10 Ways To Be A Genuine Ally To Indigenous Communities
10 Ways To Be A Genuine Ally To Indigenous Communities
10 Ways To Be A Genuine Ally To Indigenous Communities
It’s also important to keep in mind that these groups do not need saviours to come in to fix everything on
their behalf. They are leading the fight against the injustices they face, as allies we are there to follow
their lead.
“I think that there’s half a million Indigenous people in Australia. We’ve been flat out campaigning for the
last 200 years. We’ve done well in some places but not well in other places. We need supporters like you to
campaigning on these things, talking to pollies, doing this and that. We need people to not only campaign,
but to understand what’s happened in the past as well. There’s a lot to it, and how we turn that around to
give people a better understanding of why people have done this.
It’s important for us as an organisation to be that bridge between two groups. It gives the two people a
bit of reconciliation and exposure to what the problems are. I think that non-Indigenous peoples support
and influence can be really really important to make change. These are the people we need on our side. We
need people who are willing to understand the past so these families have got a safer future. Being an ally
makes families who understand it richer. The people who put the wall up, I can understand why it’s there,
but the people who pull it down - they’re the ones we need.”
Inspired by a similar resource created at Amnesty International USA by Kalaya’an Mendoza.
For more information about Amnesty International Australia’s work on Indigenous rights, go to:
When working with Indigenous communities there isn’t one way to be an ally as every community and
individual is different. Every relationship you build needs a different approach. But here are some
suggestions that will help you to get started.
Find out who the traditional owners and Elders A big part of your involvement is to amplify the
are of the land you are on. When doing long voices of Indigenous communities, don’t make it
term work on Indigenous rights build strong about yourself. You should directly share these
relationships within the community and make messages with your networks in their words
sure everything is Indigenous-led. without alteration.
Knowing the history and being culturally Showing up in support is great, but offer to lend
competent is vital. The issues the community face a hand as well. Use your labour, resources and
come from hundreds of years of ongoing trauma skills to help out. What additional value can you
and discrimination. It is not the responsibility of bring the community?
the community to educate you.
Consent is a continuous process, not a one time Be aware of what resources you’re taking away
request. Seek permission before taking part in from communities through your presence. Ensure
community events, particularly around cultural you’ve given back to the community more than
& spiritual events. They’ll usually be labeled you’ve taken away.
something like ‘all community & allies welcome’.
Be aware of what space you are taking up. Solidarity is only meaningful if it is substantive
Always remember that you are there as a guest and not merely performative. This means showing
in a supportive role. There will be times when up to support the community with your presence
the community need to act alone, respect their alone should be the baseline, not the end game.
Indigenous people often have to be advocates on The community should be better off or the same
a wide range of issues that affect them and their because of your presence, not worse. Follow all
community first hand. They don’t have the choice of these suggestions and keep reflecting on your
to switch off from being involved and can be behaviour and you’re on your way to doing your
spread thin in many directions. part in bringing down an unjust system.
For more information about Amnesty International Australia’s work on Indigenous rights, go to: