Marman Chap2
Marman Chap2
Marman Chap2
• A company classifies all its SBUs according to the It have some limitations:
growth-share matrix. The growth-share matrix
defines four types of SBU's: - Difficulty in defining SBUs and measuring market
share and growth
- Time consuming
- Expensive
- Focus on current businesses, not future planning
Methods to improve:
Market penetration
Company growth by increasing sales of current ultimately, its customers who partner with each other
products to current market segments without to improve the performance of the entire system.
changing the product Toyota’s performance against Ford depends on the
quality of Toyota’s overall value delivery network
Market development versus Ford’s.
The company growth by identifying and developing
new market segments for current company products. Marketing Strategy and the Marketing Mix
Product development
Company growth by offering modified or new
products to current market segments.
Company growth through starting up or acquiring
businesses outside the company’s current products
and markets.
A company with limited resources might decide to Price is the amount of money customers must pay to
serve only one or a few special segments or market obtain the product.
Promotion refers to activities that communicate the
Most companies enter a new market by serving a merits of the product and persuade target customers
single segment; if this proves successful, they add to buy it.
more segments.
Place includes company activities that make the
3.) Marketing Differentiation and Positioning product available to target consumers.
Positioning is arranging for a product to occupy a The marketing mix ─ or the four Ps ─ consists of
clear, distinctive, and desirable place relative to tactical marketing tools blended into an integrated
competing products in the minds of the target marketing program that actually delivers the intended
consumer. value to target customers.
Thus, effective positioning begins with An effective marketing program blends the marketing
differentiation—actually differentiating the mix elements into an integrated marketing program
company’s market offering so that it gives consumers designed to achieve the company’s marketing
more value. objectives by delivering value to consumers. The
marketing mix constitutes the company’s tactical tool
Developing an Integrated Marketing Mix kit for establishing strong positioning in target
• Marketing mix is the set of controllable tactical
marketing tools product, price, place, and promotion Developing an Integrated Marketing Mix
that the firm blends to produce the response it wants
in the target market.has context menu It holds that the four Ps concept takes the seller’s
view of the market, not the buyer’s view. From the
buyer’s viewpoint, in this age of customer value and
relationships, the four Ps might be better described as
the four Cs:
4Ps Marketing Analysis
Price The marketer should conduct a SWOT analysis ,by
Place which it evaluates the company’s overall strengths
Promotion (S), weaknesses (W), opportunities (O), and threats
Customer solution
Customer cost
Marketing Planning
Marketing Control
Marketing implementation is the process that turns Management takes corrective action to close the gaps
marketing plans into marketing actions to accomplish between goals and performance
strategic marketing objectives.
Measuring and Managing Return on Marketing
Whereas marketing planning addresses: Investment
what, why, who, where, whe, how
Return on marketing investment (or marketing ROI)
Many managers think that “doing things right” is the net return from a marketing investment divided
(implementation) is as important as, or even more by the costs of the marketing investment.
important than, “doing the right things”(strategy).
It measures the profits generated by investments in
Marketing Department Organization marketing activities.
Geographic organization
Useful for companies that sell across the country or
internationally. Managers are responsible for
developing strategies and plans for a specific region
Product management
Useful for companies with different products or
brands. Managers are responsible for developing
strategies and plans for a specific product or brand.
Measuring and Managing Return on Marketing