BTTM Syllabus 2021 (GU)
BTTM Syllabus 2021 (GU)
BTTM Syllabus 2021 (GU)
Ordinanc e
Universit y
Sub Total
1st Semester
21BTTM101 Introduction to Tourism 3 1 0 10 5 5 20 80 100 -- 100
& Travel Management
21BTTM102 Geography of Tourism 3 1 0 10 5 5 20 80 100 -- 100
21BTTM103 Tourism Resources of 3 1 0 10 5 5 20 80 100 -- 100
21BTTM104 Application of 3 0 1 10 5 5 20 80 100 50 150
Computer and ICT in
21BTTM105 Foundation Course in 3 1 0 10 5 5 20 80 100 -- 100
2nd Semester
21BTTM201 Travel Agency & Tour 3 1 0 10 5 5 20 80 100 -- 100
21BTTM202 Haryana: Tourism, 3 1 0 10 5 5 20 80 100 -- 100
Culture & Cuisine
21BTTM203 Tourism Resources of 3 1 0 10 5 5 20 80 100 -- 100
21BTTM204 Adventure Tourism- 3 0 11 10 5 5 20 80 100 50 150
I(Land Based)
21BTTM 205 Human Resource 3 1 0 10 5 5 20 80 100 -- 100
21BTTM206 Communication Skills 3 11 0 10 5 5 20 80 100 -- 100
in Tourism
21BTTM 301 Emerging Trends in 3 1 0 10 5 5 20 80 100 -- 100
21BTTM302 Tourism Organizations 3 1 0 10 5 5 20 80 100 -- 100
and Associations
21BTTM303 Tourism Resources of 3 1 0 10 5 5 20 80 100 -- 100
21BTTM304 Adventure Tourism- 3 1 0 10 5 5 20 80 100 -- 100
II(Air Based)
21BTTM305 Tour Guiding & 3 1 0 10 5 5 20 80 100 -- 100
Escorting Skills
21BTTM306 Hotel and Resort 3 1 0 10 5 5 20 80 100 -- 100
21BTTM401 TTransport Services in 3 1 0 10 5 5 20 80 100 -- 100
21BTTM402 TTourism Marketing 3 1 0 10 5 5 20 80 100 -- 100
21BTTM601 Eco Tourism 3 1 0 10 5 5 20 80 100 -- 100
21BTTM602 Itinerary Planning &Tour 3 1 0 10 5 5 20 80 100 -- 100
Packaging Management
21BTTM 603 Airlines Ticketing 3 1 0 10 5 5 20 80 100 -- 100
Max Marks – 80
Time Allowed: 3 Hours
Note: Attempt any six questions; Question No -1 is compulsory
1. Short answer type questions (Compulsory) (2*10=20 Marks)
2. Question 2 (12 - Marks)
3. Question 3 (12 - Marks)
4. Question 4 (12 - Marks)
5. Question 5 (12 - Marks)
6. Question 6 (12 - Marks)
7. Question 7 (12 - Marks)
8. Question 8 (12 - Marks)
Leaning Outcomes
After the completion of the course the students will be able to:
1. Describe the history and structure of international travel and hospitality industry
2. Appraise the positive and negative impacts of tourism destination development
3. Analyze arrange of tourist needs and motivations to travel
4. Discuss the development and distribution of tourism products
Unit I
Meaning, definition, characteristics and types of Tourism, components of Tourism, tourism as an
Unit II
History of Tourism through ages, linkages of tourism with other subjects like History, sociology,
geography, management and economics, Economic impacts of tourism
Unit III
Tourism Organizations: Origin, Organization and Function of WTO, IATA as International
Organizations while TAAI, IATO and ITDC as Domestic Organizations
Unit IV
Explaining of the terms- Tours, Tourist, and Visitor, traveller, Excursionist, Resource, Attraction,
W.T.O. classification of Tourists and its significance. Problem and Prospects of Tourism
Suggested Readings:
• Anand, M.M., Tourism and hotel Industry ii1 India, Prentice Hall, New Delhi, 1976
• Bhatia, A. K., International Tourism, Sterling Publishers, New Delhi
• Bhatia, A. K., Tourism development: Principles, Practices and Philosophies,
• Sterling Publishers, New Delhi
• McIntosh, Robert, W. Goldner, Charles, Tourism: Principles, Practices and
• Philosophies, John Wiley and Sons Inc. New York, 1990 (9th edition)
Learning objective
1. To help the students get acquainted with the fundamentals of Geography, climatic regions of
world and International Date Line.
2. To enable the students to understand the relationship of geography and Tourism and to make
aware the students about various Tourism Models.
3. To provide the students the first hand knowledge about Political and Physical features of World
4. To develop the understanding regarding the Indian Geography including Physical and Political
features of Indian Subcontinent and to enlighten them about climatic conditions prevailing in
Learning Outcomes:
1. Student will be able to understand fundamentals of Geography, climatic regions of world and
International Date Line.
2. To understand the importance and scope of geography in tourism.
3. Get awareness about the Political and Physical features of World Geography
4. Students will be able to acquire the knowledge about Physical and Political features of Indian
Geography and to apply the knowledge of climatic conditions prevailing in India in designing
tour itineraries.
Unit I
Fundamentals of geography, climatic regions of the world, study of maps, Latitude, longitude,
International Date Line.
Unit II
Importance of Geography in Tourism, definition, scope and contents of geography of Tourism, Tourism
Unit III
Political and Physical features of World Geography: America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa
and Australia.
Unit IV
Indian Geography: Physical and Political features of Indian Subcontinent, climatic conditions
prevailing in India, Some important locations prevailing in famous for international tourism.
Suggested Readings:
• Robinson, HA, ‘A Geography of Tourism’
• Burton, Rosemary, ‘The Geography of Travel & Tourism
• Boniface B. and Cooper C, ‘ Geography of Travel and Tourism’
• McDonals and Evans, ‘A geography of Tourism’
• Encyclopedia of World Geography
• India, Lonely Planet Publication
• Travel Information Manual, IATA, Netherland, 2006
• Blue and Red OAG, IATA, Geneva, 2006
• Michael Hall, ‘Geography Travel & Tourism’, Routledge, London, 1999
Learning Outcomes
After the complication of the course the students will be able to:
1. Gain the knowledge and skills to identify tourism products of India.
2. To acquire the skills to assess develop and manage tourism products.
3. To identify and manage emerging tourist destinations.
4. To conceptualize a tour itinerary based on variety of theme
Unit I
India: General introduction, states & capitals, physiographic units, seasons and climatic regions & their
impacts on tourism. Natural vegetation & wild animals of India & wild life tourism, India: a destination
for all reasons & seasons.
Unit II
The Northern Mountains: General introduction of the Himalayas & other ranges, their importance for
religious, hill station & adventure tourism. A case study of Sri Nagar, Shimla, Nainital, Darjeeling
Unit III
The Central Plains: General introduction of deserts & central plains. Their Importance for cultural,
religious & adventure tourism.A case study of Amritsar, Jaipur, Delhi, Lucknow, Kolkata.
Unit IV
The Peninsula: General features of Indian peninsula with their tourism Significance. A case study of
Hyderabad, Banglore, Ooty The coastal plains and islands: General features of coastal regions, their
Importance for religious, cultural & beach tourism. A case study of Mumbai, Goa, Andaman & Nicobar.
Suggested Readings:
Learning Outcomes
1. Students will be able to understand the meaning and basic components of a computer system,
define and distinguish Hardware and Software components of computer system,
2. Students will be able to explain and identify different computing machines during the evolution
of computer system, gain knowledge about five generations of computer system,
3. Explain the functions of a computer, identify and discuss the functional units of a computer
4. Identify the various input and output units and explain their purposes, understand the role of
CPU and its components.
Unit I
Introduction to Computers: Introduction to Computer: Classification, Generations, Organization,
Capabilities Characteristics & Limitations, Application of Computer in Hotel.
Unit II
Introduction to Computer Hardware’s: Components of Computers – Hardware: Hardware
elements – input, storage, processing & output devices. Block diagram of computer
Unit III
Introduction to Computers Software’s: Types of Software, System Software, Application Software,
Utility Software’s, Use of MS- Office: Basics of MS- Word. MS- Excel and MS Power
Unit IV
Introduction to Internet and ICT: Introduction to Internet and ICT, ICT for achieving competitive
edge in tourism Industry, Successful online tourist business models – an overview of Tourism websites
– Online tourism services and benefits – IT and its role in tourism, Case studies of IRCTC, Make my, etc.
Learning Outcomes:
After the completion of the course students will be able to:
1. Gain the knowledge regarding concept, functions and level of management and also will be able
to learn the history and evolution of management thought.
2. Apply the knowledge pertaining to planning, decision making process and forecasting.
3. Acquire knowledge pertaining to organizing, delegation and its benefits and various forms of
organizational structure.
4. Apply the knowledge regarding motivating employees, communication with employees and
leadership skills and styles.
Unit 1
Concept and Nature of Management: Concept & Definitions, Features of Management, Management
As Science, Art & Profession, Levels of Management, Nature of Management Process, Classification
of Managerial Functions, Evolution of Management Thought Approaches To Management (Classical,
Behavioural, Quantitative Contingency), Contribution of Leading Thinkers, Recent Trends In
management Thought.
Unit 2
Planning – Process and Types, Decision Making Process, Management By Objectives (MBO),
Unit 3
Organizing: Nature & Principles of Organization, Span of Management, Authority & Responsibility,
Delegation and Decentralization, Forms of Organization Structure, Line & Staff Authority
Unit 4
Motivation – Concept and concept and content theories, Communication – Process, Barriers and types,
Leadership – concept, styles and skills, Coordination, Controlling: Nature & Process of Controlling
Suggested Readings:
• Chandra Bose/ Principles of Management & Administration, Prentice Hall of India
• Essential of Management Koontz &Wrihrich Tata McGraw – Hill Publishing Co. Ltd.
• Essentials of Management – Chatterji and by Koontz &O’donnel
• Fundamentals of Management – J.S. Chandran Principles of Mgt.- P.N, Reddy
• Management – Stoner & Freeman
• Management and Organization – M. Louis Allen Management Theory and Practice-Earnest Dale
• Management Stoner, Freeman & Gilbert Prentice Hall of India Pct Ltd
• Management Tasks – Peter F Drucker Management Prcess – Davar R
• Management Theory & Practice C.B. Gupta (CBG) Sultan Chand & Sons
• Management Today: Principles and Practice – Burton, Jene, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co.
Learning Outcomes
After the complication of the course the students will be able to:
1. Gain the knowledge of travel and tourism operation and its association with various other fields
of tourism.
2. To acquire the skills to professionally fit into the organizational setup of the travel and tourism
agencies and how to develop professionally.
3. To develop the competencies to start their own business in the fields of travel and tourism.
4. To apply the knowledge pertaining to role of various associations in promoting travel and
tourism business.
Unit I
Travel Agency- History, growth, definition, types and present status of Travel agency, Organizational
structure and working of travel agency, Differentiation between travel agency and tour operation
business, Process for approval of travel agency in India
Unit II
Travel Agents- Definition, types, rights and duties of travel agent, Functions: understanding the
function of travel agency, travel Information and counselling of the tourist, itinerary preparation, travel
Retailing and operations, preparation of tour packages, source of Income- commission, service charges
and mark up on tours
Unit III
Tour Operators- Types of tour operators, rules for recognition of tour Operators, role of tour operators,
Functions- market research and tour Package formulation, assembling, processing and disseminating
Information on destinations. Liaison with principles, preparation of Itineraries, tour operations and post
tour management. Practical Exercise and basic requirements in setting up a travel agency and tour
Operation unit
Suggested Readings:
• Holloway, J. c., The Business of Tourism (1983), Mac Donald and Events,
• Plymounth.SyrattGwenda, Manual of Travel Agency Practice,
• Butterworth Heinmann,London, 1995
• Stevens Laurence, Guide to Starting and Operating Successful Travel
• Agency,Delmar Publishers Inc., New York. 1990
• Gee, Chuck and Y. Makens, Professional Travel Agency Management,
• Prentice Hall, Nt.: York, 1990.
Learning Outcomes:
After the completion of the course the students will be able to:
1. Gain the knowledge of History, Geography, Culture and various forms of tourism in Haryana
2. Enhance the understanding on culture and potential of tourism as well as the various resources
of tourism available in Haryana.
3. To enhance the knowledge on the various transport and accommodation sector in Haryan
4. To acquire the knowledge and understanding on the Tourism policy of Haryana
Haryana: Introduction& Overview - Haryana : Geographical & Historical Background of State,
Administrative Divisions, Cultural Zones, Prominent Personalities, their relevance & contribution in
Tourism. Haryana Tourism & various popular forms of Tourism in Haryana : Highway Tourism, Farm
Tourism, Eco Tourism, Pilgrimage Tourism, Golf Tourism, MICE Tourism, Sports Tourism.
Cultural Tourism Potential in Haryana: The People, Traditional Costumes, Dances, Music, Fairs &
Festivals of Haryana (with Special Reference to Surajkund Crafts Mela,
Kartik&GeetaJayantiSamaroh.); Tourism Resources of Haryana: Monuments & Museums, Tourism
Resources of Haryana : Religious & Pilgrimage Centres - Religious & Pilgrimage Centres of Haryana.
A brief discussion on each of these: Kurukshetra, Pehowa, Jyotisar, Agroha, Pindara, Bheemeshwari
Mata Beri, Mansa Devi, Sheetla Mata - Gurugram
Transportation & Accommodation Sector in Haryana: Highways, Major Railway Routes, Junctions &
Stations, Airports, Haryana Tourism Complexes, Other interesting accommodation units. (ITC Grand
Bharat Gurugram, Taj Chandigarh, TheOberoiGurugram); Cuisine of Haryana: traditional foods &
culinary delights of Haryana, Some popular foods & eating joints across the districts and Dhabhas on
Suggested Readings:
• Haryana - The Land & People by DC Verma & Sukhbir Singh, National Book Trust India
• Haryana Travel Guide by Swati Mitra, Haryana Tourism Corporation
• Food of Haryana - The Great Chutneys by Dr. Ashish Dahiya
• Food of Haryana - The Great Desserts by Dr. Ashish Dahiya
E Resources:
Learning Outcomes
After the complication of the course the students will be able to:
1. Gain the knowledge and skills to identify cultural tourism products of India.
2. Students will be able to gain and apply the knowledge of various types of attraction based on
Indian architecture.
3. Students will be able to appraise the knowledge various classical dance and music of India and
its useful relationship with tourism.
4. They will be able to explore major fairs and festivals of India and their importance for promoting
tourism in India.
Unit I
Introduction to Culture: Culture: Concept and its essential Features, Indian Culture:Fundamentals of
Indian Culture; Indian culture through the Ages, Culture and tourism relationship with special reference
to India
Unit II
Indian Architecture – I:Buddhist Architecture: Ajanta, Ellora and Sanchi, Hindu Architecture:
Khajuraho temples, Sun temple of Konark, Shore Temple of Mamallpuram and Brihadisvara temple at
Thanjavur, Medieval Architecture: TajMahal, Red Fort of Delhi, FatehpurSikri and QutubMinar
Unit III
Dances and Music of India: Classical Dances of India, Classical Music of India
Unit IV
Major Fairs and festivals of India and their significance for tourism Holi, Dussehra, Diwali,
Baisakhi, Pongal, Bihu, Desert festival – Jaisalmer, Surajkund Craft fair, International Trade Fair - New
Learning Outcomes
1. The students gain the knowledge about Definition, Scope and Nature of Land Based adventure
tourism; popular tourist destinations for land based (soft/hard trekking, Skiing, mountaineering,
desert safaris, car rallies etc.).
2. The students gain the knowledge about Basic minimum standards for land based adventure
tourism related activities - Land based; Mountaineering, Trekking, Knowledge of Tools and
equipments used in land based adventure tourism, IMF rules for mountain expeditions,
cancellation of permits and bookings. Land Based Adventure Tourism in India-Facilities
offered; issues and considerations. - Land Based Adventure tourism. Organizations and training
institutes in India. Challenges of adventure tourism– Litter, waste, pollution, overbuilding,
destruction of flora and fauna
3. The students gain the knowledge about Land Based Adventure tourism impacts-social, Cultural,
economic and environmental impacts of adventure tourism. Issues from the perspective of
different stakeholders (government, local people, tourists and tourism businesses).
4. The students will gain knowledge about Land Based adventure tourism-products and
infrastructure. Marketing and promotional strategies. Problems and issues relevant to the
adventure travel and tourism industry. Risk Management. Career Adventurers, Job opportunity.
Unit I
Definition, Scope and Nature of Land Based adventure tourism; popular tourist destinations for land
based (soft/hard trekking, Skiing, mountaineering, desert safaris, car rallies etc.).
Unit II
Basic minimum standards for land based adventure tourism related activities - Land based;
Mountaineering, Trekking, Knowledge of Tools and equipments used in land based adventure tourism,
IMF rules for mountain expeditions, cancellation of permits and bookings. Land Based Adventure
Tourism in India-Facilities offered; issues and considerations. Land Based Adventure
tourism.Organizations and training institutes in India. Challenges of adventure tourism– Litter, waste,
pollution, overbuilding, destruction of flora and fauna
Unit III
Land Based Adventure tourism impacts-social, Cultural, economic and environmental impacts of
adventure tourism. Issues from the perspective of different stakeholders (government, local people,
tourists and tourism businesses).
Unit IV
Land Based adventure tourism-products and infrastructure. Marketing and promotional strategies.
Problems and issues relevant to the adventure travel and tourism industry. Risk Management. Career
Adventurers, Job opportunities.
Suggested Readings:
• India -A Travel Survival Kit by Geoff Crowther & Others. Lonely Planet Publication.
• India -A Travellers Companion by Pran Nath Seth.
• Tourism Products of India -Dr. I.C. Gupta & Dr. Sushama Kasbekar.
• Tourism in India -V.K. Gupta, Gian Publishing House, Delhi
• Hill Stations of India -Gillan Wright, Penguin Books, New Delhi
Learning Outcomes:
After the completion of the course students will be able to:
1. Understand the role and importance of Human Resource Management in Hospitality and
Tourism Industry-. They will also be able to recognize the challenges faced by HRM in
Hospitality and Tourism Industry.
2. Gain the knowledge about the selection and recruitment procedure used by companies in
Industry and also understand the importance of induction, outplacement and welfare facilities
provided by the employer to its employees.
3. Acquire the knowledge regarding training and development methods and importance of
transfers and promotion.
4. To apply the knowledge pertaining to compensation and performance appraisal methods in the
Unit I
Concept of HRM and HRD; role of HR practitioner; managing the HR function; scope of HRM,
contemporary issues in HRM
Unit II
Job, role and competence analysis; human resource planning; recruitment and selection; induction;
redundancy, outplacement and dismissal; maintenance and welfare activities – employee health and
safety, fatigue and welfare activities
Unit III
Training and its methods; Executive development and its techniques Career management; transfer and
Unit IV
Aims, components, factor influencing employee compensation; internal equity, external equity and
individual worth; pay structure; incentive payments, performance appraisal; 360 degree feedback.
2. To provide them knowledge regarding different types of written communication like business
report, formal letter, business representations etc.
3. To make them understand the concept of dos and don’ts of drafting speech, presentation and
extempore and self-introduction.
4. To make them aware about RTI act, its powers and functions, writing an RTI application and
all related information regarding RTI.
Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course the students will be able to
1. Apply the knowledge regarding different types and forms of communication used in tourism
industry and how to overcome the barriers in communication.
2. To understand and implement information regarding how to make business reports, formal
letters, business representations and the effective use of jargons.
4. To write and submit RTI application, understand the powers and functions of RTI and the
various appeals and penalties in it.
Unit I
Communication – Types & Process: Introduction, definitions, Process of communication, types of
Communication, upward, downward, horizontal, vertical and diagonal, verbal, nonverbal and oral and
written Interpersonal communication – one way/ two way, Mediums of communication, Listening,
Barriers to Communication
Unit II
Written Communication: Business report, business representation, formal letter Drafting effective
letter, formats, style of writing, Use of jargons
Unit III
Speeches: Drafting, a speech, presentation, Personal grooming, Paragraphs and creative writing,
Extempore, Introducing yourself
Suggested Readings:
• Bhaskar, W.W.S., AND Prabhu, NS., “English Through Reading”, Publisher: McMillan, 1978
• Business Correspondence and Report Writing” –Sharma, R.C. and Mohan K. Publisher:, Tata
McGraw Hill 1994
• Communications in Tourism & Hospitality – Lynn Van Der Wagen, Publisher: Hospitality
• Business Communication – K.K. Sinha
• Essentials of Business communication By Marey Ellen Guffey, Publisher: Thompson Press
• How to win Friends and Influence People By Dale Carnegie, Publisher: Pocket Books
• Basic Business Communication By Lesikar & Flatley, Publisher Tata McGraw Hills
• Body Language By Allan Pease, Publisher Sheldon Press
• Business Correspondence and Report Writing”, Sharma, RC. And Mohan, K., Tata McGraw
Hill, 1994
• “Model Business Letters”, Gartside, L., Pitam, 1992
• Communications in Tourism & Hospitality, Lynn Van OerWagen, Hospitality Press
Learning Outcomes
After the complication of the course the students will be able to:
1. Gain the knowledge of emerging trends of tourism in India.
2. To obtain information regarding the rural tourism and its association with various other form of
3. Get awareness about the concept of MICE as well as its process of organizing.
4. Acquire the knowledge about the status of medical tourism in India and its relationship with
other form of tourism as well as major markets of Indian medical tourism.
Unit I
Concepts of emerging trends and dimensions, importance of study and Major emerging types of tourism
in India.
Unit II
Rural Tourism- concept and its relation with other types of tourism. Aims And objectives behind
promoting rural tourism. Resource available in India for rural tourism, Rural tourism- Benefits or
Unit III
MICE- Meaning and concept of MICE, understanding planning and Organizing conference, exhibitions
and trade fares, facilities available in India for MICE, Convention Management- Role of the meeting
manager, Types, skills required and responsibilities.
Unit IV
Medical Tourism- concept and its relation with other types of tourism.Overview and operational
aspects of medical tourism facilitators. Major markets of Indian medical tourism Resource available in
India medical Tourism
Suggested Readings:
• A.K. Bhatia, ‘Event Management’, Sterling Publishers Pvt. Ltd. Delhi, 2001.
• Anton Shone & Bryn Parry, ‘Successful Event Management’, 2002.37
Learning Outcomes:
After the complication of the course the students will be able to:
1. Gain the Knowledge of the role and functions of State, national and International Organizations
in Tourism Growth.
2. To obtain information regarding role of United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
and World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) in efficiently managing the tourism activities.
3. Get awareness about the activities of Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA) and International
Air Transport Association (IATA) and their importance in tourism growth.
4. Acquire the knowledge how Travel Agent Association of India (TAAI), Indian Association of
Tour Operators (IATO) and Federation of Hotel & Restaurant Associations of India (FHRAI)
help in travel trade and hospitality business in India.
Unit I
Tourism Organizations and their significance in tourism growth Role and Functions of State, national
and International tourism organizations Major functions of tourism organizations
Unit II
United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO): History, Objectives, Structure and
programmes of UNWTO; World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC): History; Programmes and
functions like tourism research and tourism initiatives, members
Unit III
Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA): History, Chapters, Members and Events International Air
Transport Association (IATA): History, membership, Areas of Activity, Events, Working Groups &
Suggested URLS
Learning Outcomes:
1. Students will be able to gain the knowledge of various types of relations between religion and
2. Get awareness about the Philosophy of major religion in India as well as knowledge of chosen
pilgrimage traditions and their interconnection with tourism.
3. Students will have acquired the knowledge of basic feature and geographical extent of major
religion in India as well as familiarize them how to study the aspect of religion –tourism nexus.
4. Students will be able to gain and apply the knowledge of various religious destinations in India
and their importance for promoting tourism in India.
Religious Tourism: An Overview, Religious Tourism: Concept, Definition and Significance
Trends and Pattern in Religious tourism in India Problems and Prospects of Religious Tourism in
Major Religions in India – I: Hinduism (Vedic, Bhagvatism and Shaivism streams) basic features.
Buddhism and Jainism: Their teachings and Philosophy
Unit III
Major Religions in India – II: Islam and Christianity in India: Basic Features and geographical Extent.
Sikhism: Basic Features
Major Religious Destinations of India: Hinduism: Four Dhams i.e. Badrinath, Rameshwaram, Puriand
Dwarka, Varanasi, Mathura Vrindavan, Haridwar, Vaishno Devi, Allahabad and Tirupati, Buddhism &
Jainism : Bodh Gaya, Sarnath, Mount Abu, Palitana Islam, Christianity and Sikhism: Ajmer, Goa and
Suggested Readings:
• AbidHussain, S. 2003 (reprint) The National Culture of India, National Book Trust, New
• Basham, A.L., 1985 (reprint) The Wonder That Was India, Rupa % Co,. New Delhi
• Hay, Stephen, (Ed.) 1992,Sources of Indian Tradition, 2 vols., Penguin Books, Delhi
• Nadakarni, M.V. 2006, Hinduism:TheGandhian Perspective, Ane Books India, New Delhi
• Radhakrishanan, S. 1999 (Oxford India paperback)Indian Philosophy, 2 vols., Oxford
University Press, New Delhi
Learning Outcomes
1. The students gain the knowledge about Definition, Scope and Nature of Air Based adventure
tourism; popular tourist destinations for Air based (parasailing, paragliding, ballooning, hand
gliding and micro lighting etc.)
2. The students gain the knowledge about Basic minimum standards for Air based adventure
tourism related activities like Parasailing, Paragliding, Bungee Jumping. Tools and Equipments
used in Air Based Adventure Tourism, Air Based Adventure Tourism in India-Facilities offered;
issues and considerations. Air Based Adventure tourism. Organizations and training institutes
in India. Challenges of adventure tourism– Litter, waste, pollution, overbuilding, destruction of
flora and fauna
3. The students gain the knowledge about Adventure tourism impacts-social, Cultural, economic
and environmental impacts of adventure tourism. Issues from the perspective of different
stakeholders (government, local people, tourists and tourism businesses).
4. The students will gain knowledge about Air Based adventure tourism-products and
infrastructure. . Marketing and promotional strategies. Problems and issues relevant to the
adventure travel and tourism industry. Risk Management. Career Adventurers, Job
Unit 1
Definition, Scope and Nature of Air Based adventure tourism; popular tourist destinations for Air based
(parasailing, paragliding, ballooning, hand gliding and micro lighting etc.)
Unit II
Basic minimum standards for Air based adventure tourism related activities like Parasailing,
Paragliding, Bungee Jumping. Tools and Equipments used in Air Based Adventure Tourism, Air Based
Adventure Tourism in India-Facilities offered; issues and considerations. Air Based Adventure tourism.
Organisations and training institutes in India. Challenges of adventure tourism– Litter, waste, pollution,
overbuilding, destruction of flora and fauna
Unit IV
Air Based adventure tourism-products and infrastructure. Marketing and promotional strategies.
Problems and issues relevant to the adventure travel and tourism industry. Risk Management. Career
Adventurers, Job opportunities.
Suggested Readings:
• India -A Travel Survival Kit by Geoff Crowther & Others. Lonely Planet Publication.
• India -A Travellers Companion by Pran Nath Seth.
• Tourism Products of India -Dr. I.C. Gupta & Dr. Sushama Kasbekar.
• Tourism in India -V.K. Gupta, Gian Publishing House, Delhi
• Hill Stations of India -Gillan Wright, Penguin Books, New Delhi
Course outcomes
1: Understand the various concepts related to tours and tour guiding, tour guiding as an
emerging business and role and importance of hygiene in conducting operations as a tour
2: Various techniques used by the tour operators during conduct of the tours and how can
he emerge as a leader in the process.
3: Understand the social responsibilities and their importance in various tour operations.
4: Understand the various procedures to be carried out for conducting successful tour,
planning and organising of tours.
Unit I
The tour Guide- Meaning and importance, early history, public perception, the business of guiding,
organizing a guiding business
Unit II
The guiding techniques- leadership and social skills, presentation and speaking skills, The guide’s
personality, moments of truth, the seven sins of guide, the service cycle, working with different age
groups, working under difficult circumstances
Unit III
The role of guide and interpretation: Are guiding and interpretation synonymous? Creating memorable
interpretations, Interpreting different themes- nature, history, art, architecture and incidental
interpretations, Responsibilities to locals and society.
Unit IV
Conducting tours: Pre tour planning, modes of transportation, types of tours, traveler with special needs,
guidelines for working with disabled people,relationship with fellow guides, motor / car operators and
Suggested Readings:
• Chowdhary, N.. (2013) Handbook for Tour Guides. New Delhi: Matrix Publishers.
• Rabotic, B. (2010). Professional tourist guiding: The importance of interpretation for tourist
experiences. In 20th Biennial International Congress: New Trends in Tourism and Hotel
Management, 06-08.
• Weiler, B., & Ham, S. H. (2001). Tour guides and interpretation. Encyclopedia of Ecotourism,
• Branislav, R. (2010). Professional tour guiding: The importance of interpretation for tourist
experiences. Tourism & Hospitality Management.
• Weiler, B., & Ham, S. H. (2002). Tour guide training: A model for sustainable capacity
building in developing countries. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 10(1), 52-69.
• Pond, K. L. (1993). The professional guide: Dynamics of tour guiding.New York USA: Van
Nostrand Reinhold Company.
• Prakash, M., &Chowdhary, N. (2010). What are we training tour guides for India? Turizam,
14(2), 53-65
Internal Marks: 20
Time:3 Hrs
Learning Objectives:
1. This course has been designed to inculcate among students basics of Hotel and resort skills
and prepare them to offer best services to tourists- our honored guests.
2. Identify Front Office and Banquet Function.
3. Explain the responsibilities of a Front office and Banquet Staff.
4. Discuss the skills and techniques to be a successful a Front office and Banquet Manager.
Course Outcomes:
1. To understand the various concept, terminology and comprehensive functioning of a Hotel
and Resorts.
2. To get awareness about the functioning and Hierarchy of a Hotel and Banquet.
3. To acquaint the knowledge about the responsibilities and required professional skill sets for
Front office (Hotel), Banquet and Resort.
4. To learn skills and techniques to be a successful a Front office and Banquet Manager.
Unit I
Definition, size and scope of Hotel Industry, Principles and concepts of Hotel and its objectives, organization,
departments and classification of Hotels, star categorization, types of rooms and types of plan- License, Permits
and regulatory condition and guidelines for hotel
Unit II
Front Office Techniques- Front office lay out and activities, guest Activities in hotel reservation, role of reception-
Forecasting room Availability, registration procedure, handling guests on arrival, Food and Beverages, Billing and
departure activities, Group Handling, Role of Front Office Manager and Personnel
Unit III
Banquet Function, Convention Halls, Meeting room- Arrangement for General and business meetings,
organizations and procedure for Arrangement of conferences, exhibitions, and outdoor catering. National and
International Hotel Associations and their operation, incentives and subsidies extended to Hotel in tourist areas
Unit IV
Resort Management- Historical perspective, Indian scenario, basic Characteristics, phases of resort planning and
development, trends and Factors in development, Trends and factors in developed tourist markets Leading to
growth to resort concept, basic element of a resort complex- Loading facilities, land escaping, Dining and Drinking
facilities, Family Oriented services, shops and entertainment services
Suggested Readings:
• Boardman R.D. Hotel, catering costing, and Budgets, 1975,
• Heinement, London.
• Bursteen Harnery, Management of Hotels and Motels 1980 Marcil
• Dekher Inc.
Learning Outcomes
After the complication of the course the students will be able to:
1. To understand the importance of transportation in Tourism.
2. To understand the relationship between transport and tourism.
3. To review the various transportation modes and the factors influencing the development and
choice determination.
4. To introduce the fundamentals of transportation management. To apply the knowledge
pertaining to role of various transport organizations both public and private in promoting
tourism business.
History of different modes of transportation Landmarks in the development of transport sector and
factors affecting the development of different modes of transport.
Airlines & tourism: history of airlines' in India. Role of airlines in tourism promotion: recent
policies regarding airlines, Problems of airlines business.
Growth and development of surface transport in India, importance of surface transportation.
Infrastructural basis for surface transport ..
Railway & tourism: history & present status of Indian railway. Role of Indian railway in tourism
promotion. Special trains & packages for tourists. Problems faced by Indian railway.
Suggested Readings:
o JagmohanNegi – Travel Agency and Tour Operations.
o Mohinder Chand - Travel Agency and Tour Operations: An Introductory Text Bhatia,
A.K., - International Tourism
o Seth, P.N., (1999) Successful Tourism Management (Vol 1 &2)
Learning Outcomes:
After the completion of the course students will be able to:
1. To understand what service marketing is and how the present marketing management
philosophy evolved.
2. Apply the knowledge regarding various environmental factors which affect the buying decisions
of guests in Hospitality and Tourism Industry.
3. Gain the knowledge about the various p’s and major strategies and decisions regarding these p’s
of marketing in Hospitality and Tourism industry.
4. Understand the various ways of communicating with the customers and also the role of socially
responsible marketing communication in Hospitality and Tourism Industry.
Unit I
Introduction to Marketing: Needs, Wants and Demands; Products and Services; Markets; Marketing;
The Production Concept, The Product Concept, The Selling Concept, The Marketing Concept, The
Societal Marketing Concept; The Marketing Process, Service Characteristic of Hospitality and Tourism
Unit II
Marketing Environment, Consumer Markets and Consumer Buyer Behavior: Micro and Micro
Environment, Characteristics, Factors Affecting Consumer Behaviour, Buying Decision Behaviour,
The Buyer Decision Process.
Unit III
Distribution Channels, Product Pricing and Services Strategy: Nature and Importance of
Distribution System, Marketing Intermediaries, What is Product, Product Classification, Individual
Product Decisions, Product Life Cycle, Approaches to hospitality service pricing.
Unit IV
Public Relations, Sales Promotions and Integrated Marketing Communication: The Marketing
Communications Mix, The Changing Face of Marketing Communications, Integrated Marketing
Communications, Socially Responsible Marketing Communication, Advertising, Sales Promotion,
Public Relations, The Public Relation Process, Personnel Selling, Direct Marketing.
Suggested Readings:
• Services Marketing – Ravishankar
• Services Marketing – ZeitalValerire – A and Mary Jo Baiter Publisher: McGraw Hill
• Service Marketing - Wood ruffe Helen Publisher Macmillan
• Foundation and Practices Marketing of Services – Strategies for Success, Harsh
V.Verma,Professional Manager’s Library, Global Business Pres
• Marketing Management, Philip Kotler, Prentice – Hall of India, New Delhi
• Hospitality & Travel Marketing, Alastair M. Morrison
• Strategic Hotel and Motel Marketing – Hart & Troy
• Marketing for Hospitality Industry – Robert
• Marketing Management in South Asian Perspective, Kotler, Philop, Kevin Keller, A.Koshy and
M.Jha,- Pearson Education, New Delhi
• Marketing – Kerin, Hartley, Berkowtz and Rudeliu, TMH, New Delhi
Learning Objectives:
1. To make the students understand the basic concepts of Medical Tourism
2. To make them analyze the various Regulatory laws and ethical issues related to Medical
3. To enable the students regarding the health care therapies.
4. To acquaint them about the Medical Tourism in India.
Learning Outcomes:
After the completion of the course students will be able to:
1. To understand the meaning and scope of Medical Tourism
2. To understand the regulatory laws, ethical issues for Medical Tourism
3. Gain the knowledge about various health care therapies like Homeopathy, Ayurveda etc.
4. Understand the Medical Tourism in India.
Unit 1
Nature and scope of medical Tourism, Rise of Medical Tourism in Asia, Hospitality industry
and Medical Tourism, International healthcare accreditation.
Unit II
Regulatory laws, Ethical issues for Medical Tourism, Travel formalities, Marketing Medical
Unit III
Indian health care therapy and medicine - drug treatments ayurveda, yoga, naturopathy,
homoeopathy and spa
Unit IV
Medical Tourism in India, Major Destinations, Medical Tourism in Multi-Specialty Hospitals
in India, Potential impact of Medical Tourism on the health workforce and health systems in
Suggested Readings
• Chatak G.R. : Medical Tourism(Codes and Guidelines), Neha Publishers & Distributors,
• KulkarniSonali: Medical Tourism in India, Neha Publishers & Distributors, 2008.
• Connell John : Medical Tourism, CABI; First edition (May 3, 2011)
• Todd Maria K. : Medical Tourism Facilitator’s Handbook, Productivity Press; 1 edition
(12 January 2012)
• Renée-Marie Stephano, Esquire : Medical Tourism “An International Healthcare Guide
For Insurers, Employers and Governments”.
• C. Michael Hall : Medical Tourism (The Ethics, Regulation, and Marketing of Health
Mobility), Routledge, 21-Aug-2012.
Learning Outcomes
1. The students gain the knowledge about Definition, Scope and Nature of Water Based adventure
2. The students gain the knowledge about Basic minimum standards for water based adventure
tourism related activities like river running, rapids etc.
3. The students gain the knowledge about Water Based Adventure tourism impacts-social,
Cultural, economic and environmental impacts of adventure tourism.
4. The students will gain knowledge about Water Based adventure tourism-products and
Unit 1
Definition, Scope and Nature of Water Based adventure tourism; popular tourist destinations for Water
based (rafting, kayaking, canoeing, surfing, water skiing, scuba diving)
Unit 2
Basic minimum standards for water based adventure tourism related activities like river running, rapids
etc. Knowledge of Tools and equipments used in water based adventure tourism, Water Based
Adventure Tourism in India-Facilities offered; issues and considerations. Water Based Adventure
tourism. Organisations and training institutes in India. Challenges of adventure tourism– Litter, waste,
pollution, overbuilding, destruction of flora and fauna
Unit 3
Water Based Adventure tourism impacts-social, Cultural, economic and environmental impacts of
adventure tourism. Issues from the perspective of different stakeholders (government, local people,
tourists and tourism businesses).
Unit 4
Water Based adventure tourism-products and infrastructure. . Marketing and promotional strategies.
Problems and issues relevant to the adventure travel and tourism industry. Risk Management. Career
Adventurers, Job opportunities.
Learning Outcomes
1. Students will be able develop an understanding of the key concepts, definitions a key
perspectives of All
2. Hazards Emergency Management Understand the Emergency/Disaster Management Cycle.
3. Have a basic understanding for the history of Emergency Management
4. Develop a basic under understanding of Prevention, Mitigation, Preparedness, Response and
Recovery. Students will be able to develop a basic understanding for the role of public and
private partnerships
Unit I
Introduction to Disasters: Concepts and definitions (Disaster, Hazard, Vulnerability, Resilience,
Risks) Disasters: Classification, Causes, Impacts (including social, economic, political,
environmental, health, psychosocial, etc. ), Differential impacts- in terms of caste, class, gender,
age, location, disability, Global trends in disasters, urban disasters, pandemics, complex
emergencies, Climate change
Unit II
Approaches to Disaster Risk reduction: Disaster cycle - its analysis, Phases, Culture of safety,
prevention, mitigation and preparedness community based DRR, Structural- nonstructural
measures, roles and responsibilities of- community, Panchayati Raj Institutions/Urban Local Bodies
(PRIs/ULBs), states, Centre, and other stake-holders.
Unit III
Inter-relationship between Disasters and Development: Factors affecting Vulnerabilities,
differential impacts, impact of Development projects such as dams, embankments, changes in
Land-use etc.Climate Change Adaptation. Relevance of indigenous knowledge, appropriate
technology and local resources
Unit IV
Disaster Risk Management in India Hazard and Vulnerability profile of India, Components of
Disaster Relief: Water, Food, Sanitation, Shelter, and Health, Waste Management Institutional
arrangements (Mitigation, Response and Preparedness, DM Act and Policy, Other related policies,
plans, programmes and legislation)
Suggested Reading list:
• Alexander David, Introduction in 'Confronting Catastrophe', Oxford University Press,
• Andharia J. Vulnerability in Disaster Discourse, JTCDM, Tata Institute of Social Sciences
Working Paper no. 8, 2008
• Blaikie, P, Cannon T, Davis I, Wisner B 1997. At Risk Natural Hazards, Peoples'
Vulnerability and Disasters, Routledge.
• Coppola P Damon, 2007. Introduction to International Disaster Management,
• Carter, Nick 1991. Disaster Management: A Disaster Manager's Handbook. Asian
Development Bank, Manila Philippines.
Leaning Outcomes
After the completion of the course the students will be able to:
1. Critical Thinking: demonstrate critical thinking skills in relation to environmental affairs
2. Communication: demonstrate knowledge and application of communication skills and the
ability to write effectively in a variety of contexts.
3. Interdisciplinary Synthesis: demonstrate an ability to integrate the many disciplines and fields
that intersect with environmental concerns.
4. Ecological Literacy: demonstrate an awareness, knowledge, and appreciation of the intrinsic
values of ecological processes and communities.
5. Sustainability: demonstrate an integrative approach to environmental issues with a focus on
Unit I
Environmental studies – Nature, scope and importance, need for public awareness; natural resources –
renewable and non-renewable resources, use and over- exploitation/over-utilization of various
resources and consequences; role of an individual in conservation of natural resources; equitable use of
resources for sustainable lifestyles
Unit II
Ecosystems – concept, structure and function of an ecosystem; energy flow in the ecosystem; ecological
succession; food chains, food webs and ecological pyramids; types of ecosystem – forest ecosystem,
grassland ecosystem, desert ecosystem, aquatic ecosystems
Environmental Pollution – Definition, cause, effects and control measures of different types of
pollutions – air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution, marine pollution, noise pollution, thermal
pollution, nuclear hazards; solid waste management – causes, effects and control measures of urban and
industrial wastes; role of an individual in prevention of pollution
Unit III
Social issues and the environment – Sustainable development, urban problems related to energy, water
conservation, rain water harvesting, watershed management; resettlement and rehabilitation of people,
its problems and concerns; climate change, global warming, acid rain, ozone layer depletion, nuclear
accidents and holocaust; Wasteland reclamation, consumerism and waste products
Unit IV
Environmental legislation – Environment Protection Act.Air (prevention and control of pollution) Act.
Water (prevention and control of pollution) Act, Wildlife Protection Act, Forest Conservation Act
Suggested Readings:
• Rajagopalan R, Environmental Studies, Oxford University Press, New Delhi
• KaushikAnubha, C.P. Kaushik, Perspective in Environmental Studies, New Age
International (P) Ltd. Publishers
• Joseph Benny, Environmental Studies, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd., New
Learning Objectives
1. To enable students to gain relevant experience working within the tourism & hospitality
2. To enable students to develop and apply their practical and managerial skills in the working
environment in tourism industry.
3. To enable students to gather information and experience to both enrich and enhance the learning
process, as well as to develop them professionally according to the need of hospitality & tourism
industry .
4. To assist in the decision-making process of students in relation to the career direction they wish
to pursue.
5. To network and establish useful contacts for future employment/business opportunities.
Learning Outcomes
1. Students will build practical skills that can apply to describe the roles and functions of a leader
in the hospitality & tourism industry.
2. Students will understand the roles and functions of various employees working at different
levels of a tourism unit.
3. Students will be able to understand the need for career planning, application of production
forecasting techniques and procedures in hospitality industry.
4. Students will be able to prepare various tour packages such as packages for domestic
destinations, international destinations and packages for Inbound tourists.
5. Develop leadership and management skills through group cooperation.
6. Improve ability to exercise judgment and critically analyze problems during the operation.
7. Apply and improve written, oral, and non-verbal communication skills.
8. To provide the student with a "real life" experience in the tourism & hospitality industry.
Learning Objectives
The tourism & hospitality industry has long term implications on the economy, society, culture &
environment. It is required for the students of tourism management to understand how each and every
activity of tourism is related and affected therefore a project work is required to sharpen the research
skills, develop a practical understanding of the Hospitality system and attain some field experience etc.
The main purposes of Project Report are
1. Learn about various issues and challenges related to hospitality & tourism industry –
2. Learn how to evaluate the potential of various activities related to tourism and hospitality
3. Learn how to improve organizing & managerial skills.
4. Learning the application of research methodology.
Learning Outcomes
After doing the project the student shall be able to learn
1. To develop Critical thinking on the various issues and challenges related to hospitality &
2. To develop the future of every activities related to tourism
3. They shall be able to improve their writing skills, managerial skills etc.
4. They shall be able to practically apply the academic knowledge of research methodology
Students have to submit the following on completion of industrial training to the faculty coordinator
at the institute:
1. Logbook;
2. Appraisals;
3. A copy of the training certificate.
4. IT Report
5. PowerPoint presentation on a CD, based on the training report.
6. Attendance sheet.
7. Leave card
External Marks: 80
Internal Marks: 20
Time: 3 Hrs
Learning Objective
1. To acquaint the students about the basic airlines geography, calculation of flight timings and
role and significance of various associations related to aviation industry at global and National
2. To make the students understand about the historical perspective as well as current status of
aviation industry in India, the procedure of e-ticketing and fare calculation.
3. To provide the information about various IATA code, travel documentations and travel
4. To help students get acquainted with various software like Galelio, Amadeus etc. used for
Learning Outcomes
After the completion of the course the students will be able to:
1. Gain the knowledge of flying time calculation and structure of aviation industry at national and
global level
2. To acquire the skills of e-ticketing and fare calculation.
3. To enhance the competencies of the students in travel documentation and formalities
4. To acquire the skill for operating Global Distribution Systems like Galelio and Amadeus.
Unit I
Airlines Geography- IATA areas, sub areas, sub regions. Time calculation- GMT variation, concept
of standard time and daylight saving time, Calculator of elapsed time, flying time and ground time,
Aviation Organization: IATA and ICAO
Unit II
Familiarization with OAG- 3 letters city code and airport code, airline Designated code, minimum
connecting time, global indicator, Familiarization with air tariff: currency regulations, NUC
conversion Factors, general rules. Familiarization with TIM, Passport, Visa, Custom Regulations,
Health Regulations and Airport Tax, Passenger needing Special attention
Unit III
Credit Cards- Concept, types, benefits and different types of credit cards Fare construction –
Passenger Ticket, Mileage principal, EMA, EMS, One Way journey, Round trip and circle journey,
HIP, Back Haul minimum Check ( BHC) Add –ons. General limitations on Indirect Travel, Mixed
Class journey, around the world fares (RTW) special fairs, MCO, PTA and Universal air travel plan
Unit IV
Airlines Reservation System – CRS- Comparative study of different CRS System
Suggested Readings:
• Gupta S.K : International Airfare & Ticketing Methods & Technique UDH
Learning Objectives
1. To help students get acquainted with the meaning, concept& importance of Itinerary
2. To enable the students to understand the concept and design of tour packages
3. To provide the students the first- hand knowledge tour costing & pricing
4. To develop the understanding regarding operations of Tour Packages
Learning Outcomes
After the complication of the course the students will be able to:
1. Gain the knowledge of Itinerary Planning & Development.
2. To acquire the skills to design & develop the package tours.
3. To develop the competencies related to do the costing of various kinds of tour packages.
4. To develop the competencies related to the operational aspects of tour packaging.
Unit I
Itinerary Planning & Development: Meaning, Importance and Types of Itinerary - Resources and Steps
for Itinerary Planning - Do’s and Don’ts of Itinerary Preparation
Unit II
Developing Package Tour: Tour Formulation and Designing Process, Importance of tour Packaging,
Classifications of Tour Packages on the basis of operation, Components of Package Tours, Pre Tour
Management, Tour Operation, and Post Tour Management.
Unit III
Concept of Costing - Types of Costs, Components of Tour Cost - Preparation of Cost Sheet - Tour
Pricing - Calculation of Tour Price, Costing of tour packages of FIT, GIT and Inbound Tours.
Unit IV
Operation of Package Tour: Confirmation of Tour, Creation of Docket/ File, Issue of Tour Vouchers,
Reconfirmation with Airlines, Hotel & Ground Service Providers, Distributing Customized Itinerary to
Tour Leader, Guide, Driver & Transporter, Standard Procedures for Pickup and Drop, Check-in and
Check-out in the Hotel.
Suggested Readings
1. Swain, S.K. & Mishra, J.M.(2012). Tourism Principles & Practices, Oxford University Press, New
Delhi. 2. Chand, M. (2002), Travel Agency Management: An Introductory Text, Anmol Publications
Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
3. Negi. J (2005), Travel Agency Operations: Concepts and Principles, Kanishka, New Delhi.
4. Holloway, J.C. (2002), The Business of Tourism, Prentice Hall, London, pp.220-279.
5. Roday. S, Biwal.A & Joshi.V. (2009), Tourism Operations and Management, Oxford University
Press, New Delhi, pp-164-296. 4. Goeldner, R & Ritchie. B (2010), Tourism, Principles,
Practices and Philosophies, John Wiley & Sons, London.
21 BTTM 603 Emerging Trends in Tourism
External Marks: 80
Internal Marks: 20
Time: 3Hrs
Learning Objectives
1. To help students get acquainted with the meaning, concept and importance of emerging trends
and dimensions of tourism in India.
2. To enable the students to understand the concept of rural tourism and its relation with other
types of tourism and to enlighten them about the benefits or burden of rural tourism.
3. To provide the students the first- hand knowledge about planning and organizing MICE business
and to make aware the students about skills and responsibilities required for a meeting manager.
4. To develop the understanding regarding the significant role of Indian Medical Tourism in
country as well as at global level.
Learning Outcomes
After the complication of the course the students will be able to:
1. Gain the knowledge of emerging trends of tourism in India.
2. To obtain information regarding the rural tourism and its association with various other form of
3. Get awareness about the concept of MICE as well as its process of organizing.
4. Acquire the knowledge about the status of medical tourism in India and its relationship with
other form of tourism as well as major markets of Indian medical tourism.
Unit I
Concepts of emerging trends and dimensions, importance of study and Major emerging types of tourism
in India.
Unit II
Rural Tourism- concept and its relation with other types of tourism. Aims And objectives behind
promoting rural tourism. Resource available in India for rural tourism, Rural tourism- Benefits or
Unit III
MICE- Meaning and concept of MICE, understanding planning and Organizing conference, exhibitions
and trade fares, facilities available in India for MICE, Convention Management- Role of the meeting
manager, Types, skills required and responsibilities.
Unit IV
Medical Tourism- concept and its relation with other types of tourism.Overview and operational
aspects of medical tourism facilitators. Major markets of Indian medical tourism Resource available in
India medical Tourism
Suggested Readings:
• A.K. Bhatia, ‘Event Management’, Sterling Publishers Pvt. Ltd. Delhi, 2001.
• Anton Shone & Bryn Parry, ‘Successful Event Management’, 2002.37
• Leonard H. Hoyle, Jr, ‘Event Marketing’, John Willy and Sons, New York,2002.
• Joe Jeff Goldblatt, “Special Events: Best Practices in Modern Event
• Management (Hospitality, Travel & Tourism)”, John Willy and Sons, NewYork, 1997.
• Avrich, Barry ‘Event and Entertainment Marketing’, Vikas, Delhi. 1994.
• Panwar J.S, ‘Marketing in the New Era’, Sage, Delhi, 1998.
Unit I
Understanding Environment, Impacts - Meaning and Types, Global Impacts Economic Impacts:
National and, Local, Carrying Capacity,
Unit II
Social Impact of Tourism Cultural Impact, Artisans and Craft production
Unit III
Environmental Impacts- Wild life, Islands and Beaches, Hills and Mountains
Unit IV
Political Impacts- Ethics and Legislation, Sustainable Development- EIA Analysis
Following points must be taken into consideration while preparing the report
• All the report should be typed in Times New Roman
• Headings should be at 14 points and Should be Bold
• Main body should be at 12 points
• All the report should be Justified
Internal Marks: 20
Time:3 Hrs
Learning Objectives:
1. This course has been designed to enhance knowledge about the domestic destination of India.
2. To provide comprehensive knowledge about core components of tourism in case study form about
Rajasthan, Himachal Pradesh, Uttrakhand, Jammu & Kashmir , Kerala, Maharastra, Madhaya Pradesh &
Golden Triangle.
3. To enrich student about the rich heritage of India by focusing on different dynasties, World
heritage sites of India with its management and significance.
4. To train the students in itinerary making of selected states prescribed in the syllabus.
Course Outcomes:
1. To enhance knowledge about the domestic destination of India.
2. The Case study approach will enhance the core components knowledge about Rajasthan, Himachal
Pradesh, Uttrakhand, Jammu & Kashmir, Kerala, Maharastra, Madhaya Pradesh & Golden Triangle.
3. Different dynasties, World heritage sites of India with its management and significance will enrich the
students’ knowledge.
4. Itinerary making of selected states help the students in acquainting the comprehensive domestic
destination knowledge.
Unit I
Domestic tourism in India, patterns and Characteristics of major tourist generating states &Tourist. Factors
affecting global and Regional tourist movements, demand forecasting and its significance.
Unit II
Case studies of Rajasthan, Himachal Pradesh, Uttrakhand, Jammu & Kashmir.
Unit III
Case studies of Kerala, Maharastra, Madhaya Pradesh & Golden Triangle.
Unit IV
Heritage of India: Maurya, Guptas, Medieval Period, Western & Southern Dynasties
World Heritage Sites of India, Heritage Management & its significance in Tourism.
Suggested Readings:
o Chand Mohinder, Kamra K.K : Basics of Tourism
o Tourism Statistics at a Glance 2008 & 2009 by Ministry of tourism Govt. Of
o Lonely Planet – India
o Road Atlas of India
o Indian Atlas
o Various Tourism Board Websites such as:
Learning Outcomes
As a result of undertaking this course, a student should be better able to:
1. Design a research project encapsulating the conceptual and practical aspects of research
2. Refine research design to meet the objectives and purpose of the project
3. Develop research instruments appropriate to research design
4. Write up a formal research report
Introduction to research methodology: Meaning, definition, characteristics and types ofresearch,
Methodology of research, formulation of research problem Research Design: Meaning, characteristics
of research design, steps in research design.
Unit II
Sampling Design and Data Collection: Meaning of sampling, aims in selection of a sample,Types of
sample design. Data collection –Meaning, types of data, methods of collecting primary data-
observation, interview and questionnaire, Sources of secondary data.
Unit III
Processing and Analysis of data: Editing, Coding, Classification and tabulation, Graphical
presentation of Data-Bar-chart, pie-chart and curves Interpretation of Data meaning, methods of data
Unit IV
Report Writing: Meaning, types and steps involved in writing report, layout of the research report,
mechanics of writing a research report, challenges of a good writing
Learning Outcomes
After the complication of the course the students will be able to:
5. Gain the knowledge of events and its types and their implications.
6. To acquire the skills to professionally fit into the event planner business and how to develop
7. To develop the competencies to start their own business in the fields event’s organizers and
to understand the process of event marketing and promotions.
8. Recognise the requirements of crowd management as well as understand the principles of
safety and security consideration.
Unit I
Events- Nature, Definition and scope, C’s of Events, advantage and disadvantage of Events,
Categories and Typologies, Skills required to be a good Event Planners.
Unit II
Concept and Design of Events, key elements of Events, Event Infrastructure, core concept, core people,
core talent, core structure, Set Objectives for the Event, Negotiating Contracts with event Organizers,
Venue, Media.
Unit III
Marketing & Promotion of Events: Nature of Event Marketing, Process of Event Marketing, The
Marketing Mix, Sponsorship. Promotion: Image/ Branding, Advertising, Publicity and Public Relation.
Unit IV
Financial Management of Events, Staffing, Leadership. Safety and Security: Occupational Safety and
Health, Incident Reporting, Crowd Management and Evacuation.
Suggested Readings:
• Coleman, Lee &Frankle, Powerhouse Conferences. Educational Institute of AH & MA.
• Hoyle, Dorf& Jones, Meaning conventions & Group business. Educational institute of AH &
• Lynn Van Der Wagen, Carlos, Event Management, Pearson, New Delhi.
• Fenich, Meetings, Exposition, Events and Convention, Pearson.
• Sanjay Singh Gaur, Sanjay V Saggere, Event Marketing Management, Vikas Publication, New
Learning Outcomes
1. The students gain the knowledge about Passport, requirements, checklists, types, changes,
procedure ,tatkal scheme And fees, passport act and penalties under section 12 (1)B
2. The students gain the knowledge about Rules and regulations about eligibility, quantum and
documentation Required for Travel Out of India Foreign Exchange Management Act, Basic
Travel Quota, Foreign Exchange for Business Visits Travel Into India Foreign Currency, Indian
Currency, Process for Encashment of Foreign Currency
3. The students gain the knowledge about Documents for obtaining visa of major tourist
destinations of world including Health check documents, Types of visa, visa fees, , Refused or
Pending Visas, Destination Departure Records.
4. The students will gain knowledge about Tourist visa for New Zealand and Australia Tourist
Visa for Europe Tourist Visa of USA & Canada
Unit I
Passport, requirements, checklists, types, changes, procedure, tatkal scheme And fees, passport act
and penalties under section 12 (1) B
Unit II
Rules and regulations about eligibility, quantum and documentation required for Travel out
of India Foreign Exchange Management Act, Basic Travel Quota, and Foreign Exchange for
Business Visits Travel into India Foreign Currency, Indian Currency, Process for Encashment of
Foreign Currency
Unit III
Documents for obtaining visa of major tourist destinations of world including Health check
documents, Types of visa, visa fees, Refused or Pending Visas, Destination Departure Records.
Unit IV
Tourist visa for New Zealand and Australia Tourist Visa for Europe Tourist Visa of USA & Canada
The students will go for a day excursion as per his/her own convenience to any nearby destination, any
event or visit to any travel company. After visiting the destination, event or Travel Company the student
will submit a detailed report. The submitted report will be evaluated by an external examiner followed
by a viva voce examination.
Note: The Field Tour Report should include the following
• Detailed Tour Itinerary
• Brief about the Destination/Event/Travel Company Visited
• Various Attractions of the Destination/Event/Departments of the Travel Company
• Transportation Details
• Costing Details
• USP of the Destination/Event/Travel Company
• Learning from the Visit
Following points must be taken into consideration while preparing the report
• All the report should be typed in Times New Roman
• Headings should be at 14 points and Should be Bold
• Main body should be at 12 points
• All the report should be Justified
1. To make the students aware about the various destinations located in Far East
2. To enable students to understand about the various destinations located in Africa and Middle
East region
3. To help students get acquainted with knowledge of various destinations located in Europe
4. To provide student the knowledge about the tourist destination located in Americas Region
Learning Outcomes
After the completion of course the students will be able to.
1. Gain the knowledge about the various destinations located in Far East
2. To understand about various destinations located in Africa and Middle East region
3. To gain the knowledge about various destinations located in Europe.
4. To gain the information aboutthe tourist destination located in Americas Region.
Unit I
Tourist Attractions of Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Australia and China
Unit II
Tourist Attractions of Dubai, Mauritius, South Africa, Kenya and Tanzania
Unit III
Tourist Attractions of Switzerland, France, United Kingdom, Germany amd Italy
Unit IV
Tourist Attractions of Eastern Part of USA, Western Part of USA, Canada and Brazil
Suggested Readings:
1. Chand Mohinder, Kamra K.K : Basics of Tourism
2. Tourism Statistics at a Glance 2008 & 2009 by Ministry of tourism Govt. OfIndia
3. Lonely Planet – Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, China, Hong Kong, Australia,New Zealand,
UK, France, Switzerland, Germany, Italy, Greece, Austria,USA, CANADA, Brazil, UAE, South
Africa, Kenya, Tanzania
4. Various Tourism Board Websites such as.
Internal Marks: 20
Time:3 Hrs
Learning objectives
Learning Outcomes
1. To enhance writing skills about Travel Media.
2. To elaborate the different dimensions of Social Media.
3. Creative writing helps the budding travel professionals in shaping their career.
4. Laws and Ethics of Travel Writing familiarize the students about tourism business moral values with
healthy practices.
Unit -I
Travel Media: Concept, Importance and Characteristics. Role of Digital Travel Media- Case Study of Incredible
India, Rajasthan, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh & Dubai. Career opportunities in Travel Media.
Introduction of Social Media, Types, Characteristics. Role of Social Media: Facebook, What’s App, Twitter,
Instagram etc. in promotion of Travel & Hospitality Industry, Merits & Demerits of Social Media. Skills required
for becoming a travel blogger & Food Critics.
Creative Writing: Concept, Skills, Significance. Skills for writing Electronic Communication like: e-mail to Govt.,
Customers, tourism vendors and employees for different operational work. Writing Skills for Travel Reportage in
NEWS Paper, Magazines and e-magazines.
Laws and Ethics for Travel Writing/Travel Blogger & Travel Publicity. Role of Travel Advertisement in the
promotion of Tourism & Hospitality Industry. Brochure/ Leaflet designing, Strategies for Travel Advertisement.
Syllabus books
• Magazines of Airlines, Hotels & Tourism Organisations.
• Hand Book of Journalism & Mass Communications by V.S. Gupta, Vir Bala Aggarwal, concept
Publishers, New Delhi.
• Hospitality Biz India, Travel Biz Monitor
• Hotel Promotional Literatures
• Mass Communication Theory & Practice by Uma Narula, Hiranand Publication, New Delhi.
• Mass Communication, Wilbur Schram
• Outlook Traveler
• The Art of Travel: Essays on Travel Writing, Dodel, Philip
• Travel in the ancient world, Cason, Leonell, George Allen
Learning Outcomes
1. Students will build practical skills that can apply to describe the roles and functions of a leader
in the hospitality & tourism industry.
2. Students will understand the roles and functions of various employees working at different
levels of a tourism unit.
3. Students will be able to understand the need for career planning, application of production
forecasting techniques and procedures in hospitality industry.
4. Students will be able to prepare various tour packages such as packages for domestic
destinations, international destinations and packages for Inbound tourists.
5. Develop leadership and management skills through group cooperation.
6. Improve ability to exercise judgment and critically analyze problems during the operation.
7. Apply and improve written, oral, and non-verbal communication skills.
Training Schedule:
VIII Semester the exposure shall be in one or More Departments based of choice of
functionalspecialization of a candidate & A Project need to be completed at the place of exposure after
prior approval from faculty coordinator/ HOD
Log books and attendance, Approvals, Report and presentation, Project, Others as applicable
All trainees must ensure that the log books and appraisals are signed by the departmental/ sectional
heads as soon as training in a particular department or section is completed. Trainees are also advised
to make a report on the department of their choice in VIII Semester, on completion of training in that
respective department. A PowerPoint presentation (based on the report) should be made. This will be
presented in front of a selected panel from the institute and the industry. It should be made for duration
of 10 minutes. Marks will be awarded on this. The presentation should express the student’s experiences
in the department and what has he learned/ observed. (Refer to What to Observe Sheets for more details.)
Students have to submit the following on completion of industrial training to the faculty coordinator at
the institute:
1. Logbook;
2. Appraisals;
3. A copy of the training certificate.
4. IT Report on the department of his/her choice.
5. PowerPoint presentation on a CD, based on the training report.
6. Attendance sheet.
7. Leave card.
8. Project Report
Learning Objectives
The tourism & hospitality industry has long term implications on the economy, society, culture &
environment. It is required for the students of tourism management to understand how each and every
activity of tourism is related and affected therefore a project work is required to sharpen the research
skills, develop a practical understanding of the Hospitality system and attain some field experience etc.
The main purposes of Project Report are
1. Learn about various issues and challenges related to hospitality & tourism industry –
2. Learn how to evaluate the potential of various activities related to tourism and hospitality
3. Learn how to improve organizing & managerial skills.
4. Learning the application of research methodology.
Learning Outcomes
After doing the project the student shall be able to learn
1. To develop Critical thinking on the various issues and challenges related to hospitality &
2. To develop the future of every activities related to tourism
3. They shall be able to improve their writing skills, managerial skills etc.
4. They shall be able to practically apply the academic knowledge of research methodology
Project Report
Project Report:- As you know the diverse nature of tourism & hospitality industry & its long-term
implications on the economy, society, culture & environment. It is mandatory to do some project work
so as to sharpen your research skills, develop a practical understanding of the Hospitality system, attain
some field experience etc.
Students are required to prepare a project report on a topic of their choice approved from Faculty from
Institute/ Training Manager/Head of that Department (F.O/ F&Bs/ F.P/ A.Op) Computer Typed {Times
New Roman} compiled & Hard bound copy (Two print Copies) and One soft copy in C.D.
Selecting A Topic:-
Selecting a topic is the first issue. About the only thing you will be sure of should be that do you want
to write on a subject that directly relates to Hotels or is associated with tourism. A lot of thinking &
creativity is required at planning stage.
The purpose of project for you is to-
- Learn about various hospitality issues.
- Learn how to evaluate the potential.
- Improve organizing & managerial skills.