151543-The Angel of Mercy
151543-The Angel of Mercy
151543-The Angel of Mercy
By Sam Chupp
Preludes &
“Angel of Mercy” is a story that requires a proper
introduction. In order to convey its full effect, you must
foreshadow the events of this story. One way you can do
this is by giving hints to your players that “something is up”
through character interaction and story elements. Below is a
list of possible foreshadowing techniques you can use to
introduce the story:
1. An Order of Hermes mage might discover an ancient
tome containing references to the Forest of Moaning Oaks in
the Val du Bosque region of France, and to a foolish group of
mages who tampered with powerful magicks that restrained a
demon of great power. Nothing is recorded about the fate of
those mages.
2. A Hollow One mage might be laying out a Gothic
Tarot spread, or zoning out listening to Fields of the Nephilim,
and get a vision of a terrible demon from Hell who seeks to
consume all. Of course, her reaction might simply be to write
a poem about it, or say nothing at all.
3. A Dreamspeaker mage might dream about a great,
blood-saturated worm that dwells in the earth and spews its
spittle into the underground rivers that feed the rivers of the
world. Make this dream real and lifelike. Play it as if it is really
happening to the character.
4. A Euthanatos mage might be passing near Angel
Fountain Mall and feel an aura of pure Entropy emanate from
it. The mage may be attracted by the water in the fountain,
which seems to have some small amount of Quintessence in it.
The mage might also be attracted to the fountain as a potential
Node of Entropy.
5. A Celestial Chorus mage might be attracted to the
subject matter of the angel if she sees it in the papers. Perhaps
the Chorister’s own guardian angel/spirit appears to her in a
dream and tries to warn her of the great evil in the mall. Of
course, this might be misconstrued as a prohibition versus
Chapter One:
Fighting the Darkness
a neo-Nazi Satanist group, he will also be harassed. Even the
Scene One: bouncers don’t do much; they are obviously intimidated.
A Night Out The characters can easily avoid any entanglements with
the Blood Lords if that’s what they wish to do, and nothing will
Plot: The first scene of this story involves some happen to them if they do: the Blood Lords are under orders
of the more club-oriented characters (probably from their leaders not to cause too much trouble. The best way
Hollow Ones, Cultists of Ecstasy, Verbena, to avoid trouble with them is to do what they say: leave the club
Dreamspeakers or Euthanatos mages) at a local if they want you to leave the club. Only if one of the characters
nightclub. They may be enjoying themselves uses magick directly on the Blood Lords will the leader, Marko,
for a change or may be at the club for ulterior get involved.
Marko is a huge, hulking gangster. Marko wears a Talis-
At some point in the evening, the club is man, a chain of iron that grants him three extra dice to any
overrun by red-jacketed goons. The gang mem- Willpower roll to defeat a direct magickal attack. It also grows
bers all look vaguely Aryan and, from the swastikas and cold when magick is used near it. If he detaches it from his
inverted pentagrams on their jackets, it’s not hard to discern neck, he can use it as a weapon; it inflicts aggravated damage
(Intelligence + (Occult or Streetwise); difficulty 4) that they (this does not negate the protection). Finally, the chain
are some kind of neo-Nazi Satanist group. The gang’s name, allows Marko to contact his master, Kjarl Nordsen. This takes
“The Blood Lords,” is emblazoned on the jackets. The charac- a turn’s concentration, whereupon a conjunctional Corre-
ters may suspect that these gangsters have some kind of spondence/Mind effect alerts Kjarl that Marko requests
vampiric ties, but a Perception + Awareness roll (difficulty 7; attention. Kjarl is normally very good about checking on his
two successes needed) does not reveal the traditional signa- servant immediately.
tures that are associated with the Kindred. All of the Blood
Marko is skilled in the techniques used by Japanese
Lords radiate a certain dark presence, even though it isn’t
wielders of the manriki-gusari. These techniques allow him
readily discernible via magick or Awareness.
to negate an opponent’s dodge successes by removing dice
Most of the characters will be ignored by the gang from his own Dice Pool on a one-for-one basis.
members; however, the character who has the lowest Ap-
Once Marko detects the use of magick, he looks around
pearance rating will be harassed. She will be ordered to leave
the room, using his Awareness to discover the mage or mages
the club immediately: “We don’t want no warthogs in here!”
who used magick. Marko notices all of the characters, display-
Furthermore, if one of the characters is an obvious target for
ing a perceptible reaction as he turns and looks at them.
Chapter Two:
Blood in the Fountain
Plot: In this chapter, the players confront and
deal with the problem of the fountain in the Scene One:
mall, which suddenly begins to ooze blood.
They must also face a subsequent conflict with Secrets of Angel
the Technocracy.
Plot: The characters are visiting the Angel Fountain Mall
Background for some reason, or perhaps they see a Blood Lord outside the
This chapter takes place two weeks after Chap- mall. They run into the Blood Lords again — they have been
ter One. Kjarl has spent the time in preparation scribing ancient symbols on the pillars surrounding the foun-
for a series of rituals that will destroy the wards binding the tain in the mall.
greater demon within the statue. Kjarl then hopes to bind the Notes: The area of the mall surrounding the fountain is
demon to him and return to the Iron Circle Chantry. In the considered to have a Paradox rating of 1. Note that Wellington,
meantime, it is just as well that the statue is located within a the developer and owner of the mall, is under constant
mall, where the Technocracy will most likely interfere with surveillance by the Syndicate. Any untoward happenings
any do-gooders trying to stop his activities. (strange vulgar magick effects) that take place in the mall will
Scene Two:
Bloody Sunday
Plot: The following scene takes place several days after
the rune-carving incident. In the interim, your characters
may want to research the situation. Refer to the Researching the
Fountain section, below, if characters pursue this course. The
characters may have posted watchers at the mall by this time.
They should be expecting trouble at the fountain sometime
soon. If characters take no precautions, they will discover the
situation much later, perhaps even on the evening news.
Otherwise, as soon as the mall opens, the characters’ watcher
notices the plywood barrier, and may even manage to peek
around it. If she does, she receives a shocking sight. The
fountain is spewing torrents of blood.
In any case, after the demon is dealt with perhaps the Chantry’s first — will be an interesting night’s
or after it escapes, the blood reverts to water and story.
the fountain returns to normal. Ms. Kramer Furthermore, if Kjarl’s plot succeeds, you may wish to
loses her job for disobeying her news manager, reintroduce Kjarl as a major villain in the chronicle from time
which is just as well, because she must now to time, with his greater demon in tow. Alternately, the
discover what it means to be a mage. The characters may track Kjarl back to Germany.
characters may want to be there for her, because Those who drank of the bloody water or the blood itself
otherwise the Technocracy will surely “deal” might be possessed by Infernal spirits, a problem that could
with her. The characters may ask their own offer a challenge to a group of mages in the city. Locating each
Mentors for assistance in helping Ms. Kramer understand her person and dealing with the demon within could be extremely
new life. Dealing with the new Apprentice in the Chantry —
Incidental Charts
Foci Chart
Akashic Brotherhood
Foci: Do–Correspondence/Mind/Prime/Time, Purification– Spirit, Entropy, Sash– Forces, Weapon– Life/Matter
Celestial Chorus
Foci: Fire– Prime/Spirit, Holy Symbol– Forces/Mind, Pure Water– Entropy, Song– Correspondence/Life/Time, and Touch–Matter
Cult of Ecstasy
Foci: Incense– Correspondence/Spirit, Music– Forces/Mind, Ring– Entropy/Matter, Vice– Life/Prime/Time
Foci: Crystals– Life/Mind/Prime, Drums– Correspondence/Entropy/Forces/Matter/Time, Feathers– Spirit
Foci: Bones– Entropy/Matter/Prime, Dancing– Correspondence/Spirit, Dolls– Life, Rattle– Mind/Time, and Weapon– Forces
Hollow Ones
Foci: Hollow Ones require no foci.
Order of Hermes
Foci: Circle– Spirit,Language– all Spheres, including those with another focus (Linguistics Ability required), Seal of Solomon– Forces/
Prime, Showstone– Mind/Time
Sons of Ether
Foci: Abacus– Correspondence/Entropy, Electricity– Life/Prime, Ether Goggles– Mind/Spirit, Scientific Meter– Forces/Matter/Time
Foci: Blood– Life/Prime, Cauldron– Entropy/Spirit, Herbs– Matter, Wand– Correspondence/Forces/Time, Weapon–Mind
Virtual Adepts
Foci: Computer– all Spheres, Electricity– Forces, Network–Prime/Spirit
The Ascension
Name: Essence: Tradition:
Player: Nature: Mentor:
Chronicle: Demeanor: Cabal:
Physical Social Mental
Strength ___________
OOOOO Charisma ___________
OOOOO Perception __________
Dexterity __________
OOOOO Manipulation _________
OOOOO Intelligence _________
Stamina ____________
OOOOO Appearance __________
OOOOO Wits _______________OOOOO
Talents Skills Knowledges
Drive _______________ Computer_____________OOOOO
OOOOO Etiquette _____________
OOOOO Cosmology________________
OOOOO Firearms ______________
OOOOO Culture ________________
Brawl ______________
OOOOO Leadership____________
OOOOO Enigmas _________________
Dodge ______________
OOOOO Meditation ____________
OOOOO Investigation ____________
Melee________________ Law __________________
Intimidation _________
Research______________ Linguistics ______________
Intuition ____________
OOOOO Stealth _______________
OOOOO Medicine ____________OOOOO
OOOOO Survival ______________
OOOOO Occult_______________OOOOO
Subterfuge ___________
OOOOO Technology ____________
OOOOO Science _____________OOOOO
Correspondence___ OOOOO Life__________________ OOOOO Prime________________OOOOO
Entropy_____________ OOOOO Mind________________ OOOOO Spirit________________OOOOO
Forces_______________ OOOOO Matter______________ OOOOO Time________________OOOOO
Study Points
Attributes: 7/5/3 Abilities: 13/9/5 Spheres: 5 Backgrounds: 7 Freebie Points: 15 (7/5/4/2/1)
The Golden Rule Normal Healing Times
Health Level Time
Remember that in the end there is only one real Bruised One day
rule in Mage: there are no rules. You are playing a Hurt Three days
mage, so just as the rules of a game are the myths that Injured One week
describe a culture, you must willing to move beyond Wounded One month
that culture to describe your own. You should fashion
Mauled Three months
this game into whatever you need it to be — if the rules
get in your way, then ignore or change them. In the Crippled Three months
end, the true complexity and beauty of the real world Incapacitated Three months
cannot be captured by rules; it takes storytelling and Healing with the Life Sphere: Life 2 heals simple
imagination to do that. Indeed, these rules are not so creatures. Life 3 can heal humans. One level of health is
much rules as they are guidelines, and you are free to restored for each success rolled, but only one roll is possible.
use, abuse, ignore and change them as you wish. Simple healing is coincidental magick. Healing aggravated
wounds requires vulgar magick. Aggravated wounds caused by
paradox cannot be healed by magick. For more details, see pp.
197-200 of the rulebook.