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Data Center
Data Center Infrastructure
Management (DCIM) Software

An integrated suite of data center management software applications that

enable businesses to prosper by managing their data centers across multiple
domains, providing actionable intelligence for an ideal balance of high
availability and peak efficiency throughout the entire data center life cycle.

StruxureWare Data Center Expert
Centralized monitoring of the physical infrastructure

Instant fault notification and escalation enable

quick resolution of critical infrastructure events.

Whether located in a data center, remote office, or

campus environment, Data Center Expert and the
Schneider Electric power, cooling, environmental,
and security devices combine to provide a
comprehensive centralized monitoring solution.

With Data Center Expert power readings, Centralized monitoring & alerts
environmental readings and camera images from > Multi-vendor support for monitoring any
any site on your network are tied in together into a networked device from any manufacturer
common management platform. Images and alerts
from around the company can be instantly viewed
> Real-time monitoring and instant fault notification
and managed, trends analyzed, and problems
and escalation enable quick resolution of critical
averted, providing unparalleled physical threat
infrastructure events.

> Centralized repository of critical information

Integrated with Power and Building Management
accessible by multiple users from anywhere on the
Integrate with Building Operation and Power network.
Monitoring Expert for information on the health
of critical support systems in the electrical and
mechanical rooms as well as power quality and > Future trending for bringing new insights
electrical distribution. into your infrastructure’s health, planning and

Web Services API

> Customized alarming and escalation by device,
Ready access to Data Center Expert alerts, data,
by rack, or by location to the right people at the
reports and trending through existing dashboards
right time.
or create custom portals for financial, operational
or other views.
> Open and flexible architecture which expands
with changing business needs through additional
Data Center Expert is easy to use and deploy with
device licenses, add-on surveillance, operations,
a user-friendly interface to monitor, manage and
and control applications.
control the hundreds or thousands of devices
a company might have from a wide range of
manufacturers. These devices include equipment > Full software developer kit (SDK) allows for
that provides power, cooling, security and maximum flexibility through custom integration with
environmental monitoring. other systems.

StruxureWare for Data Centers www.schneider-electric.com/dcim 8

StruxureWare Power Monitoring Expert
Advanced power monitoring and power quality analysis

Specialized and focused power system

intelligence for your entire power distribution
infrastructure, to help you move beyond
business as usual.

Power Monitoring Expert is a specialized power

management system that provides power system
intelligence for your entire data center. It enables
relevant information sharing and user-to-user
collaboration while controlling costs. Decrease the number of unplanned outages
> Identify and track over-subscribed capacity.
With deep insight into the operation of your > Identify redundancy comprised IT branch circuits.
electrical infrastructure, the system ensures your
> Identify power equipment maintenance needs.
data center can be operated at the design level
of reliability while minimizing energy costs and > Perform and document regular power equipment
making the most of your current assets. testing.
Power Monitoring Expert is designed to collect > Perform root cause analysis on electrical
and manage data, helping you optimize your distribution system events to help reduce the
data center’s performance. It provides the right probability of recurrent events.
combination of data and analysis tools to meet the
unique needs of your data center. Improve the effectiveness of maintenance
Optimize power loading of equipment Ensuring that technicians have accurate information
Data center power distribution infrastructure prior to, during, and after a maintenance activity is
is expensive and maximizing the use of this critical to minimizing technician error. View real-time
equipment is critical for minimizing capex. The right electrical distribution system data for the complete
information allows facility operations to: maintenance cycle.
> Safely maximize the loading of power equipment
without compromising reliability. Decrease your energy-related OPEX
> Rebalance phase loading to ensure that the full > Measure and report on IT branch circuit energy
capacity of the circuit is used. usage for billing purposes.
> Identify and correct harmonic currents. > Quantify and track the cost of power losses in the
power distribution system.
Decrease the duration of unplanned outages > Track power usage effectiveness in real-time and
over time.
> Quickly receive critical power system alarms.
> View the critical alarm history to create an action
plan to resolve the issues.

StruxureWare for Data Centers www.schneider-electric.com/dcim 9


Peace-of-mind software services

Schneider ElectricTM offers a comprehensive portfolio of
services to support and enhance our StruxureWareTM for Data
Centers software.
These services are designed to simplify deployment, reduce
costs, and address your key concerns and challenges. Our
software services provide you with peace of mind that your
applications will receive the care they need to operate at
optimal levels at all times.

Software Installation
The Schneider Electric winning
• Ensures that all software products are installed correctly by a
highly skilled field service engineer and are quickly ready for
recipe for service excellence
use in your dynamic data center. Dedicated Resources
• Worldwide network of certified field
Software Configuration service engineers
• Configures the system quickly and precisely to emulate • Available 24/7
your unique data center, in turn allowing you to make critical • Allows data center and facilities managers
decisions that will save you time and money.
to focus on their day-to-day activities

Software Support Contracts

• Ensures you stay up to date with the latest software releases
and technical support • Our technical statements of work follow
a structured methodology of work
Software Enhancement procedures that adhere to industry
• Provides customized dashboards and enhanced reports to best practices
meet your business needs.
Solution Deployment Management
• Deployment management
• Provides a single point of contact to oversee the installation,
• Safety is a top priority
configuration, integration, customization, and enhancement of
the DCIM software solution. • Operation process compliance
• Scheduling
Software Preventive Maintenance
• Grants on-site visits to review, analyze, detect, and prevent Tools
system failures while optimizing the use of the DCIM tool. • Latest software updates
• Latest firmware updates
Software Integration • Access to DCIM support
• Provides planning, designs, and project management for the
• HW equipment
integration of StruxureWare for Data Centers software into your
existing software or system, providing you with a customized
view into your existing applications. Performance
• Fast and efficient service delivery
Software Education • Highly trained resources ensure
• Offers hands-on training on key features, operational skills, StruxureWare for Data Centers is operating
and best practices, enabling you to get the most from your at optimal performance

StruxureWare for Data Centers www.schneider-electric.com/dcim 10

For more information...
Additional resources View videos
Visit tv.schneider-electric.com to watch our
Visit white papers.apc.com StruxureWare for Data Centers videos and customer
Read more about the technology and research behind
StruxureWare for Data Centers.
> www.youtube.com/user/SchneiderCorporate
> How Data Center Infrastructure Management Software > tv.schneider-electric.com
Improves Planning and Cuts Operational Costs (#107).

> Avoiding Common Pitfalls of Evaluating and Read our Blogs

Implementing DCIM Solutions (#170). Discussing challenges and trends of DCIM, and
inviting you to join in.
> Virtualization and Cloud Computing: Optimized Power,
Cooling, and Management Maximizes Benefits (#118). > Blog.schneider-electric.com/datacenter

> Guidelines for Specification of Data Center Power

Density (#120).
Follow us on Twitter
For updates on all news on StruxureWare for Data
> Allocating Data Center Energy Costs and Carbon to IT Centers.
Users (#161).

> www-twitter.com/StruxureWare_DC
> Estimating a Data Center’s Electrical Carbon
Footprint (#66).

Need additional information?

Check out our webpages or DCIMsupport for answers
to your questions.

> www.schneider-electric.com/dcim
> DCIMsupport.apc.com

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800 Federal Street
Andover, MA 01810

© 2017 Schneider Electric. All rights reserved.

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