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Figure 1. Hybridization of single-stranded miRNAs sequences into fully complementary duplexes. Averaged SERS spectra of miRNAs ss1 and
ss2, and double-stranded RNA (dsRNA). The (ss1 + ss2) spectrum was digitally calculated by summing the two separated SERS spectra of ss1
and ss2, both previously normalized to the 1090 cm−1 band. Raman shifts and the tentative vibrational assignment of the main SERS bands of
single-stranded RNA on AgNP@Sp colloids are listed in the right side table.
plasmons, have the potential of reshaping the detection and technique to (i) recognize the distinctive vibrational features of
characterization scenario of nucleic acids14−16 by offering the structural characteristics of RNA including those of fully
simple, fast, and highly sensitive platforms that overcome the complementary double-stranded, small interfering and short
limitations of PCR and Northern blot based microarrays. hairpin RNA; and (ii) classify highly similar RNA sequences
Within the field of plasmonics, surface-enhanced Raman with subtle differences such as a single-base variance (including
scattering (SERS) spectroscopy has developed into a mature, that of uracil and thymine that defines RNA or DNA) or even a
reliable technique combining the rich molecular information nucleobase modification (i.e., N6-methyladenine and pseudour-
contained in the vibrational spectra with outstanding ultra- idine) in both single strands and duplexes.
sensitive, multiplexing, and quantification capabilities.17−21
However, until today, most of the application of SERS to RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
nucleic acid analysis largely relied on indirect strategies, mainly The SERS analysis of DNA can be efficiently and reproducibly
based on SERS encoded nanoparticles.15,22,23 Although this achieved in solution by using positively charged colloids.28−30
approach has been demonstrated very effective for pure This is mainly due to the intrinsic electrostatic affinity in
identification purposes, it completely dismisses the exquisite between the polyamine ligands adsorbed on the colloidal
chemical and structural information provided by the direct surfaces and the eminently negative charge of the DNA
acquisition of the vibrational fingerprint of the biomolecule. In phosphate backbones. Assuming a similar behavior for RNA, we
this regard, label-free direct SERS analysis of DNA has enjoyed then prepared silver spheroidal nanoparticles coated with
in the past few years a renewed interest,24−30 whereas a spermine (AgNP@Sp). These nanostructures are characterized
surprisingly scarce number of studies are reported for by a mean diameter of 25 nm, a ζ-potential of +43 mV, and a
RNA.31−35 Further, direct label-free SERS investigation of localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) centered at 392
RNA has been limited to short single strands (microRNA), nm (Figure S1). Addition of the genetic material into the
often in the form of simple homopolymeric or bipolymeric colloids promotes an immediate change in the color from the
sequences, and mostly performed by simple drying the sample typical greenish-yellow to red/orange, as also revealed by the
directly onto plasmonic substrates with the consequent lack of red-shift of the LSPR to ∼525 nm (Figure S1). RNA-driven
spectral reproducibility. nanoparticle aggregation yields stable colloidal clusters in
Herein, we demonstrate the potential of direct SERS analysis solution that entrap the target biomolecules at interparticle gaps
to screen composition and conformations of RNAs at the where highly efficient electromagnetic hot spots are generated.
ultrasensitive level. Specifically, we prove the capability of this SERS measurements were performed using a green laser (532
2835 DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.5b07966
ACS Nano 2016, 10, 2834−2842
ACS Nano Article
nm) to maximize the optical response of the RNA-mediated thermal treatment promotes homogeneous chain extension42
aggregates by illuminating the cluster suspension with a long which drastically improves the sample-to-sample reproducibility
working distance objective. Under such experimental con- (Figure S4).
ditions, a large ensemble of stable clusters in solution is In addition to fully complementary duplexes, double-
investigated during the acquisition time, providing highly stranded RNAs exist in several other variants, such as small
averaged SERS spectra with well-defined features, i.e., average interfering (siRNA) and short hairpin (shRNA). siRNA are
SERS regime (Figure S2). short double-stranded segments with two overhanging
Vibrational assignment of the main bands appearing in the nucleotides, whereas shRNA also include in their structure an
SERS spectrum of RNA (Figure 1) is required for accessing and additional loop.9 In our case, the investigated siRNA is formed
interpreting the rich structural information contained in it. The by the hybridization between ss1 and the partially comple-
reported vibrational assignment for single-stranded RNA was mentary ss5 strand (Figure 2A and Figure S6) resulting in a
based on normal Raman studies reported in the literature36,37 as duplex structure of 19 base pairs and two overhanging bases at
well as on the direct analysis of homopolymeric sequences both ends. The ss5 sequence has identical base composition as
(Figure S3). For an appropriate comparison, all SERS spectra ss2; thus, siRNA structurally differs from dsRNA only in the
were normalized to the phosphate stretching band at 1090 unpaired condition of the two extremities. On the other hand, a
cm−1, which is commonly selected as the internal standard in partially self-complementary single-stranded RNA of 43
the normal Raman and direct SERS investigations of nucleobases was selected to yield a shRNA structure containing
DNAs27−29,38 due to its limited sensitivity to structural changes a stem of 17 base pairs, a loop of 7 nucleotides, and a
and its constant 1:1 ratio with the overall nucleobase content. dinucleotide overhang at the 3′-end (Figure 2A and Figure S6).
Changes in RNA Conformation. To investigate the Except for the central loop, the base sequences of the duplex
impact of the Watson−Crick hydrogen bonding and base stem and the overhang region are identical to those contained
stacking formation on the vibrational profiles of single-stranded in the siRNA, while the base composition differs only by an
RNAs, the fully complementary miRNAs ss1 and ss2 were additional extra cytosine (Figure S6). Thus, it may be expected
hybridized into the resulting duplex, dsRNA, by thermal that the spectral reshaping of the SERS profile should be
annealing at 90 °C. The SERS spectra of these structures are dominated by the different structural conformation of the RNA
illustrated in Figure 1, together with the digital sum of the rather than its base composition. This is corroborated by the
individual single strands spectra (ss1 + ss2). As a first analysis of the SERS spectra of dsRNA and shRNA (Figure 2A).
approximation, ss1 + ss2 can be considered as the hypothetical At first glance, these spectra show little deviations. Never-
equimolar mixture of nonhybridized ss1 and ss2 sequences and theless, once subtracted, the corresponding SERS difference
used as a reference to properly disclose the spectral reshaping spectrum reveals a spectral profile which is remarkably similar
associated with the structural rearrangement into the duplex to (ss1 + ss2) − dsRNA throughout the whole spectral range
conformation. (Figure 2A) with few exceptions such as relatively less extended
Phosphate bands at 814 and 1090 cm−1, sensitive to the intensity changes of the composite broad CO stretching and
ribose-phosphate chain backbone structure and helix con- the ring breathing modes at 726 and 783 cm−1. In particular, in
formation,36 do not undergo significant changes both in the shRNA − dsRNA difference spectrum, the A band at 726
frequency position and relative intensity upon strand hybrid- cm−1 undergoes a minor spectral shift as compared to the 783
ization, suggesting that ss1, ss2, and dsRNA adopt a similar cm−1 ring breathing mode. By assuming that the extension of
conformation when electrostatically adsorbed onto the such shifts is correlated with the relative number of mismatched
plasmonic surface. On the contrary, a large set of spectral nucleobases, we can then ascribe this observation to the larger
differences clearly emerges for the nucleotide bands, which can percentage of unpaired C bases in shRNA (4 out of 10), with an
be summarized as follows. First, as a result of the base stacking additional contribution of an extra unpaired U base, as
interactions, the ring breathing modes of cytosine (792 cm−1) compared to A, which has only 1 unpaired base out of the
and adenine (730 cm−1) suffer a frequency-shift in dsRNA (−9 11 contained in the whole hairpin sequence. As previously
and −4 cm−1, respectively). This is also consistent with the described, the small interfering RNA is structurally analogous to
relative intensity increase of the U ring vibration at 631 cm−1. dsRNA, except for the unpaired dinucleotide ends (GA and
Second, the hydrogen bonding promotes an intensity decrease CU). Consistently, their SERS spectra only show subtle but still
and a ∼7 cm−1 red-shift of the carbonyl stretching (mainly U + detectable differences, well-highlighted in the corresponding
C) and the rise of a new shoulder (∼1690 cm−1) ascribed to difference spectrum siRNA − dsRNA (multiplied by a factor of
the CO stretching of paired guanine (G).37,39 Third, changes 4 in Figure 2A). In this case, the spectral markers of H-bonding
in the molecular conformation are also evident in the relative (such as the purine bands at 1244, 1487, and 1575 cm−1 and
intensity increase of both U and C ring stretching (∼1231 and the broad carbonyl stretching feature) do not exhibit noticeable
1244 cm−1), attributed to the RNA folding,40 and the alterations and the detectable spectral changes appear to be
characteristic prominent hyperchromicity associated with H- mainly due to the base unpairing, as indicated by the red-shift
bonding of A + G bands (1487 and 1575 cm−1).41 and intensity decrease of the C + U ring breathing mode, the
It is worth noticing that single-stranded RNAs were intensity increase at ∼1330 cm−1 (ascribed to the disordering of
thermally treated before the SERS analysis to enhance the the purine A−G bases43) and the weakening of the A feature at
spectral reproducibility (see Supporting Information, p S8). 1507 cm−1.
The lack of the methyl group in uracil (U) as compared with A clear visual representation of the different degrees of
thymine (T) decreases its hydrophobicity. As a result, although similarities between shRNA, siRNA and dsRNA is depicted in
U preferably pairs with adenine (A), it can also weakly associate Figure 2B using partial least-squares discriminate analysis (PLS-
with almost any other bases. Thus, one may expect that single- DA) to classify the SERS spectra of the different RNAs. As is
stranded RNAs in solutions would exist in a broad set of evident, the spectral profile of shRNA significantly diverges
different configurations for loosely interacting strands. Gentle from that of siRNA and dsRNA, which are on the contrary very
2836 DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.5b07966
ACS Nano 2016, 10, 2834−2842
ACS Nano Article
In summary, we demonstrated the potential of label-free direct
SERS analysis to fully disclose the unique vibrational
Figure 6. Vibrational comparison between analogous RNA and information on a variety of different small RNAs with high
DNA. Averaged SERS spectra of uracil RNA and thymine DNA sensitivity. As vibrational spectra and molecular features are
homopolymers (pU and pT, respectively); the two complementary intrinsically linked, it was possible to identify and classify highly
microRNAs ss1 and ss2, and the two complementary single- similar RNA structures based on both their conformation and
stranded ssDNA1 and ssDNA2. The averaged SERS spectra of the
corresponding dsRNA and dsDNA duplexes are also shown. RNA
composition. Among others, we reported the first example of
structures and sequences are outlined at the top of the figure (red SERS recognition of fully complementary duplexes, as well as
shapes correspond to Adenine, yellow to Uracil, green to Guanine, short hairpin and small interfering RNAs. We diversified
and blue to Cytosine). microRNAs sequences with single-base mismatches. Nucleo-
base variants such as pseudouridine and N6-methyladenine
were recognized and quantified with single-base sensitivity
∼1029 cm−1 observed for miRNA may also be due to the U within both single strands and duplexes. Finally, direct
presence in the structure. comparison of structurally analogous RNA and DNA molecules
Similar considerations in terms of helicity form and U/T also permitted to characterize distinctive signatures of their
nucleobase modification can be derived when comparing the corresponding sugar moieties as well as their secondary
SERS spectra of RNA and DNA duplexes (Figure 6). structure. This work represents a step forward in the
Additionally, we also observe a significant 4 cm−1 down-shift ribonucleic acid analysis by SERS, paving the way for the
of the A ring breathing mode in dsRNA which does not occur final translation of its analytical potential to the in-depth
for miRNA (better visualized in Figure S11). This experimental investigation of these intriguing biomolecules. Owing to the
result is congruent with the different electronic perturbation extremely rich structural information provided by this simple,
that U and T impose on the A structure upon duplex formation highly sensitive and low-cost sensing approach, we believe that
via base stacking and H-bonding, as also reported in the normal this method will have an important impact in basic and
Raman studies of bipolymeric A−U and A−T nucleic acids.51 therapeutic research, drug design, and diagnosis applications.
Interestingly, in the case of duplexes, the remaining features of
the spectra show minor or null differences, whereas for miRNA METHODS
and ssDNA, some remarkable changes are observed in several All materials were of highest purity available and obtained from Sigma-
bands which are not strictly related to either the backbone Aldrich. RNA sequences were purchased from Eurofins Genomics
conformation or T/U nucleobases. Specifically, these spectral (Germany) except for shRNA, purchased from IDT Integrated DNA
differences can be mainly described as the variation of the Technologies (Denmark). The 200 μM stock solutions were prepared
intensity ratio between purine and pyrimidine bands, such as by dissolving into Milli-Q water. The microRNAs and single-stranded
DNAs selected for this study are listed in Table S1. Duplex structures
the A ring breathing band and the intense A+G ring band were prepared in 0.3 M PBS by the annealing at 90 °C for 10 min of
centered at 1327 cm−1 (purine), and the C+U ring breathing equimolar solutions of ss1 and ss2; ss1 and ss5; ssDNA1 and ssDNA2
feature (pyrimidine). yielding the corresponding dsRNA, siRNA, and dsDNA. Short hairpin
Overall, the data showed that the relative intensity of these RNA structure (shRNA) was also self-hybridized in 0.3 M PBS by
purine bands decreases in a very similar fashion when miRNAs annealing at 90 °C for 10 min. The final concentration of the duplex
structures in the stock solutions was 20 μM. The solutions were stored ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
at −20 °C until required.
Positively charged spermine-coated silver nanoparticles (AgNP@ The work was funded by European Research Council
Sp) were synthesized following the previously reported protocol.28,29 (PrioSERS FP7/2014 623527), Ministerio de Economia y
Nanoparticle concentration (∼0.3 nM) was calculated by Lambert− Competitividad (CTQ2014-59808R), Generalitat de Catalunya
Beer’s law using the extinction coefficient for silver nanoparticles of (2014-SGR-480), and Medcom Advance SA.
1.85 × 1010 M−1 cm−1, derived from literature.52 The UV−vis
spectrum of AgNP@Sp colloids is shown in Figure S1. AgNP@Sp
colloids are characterized by a low/null SERS background signal ABBREVIATIONS
(Figure S1C). Samples for SERS measurements were prepared as mi, micro; ss, single-stranded; ds, double-stranded; sh, short
follows: 100 μL of AgNP@Sp ([NP] ∼ 0.3 nM) was mixed with 4 μL hairpin; m, messenger; Sp, spermine; AgNP, silver nano-
of RNA or DNA aqueous solutions (10 μM for single-stranded particles; AgNP@Sp, positively charged spermine-coated silver
sequences and 5 μM for duplexes, respectively). The colloidal
suspension immediately turned its color from yellow to orange, nanoparticles; LSPR, localized surface plasmon resonance; A,
revealing the nanoparticle aggregation. The samples were left to adenine; C, cytosine; G, guanine; T, thymine; U, uracil; mA, N6-
equilibrate for 3 h and redispersed by quick sonication before methyladenine; ψ, pseudouridine; pA, poly adenine; pC, poly
acquiring the SERS spectra. It is worthy of note that the sensitivity of cytosine; pG, poly guanine; pU, poly uracil; pT, poly thymine;
the method can be easily improved down to ∼30 nM of miRNA and rib, ribose; let-7, lethal-7 (the let-7 family is one of the key
∼10 nM of dsRNA (corresponding respectively to ∼21 and ∼14 ng miRNA regulators in development and cancer)
per 100 μL of investigated colloidal sample) by diluting the
nanoparticle suspension 4 times. Further, the overall amount of
sample required to perform the SERS study can be drastically reduced, REFERENCES
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