AI Papers
AI Papers
AI Papers
Q.1 (a) What is a “control strategy” and what are its characteristics? 03
(b) Describe in brief how Min-Max search procedure works. 04
(c) Enlist and discuss major task domains of Artificial Intelligence. 07
Q.2 (a) Discuss briefly backward reasoning with example. 03
(b) Explain with example how recursive predicate is defined in Prolog? 04
(c) State Water Jug problem. Give its state space representation 07
(c) Explain A* algorithm. What happens if h’ underestimates h and 07
overestimates h?
Q.3 (a) Explain local maxima, plateau and ridge in brief 03
(b) Discuss the approaches to knowledge representation 04
(c) Demonstrate briefly the steps to convert given wff into clause form 07
Q.3 (a) Differentiate Informed & Uninformed search. Give examples. 03
(b) Explain best first search algorithm. 04
(c) Consider the following facts: 07
* Hemant only likes easy courses.
* Science courses are hard.
* All the courses in basketweaving department are
* BK301 is a basketweaving course.
Use resolution to answer the question,”What course would Hemant
Q.4 (a) What is certainty factor? 03
(b) Discuss Bayesian network and its application. 04
(c) Explain connectionist models. What is perceptron? What is the concept 07
of back propagation for ANNs?
Q.4 (a) What do you mean by Expert Systems? List out its four applications. 03
Seat No.: ________ Enrolment No.___________
Q.1 (a) Define AI. What are the task domains of AI? 03
(b) Explain Water Jug problem with Sate Space Search method. 04
(c) Explain Best First Search with suitable example. 07
Q.4 (a) Briefly explain any one application of Natural Language Processing. 03
(b) A bag I contains 4 white and 6 black balls while another Bag II contains 4 04
white and 3 black balls. One ball is drawn at random from one of the bags,
and it is found to be black. Find the probability that it was drawn from Bag
(c) Explain Roulette-Wheel selection method of genetic algorithm. 07
Q.4 (a) Enlist and describe different phases involved in Natural Language 03
(b) The task is to recognize English alphabetical characters (F, E, X, Y, I, T) 04
in an image processing system. Define two fuzzy sets 𝐼̃ and 𝐹̃ to represent
the identification of characters I and F.
𝐼̃={(F, 0.4), (E, 0.3), (X, 0.1), (Y, 0.1), (I, 0.9), (T, 0.8)}
𝐹̃ ={(F, 0.99), (E, 0.8), (X, 0.1), (Y, 0.2), (I, 0.5), (T, 0.5)}
Find the following.
1. 𝐼̃ ∪ 𝐹̃
2. 𝐼̃ − 𝐹̃
(c) Describe the phases of genetic algorithm. 07
Seat No.: ________ Enrolment No.___________
Q.1 (a) Explain the “Turing test”. 03
(b) Explain the different issues in Knowledge representation. 04
(c) Enlist and discuss major task domains of Artificial Intelligence. 07
Seat No.: ________ Enrolment No.___________
Q.1 (a) What is “Artificial Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence Technique”? 03
(b) Explain the algorithm for steepest hill climbing. 04
(c) Enumerate Classical “Water jug Problem”. Describe the state space for this 07
problem and also give the solution.
Q.2 (a) Differentiate prepositional & predicate logic. 03
(b) What is clausal form? How is it useful? 04
(c) What is A* search? Explain various stages of A* search with an example. 07
(c) Define constraint satisfaction problem (CSP). How CSP is formulated as a 07
search problem?
Enrolment No./Seat No_____________
Q.1 (a) Define the term: Artificial Intelligence. State various applications of 03
Artificial Intelligence.
(b) Enlist and briefly discuss the major task domains of Artificial Intelligence. 04
(c) Explain AI problem characteristics in detail. 07
Q.2 (a) What is meant by control strategy? State the requirements of a good control 03
(b) Explain the nonmonotonic reasoning. 04
(c) Consider the water jug problem stated below: 07
You are given two jugs, a 5-litre one and a 4-litre one. Neither has any
measuring marker on it. There is a pump that can be used to fill the jugs
with water. How can you get exactly 2-litre of water into the 4-litre jug?
Explain how this problem can be solved using State Space Search. Also,
give the production rules to solve this problem and derive a feasible
solution using the same.
(c) In the missionaries and cannibals problem, three missionaries and three 07
cannibals must cross a river using a boat which can carry at most two
people, under the constraint that, number of cannibals should be lesser
than or equal to the missionaries on either side. The boat cannot cross the
river by itself with no people on board.
Q.3 (a) Write the proposed solution(s) for the problems occurred in hill climbing. 03
(b) Explain the natural language processing steps in brief. 04
(c) Explain forward and backward reasoning with suitable example(s). 07
Q.4 (a) Write the basic differences between declarative and procedural knowledge. 03
(b) Write a prolog program to demonstrate the use of cut and fail predicates. 04