KCS User Guide v1.0
KCS User Guide v1.0
KCS User Guide v1.0
Note: This document use for KinCony smart controller:
c. Chose firmware BIN file and COM port then begin download. Total 5 steps.
2. Use ethernet cable or WiFi config setting.
a. use ethernet cable connect board to your router, make sure your computer also
b. Power on of your board, you can use KinCony scan device tool to find output board
IP address.
Total 5 steps to find out IP address.
Step-1: chose your computer network adapter when you are using.
Step-5: board’s ethernet or WiFi IP address , ID and type name will be listed.
If you first time power on , you board will be found by ethernet IP address. Because
your WiFi is work as “AP” mode as default. After you config your WiFi as “STA” mode,
you will find out the WiFi IP address by KinCony scan device tool.
You can use ethernet IP address login by web browser to config board setting.
Note: if you want config only by WiFi, when power on, your computer will find the “AP”
If you can’t see the “AP”, you can “hold on” board’s function button (ESP32
GPIO0) >10 seconds, then board will be set to factory, default state is “AP”.
You can login webpage by ethernet IP or WiFi IP. Here is sample login by ethernet IP
"Reverse Level": if checked, the effective level at the digital input port becomes
inverted. Just digital input use by “HIGH” or “LOW” level. Usually digital input port
"Bind Output": if checked option, it’s let digital input control digital output (relay)
directly. What action will do by digital input ports, it set by last 3 items.
Each input has 3 trigger methods: "single click" , "double click" , "hold on". Each option
can be filled with digital output number (range:1--MAX digital output number). you
can set and separated by a "space". You can enter "1 2 3 4 5" or "1-5" in the
corresponding option to do something of digital output No.1-5
Fox example:
when “double click” will turn OFF digital output 5,output 7-10
Input-5: when “single click” will turn OFF digital output 1-64
auto feedback MQTT message or TCP message and monitor state on monitor
“delay”: after you turn ON digital output, will auto turn OFF after a “delay time” you
have preset.
“jogging”: when hold on the INPUT with GND, digital output is ON, release INPUT
with GND, digital output will be OFF right now. when use “jogging”, INPUT webpage
only set in “ON” command, “OFF” and “TOGGLE” option should be blank.
“Interlock group”: set interlock group for digital output. If set to “0” , disable interlock
function. If “Output1” set to “1” and “Output2” set to “1” = Output1 and Output2 work
with interlock. If “Output3” set to “2” and “Output4” set to “2” = Output3 and Output4
work with interlock. For example , KC868-A64 have 64 channel digital output, so total
Monitor all protocol work state, whether have connect to server or have a client have
Monitor ADC value.
In order to easily view the values of each sensor, we can set a separate sensor
channel name, range, display unit, and automatically reported threshold for each
Fox example, we set a water level analog sensor, name is “water level”, unit is M
(meter), Custom value1 and value2 means: if you are using DC 0-5v analog sensor,
when sensor voltage is 0v, what’s “Custom value1” corresponding value. when sensor
voltage is 5v, what’s “Custom value2” corresponding value.
If you are using sensor 4-20mA, so 4-20mA 4mA=Custom value1, 20mA is Custom
Then you will see the actually sensor name , value and unit on the monitor webpage.
After renamed.
Use the same way (double click TEXT) can rename of the output ports.
“Repeat” option can by every minute, hour, day, week, month, year.
Set every task time.
Task-1: every work day (Sun--Fri) 08:30:10 turn ON digital output 1-64
Task-1: every work day (Sun--Fri) 18:30:10 turn OFF digital output 1-64
You if set WiFi by AP mode. device such as mobile phone or tablet can connect to
will use ethernet firstly, if ethernet cable disconnected, then will auto switch to WiFi
connect to your wifi router, so that make sure let board always connect to your router.
Here is protocol setting webpage. You can enable/disable different protocol in
webpage. About these protocol document you can download from KinCony’s
If you want to use Tuya mobile phone application by remote monitor and control
output by internet. You can contact us order the Tuya licence code. If you bought Tuya
licence from KinCony, you just fill product id, device id, device secret, bind code to
this webpage, then it will auto generate QR code, you can scan QR code add board
“double click time”: adjust value for change speed of double click.
“hold on time”: adjust value for long or short the hold on time.
“keep output after restart”: when after power failure, whether auto recovery digital