Amm 613 390
Amm 613 390
Amm 613 390
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3 authors:
Miloš Matúš
Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava
All content following this page was uploaded by Peter Križan on 05 February 2022.
Abstract. Conventional technology are also today the main technology used for production of parts
in mechanical engineering industry. In every machine shop we can see turning machines, milling
machines, drilling machines and others. These machines are generally controlled by computers. But
the modern production lines and production companies use also innovative technology to make
production more effective, faster, less expensive. With regards of mentioned factors is possible to
use also rapid prototyping technology, which can help in product developing, prototype creating but
also in short-run or middle series production. Rapid prototyping technology include different
techniques for product creation, using different procedures leading to various outputs. The final
product can be made from various materials and parts can be used for several applications.
As is known, there is on the market many of Rapid Prototyping systems. The expression Rapid
Prototyping refers to a group of techniques used for the fast production of scaled models, real parts
or assemblies, based on 3D models designed using the CAD system [1].
Difference is between the technology how the model is built. The basic description and overview
of the most used systems are mentioned below:
Stereolithography (SLA) – this technique is based on liquid photosensitive resin, which solidifies
after activation by a laser beam. The working table always moves a little step down to the liquid
resin and the spots that have to be solidified are exposed to the laser beam which creates the solid
body of the model. By this way is created one layer of model. The building of multiple layers one
after another produces the final prototype. The disadvantage of this system is that the used resin
releases toxic fumes [2].
Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) –this technique uses a special powder in the process of model
creation. This powder is placed in thin layers on the working table, which is located in a nitrogen-
filled chamber. Through the use of a laser beam, the powder is sintered and creates a solid structure.
In this technique, as in SLA, the working table moves down a distance equal to the thickness of the
applied powder (layer thickness). By the progressive deposition and sintering of powder layers, the
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Applied Mechanics and Materials Vol. 613 391
new body of the model is created. Only the Selective Laser Sintering technique allows prototypes to
be produced from metal materials.
Laminated Object Manufacturing (LOM) – the base is made of plastic foil, which is stratified
one layer after another. In each layer, the foil is cut to the required shape based on the cross-section
of the prototype, and at the same time, it is sintered with previous foil layers by a laser beam.
Multi Jet Modeling (MJM) – this technique prints very thin layers of photopolymers. The
printing head has several nozzles. Fine drops of the photopolymer are placed by the heated print
head and are polymerized by UV light. Also, in this case, support material is used in the areas
where there will be overhanging material. For this purpose, wax with a low melting temperature is
used, which can be removed by simply heating the model.
Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) – This technique uses two materials – one for modeling and
one for support. First, the model material is used to build the model. Second, the support material is
used to build a support structure on the areas where the modeling material will overhang the rest of
model [6]. This technique works on a principle similar to a fuse-gun [5]. The material is unspooled
from the spool to the fuse-head, where it is melted and deposited on the working table. After the
completion of the model, the support materials either broken away or dissolved in a special bath.
The Rapid Prototyping systems can be used in various fields, not only in industry and not only in
production. Can be used in architecture to verify proposed design, in advertising or publicity to
promote the products which are not produced by regular production yet, in packing departments to
392 Industrial and Service Robotics
prepare suitable cover and many others fields. The main utilization parts produced by rapid
prototyping are:
for verification of parts size and functional principle;
for verification of shape and design sophistication;
for market analysis necessity;
for design of products, tools and fixtures, necessary for serial production of parts;
for new products packaging preparation.
The main advantages of Rapid Prototyping system utilization are, that we can realize fast
production of prototype or model for different uses. It is possible to create models for form
production, or real moulds for sand casting or plaster casting. The geometry of produced models is
practically unlimited, we can produce any thinkable geometry. The best is, that we can use just one
device for variety of models, there is no needed other cost for tool exchange or for machine setup to
next operation. In one print can be produced more different parts, without any changes of tool or
holders or fixtures. There is not necessary special trained operator for device control because whole
process is semi-automatic.
In rapid prototyping systems is possible to use many different materials. Some of systems allows
usage of more types of materials in one device. The models or parts can be made from plastic
material (for example ABS plastic), elastomers, wax and resin, nylon and other polymers, metal
powders (for example based on titanium).
From dimension of part thickness and extruded wire thickness (layer thickness) depends
accuracy of printed model, let us say accuracy of thickness printed model. Different situations
which are possible in the practice, can be seen on following Fig. 4.
As we have described above, there is definitely a relation between the dimension which is
printed in the vertical direction and the thickness of the printed layer [3]. In Fig. 4, we can see some
examples of what can happen. The first case (Fig. 4a) is a theoretical situation where the theoretical
dimension that needs to be printed is evenly divisible by the thickness of the printed layer (its
thickness after stabilization and shrinking following model cooling). In this case we achieve the
maximal accuracy of the printed model. The second case (Fig. 4b) occurs when the theoretical
dimension is not evenly divisible by the thickness of the printed layer. When this happens, the
software has to decide if one more layer will be added (Fig. 4b) or not (Fig. 4c). In both
alternatives, there is some inaccuracy between the theoretical dimension designed in the CAD
system and the real dimension printed by the 3D printer.
Applied Mechanics and Materials Vol. 613 393
Fig. 4 Influence of vertical dimension and printed layer thickness on model precision [3]
We did the research with FDM models created from ABC plastic material. There was used the
service software for number of layers calculating. We observed what is dependence between the
thickness of created model and number of layers (theoretical Lt and real Lr) (Tab. 1).
Lr 17 18 19 20 21
h [mm] 4.06654 4.32054 4.57454 4.82854 5.08254
Lt 16.01 17.01 18.01 19.01 20.01
On the Fig. 5 we can see the real number of layers and the boundary values of model thickness,
where the number of layers is changing to higher. The same thickness are listed in Tab. 1. Between
the thickness values is the number of layers constant. Between h=2.79654mm and h=3.05053mm
are 12 layers. Started with h=3.05054mm, the number of layers increase to 13.
From the Tab. 1 and Fig. 5 is visible, that the gap in thickness is always the same, and it is
exactly 0.254mm. This value is exactly same as the setting of layer thickness in service software.
Also if we look on theoretical and real number of layers, there is difference almost one whole layer
394 Industrial and Service Robotics
down. The same situation is noticed with setting of others layer thickness. There is almost the same
difference in theoretical and real number of layers and also in thickness difference between two
increasing layers.
For better understanding we already prepared extensive experiment, which is focused to material
and dimensional properties of printed FDM models (Fig. 6). There are more parameters which
could be adjusted and which are significant for mentioned properties [7].
For example there was performed the measurement of tensile strength (Fig. 7) and the best value
of reached Ultimate Tensile Strength with our testing samples is σ = 24.9MPa. Comparing to
material properties of ABS plastic material it is only 62.25%. The maximum reached tensile force
to break is Fmax = 939.5N.
The other obtained values was lower than this mentioned above. This values depend on
orientation of samples in device printing area, layering, layer thickness, filling of part interior and
others significant parameters.
Applied Mechanics and Materials Vol. 613 395
The presented paper discuss about layering of models (prototypes) created by FDM technology.
Above we can see what is difference between theoretical and real number of layers. This is
important in case we need to produce parts with higher precision as the layer thickness value. When
designing the part which have to be created on FDM device, is necessary to know what will be the
final height dimension. The dimensions which have to be accurate, should be oriented in the device
building space horizontally. Then the accuracy is depended from positioning of printing head.
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