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block 3
1.Adhija vyadhi is explained in which scripture…
2.yoga vashishta is conversation between…..
14. Yoga Vashistha lists three impairment in regards to the digestion Kujirnatvam, Ajirnatvam
17. According to Ayurveda when food remains in the body for longer time than it produces….
18. Which is the clear indication that the body is developing some psychosomatic ailment….
19. Which organ will be affected by adhi depends on several factors such as injured organ,
weak organ and….
20. When adhi creates haphazardness at the cellular level the outcome is...
1. Yoga Vashishtha
2. Lord Rama and Guru Vashishtha
3. Psychic phase
4. Manomaya
5. Excessive expression of stress
6. Intensify, express and relax
7. Underdone
8. Sped-up
9. Manomaya, Pranamaya & Annamaya
10. Asthama & Gastritis
11. Hypertension
12. Immune system
13. Underactive immunity and overactive immunity
14. Atijirnatvam
15. Erroneuos & wrong
16. Indigestion
17. Ama or poison
18. Irregularity in bowel movement
19. Heredity
20. Autoimmunity