Orofacial Pain
Orofacial Pain
Orofacial Pain
● Orofacial pain:
○ Unpleasant sensation
■ Indicated risk of inorganic or tissue lesion
○ Accompanied by psychological connotations意思 and personified painful
○ Pain was the most common symptoms that patients seek for help.
○ Diagnosis:
1. Perform an appropriate PAIN anamnesis
2. Select the specific complementary test
○ Classification:
1. Somatic Pain
a. Local: mucosal, periodontal, glandular...
b. Vascular orofacial pain
i. Migraine/ Cluster headache
ii. Facial migraine
iii. Inflammatory vascular Headache
iv. Other Vascular algias
v. Atypical odontalgia牙痛
vi. Referred pain
c. Masticatory pain
2. Neurogenic Pain
a. Trigeminal neuralgia
b. Facial neuralgia
c. Glossopharygeal neuralgia
3. Psycogenic Pain
● Migraine 偏頭痛
● Severe headache with nausea噁心 and photophobia畏光
● Uncommon
● Adult, 女性較多
● 20 years (+- 10 years)
Pathogenesis ● Unknown
● Related to vascular changes
● Alcohol, Cocaine
Vascular disorders
2. Prophylactic treatment
○ One daily crisis
■ Ergotamine 2 mg , 2 hours before the expected
○ Night crisis
■ Ergotamine 2mg , before going to bed
○ Two or more daily crisis
■ Ergotamine 1mg/8h/2 month
■ Verapamil 80mg/8h
■ Indomethacin 25mg/8h
■ Propanolol 40mg/12h
Neurogenic Pain
● Trigeminal neuralgia
Trigeminal neuralgia
Clinical types
● Classical or Essential: With not known cause
○ Typical: with classic features
○ Atypical: with atypical features
● Symptomatic
○ Due to trauma, viruses, drugs…
Typical Atypical