Governance Reviewer
Governance Reviewer
Governance Reviewer
Corporate Control
(is the board doing the right thing?)
Good Corporate Governance
Essence of any system of good corporate
governance is to allow the board and
management the freedom to drive their
organization forward and to exercise that
freedom within a framework of effective
Relationship between shareholders/Owners
and other stakeholders
Corporate governance refers to the system by
which companies are directed and controlled,
balancing the interests of shareholders and
Board of Directors:
Elected by shareholders to oversee
the corporation's management.
Responsible for setting policies,
approving strategic decisions, and
ensuring the corporation adheres to
legal and ethical standards.
Plays a crucial role in monitoring
executive management and ensuring
corporate accountability.
Executive Management:
Appointed by the board to run the
day-to-day operations of the
Responsible for implementing the Oversight and Control
board’s policies and strategic - The board and audit committees
directions. ensure executive management acts
Operational Management and Internal in shareholders' best interests.
Auditors: - Internal auditors and external
Operational Management: Manages auditors provide additional layers of
the company's functional areas (e.g., oversight, enhancing accountability.
finance, marketing, HR).
Internal Auditors: Provide independent Importance of Accountability and
assessments and oversight, ensuring Transparency
controls and compliance with Stakeholders: Corporations are not only
regulations. accountable to shareholders but also to a
broader group of stakeholders, who
Accountabilities in the Governance System might be impacted by the company's
Shareholders/Owners: Hold actions.
ultimate accountability, as they own Legal and Ethical Obligations:
the company. Management and the board must
operate within legal frameworks and
External Auditors: Independent maintain ethical standards, addressing
parties who examine the financial stakeholders’ expectations and
statements and report on their requirements.
accuracy, ensuring transparency for
shareholders. Owners want Accountability on such things
Regulators: Ensure the corporation Financial Performance
complies with legal and regulatory
requirements. Financial Transparency – financial
statements that are clear with full
disclosure and that reflect the underlying
Society and Others: Includes economics of the company.
employees, communities, and any
other stakeholders affected by the Stewardship - how well the company
corporation's operations. protects and manages the resources
Corporations are accountable to entrusted to it.
society for ethical and sustainable
practices. Quality of Internal Control