Today we find most robots working for people in industries, factories, warehouses, and
laboratories. Robots are useful in many ways. For instance, it boosts economy because
businesses need to be efficient to keep up with the industry competition. The force control device
proposed can provide a suitable solution in robotic applications in industry where a constant
amount of force onto a surface contact is required to accomplish a task, such as polishing a
surface. Requirements for such a task would be impractical for a person to carryout since it is
impossible for a person to gauge and maintain the amount of force that is applied onto a surface.
Therefore active force feedback control devices are usually used in industries. With the
advancement of robotic technology, more tasks are being performed by robots to reduce the
execution time and minimize human errors, such as slips caused by exhaustion and negligence.
Utilization of robots also reduces downtime by performing at ask continuously until it is shut
down for maintenance or at the completion of the assigned task. Therefore, having robots helps
business owners to be competitive, because robots can do jobs better and faster than humans can,
e.g. robot can built, assemble a car. Yet robots cannot perform every job, today robots roles
include assisting research and industry. Finally, as the technology improves, there will be
new ways to use robots which will bring new hopes and new potentials.
To conclude, home robot is still in initial stage of development in household robotics because our
technologies is not mature enough that provides a successful robot in both market value and
technologies. Nonetheless, We still believe the tour technologies is advancing. Our challenges in
home robotics will be tackled soon even though the use of home robots cannot be widespread
now. Then, we will live in home filled with full of robotics in our future.