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Chapter 1

This story is told in an
old book, thousands of years
old. Every word I am about
to tell you is true. Some of it
will be hard to believe,

but the truth

is often stranger
than fiction.
In the beginning, before the
first man was created, before
the earth, the sun, the stars,
even before light and time were
created, there was God.
He alone existed
without beginning, but he
was not lonely. Unlike finite
man, God exists simultaneously
as three persons in one. Each
distinct person is co-equal and
But God wanted to co-eternal, one in essence,
share his life. He nature, power, action, and will.
wanted friends He communed with himself in
and neighbors. harmonious love.
The Bible tells us God
created numerous kinds
of angelic beings to offer
praise around his throne,
but one called Lucifer led a
third of them in rebellion.
God cast them out of
heaven and Lucifer’s name
was changed to Satan.
But this is not
their story.

This is the story of God

working with mankind.

Isaiah 45:18 - For more information about

Satan, see: Isaiah 14:12-14; Ezekiel 28:13-19;
Matthew 25:41; Luke 10:18; Revelation 12:4, 20:2
In the beginning God
created the heaven and
the earth. And it came to
pass that the earth was
formless and void, and
the Creator moved upon
the face of the waters.
Suddenly God spoke
into the darkness…

t ”
e t
He created
all things
by simply
speaking them
into existence.
In six 24-
hour days God
made plants
and animals
to populate
the earth.

Approximately 4004 B.C. - Genesis 1:2-3

On the sixth day, with
the evil ones watching,
God formed a new
creature from the
dust of the ground.

God breathed his own life into

the body of clay, and the man
became a living soul. He was
made in the image of God -
higher than the animals.
God called the new
creature Man and gave
him the name Adam.

God looked at
all his creation
and said, “It is
very good.”
Genesis 1:31, 2:7
Every day, God talked
with Adam, and life was
wonderful. God brought
all the animals before
Adam so he could give
each one a name. As the
animals passed, Adam came
to realize that he did not
have a mate like they did.
And God
I will
a mate to
help Adam.

God caused Adam to experience

a deep sleep and then took a rib
from his side. With the rib, God
fashioned a beautiful woman
to be Adam’s loving helper.
God woke Adam and brought
the woman to him. He told them
to have children and replenish
the earth, and Adam called
his beautiful new wife “Eve.”

is bone of
my bone and
flesh of my Satan,
flesh. the Evil

They were both naked,

but, like children, they
were not aware of it.
They were happy in the
garden. There was no sin,
no hunger; it got neither
too hot nor too cold.
God spoke
of the trees,

may eat of all
the trees in the
garden, but do not
eat from this one tree
in the middle of the
garden, for in the
day you eat you
will die.

Genesis 1:28,
2:2, 16-22, 25
Satan hated God and wanted to
destroy what God was doing, but
he needed a way to communicate
with Eve, so he entered the
body of a beautiful creature
and spoke through its mouth.

God told you
that you cannot
eat from every
tree in the
said we can
eat of every tree
except this one,
but if we touch
it, we will die.

Ha! You will

not die. You will
be like the gods
when you eat. You
will be enlightened
as we are, and you
will know all
about good
and evil.
It is beautiful
to look upon and it
does look like it would be
good for food. it will make
me wise to eat it, but God
said not to eat
this fruit.

Eve did not know what

good and evil were.
Eve disobeyed God
and ate the fruit.

Too late, Eve realized

that she had been
deceived. It caused
her to know good
and evil, but the
evil took control.
Eve took the
fruit to her
husband and
talked him into
eating it.

I didn’t die.
Eat, and it will
make you wise

Genesis 3:1-6; Revelation 20:2

They were
enlightened Ha, ha, ha!
and were he will kill you now!
ashamed of Look what he did
their to me.
have we

We disobeyed
God. He will be
coming soon. We
must cover our
Adam, heard your
where are voice and I
you? was afraid
because I
was naked.

Who told
you that you
were naked?
Did you disobey
me and eat of
the forbidden
woman you gave
me made me do it.

Genesis 3:6-12

The serpent deceived

me. He told me I wouldn’t
die, that I would be like you,
but I am not like you. I
feel awful.
So God cursed I will make
the serpent and your seed and the
said unto him... woman’s child to be
enemies. Your seed will
bruise the heel
of the woman’s child,
but he will bruise
your head.

you have done
this, I will make
you crawl on your
belly and get
dust in your
Here is
promise of
a future
battle. A
time will
come when
the woman’s
seed will
defeat Satan.
This person
will redeem
mankind back
to God and
deliver them God could have destroyed Lucifer
from the and all his angels in just a moment’s
curse of sin time, but he allowed them to live
and death. as a test for the human race.
Will men follow God, or will they
Genesis 3:13-15 follow Satan in his rebellion?
God cursed
mankind saying...

Adam, because
you yielded to your
wife’s persuasion
and disobeyed me, I
will curse this earth
and cause thorns and
thistles to grow better
than the vegetables, and
you will have to work hard
to make the ground produce
something to eat. As long
as you live, you will have
sorrow, working by the
sweat on your face until
you die and return to
the ground from
which you were
It was now time for
Adam and Eve to die
just as God promised.
But instead of killing
them, God killed animals
in their place and took
the skins to make coats
for Adam and Eve.
He didn’t kill us!
We’re still alive!
He killed the
animals instead
of us!

Adam and Eve didn’t die that

day, because innocent animals
died in their places. But the
death sentence had passed
upon them, and eventually
they too would die. Death
is the penalty for sin.
Since Adam and Eve were now
sinners, God put them out
of the beautiful garden so
they would not eat of the
tree of life and live forever
in their sinful states.
God placed a special
kind of angel called
a Cherubim at the
entrance to the garden
to keep anyone from
getting to the tree of
life. The garden was
eventually destroyed
and the tree moved
from the earth. One
day it will be brought
back to the earth,
but I am getting
ahead of my story.

Genesis 3:17-24; Ezekiel 18:4

Adam and Eve had many
children. Later, their sons
and daughters would
marry each other and have
children of their own.

When man was first created,

mutant genes that caused
deformities through inbreeding
Had not yet developed, but
later when it became a problem,
God commanded that close
relatives should not marry.
Adam and Eve’s first son, Cain,
grew vegetables and fruit.
Their second son, Abel, raised
animals. Could it be that one
of them would be the promised
son who would destroy Satan?

Cain and Abel knew about God

and the events in the garden. But
God no longer walked and talked
with humanity. Adam and all his
descendants were separated
from God by Adam’s disobedience.
Life was hard without God.
Oh, God,
I am a sinful
man; I kill this
lamb and offer
it to you in the
place of my
own death.

There came a day when the two

sons decided to worship God.
Their father had told them of
God killing the animals in the
garden, so by faith Abel slew an
animal and offered it to God.
Cain made an offering of
the best he had, but it was
not a blood sacrifice. Cain
did not understand that
his sin offended God.

God, please
accept this gift
of the best I have
to offer.

Will one of these men be

the promised redeemer?

Genesis 4:1-4; Romans 3:23;

Hebrews 11:4

God rejected Cain’s offering

because it was without blood.
God was pleased with Abel
and his offering. When he
saw the shedding of the
blood of the innocent lamb,
God put away Abel’s sin.

God said to Cain, “If you do what

you should, I will be pleased
with you. Also, you will rule
over your brother Abel, and he
will live in subjection to you.”
Who do you
think you are? My
my fruit and brother,
vegetables are there is still
worth more than time to offer
that bloody lamb. a blood
What makes you sacrifice.
so special?

had all

of this I’m

going to


W h

Genesis 4:5-8

Abel died, and Cain tried

to hide his sin of murder.
But Cain could not hide
his evil deed from God.
God sees and knows all.

is your

should I
know? Am
I supposed
to take
care of my

blood is still
on the ground. It
speaks to me of
your evil
God knows everything. He sees
everyone all the time. Nothing
can be hidden from him. He saw
what Cain did to Abel. God placed
a curse on Cain and he fled into
the wilderness, taking his wife
with him. His guilt caused him
great grief and suffering.

Cain could not be the promised

deliverer. He himself was
in need of deliverance.
What about God’s promise of
a son that would deliver?
Adam and Eve had another
son and called him Seth. Many
more sons and daughters
were born unto them.

God has
given me another
boy to take the
place of the
one that Cain

Genesis 4:9-16, 5:4; Acts 17:24-26

Seth had a son, and his son had a
son, and many more sons were born,
but still none came forth to remove
the curse of sin and destroy death.
Soon the earth was populated with
many cities, villages, and farms.
With each new
generation, as the
people increased,
sin increased. The
people committed
sexual sins and
were violent.
Every thought was
sinful. No one lived
righteously. Adam
had committed one
sin; the people God said, “I regret I made
now committed man on the earth. I will
many sins. destroy every thing that
is alive on the earth.”
Satan, who hates God’s
kingdom, would be pleased
to see God kill everyone.
Nine generations had
now passed (1,400
years) and the world
was filled with sin.

Men made slaves of

their fellow man.

Will God ever have a

family to love him and
walk in obedience?

Genesis 6:5-7; Romans 5:12

Approximately 2500 B.C.

But there was

one man who
practiced justice
and always did
the right thing.
Though God
would kill all the
others on the
earth, he decided
to be gracious
to this man and
not kill him or
his family.
I am going
to send a
great flood
of water upon
all the earth.
that has breath
will die. In
order to save
yourself, your
family, and the
animals, you
will build a
big boat.
Take with
you on the boat one
pair of every animal
upon the face of the
earth. You will take seven
of all that are permissible
to eat. I will tell you how
to build the boat and
what you will need to do
to prepare for the
Could Noah be the promised
child, the one to destroy the
works of Satan? Will he obey
God, or will he too fail?

God told Noah how big the

boat must be to hold two of
every air-breathing creature
on the earth, along with
the food they would eat.

Genesis 6:8-9, 17-22, 7:2

I am telling you
one last time. God
is going to destroy
the world with a great
flood. You must believe
me and join me on
the boat.

It made Noah sad to

think of everyone
perishing in the
coming flood, so
at every chance,
he warned them
to stop sinning.
would a
loving God
destroy his

Because of sin.
You must stop
You old sinning and treat
fool! your neighbor with
love and justice.
120 years later, when the
boat was finished, God caused
animals to come to Noah
from all over the world.

here come
more animals. They
come on their own,
like someone is
calling them.
are so
looking. I
didn’t know such
animals existed.
Do you think there
could be anything
to what Noah
says about God
sending a

Not a
chance. Where
could you get
enough water to
flood the entire

Genesis 7:7-9; 2 Peter 2:5

not much
room left.

is the
last of

Noah, it is
time. come into
the boat with all
your family and the
animals. It will soon
be too late for all
those who refused
to stop sinning.
God shut the
door to the
boat, and
for seven Ha,
days nothing Ha! Look
happened. at the fools,
shut up in a big
boat with all
those animals in
the middle of a
dry plain, miles
from any

I bet the lions
have eaten them
by now.

have been in
there a week!
But on the seventh day it began
to rain, and water stored deep in
the earth came to the surface.

I have never
seen anything like
this; do you think the
crazy people in the boat
could be right about
God wanting to kill
everybody for
their sins?
be ridiculous;
God is love. How
could one man
be right and all
our religious
leaders be
Before this time, it had never
rained. The weather was always
nice and a mist came up from
the earth to water the ground.
No one had ever seen or
heard of rain, so many people
thought Noah was crazy for
thinking water was going to
fall from the sky, but Noah
believed what God said.
I should have
listened to Noah.
What a fool I
have been!

save my

Genesis 7:9-12, 16
Approximately 2348 B.C.

By the time the people

realized Noah had been
telling the truth,
it was too late.

It rained forty days and

nights, until the water
covered every mountain on
the whole earth. Every living
soul that breathed air died,
except those that were in
the boat with Noah. It would
be more than a year before
they would leave the boat.
Genesis 7:12, 19-23, 8:9-12

be glad when
the water goes
down and we
can leave this

Finally Noah released a dove and it came

back with a branch in its mouth, which
meant that somewhere there was a tree
already growing. Later, he again released
it, and that time it did not come back, which
meant it had found a good place to live.
Before long the boat
settled on a mountaintop
called Ararat. Everyone
came out to a new world,
a world without sin.
Noah built an altar and offered
animal sacrifices to God. Though
Noah was a just man, there
was still sin in his heart. These
blood sacrifices were offered
to God in substitution for the
lives of Noah and all his family.

The animals represented the

eight who should have died in the
flood, but were spared by the
grace of God. It was something
like what God did in the garden
when he killed animals to make
coverings for Adam and Eve.
I will give
you a rainbow in the
sky as a reminder that
I will never again destroy
the earth with water. You
should have many children
and scatter out
to repopulate the
whole earth.
I will make animals to
fear men. You may eat any
creature that is alive and
crawling on the earth, just
as you eat vegetables and
herbs, but you are not
to eat the blood of any
creature. Do not kill

If someone is
found to be guilty of
killing another, then he
is to be killed by other
men. If a man sheds the
blood of another man, then
other men should shed his
blood to pay for his crime,
because the life is
in the blood.
Noah became a farmer and
planted grapes. The new
world was lonely with
just four families, but
soon his sons were having
children of their own.
Genesis 8:4, 20, 9:1-29

Noah discovered that by putting

fruit in a container and leaving
it for a few weeks, it made an
alcoholic drink that caused
him to feel funny. Noah got
to liking the drink so much
that at times he couldn’t
work. He would just fall down
unconscious. It made him do
things that displeased God.
One day Noah got
so drunk that
he made himself
naked and then
passed out. His
son, Ham, looked
on his father’s
shame and found
pleasure in it. He
told his brothers
in a mocking tone
what he had seen.
When Noah
awoke, his
sons told
him what Ham
had done.
son, Canaan,
and all his
descendants will
be the servants of
the descendants
of your brother
Many years later,
this prophecy
came true. The
Canaanites occupied
Palestine and ended
up in servitude
to the Jews. Genesis 9:21-27; 1 Chronicles 4:40;
Psalms 78:51, 105:23,27, 106:22

Adam & Eve

God killed
every one
except those
eight people.
Noah and his
family found
grace in the
Europe h eyes of God.
e t
p h


In time Japheth went west and
north to settle and repopulate.
Africa Shem went east and settled
in Asia. Ham went south and
settled in Africa and southern

Asia. The descendants of his


son, Cana, settle in what is

now called Palestine. And so
the world was repopulated.
Approximately 2247 B.C.

Noah’s son, Ham, had a son

named Cush, and then Cush
had a son named Nimrod.
Nimrod grew up to be a mighty
hunter, and was well known
throughout the whole earth.
He refused to obey God and
started his own false religion
in a place called Babylon.
The people of Babylon did not want to scatter
out and repopulate the earth as God had
commanded, so they got together and built a
great and high tower as a center of worship.
But it was not their
Creator they worshiped.
Satan led them to create
their own gods out of
wood, stone, and metal.
God was angry at their refusal
to scatter over the earth, so
he caused the people to speak
many different languages.

Can you guys

understand what
I’m saying?

The workmen could no

longer understand each
other, so they could
not continue the work.
Each language group went
its own way. Some people
went to distant places in the
earth, some traveled in ships
to distant islands, some to
the north where it was cold
and some down into the
deserts where it was hot. So
God’s command to repopulate
the earth was fulfilled.
As the earth was
filled with people, sin
again increased. The
people bowed down
to idols and forgot
the living God.

Genesis 10:6-10, 11:1-9

Chapter 2

There was one man named
Abraham who did not believe
that statues were really
gods. He knew that God was
the creator and could not
be worshiped through idols.
God spoke to him, saying,
“Abraham, leave this city of
idolatry. Leave all your family
and country behind, and I
will show you where to go. I
will make you the father of
a great nation. I will bless
those that bless you and I
will curse those that curse
you. in you all the nations of
the earth will be blessed.”

Could Abraham be the

promised child who would
destroy sin and death?
Approximately 1921 B.C.

Abraham knew that the

voice he heard was the
voice of God, so he obeyed,
not knowing where he was
going. He knew that he was
leaving the idolatry behind
and was following the
living God. That was enough
for Abraham. But he took
his nephew Lot with him.
Abraham’s journey took him
down into the land of Canaan,
where Ham’s son settled.
Today, it is called Palestine.
There God spoke to him:

Abraham, walk
through this land from
one end to the other. I
am going to give all this
land of Canaan to your
future children. I will
make you to have so many
children that they cannot be
counted. They will multiply
like the dust of the earth.
God told me
that you are
going to have
children after
all these

You know
that I have
never been able
to have a child,
and now I am past
childbearing age.
God How can I have
said you children?

Genesis 12:1-3, 13:14-17

As Abraham traveled
through the land,
occasionally he
stopped and offered
a blood sacrifice to
God. Like Abel, he
made the sacrifice
by faith, knowing
that he was a sinner,
deserving of death.

The sacrifice of a lamb

could not take away his sin, but
when God saw Abraham’s faith,
God covered Abraham’s sin.
Ten years later.

ten years ago
you said God told you
that I would bear your
child. I am now 75 and you
are 85. We grow older,
but still no child. Soon
you will be too old to
produce a child. Are
you sure you heard
from God?
I know it was God
who spoke to me, but
I do not understand why
he waits so long. He said I
would be the father of a great
nation, but all I have is an
old body, an old wife that
cannot have children, and
a great big flock of
Fear not
Abraham, I am your
protection and your
great reward.

What reward
will you give
me, since I have
no child?

You and
Sarah will
have a
Come, Abraham,
look at the stars
and see if you can count
them. Like the stars your
children will be so many
that they cannot
be counted.

I believe
it will come to
pass as you
Genesis 15:1-6, 13-14

Since you believe me,

I am going to count your faith
as if it were righteousness.
Know of a certainty that your children
will be strangers in a land that is not
theirs. After they have suffered as
slaves for 400 years, I will punish
that nation, and your children will
leave there with great wealth.
Then they will come back here
and inhabit this land.
Where is
the promise of
a child? I grow
older by the day.
Soon you will not
be able to produce
seed. Abraham,
I will never be
able to give you
The custom
of the land is
that my servant
girl can have a
child for me.
don’t you see this
is our last chance to
have a child? Before it is
too late, you must take her
and produce a child. It will
be your seed. It is God’s
will. How else will You
ever be the father of
a great nation?
It is
the only

Abraham did not pray

to God. He forgot the
promise of God and obeyed
the voice of his wife.

Genesis 16:1-4
Several I am
months going to have
later. Abraham’s

When Hagar knew that

she carried Abraham’s
child, she became proud
and despised Sarah.
Sarah grew unhappy
with jealousy.
Sarah made Hagar work hard
and treated her unkindly. God
never intended for a man to
have two wives or to have
children through a concubine.

When you
are finished with
the water, you
can split the

Hagar made
plans to
run away.
Hagar ran away from Sarah and
fled into the wilderness. When
she grew tired and could go
no farther, she collapsed in
exhaustion. God saw Hagar in
her distress and spoke to her.

Hagar, return
to Sarah and submit
to her. You are
going to have a son
and you will name
him Ishmael, which
means “God
From him
will come many
children, more than can
be numbered. Ishmael
will be a wild man. He
will always be fighting
everybody and everybody
will be fighting him. He will
always live close to
all his brothers.
Hagar returned home and
in time the child was born.

God told me
that since this child
is Abraham’s, he would
be the father of
many nations.

Ishmael later became the

father of all Arabic nations.

Genesis 16:4-16
Abraham was 86
years old when
Ishmael was born.
Not long after
Ishmael’s birth,
Abraham grew too
old to produce
children. Would
Ishmael be the
child God promised
Abraham? But
God said the
child would come
through Sarah
and Abraham. How can God fulfill his
promise if both Abraham
and Sarah are too old
to produce children?
When Ishmael was thirteen
and Abraham was 99, God
spoke to him again.
Abraham, I am the
Almighty God. Do all
that I tell you and sin
not. As I told you before, I
will multiply your children,
and you will be the father
of many nations. I will
establish my covenant with
you and then with your
children after you.
I will give to your children
the land of Canaan as a
possession for ever. Sarah
will conceive and have the
child as I promised, the one
who is to be the head of
many nations.

Ha, ha! How

can that be? I am
now 99 years old, and
Sarah is 89. My body is as
good as dead. We cannot
have children. Please,
let Ishmael be the
promised child.
No, as I said from the
beginning, you and Sarah will
have a child of your own,
from your own bodies. The
promise of blessing will be
passed on through him, not
Ishmael. In one year, Sarah
will give birth to a
male child.
Is it possible? …Yes! The God
who created the human body can
surely take two old, dead
bodies and make them fertile
again. …Sure. God can
do it!
A few days later, three men
appeared from out of the
desert. They did not look
as if they had traveled far,
nor did they appear to be
local. They were strong,
confident, and ageless.
Abraham watched them
approach and knew they were
different, but what he didn’t
know is that his visitors
were not from this world.

Two of them were righteous

angels, and the third was
God himself, appearing in
angelic form so he could
talk to Abraham. Abraham
went out to meet them.

Genesis 17:1-21, 18:1-2

He, he, he

your wife
Sarah will
have a son.
As old
as I am, and
Abraham even
older, could I have
pleasure again?
Why does Sarah laugh
when God says she will
have a child?

I didn’t

You did indeed

laugh. You don’t believe.
Is anything too hard for God?
I will come again when the time
is right for you to conceive, and
you will have a child.
Should I
tell Abraham what
I am about to do? He is
going to be the father of
many children, and he will
teach his children and
his grandchildren to
obey me.
Yes, he
needs to
The sin
of Sodom and
Gomorrah has
grown very bad.
I will destroy
every soul in
both cities: men,
women, and

But my
Lot and his
family live
Genesis 18:10-22
would not be
like God to destroy
the righteous with the
wicked. What if there are
fifty righteous people in
the city? Will you spare
the whole city to save the
righteous? I know that
the Judge of all men
will do what is
If I find fifty
righteous I will
spare the city.
I am just dirt,
not worthy to speak to God,
but what if there are only forty-five
righteous? Would you destroy
all for lack of five?

If there
be 45 I will not
destroy it.
What if
there are only
I will forty found?
not destroy it
if there are forty
be angry
with me. What
if there are

I will
not destroy it
for thirty.

I will not What

destroy the if there are
wicked city if twenty?
there are twenty
in it.
Please don’t be angry.
This is the last time I will ask you.
What if there are only ten righteous
people in the city? Will you
destroy it still?

No, if I
can find ten
righteous souls, I
will not destroy
the city.

If you
can’t find ten,
will you please
warn my nephew We will visit
Lot? him tonight.
The two angels went
into the city that
evening and walked
by Lot’s house.

This is
worse than I

Now I see
why God is going to
destroy everyone,
even the children
and animals.
Hey, you
strangers, you
can’t stay in the
street tonight; it
isn’t safe. Come
into my house
for the night.

Hey! They
are kinda
cute. We will
tell the guys

Genesis 18:23-19:2
Lot, send Go away;
those men out you can’t
to us so we do this evil
can have sex with thing.
Who does
he think he
is, so high and
mighty? Bigoted
We will
break the
door down
and do worse
to you, you

we don’t want
Hate your daughters;
monger! we want the
The Lord Where
God make you are they?
out the
lights? What
kind of
I can’t power is
see! What this?
You must leave the
city tomorrow morning.
Warn whom you will. God
is righteous and will no
longer tolerate
this sin.

God is going to
rain down fire from
heaven on this place.
Everyone in Sodom
and Gomorrah
will die.
Hurry, the
fire will soon
fall. No one
will escape.

God says you

are not to look
back at the city
as it burns.

Genesis 19:4-17

Oh no!
Father, mother
disobeyed God.
She has turned
into salt.

look! Keep
Every living thing in Sodom
and Gomorrah died that
day. God is righteous and
he hates sin, especially
perverted sex, men with men
and women with women.
Sexual sins involving
children are the worst of
all. God had promised to
never destroy the world
with water, But he didn’t
say anything about fire.
The next time it will be by
fire. The penalty of any
sin is death: physical death
and eternal death in the
lake of fire. By the grace
of God, Lot was saved from
the judgment of God. His
wife did not believe God was
serious when he warned
them not to look back.

The penalty for all

sin is always death,
no exceptions.
I am so glad God was
gracious to you. Lot,
you could have died in
that city. God hates sin
and wickedness. You
must stay away from
that kind of

We were so
sorry to hear
about your wife.
What will you
do now?
We will

Lot went off with

his two daughters
and God continued
to bless Abraham.

Genesis 19:24-26; Leviticus

18:22; Romans 1:23-32, 6:23; 1
Corinthians 6:9-11; Revelation 21:8
God had promised that Sarah
would have a child. Abraham and
Sarah began to feel an awakening
of long forgotten desires.

what has come
over you? It has
been years since
you looked at
me… that way.
It was a miracle! Soon,
everyone knew that
Sarah was with child!
As God said, we will
call him Isaac. He will
be the father of a
great nation.

Yes, when God

told us I would
bear a child, it made
me laugh. Who would
have believed that in
my old age I would be
nursing my very
own child?

God kept his promise.

He always does.
Ishmael, Abraham’s son by
Hagar, was now fourteen years
old, and he hated the new baby.

The little
fool mocks me.
I will not have
that Egyptian in
the Same house
with my
Cast out the servant
woman and her son. They will
not receive any inheritance
with Isaac, the child of

God spoke to Abraham and

said, “Sarah is right. Send
Hagar and Ishmael away.
Ishmael will not be heir with
Isaac. But don’t let it grieve
you; I will take care of them...
...And because
Ishmael is your
son, I will make a
great nation come
from him also.
But the promised
deliverer, the one
who will defeat
Satan, will come
through Isaac,
not Ishmael.”

Ishmael grew up to become

the father of all the Arabic
people, while Isaac grew up
to become the head of all
the Jewish people. Arabs
and Jews are half brothers.

Genesis 21:1-3, 9-14

*The name Isaac means laughter.
You’re a
miracle child. Will
you deliver the world
from sin?

Abraham loved
his son Isaac,
and they became
Father, The God of
why do you kill these heaven and earth is
pretty little lambs and holy and pure, far too
burn them on the piles pure for a sinful man
of rocks? like me. The first man
Adam, disobeyed God
and the human race has
been sinful ever

God told Adam

that if he sinned
he would die, but
after Adam sinned,
God killed animals
and used their skins
to cover Adam and
Eve’s shame.
When I kill a lamb and
offer it to God, it is a
statement that I recognize
my sinfulness and offer
the innocent lamb to die in
my place.
Isaac grew
strong and
learned to trust
the God of his
father. Abraham
loved him dearly
and they often
went together to
worship and offer
sacrifices. The
lamb was killed
and placed on
the altar where
it was burnt.
I want you to take
your only son Isaac,
whom you love, and
offer him as a burnt
offering to me.
God, how
could you ask me
to do such a thing?
This is not like you. The
heathen offer human
sacrifices! You said you
would make a great nation
from my son Isaac. If I
kill him your promise
will not come to
…but you are
God. I do not
but I will
obey you.

Genesis 22:2; Romans 5:12

It is a Do take
Three-day Care; I
journey, so we will pray
will be gone for my
about a week. two men.
Three days later…

there is the
We will be
there before

Yes, we will
go and worship
and return
Father, we brought the wood,
and you have built the altar,
but where isthe sacrifice?

Isaac, you remember how

I told you of God speaking to
me and causing your mother and
me to have a child in our old age?
Well, he spoke to me again.
This time
he said I am
to offer you
as a burnt

are you
Didn’t God tell you that I was to
be the heir, head of a great nation,
that my children would be as many as
the stars of the heaven? If I die
now, what of God’s promise?

I have learned that

what God promises he is able
to perform. If he says you will
be the father of a great nation,
then you will, even if you die.
how could I don’t
it be if I know, unless he
am dead? raises you from
the dead.

Father, we
must obey
God no
matter what.

Genesis 22:3-9
Though Abraham
knew that he
was obeying
God, it must
have made
his heart sad
and his hands
tremble as
he followed
the normal
of offering a
burnt offering.

He tied his son’s hands and feet and

laid him on the altar. The next step was
to plunge the knife into his throat.
With a prayer of
faith to God, Abraham
lifted the knife. As
he was about to
plunge downward,
suddenly he heard a
voice from heaven:
Don’t harm
the child.
Now I know that
you trust me, since
you were willing to
obey, even to the point
of giving me your
only son.
When Abraham looked
up, he saw a ram
caught in a thicket.

look! God
a ram to
take my
Abraham, because
you have done
this thing in
not withholding
your only son,
I will bless you
and multiply your
children as the
stars of heaven,
and your children
shall take this land
and destroy your
enemies. Also,
through one of
your children, yet
to be born, all Father, he is
nations of the a merciful God,
Earth will be just like you said!
blessed. Genesis 22:9-18; Hebrews 11:17-19
Abraham had two sons, Ishmael and isaac.
isaac was the son chosen by god to
carry on the promise made to Abraham.
isaac had a son named jacob, whose
name was later changed to israel.
Jacob had 12 sons who, In time, went
with their families down to egypt where
they eventually became slaves (1706 B.C.).
Genesis 21:5, 13, 24:67, 25:12-18, 21-26, 29:23-30

Jacob’s twelve sons

became the twelve
tribes of Israel.

Ishmael had twelve

princes and became
the Arabic people.

Ishmael Jacob
Isaac 1836 B.C.
Abraham 1896 B.C.
Chapter 3

1706 B.C. During a famine, Jacob, who was
Abraham’s grandson, took his
twelve sons and all their children
and servants down to Egypt to
live. In Egypt they multiplied
like the dust of the earth.
Soon the sons of Jacob, whose
name was changed to Israel,
outnumbered the Egyptians.
Pharaoh, the ruler of Egypt, made
slaves of the sons of Jacob and forced
them to do cruel work, making bricks.
After being there over 300 years, they
had forgotten the promises God made
to Abraham and to their fathers.
God had told
Abraham that his
people would
go down to a
strange land
and be servants
there. He also
promised that
after 400 years
he would judge
that nation and
bring his people
back into the
land of promise.
I tell you it’s true! Pharaoh
fears we are becoming too many.
He is killing all the babies. The
Egyptians are weak and lazy. Our
men are strong from hard
work. They are afraid
of us.

They are
not going to kill
my baby. God will
protect him.

Ha! What can

God do against
the might of
No! Not
my baby.
You can’t
do this.

Pharaoh, fearing that the

Jews were becoming too
many, decided to kill all
the newborn males.

Genesis 46:5-7; Exodus 1:1-12, 22

But Mother,
what will I tell
the soldiers and
the neighbors
when they ask
where our
baby is?

You will
just tell
them the
truth. His
own mother
threw him
into the
river so the
do it.
Approximately 1525 B.C.

are you sure
it won’t

It is
with tar. It
will float.
Will we ever
see little brother
again? Oh, those
mean Egyptians!

God will
protect him.
You stay close
by and watch.
Pharaoh’s daughter came
to the river to bathe.

Look! There is a
crying sound coming
from that basket!
He may
be one
of the

isn’t he

must be
I would
keep him if
I could find
someone who
could nurse

There is one
of those Hebrew
children. Maybe she
knows someone
who could nurse
I will go
see if I can find
someone who could
nurse him. I know of a
Hebrew woman whose
baby was thrown in
the river. She still
has plenty
of milk.

Exodus 2:3-9
What have
I done? Will
I ever see my
baby again?
Does God
You had
no choice. You
couldn’t hide him
forever. Sooner or
later the soldiers
would find him and
kill him. You just
have to keep
trusting God.
Mother, the daughter of
Pharaoh came to the river and
found my little brother. She wants
to keep him for her own, and she is
looking for someone to nurse
him! She is coming here now!

Blessed be the
Eternal God!
I heard
you lost
your baby. I
am so sorry. I
found this one
in the river. I
will pay you
to nurse him
for me.
he is weaned
I will come and
take him to the palace
where he will be raised As Moses grew, she taught
to be pharaoh of him about the true God of
Egypt. We will call his fathers. God had a special
him Moses. purpose for this little boy.
Jump in
little prince,
and we will
take a ride
to the

fast can
they run?

Thank you for

nursing Moses. He
looks so healthy. He
will grow up to be
rich and powerful.
exodus 2:8-10
As the adopted son of Pharaoh’s daughter,
Moses grew to become a great man in
Egypt. He was destined to be rich and
powerful, but he never forgot his heritage.
and he
also told
Abraham that
we would be
I am telling afflicted in
you, Moses, the God of that strange
our fathers, Abraham, Isaac, land for
and Jacob, told Abraham 400 years.
that his seed would multiply We have now
and that they would become been here
strangers in a land that 359 years,
was not theirs. Well, just 41
here we are! years
to go.
That seems
incredible. Pharaoh And he also told
would never let all of Abraham that he would judge
his slaves leave, and he that nation for the evil they
certainly wouldn’t allow would do to us, and that we
them to leave with wealth. would leave with great wealth
But perhaps there is a way. and go back to the land God
Why wait 41 more years? gave to our fathers.
The Hebrew children suffered under the
rule of their masters. They had to work
in the slime pits, making bricks. Moses
could not stand to see them suffer, so
he decided to do something about it.

up before
he beats you
to death! Get
up, you

Eber, get up.

exodus 2:10-11
One day Moses
saw one of the
Egyptians cruelly
beating one of
his own people.

The time of
deliverance has
come. This must

more! Moses killed the Egyptian
and buried the body, but
someone saw him and
reported it to Pharaoh.
Stop! you
must stand trial
for murder!

Oh God!
What have
I done?
Approximately 1491 B.C.

Moses left Egypt and fled into

the wilderness. He was alone,
without family or friends. He
did not deliver his people. He
couldn’t even deliver himself.
exodus 2:11-15
Moses A man!
He looks
walked for
nearly dead.
many days.
When he Bring water.
could go no
farther, he
came upon
a camp of

He is an
Moses found a new life among
the Midianites. He learned
the ways of the wilderness,
married, and became a shepherd.
Forty years passed and Egypt
became a distant memory.
Moses had given up hope of
ever seeing his people again.
That is indeed strange!
How did that bush catch on
fire, and why does it not
burn up? It just keeps
on burning and
Moses, take your
shoes off. You are
standing on holy ground.
I am the God of your
fathers, Abraham,
Isaac, and Jacob.
I have seen the
suffering and heard the
prayers of my people in
Egypt. It is time to deliver
them from their oppression
and bring them back
into the land I promised
their fathers.

I will send you

to Pharaoh and you will
bring my people out of their
bondage. You will tell him to
let my people go, and he will
refuse. Then I will show my
power to Egypt. After that
he will let them go.
exodus 2:16-3:10
But they
will not
believe that
you have sent
me. They will
just laugh.
Throw your
staff on the
What? My
It has
a deadly
Pick up the
serpent by
the tail.
It has
back into
my rod!
Go to Egypt.
I will teach you what
to say and tell you
what to do. Your
brother Aaron will be
your assistant.

exodus 4:1-4, 12-16

1445 B.C. You are going
back to Egypt! But what
about all those who seek
It has to kill you?
been forty
years. All who
know anything
of my past are
dead. No one
will recognize
me. How
long will
you be
lets God’s
Call all the
elders together! The
time of deliverance has

Who are

That is Aaron the

Levite. The other one
looks like us, but he is
no slave.
was born
eighty years ago
during the time of
the great slaughter
when Pharaoh began
killing all the male
babies. His mother
hid him in a basket
in the river. By the
providence of God,
Come near, Pharaoh’s daughter
all you elders found Moses and
of Israel. he was raised as
an Egyptian.

exodus 4:29-31
Forty years ago, Moses decided that
he would rather suffer with his own people
than to reign as an Egyptian. He sought to deliver
us by his own strength and failed. For the past 40
years, he has been living in the deserts of the land
God promised to our fathers. Recently God spoke to
him and showed him how to deliver us from Pharaoh!
Now, Moses will show you the signs that he will
use to convince Pharaoh to let us go.
The God of
Abraham spoke to me
from a burning bush
and sent me to lead you
back to the land of our
fathers. Here is a
His rod
turned into
a serpent.

be afraid.
has sent a

that will
It’s a
miracle! Now
we go to

God of
exodus 4:17, 30
It hasn’t
changed since
I left here forty
years ago. Remember
to say just what I
told you.
The God of
Israel has spoken
to Moses. God says you
are to let the people go
on a three day journey
into the wilderness to
worship and to offer

Ha! The God of Israel? Ha,

ha, ha! I don’t know your God.
Who is this God that I should
obey him? That’s ridiculous. I
am not going to let my slaves
take a three-day trip into the
I have heard how
you are stirring up my
people, causing them to stop
working. And now they want to
take a three-day trip to worship
a God I don’t even know. I will
see to it that they have more
work to do.

From now on,

they will have to provide
their own straw for making
bricks. Now, get out of my
sight and go back where
you came from.

Exodus 5:1-7
Can you
believe the

That was
funny. They
marched in here
like they were the
voice of God.
You’re telling us
that all you accomplished
was to double our work load?
Some kind of deliverance. And
you think God sent you?

does he
think he

I can’t
believe we
fell for his

kind of a
So, you don’t have enough
to do. You want to go worship
your God. We’ll teach you not
to be idle.
since I have
come speaking
in your name,
things have
gotten much
worse. Why did
you send me

I am
Jehovah, the
God of your
fathers, and I
have seen the
suffering and
have heard
the cries of
my people

It is time to
fulfill my promise to
Abraham and lead this
people to the land of
Canaan. You, Moses, will
lead them.
But I cannot
speak well.
Pharaoh will not
listen to me.

Aaron will do
the talking; you just
listen to me and tell
him what to say. At first,
Pharaoh will not listen to
you, but I will show him
greater signs until the
Egyptians know that I am
the only true God.
Ha, Ha!
What are you
doing back
here again?

says, “Let my
people go.”
Here is a sign that
Jehovah has spoken.

Ha, ha, ha!

that’s just
a magic trick.
That doesn’t
scare me.
Call our
He did that
real smooth.
It looked real
didn’t it?

Wonder where he
learned to
do that?

exodus 5:10-23, 7:7-11

Come quickly and
bring that magic trick where
you turn your rods into
Our god of
serpents, Nesert,
has sent us to tell
you to make more
bricks. Ha, ha, ha!
Moses, what do
we do now? We look
like fools.

Exodus 7:11-12
His serpent
wants to
fight ours.
is eating
one of
It swallowed
our serpent
Don’t tell me
it is going to try
to eat another one!
Our Serpent god,
Nesert, will be
I can’t
believe it!
His serpent
has eaten
every one
of ours.

could this
Jehovah is the
God of creation.
He says, “Let my
people go.”
exodus 7:12
I don’t know
how you did that,
but I am not going
to pay for the show
with a million slaves.

Exodus 7:13 “And he (God)

hardened Pharaoh’s heart,
that he hearkened not unto
them; as the Lord had said.”
Why did
Jehovah send
us with a sign that
Pharaoh’s magicians
could duplicate? For
a while there, it
made us look like

I don’t know, but

God did say that he was
going to harden Pharaoh’s
heart. That’s certainly what
happened. Did you see how
mad he got when my
rod ate his pet snakes?

I must find
a place to talk
to Jehovah. I
don’t know what
to do next.
God met with
Moses again
and told him
what to do.
The Egyptians Jehovah
had ridiculed says, “Because
Moses. His you refuse to let
own people my people go, and
rejected him so that you will
because know that I am the
Pharaoh made true God, all the
their bondage waters of Egypt
crueler, shall become
but Moses blood.”
believed God
and obeyed
even though
he did not
that is Go
impressive. get my
How did he magicians.
do that? The god of
the Nile will
stop this.

exodus 7:15-21
See? My
magicians can
do that too.
I will not be
persuaded by
your magic
I have
never in my life
seen anything like
it. Even the springs
and little ponds have
turned into blood.
What did he say was
the name of his
heard them say. What
difference does it make?
We have thousands of
gods. The god of the Nile
River must be angry.
That fellow
Moses says
that his God is
the only god.

God? That’s
Seven days after the waters
were turned to blood,
Moses again brought God’s
judgments on Egypt.

Let the waters

bring forth frogs
in abundance.
The stinking blood
waters suddenly
produced millions
of frogs.

Exodus 7:21-25, 8:6

house is
full of
All of
Egypt is filled
Where are
with frogs. The
our priests?
gods are
Can’t they do
Why are
they making more
frogs? Didn’t that
fellow Moses give
us enough? Now
Pharaoh gives us
more. Pharaoh,
see, we
magicians can
make frogs
Why don’t you let
them go into the
wilderness as they
asked? We can’t stand
much more of this.
Moses. Tell
him I want
to talk.

as you
Ask Jehovah to take
away the frogs. If he
will do so, I will let
your people go and do
the sacrifice.

You name the

time you want the
frogs to die and
it will be so.

According to
your own words so
shall it be, that all may
know there is no god
like Jehovah God.

Exodus 8:7-10
When What kind
Pharaoh of god is this
saw that Jehovah that he
the frogs fills our lands
died at the with frogs?
time he
he hardened
his heart
and refused
to let the
Hebrews go.

What makes
you think a god
did it? Maybe it
is just a natural
Then how did Moses
know it was going to happen
so he could predict it? And how
did he knowthe exact hour
they would all die?

Oh, shut up and

shovel, or we will never
get finished.
And Jehovah said unto
Moses, “Say unto Aaron,
Stretch out your hand
and strike the dust
of the ground that it
become lice throughout
the land of Egypt.”
And all the dust
in Egypt turned
into lice.

What do you mean you can’t make
lice? The people will think that
his God is more powerful
than ours! Magic tricks,
that’s all you can do.

But sir, surely

this is the work of
God. No man can do
the things that those
two have done. We
are powerless.
There must be a natural
explanation, but we can’t stand any
more of this. Send word to Moses. Tell
him that if his God will take away the lice I
will let the Hebrews go to serve their God. Exodus 8:13-19
The lice are
gone, but I
cannot let the
slaves go. After
all, what else
could his
god do?
God has spoken
to Moses. God says,
“I will send swarms
of flies upon Egypt.
Your houses shall be
filled with flies. But
this time I will make a
difference between
the Egyptians and
the Hebrews.

shall be no
flies among my
people. By this,
everyone shall
know that I am
God of the
whole earth!”
why can’t
our priests
stop this man?
Where is their

I don’t
know anything
about religion.
I just mind my
own business.
It is just as he
said; there are no
flies among the
Hebrews! This must
be the work of
their God.
Go find
Go then, and
sacrifice to your
God, but do not
leave the land of

We must go
at least three
days’ journey.

I said you can

go, but you cannot
go very far. Now talk
to your God and ask
him to take away these
stinking flies.
There is
not one fly
left alive in all
Egypt. Now that
is a miracle.

Shut up. You

sound as if you
are beginning
to believe the

Again Pharaoh hardened

his heart and refused
to let the people go.

Exodus 8:20-32
God sent another
plague on Egypt.
All of their cows, Our animals
sheep, oxen, are all dead and
horses, and camels yours are healthy.
developed runny How do you
sores and died. But explain that?
the animals of the
Hebrews did not
catch the disease.

Moses says it is
the God of our
fathers come to
deliver us from your
cruel bondage, but I
am a simple man; I do
not know about
such things.
Our priests
are offering
sacrifices to our
gods. Our sacred bull
will be angry and put
a stop to this.
Tell Pharaoh that
it is too late. All our
sacred bulls have died. The
people will be angry when
Where are they learn that our gods
the gods of the could not protect them
Egyptians? Have from this phantom God
they no power? of the Hebrews.
But Pharaoh
his heart.

Exodus 9:6-7
Again God spoke to
Moses and told him
to sprinkle ashes
over the city and the
Egyptians would be
covered with boils.

God says, “Because

you will not let my
people go, I will send
terrible boils to cover
you and all your

Oh no,
not again!
Call the magicians.
Tell them to summon all
their powers. Sacrifice to
the gods. Put a stop
to this.
You called,
Most Eminent

too? Have
you no power
against this
God of
Get out of my
sight, you powerless
bunch of frauds. You do
sleights-of-hand and fool
the people, but I know you are
deceivers. Where are your gods?
Rise up early and stand before You don’t
Pharaoh and say, “The God of the realize it, but I
Hebrews says, ‘Let my people go. am the one who
For the next plague will be far made you to be
worse. It will bring destruction Pharaoh. You
that will kill many of your see, I knew you
people. By this you shall know would harden
that there is no god like me. your heart
and refuse to
let my people
‘Your stubbornness gives me ...so tomorrow
the opportunity to manifest my at this time I
power and bring judgment on will send a rain
Egypt for their cruel treatment of ice and fire
of my people. You promote your like the earth
own interests and resist doing has never
my will,... seen before.’ ”
“I tell you so
you can warn everyone
to put himself or any
animals he may have
indoors, for all that
are outside will

Exodus 9:8-19
Be it as
Jehovah has
can such a
thing happen,
fire and ice
god Seth,
save us.

Those who did not regard

the warning and were
caught outdoors died.
Father, how does He
that man Moses do claims
this? Is his God more there is
powerful than Seth, only one
lord of chaos God and
and storms? that these
are his

But no one has

ever seen his God, not
even the Hebrews. His
God, which he claims is
just a spirit, is trying
to convince Pharaoh to
let them go into the
wilderness to worship.
Oh mighty
Seth, lord of chaos
and storms, we beg of
you, put a stop to these
terrible storms. Surely
you are greater than
this unseen God of

Exodus 9:23-26
It doesn’t
come near
us; just the
I am afraid.
Will the fire
and ice fall
on us too?
No child,
Jehovah is
punishing the
Egyptians for not
obeying him. He is
showing them that
their god of
storms, Seth, is
powerless to It is so
help them. horrible.
I have sinned against Jehovah. The
God of the Hebrews is righteous
and I and my people are wicked. Ask
Jehovah to stop the fire and ice,
and I will let your people leave
As soon as I am out
of the city I will lift my hands
to heaven and the plague will When Pharaoh saw
cease. By this you will know that that the storm was
the earth belongs to Jehovah, passed, he sinned yet
but you will not keep your word. more and hardened
You do not yet fear God. his heart. He did not
let the people go.
God sent yet another plague.
Locusts came and ate every
green thing that the storm
had not destroyed. Then
the locusts chewed their
way into the houses.
Exodus 9:26-35, 10:13-15

god of vegetation,
do you not see what
this God of the Hebrews
does to our crops?

Pharaoh called
Moses and
promised to let
the people go,
but when God
took away the
Osiris, locusts, Pharaoh
show again hardened
yourself his heart and
strong refused to give
this day. up his slaves.
Exodus 10:14-20
Then God caused a thick darkness
to descend over Egypt. For
three days it was blacker than a
cloudy night, But in the Hebrew
homes there was no darkness.

I could
have had you
killed before
now, but that
would prove
that our gods
had no power
Get out of my
sight. I will never
See your face again,
for in that day you
will die.

You have spoken

the truth for once.
We will never see
each other again.
Ra, great
god of the sun, hear
us. For three days you
have hidden yourself.
Can you not defeat
this God of the
This is it! One final plague, and
Pharaoh will be glad to see us leave
Egypt. Tonight at midnight the destroyer
will pass through the land of Egypt. The
first-born male child in every family will But what
die. God will punish sin this night. Of our first
born? Will they
also die?
God has
provided salvation
for all who believe, even
the Egyptians. Go now and
take a young male lamb or
goat, kill it this evening
and place the blood of the
lamb on either Side and
over the door.

Jehovah says, “As I pass

through the land tonight, slaying
all first-born males, when I see
the blood on the outside of your
doors I will pass over that house,
and the first-born will not die.”
Remain in your house tonight And
eat the lamb That you slay.
Exodus 10:22-29, 11:4-5, 12:3-7
tomorrow, go
to your Egyptian
masters and borrow
their valuables, gold,
jewels, and silver.
God has touched their
hearts. They will
give freely and

Pack your things and

be ready to leave tomorrow
morning. You will not be coming
back here again. It is good-bye
to Egypt forever. This will be
the beginning of time for you,
your first day.
that is our
only lamb,
couldn’t we just
use red paint or

Son, God said

to kill a lamb and
put its blood on the
doorpost. We must do
exactly as he says.
You have seen how he
judges those who do
not obey him. This
lamb is to save you
from death.
this lamb
has died
for me? And for
me also. For
I too am a
Mama, why is
Daddy painting
our door with
Jehovah said, blood?
“when I see the
blood on your
doors I will know
that you believe me
and I will not kill
anyone inside
the house.” Exodus 12:26-28, 35-36
Why have Ha! you
you not believe all that
killed the superstitious stuff?
lamb and How is a little blood on a
placed blood doorpost going to stop
on your death from coming? My
door? son is not scared, are
you, Joikim?
Of course not. You
think I’m a sissy? Religion is for
weaklings. A good god wouldn’t
kill people for just failing to put a
little blood on a door. What about
the people who haven’t heard?
Father, why
is this night
different from
all others?

tonight God will
send his destroyer
to kill all first-born
males who do not
believe him. But when he
sees the blood he will
pass over that home.

This is the beginning of days

to us. Every year at this time we
will celebrate this Passover and
remember that God delivered us
from the hand of Pharaoh.
Oh Father,
listen to the
screams! The
destroyer must
be here!

Do not be afraid.
We have obeyed God.
The blood is on the
doorpost. We are
eating the lamb.
My son is
dead! Oh God,
do something.
Call Moses!
Exodus 12:28

Not my
As the destroyer
passed over the
city that night,
I am sorry, but it is too thousands died. Those
late. You were warned, but you who believed and
refused to believe. I am afraid applied the blood to
that many have died this night. their door lived.
son is

Hurry, bring
Moses here

He is the
of his

Exodus 12:29-31
again called
for Moses.
But Pharaoh did not
look at Moses’ face.

I have
sinned. Please
leave Egypt
and take all the
Hebrews with you.
Your God Jehovah
is more than I can
bear. Bless me
before you go.
Just as God had promised
their fathers, after four
hundred years they were
leaving Egypt. The Egyptians
gave the Hebrews gold,
jewels, food - anything they
wanted and could carry. It
was a joyous occasion for
the Hebrew children: the
first day of a new nation.
men, with
the women
and children,
left Egypt
to travel to
the promised

God led them during the

day with a cloud, which gave
them shade, and during the
night with a pillar of fire,
which gave them light.

Exodus 12:31-38, 13:21-22

Chapter 4

They followed until they
came into the mountains
and up against the Red Sea.
There they camped while
they discussed how they
were going to get across
the vast body of water.
Ready the
chariots. Pursue
the Hebrews. Bring
them back or kill
them all.
grieved for
his child,
his anger
hotter than
ever. Why
did he let
his slaves It will
leave? be as you
say, your
Exodus 14:5-7
Look, the
Egyptian army
is coming! We are
trapped in this

Moses brought
us out here to die.
It was better to live
as a slave than to
die in this god-
forsaken place.
There is
nothing God
can do to save
us now.

We have
the mountains
on our sides and
the water before
us. We are

When the Egyptians saw

the helpless Hebrews and
remembered the suffering
Moses had caused Egypt,
they were ready to kill.
Stand where
you are. God
will save us in
a mighty way.

God has
hardened Pharaoh’s
heart one more time.
After today you will
never again see the
Exodus 14:5-13 Egyptian army.
When it looked as if the Egyptian army
would rush upon the Hebrews, suddenly
a large column of fire came down from
heaven and blocked their way. During
that night, the Hebrews had light but
the Egyptians were in thick darkness.
Moses lifted his staff
over the sea and a great
wind came from heaven,
blowing upon the sea, and
the sea parted, leaving a
dry path on the bottom
of the sea floor.

This was a most

magnificent miracle.
The children of Israel
walked across the
sea on dry ground.

In the future they would sing

about a God who made paths
in the sea. Everyone would
know that there is but one
God and his name is Jehovah.

Exodus 14:15-22
This beats
anything we
saw in Egypt.

Wow, our
God is the best
god of all! We
are in the middle
of the sea.
Josiah! Are
you crazy? Get
away from there!
You know you
can’t swim!
I just want
to touch the
pretty fish.
When the Hebrews
were nearly across,
God withdrew the wall
of fire that had been
holding the Egyptians
back. They had not
seen the sea part, and
so they raced right
after the Hebrews. Forward,
kill the

Exodus 14:22-25
Today you have
seen the power of

Look, the water

is returning. They will
all be Drowned.
Every Egyptian soldier
drowned in the sea. Their
gods of wood and stone
could not save them.

Exodus 14:27-28
at all the
bodies. The
sea is filled
with dead

Jehovah is the
only Lord God.
There is no other
who could do such
a thing. We will
remember this
day forever.
Leaving the sea and the dead
Egyptian army behind, the
Hebrew children followed Moses
and the cloud into the vast
wilderness. They continued to
eat and drink that which they
had carried out of Egypt.

After several days’ journey,

the cloud that led them stopped
by wells of water. The Hebrews
camped there until their food
ran out. There was no place to
get more. It looked hopeless.
We could have stayed
in Egypt and lived better
than this. As slaves we
had enough to eat. Here,
there is nothing.

Yeah, did
you bring us
out here to die
of hunger?
Listen to
me. You are
not complaining
against me, but
against the
God whom we

Jehovah says he
will rain down bread
from heaven. Every
morning you will find it
covering the ground. All
you have to do is pick
it up and eat it.
What did
Moses say? How
will we get food?
The children are

He says that
Jehovah is going
to...rain down
bread from
heaven every
It is about time for the sun
to come up. Do you believe there We will No, but I
will be bread on the ground starve if never
like Moses said? there is heard of a
not. path through
the sea either.
This God
of Moses
must be the
Creator of
the Universe.
Have you I don’t
ever heard of suppose it is
bread falling too hard for
from the sky? him to make
bread fall
from the sky.
Come, it is
time. Let’s go
Exodus 14:21-22, 30, 16:2-3, 16:7-8
from heaven,
just like he

Why do
we ever
Look! It is
everywhere. Oh, it is
It tastes like

Truly, Jehovah
is God and Moses
is his prophet.
As long as they were in the
wilderness, God fed them with
the heavenly food of angels.

As long as the cloud stood over their camp,

the Hebrews stayed by the springs of water
and ate the heavenly bread, but when the
cloud began to move, they packed their tents
and followed it into the unknown wilderness.
But there came a
time when they
ran out of water.
So, he
gave us
bread, but
now he will
kill us with

My little
girl will die if
we don’t have
water soon.
We should have
stayed in Egypt. In
another day all our animals
will be dead, and after that
the children will begin to
die. We should bash your
head in with stones.

God with
us or
not? I will
go and
talk to

Exodus 16:14-15, 17:2-4;

Psalm 78:24-25
God told Moses
what to do.

Come and
see the power
of Jehovah. You
do not believe
him. You gripe
and complain.
He gave you
bread, and now he
gives you water
out of this
Barren rock.
A C K !

Exodus 17:5-6
The water
flowed like
a river.
Again the cloud moved,
and the Hebrews packed up and
followed it into the wilderness
to a mountain called Sinai.
There Moses prayed, and
God spoke to him again.

Remind them of
all that I did unto
the Egyptians, of how I
delivered them, fed them
and gave them water
from a rock.

Exodus 17:6, 19:1-6, 9

Tell them
that if they
will obey my
they will be my
special people
above all other
nations on the
face of the
earth. If they
obey, they will
be a kingdom
of priests.
Moses, when I
speak with you,
I will come in a
thick cloud so the
people can see and
hear and know
that it is me.
Moses came down off the
mountain and told the people
all that God had said.

We will
obey. We will do
everything that
God says.

Then go, wash your

clothes and your bodies;
prepare yourselves to worship
God. Three days from now God
will visit you.
As God commanded, on the
third day all the people
gathered before the mountain
to wait for God to speak. The
strange cloud descended upon
the mountain and then…

Moses, come up
on the mountain.
Moses, I am the
Jehovah God, which
brought you out of the
land of Egypt. When you
go down, place fences
around this

If any
of the other
people touch this
mountain they will
die. I will give you
ten commandments,
which you must
tell to the
Exodus 19:7-25
Have no
other Gods
before me. Do not murder.

Do not make Do not commit

for thyself idols. adultery.

Do not take Do not steal.

the name of God
in vain. Do not bear
false witness
Keep the against your
Sabbath day neighbor.
Do not covet
Honor thy father that which is your
and mother. neighbor’s.

Exodus 20:3-17
When Moses came down off
the mountain, he gathered
the seventy leaders of
Israel and told them of
God’s commandments.

will do

They are good


You seventy men

are to return to the
mountain with me. God will
meet you there as he did me.
You will see for yourselves.
But first I must write in a
book the commandments
God spoke to me.
Moses was careful to
write everything just as
God had spoken it. The
Spirit of God helped him
not to make any mistakes.
When Moses
finished writing
the words,
he gathered
the people
and read the
words of God
to them.

All that God

has said is good,
and we will
obey it.

So the nation of Israel

made a covenant with God.
He would bless them, give
them life, and deliver them
from their enemies; and
they would be obedient
to all his commandments,
walking in righteousness.
God commanded Moses to offer
a blood sacrifice and to sprinkle
the people with the blood.
All were sinners, deserving
of death, even Moses and
Aaron. But God was merciful.
He provided a way of escape.
By killing the innocent lamb and sprinkling the blood on
the nation, God would cover their sins and not kill them as
they deserved. The lamb that did not deserve death died in
the place of the many who were sinners deserving of death.

Now that your

sins are covered, you
seventy will go with me
up on the mountain and
you will see the
Exodus 24:1-8 glory of God.
So the seventy elders of
Israel followed Moses up
into the mountain where
God had spoken to Moses.
Suddenly, before them
appeared the throne of God.

of God!
The seventy elders watched
as Moses went up into the
mountain and was lost in
the shining glory of God.


And glory.

There is no
man like Moses
that speaks with
God face to
Exodus 24:9-10
Moses, you will I will tell you
have the people build exactly how to make
a tabernacle in which the tabernacle. The
to worship me. It will tribe of Levi shall be my
have an altar on which priests, and Aaron, and
to offer sacrifices his sons after him, will
and a holy place where be the high priests. They
I can meet with the shall teach the people
high priest once a year to be righteous and they
throughout all your will offer sacrifices
generations. when the people
It was Yeah,
weeks ago that he we can’t sit
disappeared into the here in this
fire on that mountain. wilderness
He must be dead by forever.

We need
a god to
lead us as Let us
Moses did. make a golden
image unto
our god.
Moses is
dead. Aaron
will make us
a god of gold
to lead us back
into Egypt.

us your
With their own hands the
fools created a statue
of a bull and called it
god. The original image of
Satan before he sinned
was that of a bull. Though
the people didn’t know
it, Satan had inspired
them to worship him.

Aaron followed the wishes of the people

and helped them build the god of gold.

Exodus 20:4, 25:8-9, 28:1-3, 32:1-4; Ezekiel 1:10, 10:11, 28:14

Aaron was so foolish. He knew
that the image was not a god,
but he was afraid of the people.

Here is
your god which
brought you out
of the land of
Egypt. Tomorrow
we will proclaim
a great sacrifice
and worship

God had already commanded

them to not make any
image as an aid to worship,
but they were following
their own imaginations.
The people
danced and made
themselves naked.
They got drunk
and fornicated.
God was ready to
destroy them all
and send them to
the fires he had
prepared for the
Devil and his angels.

God spoke to Moses and said,

“Go down now. The people have
committed a great sin. They
have made themselves naked
and they dance before an idol.
I should destroy them all.
Their hearts are hard. They do
not walk in righteousness.”

Exodus 32:5-10
Moses was angry when he saw
that the people had forgotten
God and made themselves an idol.

You have
broken the
of God!
Moses broke the
stone tablets
on which the
were written.
Did he not say
to have no other
gods but Jehovah?
Can a statue, that
you make with your
own hands, be your
creator? Moses smashed the
golden calf and beat
Exodus 20:3-4, 32:15-20 it into powder.
If you
are on Jehovah’s side
come and stand with me.
If you would worship the
gods of Egypt then stay
where you are.
I would
rather follow
the God that
parts the Red
Sea, even if he
does not have
We will an image.
the God of
Isaac, and
The penalty for
sin is death. Jehovah
says they must die. Now
take your sword and
kill all those who use
images as aids to
idolaters and
s l ic
were killed
that day.


Exodus 32:26-28
Moses went
up on the
mountain, and
once again God
wrote the ten
on two tablets
of stone. When
Moses came
back down, he
showed the
people the
of God, and
they all agreed
to obey them.
God says you
are a hard-hearted
and rebellious people.
When you sinned, he told
me he would slay all of
you, but I prayed for you,
and he is going to put
away your sin. Jehovah
is indeed merciful and
God has given directions
to build a tabernacle. If we build
it according to his specifications, he will
meet with us there. Since we are all sinful,
God has prepared a way whereby we can
approach him.

The Levites will

offer blood sacrifices every
day. Once each year, the blood will
be placed on the ark of the covenant.
When God sees the blood on the ark,
just as he did in Egypt, he will put
away our sins, and we will not die.
It is God’s way of
And so the tabernacle
was completed, and the
priests began to offer
daily sacrifices. When
God saw the faith of
those who offered the
blood of animals, he
put away their sins. But the people
were not happy
with their stay in
the wilderness, so
they complained
all the time.

There came a day when their

complaints and unbelief caused God
to bring judgment upon them.
of them!

God prepared many poisonous snakes

to enter the camp and seek out warm
flesh. God is merciful, but he will
not allow sin to continue forever.

Exodus 34:28-32, 39:32; Numbers 21:5-6

Soon the camp was filled
with poisonous snakes.
help us!
The snakes even found them
in their tents at night.

Help me.
I have been
No, Joab!
r !

Even the children

suffered for the sins
of their parents.

Numbers 21:6
From all over the camp
cries of the suffering It is like
and grieving could this all over
be heard. The wages the camp and
of sin are terrible. growing worse by
the minute. Many
have already

We must
find Moses.
Surely this is the

A C K ! work of God. He
W H is angry at the
people for
their sins.
must talk
to God. We
deserve this
but ask him to
show mercy.

When will
the people
learn that
God is serious
about sin? They
must obey his
and be a holy
Oh God,
please be merciful
to your people.
Forgive their

Go. Make a
serpent of brass,
just like the ones biting
the people. Place it on a
pole for all to see. Tell
them to simply look
upon the brass
serpent and they
will be instantly

Numbers 21:7-8
God has provided a
way. Just look at the
brass serpent, and
you will be healed.
He is
going to

No! God
has provided a
way. Just open
your eyes and
look. Look
and live!
It is a

We must
tell others.

worked for
me! I will
tell others.
and live!

Numbers 21:9
Why do you
tease him with
a false hope?

Others have
looked and been
made whole.

Can’t you
see I am dying?
Why do you bother
me with such

I am
sorry he

He had
a lot of
Once again the people
saw the power of God.
The camp moved away
from the serpents and
life returned to normal.

But the people

continued to go
their own ways,
often failing
to obey God’s
The children of Israel
followed the cloud.
God fed them with
manna from heaven,
and provided water
for them to drink.

He would have led them into the

promised land, but they were
disobedient and would not obey
his commandments, so God
caused them to wander in the
Numbers 21:9, 32:13 wilderness for forty years.
Moses, you think you are the only one close to God.
We are just as holy as you are. In fact, the entire
congregation is holy. There are no sinners left among
us. And God dwells among us. We don’t need you and
Aaron to go around telling us what to do and making
yourselves judges over us. We are capable
of judging as well as you.

Yeah, I am tired
of all this wandering
around in the desert Yeah, it is Moses’
with God killing us for fault. His standards
trivial matters. are too high.
Moses went to the
tabernacle and asked
God what to do.
God has spoken: “You take too much
responsibility upon yourselves, you sons of
Levi. You would have men become priests when
God has not appointed them to be.”

Tomorrow the Lord will judge

between us all and we will know who
are the priests of God, who is holy and who
is not. Come to the tabernacle tomorrow Numbers
morning. Bring your censers with fire in them. 16:2-6
The next day.

Draw near,
you who profess your
holiness, you who would
be priests and rule over
the people.
God will meet us here
today, and he will choose.
We will see his might and
his glory.
yourselves from
these wicked people, for
I will kill them in
a minute.
Get away from
their tents.
Don’t come near
them or you will
die with them.

Numbers 16:19-35
Here is a test. If
these men die a normal
death, then you can know
that I am a false prophet
and that God does not
speak through me.

But if today
you see a new
thing, if the
earth opens up and
swallows them and
all their belongings
down into the pit of
hell, then you will
know that they have
sinned against God
and that I am
his prophet.

Numbers 16:28-33

All the men who sought to be

priests were swallowed up alive
into the fires of hell prepared
for the devil and his evil angels.
That was
Pick up a day the
their brass children
censers and of Israel
make of them a would never
covering for forget. God
the altar. made it clear
that Moses
When you see was his
the brass covering the prophet, and
altar you will remember this only those
day, when men ignored the whom he had
commandments of God and appointed
sought to make themselves could be
priests. priests.
The glory of God always stood over
The glory of
the tabernacle and the people willingly
God is with us
followed Moses back and forth through
and he gives
the wilderness for forty years.
us bread from

God continued to rain

down bread from heaven,
and he provided them
with water out of the
rock. The pillar of fire
covered them by night
and the cloud by day.
They settled down and
learned to keep the
commandments of God.
Numbers 16:37-38
The priests attended
to the tabernacle
and offered daily
sacrifices as Moses
had commanded.
After forty years in the
wilderness, just as everyone
else was preparing to enter
into the promised land, God
called Moses up into the
mountain. There, after one
final talk with God, he lay
down and quietly died.
Immediately, his
spirit was ushered
into the presence of
God. There, he was to
abide until the end of
time when he would
again join his people
in the land God had
promised to Abraham.

Approximately 1451 B.C. - Deuteronomy 34:4-5

Nearly 500 years had
gone by since Jehovah God
called Abraham to leave
his people and walk to the
land God would give him.

God’s promise to Abraham

and Sarah to make a great
nation from their son Isaac
was fulfilled. The twelve
sons of Jacob, whose name
was changed to Israel, had
become twelve tribes and
a multitude of people.
They came through
slavery, wandered
in the desert with
Moses, received the
law of God, and now
at last were entering
the Promised Land.
Throughout the
wilderness journey,
a young boy was
always beside Moses,
watching and learning
how to lead the
nation of Israel.
That boy grew
up to be the
mighty warrior,
After Moses went to be
with God, Joshua was
chosen by God to lead the
people into the land God
promised to Abraham.

The people remembered the

prophecy that they would be
strangers in a strange land and
that after 400 years they would be
brought back to the land of their
fathers. God had kept his word.
On the day
they crossed Oh, husband,
the Jordan, this is a
the manna wonderful land
from heaven God has given us.
ceased and
they ate fresh
food from Deuteronomy
the land. 34:9; Joshua 5:12

Yes, it is
a fine place to raise
our children and teach
them to live in holiness
and peace.
Chapter 5

We offer
this innocent
child to you,
O Baal. May his
blood appease
your wrath.

I will give
my baby to pay
for the sin of
my soul.

The people inhabiting Palestine,

the land into which the children
of Israel had come, were evil.
They were called Canaanites and
were of a different language
than the Israelites. They
offered human sacrifices and
bowed before gods made of
gold, silver, brass, and wood.
God sent prophets and
priests to tell them to
repent, but they continued
in their sins. Just as God
destroyed the people in
Noah’s day and the cities
of Sodom and Gomorrah,
so he would now destroy
the people of Canaan.

we may get to
be high priests,
and be the ones
offering the It is
sacrifices. distasteful
but it must
be done. Do
good, receive
good; do evil,
receive evil.

Genesis 14:18, 20:7; Numbers 22:4-

8; Deuteronomy 18:9-11
The idolatrous people who lived
in the promised land resisted
the presence of the children of
Israel and fought to keep their
land, but God gave the children
of Israel power to defeat them.
dare you
come in this

You have
killed your
last baby.
When the bloody war finally
ended, the Hebrews had
conquered their enemies,
and the land lay before
them for the taking. Joshua
addressed the people.

came from an
people. God
spoke to him
and promised
to make of
him a great
God also said
that his people would
go down into Egypt and
there remain for four
hundred years, after which he
would lead them out and bring
them back to this very land on
which you now stand. Here we
are, over 500 years later, and
God has kept his promises To
Abraham. Now go in and settle
the rest of the land. Do not
follow the example of the
sinners who lived in this land
before you, for God will
judge you just As he
judged them.
Joshua 24:2-14
In the new land they were
at peace. Everyone owned
his own farm and there was
plenty to eat. God blessed
them above all people.

dinner is

Just as
soon as we
get this
rock out.
Just as God Peace to you,
promised, my sister. How is
the Hebrews the fish today?
multiplied until
they filled
the land. Their
cities were
alive with
goodwill and
justice. The
new nation was
called Israel. It
is fresh
from the
sea as
Jehovah God forbid
has defeated your that we should
enemies, but there is forsake the LORD
still idolatry in this to serve other gods;
land. Choose you this for with great power
day whom ye will serve; Jehovah delivered us
whether the false gods from our slavery in
of these people, in whose Egypt and took
land ye dwell, or the God care of us in the
of Abraham. As for me wilderness.
and my house, We will
serve the LORD.

We promise
to serve the
And the
LORD drove out
from before us all
the people, even the
Amorites which dwelt
in this land. Therefore
will we also serve the
LORD; for he is
our God.

God is a holy God;

he is a jealous God;
if you forsake him and
follow idols, he will turn
and do you hurt and
consume you.
Ye are witnesses
against yourselves that ye
have chosen you the LORD,
to serve him.

We are

I will write in the

book the covenant
you have made with
God this day.
As we obeyed Moses in all
things, so will we obey you; only the
LORD thy God be with thee, as he was with
Moses. Whosoever rebels against God’s
commandments shall be put to death.
The people
were ruled by
judges who
talked with
God and read
the words of What does the
Moses. They law of God say
explained the concerning an ox
law of God that has gored
to the people someone?
and led them
to obey God.
Moses said
the owner is
responsible for
damages and
Exodus 21:28-29; the ox should
Joshua 24:15-24 be killed.
For a while, the Father, why
people remembered are the priests
the miracles God did going to kill our
under Moses and lamb? Is the
Joshua. They were destroyer going to
thankful to be free of pass over like he did
the Egyptian bondage. when our fathers
They served Jehovah were in Egypt?
God and offered the
sacrifices as they
were commanded.

No son, the
destroyer is not
coming, but the blood
of this lamb will cover
our sins and make us
acceptable in God’s
The people
promised Joshua
that they would
worship God
and keep his
but not everyone
continued to
worship Jehovah.

When the miracles ceased, the

next generation forgot the
living God and worshiped in
front of lifeless images. They
also worshiped their ancestors.
Just as Joshua
warned, God sent
the heathen to
destroy Israel.

No! Save
me Baal!


Judges 3:7-8, 12-13, 4:1-2, 10:6-7

When judgment fell
on God’s people, they
remembered his law and
confessed their sins.

O Jehovah,
forgive us our
sins and restore When they confessed
our peace. their sins, he
forgave them and
restored their land.
The people grew
tired of following
the Judges who
sought God and
directed the people
out of the book
of God, so they
decided they would
make a king to
rule over them.

Your lands will be

confiscated for the
good of the kingdom. You
can leave your daughter
here. We will take good
care of her.
A prophet and
Judge named
Samuel warned
them that in making
a king they were
rejecting God as
their ruler, but
they did not want
to walk by faith.
King Saul abused
them, took their
money, their
property, made
servants of their
sons and abused
their daughters.
When King Saul One day, he tried
was older, to spear a young
evil spirits boy named David
came on him who was playing
and he had an the harp for him.

1 Samuel 8

Saul sinned yet more and more. He was jealous

of everyone and fearful. The evil spirits promised
to give him power and wealth, but they only
brought misery and suffering of the soul.
the living I see
God and darkness. It
consulted is not good. You
witches. will die in battle
and another
will take your

Saul died in battle

and his soul was
cast into hell.
God chose a young man to replace Saul
as king. He was a shepherd boy that
loved God and kept his commandments;
the same one that Saul had tried to kill.

David was
righteous and
The Lord is beloved of
my shepherd, I God. Could he
shall not want. be the one to
He maketh me to deliver mankind
lie down in green from sin and
pastures. He death? Would
restoreth David be the
1 Samuel 18:10-11, 31:4,
my soul. promised one?
16:1-13; Psalm 23:1-3
David wrote:
Blessed is the man
that walketh not
in the counsel of
the ungodly, nor
standeth in the way
of sinners, nor
sitteth in the seat
of the scornful.
But his delight is
in the law of the
LORD; and in his law
doth he meditate
day and night.
And he shall be
like a tree planted The ungodly are
by the rivers of not so: but are
water, that bringeth like the chaff
forth his fruit in which the wind
his season; his driveth away.
leaf also shall Therefore the
not wither; and ungodly shall
whatsoever he not stand in the
doeth shall prosper. judgment, nor
sinners in the
congregation of
the righteous.
For the LORD
knoweth the way
of the righteous:
but the way of
the ungodly
shall perish.
When Saul died,
David became
king of Israel
and led the
people to
worship God
and keep his

Restore this
woman’s land to
her and see that
she is not taxed
further. Under David’s reign
2 Samuel 2:4; the nation prospered
Psalm 1; and lived uprightly.
Acts 13:22-23
God spoke to David and revealed
many things about the future. He shall judge
David wrote those prophecies thy people with
in the book of Psalms. Many of righteousness, and thy
them have already been fulfilled. poor with judgment. He
shall save the children
of the needy, and shall
break in pieces the
oppressor. In his days
shall the righteous
flourish; and abundance
of peace so long as
the moon endureth. He
shall have dominion
also from sea to sea,
and from the river unto
the ends of the earth.
Yea, all kings shall fall
down before him: all
nations shall serve
him. He shall redeem
their soul from deceit
and violence: and he
shall live. Prayer also
shall be made for him
continually; and daily
shall he be praised. His
name shall endure
David was a righteous for ever: his name
man, but he did sin, shall be continued
so he could not as long as the sun:
be the promised Men shall be blessed in
Redeemer. He him: all nations shall
wrote this of the call him blessed.
coming Redeemer: (Psalm 72)
God said to After David
David: After you died, Solomon
have died, I will his son
establish your became king
kingdom under (971 B.C.).
your son. He will According to
build a temple in instructions
which I will be God gave
worshiped, and I David,
will establish his Solomon
kingdom forever. built a temple
(966 B.C.)
to replace
the aging
they had
used in the
The people But there was one
of Israel promise God had not
prospered yet fulfilled -
as never the coming of a
before. Savior who would
Truly God destroy the works
fulfilled of the Devil. The
his promise people still sinned,
to bring and animal blood
them into was still offered to
the land atone for sin. But
and bless they were thankful
them there. that God gave them
a way to cover their
sins until the time
appointed when the
deliverer would
2 Samuel 7:12-16; remove sins forever.
Psalm 72:1-20
People came to the temple to David wrote many things
hear teaching from the Holy about the coming deliverer:
Scriptures. They especially The LORD said unto
enjoyed the prophecies my Lord, Sit thou at
of a coming Savior. my right hand, until I
make thine enemies thy
(Psalm 110:1)

Thy throne, O God,

is for ever and
The LORD hath sworn in truth unto David; ever: Thou lovest
he will not turn from it; Of the fruit of righteousness, and
thy body will I set upon thy throne.
hatest wickedness:
Thou art my Son; this day
have I begotten thee. Kiss the
therefore God, thy God,
Son, lest he be angry, and ye hath anointed thee with
perish from the way, when his the oil of gladness
wrath is kindled but a little.
above thy fellows.
(Psalm 45:6-7)
More prophecies of
David wrote a strange thing
the coming Savior: about the coming Messiah:

I am poured out like water,

and all my bones are out
of joint: my heart is like
Also I will make him my firstborn, wax;
higher than the kings of the earth. it is melted in the midst
(Psalm 89:26-27) of my bowels. My strength
is dried up like a potsherd;
I delight to do thy will, O my God: and my tongue cleaveth
yea, thy law is within my heart. to my jaws; and thou hast
(Psalm 40:8) brought me into the dust
of death. The assembly of
I will open my mouth in a the wicked have inclosed
parable: I will utter dark me: they pierced my
sayings of old: hands and my feet. They
(Psalm 78:2, Matthew 13:34-35) part my garments among
them, and cast lots upon
my vesture.
(Psalm 22:14-18)
Solomon had a long and prosperous reign,
but after he died the northern half of the
kingdom broke away and made a wicked man
named Jeroboam their king (975 B.C.)
This is the
God that brought you
out of Egypt, and here
are his priests.

But what
about the law of
Moses and the temple
that God set up in

1 Kings 12:20, 28-29; Psalm

2:7,12, 22:6, 14-18, 40:8, 78:2,
45:6-7, 89:26-27, 110:1, 4, 132:11
The Northern Kingdom was far from the
temple in Jerusalem, so they built their
own places of worship, complete with
idols in the image of golden calves.
There are many
ways to God. Some
people call him Jehovah,
some call him Allah, some
call him Chemosh, but
we call him Baal.

But what about the

Holy Scripture God gave to his
prophets? It commands us not to
have any other God. It says there
is only one God and
one way to him.
Do you
think God is so

I will hear
no more of this!
Baal worship is now the
official religion of the
land. Infidels will be
Put to death!
When the priests selected the
bull as the image to worship
they unknowingly selected the
very image of Lucifer, the sinful
cherub. They were worshiping
O Baal, the Devil, and he was delighted;
receive this for he was turning the people
sacrifice from away from the promise of God
our humble concerning a coming redeemer.

Blessed art thou, Queen

of heaven, mother of God.
Hear our prayers and forgive
us our sins.
What are
you doing on
this sacred

In the name of
Jehovah, from whom you have
departed, hear the word of the Lord. A
child shall be born of the seed of David.
From his lineage will come the deliverer. 1 Kings
His name will be Josiah, and upon this 12:28, 13:1-2;
altar he will burn the priests of Jeremiah
Baal. 44:17-25
How can you say
such a thing? No one can
tell the future but the

By the word of the Lord

I say unto you that the
bones of these very priests
shall Josiah burn upon
this altar.
God will give you a
sign that I speak for him. This
very day that fine altar that you
have built to worship dumb idols
will split and the ashes
will spill out.
Ha, Ha, Ha! Listen to the
pious ass bray. He thinks
he is right and everyone
else is wrong!

Seize him!
Kill him. How dare
he speak against
another man’s
My arm
has withered!
Jehovah has
punished me. Pray
that he will heal
Lord God,
make yourself
known this day.
Heal the king’s
It’s a
miracle! God
healed my

1 Kings 13:2-6
O M!
Noooo! so soon?
Truly you are a man of God! No prophet of
Baal has ever done such a thing. Come with me.
We will refresh ourselves with food and drink
and then I will give you riches and honor for
your great service to God this day.

No, I cannot go
with you. God told me
to eat no food and drink
no water while I was in
Israel, and not to return
by the same way I came.
He destroyed
my religion.
There is nothing

But you said the

Priests’ bones would they
be burnt on the altar. were God’s
The altar is gone and words, not
no one died. mine. 1 Kings 13:5, 7-9
So as God
commanded, the
prophet of God
returned by a
different route. He
had been without
food or water for
two days and he
was terribly thirsty
and hungry. Two
young men, who
were worshiping
the golden calf
that day, followed
him to see which
way he would go.
Father, I would
not have believed it
if I hadn’t seen it. It
was just like the
old prophets
of Israel!

Saddle the
ass! I must
find him!

do you
think what he
said is true?
Is Jehovah the
only living
God? Are our
idols nothing
but wood
and gold?
He found the prophet of
Jehovah sitting under a tree.
He wanted to be close to this
man with such power. He was
once a prophet of Jehovah, but
when the kingdoms divided he
followed the idolatry of his
countrymen. He had reasoned,
“Weren’t all religions the same?”
You must be the man of God
from Judah. You look tired. Come
home with me and I will serve you
food and drink.

I cannot,
God told me
not to eat or But you see, I
drink in this am a prophet just
place. like you, and this very
morning an angel of
Jehovah spoke to me
and told me to bring
Thank God, I you to my house to
am so thirsty. eat and drink.
It has been Jehovah has spoken: “Because you have
a fine meal, not obeyed the commandment of Jehovah
but I must God, but have eaten and drunken in this
be on my place, your dead body will not return
way back to to Judah to be buried in your family
Judah. cemetery.”

Papa, you’re
prophesying. Did
God speak to you
too? Yes my
son, the
first time
in years.
You mean afraid so,
he is going to and it is my
1 Kings 13:10-22 die? fault.
The prophet left with a heavy
heart, knowing that God was
always faithful to his word.
He knew he would die. He just
didn’t expect it to be so
soon, or in this manner.

That is
the prophet
from Judah!

It is even
that the lion
and the donkey
sit there
together like
they were
the body.
I have
never seen
anything like
it. The lion
killed him
but just sits
there and
won’t eat
The false God
prophet slew him for his
took the disobedience.
man of God Surely all that he
and buried prophesied will
him in his come to pass.
own grave
among the
prophets of
Baal, close
to the place
where God
the altar.

The man of God was buried

and soon forgotten by all
but a few. The altar was
repaired and nearly three
Hundred years later it was
still used by worshipers of
Baal, but no one ever burnt
their bones on the altar as
the man of God predicted.

1 Kings 13:23-31; 2 Kings 21:24,

22:8-11, 23:1-3
Three hundred years later, a king
named Josiah took the throne
in Judah (640 b.c.). He went
up to the temple and found a
copy of the Bible. It disturbed
him when he realized that the
nation had forgotten the living
God and gone after idols, so
he commanded all the elders,
prophets, priests, and all the
inhabitants of Jerusalem to come
together to hear the book read.

The people were

ashamed of their sin
and agreed to obey all
the words of the book.
The people obeyed
the law of God and
destroyed all the
idols in the land.
Holy Mother, They killed all
save us! the priests that
burned incense
to the sun, moon,
planets, and to the
Queen of heaven.
The law of God, as given by
Moses, forbids homosexual
activity, so all Sodomites
were driven out of the land.

They also cleansed
the land of all those
who consulted familiar
spirits, the mediums,
and the witches.

Break her
crystal ball
and burn the

2 Kings 23:5,7,10
They broke
down the
all the idols,
and cut down
the trees,
grinding it all
Josiah went into powder.
up to the
same high
place where There is but
the prophet one God and he is
had faced not worshiped through
Jeroboam, the images. These false
first king of priests have led the
the northern people away from
kingdom, 300
years earlier.
must die.

Once again the

altar was rent
and the ashes
spilled out.
All the false priests
were killed and their
bodies burnt on the
ruins of the altar.

Nearby was a graveyard

for the false priests.
To keep the people from
worshiping at their
tombs, Josiah dug up
their bones and burnt
2 Kings 23:15-16 them on the altar.
And so the 300-year-
Burn old prophecy was
all the finally fulfilled,
bones. just as the man
of God had said.

but your
graciousness, this is the
tomb of the man of God that
came from Judah nearly three
Then leave hundred years ago and predicted
his bones alone. this very day. He said that a man
Burn the others. This named Josiah, that is yourself,
idolatry must end if would come and do the very
God is to bless us. things you have done this day.
Now that idolatry
Blessed art
was gone, King Josiah
thou, O Lord our God,
commanded all the people
king of the universe,
to keep the Passover in
who brings forth bread
remembrance of Jehovah,
from the earth.
who brought their
fathers out of Egypt and
gave them this land.
2 Kings 23:17-18, 21-22
how is this day
different from
all others?

so Father told them the old story of how God

delivered them from Egyptian bondage and gave them
the law and the tabernacle. He told them how the blood
on the doorposts saved the firstborn males from the
destroying angel. It was the greatest Passover ever.
Chapter 6

There was a weak man named
Ahab who came to the throne
of Israel, the northern half
of the kingdom (918 B.C.). He
lived up in Samaria close to
the Zidonians. The Zidonians
were Baal worshipers. Ahab
married Jezebel, the daughter
of one of priests of Baal.
Jezebel was known
for her religious
zeal. She despised
the God of Israel
and promoted Baal
worship throughout
the land.
Find all the
prophets of
Jehovah and kill
them. Baal will
be our god.

The king had a servant I must find

named Obadiah who the prophets of
worshiped Jehovah. God and warn them.
Obadiah hid 100 prophets
in a cave and brought
them food and water.

1 Kings 16:28, 31, 18:4

But there was one
prophet of the living
God that wouldn’t
stay hidden: Elijah.
O King Ahab,
because you have
forsaken the God
of your fathers and
followed your wife Ha, Ha! So you think
Jezebel in working you are a prophet, do
wickedness, Jehovah you? Well I have a thousand
says there will not be prophets and they say nothing
rain or dew upon the of a drought. We have had plenty
land of Israel Again of rain these last years. You
until I Command it. pious fraud. Get out of my way.
As the famine got worse, people began to starve.
The false prophets called on Baal, but Baal could
not answer. The drought continued with not a drop
of rain or dew. God sent Elijah down to the home of
a widow woman, telling him that she would give him
a room and feed him until the drought was over.

you bring I tell you the truth, I
me a drink have enough flour and oil left
of water to bake two little pieces of bread.
please, and I was just about to cook it for my
a little son and I. We were going to eat it and
bread to then lie down to die. There is no hope.
eat? God is punishing us for our sins.
Do not fear.
God will take
care of you.

Bake the bread

you spoke of and
bring it to me first.
Afterward you and your
son can eat. For this, says
Jehovah, God of Israel,
“Your barrel of meal and
your jar of oil will not
be empty until the
day God sends rain
upon Israel.”
true! There
is still flour
in my barrel,
and oil in
the jar!

1 Kings 17:1, 10-16

We can’t It’s a
pour it all out! miracle!
It just keeps God is
coming! good.

For the next two

years, the three
of them ate bread
from that one
barrel of meal.
One day Elijah came
home to his room in the
widow’s house to find
that her son had died.

He came
down with
a fever and
What have I done
to hurt you? Did you
come here just to remind
me of my sin and for God
to kill my son?

There is
still a God
in Israel.
O Jehovah,
let the soul of this child
come back into his
God heard the
prayer of Elijah and
sent the boy’s soul
back to reenter
the dead body.
Thank you,
Lord God of
Abraham, Isaac,
and Jacob. You
alone are

I told you
there was a God
in Israel.


1 Kings 17:17-24
The famine continued for
three years. The people were
starving, but they continued to
worship the false god Baal.

doesn’t Baal
hear us and
send rain? Maybe Baal
is just a dumb
idol. He doesn’t
have any ears.
Jezebel and Ahab blamed Elijah
for the famine. They sent
soldiers throughout all the
land and even into neighboring
countries to find Elijah. Their
orders were to kill him on sight.

Send us
Elijah. If you
are hiding him
you will be
Ahab. Are Are you
you looking the one that
for me? is troubling
Israel with this

You are
the one that is
troubling Israel
with your idols. Let
us have a contest
between Jehovah and
Baal. Bring your 850 A contest
prophets and meet me you say? Sounds
at Mount Carmel. interesting. We’ll
see you there.
Several days later How long are you
on Mount Carmel. going to stand between two
opinions? There is only one God.
If Jehovah is God, then worship him
only. If Baal is god, then worship
him. Make up your minds.

I challenge you
prophets of Baal
to a contest. We will
find out who is the
true God.

Yes, a
contest between
the gods. What
shall we do?
1 Kings 18:1, 17-21
You build an altar to
You will Baal and I will build one to
pray to your Jehovah. We will put wood on
Baal and I our altars and we will lay the
will pray to sacrifice on the wood, but we
Jehovah. will put no fire under it.
The God that
answers by
sending fire
on the sacrifice
will be the true
God and we
will all worship
him only. Since
you have me
you can go
O Baal,
hear us this day.
We dedicate this
sacrifice to your
great name.
O Baal,
the great
and mighty.

O Queen
of heaven,
come and
help Baal
this day.
If Baal is a god, he
is not paying attention
to you. Maybe he is
talking and just can’t
hear you, or perhaps he
is on a journey, or

You dirty,
%!?&!$!, you can’t
do any better.
1 Kings 18:22-27
That’s it! He is
asleep, and you need
to shout louder so
you can wake him.

Let’s not give

up, men. Perhaps if
we cut ourselves,
Baal will be
The prophets of Baal
became desperate
and began to throw
themselves on the
ground, cutting
their flesh and
screaming so Baal
would hear them.

I offer
you my blood, o Yaaiiieeee!
Baal. Hear us! Send
fire! Vindicate
Ha, Ha! Look at you!
For nine hours you have
been calling On a god that does
not answer. If he was a god,
surely he would take this
opportunity to prove it.

Now it is my
turn. Come near
and watch very
closely what I

O Baal,
why do
you not
answer? 1 Kings 18:28-30
He is
Why just stalling,
is he hoping it gets When are
digging dark. you going
such a to start
deep praying?
pit? This is not
a digging
Go and get
four barrels
of water and Water?
pour it on the It won’t burn
sacrifice and if you wet it
the wood. down.
It is
not wet
enough. Pour
four more
barrels of
water on it.

This prophet is
crazy. He
will never live
to see the sun
go down.
he lost his
mind? Why
does the king
put up with
1 Kings 18:32-34 it?
Ha, Ha! Is anything too hard for the living
God? Pour four more barrels of water. You will
know that there is a God in Israel
And his name is not Baal.

Ahab will
have his head
for this.


Move on
God of Abraham, Isaac,
and Israel, let it be known
this day that you are the only
true God, that I am your
servant, and that you have
turned their hearts back to


1 Kings 18:35-38
God of

It is

Fire from

The God
of Abraham
and Isaac has
by fire.

It even
burnt up the
rocks and
kind of god
is this that
has no image
and yet does
Moses commanded
that we should worship
Jehovah God and him only.
He commanded the death
No! Have sentence on any sons of
mercy! Israel that worshiped
any other god.
Deuteronomy 17:2-5; 1 Kings 18:38-40
them! All

Put The prophets

them to the of Baal were
sword. Now! all killed.
O King, you will need to eat
and drink and then make haste
for home. I hear the sound of
an abundance of rain.
Three and a half years earlier, Elijah
had told Ahab that it would not rain in
Israel again until Elijah so commanded.
With the prophets of Baal dead and the
people once again worshiping the true
God, Elijah commanded it to rain.

Elijah, empowered
by God, ran in
A big rain would swell the front of the
rivers and prevent them from horses for the
returning home, so they had twenty-mile
to make haste or risk being trip back to the
cut off by the floods. king’s palace.
Well, I
suppose you
killed that
Elijah. I see
that Baal is
us rain.

No, dear.
Elijah is just
outside. He ran That is ridiculous.
ahead of my No one could run that
chariot all the far ahead of a chariot. Where
way from Mt. are the priests of Baal? We
Carmel. must celebrate the
coming of rain.

1 Kings 18:40-41, 44-46, 19:1

I had them
all killed. They
were liars and
You what? You
idiot! You should
have killed Elijah!
But his God
answered by fire.
It was a miracle.
Our priests were
powerless. The
people all turned
to Jehovah.
honey, what
else could I
do? I feared
the people!

You killed
my priests.

No miracle
will protect Elijah
from the wrath
of Baal.

If I do not
kill Elijah for
this, let the gods
do the same to me
and more.

I must
get away.
Elijah forgot to
trust God and
fled for his life.

1 Kings 19:1-4
O God, I have
had all I can stand.
Let me die now before
Jezebel finds me.

I am ashamed of
Myself. I have failed to
trust you. I am no better
than my sinful fathers.
Just let me die.
Elijah fled for
forty days,
deep into the
wilderness, to
hide in a cave. He
came to Mt. Sinai,
the same mountain
on which Moses
received the ten
There God
spoke to him.
Elijah, what
Everyone has
are you doing forsaken your
here? law except me. All
of your prophets
have been killed. I
am the only one
left that worships
you, and they
seek my life.

Go and stand
on the mountain
before the
As Elijah stood 1 Kings 19:4, 8-12
before the Lord,
there came a
strong wind,
but God was not
in the wind.

Then there came

an earthquake, but
God was not in
the earthquake.

Finally there was a

fire from heaven,
but God was not God was trying to show
in the fire. Elijah that he was far more
terrible than Jezebel.
Then when the wind, earthquake,
and fire ceased, elijah heard
God speaking in a still, small
voice. He asked Elijah the same Elijah, what
question that he asked before: are you doing

Elijah hadn’t
learned anything.
He was still feeling
sorry for himself, Everyone has
so he answered forsaken your law
just as before. except me. All of
your prophets have
been killed. I am the
only one left that
worships you, and
they seek my life.
All right, if you
would have it this way,
go and anoint Elisha And though you don’t know
to take your place as it, there are 7,000 in Israel
my prophet. who have not bowed down to
the statues of Baal and have
not kissed his feet. Now go
your way; all the family of
Ahab shall die.
Elijah found
Elisha plowing
with his oxen and
anointed him to
be a prophet.

The Lord has

said you are to
be his prophet.
I will
sacrifice my
oxen to the Lord
and follow you
1 Kings 19:12-21
Right next to Ahab’s
palace was a vineyard
owned by Naboth. Ahab
often looked out the
window and admired
its beauty, wishing it
was his. The more he
thought about it the
more he wanted his
neighbor’s property.
The commandment
says, “Thou shalt not
covet,” but Ahab did
not regard Jehovah.
Ahab had plenty
of money, so he
decided that he
would just buy
the vineyard.

Sell this
vineyard to me.
It is right next
to my house, and
I will give you a
better vineyard
somewhere God would not
else. permit such a thing.
This property has
been in my family for
over 500 years. The law
commands us not to sell
our land outside the
Tell me,
my dear, why
do you not
eat? Why are
you so sad?

Naboth will
not sell his
to me.
Exodus 20:17;
1 Kings 21:1-7

You are the

king. You have the
power to do anything
you please. Don’t let one
lowly peasant stand in the
way of your happiness. I
will get the vineyard
for you.
I will pay you more
when the job is done. Now
keep your mouths shut or
you may get the same.
Moses’ law says:
“Thou shalt not bear
false witness against
thy neighbor.”

in k
the one.

Yeah, he
Said the king
should die.

Then he
And he said deserves
God sends To die.
devils to
possess the They carried Naboth
king. off and killed him.
dear. Now
you have your
vineyard. You
can’t get ahead
in this world
unless you are
It is
The strong
lovely, isn’t
it? I deserve
it don’t I?

Jezebel knew that her god, Baal,

did not have eyes to see, but
Exodus 20:16; there is a God in heaven that sees
1 Kings 21:10-16 every act and never forgets.
Elijah, Ahab
has gone down
to the vineyard of
Naboth to possess it.
Go and meet him
there. Deliver my
word unto him.
Ahab, God
told me to tell you
that you have killed an Has my
innocent man and taken enemy found
his property. For this and me here?
your other sins, in the
very place where the dogs
licked the blood of Naboth,
they shall lick your
own blood.
You You have
cannot hide provoked God
from God. to anger. The dogs
Because you shall eat Jezebel
traded your by the wall of your
soul for house. When a member
possessions, of your family dies in
God will bring the city the dogs will
evil upon all eat his flesh. If they
your family. die in the field, the
All your buzzards will eat
children and them. None will
relatives will be buried with
die, even the honor.
little ones.
This is
the word
of the
Lord. It
shall come
to pass.
I’ll start
sacrificing to
1 Kings 21:17-26
All that Elijah
has said has come
to pass.

Ahab now
sacrificed to
Jehovah, but he
did not follow
him with a
pure heart.
Much later the false
prophets advised king
Ahab on a military issue.

Go up and fight
at Ramoth-Gilead
and God will give
you a great

And all the

prophets agree
on this?
King Ahab, Jehovah has spoken
to me. You will go up to Ramoth-
Gilead and there you will be
killed in battle.

Don’t pay any

attention to Micaiah.
He is not the only
prophet of Jehovah.
There are 400 of us
prophets who say that
there will be great I hate Micaiah.
riches and success at He is so negative in
Ramoth-Gilead. everything he says.
King Ahab, you have worked evil
in the sight of God. You consult
false prophets who take
money for their services.
They preach lies.
I saw God sitting on the throne, and all
the angels of heaven were standing before
him. He asked, “Since Elijah told Ahab he was
going to die, he has been very careful not
to get in harm’s way. He must be persuaded
to go into battle. Who can persuade Ahab
to go to battle at Ramoth-Gilead
where he will be killed?”

And one said one

thing and another
offered another
suggestion. After
discussing it, one of
the angels stepped
forward and said:
I have an idea
that will work, I
will go down and
be a lying spirit in
the mouth of all his
false prophets. I will
tell them that Ahab
That is a great
should go into
idea. They will prophesy
that he is going to be
1 Kings 21:27, 22:6-22 victorious, but when he
gets in battle, I will have
him killed. Go, then!
You think the
spirit of Jehovah
left me and spoke
to you?

You will know
who has the spirit of
Jehovah in the day when
you go into an inner
room to hide for fear
of your life.

What is this,
another prophecy?
Put this fellow in
prison and feed him just
enough to keep him alive
until I come back from the
battle. Then we will
kill him.

If you return
from the battle alive
then I am a false prophet
and would deserve
to die.
That was
a good idea,
yourself as an
ordinary soldier.
They will never
know you are the
king, and our
men are doing
well. I can’t
wait to see that
prophet’s face Yeah, and
when you come this armor
back alive. will protect me
against any

1 Kings 22:24-30
A soldier shot an arrow high in the
air, not aiming at anyone in particular,
just hoping to hit one of his enemies.


it is


1 Kings 22:34
The arrow
found the one
spot that was not
protected by armor.
I am I guess it was just
afraid he his time to die.
is dead.

Oh god,
Put his body in
Naboth’s vineyard
until we have time
to deal with it
Just as Elijah had said, the dogs
were licking the blood of Ahab
right under Jezebel’s window. He
was the first of his household;
others were to follow.
After washing the blood
from Ahab’s chariot
the soldier returned
to the palace.

Where is King
Ahab? Is he
celebrating his

1 Kings 22:37-38;
2 Kings 9:8-10
You fool! You are not
a prophet of God. You are
a liar! Ahab is dead just
as Micaiah the prophet of
Jehovah declared.

But it can’t
be. All the devout
men agreed.
Ahab would be

Not all. Not

Micaiah whom you slapped
and put in prison. When the
people hear of this, they will
have your head.
You are
free to go.
Ahab is

Yes I know,
and no doubt the dogs
have licked his blood as
God said. Jezebel will
be next and all that are
related to Ahab. God
has spoken.
I must
Oh no! Micaiah said I would
know who had the Spirit of God
on the day I hid in a small room
inside of a room.
Ahab’s sons would reign in his
place, and twelve years would
pass with Jezebel still living as
queen. Israel would continue
to worship false gods and break
the commandments of God.

God spoke against the house

of Ahab, saying, “The time has
come. All of Ahab’s family will
perish, even the little children.
None will be left alive. Jezebel
will be eaten by the dogs,
and there will be no one to
mourn her or bury her.”
12 years later.

I must paint
my face, so I will be
attractive to General
Jehu when he returns
from battle.

2 Kings 9:30
I will
stand here
where they can
see that I am
in charge.
Who is
on my
We are
with you

throw Jezebel
You can’t
do that. I am
the queen.
2 Kings 9:32-33
the body
Dogs ate Jezebel and licked
up her blood on the very
spot where they licked her
husband’s blood, just as the
prophet of God had said.

2 Kings 9:33-37
But the dogs would not eat
the dirty hands that had
done so much wickedness.

Just as the prophets

said, the rest of Ahab’s
children were all killed
by the people of the
city, until there were
none left of his family.

Those who died in the fields were

eaten by the buzzards and those
that died in the city were eaten by
the dogs. Nothing was left to bury.
Truly the wages of sin is death.
As Elijah prayed, young
prophets came to Elisha
to deliver a message.

Yes, God
God has spoken told me also,
to some of the young but be quiet; do
prophets. Did you know not say any
that today your master more.
Elijah is going to be taken
to heaven?
Elisha, you
stay here. I am
going to take a
trip down to

As God lives, I will

not let you out of my
sight. I will go where
you go.
Did you know that
your master Elijah is
going to be taken up to
heaven today?

Yes, I know it.

Now don’t bother us.
Keep this to yourself. I
must not let him out
of my sight.
You stay
here in Jericho. I
must take a short
trip down to the
Jordan River.

As surely as God
lives and you live, I
will not leave you.
There are
those young
us again.

How are we
going to cross
the river? It is
running high
On dry
2 Kings 2:3-7
SL A P ! Did
you see that?
The water stood
up so they can
like with


I wouldn’t
have missed I wish
this for the prophets of
anything. Baal could have
seen this!
What is it
you would
have me do for
you before I

Give me
You have a double
asked a hard portion of the
thing, but it Spirit of God
shall be done if that rests
you see me when upon you.
I am taken up
into heaven.
of God!

2 Kings 2:8-11

And a

The chariot of fire

separated Elijah
from Elisha.
Elijah was taken
up to heaven in
the whirlwind.
Then all was quiet.
Elijah was now in
God’s presence.

All that
is left is his
mantle. It is
what he used
to part the

2 Kings 2:11-13
Where is
the God of
The spirit
of Elijah is
upon Elisha!

this is
some kind
of day!
Elisha went on to perform
twice as many miracles as
did Elijah. He was faithful
to God, but the people
would not completely
turn from their idolatry.

did Elijah

We There
must go is no use.
look for He is gone
2 Kings 2:14-16 him! to heaven.
Chapter 7

pro phecie s
of christ
After Elisha, God raised
up other prophets, such as
Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Amos,
who would call the people to
turn from their idolatry and
sin. God spoke through these
prophets, having them write many
prophecies of things to come.

Isaiah was a prophet during

the reign of kings Uzziah,
Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah
(Approximately 760-700
B.C.). God spoke through
Isaiah, “I have nourished
and brought up children,
but they have rebelled
against me. The dumb ox
knows its owner, but
Israel does not know me.
You are a sinful nation, a
people filled with iniquity,
children of evildoers...”
“If you will put away
your evil and relieve the
oppressed, take care of
the fatherless, and provide
for the widows, I will
restore and heal you, but
if you do not turn to me,
you will be devoured with
the sword. Your whole
land will be desolate, and
your cities will be burned
with fire. And they will
carry all your sons into
Babylon and there shall
they be made eunuchs to
serve in the palace of
the king of Babylon.”
Isaiah 1:2-4, 7, 16, 20,
39:7; Jeremiah 21:8-10
Jeremiah was a prophet
during the reign of kings
josiah, jehoiakim, and Zedekiah
(approximately 630-590 b.c.)
He said, “Thus saith the LORD,
Behold, I set before you the way
of life, and the way of death. He
that abideth in this city shall die
by the sword, and by the famine,
and by the pestilence: but he
that goeth out, and falleth
to the Chaldeans that besiege
you, he shall live, but he will
become a slave in Babylon. For
I have set my face against this
city for evil, saith the LORD:
it shall be given into the hand
of the king of Babylon, and
he shall burn it with fire.”
The LORD spoke
through Jeremiah
saying, “And I
myself will fight
against you with
an outstretched
hand and with
a strong arm,
even in anger,
and in fury, and
in great wrath.
And I will smite
the inhabitants
of this city, both
man and beast:
they shall die
of a great pestilence. And
afterward, saith the LORD, I
will deliver Zedekiah king of
Judah, and his servants, and
the people, and such as are
left in this city from
the pestilence, from the
sword, and from the
famine, into the hand of
Nebuchadrezzar king
of Babylon, and into the
hand of their enemies, and
into the hand of those that
seek their life: and he shall
smite them with the edge
of the sword; he shall not
spare them, neither have
pity, nor have mercy.
My fury will burn like a fire
and none will quench it. They
shall carry you as slaves
into Babylon, and shall
slay you with the sword.
Many of those who go into
Babylon shall die and be
buried there.”

Jeremiah 20:4-6; 21:5-7, 10-12

Amos was a prophet
during the reign
of kings Uzziah
and Jeroboam II
(approximately 765-
750 B.C.). God spoke
through Amos, “Your
women are as cows
who require their
husbands to keep
them well supplied
with drink. You will
no longer dominate
your husbands. You
will be led away
with hooks in your
flesh to become
slaves in Babylon.”
“You lie on expensive
furniture and eat delicate
foods full of fat. You
listen to music while you
drink large quantities
of wine. You have cast
righteousness to the
ground, you have trampled
the poor, oppressed
the righteous and taken
bribes, and deprived the
poor of justice. You
will plant vineyards, but
your enemy will drink the
wine. Your military will
be destroyed and you
will be carried away to be
slaves in a foreign land.”
God says, “I will
destroy the altars
of Bethel and
tear down your
winter houses
along with your
summer houses. You
oppress the poor,
take bribes, and
crush those in need.
I have withheld
rain, sent famine
and disease and
yet you will not
repent. You plant
vineyards to make
more wine, but you
will not drink it.” Mother,
Amos 4-6 I’m hungry.
Hosea was a prophet during the reign of kings
753 B.C. Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and hezekiah (approximately
785-725 B.C.). he Prophesied, “Israel will fall by
the sword, their little ones will be dashed to
the ground, their pregnant women ripped open.”


“The day will come when God will forgive

her sins, and will love Israel freely.
Once again Israel will blossom like a lily.
She will prosper like an olive tree and
have fragrance like a cedar of Lebanon.”

“In years to come, after Babylon,

you will be scattered to the nations
and there they will persecute
you, take your property, and you
will find no place to rest.”
They are
taking everything.
Why won’t they This
leave us alone? should bring a
good price. I
am going to hate
to see the Jews
go. They have
been good for
where are we
going to live? This says all
Jews are to be out
of the country in
just three days!
Isaiah 10:21, chapter 35, 51:11, Jeremiah 30:11; Ezekiel 17:21;
Joel 3:2; Hosea 13:16, 14:1-6
According to this
document, all Jews are to leave
the country and you cannot take
any property with you.

I have
always wanted
this cow.

Because the nation of Israel rejected the

word of God, they would be scattered
to all the nations of the earth; but they
would never find rest until God brought
them back to the land of their fathers.
“The whole land of Israel will become a desolation,
and you shall serve the king of Babylon
seventy years. But after seventy years I will
punish Babylon for their iniquity and will bring
a remnant back to this land to rebuild it.”

“Jerusalem will be so
forsaken that it will be
plowed like a field.”
This prophecy came to pass.
The enemy did indeed plow
Jerusalem. But in the last days
the temple will be rebuilt,
and people will flow unto it.

The prophet Micah,

who lived from 750-
686 B.C., prophesied:
“And many
nations shall
come, and say,
Come, and let
us go up to the
mountain of the
LORD, and to the
house of the God
of Jacob; and
he will teach us
of his ways, and
we will walk in
his paths: for
the law shall go
forth of Zion, “And he shall judge among many
and the word of people, and rebuke strong nations
the LORD from afar off; and they shall beat their
Jerusalem.” swords into plowshares, and their
spears into pruninghooks:
nation shall not “And we will
lift up a sword walk in the
against nation, name of the
neither shall they LORD our God
learn war any for ever and
more. But they ever. In that
shall sit every day, saith the
man under his LORD, I will
vine and under gather her
his fig tree; and that is driven
none shall make out, and I will
them afraid: for make a strong
the mouth of the nation: and
LORD of hosts the LORD shall
hath spoken it.” reign over
them in mount
Zion from
Jeremiah 25:11-12; even for ever.”
Micah 3:12, 4:1-7
Jeremiah And Others “King Zedekiah
prophesied: has done evil in
the sight of the
LORD. He will not
be killed. He will
go into Babylon
where he will
live out his life
with his people,
but with his eyes
he will never
see Babylon. He
will be blinded.
“At the end of 70 years, Babylon You will remain
will be conquered by an army from there in Babylon
the North and a remnant of our for 70 years.”
people will return to this land to
rebuild the city and the temple.”
“After a time of judgment
God will forgive their sins and
Jerusalem will be inhabited
throughout all generations.”

“Take this book with

you to Babylon
and read it there
before the people.
Let them know what
they must endure
before they return.”

“I will restore the throne of

David and you will come back
and possess all your land.”
Ezekiel prophesied: “They
will be scattered among the
nations, but as God scatters
them he will eventually bring
them back into the land.” “God promised
Abraham that his
seed would inherit
the land forever,
and he will not
break his promise.
however, when the
people are sinful,
God will send them
into captivity in
the nations where
they will serve
Jeremiah 34:3, 39:7, 51:60-61, strange gods, but
52:11 (627-586 B.C.); Joel 3:20- in the end he will
21; Amos 9:11-15; Ezekiel 12:15-16 bring them back.”
“Egypt will also be
judged by Babylon, and
for 40 years Egypt will
lie desolate. After they
return from Babylon, Egypt
will never again be as great
as it was in former days,
but it will endure until
the end. and in the latter
days Egypt and Assyria will
join my people Israel in a
three-way peace agreement,
and I will bless them.”
“The Philistines will be destroyed and be no
more. Likewise Ashdod, Ekron, and Ammon
will be no more. Edom will utterly become
desolate. Tyre will be destroyed and all
the stones and timbers will be cast in the
sea. It will never again be inhabited and the
ground will remain as smooth as a rock, a
place for fishermen to spread their nets.”
“But Persia (Iran), Turkey,
Ethiopia, and Libya will remain
until the end, at which time
they will attempt to invade the
land of Israel, but they will die
on the mountains of Israel.”
The Bible is always perfectly accurate in
its many prophecies. The cities and nations
that were prophesied to cease to exist
did so. The nations that were to endure
until the end are still with us today.

Jeremiah 25:15-26; Ezekiel 25, 26:15-

19, 29:12-16, 30:1-8; Amos 1
In 605 b.c. Israel was
conquered by Babylon,
just As the prophets
had predicted.

O Lord, for the

sins of our fathers
we are being punished.
Help us to obey your
law even now in this
strange land.
Over 5,000 Jews were brought to
Babylon as prisoners of war. They
brought the young and educated,
hoping to find them useful in serving
the kingdom. Among them was a young
man named Daniel. He had always kept
the commandments and walked in
obedience to the God of Abraham.
We thank
you, O Lord
of heaven and
earth, king of
the universe, that
you bring forth
bread from the

Daniel was a prisoner in a strange land,

but he decided to remain faithful to his
God. His captors noted that he had a good
spirit, so they put him in a special place
as one of the wise men of Babylon.
The king of Babylon,
was awakened by
an unusual dream.

What is the
meaning of this? Surely
such a dream is sent by
the gods to reveal
the future.
You are the
wise men. You claim
that the gods tell you
things. Now tell me what
I Dreamed and the
meaning of it.

But how can

we tell you the
meaning of the
dream if you do
not tell us the
dream? No one
could do that
except the

Daniel 1:2-7, 17-21, 2:1-11

I knew you
were all frauds.
The gods do not speak
to you. You will all
be killed along with
your families, and your
houses will be made
into dunghills.
I am sorry, Daniel, but
tomorrow you and all the wise
men of Babylon will be slain.
The king does not believe his
own priests.

But Jehovah
God can reveal the
king’s dream and the
interpretation. I must
get alone to pray. See if
you can get him to wait
for one day.
LORD, you alone
are God and king
of the universe.
Please show your
servant the things
that will come to
pass. There is no
other god
Like you.

listen to
Quick, take
me to the

If you
can’t tell the
king his dream,
he will kill me
on the spot.
Don’t waste
my time. Can
you tell me my
O king, you dream or not?
are the king of
all kings, for the
God of heaven
has made you so.
He has given you a
vision of what
shall be in the
latter days.
The true God,
creator of the universe,
has revealed your dream
unto your servant. Daniel 2:12-30
O King, you
saw a vision of
a great image. This
image represents
your kingdom and
three others that
will follow.

It’s true!
I told no
one! Your God
is the only
You are this
head of gold, the king of all
kings. Before you conquered
Judah, our prophets told us that
God was going to judge us for
our sin and then give you the
kingdom. Now your reign will be
The chest of silver
represents another kingdom,
the Medes and the Persians.
After you have died, they will
conquer Babylon and reign
over the world as you have.
O king, after
the head of gold and
the chest of silver, you
saw the belly of brass.
That brass represents the
third kingdom, the Grecian.
It will come after Persia
and it will be swift
and fierce.

The fourth kingdom

will be different from the
others, the legs will be made
of iron, and it will stamp and
break in pieces many nations.
But you saw that the iron toes
were mixed with clay. In the
last days the kingdom will be
divided ten ways and it will
be weak.

Daniel 2:31-33, 39-43

Then, O king, you saw a
stone cut out of a mountain,
but not by the hands of man.
It rolled down the mountain and
struck the image at the feet and
destroyed all the kingdoms
in a moment’s time.
That rock
the Son of
God who will
come to the
earth and set
up a glorious

At the end of time,

all the dead will be
awakened to stand in
judgment. Those that
did evil will receive shame
and everlasting contempt.
Those that did good will
receive everlasting
Without question,
the words you speak are
from God. How else could
you have known my dream in
every detail? I will make
you ruler over all
the wise men.

Daniel continued in Babylon

for 68 years. He interpreted
many dreams and foretold the
future many times. In time, king
Nebuchadnezzar died and his
son Belshazzar took his place.
One night as Belshazzar was
having a drunken party, a
mysterious hand appeared
and wrote on the wall. Daniel
was called in to interpret it.
God gave him understanding
of this unknown language.

O King, you
have sinned against
God. As the prophets
foretold, your kingdom
has been taken from you
this very night and
given to the Medes
and the Persians.
12:13-14; Isaiah
9:6-7, 45:1;
Daniel 2:34-35,
44-48, 5:1-29;

The prophets predicted

that this enemy would
conquer Babylon by
secretly entering two
gates that allowed
water to enter the
city. the Babylonians
would be too drunk to
notice. History records
the fall of Babylon in
exactly that manner.
After the Medes and
Persians conquered
Babylon, Daniel discovered
an old book written by the
prophet Jeremiah, one of
the books of the Bible. As he
was reading, he was shocked
to discover that God had
earlier predicted that the
Babylonian captivity would
last only 70 years.

afterward a remnant would return to Jerusalem

and rebuild the walls and the temple. Reading
further, he discovered that 200 years earlier the
prophet Isaiah had actually given the name of the
Persian king who would command them to return.
It has now been
almost 69 years…Only
one year left. It says that
Cyrus is God’s servant, doing
God’s will. He will command that
we return to our homeland!
Blessed art thou, O Lord our
God, king of the universe.
Just as God promised Cyrus did
Abraham, he has given us this release the
land for an everlasting possession. Jews 70 years
He warned our fathers that we would be after their
delivered into the hands of our enemies captivity
if we served other gods, but he promised began, just as
never to forget his people. God has the Scripture
kept his word. Now that we have foretold,
returned, we must obey him. And 52,000
to rebuild
the city.
We must O Lord God of Abraham,
get organized. We will you have brought us back
rebuild the walls first as you promised. Teach us
and then we can start on to walk in your paths.
the temple.

I have
brought fresh
water. Let us
Isaiah 44:28; Jeremiah begin the work.
25:11-12, 29:10; Daniel 9:1-2
Daniel was very old, so he did not
go back with the others. He still
played an important role as he
advised the kings of the Medo-
Persian Empire, now located in
the city of Babylon. God gave him
several more visions concerning
the future, even to the end of
days. In one dream he saw a
metallic beast. An angel told him
what it meant.
God is showing
you what shall be In the
last days. He revealed to
Nebuchadnezzar that there
would be four kingdoms. There
have now been two. After this
Medo-Persian empire will come
the Grecian. It will conquer
swiftly but will soon fall and be
divided into four kingdoms, which
will then fight among themselves
until there are just two. They
will fight back and forth for
years until they are conquered
by the fourth kingdom, which
is what this metallic Beast
Daniel 7:17-28; Matthew 24:4-25

The fourth kingdom

will be like iron, more
powerful and fiercer than
all former kingdoms. It will
conquer all, but in the last days
this kingdom will be divided into
ten nations. Then there will arise
a man speaking peace. He is the
last horn that grows out of the
beast’s head. In the last days,
he will flatter and promise
peace, only to conquer and
destroy. He will then set up
the abominable thing in the
holy place in the Jewish temple,
making it ceremonially unclean
so that the sacrifices will cease.
There will then come a time of
great trouble on the whole
earth, But the righteous will
be delivered.
“Daniel, God wants you to
know what is going to happen
and when. From the time the
commandment is given to
restore 3 years, after which
Messiah will be killed in
payment for the sins of the
people, and then the temple
will again be destroyed.”

“This prophecy will be

fulfilled, and the Messiah
will be anointed. There
will be reconciliation made
for sins, and everlasting
righteousness will be
brought to man.”
Just as Daniel recorded,

the Messiah made his

triumphal entry into
Jerusalem on the very
day when the 483 years
were completed.

God had told Adam

and Eve that the
seed of the woman
would come and
destroy the evil
one. He told Noah
that the Messiah
would come from the
family of Shem, not
Japheth, and not Ham.

Genesis 49:9-10; Psalm 22,

53; Isaiah 7, 9:1-2, 42:1, 49:6,
53; Daniel 9:25-26; Micah 5:2;
Zechariah 9:9; Matthew 24:1-2;
Hebrews 2:9
God told Abraham that the
deliverer would come from
his descendants through his
son Isaac.

God told Isaac that the

promised one would come
through his son Jacob, and he
told Jacob that Christ would
come through Judah.

Many specific prophecies

of the life of the promised
redeemer were given by God
to various prophets.

They said that his active

presence has been from
everlasting, That he would
be born of a virgin in
the city of Bethlehem of
Judah, He would be humble in
appearance, and be lowly and
riding on a donkey.
The LORD will put his spirit
upon him, and he will bring
judgment to the Gentiles.

He will be a light to the

Gentiles and will take
salvation to all that are in
the earth.

He will be a suffering
messiah and will be
rejected by his people, and
die having his hands and
feet pierced.

He will hang naked and will

thirst for water but will
be given vinegar to drink

He will die between

thieves and be buried in a
rich man’s grave.
The prophecies of
Daniel concerning
the four kingdoms
were fulfilled
exactly as he
predicted. In 330
B.C., Alexander
the Great, from
Greece, began a
campaign which
lasted seven
years, in which he
conquered the
known world,
including the vast
Greece held power
until about 167 B.C.
when the fourth
world kingdom,
Rome, began to
conquer. Rome,
represented in
dream as the feet
and legs of iron,
and in Daniel’s
vision as the
metallic beast,
increased its
power and
territory, just
as the prophets
By 5 B.C., it ruled
Israel with
an iron hand.
500 years later
over five hundred years had
passed since Daniel’s prophecies.
In 6 B.C. the Romans allowed
the Jews freedom of religion
but taxed them heavily. The
temple had been rebuilt and
was at the center of Jewish
life. Most had forgotten the
prophecies of a coming Messiah,
but some still kept the Law
and looked for the Christ.
Among them was an old man
named Simeon. He was a holy
man that longed to see the
One of whom the prophets
spoke. For years he had read
the prophecies and knew that
the time was drawing near.
But he was now old and would
probably not live much longer.
It had been 4,000 years since
God first promised Eve that
her seed would come and
destroy the works
of the Evil One.

It was now time. Over

350 prophecies were
ready to be fulfilled.
Chapter 8
new te stament
6 B.C.

O God of Abraham,
Isaac, and Jacob, I have
waited for the Savior,
but I will not live
much longer.

Indeed you
will not live much
longer, but you will
see the promised one
before you die.
Simeon, you come Simeon
here every day. I wish searched the
all the priests were as Scriptures and
devout As you. found many
the Christ.

What do you make

of this prophecy in
Isaiah concerning Christ? Yes, and Isaiah
It says a virgin will also said that he would
conceive and bear a male be called the Mighty
child. This must be the God. But the prophecies
seed of the woman, as are hard to
spoken to Eve. understand.
You will
According find few that will
to Micah agree with you, which
5:2 the son is is why you should
eternal, As not speak of these
is God. and things publicly; you
What of the would be stoned
prophecy in to death.
Psalm 45:6
where God
calls The
son God?

You will see. Before

I die the Messiah will come
to this very temple, and I
shall see him.
He could
be right, you

And who are

you? What do you
know of these
I could not help but
overhear your conversation. I
too have studied the Scriptures,
and 500 years ago Daniel had some
very interesting things to say
about the time of the
Messiah’s coming.

Genesis 3:15;
Psalm 45:6;
Isaiah 7:14, 9:6; What could you
Daniel 9:25-26; know that the
Micah 5:2; scribes do not?
Luke 2:25-26
My father is a Scribe and
he has shown me the prophecies.
God told Daniel that from the
time the commandment went
forth to rebuild Jerusalem until
the Messiah was cut off would
be 483 years.

It has now been 449

years since that decree
was made. That leaves
just 34 years, which
means the Messiah could
be walking The streets
even now.

No, not
yet. The Holy
Spirit revealed
to me that
before I die I
shall see the
infant Messiah
right here in
this temple. How could
you know such

will see.
As Simeon
grew older
and waited
at the temple,
looking for the
promised Christ,
a priest by
the name of
Zacharias went
into the temple
to pray. He and
his wife were
old, but they
had never had
any children.
Suddenly an angel
appeared on the right
side of the altar!

Do not be afraid.
Your prayer has
been heard and your
wife Elizabeth will
bear a son, and you
will name
Him John.

Many will rejoice

when he is born, because
he Is the one that will
prepare the people for the
coming of the Messiah. He
will not drink wine or strong
drink and he will receive
the spirit and power of
How can I know that
what you say is true?
My wife and I are both too
old to produce children,
and she has been barren
all her life.

I am Gabriel,
who stands in the very
presence of God, and I
was sent to tell you these
things. You want a sign? You
will not speak again until
you have seen these things
come to pass.
I will be
glad when we
can talk about
it. This house
is so quiet. You
should not
talk back to
Angels, You

Zacharias, it is still
hard to believe. Just
like Sarah, the mother of
our nation, God heard our
prayers, and now I am to be
the mother of a great
For 4,000 years, the prophets
foretold the coming of Messiah.
700 years earlier, the prophet
Isaiah said: “Behold, a virgin
shall conceive, and bear a
son, and he shall be called
emmanuel, God with us.”

Mary was engaged to be married

to Joseph. She had never had
intimate relationships with
anyone. She was obedient
to all the laws of Moses.
Suddenly, an angel
appeared unto Mary!

Mary, you
have found
great favor in
the sight of God.
You will conceive
in your womb and
bring forth the How
Son of God. could
such a thing
happen since
I have never
had relations
with any

The Holy Spirit of

God will cover you. The holy
fetus that will be conceived
in your womb will be the Son
of God. Your cousin Elizabeth,
who was called barren, is now
with child. This is her sixth
Isaiah 7:14; Luke 1:5-20, 26-40

I am
the Lord’s
May it be unto
me As he wills.

I am going
to be the mother
of the Son of God. Will
Joseph believe me? Will
he understand? What will
everyone think when they
realize I am pregnant? I
Know; I will go to stay
With Elizabeth.

my child!
Blessed My
are you among soul
women, and does indeed
blessed is the magnify God,
fruit of your and my spirit
womb. Who am I has rejoiced in
that the mother God my Savior.
of my Lord should After this, all
come to visit? For generations
as soon as I heard will call me
your voice, my blessed,
babe leaped in because he has
my womb for done mighty
joy. things.
He has exalted
those of us who are of
lowly origins. As he Spoke Mary stayed with
to father Abraham, he has Elizabeth for about
remembered us in mercy. three months.
The time came Zacharias is
for Elizabeth certain it is going
to give birth. to be a boy; he
says an angel
told him so.

if it is a boy
I suppose his
name will be
Zacharias after
Here his father.
he comes
now. Let’s
ask him.
He said that
the angel made
him dumb because
he didn’t

What are
you going to
name the
child? He
wants a
He says his
name will be called
John, as the angel
But there
is no one in the
family by the name
of John.
It is
indeed a boy,
a very hairy
His name is
John, according to
the word of the Lord.
He shall introduce
the Messiah to our
people Israel.

He speaks!
After all
these months,
he speaks!

Could it
be that this
is indeed the
Elijah of

Luke 1:41-64
Meanwhile, Joseph
discovered that Mary was
pregnant, and he knew
it was not his baby.

Mother, I still
cannot believe it.
There have been no men
around her. She has been in
her family’s presence every
minute, and everyone knows
what a pious girl Mary is.
I certainly did not do
it! But the facts are there.
She is pregnant.
what are
you going
to do?

I cannot marry
her now, but I do not
want to make a public issue
of it. She could be stoned
for adultery. Maybe we
could just quietly break
off the engagement.
Whom did
she say was the

She says
the father of
the child is God,
implanted in her
womb by the Holy
Spirit without
any physical
Oh! Has
she lost her

She says
the child is
to be the
Savior of
the world, That is a
the Son blasphemous thing
of God. for a woman like that
to say. I must put
her away as quickly
and as quietly as
That evening as Joseph
was sleeping, an angel
appeared unto him.

Joseph, thou
son of David, do not
fear to take Mary as
your wife, for the child
that is conceived in her
is by the Holy Spirit. She
will give birth to a son
and you will call his name
Jesus, for he will save
his people from their
This is the fulfillment
of the prophecy of
Isaiah: “A virgin will be
with child and bring forth
a son who will be called
Emmanuel, which being
interpreted is ‘God
with us.’”
Mary, how
will you ever
forgive me for
doubting you?

I know, it is
all so fantastic.
Of all the women of
Israel and of all the
centuries, that God
should choose me to
bring the Messiah
into the world!
What will the baby be
like? Since he is going to Oh, Joseph, I
be God in the flesh, will he don’t know, but God
be talking when he is born? knows. We will just
Will he already know have to wait and see.
How to read?
Genesis 3:15;
Isaiah 7:14, 9:7;
Matthew 1:18-23;
We are both
Luke 1:32-33
of the lineage
of David, and
the prophets
did say that the
Messiah would
be of David’s

I just thought of something else. In the

Garden of Eden, God promised that the seed of the
woman would bruise the head of the seed of the
serpent. I see now! This child will not be the seed
of man, just the seed of the woman. Wow! God has
had this planned since the beginning.
Joseph and Mary
lived in Nazareth
of Galilee, but
there was an old
prophecy that
said the Messiah
would be born
in Bethlehem
Hear ye, of Judea (Micah
hear ye, by official 5:2). Very soon,
proclamation from Mary would be
Imperial Rome, signed delivering her
by Caesar himself, a child in the wrong
census will be taken town. They were
and all peoples of ignorant of the
Israel will return to prophecy, and
the town of their had no reason to
birth to register make the long trip
for taxation. to Bethlehem.
that means
you will
have to go to
Bethlehem. You
will be gone
when the baby
is born.

The people
would not understand
if I were away. I will
take you with me.
Mary, I
shouldn’t have
brought you on
this journey.
Maybe we should
turn back.

No, I must be with

you when the baby
is born. No one else
We It took more
must hurry than a week
if you can. to make the
I think it is nearly 100-
time. mile journey.

I will see
if we can get a
room in the inn.
Mary, I Was
found a mid- there no
wife who will room in
help us. the inn?

it was
You did Don’t
really Well let that
for your first bother you.
baby. Pity he had He will rule
to be born In a the world
stable. someday!

Well, he looks
like a normal
Luke 2:1-7 baby to me.
It’s an

of angels!
Don’t be afraid,
for God has sent Glory to
me to tell you good God in the
news for all men, highest! God
for unto you is born brings peace
this day in the city to the earth,
of David a Savior, for he has
which is the Jewish good will
Messiah, the Lord. toward
This will be a
sign unto you, you
will find the baby
wrapped in strips of
cloth, and he will be
lying in an animal
feed bin.
Can you believe
Did you
it? Angels
hear what
appearing unto us!
he said? The
Messiah is
Wait born
until I tell in Israel.
my wife!

I want to
go see.

A Savior!
Peace toward men!
A baby? Let’s go see

Sorry to
disturb you,
but an angel
invited us to Who would
come. have thought it,
God becoming
a baby? Luke 2:8-20
The time came for Mary
and Joseph to present
the newborn child
to the priest and to
offer the sacrifices
prescribed by law.

Joseph, this
will be his first time
to come to the temple,
and no one here knows
that Jesus is the And I don’t think
Christ. we should ever tell
anyone. Wait till he
grows up.
Simeon was in There he
the temple. is! We have
waited so

Who is
it, MarY?
I don’t
know. No
one knows
us here.
Blessed art thou, O Lord our God.
Now I can die in peace, for I have seen
your salvation, just as you promised.
He will be a light to the Gentiles as But, how did
well as the glory of Israel. you know?
me, this child
will cause many
in Israel to rise
and some to fall,
and he shall be
spoken against.

Yes, and
your own heart
will be broken
at what you see
happening to
Look! The
Messiah. He has
come to his temple.
This is he of whom
the prophets

That is Anna.
She has spent her
life waiting for
the Messiah.
Young man, this child
is the Christ, the Savior
of the world. He Will save
Israel from their sins.

From that point on, Anna

spoke of him to all that
looked for redemption.
Luke 2:27-38
In the countries to
the East of Israel
there were wise
men who studied
ancient writings
and sought to
know about God.
They knew of the
prophecy of a
coming Messiah. In
dreams and visions,
God revealed to
them that the We have
promised one was come far. This
born. Then they is a strange land The star
discovered an to which we go. keeps moving.
unusual star that We have been We will follow
pointed to the traveling many it as far as we
nation of Israel. weeks. must.
King Herod, there are
three very wealthy looking Israel had no
men from the Far East. They king at the time
say they are looking for the because Rome
new king of Israel, a baby. ruled them, but
the Roman-
appointed king
of the Jews,
Herod, reigned
in Jerusalem.
The wise men
sought Herod
to ask him
about the
A baby? A newborn king.
king? I am the king.
Show them in and
bring the chief priests
and scribes to me.
You say
you have
come to We
see a baby have seen
king? How his star in
do you know the East and
of such have come to
things? worship him.

is he?

We do
not know
That is why
we came
to you.

I have summoned
the scholars. We will
see what they know of
this. Come with me to
a private room.
say they
have come
to worship Yes,
the king of many
the Jews, prophets told
one who was of his coming,
prophesied to but we do not
come and save believe that
the people. Do such prophecies
your writings are to be taken
say anything literally.
about a

I care
for your Well,
learned the prophet
opinions. Micah said that
Exactly The Messiah
what would be born
does the In Bethlehem
prophecy from The tribe
say? of Judah.
Matthew 2:1-8; Micah 5:2

Listen, I would
worship the king
myself. So when
you find him, bring
word to me of his

course. As
soon as we
find him, we
will send

Herod was fearful of a king

being born, so he wanted to
kill the young child when he
found out where he was.
It was
the way those
scribes knew
exactly where
the child would
be born. But
they were so
to their own
The writings of prophets.
Israel’s prophets are
like no other. I have never
seen such detailed
Look! The
same star we
saw in the

And yet it
is not like
any star we
ever saw.
It does not
move with
the rest of
the stars, Mark its
and it is so position, and
much tomorrow we
brighter. will follow it.
There, it
stands over that
house. But this is not
Bethlehem! It has
been many weeks.
Maybe they have

It has It is a
been such a strange star
long journey, indeed. It must
and we are not be any higher
almost than the clouds.
We do not wish
to disturb you, but How
we have traveled did you
many weeks to see know?
and worship the
newborn king.

We read the holy writings

of all people. Your prophets
have predicted his coming, and
then a star appeared to guide
us here. It stands over your
House even now.
With humility we
offer these small
gifts in honor of the
Savior of the world. That night, God
He will turn many to spoke to the wise
righteousness. men in a dream
and told them to
not tell Herod
where they found
the child, but
to take another
route back to
their country.
God also spoke
to Joseph and
told him to flee
to Egypt, for
Herod would seek
Matthew 2:9-12 to kill the child.
Those men
from the East tricked
me. They took another
route home. That means they
found the child and were
afraid to come back
this way.

Send my special
squad to Bethlehem. Tell
them to kill every male
child under two years old.
Many years before,
the prophets had
predicted this very
sorrowful event to
occur in Bethlehem.
Joseph and Mary took baby
Jesus to Egypt. The gifts of
the wise men enabled them
to travel and live for the
two years they were there.

After Herod died, when Jesus was two years

old, God commanded them to go back to
Israel. This, too was in fulfillment of Bible
prophecy: “I called my son out of Egypt.”
When they returned This, too,
from Egypt, an was a
angel told Joseph fulfillment
to move into of prophecy,
the little town which said
of Nazareth. that he would
be called a

Are my
five men Jesus worked with
going to his stepfather
work all Joseph in the
day? Come carpentry shop.
and eat. He grew in both
body and spirit,
Jeremiah 31:15; Hosea 11:1;
becoming very wise.
Matthew 2:13-23
When Jesus was twelve
years old, Joseph took
the family to Jerusalem
to celebrate the Passover.
They carried their lamb as
an offering for their sins.

Jesus, you can

carry the lamb to
the priests. They must
approve it before the
Father, sacrifice tomorrow. We
can I go will find somewhere to
with Jesus camp for the night.
to see the
Several days later,
after the sacrifice...

Joseph, I
can’t find Jesus
anywhere. No
I think
one has seen him
we Must have
all day.
left him in

But he knew
we were leaving. I
We will
thought he would
just have to
be with some of
go back and
our relatives.
find him.
You all You must be
agree that careful with that
Messiah will line of reasoning,
be David’s the conclusion
son, for so say could be
the prophets. blasphemy.
You also agree
that David called
him Lord, as if
Messiah were his
God. Then how
could Messiah be But you are
David’s son and assuming that your
his Lord at the interpretations are
same time, correct. The elders
unless… are better qualified to
understand these
deep truths.
Isaiah 9:7; Luke 2:42-46;
Either the 2 Timothy 3:16-17
are true or
they are not. There
Do we believe he is.
only that
which fits our

Is truth
ever deep?
Was not the But you can’t take
Scripture given everything literally.
for our under- our rabbis say…
Jesus, we
have looked
everywhere for
you. Why have
you done this
to us?

He has been with

us for two days. You
have a most unusual
Why did
you look
everywhere? Did
you not know that
I must be doing
my Father’s
I have
never seen
a young man
who knew
so much

What did he
mean, He “must be
about his father’s
business?” Was not
that his father
who was looking
for him?
with his
parents and
was subject
unto them.
He continued
to work
in the
shop and
to grow in
wisdom and
stature. Because he always walked
in righteousness and
sought the good of his
fellow man, he was well
liked by everyone.
When other young
men were falling
into sin, Jesus was
obeying all the
commandments of
God from his heart.

You have
always been
more than fair,
and there is not a
better carpenter
in Nazareth. I will
take six more
Luke 2:46-52 just like it.
remember that
Elizabeth had given
birth to a son six
months before
Mary. The angel
told Zacharias to
name him John,
and that he would
prepare the hearts
of the people for
You must turn the coming of
from your evil ways Messiah. This was
and obey God, for the also predicted
kingdom of heaven is five hundred years
about to be instituted. earlier by several
If you will prepare your of the prophets.
hearts to receive the
Messiah, I will baptize
you in water.
But there is one
coming after me
who is preferred
before me, for he
existed before I did.
He will baptize you,
not into water, but
into the Holy Spirit What should
of God Himself. Turn we do, John? What
from your sins does God require
before it is too for us to be
late. righteous?
If you have two
coats and you meet a
man who has none, give
him one of your coats.
If you have food and
someone is hungry,
then feed him.
justice for
all men.
John, what must we who
work in the government
do to please God? I am a tax
collector and Nabal here is
a customs worker.

Do not take bribes.

Do not use your office to
exact money from anyone.
Be fair and just in all
your dealings.
I am not of
your people or
religion. But I
too would like to
please God. What
should I do?

Do not be violent
with those over whom
you rule, and do not
steal or use your position
to take money or property
from anyone. Be content
to live on your
He that
comes after
me is mightier
than I am, and I
am not worthy
to untie his
shoes. If you
repent and
believe, he will
baptize you with
the Holy
If you reject
him and continue
in your sin, he will
plunge you into the
fires of eternal
damnation. Stop
your sinning

Malachi 3:1; Luke 3:2-18, 7:24, 27

Who are
I am not you, that you come
the Messiah. proclaiming the
Messiah? What do you
say of yourself?

No, as the
Are you the
prophet Isaiah
prophet of whom
said, “I am the voice
Moses spoke, the one
of one crying in the
who was to come and
wilderness, prepare
lead the people back
the way for
to God?
the Messiah.”
Then what
right have you got to
go around our religious
authority and baptize
these people?

I am only
a messenger,
preparing the way
for Messiah, but you
You need to are sons of snakes.
put away your sins You think that just
of pride and arrogance. because you are
The ax is laid to the root Jews and children
of the trees, and you will of Abraham that
be cut down and cast into you are children of
the fires of damnation God.
if you do not change
your hearts.
John, you say
the Messiah is
coming soon. How
will you know him
when he comes?

The angel of God

told me that on whom
I see the Spirit of God
descending like a
dove, he is the Messiah
of Israel, the Savior
of the world.
I knew this John had been preaching
time would come. The six months and Jesus
angel Gabriel told me was thirty years old.
that I would experience
great sorrow. I wish
your father, I mean your
stepfather, were still
alive to see this.

What will
you do?
How will you
start? Will
you go to the I do not know.
temple? My Father will show me.
First I must go see John and
be baptized of him. He has
prepared many for the day
of regeneration.
Will you
come back
to see me?

Of course,
Mother, I will not
forsake you, but you
must be strong.
Deuteronomy 18:15; Things will come upon
Isaiah 40:3; Matthew me that will not be
3:1-12; Luke 3:15-18, 23; easy for you.
John 1:19-27, 33
Prepare for the coming of the Messiah.
You fathers must turn your hearts to
your children. You must become wise and
dedicate your time and energies to teaching
them the laws of God. If your disobedient
children see your sincerity, it will turn
their hearts to their fathers and your
families will be healed.

If this is your heart, and you

are willing to follow the Messiah
when he comes, then come down into
the water and I will baptize you with the
baptism of repentance, and when Messiah
comes he will forgive your sins.
will you
me? It would be
more appropriate
if you would baptize
me. You are indeed
a righteous

I must obey
all the laws of
God. I will do as
my Father has
commanded his
dove! I
see the

Matthew 3:13-17; Luke 3:21-22

You are
the Messiah!
I should have
This is my
beloved son
in whom I am
well pleased.

This is he, the

Lamb of God who will
take away the sins of
the whole world!
Holy One
of God!

He has
He will
set up the
Luke 3:22; John 1:29-34; 1 John 2:1-2
In is he going?
time, but Isn’t he going
first he to redeem the
must pass nation?
the test.


The one Adam and

all his descendants have
failed. He must meet the
prince of darkness.
The Father told his
son Jesus to fast
for forty days. He
ate no food of any
kind. As his body grew
weaker, Satan tried
to convince him to
disobey his father and
satisfy his hunger.

The first man, Adam, disobeyed God and lost

his privileged position. Jesus existed as
God from eternity, but now he was a man
of mortal flesh. Would he pass the test of
temptation where all others had failed?
At the end of forty days of
fasting, Jesus was hungry and
weak. He now understood what it
was like to be in poverty, to be
hungry until your body began to
eat itself. He now understood
what it was like to be alone,
forsaken, sick, and weak.

For many days, Satan attacked

Jesus’ mind with thoughts of
doubt and fear. Knowing the
temptation was nearly over, and
that Jesus was at his weakest
point, Satan did something
he rarely does; he made an
appearance before Jesus.
Since you
are the Son
of God, you
have a right
to eat.

Matthew 4:1-3; Luke 4:1-3;

Romans 3:23, 5:12-21;
Hebrews 4:15
Satan tempted the first
man, Adam, into eating
something forbidden. He
was now trying the same It was truly a
temptation on this weakened temptation to a man
and hungry Son of Man. who hadn’t eaten
in forty days.
Here, you
can turn this
stone into a
loaf of bread
and satisfy
your hunger.
No, I will not,
for the Scriptures
say that man should not
live by bread alone, but
by every word that
God speaks.

Come with me,

then. I will take
you to a place where
you can obey God.
If you were to
jump from here and the
angels were to come and
catch you, the people would
all see it and they would
receive you as Messiah,
and I know that is why
you came.

The Scripture
also says that You mentioned the
“You should not Scripture, and the Scripture
does say that the angels
tempt the Lord
will bear you up in their hands
Your God.”
and keep you from so much as
striking your foot against a
stone. Now is the time to
show them your power.
I know you love the
world and came to save
it, so I will show you
something I think you
will like.

Matthew 4:3-7
There now, from here we can
see most of the world’s leading kingdoms.
Aren’t they just absolutely glorious?
Ever since Adam turned his back on your rule, I
have owned this world. Men give it to me over and
over again. It is all mine. I am the god of this
world, Not you. but I would give it all to you...on
just One condition. If you will just kneel down
this once and worship me, I will give up my
control of the world, and you can have it
and everybody in it. What Do you say?
says, “You are
to worship only
Jehovah God Satan fled from Christ’s presence.
and serve no one For the first time in human history,
but him.” You have Satan confronted a man whom he could
failed; now not deceive. Jesus passed the test.
get Out The earth now had one human being
of here. that was in total submission to God.
The forty-day
trial was over,
but Jesus was too
weak to go on.
Angels came with food
and water and ministered
unto him. When his body
was strengthened,
he returned to where
John was preaching.

Matthew 4:8-11; Luke 4:14

Chapter 9

mi nistry
Look, here
comes the Lamb
of God who will
take away the sins This
of the entire is the
world. Messiah!

He of
whom the
spoke. What will
he do?
But I Follow
cannot Jesus.
leave you,

I am not your master.

I must decrease to nothing
and he must increase until he is
all. He is truly the Messiah, the
Savior of the world. Follow him.
Master, we would
follow you and be your
students. Where are
you staying?

and see.
follow me.

Yes Master,
we have waited
for you, but first I
must go and find

He, too,
has obeyed
the laws of God
and waited for
He is in
the orchard.
Is anything
Where is

everything is

John 1:35-39, 43-45, 3:30-31

where are

here, my

Nathanael, we
have found him,
of whom Moses and
the prophets wrote,
Jesus of Nazareth,
the son of Mary.
The Messiah? You
have talked to him? But
Nazareth? Nothing good has
ever come out of Nazareth. How
could the Messiah come from
such a poor, ignorant place? He
was supposed to be born in
Bethlehem of Judah.

and see for
yourself. John
testified of him,
and Andrew
is with him.
Truly, here is
an Israelite with a
pure heart.

Philip, did
you tell him
about me? Not a
You do not know Before Philip called you,
me. How can you when you were still sitting
say I have a pure under the fig tree, I saw
heart? you there.

How could you

have seen me? No
one knew where
I was.
You are the
Son of God.
You are the king
of Israel.

Does this impress

you? You will see greater
wonders than this. You will
see heaven opened and the
angels of God ascending and
descending on me. Come. We
have much to do.
John 1:45-51
Andrew also went
looking for his brother
to tell him of Jesus.

Simon, we
have found the
Messiah of whom When? Where?
John spoke. What is he like?
Are there others
following him?

and see.
You are
Simon the son of
Jona, but you will
be called Peter.

I will turn
my boat over
to my family
and follow
Soon Jesus had chosen twelve men who
followed him and heard his teachings.
They would be called the twelve
disciples. They went from city to city
preaching the gospel of the kingdom.
Jesus and his disciples went into
the temple to pray, but it was The
filled with people selling stuff. priests are
corrupt. They
make a profit from
Why do I everything that
have to change is sold in the
my money before temple.
I give it to the
temple? Seems like
you are making
quite a profit.

of it.
Mark 3:16; John 1:40-42, 2:12-14
What is he doing? He
has been standing
in that one spot for
almost one hour, not
saying anything, just
weaving that cord into

We made quite a
profit today. This is
better than working
for a living.
A whip!
He is making
a whip!
My Father’s house
should be a place of
prayer, but you have
turned it into a den of
thieves. Clear it all
out. Now!
His father’s
house! Who does
he think he is?
Make not
my Father’s
house a house of
merchandise. You
are a bunch of

John 2:15-16
n a p!
You are
a generation
of vipers.
You starve

does he
think he
Matthew 6:5-7,
12:34; John 2:15-16;

H ! 1 Timothy 6:10

For a pretense
you make long

SNAP! You don’t love

your neighbor;
you love your
The next time
you come to my
Father’s house let
it be to confess
your sins.
Do you
Remember that
passage spoken by
David concerning
the Messiah?

“The zeal
of God’s
house will
consume me
because God’s
enemies have
You know, forgotten
the scribes teach that the word Of
when the Messiah comes, God.”
he will suddenly come
to his temple.
I suppose you are
this Jesus of Nazareth The proof
of whom John speaks. that I am Messiah
You have caused a lot of will be seen when
trouble today. What sign you destroy this
will you show us? temple. In three
days I will raise
it up again.
It took
46 years to
build this temple,
and you think you
can rebuild it in
three days? That’s
Jesus spoke of the temple preposterous!
of his body, but he did not
explain, for he did not mean If you come
for them to understand. back here again,
We will have you
Psalm 69:9, 119:139; John 2:17-22 arrested.
Jesus and his disciples left Jerusalem and went
back north to Nazareth, Jesus’ hometown.

Oh, Jesus,
you have come
home. Bring all your Mother,
friends and we will we will be here
prepare them a only a short
Good meal. time, through
the Sabbath.
We are so glad to As was his custom,
see one of our own return Jesus went into
with his friends. We have been the synagogue, the
hearing strange things of Jewish place of
them. We would like to hear religious worship,
more of this later. on the Sabbath*.

But for
now, Jesus,
would you do
us the honor
of reading
the Scripture

*The Sabbath is a weekly religious day of rest established

by God on the seventh day and ordained as one of the ten
commandments to the Jews (Genesis 2:2-3; Exodus 20:10).
Luke 4:16-21
Jesus turned to
the prophet Isaiah
and found a well-
known prophecy
of Messiah.

“The Spirit of the Lord

is upon me, because he has
anointed me to preach the
gospel to the poor, and to give
sight back to the blind, to set
free those that are bruised,
and to preach that the time has
now come for God to bring
salvation to his people.”
this prophecy
is fulfilled.

are just a

Just calm
down. We are

him to
death. He
is claiming
to be
Jesus and his disciples came
to Capernaum, a city on
the lake where some of his
disciples lived. Again they
entered into the synagogue.
And the prophet said that
Messiah would be a light unto
the Gentiles and in him they
would trust. Happy is the man
who is pure in his heart, for he
shall see God. God does not
cast off any who would come
to him, whether he be Jew
or Gentile.

The Holy
One! Let
us alone.
I know who
you are. You are
the Holy One
of God.

He is
of devils. Get
him out of
you come
to destroy us
devils before
our time? Let us
alone. What have
we got to do
with you?

Who let him

in here? Look
out! He is
Devils, I
command you to
come out of this
man and torment
him no more!

Luke 4:28-35

did you
do to

Is he
Suddenly, he stood to his feet.

The devils
are gone. You
are free. Now go
your way, and
sin no more.
Jesus has
complete authority
over devils. The man
is normal.
wife says
you should
come home.
Her mother
is very sick
We will with a high
come. fever.
Oh, Peter,
my husband, I
am so afraid.
The fever grows

be afraid.
The Master
is here.
Arise, dear
lady, your
sickness is
Mark 1:25-30;
Luke 4:35-38

She is
up! She is

She arose from her bed

and ministered unto
Jesus and his disciples.
Word of
the healing
spread, and
they brought
many sick
people to

Master, my
father has been
paralyzed since I
was a little boy. A log
fell on him and broke
his back. Please, if Arise
you can, help. and walk.
to God!
I can
walk! It’s a

Master, my
daughter was
born blind,
can you help

Mark 1:30-34; Luke 4:38-40

As the scripture Says,
“The blind shall receive their
sight.” Your daughter
now sees.
Daddy, is
that you?
Oh, Daddy, I
never knew what
you looked like,
but you are more
handsome than I
Jesus and his disciples
went down to When
Jerusalem during the someone curses
feast days, and Jesus you, do not return
taught in the temple. the cursing, but
rather pray that a
blessing will come
on them. Treat other
people the way you
would like to be
When men
treated if you were
commit a trespass
in their place.
against you, you
should forgive them.
You will be blessed
if you have a pure
heart, for you will
see God. If you make
peace, you will be
most blessed.
You have
heard it said by
them of old time
that you should
love your friends
and hate your
enemies, but I say
unto you that you
should love your
enemies and
do good unto
them. What about
the eye for an eye
and the tooth for
a tooth?
If a man
strikes you on one
cheek, turn the other
cheek so that he might
strike it also. Do not be
violent. If you see that your
neighbor needs a coat and
you have two, then give him
one. If he is hungry, feed
him. Your Heavenly Father
will see And bless
you for it.
You have
heard it said
that you should
not murder, but I
say unto you that
if you are angry
with your brother
without just
cause, you will be
in danger of the
judgment of

Matthew 5:8, 21-22, 38-44, 6:12; Mark 1:34; Luke 4:39-41

have heard it
said that a man
should not commit
adultery, but I
say unto you that
if you so much as
look upon a woman
to lust after her,
you have committed
adultery with her
already in your
leaders do indeed
look good out-
wardly, but within
they are full of

They are like

tombs that are painted
white. On the outside they
look good, but on the inside
they are full of dead men’s
bones. If you are not more
righteous than they are, you
will never enter into my
There is
a broad way
that leads to
and many are
traveling it.

I am the door
to heaven. If you
enter in through me you
will have eternal life. If
you try to go any other
way, you will die in
your sins.
Why do
you heal on the
Sabbath day? Moses
commanded that
we were to do no
work on the

My Father
sent me into
the world to do
his work. I do
only those things
that he tells me
to do.
You are
making yourself
equal to God.
That’s blasphemy,
punishable by
It is the
heavenly Father’s
will that all men
should worship
and honor the Son
just as they do
the Father.

There will come a

time when those who are in
the graves will hear my voice
and arise from the dead, some
to eternal life and some to
eternal damnation.
Truly this is
the Messiah. First
the miracles and
now he makes this He is different
bold claim. from the religious
leaders. He speaks
with authority. I am
afraid they will
kill him.

I must
go and tell Matthew 5:27-28, 7:13-14, 28-29, 23:27-28;
my wife. John 5:18-19, 23, 29-30, 14:6
Master, there is
a Pharisee* here to
see you. He is a ruler
of the Jews, a very
important man.

Why does he
come at night? Is I will
he embarrassed to go and talk
be seen talking with him
to Jesus? privately.

*A member of an ancient Jewish sect noted for strict

obedience to Jewish traditions.
Master, we
rulers of the Jews
know that you are a
teacher come from God,
for no man could do the
miracles that you
Unless you do except God be
are born again you with him.
will not see the
kingdom of God.
Are you telling
me that I should
enter into my mother’s
womb and come out a
second time?

No, the flesh

gives birth to flesh,
and the Spirit gives
birth to spirit.
Nicodemus, hear what How does
I tell you. You must this new birth
be born again. come about?
As Moses
lifted up the
serpent in the
wilderness, so
must I be
lifted up.

The spiritual birth of

which I speak is mysterious
like the wind, but we experience it
just the same. You must have this
birth from above if you are to Numbers 21:5-9;
enter into the kingdom of God. John 3:1-14
But they were
dying from
snakebite because
they had sinned
against God.
When they looked
at the brass
serpent they
were instantly
Yes, and even
now all men are
dying from the
“snakebite” of sin. But
this time I will be lifted
up for all men to see. As
those who were bitten
in the wilderness were
delivered by looking upon
the brass serpent, those
who are bitten by sin
will find deliverance
by believing in me.
For God so loved the
world, that he gave his only
begotten Son, that whosoever
believeth in him should not perish, but
have everlasting life. He who believes
on me has everlasting life, but he
who does not believe on me is
already condemned. John 3:14-18
So you are
saying that the new
birth is the only cure
for sin, and that you
are going to be placed
on a pole to provide

When After
will this I have been
new birth lifted up for
occur? all to see.
The Samaritans
Come, I must
lived between
go through
Jerusalem and
Galilee. The Jews
avoided all contact
with Samaritans,
not even passing
through their
cities, because
they believed
the Samaritans
to be spiritually
defiled. One day Lord, they are
Jesus surprised his unclean, ignorant
disciples by saying: people! They are poor
It is the and immoral.
Father’s will
that I go to
About mid-day
they arrived at
the well outside
the city.
You go
on into town
and buy meat.
I will wait for
you here by
the well.
Are you
going to
stay here
alone? Yes, I
must do the
work of my
Jesus was tired, thirsty,
and hungry. Though it was
not the time of day for
women to come to the
well, a Samaritan woman
came to draw water.
John 4:1-8
Could you give me a
drink of water from
your pitcher?

Ha! Why do
you, a Jewish man,
ask for a drink from
me, a Samaritan
If you knew the gift woman? I thought you
of God and who I am, Jews had nothing
you could ask me and I to do with us.
would give you living
You offer me
water? You have nothing
to draw with and the well is
deep. Where are you going
to get living water?

When you
drink of this well
you thirst again. The
water I offer you
will be inside your
soul as a spring of
everlasting life.
Then give
me a drink of this
living water so that
I will never thirst
Go and call your
husband and I will
tell you of this

I don’t
have any

You have had

five husbands,
but the man you
are living with
now is not your
Surely you
are a prophet
to know my
secret sin.

You Jews
worship in Jerusalem
and our fathers worship
on this mountain. Which
mountain is the correct
place to worship?
God is Spirit.
He is not worshiped in
temples made with men’s
hands. God is seeking
people that will believe
the truth and worship
him in spirit.

We know
that the Messiah
is coming and
when he comes he
will reveal the
truth to us.
You are
speaking to
the Messiah.
I must go
to find my
friends and
tell them!

Jesus stayed in
Samaria for two
days and taught
the people the
Word of God.
John 4:7-29, 40
One time Jesus and his
disciples stood on a
hillside overlooking
the lake of Galilee.

When you give

money to the poor,
do not do it in a public
place where others
can see you. When you do
religious things so that
you can be praised and admired
by other men, you will not be
Several thousand rewarded by God in heaven. So,
people came out don’t let your right hand
of the cities to know what your left
hear him teach. hand is doing.
When you
pray, don’t be
like the religious
hypocrites, who
pray in public so
they will be
seen of men.

And when you pray, do

not use repetitions, like your
religious leaders do, for they stand
in public places and make a show
of their devotion.
Do not spend all
Your energy and time trying
to get rich. Rich people have
more trouble than anyone,
and they love their riches so
much that it is hard for them
to enter into heaven.
Don’t lay up
your treasures
in this world, but
lay up treasure in
heaven where it will
last forever. You
cannot serve two
masters, God and
money. You will end
up hating one
and loving the
Master, it is
late in the day, and
the people have been
with us all day. They
must be hungry, and
it is far to any city
where they Could
buy food.

must Send
them away
now so they
can go buy
Master, you can
have my lunch. My
mother prepared for me
five loaves and two
small fish.
sit down and
we will serve


Matthew 6:1-7, 19-21, 14:15

Let’s see. It
looks like we
are having fish
and bread.

that is not
Borrow enough
twelve large to feed
baskets and one man,
prepare to much less
distribute the 5,000.
art thou
O Lord our
God, king of
the universe,
who brings
forth bread
the earth.
What’s he
doing pouring
that little lunch
in that big
Look at
that! Where
did all that
food come

Matthew 14:19-21; Luke 9:16-17

He gives us
bread from
like Moses.

won’t believe
People took bread
and fish from the
baskets. The food
just multiplied
again and again.
everyone has
eaten, and still
the baskets are
full. We cannot
empty them!

Gather up what
is left, and then you
and the others take
a ship to the other side
of the lake. I will see
you later. I must go
into the mountain
to pray.
Jesus went up into the mountain alone,
and his disciples all got into a ship and
left for the other side of the lake.

Jesus often went alone into

the wilderness to pray.
Matthew 14:20-23
After the disciples got
out into the middle of the
lake, a fierce storm came
up, and they were afraid
they were going to sink.

I have
never seen
a storm We
this bad. can’t take
much more
of this.
We are
going to

Look! There is
something out there
on the water!
It is a
ghost! It’s a

It is a man
walking on
the water!
Peter, it
is I, be not
Lord, if that is
you, then allow me to
come to you walking on
the water, just as you
are doing.

Come to
me, Peter.
Matthew 14:24-29
I am

Peter was really
walking on the
water to Jesus.
When Peter saw the big
waves and lost sight of
Jesus, he became afraid.
Fear destroyed
his faith, and he
began to sink.

save me!

Matthew 14:29-30
you began
to doubt
Jesus brought
Peter back to
the boat, both
of them still
walking on
the water.

Peter, you
walked on the
be still.

Jesus rebuked the

storm and suddenly
it was calm.
Matthew 14:31-33; 4:38-41
from me, O
Lord, for I
am a sinful

Surely you
are the Son
of God.

My The
Lord and Christ of
my God. Israel.

These feast days

are so crowded. There
are people here from all
over the country, some
from as far away as
Rome and Egypt.

Let us go
down by the
He has been
here for as
long as I can
you like
to be made

I have
no man to
help me.
Rise, take up
your bed, and

You are
Jesus, aren’t
you? I have
heard of your
John 5:1-8
What a
cruel joke.
The poor man has
been lame for
38 years.

This is our holy

Sabbath. He’s got no
business disturbing
our peace.
I hear there is a
movement to have him
removed. He is getting far
too much attention.

Yeah, he
has the people
Who does this convinced that
Jesus think he is, the he can do
Messiah? miracles.
His legs!
They are

It’s not
Praise be
to God! After
all these

is the
Why do
you heal on
the Sabbath

Moses It is acceptable on the

commanded Sabbath to pull your ox out of
us to rest a pit. am I breaking the law by
on the healing a man on The Sabbath?
My father works
on the Sabbath, and I
simply do as I see him Luke 14:5-6;
doing. John 5:9-17
He says God
is his father. He
is making himself
to be equal
Hold to God.
him! He
should be
stoned to
You would
kill a man for
healing on the

He said
He speaks Against
against the law.
Our law.

Listen to
what he has
to say.
Hear me. You
marvel because I do
this one miracle. You will
see many miracles greater
than this. As my father can
resurrect those from the
dead, he has given me that same
authority. The father has put
me in complete authority
over this world.

If you do not
honor me, you do not
honor God. Truly I tell How
you, he that believes on Me can you give
believes in him that sent everlasting
me, and will have Ever- life?
Lasting life.
There will
come a time
when the dead will
hear my voice
and come out of
their graves.
Those who have That’s
done good will be blasphemy,
raised to no man can
eternal life, but raise the dead.
those who have Only God can
done evil will be give eternal
cast into eternal life.
damnation in the
lake of fire.

John 5:18-29
You do not Do not think that I will
believe me, but accuse you before God.
John predicted my The laws of Moses,
coming and so does which you have failed to
the Scripture. Search keep, will be testimony
the Scripture, for against you.
many prophecies
speak of me.
This is the one teach that we
they are trying to won’t know
kill, yet he speaks where the
boldly and they Messiah comes
do nothing. Do the from, but we
rulers know that this know that this
is indeed the very man is the son
Christ, the Messiah of a carpenter
of Israel? from Galilee.
You say
you know me and
you know where I
came from. I did not
come to this earth by
myself. My Father
sent me, but you do
not know my Father;
but I know him and
he has sent me
to you.

How did he
hear me?
This is the
knows all
Messiah that
was predicted
to come!

Would you expect

the Messiah to do more
miracles than this man
has done?
It looks
bad this
Go immediately time.
and arrest the
The people
are believing on
him. He must be
John 5:30-39, 45, 6:42-43, 7:25-32, 40-41 silenced.
If any man
thirst, let him come
Blessed unto me and drink. The
are those who Holy Spirit shall be in
thirst after him as a well of water
righteousness, springing up unto
for they shall eternal life.
be filled.

Blessed are the

peacemakers, for
they shall be called
the children of God.
Love your enemies
and bless them. They say he
He doesn’t is the answer
talk like a to 4,000 years
criminal. of prophecy.
Why have you not brought
him to us? He was standing
right in front of you. Why
didn’t you take him?

No man
ever spoke
like this
He speaks Ha! has he deceived
of love and you also? Have any of
forgiveness. the educated rulers and
Pharisees believed on him?
This Jesus should die.
Nicodemus, the man who came
to Jesus by night, spoke up.
Does our law
condemn any man before
it has heard what he
has to say?

Nicodemus, are you also

one of his followers from
Galilee? Search the Scripture, for
the Messiah does not come from
Galilee. He is to come from
Bethlehem of Judea, and he Matthew 5:6, 9;
must be the son of David. John 4:14, 7:45-52
He deceives the
common people
with his lies.

Why don’t we
send one of the
He seems to more brilliant lawyers
have an answer to trip him up in his
for everything. words?
I know
just the lawyer.
He is brilliant and
The lawyer Master,
came to what shall I
challenge do to inherit
Jesus. eternal

does the
law say?
It says that
you should love the
Lord your God with
all your heart, soul,
strength, and mind, and
that you should love
your neighbor as
There is your Yes, but
answer. Love is which neighbor?
the fulfilling of the You don’t mean
Law. If you love your everybody, even
neighbor as you do the heathen
yourself, you will Romans?
please God.

I will
tell you a
A man who
was traveling from
Jerusalem to Jericho
was attacked by
thieves, stripped of
everything, and
left for dead.

When a
priest passed
by the man lying
in the road, he
walked around
him and did not
stop to help.

Luke 10:25-31
Likewise a Levite,
a man chosen to serve in the
temple, passed by and stopped
just long enough to look at
the wounded man, but he
did not help.

What good does it

do to say you have love if
you do not show works of
love? If you do not love
your neighbor, you do
not love God.
Then a Samaritan passed
that way; a man despised by the
Jews and considered to be unclean.
When he saw the wounded man,
stripped and lying in the road, he did
not consider the fact that the
man was a Jew.

The Samaritan
had compassion
on him, and
stopped to help.
The Samaritan cleaned
and bound the wounds of
the man. His love was not
in words, But in deeds.
The Samaritan
then put the
wounded man on
his own donkey and
took him to an inn,
where he could
get rest and

Easy now.
I have you. You
will soon be
in a bed.
I will pay
you for two weeks
of room and food.
If his care costs
more, I will pay you
when I pass this
way again.

Luke 10:32-35
You asked me who was your
neighbor. Tell me now, which of
these three was a neighbor
unto this man?

He that
mercy, of
Then you
can go and do as
this Samaritan.
You can love your
The fool!
Get him out of
there before Jesus
makes a convert What kind
out of him. of crazy teaching
is this? It’s not
practical. Some
people just won’t
respond to love.
You have heard it said
that you should love your
friends but hate your enemies, but
I say unto you, love your enemies,
bless them that curse you, do
good to them that hate you, and
pray for them which despitefully
use you, And persecute you. Matthew 5:43-44;
Luke 10:36-37
Chapter 10

par ables
It has
Elsewhere… been days
since I have

You will die if

you don’t learn
to eat rats and
roaches. It is the
I think I only way to
will just die stay alive.
first. Just a year
ago I was a wealthy
man, well respected You are not
in the community. respected anymore;
Look at me you are just a leper,
now. an outcast.
At first I
had hope that
someday I would
get well and be able
to return to my wife
and children. But I
have been here ten
years now, and I
have never known of
anyone getting well
and going back to
At first,
my wife would bring
the children and stand
off at a distance to
talk with me, but they
started coming less
and less. The children
are about grown
now. They wouldn’t
recognize me if they
saw me. This is worse
than being
Ah, quit
feeling sorry for
yourself. Nobody
cares, not even God.
Let’s go see if we can
beg for something
to eat.
We are
going out to
the main road
today, see if we
can’t scare up
a little pity.

We will travel
together, might
be safer.
I see some
travelers coming
up the road!
out! It is
those boys
Get out of here,
you filthy lepers. Go You filthy
someplace and die. maggots! God
is punishing

Unclean, we are
all unclean.

It’s lepers.
Don’t let them
get close to you.
You could catch
the disease.
Would Give them
you have mercy? something so
Could you spare just they will go
one bite for each away.
of us?

Get back.
You are
Back away
and we will leave
it here on the

Now, don’t
come any closer.
Let me get away

Save me
get it


Oh God!
Here comes
We must
a large group of
be careful;
there are So

they are
all men.
That’s Jesus
of Nazareth. I saw
him once, before
I contracted this
disease. He is the
one that heals

He claims
to be from God.
Says that he and
the Father are
one. I saw him
heal blind eyes
and crippled
they are
Jesus! lepers.
Help us!

Don’t let
them come
What Have
is it that mercy on
you would us and
have me heal us.

If you will,
you can make
Me clean.
touch me!

It is all right.
Go to the temple and
show yourselves to the
priest. He will see that
you are cleansed and
permit you to go back
home to your
He says
we are

I am
going to
do as he
They would said.
drive us off
before we got
close to the I am
temple. with you.
Let’s go. Luke 17:11-14
Jesus said
we are made

I am
We are
Jesus did
it! You are
My whole!
skin is

You are I must

not ugly go find my
anymore! wife!
Blessed are you,
the Son of God, the king
of Israel, you have given me
back my life. God is merciful
and gracious.

Were not ten

cleansed? But only
one comes back to give
thanks, and he is not
even Jewish. He is a
Samaritan. Luke 17:14-19
A man asked Jesus if many
would enter into eternal
life. Jesus answered:

Eternal Life

I tell you, the

way that enters
into life is difficult
and narrow and very
few will find it. But
the way that leads to
destruction is wide and
filled with people
headed into eternal
Strive to enter into
the narrow gate, for many
will seek to enter into life
and will fail. When judgment
day comes, many will plead
with God, saying, “Master,
surely I belonged to you. I
was a religious man. I fasted
and prayed. I gave money to
support religion. I prophesied
in your name and cast
out devils.”

Then will I say

unto them, “I never
knew you. Depart from
me, you cursed, into
everlasting fire. There
shall be weeping and
grinding of teeth.”

It is a place
where their souls
never die and the
fire never goes out.
The smoke of their
suffering will ascend
up for ever
and ever.

Matthew 7:13-14, 22-23;

Revelation 14:11
Jesus told
another story:

There was a
rich man Who was
dressed in the Finest
clothes and ate rich
foods every day. He
was honest and fair,
not an evil man, but
he thought mostly He
of himself. hoarded
and grew
Take these
scraps from off my
plate and give them to the
beggar Lazarus who lies
at my gate. I am a man of
deep compassion and

Yes master,
I am sure he will
appreciate it.
The master
said I was to
give you these

I have so
The Lord be much wealth,
praised! God does provide I will need
for his own. This is more bigger barns
than I deserve. Do thank to keep all my
your master For me. possessions.
You Fool. “It is appointed
This Night you unto man once to
will die and have die, and after that
to give account the judgment.”
for your


Luke 16:19-22; Hebrews 9:27

As the funeral procession of
the rich man was leaving the
estate, they noticed that the
beggar Lazarus was also dead.

It’s the old

beggar, Lazarus.
He, too, died in the
night. He looks
so peaceful.

The body of Lazarus was carried

unceremoniously on a cart outside
the city, where it was given a poor
man’s burial. There was no funeral
and no one mourned his passing.
But angels came
and carried Lazarus
to paradise.

What a ride!
I never thought
being dead would Lazarus, our
be so much brother, welcome
fun! home. You will never
hunger again and your
body will never ache. Come,
we have a table spread
before you.
He was a good
man. Sometimes he
seemed to be hard on
those he loved, but we will
always remember that he
loved his nation and was
honest in his dealings.

The rich man

had the finest
burial in a
beautiful tomb,
and everybody
that loved his
He has gone money came
on to his reward. to see what he
May his soul rest in had left them
eternal peace. in his will.
But when the
rich man died, he
found himself
dropping into the
bottomless pit.

Luke 16:22
Help me!
Oh God, somebody
help me! I am
Over here in the
Father Son, I would help
Abraham, have you if I could, but there
mercy on me. I see is a great chasm between
Lazarus over there. us, with the lake of fire
Send him to dip his at the bottom. We cannot
finger in water and cross over to help you,
cool my tongue, for neither can you cross
I am tormented in over to this side.
this flame.

Then send Lazarus back

to my father’s house to
testify to my five brothers
so they won’t end up in this
horrible place of torment.
Luke 16:22-31
They have
the writings
of Moses and
the prophets.
Let them
believe the

But that is
not enough If they do not
for them. If they believe the Scripture, they
see the miracle of would not be persuaded if they
resurrection, they saw someone rise from the dead. It
would repent of is too late for you. They must make
their unbelief. their own decisions. I am sorry.
There is nothing I can do.
Hey, big
guys. Do you
want to have
some fun? My
love comes

just ignore
her. It is too
late for the
likes of her.
The Holy Scriptures
say, “Thou shall not
commit adultery.”

Hey, I am
a religious
woman. I
believe in

The Devil has

deceived you. There
is no end for you but
the lake of fire.
You heard your
friend. It is too
late for me. I have
been sleeping with
men since I was a

It is not too late for

God. If you seek him,
you will find him. he will
forgive your sins and
restore your soul.
My soul belongs
to the Devil but I
would give it to God
if he would… would…
would… wo… WO…

She is
full of

Exodus 20:14; Luke 8:2; 1 John 1:9

come out
of her!
I command
you to come out
and do not return.

At Jesus’ command,
seven devils departed
from the woman.
They are

Who are

I am
Luke 8:2, 11:24-26
must cease
your sin and
worship God
or the devils
will return
bringing others
worse than

I want to happened
serve God. I will to her?
follow you and
learn more.
Master, I saw what
occurred. It is marvelous.
Our religious leaders would
ignore Mary Magdalene in the

but some of
them would come
to her in the night.
You have given Her
a new life.

Would you
and your disciples come
to my house and eat?
We will I would like for some
follow. of my friends to hear
more of this.
Tell us,
Jesus, how can
a man be honest
and pure in this
corrupt society?
We would starve if
we did not
bend the law
a little.

Don’t labor for the

things that perish, but
for that which endures into
eternity. Don’t think about
your own wealth, but think
about how you can be a
blessing to others.
Life is more
than food and
clothing. If God
clothes the lilies of
the field, he will
clothe you.

There is coming
a time when every man
will stand in the judgment
before God and give an
account of every deed done
in the body, whether it be
good or bad.
Do not do as your
religious leaders, for
they preach one thing and
then live another. They
are like bowls that are
clean on the outside, but
are dirty on the inside.

If your
is not greater
than theirs,
you will never
enter the
Ecclesiastes 12:14; Matthew 23:25, 6:19-21,
25, 28-30, 12:36; Luke 15:1-3

So, you
receive sinners
and sit down to eat
with them? I see that
Mary Magdalene is
here with all these
sinners. How can you
claim to be righteous
and eat with the I will tell
likes of these? you a story
that explains the
heart of God.
A certain man
had two sons.
The younger son Yeah,
was rebellious and I like this
wanted to live a story.
life of fleshly
if you will
just give me my
portion of the
farm now, I will
So he go into the city
demanded to seek my
to receive his fortune.

But son, all that I have

is yours. I won’t live much
longer and you and your brother
will inherit all of this. You will be
well off the rest of your life. We
have many sheep and oxen. Our fields
are full of grain every year. We have
many servants and much….
But I want to get
out and see the world.
I don’t want to live on a
farm and work like a slave
all my life. While I am young
I want to have some
fun.My friends….

Your friends,
who never work,
only think about
which horses are
the fastest, which
wines are the
best, and which
women are most
What do you know
about life? You are always
cooped up on this old farm.
I want my share of the farm
now. I am going to the city
to make my own
way in life.

Give it to him.
We would be better off
without him. He never
does his share of the
load anyway.
The father gave
his younger son his
share of the inheritance.
So the son went away
across the sea to the big
cities where he could
find pleasure.

Now, this is
living - nobody
telling me what
to do.

Luke 15:11-13
The younger son… Wow,
this is more
glorious than I
imagined. All these
people and buildings.
This is where it is

I must
find a nice
apartment for
this looks
great. I will
take it. If you
need anything
just call. We have
service day and
Now who
could ask for more
than this? Tomorrow
I will get out and
meet some of the

Luke 15:13
Hey, what do we have
here? A country boy? He
might be handsome if we
could see his face.

Hey, fellow, if
you’re looking for
some action, you had
better shave that beard
off and get some
better clothes.
You rascal.
You’re not bad
looking in these
new clothes.
Glad you
could join us
for dinner.

Isn’t he
handsome now
that he got all of
that nasty old hair
off of his face?
A toast
to our new friend.
May he always find
pleasure and …and
happiness. love.
more wine for
my friends.

Luke 15:13
Can’t we go to
your apartment, just
the two of us?
And so the
young man, far away
from home, lived high
for many months. He had
lots of friends as
long as his money
held out.

The day came

when foolish pleasure
had consumed all his
money - but he still had
many friends who
were quite rich.
What do you
mean you don’t
have any more
money? I thought
you were rich.

Well, it takes a lot to live

here, and I lost the last of it
gambling on the races last week.
I thought I had a sure winner,
and I hoped to….
You mean to say
that you are broke?
How are you going to
buy me that dress
you promised?

Well I was
hoping your father
could give me a job
managing some of
his properties.

A job?
I can’t
believe I’m I thought
feeding hogs - I had friends.
these unclean, They won’t even
filthy speak to me now.
animals. But I will find a
better job and
get back on
Oink top.

Sl u u u kk Grunt
Luke 15:13-15
I don’t care
how sick you are. Get
out there and tend to
the pigs. I will fire you
and get someone else.
Now move it!

Yes, sir,
I am sorry.
Right away,
This job
doesn’t even
pay enough for me
to eat decently.
I guess my so-called
friends are eating
Look what
I have come to. I am
so cold, hungry, and
tired. I could eat this pig
food. My father’s servants
have more food than they
can eat. If I could just …
but no, I could not go back
there, not after the way
I left. They would
despise me.
What a fool
I have been. What if
I went back and asked
to be a servant? I have
spent all my share of the
farm. But I could be a
servant - if they
would have me.
I am

You fool!
You’ve got no
money. You will
have to walk
a thousand
After weeks
of walking, he
was almost

I am almost
there. I have no
right to come here asking
for favors. I will say,
“Father, I have sinned and
am no longer worthy to be
called your son. Make
me as one of your hired

Luke 15:16-19
Do you see that man
coming there? My old eyes
cannot see as they once could,
but I tell you he walks just
like my long lost son.

Yes, he is
a bit older, and
thinner, but I
do believe it is
your son.
My son,
my son!
You’ve come

I have sinned in
your sight…
…and am
not worthy to
be called your
Luke 15:20-22

thought you
were dead,
and now you
are alive
again. We
will have you
cleaned up in
no time. You can’t go to the
house looking like this. My
servant will bring the best robe
and shoes for your feet. Your
ring is gone. Yes, you will need
a ring. My son who was lost
Is now found.
Kill the
fatted calf,
prepare a banquet,
invite guests, and
we will make merry,
for this is a day
of rejoicing.
I am so glad you
are all here to rejoice
with me on this wonderful
occasion. My son is still
weak from his ordeal,
but with good food he
will soon grow strong.
This is the best day
of my life.
The older What is
brother had all this music
been gone and dancing I
for several hear?
days. When he
returned home, Your little
he found a party brother has
in progress. returned home in a
most pitiful shape. He
is sick and poor. Your
father is rejoicing to
have him home again.
Hurry inside.
I will not
participate in this
foolishness. He The servant told the
has lived a life of father what his son had
sin and shame. said, and he came out
to speak with his son.
For so long I
searched for him, thinking
him lost forever. I was about
ready to give up and then here
he comes walking down the
road. Can you believe such a
blessing? God is good!

I can’t
believe you
rejoice with
such a sinner.
I will have no
part in it.
That is a
lovely story, But are
you suggesting that
we are like the older
He who
has ears to
hear, let him
Luke 15:23-32
This man
is dangerous.
All the people
love him.

He gives
them hope.

Yes, but it is a false hope. Who can

promise eternal life to a sinner? He must
die. Call everyone together. We will meet
tonight at the home of the high priest.
Come, we will go back to Galilee and
rest a while. The time will soon come when
they will cast me into prison. They will mock
me and then crucify me. But the third day I
will rise from the dead.

does he mean,
“rise from the

I have
no idea. It
must be a
Master, it is
urgent! Martha sent me
to find you. Her brother
Lazarus is sick unto death.
He is your dear friend. If
you hurry, you can get there
before he dies. We know
you could heal him.

sick? We
Tell Mary and Martha that I hurry!
will come. And tell them that this
sickness is not for the purpose Of
death, but to glorify God.
Two days

Master, it has
been almost two days
since we heard that our
friend Lazarus is sick unto
death, and it will take us
two days to get there.
Shouldn’t we
be going?

we leave. You
will see the
of God.
Master, it
has been more
than four days.
Will we be in time
to help him?

is dead. And I
am glad for your
sakes that I was
not there, for now
you will see the
glory of God and
Lazarus is

Matthew 20:17-20; John 11:1-15

and his
are outside
the door.

Tell them to wait for me
there. It is too dangerous Poor
for them to come in with all Lazarus!
the Pharisees and priests
present. They still Seek to
kill him.
Lord, if you had been here,
my brother would not have
died. Yet even now you can
ask whatever you want and
God will do it for you.

Your brother
will rise from
The dead.

I know that
he will arise at
the resurrection
at the end of
the world.
I am the
and the life.

He that
believes in me,
though he were
dead, he shall live
again. And the
living who believe
in me will never
die. Do you
believe this?
Yes, Lord.
I believe that
you are the
Messiah, the Son
of God, which was
prophesied to
come into the
After Martha Had spoken
with Jesus, she sent the Come.
servant to bring Mary. She goes to
the tomb to

Ohhhhh! John 11:17-31

Lord, if you
had been here,
my brother
would not have Where
died. have you
laid him?
miss him
so much.
Look how
Jesus loved

Could not he
who has caused the
blind to see have
prevented his friend
from dying?
away the

But Lord,
by this time he
stinks, for he
has been dead
Did not I tell you that if four days.
you believe on me you will
see the glory of God? Take
the stone away.
Father, I thank you
that you hear me. I am
not praying this for my sake,
because I know that you always
hear me, but I pray so that those
who are looking on will believe
that you have sent me. Now
Father, glorify yourself.

John 11:32-42
Lazarus, He has
come forth. gone too
far this
Yeah, he
is making
a fool of
Why, the body
has already started

When all the people

see he is an imposter,
it will make it easier for
us to take him and put
him to death.
I don’t

to God!

Who o e e e e !
He did
it, Mary!
He did it!

alive! After
four days,
he’s alive.

John 11:43-44
Lazarus, after Loose
being dead him and
four days, let him
came out of go!
the tomb,
bound hand
and foot in
grave clothes.

Who could
do such a thing
but God?
What’s all the
fuss? Get me out
of these grave
You have
been dead
four days.

Master, it is
good to see
you. I suppose you
are responsible
for bringing
me back?
Oh Lazarus,
we missed
you so.

I’m hungry.
Send the
mourners home
and let’s eat.

art thou, O
Lord our
Can you believe what
we just saw? There was no way
he could have faked that. I saw
Lazarus before they buried him.
He was completely dead,
no doubt about it.

Jerusalem hears
of this, they
will make him
king. Something
must be done

We will tell
the scribes
and Pharisees
That Jesus did a It doesn’t matter
big trick today. Even how he did it; if he
the people who saw it isn’t stopped, he will
think he really raised a capture the hearts of
man from the dead. all the people.

If there is another
rebellion, the Romans
could remove us from
power. They expect us to
keep the peace. John 11:44-48
But Jesus has
never been violent
or spoken against

His words are

violent! He publicly
calls us hypocrites. The
people laugh at us. They
mock us openly.
He must
be removed.
He won’t be able
to raise himself
from the

It must be
soon, before
he destroys all
respect for our
religion. Before
the Romans
take action
against us.
They have rejected me and
seek to kill me. They do not
understand that I came as their
salvation. I tell you that after
I am gone, Rome will destroy the
temple they so love. Not one
stone will be left standing
upon another.
The time will come when those who love me
will be cast into prison. You will be hated of all
nations just because you love me. Some of you will die
at their hands. Others will be driven from their homes and
not allowed to work. Don’t be surprised when you see
these things come to pass, for there will be many wars,
earthquakes, diseases, famines, and catastrophes of all
kinds, but the end will not come with these things.
These are only the
beginning of sorrows.
Jerusalem will be occupied
by Gentiles until the time
of the Gentiles is complete.
When someone tells you that
I have returned and that you
should go here or there to
meet me, do not believe them.
There will be many who will
come pretending to be me
or just pretending to
speak for me.
But when I come back,
I will come like lightning.
Every eye shall see me. The
dead will be raised and I will
set up my kingdom on the earth.
But before this there will be
a time of great tribulation,
worse than anything the
world has ever seen.

Matthew 10:22, 24:2, 5-9, 21, 27-31; Luke 19:43-44,

21:8; John 11:49-53; Revelation 2:10
Martha sent
me to find you.
She said to tell
you that you and
your disciples are
welcome in their
home. Jerusalem is
no longer safe for
you. Some people
are un-happy that
you raised my We would
master from the be glad to come.
dead. Won’t you I would like to see
come and stay them one more time
with us? before my hour
of trial.
It’s Jesus
and his

Master, my
house is yours.
Please come in
and rest.
Lazarus, my friend,
you do look better than
the last time I saw you.
It is good to be coming
into your house instead
of your tomb.
We have a
feast prepared.
Guests have been

you are the
and the life.
I have heard from
reliable sources
that the Jews have
decided to take
you by force
and kill you.

I came into the

world to give my life for
the world. I will be put in
prison and crucified, but
the third day I will Matthew 20:19,
rise again. 26:2; John 12:1-2, 14:6
You are
the resurrection
and the life. He that
believes in you will
never die.
what are you
doing with that
My Lord,
you are the
resurrection and
the life. Though
you are dead,
yet you shall
live again.
Mary, that
perfume is worth a
year’s wages, why are
you wasting it?

But she is
anointing the

It could
be sold and the
money given to
the poor.
Mary wiped
Jesus’ feet
with her hair.

Let her
alone. She
has done this
in anticipation
of my coming
What does
he mean,

He said he
was going to be
crucified. But surely
he doesn’t mean an
actual crucifixion
unto death.
I have told
you that the good
shepherd gives his life
for the sheep. I will be
rejected, crucified, and
buried, but the third
day I will rise again.

Mary is preparing my
body for the burial. My hour
has come, the hour that I should
be glorified. Come, we must go Matthew 20:19;
up to Jerusalem, where it John 12:3-8, 10:11
will take place.
Master, all Go, bring a
of Jerusalem donkey for me to
is waiting for ride. We will go to
you to come! Jerusalem one
final time.
Master, there
are thousands waiting
for you to enter
Jerusalem. They will
make you king.

I will be rejected
and crucified, but the
third day I will rise
from the dead.
Blessed is
he that cometh
in the name of
the Lord.
King of the

Praise be
to the Son
of David.
Praise be
Make way to God.
for the king of

deliverer. John 12:12-13
of David,
The people deliver us.
call him the king
of the Jews!

They think he
is the Messiah, the
promised one!

Why is he
coming to the
temple? He must
know that his life
is in danger.
They are still
abusing the house
of God. It looks like
a market instead of
a house of prayer.

I can let you have this

one at a very good price.
It is already approved for
I am sorry,
but if you want
a better exchange
rate you will have
to go someplace
else. That is my
best offer.

Matthew 21:11-12
Jesus did it again. He Get this
cleansed the temple of merchandise
thieves and scoundrels. out of my Father’s
house. You are a
pack of thieves

and robbers.

You come here

to make money
off of those who
come to pray.
May your money
go to hell with

By what
do you do
this? BANG!

Who do
CRASH! Don’t make
my Father’s
you think house a den
you are? of robbers.
Master, the priests
and Pharisees have sent
out spies to watch us. There
are rumors that they will
put you in prison before the
Passover, which is just a
few days from now.

You know what it

means for him to have
cleansed the temple after
that triumphal entry into
I have told you
that I must suffer
at their hands and be
crucified, but after
three days I will
rise again.

Yeah, the prophecy says

that “the zeal of God’s house has
eaten him up” and that he “would
suddenly come to his temple.” It is
a claim to be Messiah.

He must be stopped
before the Passover. We
have a spy among his Psalm 69:9;
disciples. Matthew 21:12-13
I warn you, after
I am gone, they will
put you in jail, beat you,
and some of you they will
kill. You will witness to
them of my love and power.
When they take you into
court, I will put the words
in your mouth. Children
will testify against their Master, what
parents, and parents is the sign of
against their children. You your return to
will be hated because you the earth and of
know me. Many false the end of the
prophets will arise and world?
claim to represent me.
The Holy Spirit will be
with you.
Master, what
is the sign of
your return to
the earth and of
the end of the

When someone says that I am coming back at

a certain time, or that I am in a certain place,
do not believe them, for I will return, but it
will be as the speed of lightning. Be faithful
to me, and in the end you will be saved from the
judgments that will fall on the sinners. Watch
therefore, for you will not know the day
or the hour when I will return.
As it was in the days
of Noah, so will it be before
I return. Men were busy with
pleasure and did not know
until the flood came and washed
them all away. I will come
suddenly, like a thief comes
in the night.

Two men
will be
working in a
field. The one
will be taken up
to meet me and
the other will
be left behind
to suffer.
Two women will be
grinding meal together.
One will be taken and the
other left. Just watch and
be ready, for I will come
in a day that you do not
Master, I
must go see a
man in the city.
I will return

Go, Judas,
and do what
you will.
If the price is
right, I can deliver
Jesus into your But aren’t
hands. you Judas,
one of his

Yes, I have been

with him for three years, but
I am tired of it. He is talking
crazy, and I could use the
The hour is
come for me to
be glorified. Unless
a grain of wheat
falls into the ground
and dies, it remains
alone, but if it dies it
will multiply itself
into many

Matthew 26:14-16; Mark 13:5-13;

Luke 17:26-37; John 12:23-24; 2 Peter 3:10
Now is my soul troubled. and
what shall I say, “Father, save me
from this hour”? No, for it is
for this very event that I have
come into this world.
glorify your
own name.
I have
already glorified
my name and I will
do so again.

God has
spoken to
It was
loud like

An angel
spoke to
The voice was not We know that
for my sake, but for the prophets said
yours. Now is come the time that the Messiah will
when the prince of this world, live forever, and you
Satan, will be defeated. say you will die;
And if I am lifted up on a who then is the
cross to die, I will draw Messiah?
all men unto me.
You will have the
light with you for only a
little while longer. Believe Sounds
in the light while you have it, crazy to
that you may become me.
sons of God.
If any
man rejects me
and my words, he
is rejecting God.
I am the light of
the world. If you
believe on me you
will not abide in
darkness, but will
have everlasting

John 12:27-36
Chapter 11

p as sov er
su ffe r in g
Go and
prepare the
supper for
us to eat.
I have
desired to eat this I will tell you
Passover with you something so that
before I suffer. I will when it comes to pass you
not eat it again until will believe. The Scripture
after the Kingdom of God prophesied in Psalm 41:9, “He
has come to this earth. that eats bread with me has
And then you will eat at lifted up his heel against me.”
my table, and you will sit For I tell you that one of
on thrones judging the you whose hand is with me on
twelve tribes the table will Betray me.
Of Israel.

It is so
but woe to the
man that will
do such a
Lord, is it I?
I don’t want to Lord,
betray you. it’s not me,
is it?

Master, I
would never
betray you. Luke 22:8-23
It is one
of you who dips
his hand with me
into the bowl.
We all
dipped our
bread in the

John whispered and

asked Jesus who would
betray him. Jesus said,
“The one to whom I will
give this piece of bread
after I have dipped it.”
is it I?
You say
Jesus dipped the
bread and gave
it to Judas.
That which
you do, do
Matthew 26:23-29;
John 13:26-30
is Judas

The master told

him to go somewhere quickly;
since he carries the money bag,
he is probably going to give
alms to the poor.
Now I will be
glorified. Little
children, I will
not be with you
much longer.

You cannot
go where I am
going. I now give you a
new commandment, that
you love one another.
By this shall all men
know that you are my
disciples, that you
love one another.

Zechariah prophesied
of this hour saying, “I
will smite the shepherd, and
the sheep shall be scattered
abroad.” After I am raised
from the dead I will go
before you into Galilee.
All of you will deny
me this night.
Lord, though
everyone else
denies you, I
never will.
before the
rooster crows
twice, you will
deny me three
I would die
with you before I
would deny you.

There is
no way I would
ever deny you!
They couldn’t
torture me into
denying you.
The Scriptures
are clear: you will all
deny me. Again, the prophet
Isaiah said of me, “He was
treated as if he were a

Peter, after you

have been converted
back to faith in me,
strengthen your
brothers in
the faith.
art thou, O
Lord our God,
king of the
universe, who
brings forth
bread from
the earth.
This bread
will represent
my body which
is given for
you. As often
as you observe
the Passover,

Matthew 26:33-35;
John 13:31-38;
1 Corinthians 11:24-25
My body
will be broken
for you.
Take it and
eat all of it.
This cup of
wine represents the
new covenant based
on my blood which
will be poured out
to atone for your
Share it
among yourselves,
and drink all of it.
I will not again drink
of the fruit of the
grape until I drink
it with you in my
In the future when
you do this, you will be
remembering my death
until I come again.
Do not be
afraid or troubled over
what I have told you. In
my father’s house are many
mansions. When I go away,
I will prepare a place for
you, then I will come again
and take you to be with
me where I am. John 14:1-3;
1 Corinthians 11:24-26
But Lord, we
do not know where
you are going, so how
can we know the way
to come to you?
You know the way, for
I am the way, the truth, and
the life. No man can come to God
unless he comes through me. If you
know me, you know the father,
and have seen him.
Master, show us
the father and we
will be Satisfied.

Philip, have
you been with me so
long and yet you do not
know me? If you have seen
me, you have seen the
father also. I and the
father are one.
I will not
leave you alone.
I will come unto you.
The world will see me no
more, but I will send the
Holy Spirit to indwell
you and to comfort you.
He shall be in you and
shall lead you unto
All truth.
If you love me,
keep my commandments.
I will give you a peace
That the world cannot
take away.
If you loved
me you would rejoice,
because I am returning
to my father. I have told
you these things before
they come to pass that
you may believe.
Arise, let us sing a hymn
and then we will go to the
garden to Pray.
Jesus and the eleven
disciples sang one
last hymn together.

Matthew 26:30; John 14:5-10, 15, 25-30

quietly. We
will go to our
secret spot
to pray.
Do not be sad For though
because I said that in you will weep, your
a little while I will be sorrow will be turned
taken from you, and to great joy. I came
then after a little while from the Father, and
you will see me again. soon I will return
unto him.

Now you
speak plainly. Do you
We believe. now believe? In a
very short time you
will all forsake me
and be scattered. Stay
here while I go a little
farther and pray.
Father, the hour is come.
I have finished the work you
gave me to do. And now glorify
me with the glory that I had
with you before the world was
created. I have taught them about
you and they have received my
words. The world will hate them
as it has hated me, because I tell
them the truth about their sins.
They are not of this world. I do
not pray for you to take them
out of the world, but that you
keep them from the evil one.

I also pray for

all of those who will
believe on me through their
testimonies. I will that they
all may be with me as I am
with you. Father, may the love
wherewith you have loved me
be in them and I in them.
My soul
is exceeding
even unto

Matthew 26:31, 38;

John 16:19-20, 17:1-10
Father, if it is
possible, remove from
me this cup of wrath which
I must drink. Yet I do not
want to do my will, but
yours. I will drink it
if I must.
Jesus came into the world to
be the sin bearer, but when the
moment arrived, he despised
the shame of the cross, for it
meant that he was made to be
sin for all people of all time.

if it is possible,
let this cup pass
from me.
not my
will; your
will be

Jesus sweated
great drops
of blood.
Suddenly an
angel appeared
and ministered
unto Jesus.

Holy One, your hour

of suffering has come, but
the Father is with you. All
the host of heaven will be
watching tomorrow as you
take the sins of the
world upon you.

We were there when

you created the world;
we will be there when you
redeem it.
Tomorrow Psalm 23:5-6;
Satan will be Luke 22:41-44;
defeated and Hebrews 6:6, 12:2
the debt of sin
will be paid.

Abraham and
all the host of paradise
are awaiting your coming.
They have prepared a table
before you in the presence
of your enemies; your cup
runs over. Surely goodness Arise.
and mercy will follow you, Judas, the
and you will dwell in the son of perdition, is
house of the Lord coming to betray
forever. you.
for this cause,
I came into the
You have fallen
asleep. Could you not have
watched for me one hour?
Arise, I am betrayed into the
hands of sinners.
Master, it
is so good to see
you here. But I am
afraid that I have
been followed.
Judas, do
you betray me
with a kiss?
You dirty

Kill them
if they

Hold it!
Whom are you
looking for?

Matthew 26:40, 45-50; John 12:27, 18:1-4

Jesus of

I am
Look out!
He’s got

The soldiers were

afraid of Jesus
and fell backward
to the ground.
That’s him.
What are you
afraid of?
Take him!
You will
not take my
SW O S H !


John 18:4-6, 10
Stop! There
will be no more blood
shed here. Peter, put your
sword back in its place. If
I wanted to, I could call
10,000 angels to come
and assist me. This is the
hour Of darkness.

cut off
my ear!
You come for
me with swords as if
I were a criminal. I was
with you in the temple. Why
did you not take me then?
I will tell you why. It is
so the Scripture might
be fulfilled.
help me!
good as
It is me you
want. We will offer
no resistance. Take me
and let these
others go.
It’s a
miracle! He
healed my ear!
He healed
my ear!
them! Grab
them all! Let
none get

Let us
be going.

The disciples
all escaped
into the night.

Matthew 26:52-57;
Mark 14:51-52; Luke 22:50-51
Keep moving;
they want to
get this over with
before the people
hear about it.
They brought Jesus
to where the priests
and witnesses were

They tell me
you claim to be the
Messiah, and that
you say God is your
father. You said you
are not from this
world. Where are
you from?

I have taught
in the synagogues and
in the temple. I did not
teach in secret. Why do
you ask me? Ask them that
heard me. They know
what I said.
You cannot
answer the high
priest in that

If I have
spoken evil,
then bear witness
of that evil. But if
I have spoken
well, why do you
strike me?
Bring in the
against this

John 18:19-23
He said he would
destroy the temple and
rebuild it in three days
without his hands.

No, he said
if someone You weren’t even
else destroyed there. I heard what he said.
the temple He pointed to himself when he
then he would talked about destroying the
rebuild it. temple. I think he was talking
about his own body
being destroyed.
ridiculous. How
could he rebuild
his own body
after three I don’t know. How
days? could he raise the
temple up in three
Don’t you hear
them accusing you?
Aren’t you going
to answer for
Jesus remained silent.

fool won’t
I command you by
the living God to speak up
and answer whether
you are the Christ, the son
of the living God.

I am the Son of God.

And you will see me sitting
on the right hand of power and
coming back to this earth in
the clouds of heaven.
We don’t need any
more witnesses. We have
heard him with our own ears.
He blasphemes by claiming to
be the Son of God. He is The priest tore his
worthy of death! garments as a sign
of his great grief.

Blindfold him,
and we will see
what kind of a
prophet he is.
Matthew 26:59-65
if he can

Beat him!
He destroyed
my business in
the temple.

Let him do a
Hit him
K !

CR A C how weak
he is!

and tell us
who hit you. Heal your
I thought wounds. Show
you were a us a miracle.
I know you! I saw you
with that man Jesus. You
are one of his disciples,
aren’t you?

outside the
temple, Peter
had followed
Jesus from

I don’t know
the man Jesus. I just
want to see what is
going on.
I saw you
in the garden
tonight! You
are the one…

Man, are
you crazy? I’m
just a poor humble
fisherman. I don’t
know this man Matthew 26:67-70;
Jesus. Luke 22:64-65
Yes, you are
certainly one
of his disciples.
I saw you with
him on several

woman, I
never saw the
man before in
my life.
d o o d l e - d o
Co c k - a -
d o o d l e - d o
Coc k - a -
That rooster
is crowing a little
early, isn’t he?

They are
bringing him
out. Looks like
they gave him
a bad time.
They said Give him Peter heard
to take him to the the cock
civil authorities for
the whip. crowing and
sentencing. remembered
the words of
Jesus, that
before the
cock crowed
twice, he
would deny
Jesus three
times. He
was ashamed
of his
The fat cowardice.
hypocrites want
somebody else to
do their dirty Matthew 26:71-75, 27:1-2;
work. Luke 22:58-62, 23:1
Put the cat-
to him.

God, what
have I done? I
denied him three Come on.
times, just as he We don’t have
said. Why is this all night.
happening? Why is
he suffering
Father, give
me strength.
What do you want
here? Didn’t we pay you
enough for your betrayal
of your master?

I have changed
my mind. Turn
him loose and I
will give you the
money back.

It is blood money, unclean; we will not

touch it. Your master will be dead before this
day is through. You have nothing to fear. We might
be able to use you in rounding up the others.
your money. I
don’t want it. I
cannot live with
my guilt.

G! I N G
The poor

Matthew 27:3-6
I can’t
live with
God, what
is wrong
with me?
couldn’t I
control my
Maybe death will
give me peace...
I saw
him but there
was nothing
I could do to Hurry, we
stop him. must cut him
down; maybe
he is still
But even as they were
climbing the tree, the
soul of Judas was
already plunging into
the fires of damnation.
As he falls
you will have to
catch him, or he
will fall into the
steep ravine.

Matthew 27:5; Acts 1:18

too far
What a mess!
He has burst open
and spilled all
over the field!

Ugg! it
makes me
sick. This was also
predicted by
the prophets.
What have you brought
me, another heretic? Take
him away and deal with him
according to your laws.

He deserves What is his

to die, or we would crime?
not have brought him to
You. You have taken away
our power to stone a
blasphemer to death, so
we come seeking your
He Claims
to be a
Are you
the king of
the Jews?

Now is my kingdom
not of this world. If it were,
my servants would fight to
preserve my life.
you a king
I came into
this world to bear
witness to the truth.
Everyone that is of
the truth listens
to what I say.
He has not
committed any
crime worthy of
death. What would
you have me do
with him?

Crucify him!
Crucify him!
Take him
away and

Zechariah 11:12-13; Matthew 27:8;

Mark 15:14; Luke 23:1-4;
John 18:29-38; Acts 1:18
How many

They said
to give him
We will see
the maximum,
how tough the
39 lashes.
preacher is.

The cat-of-nine-tails is a whip with a wooden

handle about eighteen inches long with nine leather
straps about three feet long with sharp rocks or
bone or metal tied to the end of each strand.
Ua a a a ! Where
are his
Harder! He hasn’t
begged for


C This will
probably kill
him and we will
be done with
his miracles.




Luke 23:11; John 19:1-2
back is a

Well, I always
wanted to whip
a king.
He said
he was a king.
Put this purple
robe on him.
A king
needs a
Ha, ha,
ha! This will
make a good

Here, take
your scepter, O
Great One. Ha,
ha, ha!

Put the
crown on his
head good
and tight.
We crown
you king of
the whole

Now, Hold your
stand up scepter up,
straight. king.

Ha, ha!
long live
the king. Yeah, until
sundown if he
is lucky.
John 19:1-3
A Roman king
have a beard.
Now, that
looks more
like a king.
He’s no
fun; he won’t
even beg for
mercy. Let’s take
him back to
your king. We have
no king but

Look at
the man. What
would you have
me do with

Crucify him!
Crucify him!
You can take him
and crucify him.
I find no fault in
this man.
What do
you mean no
fault? He claims
to be the Son
of God.
The Son
of God? Bring
the man in
to me.

Psalm 22; Isaiah 50:6, 53:5, 7;

Luke 23:13-22; John 19:4-8
Who are you?
Why won’t you answer me?
Don’t you know that I have the
power to put you
to death?

You would have

no power if my Father
above did not give it
to you.
I tell you. I
find no fault in
this man. I will If you
release him. release him,
you are no
friend of

Take him away

and do as you will.
Crucify him! I will write out the papers
Crucify him! stating his crime. But I am
innocent of the blood
of this just man.
Crucify the

Where are
your miracles

Matthew 27:24; John 19:9-17

I think
he has about
had it.

Get up, or
I will put the
whip to you.

Here, you!
Help this man
carry his

What did
he do?

He loved
Jesus, we
are so

Daughters of Jerusalem, don’t

weep for me. Weep for yourselves
and for your children, for there will
come a time when those in Jerusalem
will hide in fear and pray to die.
Jesus carried his cross to
the place of death. There were
two thieves who also carried
their crosses that day.

There were many who

still loved Jesus
and respected him,
but they were too
afraid to speak up.
Matthew 27:32; Luke 23:26-33
drink this, it
will dull the
pain. No, I
must do the
will of my

He still
thinks he is
the Son of
him out.
Bring the
hammer and
Hold him tight
now. He will fight
like crazy with the first
strike. You have to keep
him steady until the nail
gets between the bones
and into the wood.
No! My

AM !

Why do
you suppose he
thinks he is
the Son of

about some old
prophecies. Who Psalm 22; Isaiah 52;
knows? Matthew 27:33-34
Hold those
legs still. This usually
takes several strikes
to get the nail between
the bones.
Oh Mary,
I Don’t believe I never
I can bear it. thought it
would turn
out this

Pull, you I could use a

little help, you
idiots. lazy swine.
forgive them,
for they know
not what
they do.

John, I
am so glad
you are here.
We all
It is just
Zechariah 13:6; awful.
Luke 23:32-34
Here are No you won’t.
his clothes. We will split it
I will just four ways.
take this

We can’t
divide this
one. It’s

We will roll
the dice for The Scripture predicted
that one. that they would divide
one garment and
gamble for the other.
High roll
takes all.

Look out,
Leo, you’ve got
blood dripping
on you.
He saved Hey, Jesus, you
others. Himself he said you could destroy
cannot save. the temple and rebuild
it in three days. Save
yourself and come down
off the cross.
Let the
Christ, the King
of Israel, now
come down from
the cross that
we may see and
believe. He trusted in God,

Fraud! that he would deliver

him. Let God deliver
him now, seeing he
delighted in God.
Psalm 22:18; Matthew 27:39-43;
John 19:23-24
drink this
and it will
ease your

If you
are the
Son of God,
get yourself
down from
here and we
will kill some
Why do you
swear so?
Don’t you fear
God, knowing
you are about
to die?
We deserve
what we are
getting, but this is
Jesus. He’s done
nothing wrong.

Remember me
when you come
into your
This very
day you will
be with me in
John, you
take care of
my mother.

I will.


Psalm 69:21; Luke 23:36-43;

John 19:25-27
The sky became dark as night and
remained that way for three hours while
Jesus hung on the cross. It was the
hour of darkness. The man Christ Jesus
was dying for the sin of the world.
As the weight of sin
fell fully on Jesus,
he cried out:

My God, my
God, why have you
forsaken me?
God made him to be sin for us.
Matthew 27:45-50;
Luke 23:44-46;
John 19:30;
2 Corinthians 5:21
into your It is
hands I place finished!
my spirit.

Oh John,
he is dying!
I can’t believe
he is really
dying! And he died.
And suddenly there was It’s this
a great earthquake. Jesus, king
of the Jews. He
was a worker of

He’s not
What’s working any
going on? First miracles now.
the sky turns dark He’s dead.
as night, and now
the ground
It’s turning
light again. This is
a strange day.

Yeah, and it
is happening just
after this man
Truly this
was the Son
of God.
We’ve been ordered It was predicted that
to break their legs. he would die on a cross
They want them dead and but that no bone in his
off their crosses before body would be broken.
sundown. Tomorrow is one And so it was fulfilled.
of their holy days.

No need to break
his. He just died. Do you know
what he said before he died? He
asked his Father to forgive us
For putting him to death. They
tell Me he was a holy man that
performed miracles.

So the soldiers skipped

over Jesus and went on to
Psalm 34:20; Zechariah 12:10; break the legs of the thief.
Matthew 27:54; John 19:31-37
At least
they didn’t
break his

Mary, I will see

if I can find some
help to prepare him
for burial.
The Sabbath would begin at
sundown, and it was getting
late. They had to hurry to
get the body entombed.
John 19:31, 38
It will be
Sabbath soon.
We will place
him in my own
new tomb.

Joseph, a rich
man, who was That is so
not one of the
good of you,
twelve disciples,
volunteered Joseph. You have
his own tomb been a good
to bury Jesus. friend.
Chapter 12

resu rr ec tio n
early ch ur ch
hurry up.
It is getting

You know, he told us

many times that this was
going to happen. I just
don’t understand why. It
is like he wanted to die this
way. He knew the time and
everything. He told us
again just last night.
We have not
had time to prepare
ointment for the

We will return
after the Sabbath
days are past.

But that will

be three days
from now!
It is all
we can do.

In this way. Be
careful of the step
The priests
to Pilate. Sir, this
deceiver whom
you crucified said
after three days
in the grave, he
would rise

It would
be a tragedy if
his disciples were
to slip in and carry
his body away. You
should put guards
Outside the tomb
to prevent

I will send
guards. Make it
as secure as
you can.
Now you
make sure that
no one breaks
this seal.

No one can
get past my

Matthew 27:59-66; John 19:40

Don’t you
worry about your
dead Messiah getting
Ha, ha, ha!
away. We’ve never
lost a corpse, have
we men?
Three days after
Jesus’ burial.
This is
the first time
we have ever
guarded a
dead man.

It will be light
soon, and we will
be relieved.
It will be light
soon. Let’s hurry.
It has been three
days now.

I wish we
could have
done this
It’s an


Matthew 28:1-2; Luke 24:1

It’s a
really big

to those
men scream!
Somebody must
be hurt.

It’s a
god! He is
moving the

kill us!

of God, have
leave me!
God have

It just
can’t be!

for your
lives! Matthew 28:2-4
That stone is
so big. How will
we find men to
move it?

I don’t know,
but it has been three
days and nights. Without
the spices, the body They did not know
will stink. that soldiers were
guarding the tomb.
A few minutes later Someone
has already
moved the
His body is
gone. The tomb is
Oh! There are
Who are you? the grave
Where is Jesus’ clothes!

Don’t be
amazed… I know
you are looking for
Jesus, who was
crucified. He is not
here. He has risen
just as he said he

Come see the place where he

was lying and then go and tell
his disciples that Jesus will
Meet them in Galilee.
is alive!
You say he is
risen from the Those
dead; just like men are
Lazarus! angels!

we must go Jesus
and tell the is alive!
Mark 16:3-8
Jesus is
alive! We just
came from the Jesus is not
tomb. there, but there
were angels

We remembered
that Jesus said
he would rise
again the third

The angels said

Jesus would
meet you in
Peter, where
are you going?

To the
John followed, John!
and he outran Wait up; I
Peter. can’t run
as fast as
It’s empty!
does it

John 20:2-9
John, the grave
clothes are folded up No, it
like he just got up and can’t be.
walked off.

But where
are the angels?
The women
must be seeing
Did you see
the men dressed
in white?

There were
no men, no angels,
nothing. His body
is gone.

why are you
Because they
have taken away my
Lord, and I do not
know where they
have laid him.
Mary, do
not touch me
now. I have not
yet ascended unto
the Father. But
go and tell the
disciples what
you have seen and
that I will meet
them in Galilee.

My Lord,
you are

John 20:7-17
The disciples did not
believe the report
that Jesus was
raised from the dead.

Peter and John

found nothing at the
tomb, so I suppose
someone stole the body We will be
away. Those crazy women going back to
should stop all their Emmaus. There is
talk. It just upsets nothing more
everybody. for us here.
This is Yeah, but
the third why would he let
day. them kill him if he
intended to rise
from the dead?

Yeah, and
if he wanted
to be king, he
would not do all
this in secret,
would he?
May I
walk with

You scared
me. Where did
Sure, it you come
is a good day from?
For a walk.
I heard you
talking as I
approached. You
seemed sad.

Have you
not heard what has
happened in the past three
days concerning Jesus
of Nazareth?
We had hoped
that he was the
Messiah, but he
was crucified.

This morning some

women went to the tomb and
found his body missing! They
claim to have seen angels that
said he was alive.
So two
disciples ran to
the tomb, but they
did not see Jesus or
the angels, though
the body was

You men are slow to

believe the things written
by the prophets concerning
Messiah. Does not the
Scripture predict that Jesus
would first suffer these
things before he would bring
about his glorious

Psalm 22; Zechariah 13:7;

Luke 24:13-26
This Jesus of
Nazareth, whom they
crucified, claimed to be the
Christ, equal to the Father,
did he not? Isaiah said the
Christ would be called “the
Mighty God, the Everlasting
Father.” Did not Jesus say that
if you have seen him, you have
seen the Father? His claim is
well verified by the holy
Isaiah also said
that Christ would come
when there is no Jewish
king in Israel or Judah,
and so it is at this time.
He continued saying the
Messiah would be conceived
and born by a virgin.
According to the prophet
Micah, he would be born
in Bethlehem of Judah,
which Jesus was.

prophecies tell
us that he will be
of the family lineage
of King David. Both
Joseph and Mary
descended from
The prophet
said that Christ
would open blind
eyes and release
prisoners, that he
would be shepherd
of Israel, and
come to Zion as
predicted that he
would be rejected by
Israel. The prophets also
foresaw his suffering.
He would be betrayed
by a friend for 30 pieces
of silver, that he would
not defend himself before
his accusers; he would be
wounded and bruised, his
beard plucked out. They
would stare at his nakedness
and spit in his face. He
would give his back to the
smiters, until his image
would be marred more
than any man.
The prophet
Zechariah tells us
that the Savior would
be pierced, and that his
friends would smite him
and create wounds in
his hands, that he would
be as a lamb led to the
slaughter, And all of
this would result in his
death, and that he
would be buried in a
rich man’s
But this was no tragedy over
which he had no control. Did not Jesus say
that no man takes his life from him, but that
of his own will he lays it down? Isaiah said that it
pleased God to bruise him, for his soul was made an
offering for sin. For the sins of others he was
smitten, for he bore the sin of many, and
would justify many in his death.

Yet death was not the

end. Isaiah foresaw that
his life would continue after
death; he would be exalted and
extolled - be made very high.
He will be salvation to the
ends of the world. He will not
fail. Messiah will be a new
He will be a judge, and So tell me,
will govern a renewed Israel why are you sad?
in a new city on a new earth. Did not the women
There will come a day when every tell you that the
knee shall bow to him, and every angels said he was
tongue confess that he is raised from
lord. the dead?


Psalm 22:15, 41:9; Isaiah 7:14, 16, 9:6, 11:1, 4, 40:11, 42:4, 6-7,
45:23, 49:6-7, 50:6, 52:13-14, 53:1, 3, 5, 7, 9-10, 12, 59:20;
Jeremiah 23:5-6; Micah 5:2; Zechariah 11:12-13, 12:10, 13:6-7;
John 10:18
This is my home.
Please sir, it is late in the
day. Come and stay with us
this night. I would love to
hear more of the prophecies
concerning Jesus.
Sir, we would be
honored if you would
say the blessing over
our bread.
Blessed art thou, O Lord
our God, king of the universe,
who brings forth bread from the
earth. For this bread, we give
thee thanks.
and eat.

Jesus! It
is you.
He disappeared!

He is
It was Jesus
the whole time!

No wonder he
knew all those
Jesus is
alive! Death
could not hold him!
He is alive! Let’s go
back to Jerusalem
and tell the

Luke 24:28-32
Meanwhile, back
in Jerusalem.

Lock it Well.
The Priests are
angrier than ever,
now that the body
of Jesus is missing.
They are saying we
stole The body.

From a
whole squad
of soldiers?
I will
He did not believe he
Say he would is alive until I can
rise again the see him and place
third day. my hands into the
nail prints in his
It’s a

Don’t be afraid. Thomas,
you said you wouldn’t believe
unless you could see. Now reach
forth your hand and feel
the nail prints. Come, touch
the wound in my side.
You are
my Lord and
my God.

you are blessed
because you have
seen and have
believed, but those
who will not see
me and yet will
believe will be far
more blessed.
Bring me
something to
eat. I have many
things to teach
you, and I will
Master! be with you for
just a few

Jesus! Luke 24:36-43;

John 20:26-31
You must tell
all my disciples to
meet me in Galilee.
I will speak with
you there.

It was written long

ago in the Scripture that
Christ would suffer for your
sins and rise from the dead
the third day, and that the
gospel would be preached in
his name among all nations,
beginning at Jerusalem.
All power
is given unto
me in heaven and in
earth. Go and teach
all nations, baptizing
them in the name of the
Father, and of the Son,
and of the Holy Ghost:
Teaching them to observe
all things whatsoever I There are rooms
have commanded you: and, prepared for you in
lo, I am with you my Father’s house. I
always, even unto now go to prepare a
the end of the place for you. I will
world. come again to receive
you unto myself, that
where I am, there
Matthew 28:18-20; you may be also.
Luke 24:44-49; John 14:2-4
He is
Go to up!
Jerusalem and wait
for the Holy Spirit
to come upon you
and give you power
to speak in my
name. He is going
back to his
I am with
you always, unto
the end of the

He is gone.
He went back
to heaven.
Why are
you still
looking in
the sky?

Who is
It is the same
two angels I saw
at the tomb.
Someday Jesus Go back to
will come back in a Jerusalem and
cloud just as you have wait for the
seen him go. Spirit.

He has
returned to
his Father in

Luke 24:49-51; Acts 1:7-11

The disciples of Jesus went to
Jerusalem as Jesus commanded, and
there they continued in prayer for ten
days, waiting for the promise of power
from on high. They were afraid to
speak openly of Jesus’ resurrection,
lest they also be put to death.
The place where they were
praying was shaken, and a
mighty wind blew through
the room as tongues of fire
descended on each of them.
They were filled with
the Holy Spirit and
began to praise God
in many different
languages that were
unknown to them.
When the Spirit came on them, Blessed be
they lost their fear of men the God and Father
and went outside to worship of our Lord Jesus
and praise God publicly. Christ.

I would say they are all

drunk, but they are speaking
my language perfectly,
without accent.
Acts 1:12-14, 2:1-13, 32, 36

They are
speaking my You men of
language as well. Israel, you saw the
How did these men miracles that Jesus did.
learn all these This was proof that God
languages so was with him, and though
well? They are you crucified him, God
not learned raised him from
men. the dead.
1,000 years ago,
David prophesied of him
saying, “Thou wilt not leave
my soul in hell, neither wilt
thou suffer thine Holy One
to See corruption.”

Therefore let all the

house of Israel know assuredly,
that God hath made that same Jesus,
whom ye have crucified, both Lord
and Christ.
What shall we
do, seeing
we have crucified
the Christ?

Change your mind

about Jesus and then
obey him in water baptism. He
will forgive your sins, and
ye shall receive the gift of
the Holy Ghost.
Jesus is

I believe
in Jesus.
Then those who gladly received
his word were baptized; and the
same day there were added unto
them about three thousand.
Months later

It seems like just

yesterday that Jesus There are now
was here with us. thousands of
people following
Jesus, more every
Yes, But
you know, I can
feel his presence
stronger now than I
did when he walked Psalm 2, 16:2;
with us. Acts 2:27, 37-41
sirs, just a
little coin for
the poor
and lame?

Peter, I
don’t have any
money at all.
Do you have any
coins on you?

No, but since

the Holy Spirit
came upon us, we
do have something
to give him.
I have no silver
or gold, but I will
give you what I do
have. In the name of
Jesus Christ, rise
up and walk.

Don’t be
cruel. The man has
been lame from
birth. His legs are
wasted away to
Christ has
made you

Lord God

legs are
I don’t
believe it.
The lame
man is
walking! Glory to
God! Thank
you Jesus!
No, he is

Acts 3:1-11
That’s the Why do you
man that was look at us as if
lame. His legs we have done this
were shriveled miracle? The God of
to nothing. Abraham, Isaac, and
Jacob has glorified
his son Jesus,
whom you

You killed the prince

They said he of life, but God raised him
was healed in the from the dead, and we saw
name of Jesus, him alive. It is through faith
the one who was in the name of Jesus that
crucified. this man was healed.
I know that it
was through ignorance
that you crucified Jesus,
but the prophets warned us
that these things would
come to pass.

You all know

me. Only God could
have given me back
my legs. Believe and
follow Jesus.
Change your
minds about Jesus
and become his
disciples that
your sins may be
blotted out.
The same religious leaders
that crucified Christ sent
for the soldiers and
arrested Peter and John.

It is not
lawful for
you to
stir up
the people
against our

They did
Acts 3:12, 14-19, 4:1-3
It was
a miracle,
just like Jesus
did when he
was here.

I have a
Now they neighbor who
are arresting claims to have seen
lame men for Jesus alive after
walking. his death. They say
he appeared to over
500 at one time.

I am going to
find those other
disciples and
learn more.
I thought
we were rid
of that sect of They
heretics when claim he is
we crucified not dead.
their leader.

Then we will
kill him again and
all his followers.
They say he is
with the Father
Well, those in heaven.
two will soon be
joining him. Acts 4:3-6
We know that In the name of
this man has been lame Jesus Christ of
from his birth. How is Nazareth, the one
it that you were able to whom you crucified,
heal him? In what name whom God raised from
did you do this? the dead, this man was
healed. Remember the
Scriptures, “The stone
which the builders
rejected will become
the head of the
Neither is
there salvation
in any other:
for there is
none other name
under heaven
given among men,
whereby we must
be saved.
There is no use
These in denying the miracle.
men are Everyone knows he was
supposed healed, and they know it was
to be Jesus’ disciples doing it
ignorant. in his name. We’ve got a
They have problem here.
never been
yet they
quote the

I recognize
them. They
were indeed
with Jesus.
Psalm 118:22; Acts 4:7-21 Throw
them out
of here!

If you continue to
speak and heal in
the name of this dead
Jesus, you will meet the You judge if it’s
same fate as he. Do you right in God’s eyes
understand me? Now get To obey you more
out of my sight and don’t than God, but we must
let me hear any more of speak the things which
this nonsense about a we have seen
resurrection. and heard.
The gospel spread
all over Israel.
Many believed in Have you
Jesus and were heard the good
baptized in water. news of Jesus

The church became a

family of thousands filled
with love and peace.

Jesus was raised

from the dead. He
is alive and with us
even now.
In the church, women
were treated with
respect and dignity.

my family has
believed on Jesus
Christ, there has
been peace in our
home for the
first time.
sang as they

Christians grew
to the thousands
and they continued
to share their
belongings. They
daily preached
Jesus from house
to house and in
the streets to
everyone they met. Acts 13:30-32, 4:10
You men of
Israel, you know
that God told our
fathers that their seed
would be carried away into
a strange land and live
there as slaves for 400
years, after which God said
he would judge that nation
and deliver his people
to the land he gave to
Solomon built
God a house. Yet the
Most High does not dwell
in temples made with
Stephen, hands; as the prophet
don’t make said: “Heaven is my throne,
a fool of and earth is my footstool:
yourself. what house will ye build
me? saith the Lord: or what
You speak is the place of my rest?
Hath not my hand made
against our all these things?”
Isaiah 66:1;
Acts 7:1-57

You are stubborn and rebellious. Your

heart is not right with God. You resist the Holy
Ghost just as your fathers did. You and your
fathers have persecuted and slain the prophets who
predicted the coming of Jesus Christ, but you
betrayed and murdered him also.
You would
Stephen, you tear down our
call yourself law and our
a Jew? tradition and
replace it with
what? A dead
man that no one
has seen since
the Romans
crucified him?

Behold, I see
the heavens opened,
and the Son of man
standing on the right
hand of God. Oh! What
Put your hands
over your ears. Do
not listen to such

to die!

Take him
out of the city
and stone him
to death.

Jesus. You,
He is trying we will
to destroy stone.
our religion.

Jesus will
still be Lord
after you
stone me.
He has blasphemed
our religion. We say
he should die. Saul, do
we have the support
of the authorities? I will sign for
his execution. He is
one of those followers
of the dead Jesus of
Nazareth. This blasphemy
must be stopped. Proceed
with the stoning.
watch my

Jesus, receive
my spirit, and
lay not this
sin to their
Acts 7:58-59
K !
And at that time This is
there was a great just the
persecution against beginning!
the church at
Jerusalem, and
everyone left the city,
except the apostles.

an end to
these Jesus
Kill the
Are there
any more Christ
followers in
there? Don’t
hurt my

The Pharisee Saul

fought against the Grab the
church, entering woman,
into every house and too.
casting the men and
women into prison. Acts 7:59-8:3
As a Christian named Philip was
praying, an angel spoke to him.

arise and go
down south on the
highway that leads
from Jerusalem
to Gaza.
I don’t know
why he wants me
down there, but if
God says go,
I will go.
looks like
the place.
Now what,
what is
it you
A caravan! Lord,
is this why you brought
me down here? Is there
someone there whom
you have chosen for
your own?

Go and join
yourself to this
Acts 8:26-29
Here was a man of
great authority in the
service of the queen
of Ethiopia. He was her
treasurer, entrusted
with all the wealth of the “He is led as a sheep
kingdom. He had been to to the slaughter, and like
Jerusalem to worship in a lamb before his shearer,
the manner of the Jews, so he opened not his
and was now returning mouth, for his life was
to Ethiopia, and he was taken from the earth…”
reading the Scripture.
I hear you’re
reading from the
prophet Isaiah. Do
you understand
what you are

You Recognized
What I was reading.
But I cannot under-
stand it unless
someone explains
it to me. Come
ride with me.
have just
come from

Yes, I was there

to worship. The
religion of my country
never brought peace.
God seemed so
Far away.
I have read of a promised
Messiah. Now when I go to
Jerusalem there are thousands
proclaiming that he has come,
but that he was crucified and
then raised from the dead.

I have been searching

the prophets to see if any
such thing was predicted. Do
you know if the prophet Isaiah
is speaking of himself, or Isaiah 53;
of some Other man? Acts 8:27, 30-34
You just came
from Jerusalem, so
you know that though
As you Jesus did mighty
know, this book miracles, our leaders
of Isaiah was rejected him.
written nearly
800 years ago. This
entire 53rd chapter
is just one of the
many prophecies
about Messiah. It
says he would be
“despised and
Verse 7 is
a prophecy that
when Jesus stood
before his judges he
would not defend

prophesied that Jesus
would suffer wounds
to pay for our sins. And
in verse 5, it says that
Sin the punishment due us
sinners would be laid
on Jesus.
I especially
like verse 6
where it says, “All we
like sheep have gone
astray; we have turned
every one to his own
way; and the LORD hath
laid on him the iniquity
of us all.” That tells
us that every human
Verse 8 being has left the will
says he was of God and gone his own
taken from sinful way, but that God
prison and that laid our sin on Jesus
he would be killed so that when he died
to pay for the he was paying for
transgressions our disobedience.
of his people.
Verse 9
says that Jesus
would be buried
with the rich and
the wicked.

And verse 9
tells us that Jesus did
not sin as other men have
and that it was the will of
God that Jesus should be
bruised and suffer grief,
because Jesus was making
his soul a payment
for sin.
Verse 10 speaks of
his resurrection,
and of the ministry he
would have afterward.

And many other

prophecies tell us that after
his resurrection Jesus would sit
on the throne and that after we
die, we will all stand before him
Isaiah 53:3-10; and give an account of the life
Acts 8:35; Romans 2:16; we have lived.
2 Corinthians 5:21
I have heard the
scribes and priests speak
of the Messianic prophecies
many times. Why have many
of them rejected Jesus?

Some of the priests and scribes have

accepted Jesus, but the others were offended when
he pointed out their hypocrisy. They wanted a Messiah
that killed Romans, not one that exposed their sins.
They wanted to rule over a kingdom, but they did
not want God ruling over their hearts.
Are there
other prophecies that
Jesus fulfilled?
Psalm 22 is
a prophecy of
his death by

But wasn’t
Psalms written
1000 years ago,
before anyone used
crucifixion as a
means of capital
Yes, but God knows
everything before it
happens and there were
over 340 prophecies
given concerning the
Messiah. That is how
we know Jesus is
the only true one
sent from God.

In Psalm 22:16 it tells us that

his hands and feet would be
pierced - as they were with the
nails. Verse 14 of Psalm 22
tells how he would be thirsty
and that his bones would all
be pulled out of joint in his
death, but then Psalm 34:20
tells us that not one bone
would be broken when he was
crucified. And as you know,
it is customary to break the
bones of those crucified, but
Jesus died before they could
break his.

Verse 17 of Psalm 22 predicted

that they would look upon his
nakedness and verse 18 tells
how they would cast lots for
one of his garments while they
divided the other into smaller
pieces among themselves.
Also, Zechariah 12:10 tells
us that his hands would be
pierced, and that later, the
Jews would see the prints
in his hands. Isaiah 50:6
says that his back would be
beaten and that he would
be struck upon the cheek.

Psalm 16:10 tells us that

though he would be buried,
his body would not stay in
the grave long enough to
deteriorate. The prophecies
tell us that he would be
betrayed by a friend, and
that his betrayer would
hang himself, which would
result in his body falling
and spilling his bowels in a
field, which would then be
used to bury strangers in.

All these things and many

more were fulfilled just as
the prophets wrote. There
is no question that Jesus
Christ of Nazareth is the
Messiah, the Savior of the
Psalm 22:6, 17-18, 16:10, 34:20;
Isaiah 50:6, Zechariah 12:10
I believe that Jesus
is the Messiah. He is the
promised lamb to take away
our sins. We need not sacrifice
any more. Jesus is the door
to God. I will become a
disciple of Jesus.
is water!
What prevents
me from being
I will baptize
you if you believe
in Jesus with all
your heart.

Oh! But
I do! I
I baptize
you in the name
of our Lord and
Savior, Jesus
did the man

He just
disappeared! God must
have needed him
someplace else. Let’s
get back to Ethiopia and
tell the queen what
we have learned of
the Messiah.

The church was established in Ethiopia and

continued until modern times when most
Acts 8:36-39 of the Christians were killed by Moslems.
Chapter 13

to all
the world
Out of fear for their Dear
lives, the Christians friends, our
met in secret to hear Lord suffered that
the word of God read he might take away
and to sing praises. our sins. It is no
wonder that we too
might have to suffer
for him. Don’t
be amazed at the
Jesus said, “If persecution we are
any man would be my experiencing.
disciple, he must take up
his cross and follow me.”
That means we should carry
our crosses to the hill of
crucifixion if we are called
upon to do so. Now Psalm
22 tells us...
God help
us. It’s the
Killer, Saul.
Stay where
you are! This foreign
religion will not be
allowed. You blaspheme
our fathers and our
nation. You are fools!
You will either recant
or die.

their leader.
We will make
an example
Of him.
We have had
all the Messiahs we Our
can stand. Why do Lord Jesus is
you worship a dead alive and is the
carpenter? creator of the
You may
change your tune
when we put your
wife in prison
to rot.
Not my


Matthew 16:24;
Mark 8:34; Acts 9:1-2
is another one
of your Christ

We knew
this might
happen when
we became
It is that
Pharisee named
Saul. He breathes
out hate and
Yes, we slaughter.
must pray for him.
Pray that God would
soften his heart and
cause him to see Saul
the truth. is too
full of

some of us were
doubters at first.
Well, Saul, I
think you have about
swept Jerusalem
clean of this sect of
Jesus followers.

No, the more we

kill and imprison, the
more they increase. They have
scattered to other cities. The
synagogues up in Damascus
are full of them.
I will give
you warrants
for their arrest,
and you could go
to Damascus.
I will
go right Saul thought it was his duty to protect
away. his religion and his nation against
other beliefs. But it bothered him that
the Christians possessed a peace and
confidence that he had never known.
Suddenly there appeared
in front of Saul a light
brighter than the sun.

Saul, Saul,
why do
you persecute

Saul’s horse was so frightened

that it threw him into the
road and ran away.
Who are
you, Lord, that
I am persecuting

I am Jesus,
whom you
persecute when
you punish my
what would
you have me
Arise. Go do?
into the city, and
you will be told
what to do.

Acts 9:1-6
Did you
hear the
voice? Yes, but
I couldn’t
what was

could I. It
sounded like
thunder. It was
I can’t the voice
see! Help me. of God!
I can’t see.
Lead me into
the city.
My name is
Ananias. Jesus spoke
to me in a vision and told
me to come to you and
he would restore
your sight.

I am
In the
name of Jesus
Christ, receive
your sight.
I can
see! And you
say Jesus did it?
Tell me more
about Jesus.
So Ananias opened
the holy Scriptures
and showed Saul the
prophecies of Jesus.

Yes, I have been

such a fool. It was all God changed
there in the Scripture all Saul’s name
the time. I was blinded by my to Paul.
religious zeal. I want to
be baptized and become a
follower of Jesus. Acts 9:7-19
Saul, now Paul, I can
was a new man understand your
with a new doubt. I, too, did
message. He no not believe,
longer wanted but I tell you,
to kill Christians. Jesus of Nazareth
He wanted to fulfilled all the
persuade others ancient prophecies
to believe on concerning
Jesus Christ. our Messiah.

But the
greatest proof
is that God raised
him from the
He was
What kind of God’s lamb,
fool are you? How to take away
could the Messiah allow our sins.
himself to be killed by
our enemies?
God was also
reaching out to
the Gentiles.
There was a
Roman soldier
who sought
God in prayer.

God, I know you

are one, the creator
of all men. The religion of
my people is corrupt and it
does not give peace. Show
me your way and I will
walk in it.
Who? What?
Who are you?
Where did you
come from?

Your prayers
have been heard. I have
been sent by God. Send
men to Joppa to the house
of a tanner named Simon.
You will find it down by the
seashore. Ask for a man
named Peter. He will come
here and tell you the
truth about God.
Peter, Our master is a very
religious man, a good man, but he
God has is troubled about many things. He
made peace prays all the time and gives money
through the to the poor, but he is not at
blood of his peace with God.

does that
mean? I will
explain it
to your
The captain met
Peter at the door
and bowed to him.

Stand up. Do
not show reverence
to me. I am a man just
like you. Call everyone
together and I will tell
you the good news.
This is a
great day. God has
sent Peter, one
of Jesus’ disciples,
to tell us about

Acts 9:20-22,
10:1-27, 38-41

Yes, I walked with Jesus

for three-and-a-half years. I saw him crucified,
and I saw him after he had risen from the dead. There
were 500 of us gathered together in one place to
hear him preach after his resurrection. He ate with
us and we touched him. He taught us to love our
enemies and to pray for those that persecute
us. He sent his Spirit…
Captain Cornelius and
his whole house believed
the gospel of Jesus
Christ and were all
baptized that same day.
Paul went into the
synagogue in Antioch You know
and preached to the Jews me. I persecuted the
on the Sabbath day. Christians unto death,
but Jesus appeared unto me
in a blinding light, and with a
voice like thunder told me
to preach his word.
I have searched the Scripture
concerning Messiah and
found that Jesus fulfilled
all the prophecies.
God said that
he would raise up a son
of David to be a Savior
unto Israel, and that the
leaders in Jerusalem would
condemn him to die. It is
written in the second Psalm,
“Thou art my Son, this day
have I begotten thee.”
In another Psalm
it says that God would
not allow his Holy One to see
corruption. This is a prophecy
that, though he would die, his
body would not deteriorate.
Let it be known that in Jesus you
can find complete forgiveness
from sins, something
Moses could not give.
God sent Gentiles!
Jesus to be Gentiles are
a light to the unclean. They
Gentiles, the cannot be
Savior of all partakers of
nations. the faith of
the Jews.

You blaspheme!
Jesus was not a
legitimate son. There
are reports that his
mother was with
child long before
she married.

Psalm 2:7, 16:10, Acts 2:27, 10:47, 13:33-35

Since you reject
You could the good news of
be stoned to eternal life, we will
death for your take our message to the
heresy. Gentiles, just as the
prophets declared.
When it was Praise be
clear to Paul to God and
that the jews as his son Jesus.
a nation would Salvation has Paul,
continue to come to the
reject Christ, baptize
he concentrated me!
his efforts on
the Gentiles -
nations other
than Israel.
us more
of the
concerning Many Gentiles
Jesus. believed the gospel
and continued in
the grace of God.
The Jews were angered and drove Paul and Barnabas
out of the city, threatening them with death if
they returned. So Paul and Barnabas went to Asia
and carried the good news to everyone they met.

if I fall,
keep running.
Don’t stop.
In Lystra, the Jews
stoned Paul unto
death and threw his
body out of the city.

God forgive
them. They have
killed Paul.

Acts 14:18-20
But God performed
a miracle and Paul,
raised Paul up. I thought
you were

Not yet, God showed

me many things that I would
have to suffer for his name, and
we have only begun. Let us go
back into the city.
Thou art
worthy O lord
to receive glory
At Philippi of Macedonia, and honor and
Paul and Silas were praise...
beaten with 39 stripes
and then jailed. In spite
of their suffering, their
hearts were full of joy,
and at midnight they
sang praises to God.
Jesus is
In the following
years Paul was
beaten with a rod
three different
times. Yet he
continued to
preach Jesus. Acts 14:19-20, 16:23-25;
2 Corinthians 11:24-25; Revelation 4:11
As Paul traveled from place Paul was often
to place preaching, three attacked by robbers.
different times the ship on
which he was traveling sank.

One time he drifted in

the sea for a day and a
night before a passing But he
ship picked him up. went on
Paul suffered sickness, cold, heat, hunger,
and all manner of discomfort as he traveled
the world telling people about Jesus.

heal this
body so I
can go and
preach to
the next
Paul went from city to city warning
against idolatry and telling the
good news of Jesus Christ.

You have turned to

God from your idols,
and God has justified
you by faith without any
contribution from the law.
You are now a member of his
body, and you belong Praise
to the household of
God. God!
1 Corinthians 10:14, 12:12-13, 18;
2 Corinthians 11:25; Galatians 2:6;
Ephesians 2:19

This stuff When the people turned to God, they

never gave left their idols and charms. They
me peace. threw everything that had to do with
their religion or their sin into the
fire. Within twenty years, there were
believers all over the known world
worshiping God through Jesus Christ.
Jesus had warned the disciples,
“Then shall they deliver you up
to be afflicted, and shall kill
you: and ye shall be hated of all
nations for my name’s sake. And
then shall many be offended,
and shall betray one another,
and shall hate one another.
And many false prophets shall
rise, and shall deceive many.”

Father, don’t
punish them for
what they are
doing to us.
Jesus, receive
my spirit!

When those who had seen Christ

were old and the church had
spread all over the Roman
Empire, the Romans began to
seek out the Christians and
persecute them unto death. If
the believers would not deny
Christ, they would put them
in the arena, and the people
would watch as the lions and
tigers tore them to pieces.

IE E E E !
Sometimes the Christians were
hacked to death by the Roman
gladiators. The people were
amazed that the believers would
not renounce their faith. They
were ready to die for Jesus.

Jason, I
will see you
in paradise.

No! Matthew 24:9-11

Before his
death, Jesus
prophesied of
the temple:

Do you
see this
temple? I tell
you it will be
and not one
stone will be
left standing

Forty years later, in 70 A.D., the

Romans came and destroyed the
city and the temple. When the
wood inside the temple burnt,
the gold of the temple melted
and ran down into the cracks
between the stones in the floor
and the foundation. As the
Romans tried to recover the
gold, they found it necessary
to remove every stone. Jesus’
prophecy was fulfilled.
The Jews in Jerusalem and
Israel that survived the
war fled to the Gentile
nations, where many of their
descendants live until this day.

We’ll go to
my brother’s
house in

The Christian Jews also fled

to other countries where
they preached the gospel of
Christ, and the church grew.
Wherever they fled, there
were already Christians
there to welcome them.

We had
no place
to go.

We heard of
the horrible things
in Jerusalem. Of
course you can stay
with us.

Matthew 24:2; Luke 19:43-44

The apostles of Jesus continued to preach the
resurrection of Jesus Christ until their deaths. One
by one they were put to death. They all died bravely,
knowing that they had a better home in heaven.

Some were
crucified by
the Romans.
Others were
while alive and
cut into pieces.
to death.
were fed
to wild

Some were
Peter was crucified John 21:18; Acts 12:2
upside down.

Some were slowly

boiled in oil.

I’m going
to a better
place. May God
forgive you.

I am not They all died in faith, with

worthy to die as assurance that they had a new
you died, Lord. body and a better home waiting.
Sixty years after Jesus’
resurrection, John was
the only apostle left.
He was exiled to a rocky
island called Patmos.
The Spirit caught John
up to heaven where God
showed him the future.

John, I will
show you the things
that are going to
happen in the future.
Write down what you see
and put it in a book and
send it to the seven
churches of
When this age is near the end, Jesus will
come back and open the graves of all those
who believe on him. They, with all the living
believers, will rise up to meet Jesus in
the air and will remain with him forever.

In the end of days, God will

visit the earth with terrible
calamities. Fire will fall and
there will be other plagues
that will destroy most of the
people living on the earth.
A man will come who will claim to be the
Messiah, and he will deceive many people. He
will cause people to show their loyalty to him
and his government by receiving a mark in their
foreheads or on the back of their right hands.

1 Thessalonians
4:14, 4:16-17;
2 Thessalonians
Revelation 1:9, 11,
8:1-13, 9:18, 13:16,

Those who do not receive the mark will be

killed by decapitation. It will be a time of great
suffering for those who are left on the earth.
As prophesied, Jesus
will return again
during the end times.

He will come
in all his
glory and
power and
not as a
mortal man.
Heaven will
open and he
will descend
riding on
the back of a
white horse.

He will shine like the sun and

on his head he will wear many
crowns. In his hand he will hold
seven stars and out of his mouth
will come the sword of truth.
He will confront Satan and cast
him into the lake of fire where
he will be eternally tormented
and never tempt man again. Jesus
will also cast death, his last
foe, into the lake of fire and
the world will be made new.

God will gather all those who

believed on his son and give
them eternal life on a new
earth. God will wipe away all
tears and there will be no more
death, sorrow, crying or pain,
for the former things will be
passed away. Jesus will reign
as king and Savior over his
righteous people in a world
free from sin and death.

1 Thessalonians 4:16; Revelation

1:16, 19:11-21, 20:10-15, 21:1-4
The gospel of
Jesus Christ has
been preached
for 2,000 years.
Jesus predicted
that his kingdom
message would
spread around
the whole world
until every
nation, tribe,
and family group
had heard the
good news.
There is just one
God and he has
only one son.
There is just one
faith and one holy
book. There is
just one way to
enter paradise
after this life.
Jesus is the
way, the truth,
and the life, as
many people
of all nations
have found.
The gospel of Christ is different
from all other religions of the
world in that it is not spread
by constraint or intimidation.
Jesus taught his followers
to love their enemies and
to be filled with joy and
singing. Today, people of every
nationality and language rejoice
in forgiveness and eternal life.

John 3:16, 14:6

However, it has been nearly

2,000 years since Jesus was
raised from the dead, and
there are still some who have
not heard the good news.
Someone must tell them.
A Modern Story of Judgment to Come

“And as it is appointed unto men once

to die, but after this the judgment”
Are you
an angel?
Where are you
taking me?
I guess God is
going to weigh my
good works against
my bad works.

Hebrews 9:27
He is checking to
see if your name
is written in the
Lamb’s book of life.

“And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before

God; and the books were opened: and another
book was opened, which is the book of life: and the
dead were judged out of those things which were
written in the books, according to their works.”
John Doe,
you may
approach the

“God shall judge the secrets

of men by Jesus Christ.”
John Doe, this is your
day in court. You are accused
of having committed a great
number of sins. How do you

Well, I
committed a few
little sins, but I
have been a good
man; ask anyone
who knew me.
Every word
and every deed
has been recorded,
even your most
secret sins.

Romans 2:6; Revelation 20:12

his book.
h e
T e
o n
o h
j oe
That book
has got my name
on it!

Lyin EX
Lus g 1-48
Hat t 49-7
r 4
Gre ed 75-
Idol ed 92 91
atry -115
Prid 116
Adu e 133 -132
Unb ltery 1 -175
Glu elief 20 6-204
tton 5-25
Mur y 251 0
mos der 27 271
exu 2
73-2 al Acts
Your book
reveals that you
have committed
many sins.
Ask anyone
who knew me;
I was a good
“Not by works of
righteousness which
we have done, but
according to his
mercy he saved us.”
Titus 3:5
Were you
being a good
man when
you lied?
Were you
being a good
man when you

Were you
being good
when you blew
up in anger?
But I didn’t
commit any bad
sins. I was a
religious man.

from me, all
who commit
Still making sins: I never
excuses. knew you.
All sins are
bad sins.
Oh God, I’m sorry.
this can’t be It is too late
happening! to call on
God now.
The wicked...shall be cast
into the furnace of fire:
there shall be wailing
and gnashing of teeth.
Matthew 13:49-50
The Judgment seat of christ
“Jesus said
unto her,
I am the
and the life: he
that believeth
in me, though
he were dead,
yet shall
he live:”

It has been a good

life. I am going to see my
Savior. Keep on loving Jesus.
I will see you in Heaven.
John 11:25-26
Your name is
in The Book
of Life.

It is time to
receive your
he hath
a day, in
the which
he will
judge the
world in
ness by
that man
he hath

whereof he hath
given assurance
unto all men, in
that he hath raised
him from the dead.”
Well done, my
good and faithful
servant. Enter
into the joy of
your Lord.

Acts 17:31
Our desire is that after reading Good and
Evil® you will be motivated to read the
entire Bible and that it will come alive to you.
Make it a daily habit to read a portion of the
Bible and then pray that God will help you
understand and apply it.

Copyright © 2008, 2017

Michael and Debi Pearl.

Author: Michael Pearl

Artist: Danny Bulanadi

Coloration: Clint Cearley


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