Arnette 1993
Arnette 1993
Arnette 1993
Citation: Physics of Fluids A: Fluid Dynamics (1989-1993) 5, 187 (1993); doi: 10.1063/1.858803
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Numerical study of cavitation inception in the near field of an axisymmetric jet at high Reynolds number
Phys. Fluids 12, 2444 (2000); 10.1063/1.1289394
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On streamwise vortices in high Reynolds number supersonic
axisymmetric jets
S. A. Arnette, M. Samimy, and G. S. Elliott
Department of Mechanical Engineering, The Ohio State Unive?sity, Columbus, Ohio 43210
(Received 25 February 1992; accepted 27 August 1992)
Pitot pressure measurements and flow visualizations were used to investigate streamwise
vortices previously observed in underexpanded jets. A simple model was developed, which gives
reasonable agreement with the pressure measurements. A converging nozzle and
converging-diverging nozzle of design Mach number 1.5 were used to generate jet flows of
equivalent Mach numbers up to 2.5 (stagnation to ambient pressure ratios up to
17.1). By operating the nozzles fully expanded, overexpanded, and underexpanded, insight
was gained into both the occurrence and cause for formation of the vortices. Spatially
stationary streamwise vortices were found to exist in the near-field region around the
circumference of underexpanded jets in the vicinity of the jet boundary. Short exposure
visualizations show the vortices persist much farther downstream with a loss of spatial
organization. Visualizations suggest adjacent vortices have streamwise vorticity of
opposite sign, so the action of adjacent vortices is to either pump jet fluid radially outward or
entrain ambient fluid radially inward toward the jet. The downstream extent, strength,
and number of vortices around the jet circumference increase with degree of underexpansion.
A large number of vortices is found near the nozzle exit. Fewer vortices of larger scale
are found farther downstream, indicative of a merging process. The absence of the vortices in
fully expanded and overexpanded jets suggests the vortices are a consequence of a
Taylorkoertler-type instability.
187 Phys. Fluids A 5 (l), January 1993 0899-8213/93/010187-l 6$06.00 @ 1993 American Institute of Physics 187
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Jet Boundary TABLE I. Range of flow conditions studied for the sonic nozzle.
Expansion FansA--
c /,- Intercepting Shock
Mr h&&nb RedlO
Mach Disk / i
FIG. 1. Shock cell structure in the plume of an underexpanded jet. mm. The pressure measuring system was capable of mea-
surements to within *3.5 kPa (0.5 psi), utilizing a Bour-
don tube-type pressure gauge. As the investigation focused
The main objective of this study was to further inves- on spatially stationary streamwise vortices, the frequency
tigate the existence and detailed characteristics of stream- response of the system was not a concern.
wise vortices in supersonic jets, with methods similar to Pitot pressure measurements were taken through 180”
those employed by Krothapalli et al. lo Jets covering a wide of the jet circumference. The number of measurement
range of pressure ratios were investigated, issuing from points was determined by dividing half of the circumfer-
both a converging nozzle and a converging-diverging noz- ence for the given measurement radius by the sensing di-
zle of design Mach number 1.5. Unlike the conical Mach ameter of the probe. Adjacent measurement points are sep-
1.5 nozzle used by Zapryagaev and Solotchin,’ the Mach arated by an arclength equal to the sensing diameter of the
1.5 nozzle in this study was designed with the method of probe. Because of the alternating diverging and converging
characteristics to generate uniform flow at the nozzle exit. tlow around the shock cells, the Pitot pressure measure-
The cited studies indicate streamwise vortices are an im- ments in these experiments are not of the true total pres-
portant feature of underexpanded supersonic jets. In this sure that would exist behind a normal shock. This would
work, fully expanded, overexpanded, and underexpanded be measured only if the probe face were exactly perpendio
supersonic jets were studied to draw more general conclu- ular to the flow direction. Only the component of the total
sions concerning the relevance of the observed streamwise pressure corresponding to flow velocity perpendicular to
vortices to supersonic jets. the Pitot probe face, which is aligned parallel to the nozzle
exit cross section, is measured. However, since the interest
II. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE here is in azimuthal variation due to vortices, the acquired
measurements are considered useful.
The experiments were conducted at The Ohio State Schlieren images with various knife edge settings were
University Aeronautical and Astronautical Research Lab- acquired with a charge coupled device (CCD) camera and
oratory (AARL). An air storage capacity of 41 m3 at recorded onto super VHS videotape. Illumination was pro-
pressures up to 16.5 MPa allows the jet facility to be run vided by a 5 W, continuous wave Spectra Physics model
continuously. The system allowed the stagnation pressure 2020 argon-ion laser. In a second visualization system,
of the jet to be maintained to within f 1% of the set point. light scattered from condensed moisture in the jet mixing
This, along with the daily variation of the ambient pres- region was used to visualize the jet flow. The optical layout
sure, led to a small run-to-run variation in the equivalent is shown in Fig. 2. Vertical sheets (approximately 0.2 mm
Mach numbers about the reported set points. thick) parallel to the face of the nozzle were used to obtain
Pitot pressure measurements and flow visualizations jet cross sections at various downstream locations. This
were performed on a sonic nozzle with an exit diameter of sheet orientation is referred to as a cross-sectional view. As
12.7 mm and a Mach 1.5 nozzle with an exit diameter of shown in Fig. 2, some of the images were recorded with the
19.05 mm. Experiments are referred to in terms of the aid of a molecular iodine filter. Without the filter, the tech-
equivalent Mach number instead of the stagnation-to- nique is the commonly employed laser sheet lighting. The
ambient pressure ratio. The equivalent Mach number is continuous-wave argon-ion laser was used in conjunction
defined as the Mach number which would result in an
isentropic expansion for a given stagnation to ambient
pressure ratio. The equivalent Mach numbers investigated, TABLE II. Range of flow conditions investigated for the Mach 1.5 noz-
along with the Reynolds numbers based on throat condi- zle.
tions, are presented in Tables I and II for the sonic and
M/ Pe,g/&,b RedlO’
Mach 1.5 nozzles, respectively.
Pitot pressure data were acquired with a standard 1.5 3.67 1.03
2.0 7.82 2.19
probe mounted on a three-axis traversing system. The tra-
2.5 17.1 4.79
versing system was equipped with a digital position read- 1.3 2.70 0.756
out on each axis, allowing positional accuracy to bO.013 1.18 2.36 0.661
mm along each axis. The probe sensing diameter was 0.76
188 Phys. Fluids A, Vol. 5, No. 1, January i993 Arnette, Samimy, and Elliott 188
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Frequency Doubler Filter Absorotion Profile
V v+Av
L to super VHS
V v+Av
FIG. 2. Schematic of the filtered MielRayleigh scattering optical setup.
189 Phys. Fluids A, Vol. 5, No. 1, Januaty 1993 Arnette, Samimy, and Elliott 189
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SIR = I .20, pa.avs= 376 kPa
r/~ = 1.30, P,,,avs= 308 kPa
. r/R = 1.40, po.avs= 266 kPa
r/R = 1 JO, Po,avg= 210 kPa
* r/R = 1.60,po.avg= 168 kPa
r/R = 1.70, Po.=“s= 135 kPa
r/R = 1.80, po.avg= 117 kPa
r/R = 1.90, po,avn= 106 kPa
FIG. 4. Scattering schematic for the calculation of Doppler shift.
190 Phys. Fluids A, Vol. 5, No. 1, January 1993 Arnette, Samimy, and Elliott 190
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2), are presented. In Figs. 5-15, measured Pitot pressures notes total pressure, s denotes entropy, and R denotes the
are nondimensionalized with the average Pitot pressure for gas constant for air. The entropy increase is given by
that measurement radius. Nondimensionalizing with a sin-
gle value (such as the stagnation pressure) masked the s,-s,=gln( [ 1+(~)(~~-1)1(2:::~~~~)]
indentations at the outer measurement radii, where the
flow consists largely of entrained ambient air and the Pitot
pressure is low. The vertical scale of the azimuthal Pitot
profile plots is varied to minimize crowding of the profiles
-Rln[l,(~)(M:-l)], (3)
at different measurement radii. where cp denotes the constant-pressure specific heat, y de-
In the MjE2.0 case issuing from the sonic nozzle, the notes the ratio of specific heats, and M, denotes the Mach
density gradient across the Mach disk was strong enough number ahead of the normal shock. The measured pressure
to be seen by the unaided eye, and the streamwise location outside the jet boundary would obviously be the static pres-
was found directly by manually positioning the probe at sure of the ambient fluid, &,b. If stationary streamwise
the Mach disk and recording the position from the travers- vortices were present at the jet boundary, such that adja-
ing stages. The axial location of the measurements in Fig. cent vortices had opposite senses of rotation (streamwise
5 (1Mj=2.0) is approximately 5 mm downstream of the vorticity of opposite sign), the hypothetical vortex sheet
Mach disk. Six well-defined local minima are seen in the and the jet boundary of the actual jet would be distorted.
figure, and the maximum variation level is approximately At locations where adjacent vortices rotated such that fluid
230 kPa at r/R = 1.20 (6 1% of the average Pitot pressure is entrained into the jet, the jet boundary would be dis-
at r/R= 1.20). As proposed by Zapryagaev and Solotchin,8 placed closer to the jet centerline than if the vortices were
it is believed that each of the indentations in the pressure not present, and vice versa. If such a distortion of the jet
measurements around the jet circumference, resulting in a boundary existed, a Pitot pressure profile around the vor-
departure from axisymmetry, indicates the presence of two tex sheet jet at a radius equal to that of the unperturbed jet
counter-rotating, spatially stationary, streamwise vortices. boundary would see alternating regions of jet and ambient
Adjacent counter-rotating vortices gives rise to a pumping fluid. In regions of jet fluid, the measured Pitot pressure
action. Depending on the actual senses of rotation of the would be significantly higher than in regions of ambient
adjacent vortices, either jet fluid is pumped radially out- fluid, azimuthal profiles nominally like those of Fig. 5
ward or ambient fluid is entrained radially inward toward would be expected. The maximum measurable variation in
the jet centerline. the simplified model is
Whether the demonstrated azimuthal variations in Pi-
tot pressure can be considered evidence of stationary, k’o,max =Po,2 -Pamb . (4)
counter-rotating, streamwise vortices must be addressed. The term maximum variation is used to denote the largest
Consider a simplified model of the underexpanded jet issu- difference in Pitot pressure values between a local maxi-
ing into ambient fluid, where (as in the current work) the mum and an adjacent local minimum. No attempts are
jet and ambient fluids are the same. In the model, the finite made to incorporate the pressure variation across the vor-
thickness of the shear layer between the jet and ambient tices into this simple model. The model gives values for the
fluids is neglected, so the jet boundary separating jet and extreme pressures that would exist on either side of an
ambient fluid becomes an infinitesimally thin interface of individual vortex present in a distribution of adjacent vor-
infinite vorticity. Rayleigh= considered this “vortex sheet” tices having alternating senses of rotation.
model in his investigations of jet stability. The hypothetical Significant differences exist between the vortex sheet
“vortex sheet” jet boundary is a pressure boundary, outside model and the actual flow that suggest the measured max-
which is quiescent ambient fluid and inside which is the imum Pitot pressure variation will be less than the value
underexpanded jet. If it is assumed the jet fluid expands to calculated with the model. The finite thickness of the ac-
ambient pressure at the jet boundary, the Mach number of tual shear layer makes the calculation of the variation mag-
the supersonic jet at the jet boundary can be calculated nitude based on quiescent ambient fluid and perfectly ex-
from the known stagnation pressure, po,l. The Pitot pres- panded jet fluid unrealistic. Because of this gradual
sure measured inside the jet boundary, po,2, would be the shearing action, the Mach numbers and velocities of the
total pressure behind the normal portion of the bow shock local maximum and minimum at a single measurement
set up ahead of the Pitot probe (in the limit of ideal probe radius are closer than those assumed in the model. This
alignment with the flow direction). Utilizing one- would result in a smaller theoretical maximum variation in
dimensional gasdynamic theory, with the assumption of a model that accounts for finite shear layer thickness. It is
ideal gases having constant ratio of specific heats, the mea- also significant that the flow between the intercepting
sured Pitot pressure is connected to the entropy increase shock and the jet boundary, referred to as the compression
across the shock, and is given by region, passes through a series of compression waves as it
travels downstream. In doing so, the total pressure of the
9 I
1 et-(~z-WRl
, flow in the compression region continuously decreases with
increasing downstream distance. Further, the oblique ori-
where subscripts 1 and 2 represent quantities before and entation of the compression waves in this region results in
after the normal shock, respectively. The symbol p. de- decreasing Mach number with increasing radial distance
191 Phys. Fluids A, Vol. 5, No. 1, January 1993 Amette, Samimy, and Elliott 191
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TABLE III. Comparison of simplified model and experimental variations present (consistent with the idea that the vortices result
in Pitot pressure azimuthal profiles. from Taylor-Goertler instability) in both the calculated
and measured variations, the magnitudes are significantly
Experimental variation at X/D= 1.00 Indentations in the azimuthal Pitot profiles exist at the
Finite shear thickness same angular position for all of the presented measurement
Theoretical Vortex radii in Fig. 5. Grouping the indentations in the azimuthal
variation sheet Mean Low High profiles that occur at a single angular location for multiple
1.50 244 loo 217 194 241 measurement radii allows a better comparison between the
2.00 470 255 422 381 444 model and the measurements to be made by neglecting
2.50 763 310 633 623 657 intermediate pressures in the shear layer and compression
region. For a single indentation, the maximum pressure is
taken as the local maximum at the measurement radius
from the jet centerline, as shown by Zapryagaev and displaying the greatest local maximum. Likewise, the min-
Solotchins These issues suggest the assumed model is clos- imum is taken as the smallest local minimum for the iden-
est to actuality near the nozzle exit, before the shear layer tified indentation. When locating the extreme pressures
has grown significantly and before significant recompres- this way, the minimum aZways occurred at a larger mea-
sion of the expanded flow occurs. The most upstream mea- surement radius than the maximum. Not all indentations
surements of this study, however, were collected at X/D in the azimuthal profiles spanned several measurement ra-
= 1.00. Limited spatial resolution prevented measurements dii, suggesting the streamwise vortices around the jet cir-
closer to the nozzle. cumference are of varying size and strength. Only those
The limitations of the current experiments will also indentations that could be identified over several measure-
cause the measured variation to be less than the theoretical ment radii were chosen for comparison. The angular loca-
variation. The maximum possible variation could be mea- tion of the local maxima and minima for an indentation
sured only if the Pitot probe had a perfect spatial resolu- varies a small amount between different measurement ra-
tion and if the face of the probe were aligned exactly per- dii, which is expected, since the probe had limited spatial
pendicular to the flow velocity. The probe resolution was resolution and the measurements reflect an average over
relatively poor, especially close to the nozzle exit where the the probe face.
shear layer had not acquired significant thickness and the The resulting mean, low, and high variations are re-
jet had not expanded to its full size. The face of the probe ported in columns 3, 4, and 5 of Table III, respectively. In
in these experiments was aligned parallel to the nozzle exit order to indicate that an allowance has been made for the
plane. Because of the flow curvature in the shock cell, the finite shear layer thickness in calculating the variations, the
flow velocity was not perpendicular to the face of the columns are labeled “finite shear thickness.” These values
probe. The reported measurements are, therefore, only an exhibit much better agreement with the model, indicating
average of a component of the actual variation. Another the simple model is conceptually correct. The model rep-
problem in comparing the measured variations to those resents the greatest possible azimuthal variation in Pitot
calculated with the simplified model is measurements were pressure. As a result, the highest variations for each equiv-
collected only at discrete radii. As a result, it is probable alent Mach number agree better with the model than do
that the maximum variations that could have been mea- the mean variations. A total of 5, 6, and 5 indentations
sured were not. were identified in the Iwj= 1.5 (Fig. 6), 2.0, and 2.5 (Fig.
The theoretical maximum variations calculated with 9) cases, respectively. The smaller number of indentations
the simplified vortex sheet model for the Mj= 1.5, 2.0, and at Mj=2.5 than at Mj=2.0 stems from difficulty in ob-
2.5 cases are presented in column 2 of Table III. The mea- taining profiles at X/D= 1.00 in the Mj=2.5 jet, which is
sured Pitot pressure azimuthal variations compared to the discussed below in conjunction with Fig. 9. In general, the
model are taken from data at X/D= 1.00 since the model is number of vortices increases with equivalent Mach num-
best suited for comparison to measurements close to the ber. The discrepancy between the calculated and measured
nozzle. The simplest variation that can be taken from the variations increases with increasing equivalent Mach num-
measured Pitot pressures is the difference between a local ber. This is expected, since the data for the three cases are
maxima and the adjacent local minima in the azimuthal collected at the same downstream location. At X/D= 1.00,
profile at a single measurement radius. If the shear layer in streamline curvature of the underexpanded jet increases
the experiments approached a vortex sheet, this variation with increasing equivalent Mach number, causing the
should approach the model value. The maximum local probe to see a smaller portion of the actual Pitot pressure
variations contained in the azimuthal profiles at a single (and resulting variation). The collection of data only at
measurement radius for the three equivalent Mach num- select radii is also a problem.
bers are presented in column 3 of Table III. The column is Figures 6-8 present the azimuthal Pitot pressure pro-
labeled “vortex sheet” to indicate the presented variations files for the Mj= 1.5 jet issuing from the sonic nozzle at
are contained in the azimuthal profile of a single measure- X/D= 1.00, 2.00, and 3.00, respectively. At X/D= 1.00
ment radius. Although the trend of increasing variation (Fig. 6)) a large number of indentations are found in the
magnitude with increasing equivalent Mach number is profiles, indicating the presence of a large number of
192 Phys. Fluids A, Vol. 5, No. 1, January 1993 Arnette, Samimy, and Elliott 192
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0.90, pqavp = 334
1 .OO, po,avg= 285
1 .lO, po,avg’x 242
1.20, pO,aVp
1.30, pO,avg
= 130
= 109
. . ...p
i/R = 0.90, &,svg = 254. kPa I
1.1 c ; :
.90 110 130 150 170 190 210 230 250 270 90 110 130 150 170 190 210 230 250 270
Theta (Degrees) Theta (Degrees)
FIG. 6. Azimuthal variation of the Pitot pressure for Mj= 1.5 issuing FIG. 8. Azimuthal variation of the Pitot pressure for Mj= 1.5 issuing
from the sonic nozzle at X/D= 1.00. from the sonic nozzle at X/D=3.00.
1.3 . 2.25 -
. r/R = 1 SO, po.avg= 352 kPa
Q r/R = 0.90, po,avg7 326 FPa A r/R = 1.90, po.avg= 682 kPa
r/R = 1 .OO, po we = 259 kPa 2.05 - + r/R = 2.20, po+“s = 163 kPa
.Z. r/R=l.lO,p0’*vg=194kPa. i
a r/R = 1.20, p&e 4 147 kPa
1.85 -
31.45 -
e1.25 -
1.05 -
0.85 -
0.8 0.65
90 110 130 150 170 190 210 230 250 270 90 110 130 150 170 190 210 230 250 270
Theta (Degrees) Theta (Degrees)
FIG. 7. Azimuthal variation of the Pitot pressure for Mj= 1.5 issuing FIG. 9. Azimuthal variation of the Pitot pressure for Mj=2.5 issuing
from the sonic nozzle at X/D= 2.00. from the sonic nozzle at X/D= 1.00.
193 Phys. Fluids A, Vol. 5, No. 1, January 1993 Arnette, Samimy, and Elliott 193
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1.75 .,
A r/R = 1.80, pD,avg= 611 kPa 0 r/R = 1.30, pO,avg= 525 kPa
1.65 . r/R = 2.00, po,avs= 641 kPa
r, r/R = 2.20, po,avg= 443 kPa f, r/R = 1.70, po’avg:=
436 kPrt
1.55 h . r/R = 2.40, po,avg= 2.57 kPa l r/R = 1.90, p&g = 332 kPa
055’-““““““““’ .
90 110 130 150 170 190 210 230 250 270 90 110 130 150 170 190 210 230 250 270
Theta (Degrees) Theta (Degrees)
FIG. 10. Azimuthal variation of the Pitot pressure for Mj=2.5 issuing FIG. 12. Azimuthal variation of the Pitot pressure for Mj=2.5 issuing
from the sonic nozzle at X/D=2.00. from the sonic nozzle at X/D=S.OO.
The data of Fig. 10 (X/D=2.00) were collected 6.5 The radii displaying the maximum variation for the
mm upstream of the Mach disk. The maximum variation Mj’2.5 case are r/R= 1.90, 2.20, 1.70, and 1.50 at X/D
level of approximately 360 kPa occurs at r/R=2.20 (81% = 1.00, 2.00, 3.00, and 5.00, respectively. This suggests the
of the average Pitot pressure at r/R = 2.20), and the profile vortex tubes experience curvature as a result of the flow
exhibits approximately 11 local minima. The data of Fig. curvature in the vicinity of the jet boundary. Similar trends
11 (X/D=3.00) are collected approximately 6 mm down- were found in the downstream evolution of the Mjz2.0
stream of the Mach disk. The azimuthal profiles display case issuing from the sonic nozzle. The number of local
approximately six local minima, and the maximum varia- minima encountered in the Mj=2.5 case are approxi-
tion of approximately 400 kPa occurs at r/R = 1.70 (63% mately 11, 11, 6, and 8 at X/D= 1.00, 2.00, 3.00, and 5.00,
of the average Pitot pressure at r/R= 1.70). The shock respectively, suggesting that merging occurs between X/D
cells are no longer detected at the axial location of Fig. 12 =2.00 and X/D=3.00. The occurrence of the greatest
(X/D=5.00). At X/D=5.00, the maximum variation of variation at X/D=3.00 suggests the vortices gain strength
approximately 210 kPa occurs at r/R= 1.50 (41% of the as they merge, although the opposite was found to be true
average Pitot pressure at r/R = 1.50). for the Mj= 1.5 case (Figs. 6 and 7). The increase in the
number of local minima from X/‘D=3.00 to X/D=5.00
for the Mjz2.5 case suggests a vortex tearing process
might be involved in the decay of the vortices.
1.8 = 1.56; po+& = 763 kPa Measurements were attempted at r/R= 1.70 and r/R
7 1.70, po,avg.= 638 kP+
1.7 = 1.86, po,avg= 497 kPa
= 1.80 for the case shown in Fig. 9, but there appeared to
4 2.pO; poavp = 377 kPa be present a low-frequency, small-amplitude “spatial jitter”
I 2.20; pO,avp= 266 kPa
= 2.40; pqavg = 186 kP+ of the vortices (within the frequency response of the pres-
sure gauge). Schlieren images acquired at 30 frames/set
1.4 confirmed this to be the case. The encountered fluctuations
1.3 were not a result of probe vibration. This jitter, combined
with the relatively small size of the vortices in this early
stage of their development (Zarge spatial pressure gradi-
ents), made the assignment of accurate average values very
difficult. This phenomenon was significant only for the
0.9 Mi=2.5 case at X/D= 1.00, and affected noticeably only
0.8 those points between well-defined maxima and minima (re-
gions of high positive or negative slope in the figures).
\ When these fluctuations occurred, the mean of the low and
0.6’ * ’ ’ ’ * ’ ’ * ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ 1 ’ high values was recorded. If the range of the fluctuations
90 110 130 150 170 190 210 230 250 270
Theta (Degrees) was observed to be more than approximately 25% of the
difference in the local maxima and local minima, measure-
FIG. 11. Azimuthal variation of the Pitot pressure for Mj=2.5 issuing ments were not taken.
from the sonic nozzle at X/D=3.00. The azimuthal Pitot pressure profiles for all of the
194 Phys. Fluids A, Vol. 5, No. 1, January 1993 Arnette, Samimy, and Elliott 194
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n r/R = 1 SO, po,avg= 352 kPa- . r/R = 1 X0, po,avs= 702 kPa
A r/R = 1.90, pO,avg= 682 kh F r/R = 2.00, po.avg= 527 !@a
c r/~ 7 2.2~4pq,avr = 163 kPa t . r/R = 2.20, po,avg= 250 kPa
1 .l
o.& ” ” ” ” ” / t ” ”
90 110 130 1.50 170 190 210 230 250 270 90 110 130 150 170 190 210 230 250 270
Theta (Degrees) Theta (Degrees)
FIG. 13. Azimuthal variation of the Pitot pressure for Mj= 1.5 issuing FIG. 14. Azimuthal variation of the Pitot pressure for Mj=2.5 issuing
from the Mach 1.5 nozzle at X/D=2.00. from the Mach 1.5 nozzle at X/D=2.00.
equivalent Mach number cases listed in Table I display data of Figs. 14 and 15 is for the Mach 1.5 nozzle operated
clear trends (data not included is presented by Arnette”) . at MjE2.5 at X/D=2.00 and 5.00, respectively. The azi-
For the jets issuing from the sonic nozzle, the equivalent muthal profiles at X/D=2.00 display a maximum varia-
Mach number is a convenient indicator of the degree of tion of approximately 80 kPa at r/R=2.00 (15% of the
underexpansion (i.e., the degree of underexpansion in- average Pitot pressure), and 10-12 indentations are evi-
creases with equivalent Mach number). At a given down- dent. The variations in the azimuthal pressure profiles are
stream location, both the number and dimensional small compared to the analogous variations of Fig. 10 for
“strength” of the indentations increase with degree of un- the sonic nozzle operated at the same equivalent Mach
derexpansion. Each of the indentations is believed to result number, also at X/D=2.00, where a maximum variation
from the presence of two counter-rotating vortices. The of 360 kPa was encountered. The profiles of Fig. 15 at
vortices persist in an average sense for a greater down- X/D=5.00 display axisymmetry, indicating that the
stream distance with increasing equivalent Mach number. streamwise vortices have ceased to exist in an average sense
Although the data follow very strictly the trend of at this downstream location. The azimuthal Pitot pressure
increasing strength of the streamwise vortices with increas- profiles of the sonic nozzle operated at the same equivalent
ing degree of underexpansion, the equivalent Mach num-
ber is not the only varying parameter for the cases listed in
Table I. Crist et aLz3 showed the axial length of the shock
cells is strongly dependent on the degree of underexpan- 1.3
n i/R = 1.40, p,,+“* = 585 kPa
sion. The streamwise vortices are believed to be a manifes- . r/R = 1.60, pO,avg= 432 kPa
tation of instability arising from the streamline curvature + i/R = 1.80, pO,avg= 314 kPa
7 r/R = 2.00, po,avg.y.217 kPa
and radial velocity gradients in the underexpanded jet. 1.2
Since the flow curvature is dependent on the shock cell
geometry, comparisons that more effectively isolate the de-
gree of underexpansion as the lone independent variable
could be made by collecting data at similar axial locations
after normalizing with a characteristic dimension of the
shock cells (i.e., distance of the Mach disk from the nozzle
exit plane), and not the nozzle exit diameter. However,
X/D=2.00 falls in the vicinity of the Mach disk for the
Mj=2.0, 2.25, and 2.50 jets, and the data agree very well :
195 Phys. Fluids A, Vol. 5, No. 1, January 1993 Amette, Samimy, and Elliott 195
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Intercepting Shock ambient pressure is 4.7, in comparison to a ratio of 9.0 for
Mj=2.5 issuing from the sonic nozzle. These comparisons
Jet Boundary indicate the degree of underexpansion is important in de-
termining the strength and downstream persistence of the
stationary streamwise vortices, specifically the streamwise
vortices are stronger and persist farther downstream with
an increasing degree of undercxpansion. It is important to
keep in mind the variation of the axial length of the shock
cells between nozzles for a given equivalent Mach number
when making the cited comparisons between the sonic and
Mach 1.5 nozzles. In addition to the perfectly expanded
jets mentioned earlier, the azimuthal Pitot pressure profiles
displayed axisymmetry in the two overexpanded jets issu-
Nozzle \ \ / / ing from the Mach 1.5 nozzle (Mj= 1.18 and 1.3, having
\--, nozzle exit to ambient pressure ratios of 0.64 and 0.74,
respectively), indicating an absence of streamwise vortices.
FIG. 16. Conceptual Taylor-Goertler system in the underexpanded jet.
The above trends can be examined relative to the idea
that these streamwise vortices result from a Taylor-
Mach number at X/D=5.00 (Fig. 12) display significant Goertler-type instability, as proposed by Zapryagaev and
variation. Solotchin.* Referring to Fig. 16, if it is imagined that a
It should be noted that at M,-=2.5 for the Mach 1.5 cylinder of radius RI (with its surface in the region be-
nozzle, the ratio of the static pressure at the nozzle exit to tween the intercepting shock and the jet boundary) is ro-
FIG. 17. Long exposure laser sheet lighting images of Mj= 1.5 jet issuing from the sonic nozzle. Images A, B, C, and D were collected at X/D= 1.00,
2.00, 3.00, and 5.00, respectively.
196 Phys. Fluids A, Vol. 5, No. 1, January 1993 Arnette, Samimy, and Elliott 196
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FIG. 18. Filtered Mie/Rayleigh scattering images of yj= 1.5 jet issuing from the sonic nozzle. Images A, B, C, and D were collected at X/D= 1.00,
2.00, 3.00, and 5.00, respectively. No specific time relatlonship exists between the individual images.
tating with an angular velocity, fit, such that R,fII, = U, streamwise vortices and the absence of the vortices in fully
( Ut =flow velocity at the surface of cylinder 1 in the actual expanded jets issuing from both nozzles and overexpanded
flow), and a second larger nearly concentric cylinder of jets issuing from the Mach 1.5 nozzle support the proposal
radius R2 (with its surface just outside the jet boundary) is that the vortices originate from the Taylor-Goertler insta-
rotating with SJ,, such that R&l,= lJ,, where U, is the flow bility.
velocity just outside the jet boundary, the resulting system Since the flow curvature and radial velocity gradient in
is very much like the classical cylindrical Couette flow the underexpanded jet increase with Mj for a given nozzle,
stability problem. The Taylor-Goertler stability problem the strength of the vortices would increase with Mj for a
was first addressed by Rayleigh in the late 18OOs, who given nozzle if the vortices result from the Taylor-Goertler
established that the inviscid cylindrical Couette flow is un- instability. This was shown to be the case in the Pitot
stable if the stratification of angular momentum is such pressure azimuthal profiles. Likewise, since the degree of
that it decreases radially outward. The viscous problem underexpansion is much less in a Mach 1.5 nozzle than in
was f?rst solved by Taylor in 1923. A fundamental treat- a sonic nozzle operated at the same equivalent Mach num-
ment of their analyses is presented by Kundu.24 Taylor ber, the strength of the streamwise vortices would be much
showed viscous effects tend to stabilize the system. Since greater in the plume of the underexpanded sonic nozzle if
the flow between the intercepting shock and the jet bound- the Taylor-Goertler instability is the actual mechanism for
ary is supersonic and the velocity outside the jet boundary the vortices’ formation. Again, this agrees with the Pitot
is low, f2z,)fi2 in the supposed system. Since the large pressure measurements.
difference in velocity occurs over a small radial distance To further investigate the flow features discussed
[especially near the jet exit), RI/R, approaches unity, but above, various flow visualizations were performed on
is always less than unity by definition. Both of these facts cross-sectional jet views. Long exposure laser sheet lighting
suggest that such an instability mode is possible. The dem- images are presented in Fig. 17 for the Mj= 1.5 jet issuing
onstrated curvature of the vortex tubes containing the from the sonic nozzle. All presented cross sections are
197 Phys. Fluids A, Vol. 5, No. 1, January 1993 Arnette, Samimy, and Elliott 197
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FIG. 19. Long exposure Iaser sheet lighting images of Mj=2.0 jet issuing from the sonic nozzle. Images A, B, C, and D were collected at X/D= 1.00,
2.00, 3.00, and 5.00, respectively.
slightly distorted due to the off-axis position of the camera. sure data shows that 19= 170”corresponds to a maximum in
In all cases, the presented Pitot pressure measurements the measured pressure azimuthal profiles in all cases and
were taken from the top center of the jet (0=90”) to the vortex pairs tend to form on either side. Again, this sug-
bottom center (8= 270”)) traversing around the circumfer- gests that the geometry of the nozzle has important impli-
ence in a counterclockwise fashion referenced to the image cations for the development of the vortices, as originally
observer. The different sizes of the condensation rings in suggested by Novopashin and Perepelkin.g It was verified
the images are a result of camera positioning only. In ac- that a rotation of the nozzle resulted in an equivalent ro-
tuality, the diameter of the condensation ring grows with tation of the indentations in the condensation ring. Images
increasing downstream distance, as expected. Image A of C and D of Fig. 17 were collected at X/D=3.00 and 5.00,
Fig. 17 was taken at X/D= 1.00 and corresponds directly respectively. At these downstream locations (X/D= 3.00
to the measurements of Fig. 6. Several well-defined inden- and 5.00) the indentations in the condensation ring are less
tations are evident around the condensation ring. It is be- noticeable, indicating that the streamwise vortices cease to
lieved that these indentations can be identified with exist in an average sense.
counter-rotating vortices. Image B of Fig. 17 is at the same In Fig. 18, instantaneous (9 nsec laser pulse) filtered
downstream location as the pressure measurements of Fig. Mie/Rayleigh scattering images are presented for the same
7. The center of the condensed ring is located at approxi- Mj= 1.5 flow at X/D= 1.00, 2.00, 3.00, and 5.00 in images
mately r/R= 1.05, which corresponds very well to the Pi- A, B, C, and D, respectively. Again, the center of the
tot pressure azimuthal profiles of Fig. 7. A noticeable fea- condensation ring in image B occurs at approximately r/R
ture is the presence of two relatively large lobes at 8= 170 = 1.05. The instantaneous images show much more detail
and 290”. These appear in all of the acquired long exposure of the indentations in the condensation rings. Similar to the
images and are believed to be the result of disturbances long exposure image A of Fig. 17, image A of Fig. 18
supplied by the nozzle, although no noticeable defects were displays a large number of indentations around the circum-
found upon inspection. Inspection of the presented pres- ference of the condensation ring. Each of the dark inden-
198 Phys. Fluids A, Vol. 5, No. 1, January 1993 Arnette, Samimy, and Elliott 198
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FIG. 20. Filtered Mie/Rayleigh scattering images of Mj=2.0 jet issuing from the sonic nozzle. Images A, B, C, and D were collected at X/D= 1.00,
2.00, 3.00, and 5.00, respectively. No specific time relationship exists between the individual images.
tations into and bright indentations out of the condensa- Figure 19 presents long exposure laser sheet lighting
tion ring is thought to indicate the presence of a pair of images for the sonic nozzle operated at an equivalent Mach
counter-rotating vortices. The dark regions are thought to number of 2.0. Indentations in the condensation rings are
occur where the sense of rotation of the adjacent vortices is more noticeable than in the Mi= 1.5 case of Fig. 17, which
such that ambient fluid is entrained toward the center of is expected given the stronger variations in the Pitot pres-
the jet and sufficient mixing between moist ambient air and sure azimuthal profiles of the Mj=2.0 jet relative to the
supersonic jet air for condensation has not yet occurred. Mj= 1.5 jet. Image A at X/D= 1.00 displays many small
Conversely, the bright regions are thought to result where indentations. The left half of image B (X/D=2.00) dis-
mixed ambient air (possibly entrained on the opposite side plays six well-defined indentations, which corresponds ex-
of the vortices) and cold jet air containing condensed wa- actly to the Pitot pressure azimuthal profiles of Fig. 5 for
ter is pumped away from the jet toward the ambient. The the same angular region. The center of the condensation
alternating bright and dark regions can occur only if the ring in image B is at approximately r/R = 1.50. Again, the
condensation ring is surrounded by streamwise vortices of indentations in the condensation rings of images C and D
alternating sign (adjacent vortices have opposite senses of (X/D=3.00 and 5.00, respectively) become less notice-
rotation). The occurrence of these streamwise vortices in able, although indentations are still clearly present at X/D
counter-rotating pairs lends further credence to the idea E3.00.
that the vortices result from a Taylor-Goertler instability. In Fig. 5, the maximum variation in the measured axial
Images C and D display clear evidence of the presence of Pitot pressure was encountered at r/R = 1.20, which seems
counter-rotating vortices, even though the long exposure to be at odds with the apparent location of the indentations
images and the Pitot pressure azimuthal profiles show no in image B of Fig. 19. A possible explanation for the dis-
well-defined indentations. This indicates the streamwise crepancy can be formed with the knowledge that the Mach
vortices exist downstream of where they cease to exist in an number between the intercepting shock and the jet bound-
average sense, implying loss of spatial organization. ary decreases with increasing radial distance from the cen-
199 Phys. Fluids A, Vol. 5, No. 1, January 1993 Arnette, Samimy, and Elliott 199
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FIG. 21. Filtered Mie/Rayleigh scattering images of Mj=2.5 jet issuing from the sonic nozzle. Images A, B, C, and D were collected at X/D= 1.00,
2.00, 3.00, and 5.00, respectively. No specific time relatronship exists between the individual images.
ter of the jet. The ratio of the total pressure behind a the azimuthal Pitot profiles and long exposure images, the
normal shock (which is the quantity measured by a Pitot instantaneous images suggest significant deviation from the
probe in a supersonic flow) to the total pressure ahead of average distribution is present at any given instant. As with
the shock decreases sharply with increasing Mach number. long exposure images and Pitot pressure azimuthal pro-
As a result, an equivalent variation in total pressure in files, indentations in the instantaneous images for Mjc2.0
supersonic flows of low and high Mach number would be are more evident than those in the Mj=1.5 case. Again,
much more evident behind a normal shock in the high strong counter-rotating streamwise vortices appear to be
Mach number flow when detected by Pitot pressure mea- present instantaneously at X/D=5.00, although they have
surements. This is believed to be the reason for the asym- ceased to exist in an average sense at this downstream
metric distributions of the level of Pitot pressure variation location.
about the radius at which maximum variation is encoun- The downstream development of the streamwise vor-
tered. For example, in Fig. 5 the vortices are confined al- tices in the Mj= 2.5 jet are presented in Fig. 2 1 as captured
most entirely between r/R= 1.10 and r/R= 1.90, but the by filtered Mie/Rayleigh scattering. Image A is taken at
maximum variation is found at r/R = 1.20 or 1.30 (data at X/D= 1.OOand corresponds to the pressure measurements
r/R= 1.10, not shown in Fig. 5 to minimize crowding, is of Fig. 9. The center of the condensed ring occurs at r/R
presented by Arnette”). As a result, it is believed the vi- 22.00. The sheet enters the jet from the right, and the
sualizations are better indicators of the radial location of gradient in illuminating intensity across the jet is probably
the vortices than are the Pitot pressure measurements. a result of scattering by the high-density underexpanded
Figure 20 presents instantaneous filtered Mie/Rayleigh fluid in the potential core. The circumference of the jet is
scattering images of the Mjz2.0 jet issuing from the sonic seen to be dominated by a large number of small, counter-
nozzle. Images A, B, C, and D were collected at X/D rotating vortices. Image B of Fig. 21 is taken at X/D=2.00
= 1.00, 2.00, 3.00, and 5.00, respectively. While vortices and corresponds to the pressure measurements of Fig. 10.
are clearly present and stationary in an average sense from The center of the condensed ring occurs at r/R=2.25.
200 Phys. Fluids A, Vol. 5, No. 1, January 1993 Arnette, Samimy, and Elliott 200
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FIG. 22. Filtered Mie/Rayleigh scattering images of Mi=2.5 jet issuing from the Mach 1.5 nozzle. Images A, B, C, and D were collected at X/D= 1.00,
2.00, 3.00, and 5.00, respectively. No specific time relationship exists between the individual images.
Comparing images A and B, significant merging has oc- vortex merging has occurred. The bright ring in the center
curred between X/D= 1.00 and 2.00, as was concluded of the image indicates unusually moist supply air for that
from the corresponding pressure measurements of Figs. 9 particular experiment. This resulted from a failure to prop-
and 10. Image C is taken at X/D= 3.00, and can be com- erly cycle the parallel air dryers and is not an uncontrol-
pared to the azimuthal Pitot profiles of Fig. 11. The lable problem. Although accidental, the visualizations’ in-
smaller size of the ring is again due to camera placement. sensitivity to the jet air’s moisture content (as long as it is
The center of the condensed ring occurs at r/R =2.10. significantly less than the moisture content of the ambient
Image D was collected at X/D= 5.00, and is directly com- air) is demonstrated. The inner signal is a result of scat-
parable to the pressure measurements of Fig. 12. The cen- tering from condensation in the core flow within the inter-
ter of the condensed ring occurs at r/R = 1.80, demonstrat- cepting shock. For the core flow, the Mach number in-
ing the curvature of the shear layer surrounding the creases with increasing radial distance from the jet axis at
underexpanded jet. Instantaneous images like image D a given downstream location. The flow just inside the in-
show the presence of vortices larger in scale than those tercepting shock has expanded enough for condensation to
found at X/D=3.00. However, long exposure laser sheet occur. The condensation does not exist outside the inter-
lighting images and the pressure measurements of Fig. 12 cepting shock due to the higher temperature. In comparing
indicate the average presence of the vortices is much de- image B of Fig. 22 to the azimuthal Pitot profiles of Fig.
creased relative to the upstream locations. 14, although the indentations in the condensation ring of
Figure 22 shows the downstream evolution of the the instantaneous image are well defined, the Pitot profiles
Mj=2.5 jet issuing from the Mach 1.5 nozzle. Images A, indicate the streamwise vortices are of relatively small
B, C, and D were collected at X/D= 1.00, 2.00, 3.00, and strength. Evidence of streamwise vortices is present in im-
5.00, respectively. As expected, image A at X/D= 1.00 ages C at X/D=3.00 and D at X/D=5.00, although the
displays many small indentations. Image B at X/D=2.00 azimuthal Pitot profiles of Fig. 15 indicate that the vortices
displays fewer more well-defined indentations, indicating do not exist in an average sense at X/D=5.00.
201 Phys. Fluids A, Vol. 5, No. 1, January 1993 Arnette, Samimy, and Elliott 201
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IV. CONCLUSION and fabrication of the nozzles. Thanks are also expressed to
Professor Y. Krothapalli for furnishing Ref. 8 with an ac-
The existence and nature of streamwise vortices in
companying translation.
high Reynolds number, axisymmetric jets operating in
The support of the NASA Lewis Research Center for
overexpanded, fully expanded, and underexpanded regimes
this research under Contract No. NAG3-764 with Dr.
have been studied. The measurement of the azimuthal vari-
K. B. M. Q. Zaman is appreciated. Fellowships from the
ation of the Pitot pressure was used as an indirect measure
National Science Foundation to Arnette and the Ohio
of the strength of these vortices. This allowed comparisons
Aerospace Institute to Elliott are gratefully acknowledged.
over different Mach numbers and locations in the flow.
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ACKNOWLEDGMENTS pressible free shear layer,” Phys. Fluids A 3, 1915 (1991).
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The authors express their gratitude to fellow graduate 10,4 (1879).
23S C&t, P. M. Sherman, and D. R. Glass, ‘Study of the highly under-
students V. Belovich, M. Reeder, D. Glawe, and J. Daw- expanded sonic jet,” AIAA J. 4, 68 (1966).
son for help in the experiments. Thanks also go to the staff 24P. K. Kundu, Fluid Mechanics (Academic. New York. 1990). _. DD. 368-
of the AARL at Ohio State and J. Dawson for the design 373.
202 Phys. Fluids A, Vol. 5, No. 1, January 1993 Arnette, Samimy, and Elliott 202
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