associated with encapsulation, and how can we define a private
attribute in a class to limit its access from outside the class?
A. Using single underscore _ before an attribute
B. Using double underscore __ before an attribute
C. By defining the attribute inside the __init__ method
D. Using the @property decorator
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: In Python, encapsulation can be enforced by prefixing an
attribute with a double underscore __, which makes it private and prevents
it from being accessed directly from outside the class. This is known as
name mangling.

Question 68. Consider the concept of method overriding in Python, where a

subclass provides a specific implementation of a method that is already
defined in its base class. How does Python allow method overriding in
inheritance, and what role does the super() function play in accessing the
base class method?
A. super() allows calling the base class method directly from the subclass
B. Overriding prevents access to the base class method entirely
C. The base class method is automatically called without super()
D. Overriding occurs only if the method signatures in both classes are
exactly the same
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: Method overriding allows a subclass to provide its own
implementation of a method defined in the base class. The super() function
can be used to call the base class method from the subclass, ensuring the
base class functionality is preserved if needed.

Question 69. Python supports operator overloading, which enables the

same operator to have different meanings based on the operands involved.
Suppose we overload the + operator for a custom class representing
complex numbers. How does Python allow us to implement operator
overloading, and which special method is typically used to overload the +
operator in this case?
A. __add__ method
B. __init__ method
C. __str__ method
D. __mul__ method
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: Operator overloading in Python is achieved by defining
special methods for each operator. The __add__ method is specifically used
to overload the + operator, allowing custom behavior for addition in user-
defined classes.

Question 70. In Python, inheritance allows a new class to inherit properties

and methods from an existing class. However, if we want to prevent a
subclass from inheriting certain methods or attributes, which technique or
feature of Python’s object-oriented programming can be used to restrict
access to specific components in the base class?
A. Use of protected attributes with a single underscore _
B. Defining the method with double underscores __ to make it private
C. Declaring the method as static
D. Using the @classmethod decorator
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: By prefixing method or attribute names with double
underscores (__), Python performs name mangling, making those
components private to the class and inaccessible to subclasses, thus
preventing inheritance.

Question 71. In Python’s object-oriented programming, abstract base

classes (ABCs) are used to define common interfaces for a group of related
classes. If a class inherits from an abstract base class but does not
implement all the required abstract methods, what behavior will Python
exhibit when trying to instantiate this subclass?
A. The subclass will inherit all methods and no error will occur
B. Python will raise a TypeError during the instantiation of the subclass
C. The subclass will silently inherit missing methods from the base class
D. Python will automatically implement default abstract methods for the
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: If a subclass of an abstract base class fails to implement all the
required abstract methods, Python will raise a TypeError when trying to
instantiate the subclass, as abstract methods must be overridden in concrete

Question 72. In Python, the self parameter is a conventional name used in

method definitions of a class. When defining instance methods in Python,
why is the self parameter included, and how does it relate to the
functionality of instance methods in object-oriented programming?
A. self refers to the class itself
B. self represents the instance of the class and is used to access its attributes
and methods
C. self is used to pass class attributes as arguments
D. self is used to define static methods
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: The self parameter in Python is used in instance methods to
refer to the current instance of the class. It allows methods to access the
attributes and other methods of the instance, enabling object-specific

Question 73. In Python, multiple inheritance allows a class to inherit

attributes and methods from more than one base class. However, this can
sometimes lead to complications such as the "diamond problem," where
ambiguity arises in the inheritance hierarchy. What approach does Python
use to resolve the diamond problem in multiple inheritance, and how does it
ensure method resolution is consistent?
A. Python uses single inheritance to avoid the problem
B. Python uses the Method Resolution Order (MRO) to resolve inheritance
hierarchy conflicts
C. Python raises an error when multiple inheritance causes conflicts
D. Python resolves conflicts by using the first base class defined in the
inheritance chain
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: Python uses the Method Resolution Order (MRO), determined
by the C3 linearization algorithm, to resolve conflicts in multiple
inheritance scenarios such as the diamond problem. This ensures that the
method calls follow a predictable and consistent order.

Question 74. In Python, when designing classes with the principles of

object-oriented programming (OOP), the concept of encapsulation refers to
the practice of restricting direct access to some of an object’s attributes and
methods, allowing controlled access through special functions. Which of
the following Python features best implements this concept of encapsulation
by making variables private within a class, and allows controlled access
through methods like getters and setters?
A. Using underscores (_) before variable names
B. Declaring methods as static using @staticmethod
C. Inheritance from a parent class
D. Using the init() constructor
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: Encapsulation in Python is often implemented by prefixing
attributes with a single underscore (_) or double underscores (__), making
them "protected" or "private" respectively. This prevents direct access to the
variable outside the class, promoting controlled access through methods.

Question 75. In Python’s object-oriented programming, the special method

__init__() is typically used when creating class instances. This method
allows for initialization of an object’s attributes. Which of the following
accurately describes how the __init__() method is used, and what role it
plays in the lifecycle of an object when a new instance of the class is
A. __init__() is called automatically after the object is created, setting initial
values for instance variables
B. __init__() method is explicitly called by the programmer to destroy
objects and clean up resources
C. __init__() allows for inheritance by defining abstract methods that child
classes must implement
D. __init__() is used to clone an existing object by copying its attributes to
a new instance
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: The __init__() method in Python is a constructor that is
automatically invoked when a new object is created from a class. It is used
to initialize the object’s attributes and set up the initial state of the object.

Question 76. When implementing inheritance in Python, a subclass can

extend the functionality of its parent class by inheriting attributes and
methods. In Python’s multiple inheritance scenario, if a method is defined
in multiple parent classes, the method resolution order (MRO) defines the
order in which parent classes are searched for a method. Which method or
function in Python helps resolve the order in which methods are inherited
from parent classes when using multiple inheritance?
A. super() function
B. mro() method
C. __init__() method
D. classmethod() decorator
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: The mro() method in Python returns the method resolution
order, which is the order in which base classes are looked up when
searching for a method. It is used to resolve ambiguity in the case of
multiple inheritance.

Question 77. In Python, object-oriented programming includes the concept

of polymorphism, where objects of different types can be accessed through
the same interface. In the context of Python classes, which of the following
statements best explains how polymorphism is achieved when different
classes define methods with the same name but provide their own
implementation for the method?
A. Through the use of super() function to call methods from parent classes
B. By overriding methods in child classes, allowing objects to behave
differently based on the class
C. Through defining abstract methods using the abstractmethod decorator
D. By creating methods that use the global keyword to interact with
multiple classes
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: Polymorphism in Python is achieved by method overriding,
where a subclass provides a specific implementation of a method that is
already defined in its superclass. This allows objects of different classes to
respond to the same method call differently.

Question 78. In Python, classes can use various types of methods, such as
instance methods, class methods, and static methods. A class method differs
from an instance method in that it is bound to the class and not the instance
of the class. Which of the following decorators is used to define a class
method, and how does it affect the method's behavior?
A. @staticmethod — the method can be called without a class or instance
B. @classmethod — the method is bound to the class and receives the class
as the first argument
C. @property — the method allows attribute access as if it were a variable
D. @abstractmethod — the method must be implemented by subclasses
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: A class method is defined using the @classmethod decorator.
The first parameter of a class method is cls, which refers to the class itself,
allowing the method to interact with class variables and methods rather than
instance variables.

Question 79. In Python, object-oriented design allows the use of

inheritance to create new classes based on existing classes. When a child
class inherits from a parent class, it can also invoke the parent class’s
constructor using a special function. Which of the following methods or
techniques allows the child class to call the parent class constructor,
ensuring that the parent’s initialization code is executed?
A. Using the __del__() method
B. Calling super() within the child class's __init__() method
C. Overriding the __new__() method in the child class
D. Declaring the parent class constructor manually in the child class
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: The super() function is used within a child class’s __init__()
method to call the parent class’s constructor, ensuring that the parent’s
initialization logic is executed when creating an instance of the child class.

Question 80. In Python’s object-oriented programming, the concept of

abstraction allows for the creation of abstract classes that cannot be
instantiated directly but serve as blueprints for other classes. Which of the
following features or tools does Python provide to define an abstract class,
ensuring that child classes must implement certain methods?
A. The @abstractmethod decorator and ABC class from the abc module
B. The __dict__ method for dynamic class attributes
C. The property() function for attribute encapsulation
D. The super() function for method resolution
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: Python’s abc module provides the ABC class and the
@abstractmethod decorator to define abstract classes and methods. These
ensure that subclasses are required to implement the abstract methods
defined in the abstract class.

Question 81. In Python, the principle of inheritance allows child classes to

inherit properties and methods from parent classes. However, Python also
supports the concept of method overriding, where a method in the child
class replaces a method with the same name in the parent class. Which of
the following scenarios best demonstrates method overriding in Python?
A. A child class defines a method with the same name as a method in its
parent class but with a different implementation
B. A parent class uses the super() function to access methods in the child
C. Both the child and parent classes define methods with the same name but
are called by different names in the child class
D. The parent class method calls the child class method by default, allowing
automatic overriding
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: Method overriding occurs when a child class defines a method
with the same name as a method in its parent class but provides its own
implementation. This allows the child class to modify or extend the
behavior of the parent class method.

Question 82. In Python, the self parameter is crucial in object-oriented

programming and is used in instance methods. What is the primary purpose
of the self parameter in Python class methods, and how does it help
differentiate between different instances of a class?
A. self is used to refer to the class itself, helping the method access class-
level variables
B. self represents the current instance of the class and allows access to
instance attributes and methods
C. self is used to pass parameters from the constructor to the method
D. self is automatically added by Python and refers to the method's return
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: The self parameter in Python represents the current instance of
a class and is used to access instance variables and methods. It allows
differentiation between instances of the class and ensures that each instance
maintains its own data.
Question 83. In Python, inheritance can involve single inheritance, where a
child class inherits from one parent, or multiple inheritance, where a child
class can inherit from multiple parent classes. In cases of multiple
inheritance, which feature of Python helps determine the order in which
methods are inherited, especially when the same method exists in multiple
parent classes?
A. Linear Method Resolution
B. Method Resolution Order (MRO)
C. Single Dispatch Mechanism
D. Inheritance Override Strategy
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: The Method Resolution Order (MRO) is a feature in Python
that determines the order in which classes are searched for methods in the
case of multiple inheritance. This helps resolve conflicts when the same
method exists in multiple parent classes.

Question 84. In Python's Object-Oriented Programming, inheritance allows

a new class, known as a derived or child class, to inherit properties and
behaviors (methods and attributes) from an existing class, called the base or
parent class. How can multiple inheritance be implemented in Python, and
what is the key mechanism used by Python to manage the resolution of
method calls when multiple classes are inherited, especially when methods
in the parent classes share the same name?
A. Python uses the first-parent-first resolution model, and the resolve()
method manages method conflicts
B. Python uses the Method Resolution Order (MRO) algorithm, primarily
handled through the super() function
C. Python only supports single inheritance; multiple inheritance is not
D. Python uses a post-resolution dispatch mechanism, where methods are
dispatched randomly based on inheritance order
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: The Method Resolution Order (MRO) in Python is crucial
when dealing with multiple inheritance. It ensures that Python follows a
specific order to resolve methods, primarily controlled through the super()
function. This order is determined using the C3 linearization algorithm,
ensuring predictable method resolution.

Question 85. In Python's Object-Oriented Programming model, the concept

of encapsulation is central to data security and abstraction. Given a Python
class that contains private attributes, which mechanism would you use to
access these private attributes outside the class while maintaining
encapsulation, and how does Python's naming convention distinguish
between private and public attributes?
A. Use the @public decorator, and prefix private attributes with two
B. Access private attributes directly through self._attribute and prefix
private attributes with a single underscore
C. Use getter and setter methods, and prefix private attributes with double
underscores (__)
D. Python does not support private attributes, so all attributes can be
accessed directly without restrictions
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: In Python, encapsulation is maintained using getter and setter
methods, allowing controlled access to private attributes. By prefixing an
attribute with double underscores (__), Python "name mangles" the
attribute, making it accessible only through special methods or conventions
to maintain data security.

Question 86. Polymorphism is a key principle in Object-Oriented

Programming, allowing objects of different classes to be treated as objects
of a common superclass. In Python, how does polymorphism work with
regard to dynamically typed languages, and what mechanisms enable
functions to handle different objects without knowing their exact types
during function definition?
A. Python allows function overloading with the @overload decorator to
handle multiple object types
B. Python uses dynamic typing, allowing functions to accept any object
without specifying its type, relying on common interfaces
C. Python does not support polymorphism; only statically typed languages
can achieve this feature
D. Python allows polymorphism only by importing the types module and
defining explicit type-based conditions
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: Python’s polymorphism is based on its dynamic typing
system, where functions are designed to operate on objects regardless of
their specific class. As long as the objects implement the required behavior
(methods or attributes), Python functions can work with them, which aligns
with the "duck typing" principle.

Question 87. In Python, the concept of "method overriding" allows a

subclass to modify the behavior of a method inherited from the parent class.
Which of the following statements correctly describes method overriding,
and how can a subclass still invoke the parent class's original method if
needed within the overridden method?
A. Method overriding is achieved by declaring the method as @override,
and the parent class’s method cannot be invoked after overriding
B. Method overriding occurs when a subclass redefines a method with the
same name, and the parent class method can be called using super()
C. Method overriding does not exist in Python; only method overloading is
supported through function decorators
D. Method overriding happens automatically, and there is no way to access
the original method from the parent class
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: In Python, method overriding occurs when a subclass defines
a method with the same name as the one in the parent class. The super()
function can be used inside the overridden method to call the original
method from the parent class, allowing a combination of both old and new

Question 88. Python supports the creation of class methods using the
@classmethod decorator. How does a class method differ from a static
method, and what is the role of the cls parameter in class methods in
contrast to regular instance methods?
A. A class method takes a cls parameter representing the class, allowing it
to modify class-level attributes, while a static method operates without any
class or instance reference
B. A class method does not require any parameters and operates at the
module level, while static methods operate on instances of the class
C. A class method is used for initializing instance variables, while static
methods are used to define constants in the class
D. A class method is called only during object creation, while static
methods are used to create new classes dynamically
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: A class method in Python, denoted by the @classmethod
decorator, takes cls as its first parameter, which represents the class itself.
This allows the method to access and modify class-level data. Static
methods, denoted by @staticmethod, do not take self or cls and do not
modify class or instance state.

Question 89. In Python, special methods (often called "magic methods")

like __init__() and __str__() enable classes to interact with built-in Python
functionalities in a specific way. What is the purpose of the __str__()
method in a class, and when is it typically invoked?
A. The __str__() method initializes object attributes during instantiation and
is invoked when creating a new object
B. The __str__() method is invoked when an object is printed or converted
to a string, returning a user-friendly string representation of the object
C. The __str__() method checks for equality between two objects and is
invoked during comparison operations
D. The __str__() method manages memory allocation for objects and is
invoked when deleting an object
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: The __str__() method in Python returns a user-friendly,
human-readable string representation of an object. It is typically invoked
when print() or str() is called on an object, making it useful for debugging
or displaying object information.

Question 90. In Python's object-oriented design, constructors like

__init__() are crucial for object initialization. How does the __init__()
method function in relation to object creation, and how does it differ from
the __new__() method in the object lifecycle?
A. The __init__() method is responsible for creating the object, while the
__new__() method initializes instance variables
B. The __init__() method initializes the object after it is created, while the
__new__() method is responsible for creating and returning a new instance
C. The __init__() method creates new objects, and the __new__() method
can only modify class attributes
D. The __init__() method and __new__() method perform the same
function, with no functional difference
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: The __init__() method in Python is used to initialize the
instance variables of an object after the object is created, but the actual
creation of the object is handled by the __new__() method. The __new__()
method is responsible for creating and returning a new instance of the class.

Question 91. Python's property() function is used to define managed

attributes in a class, often replacing the need for explicit getter and setter
methods. How does the property() function work, and how can it be used to
define read-only attributes within a class?
A. The property() function allows defining read-only attributes by only
passing a setter function and omitting the getter
B. The property() function enables defining managed attributes by
accepting getter, setter, and deleter functions, and can be used to make
attributes read-only by defining only a getter
C. The property() function works only with private attributes and cannot
define read-only attributes
D. The property() function is used to create class-level constants and does
not interact with instance attributes
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: The property() function in Python allows the creation of
managed attributes by defining getter, setter, and optionally deleter
methods. To make an attribute read-only, only the getter function is
provided, preventing modification of the attribute after it is set.

Question 92. In Python's object-oriented paradigm, operator overloading is

achieved through special methods that allow classes to redefine how
operators like +, -, and * work with class objects. How would you overload
the addition (+) operator for a class that represents a mathematical vector,
enabling the addition of two vector objects?
A. Overload the __add__() method within the class to implement custom
behavior for the + operator
B. Use the __plus__() method to overload the + operator for the vector class
C. Implement the __iadd__() method to overload the + operator, which
handles in-place addition of vectors
D. Operator overloading is not supported in Python, so the + operator
cannot be overloaded for custom classes
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: In Python, the __add__() method can be overloaded within a
class to define custom behavior for the + operator. This is useful for classes
representing mathematical structures like vectors, where addition needs to
be defined in terms of adding their components.
Question 93. In Python, when creating a class, which of the following is
the correct way to define the constructor method that initializes the instance
attributes upon object creation, ensuring that each instance of the class can
maintain its own state without interference from other instances?
A. def __init__(self, attribute1, attribute2):
B. def constructor(self, attribute1, attribute2):
C. def __create__(self, attribute1, attribute2):
D. def init(self, attribute1, attribute2):
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: The correct method to define a constructor in Python is by
using __init__, which is a special method that initializes new objects. This
method allows you to set the initial state of an object by assigning values to
instance attributes based on the parameters passed when creating the object.

Question 94. When defining a class in Python, which keyword is used to

create a subclass that inherits properties and behaviors from a parent class,
thereby allowing code reuse and establishing a hierarchical relationship
between classes?
A. inherits
B. extends
C. base
D. class ChildClass(ParentClass):
Correct Answer: D
Explanation: In Python, subclasses are defined using the syntax class
ChildClass(ParentClass):. This allows ChildClass to inherit attributes and
methods from ParentClass, enabling code reuse and the ability to override
or extend the behavior of the parent class.

Question 95. In Python, if you want to ensure that a method in a child class
has the same name as a method in the parent class, while also potentially
altering its behavior, what is this concept called, and how is it implemented
correctly within the class definition?
A. Overloading
B. Encapsulation
C. Method overriding
D. Polymorphism
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: Method overriding occurs when a subclass provides a specific
implementation of a method that is already defined in its superclass. This is
achieved by defining a method in the child class with the same name as in
the parent class, allowing the child class to change or extend the behavior of
that method while still maintaining the method signature.

Question 96. In the context of Python's Object-Oriented Programming,

which of the following statements about encapsulation is accurate,
particularly regarding how access modifiers control the visibility of class
attributes and methods from outside the class?
A. All attributes in a class are public by default and can be accessed from
outside the class without any restrictions.
B. Attributes prefixed with a single underscore are strictly private and
cannot be accessed from outside the class.
C. Attributes prefixed with double underscores are name-mangled and can
only be accessed from within the class itself.
D. None of the above statements about encapsulation are true.
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: In Python, attributes prefixed with double underscores
undergo name mangling, making them more difficult to access from outside
the class, as they are transformed to _ClassName__attribute. This technique
supports encapsulation by preventing accidental access or modification of
class internals, while attributes with a single underscore are considered a
convention for "protected" access, not strictly private.

Question 97. Which method in a Python class is automatically called when

an object of that class is deleted, allowing for any necessary cleanup
actions, such as releasing resources or saving state before the object is
removed from memory?
A. __delete__
B. __destruct__
C. __del__
D. __clean__
Correct Answer: C
Explanation: The __del__ method is a special method in Python that is
called when an object is about to be destroyed. This allows the programmer
to implement any cleanup actions, such as closing files or releasing
resources, ensuring that the object's termination is handled gracefully,
although it’s not guaranteed to be called immediately when the object goes
out of scope.

Question 98. In Python, how does polymorphism enhance the flexibility

and extensibility of programs, particularly when dealing with functions that
can operate on different types of objects, and what is an example of
achieving this through method overriding in derived classes?
A. By creating multiple functions with the same name that accept different
B. By allowing the same method name to behave differently across various
C. By enforcing a strict type-checking mechanism for all function calls.
D. By requiring all subclasses to implement their own unique method
Correct Answer: B
Explanation: Polymorphism allows methods to use the same name but
behave differently based on the object calling them. This is achieved
through method overriding, where subclasses implement methods that share
the same signature as those in their parent classes. This enables a common
interface to interact with different data types and enhances code flexibility
and reusability.
Question 99. What is the primary purpose of using abstract base classes in
Python's Object-Oriented Programming paradigm, particularly in enforcing
a contract for subclasses that inherit from it, and which module must be
imported to utilize this feature effectively?
A. To create objects that cannot be instantiated directly; import abc.
B. To define common methods without implementation; import abclib.
C. To facilitate object composition; import abstract.
D. To prevent method overriding; import base.
Correct Answer: A
Explanation: Abstract base classes (ABCs) serve as blueprints for other
classes and cannot be instantiated on their own. They are used to define a
common interface for a group of subclasses, requiring them to implement
certain methods. The abc module in Python provides the necessary
functionality to define ABCs and enforce this contract through decorators
such as @abstractmethod.

Question 100. In a scenario where a base class provides a method that

handles specific functionality, and you want to extend this functionality in a
subclass while still retaining the base class method, what is the best
approach to achieve this without completely overriding the method?
A. Call the base class method within the subclass method.
B. Use the super() function to refer to the base class.
C. Reimplement the method in the subclass with a different name.
D. Both A and B are correct.
Correct Answer: D
Explanation: To extend the functionality of a method from a base class in a
subclass without losing the original implementation, you can either call the
base class method directly or use super() to invoke it. This approach allows
you to add additional behavior while still benefiting from the functionality
provided by the base class.

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