#23. Flowers/1. pedicelled/2. sessile–subsessile/
#24. Calyx/1. Bilabiatae (Fig. 14, 15)/2. not bilabiatae/
#25. Calyx/1. funnel-shaped/2. tubular/3. campanulate/
#26. Calyx veinns/1. prominent/2. not prominent/
#27. Calyx teeth/1. 5 (Figs. 14, 17)/2. 10/ (Fig. 16)
#28. Calyx teeth/1. spiny-tipped (Fig. 14)/2. not spiny-tipped/3.
hooked/ (Fig. 16, 20)
#29. Posterior sepal/mm long/
#30. Sessile glandular hairs on sepals (Fig. 21)/1. present/2.
#31. Stalked glandular hairs on sepals/1. present/2. absent/
#32. Branched hairs on sepals/1. present/2. absent/
#33. Veins in calyx tube/1. 5/2. 10/3. 13/4. 15/
#34. Outer surface of Petal lobes/1. hairy/2. glabrous/
#35. Corolla/1. bilabiate/2. upper lip reduced/3. regular/
#36. Corolla tube/1. included in calyx/2. longer than calyx/
#37. Corolla tube/1. straight/2. curved/
#38. Stamens/1. 2/2. 4/
#39. Stamens/1. exserted/2. included/
#40. Staminal filaments/1. hairy/2. glabrous/
#41. Filament-Connective attachment (Fig. 22) /1. lever-like/2.
not lever-like/
#42. Ovary/1. hairy/2. glabrous/
#43. Style/1. hairy/2. glabrous/
#44. Style/1. terminal/2. gynobasic/ (Fig. 22)
#45. Stigma/1. capitate/2. pointed arms/ (Fig. 21)
#46. Stigmatic lobes/1. equal/2. unequal/ (Fig. 22)
#47. Fruit/1. four nutlets (Figs. 17,18) /2. drupe/
The Key
1. Base of blade
rounded ................................................................................................ 2
Base of blade
cordate ............................................................................................... 14
Base of blade
cuneate ............................................................................................... 23
Base of blade clasping ............................................................... Mentha
pulegium L.
oblong .....................................................................................................
....... 4
ovate .......................................................................................................
....... 5
7(6). Leaf margin thickened; Leaf venation pinnate; Stalked glandular hairs on
leaves absent; Branched hairs on leaves
absent ................................................................... 8
Leaf margin not thickened; Leaf venation palmate; Stalked glandular
hairs on leaves present; Branched hairs on leaves
present ............................... Leucas inflata Benth.
8(7). Corolla tube included in calyx; Corolla tube straight;
Stigmatic lobes equal ................... Micromeria myrtifolia Boiss. &
Hohen in Boiss.
Corolla tube longer than calyx; Corolla tube curved;
Stigmatic lobes unequal ...................................... Micromeria nervosa
(Desf.) Benth
9(6). Leaves ovate; Leafsurface rough and rugose; Simple eglandular hairs on
leaves present; Plant woody
shrub ..................................................................................... 10
Leaves fan-shaped; Leaf surface smooth and glabrous; Simple eglandular
hairs on leaves absent; Plant herb ....................................................
Lamium amplexicaule L.
12(11). Leaves petioled; Stalked glandular hairs on leaves absent; Calyx teeth
not spiny-tipped ................................................... Mentha longifolia (L.)
Huds. Ssp longifolia
Leaves sessile-subsessile; Stalked glandular hairs on leaves present;
Calyx teeth spiny-tipped ............ Mentha longifola (L.) Huds. Ssp
typhoides (Briq.) Harley
15(14). Leaves linear-lanceolate; Leaf veins not prominent; Corolla tube longer
than calyx; Leaves sessile-
subsessile ..................................................................................... ..............
.........Ajuga chamaepitys (L.) Schreb. Ssp tridactylis (Benth.) P.H.
Leaves ovate; Leaf veins prominent; Corolla tube included in calyx;
Leaves petioled .................................................................. Ballota
Inflorescence solitary flowers ............................................... Ballota
kaiseri Taeckh.
18(17). Leaves ovate; Leaf margin ciliate; Calyx teeth not spiny-tipped;
bilabiate ..................................................................................................
.... 19
Leavesfan-shaped; Leaf margin glabrous; Calyx teeth hooked;
Corolla upper lip reduced .......................................................
Marrubium vulgare L.
19(18). Corolla tube included in calyx; Plant herb; Leaf veins black;
Leaf venation pinnate ............................ Ballota saxatilis C. Presl in J.
& C. P_resl
Corolla tube longer than calyx; Plant woody shrub; Leaf veins not black;
Leaf venation palmate ......................................... Ballota undulata
(Fresen.) Benth.
20(17). Leaf margin thickened; Leaf surface rough and rugose; Veins in calyx
tube 10; Corolla tube included in
calyx ........................................................ Salvia spinosa L.
Leaf margin not thickened; Leaf surface white tomentose; Veins in calyx
tube 15; Corollatube longer than calyx ..................................... Nepeta
septemcrenata Benth.
21(14). Leaves linear-lanceolate; Veins in calyx tube 13; Leaf margin spiny;
Flowers sessile–subsessile .......................................................... Salvia
verbenaca L.
Leaves ovate; Veins in calyx tube 10; Leaf margin glabrous;
pedicelled ...............................................................................................
.... 22
22(21). Leaf veins prominent; Leaf surface rough and rugose; Simple eglandular
hairs on leaves present; Plant
herb ................................................................ Salvia sclarea L.
Leaf veins not prominent; Leaf surface smooth and glabrous; Simple
eglandular hairs on leaves absent;
Plant woody shrub ..................... Clerodendrum acerbianum (Vis.)
Benth. &Hook.
25(24). Leaf surface white tomentose; Veins in calyx tube 10; Leaves sessile-
subsessile; Leaf margin
entire ................................................................................................... 26
Leaf surface rough and rugose; Veins in calyx tube 13; Leaves petioled;
Leaf margin not entire ................................................ Salvia lanigera
Poir. In Lam.
26(25). Corolla tube included in calyx; Leaf margin glabrous; Leaf apex acute;
Leaf 1-veined .................................................................. Thymus
decussatus Benth.
Corolla tube longer than calyx; Leaf margin spiny; Leaf apex obtuse;
Leaf venation pinnate .................................................... Thymus
capitatus (L.) Link
27(24). Leaf surface smooth and glabrous; Veins in calyx tube 10 ...... Thymus
bovei Benth.
Leaf surface white tomentose;
Veins in calyx tube 15 ............................................. Lavandula
atriplicifolia Benth.
Leaf surface rough and rugose; Veins in calyx tube 13 ............. Ziziphora
tenuior L.
28(24). Leaf margin thickened; Leaf surface white tomentose; Sessile glandular
hairs on leaves present; Branched hairs on sepals absent ..........
Teucrium decaisnei C. Presl
Leaf margin not thickened; Leaf surface rough and rugose; Sessile
glandular hairs on leaves absent; Branched hairs on sepals
present ................................................ 29
29(28). Leaves petioled; Leaf margin ciliate; Leaf venation pinnate; Stalked
glandular hairs on leaves
present ........................................................................ Salvia
Leaves sessile-subsessile; Leaf margin glabrous; Leaf 1-veined; Stalked
glandular hairs on leaves absent .................................................................
Teucrium polium L.
Leaf margin spiny ...................................................................... Salvia
aegyptiaca L.
Leaf veins not prominent; Inflorescence dense spike-like; Leaves sessile-
subsessile; Leaf margin
ciliate ................................................................................................... 31
31(30). Leaf surface white tomentose; Simple eglandular hairs on leaves absent;
Calyx tubular; Veins in calyx tube 15 ...........................................
Stachys aegyptiaca Pers.
Leaf surface rough and rugose;Simple eglandular hairs on leaves present;
Calyx campanulate; Veins in calyx tube 10 ......................... Teucrium
leucocladum Boiss.
34(32). Leaf margin thickened; Leaf surface rough and rugose; Plant woody
Stem erect ................................................. Micromeria imbricata
(Forssk.) C. Chr.
Leaf margin not thickened; Leaf surface white tomentose; Plant herb;
Stem prostrate ........................................................................... Ziziphora
capitata L.
37(36). Calyx tubular; Corolla tube longer than calyx; Leaf apex acute;
Flowers sessile–subsessile ........................ Lavandula coronopifolia
Poir. In Lam.
Calyx campanulate; Corolla tube included in calyx; Leaf apex obtuse;
Flowers pedicelled ............................ Eremostachys laciniata (L.)
Bunge in Ledeb.
Detailed Descriptions
ciliate. Leaf margin not thickened. Leaf apex acute. Leaf surface white
tomentose. Leaf 1-veined. Simple eglandular hairs on leaves present.
Sessile glandular hairs on leaves absent. Stalked glandular hairs on
leaves absent. Branched hairs on leaves absent. Inflorescence dense
spike-like. Flowers sessile–subsessile. Calyx not bilabiatae. Calyx
funnel-shaped. Calyx veinns not prominent. Calyx teeth 5. Calyx teeth
not spiny-tipped. Posterior sepal 2–5 mm long. Sessile glandular hairs
on sepals absent. Stalked glandular hairs on sepals absent. Branched
hairs on sepals absent. Veins in calyx tube 10. Outer surface of Petal
lobes hairy. Corolla bilabiate. Corolla tube longer than calyx. Corolla
tube straight. Stamens 4. Stamens exserted. Staminal filaments hairy.
Filament-Connective attachment not lever-like. Ovary glabrous. Style
hairy. Style terminal. Stigma pointed arms. Stigmatic lobes equal. Fruit
four nutlets.
Ballota damascena Boiss.
Plant woody shrub. Stem hairy. Stem prostrate. Stolon absent.
Leaves petioled. Leaves simple. Leaves ovate. Leaf blade not leathery.
Base of blade cordate. Leaf veins prominent. Leaf veins not black. Leaf
margin not entire. Leaf margin glabrous. Leaf margin not thickened.
Leaf apex obtuse. Leaf surface white tomentose. Leaf venation
palmate. Simple eglandular hairs on leaves present. Sessile glandular
hairs on leaves absent. Stalked glandular hairs on leaves present.
Branched hairs on leaves absent. Inflorescence lax verticillasters.
Flowers pedicelled. Calyx not bilabiatae. Calyx funnel-shaped. Calyx
veinns prominent. Calyx teeth 5. Calyx teeth spiny-tipped. Posterior
sepal 4–7 mm long. Sessile glandular hairs on sepals absent. Stalked
glandular hairs on sepals absent. Branched hairs on sepals absent.
Veins in calyx tube 10. Outer surface of Petal lobes hairy. Corolla
bilabiate. Corolla tube included in calyx. Corolla tube straight. Stamens
2. Stamens exserted. Staminal filaments glabrous. Filament-Connective
attachment not lever-like. Ovary glabrous. Style glabrous. Style
terminal. Stigma pointed arms. Stigmatic lobes equal. Fruit four nutlets.
bilabiate. Corolla tube included in calyx. Corolla tube straight. Stamens
4. Stamens included. Staminal filaments hairy. Filament-Connective
attachment not lever-like. Ovary glabrous. Style glabrous. Style
gynobasic. Stigma pointed arms. Stigmatic lobes equal. Fruit four
leaves absent. Inflorescence lax verticillasters. Flowers sessile–
subsessile. Calyx not bilabiatae. Calyx tubular. Calyx veinns
prominent. Calyx teeth 10. Calyx teeth not spiny-tipped. Posterior sepal
5–9 mm long. Sessile glandular hairs on sepals absent. Stalked
glandular hairs on sepals present. Branched hairs on sepals absent.
Veins in calyx tube 10. Outer surface of Petal lobes hairy. Corolla
bilabiate. Corolla tube included in calyx. Corolla tube straight. Stamens
4. Stamens included. Staminal filaments glabrous. Filament-Connective
attachment not lever-like. Ovary glabrous. Style glabrous. Style
gynobasic. Stigma pointed arms. Stigmatic lobes unequal. Fruit four
blade cordate. Leaf veins not prominent. Leaf veins not black. Leaf
margin entire. Leaf margin glabrous. Leaf margin not thickened. Leaf
apex acute. Leaf surface smooth and glabrous. Leaf venation pinnate.
Simple eglandular hairs on leaves absent. Sessile glandular hairs on
leaves absent. Stalked glandular hairs on leaves absent. Branched hairs
on leaves absent. Inflorescence lax verticillasters. Flowers pedicelled.
Calyx not bilabiatae. Calyx campanulate. Calyx veinns not prominent.
Calyx teeth 5. Calyx teeth not spiny-tipped. Posterior sepal 3–6 mm
long. Sessile glandular hairs on sepals absent. Stalked glandular hairs
on sepals absent. Branched hairs on sepals absent. Veins in calyx tube
10. Outer surface of Petal lobes hairy. Corolla regular. Corolla tube
included in calyx. Corolla tube straight. Stamens 4. Stamens exserted.
Staminal filaments glabrous. Filament-Connective attachment not
lever-like. Ovary glabrous. Style glabrous. Style gynobasic. Stigma
pointed arms. Stigmatic lobes equal. Fruit drupe.
gynobasic. Stigma pointed arms. Stigmatic lobes unequal. Fruit four
Lamium amplexicaule L.
Plant herb. Stem hairy. Stem erect. Stolon absent. Leaves petioled.
Leaves simple. Leaves fan-shaped. Leaf blade not leathery. Base of
blade rounded. Leaf veins not prominent. Leaf veins not black. Leaf
margin not entire. Leaf margin glabrous. Leaf margin not thickened.
Leaf apex obtuse. Leaf surface smooth and glabrous. Leaf venation
palmate. Simple eglandular hairs on leaves absent. Sessile glandular
hairs on leaves absent. Stalked glandular hairs on leaves absent.
Branched hairs on leaves absent. Inflorescence dense spike-like.
Flowers pedicelled. Calyx not bilabiatae. Calyx tubular. Calyx veinns
prominent. Calyx teeth 5. Calyx teeth not spiny-tipped. Posterior sepal
4–7 mm long. Sessile glandular hairs on sepals absent. Stalked
glandular hairs on sepals absent. Branched hairs on sepals absent.
Veins in calyx tube 10. Outer surface of Petal lobes hairy. Corolla
bilabiate. Corolla tube longer than calyx. Corolla tube straight. Stamens
4. Stamens included. Staminal filaments glabrous. Filament-Connective
attachment not lever-like. Ovary glabrous. Style glabrous. Style
gynobasic. Stigma pointed arms. Stigmatic lobes equal. Fruit four
glandular hairs on leaves absent. Stalked glandular hairs on leaves
absent. Branched hairs on leaves absent. Inflorescence dense spike-like.
Flowers sessile–subsessile. Calyx not bilabiatae. Calyx tubular. Calyx
veinns prominent. Calyx teeth 5. Calyx teeth not spiny-tipped. Posterior
sepal 2–5 mm long. Sessile glandular hairs on sepals absent. Stalked
glandular hairs on sepals absent. Branched hairs on sepals absent.
Veins in calyx tube 15. Outer surface of Petal lobes hairy. Corolla
bilabiate. Corolla tube longer than calyx. Corolla tube curved. Stamens
4. Stamens included. Staminal filaments glabrous. Filament-Connective
attachment not lever-like. Ovary glabrous. Style glabrous. Style
gynobasic. Stigma capitate. Stigmatic lobes equal. Fruit four nutlets.
Lavandula multifida L.
Plant woody shrub. Stem hairy. Stem erect. Stolon absent. Leaves
petioled. Leaves bi- to tri-pinnatisect. Leaves ovate. Leaf blade not
leathery. Base of blade cuneate. Leaf veins not prominent. Leaf veins
black. Leaf margin not entire. Leaf margin glabrous. Leaf margin not
thickened. Leaf apex acute. Leaf surface white tomentose. Leaf
venation pinnate. Simple eglandular hairs on leaves present. Sessile
glandular hairs on leaves absent. Stalked glandular hairs on leaves
absent. Branched hairs on leaves absent. Inflorescence solitary flowers.
Flowers sessile–subsessile. Calyx not bilabiatae. Calyx tubular. Calyx
veinns not prominent. Calyx teeth 5. Calyx teeth not spiny-tipped.
Posterior sepal 3–5 mm long. Sessile glandular hairs on sepals present.
Stalked glandular hairs on sepals absent. Branched hairs on sepals
absent. Veins in calyx tube 15. Outer surface of Petal lobes glabrous.
Corolla bilabiate. Corolla tube included in calyx. Corolla tube straight.
Stamens 4. Stamens included. Staminal filaments glabrous. Filament-
Connective attachment not lever-like. Ovary glabrous. Style glabrous.
Style gynobasic. Stigma capitate. Stigmatic lobes equal. Fruit four
Lavandula pubescence Decne.
Plant woody shrub. Stem hairy. Stem erect. Stolon absent. Leaves
petioled. Leaves bi- to tri-pinnatisect. Leaves ovate. Leaf blade not
leathery. Base of blade cuneate. Leaf veins not prominent. Leaf veins
not black. Leaf margin not entire. Leaf margin glabrous. Leaf margin
not thickened. Leaf apex acute. Leaf surface white tomentose. Leaf
venation pinnate. Simple eglandular hairs on leaves absent. Sessile
glandular hairs on leaves present. Stalked glandular hairs on leaves
present. Branched hairs on leaves absent. Inflorescence dense spike-
like. Flowers sessile–subsessile. Calyx bilabiatae. Calyx tubular. Calyx
veinns prominent. Calyx teeth 5. Calyx teeth spiny-tipped. Posterior
sepal 3–6 mm long. Sessile glandular hairs on sepals present. Stalked
glandular hairs on sepals present. Branched hairs on sepals absent.
Veins in calyx tube 15. Outer surface of Petal lobes glabrous. Corolla
bilabiate. Corolla tube longer than calyx. Corolla tube straight. Stamens
4. Stamens included. Staminal filaments glabrous. Filament-Connective
attachment not lever-like. Ovary glabrous. Style glabrous. Style
gynobasic. Stigma capitate. Stigmatic lobes equal. Fruit four nutlets.
bilabiate. Corolla tube included in calyx. Corolla tube straight. Stamens
4. Stamens included. Staminal filaments glabrous. Filament-Connective
attachment not lever-like. Ovary glabrous. Style glabrous. Style
gynobasic. Stigma pointed arms. Stigmatic lobes unequal. Fruit four
Marrubium alysson L.
Plant herb. Stem hairy. Stem erect. Stolon absent. Leaves petioled.
Leaves simple. Leaves fan-shaped. Leaf blade not leathery. Base of
blade cuneate. Leaf veins prominent. Leaf veins not black. Leaf margin
not entire. Leaf margin glabrous. Leaf margin not thickened. Leaf apex
obtuse. Leaf surface rough and rugose. Leaf venation palmate. Simple
eglandular hairs on leaves present. Sessile glandular hairs on leaves
absent. Stalked glandular hairs on leaves absent. Branched hairs on
leaves absent. Inflorescence lax verticillasters. Flowers pedicelled.
Calyx not bilabiatae. Calyx tubular. Calyx veinns prominent. Calyx
teeth 5. Calyx teeth spiny-tipped. Posterior sepal 6–10 mm long.
Sessile glandular hairs on sepals absent. Stalked glandular hairs on
sepals absent. Branched hairs on sepals absent. Veins in calyx tube 10.
Outer surface of Petal lobes hairy. Corolla bilabiate. Corolla tube
included in calyx. Corolla tube straight. Stamens 4. Stamens included.
Staminal filaments glabrous. Filament-Connective attachment not
lever-like. Ovary glabrous. Style glabrous. Style gynobasic. Stigma
pointed arms. Stigmatic lobes unequal. Fruit four nutlets.
Marrubium vulgare L.
Plant herb. Stem hairy. Stem erect. Stolon absent. Leaves petioled.
Leaves simple. Leaves fan-shaped. Leaf blade not leathery. Base of
blade cordate. Leaf veins prominent. Leaf veins not black. Leaf margin
not entire. Leaf margin glabrous. Leaf margin not thickened. Leaf apex
obtuse. Leaf surface rough and rugose. Leaf venation palmate. Simple
eglandular hairs on leaves present. Sessile glandular hairs on leaves
absent. Stalked glandular hairs on leaves absent. Branched hairs on
leaves present. Inflorescence lax verticillasters. Flowers sessile–
subsessile. Calyx not bilabiatae. Calyx tubular. Calyx veinns
prominent. Calyx teeth 10. Calyx teeth hooked. Posterior sepal 3–6 mm
long. Sessile glandular hairs on sepals absent. Stalked glandular hairs
on sepals absent. Branched hairs on sepals present. Veins in calyx tube
10. Outer surface of Petal lobes hairy. Corolla upper lip reduced.
Corolla tube included in calyx. Corolla tube straight. Stamens 4.
Stamens included. Staminal filaments glabrous. Filament-Connective
attachment not lever-like. Ovary glabrous. Style glabrous. Style
gynobasic. Stigma pointed arms. Stigmatic lobes unequal. Fruit four
margin not entire. Leaf margin glabrous. Leaf margin not thickened.
Leaf apex acute. Leaf surface smooth and glabrous. Leaf venation
pinnate. Simple eglandular hairs on leaves present. Sessile glandular
hairs on leaves absent. Stalked glandular hairs on leaves absent.
Branched hairs on leaves absent. Inflorescence dense spike-like.
Flowers sessile–subsessile. Calyx not bilabiatae. Calyx campanulate.
Calyx veinns not prominent. Calyx teeth 5. Calyx teeth not spiny-
tipped. Posterior sepal 1–4 mm long. Sessile glandular hairs on sepals
present. Stalked glandular hairs on sepals absent. Branched hairs on
sepals absent. Veins in calyx tube 10. Outer surface of Petal lobes
glabrous. Corolla regular. Corolla tube included in calyx. Corolla tube
straight. Stamens 4. Stamens exserted. Staminal filaments glabrous.
Filament-Connective attachment not lever-like. Ovary glabrous. Style
glabrous. Style gynobasic. Stigma pointed arms. Stigmatic lobes equal.
Fruit four nutlets.
glabrous. Style gynobasic. Stigma pointed arms. Stigmatic lobes equal.
Fruit four nutlets.
Mentha pulegium L.
Plant herb. Stem glabrous. Stem prostrate. Stolon present. Leaves
petioled. Leaves simple. Leaves oblong. Leaf blade not leathery. Base
of blade clasping. Leaf veins not prominent. Leaf veins not black. Leaf
margin not entire. Leaf margin glabrous. Leaf margin not thickened.
Leaf apex obtuse. Leaf surface smooth and glabrous. Leaf venation
pinnate. Simple eglandular hairs on leaves absent. Sessile glandular
hairs on leaves absent. Stalked glandular hairs on leaves absent.
Branched hairs on leaves absent. Inflorescence lax verticillasters.
Flowers pedicelled. Calyx not bilabiatae. Calyx funnel-shaped. Calyx
veinns not prominent. Calyx teeth 5. Calyx teeth not spiny-tipped.
Posterior sepal 2–3 mm long. Sessile glandular hairs on sepals present.
Stalked glandular hairs on sepals absent. Branched hairs on sepals
absent. Veins in calyx tube 10. Outer surface of Petal lobes glabrous.
Corolla bilabiate. Corolla tube included in calyx. Corolla tube straight.
Stamens 4. Stamens exserted. Staminal filaments hairy. Filament-
Connective attachment not lever-like. Ovary glabrous. Style hairy.
Style gynobasic. Stigma pointed arms. Stigmatic lobes equal. Fruit four
glandular hairs on sepals present. Stalked glandular hairs on sepals
absent. Branched hairs on sepals absent. Veins in calyx tube 13. Outer
surface of Petal lobes glabrous. Corolla bilabiate. Corolla tube included
in calyx. Corolla tube straight. Stamens 4. Stamens included. Staminal
filaments glabrous. Filament-Connective attachment not lever-like.
Ovary glabrous. Style glabrous. Style gynobasic. Stigma pointed arms.
Stigmatic lobes equal. Fruit four nutlets.
absent. Stalked glandular hairs on leaves absent. Branched hairs on
leaves absent. Inflorescence dense spike-like. Flowers pedicelled.
Calyx not bilabiatae. Calyx tubular. Calyx veinns prominent. Calyx
teeth 5. Calyx teeth not spiny-tipped. Posterior sepal 2–4 mm long.
Sessile glandular hairs on sepals present. Stalked glandular hairs on
sepals absent. Branched hairs on sepals absent. Veins in calyx tube 13.
Outer surface of Petal lobes glabrous. Corolla bilabiate. Corolla tube
longer than calyx. Corolla tube curved. Stamens 4. Stamens included.
Staminal filaments glabrous. Filament-Connective attachment not
lever-like. Ovary glabrous. Style glabrous. Style gynobasic. Stigma
pointed arms. Stigmatic lobes unequal. Fruit four nutlets.
Nepeta septemcrenata Benth.
Plant woody shrub. Stem hairy. Stem erect. Stolon absent. Leaves
petioled. Leaves simple. Leaves ovate. Leaf blade not leathery. Base of
blade cordate. Leaf veins not prominent. Leaf veins not black. Leaf
margin not entire. Leaf margin ciliate. Leaf margin not thickened. Leaf
apex obtuse. Leaf surface white tomentose. Leaf venation palmate.
Simple eglandular hairs on leaves present. Sessile glandular hairs on
leaves present. Stalked glandular hairs on leaves absent. Branched hairs
on leaves absent. Inflorescence lax verticillasters. Flowers pedicelled.
Calyx bilabiatae. Calyx tubular. Calyx veinns prominent. Calyx teeth 5.
Calyx teeth not spiny-tipped. Posterior sepal 4–6 mm long. Sessile
glandular hairs on sepals present. Stalked glandular hairs on sepals
absent. Branched hairs on sepals absent. Veins in calyx tube 15. Outer
surface of Petal lobes glabrous. Corolla bilabiate. Corolla tube longer
than calyx. Corolla tube curved. Stamens 4. Stamens exserted. Staminal
filaments glabrous. Filament-Connective attachment not lever-like.
Ovary glabrous. Style glabrous. Style gynobasic. Stigma pointed arms.
Stigmatic lobes equal. Fruit four nutlets.
longer than calyx. Corolla tube curved. Stamens 4. Stamens exserted.
Staminal filaments glabrous. Filament-Connective attachment not
lever-like. Ovary glabrous. Style glabrous. Style gynobasic. Stigma
pointed arms. Stigmatic lobes equal. Fruit four nutlets.
teeth 5. Calyx teeth not spiny-tipped. Posterior sepal 2–2.5 mm long.
Sessile glandular hairs on sepals present. Stalked glandular hairs on
sepals present. Branched hairs on sepals absent. Veins in calyx tube 10.
Outer surface of Petal lobes glabrous. Corolla bilabiate. Corolla tube
longer than calyx. Corolla tube straight. Stamens 4. Stamens included.
Staminal filaments glabrous. Filament-Connective attachment not
lever-like. Ovary glabrous. Style glabrous. Style gynobasic. Stigma
capitate. Stigmatic lobes equal. Fruit four nutlets.
palmate. Simple eglandular hairs on leaves present. Sessile glandular
hairs on leaves absent. Stalked glandular hairs on leaves absent.
Branched hairs on leaves absent. Inflorescence lax verticillasters.
Flowers pedicelled. Calyx bilabiatae. Calyx funnel-shaped. Calyx
veinns prominent. Calyx teeth 5. Calyx teeth not spiny-tipped. Posterior
sepal 4–10 mm long. Sessile glandular hairs on sepals absent. Stalked
glandular hairs on sepals absent. Branched hairs on sepals absent.
Veins in calyx tube 10. Outer surface of Petal lobes glabrous. Corolla
bilabiate. Corolla tube included in calyx. Corolla tube curved. Stamens
4. Stamens included. Staminal filaments glabrous. Filament-Connective
attachment not lever-like. Ovary glabrous. Style glabrous. Style
gynobasic. Stigma pointed arms. Stigmatic lobes equal. Fruit four
Phlomis floccosa D. Don
Plant woody shrub. Stem hairy. Stem erect. Stolon absent. Leaves
petioled. Leaves simple. Leaves oblong. Leaf blade not leathery. Base
of blade rounded. Leaf veins prominent. Leaf veins not black. Leaf
margin not entire. Leaf margin ciliate. Leaf margin not thickened. Leaf
apex obtuse. Leaf surface rough and rugose. Leaf venation pinnate.
Simple eglandular hairs on leaves present. Sessile glandular hairs on
leaves absent. Stalked glandular hairs on leaves absent. Branched hairs
on leaves present. Inflorescence lax verticillasters. Flowers pedicelled.
Calyx not bilabiatae. Calyx funnel-shaped. Calyx veinns prominent.
Calyx teeth 10. Calyx teeth hooked. Posterior sepal 14–18 mm long.
Sessile glandular hairs on sepals absent. Stalked glandular hairs on
sepals absent. Branched hairs on sepals present. Veins in calyx tube 10.
Outer surface of Petal lobes hairy. Corolla bilabiate. Corolla tube
included in calyx. Corolla tube curved. Stamens 4. Stamens included.
Staminal filaments glabrous. Filament-Connective attachment not
lever-like. Ovary hairy. Style glabrous. Style gynobasic. Stigma
pointed arms. Stigmatic lobes unequal. Fruit four nutlets.
Prasium majus L.
Plant woody shrub. Stem glabrous. Stem erect. Stolon absent.
Leaves petioled. Leaves simple. Leaves ovate. Leaf blade not leathery.
Base of blade rounded. Leaf veins prominent. Leaf veins black. Leaf
margin not entire. Leaf margin glabrous. Leaf margin not thickened.
Leaf apex acute. Leaf surface smooth and glabrous. Leaf venation
pinnate. Simple eglandular hairs on leaves absent. Sessile glandular
hairs on leaves absent. Stalked glandular hairs on leaves absent.
Branched hairs on leaves absent. Inflorescence lax verticillasters.
Flowers pedicelled. Calyx bilabiatae. Calyx funnel-shaped. Calyx
veinns not prominent. Calyx teeth 5. Calyx teeth spiny-tipped. Posterior
sepal 10–12 mm long. Sessile glandular hairs on sepals absent. Stalked
glandular hairs on sepals absent. Branched hairs on sepals absent.
Veins in calyx tube 13. Outer surface of Petal lobes glabrous. Corolla
bilabiate. Corolla tube included in calyx. Corolla tube straight. Stamens
4. Stamens included. Staminal filaments glabrous. Filament-Connective
attachment not lever-like. Ovary glabrous. Style glabrous. Style
gynobasic. Stigma pointed arms. Stigmatic lobes unequal. Fruit four
Salvia aegyptiaca L.
Plant woody shrub. Stem hairy. Stem erect. Stolon absent. Leaves
petioled. Leaves simple. Leaves oblong. Leaf blade not leathery. Base
of blade cuneate. Leaf veins prominent. Leaf veins not black. Leaf
margin not entire. Leaf margin spiny. Leaf margin not thickened. Leaf
apex acute. Leaf surface rough and rugose. Leaf venation pinnate.
Simple eglandular hairs on leaves present. Sessile glandular hairs on
leaves absent. Stalked glandular hairs on leaves absent. Branched hairs
on leaves absent. Inflorescence lax verticillasters. Flowers pedicelled.
Calyx bilabiatae. Calyx campanulate. Calyx veinns prominent. Calyx
teeth 5. Calyx teeth not spiny-tipped. Posterior sepal 3–5 mm long.
Sessile glandular hairs on sepals absent. Stalked glandular hairs on
sepals present. Branched hairs on sepals absent. Veins in calyx tube 15.
Outer surface of Petal lobes hairy. Corolla bilabiate. Corolla tube
included in calyx. Corolla tube straight. Stamens 2. Stamens included.
Staminal filaments glabrous. Filament-Connective attachment lever-
like. Ovary glabrous. Style hairy. Style gynobasic. Stigma pointed
arms. Stigmatic lobes unequal. Fruit four nutlets.
like. Flowers pedicelled. Calyx bilabiatae. Calyx campanulate. Calyx
veinns not prominent. Calyx teeth 5. Calyx teeth spiny-tipped. Posterior
sepal 2–4 mm long. Sessile glandular hairs on sepals absent. Stalked
glandular hairs on sepals absent. Branched hairs on sepals present.
Veins in calyx tube 10. Outer surface of Petal lobes hairy. Corolla
bilabiate. Corolla tube included in calyx. Corolla tube straight. Stamens
4. Stamens included. Staminal filaments glabrous. Filament-Connective
attachment lever-like. Ovary glabrous. Style hairy. Style gynobasic.
Stigma pointed arms. Stigmatic lobes unequal. Fruit four nutlets.
margin not entire. Leaf margin glabrous. Leaf margin not thickened.
Leaf apex obtuse. Leaf surface white tomentose. Leaf venation pinnate.
Simple eglandular hairs on leaves present. Sessile glandular hairs on
leaves absent. Stalked glandular hairs on leaves absent. Branched hairs
on leaves absent. Inflorescence lax verticillasters. Flowers pedicelled.
Calyx bilabiatae. Calyx campanulate. Calyx veinns not prominent.
Calyx teeth 5. Calyx teeth not spiny-tipped. Posterior sepal 7–10 mm
long. Sessile glandular hairs on sepals present. Stalked glandular hairs
on sepals present. Branched hairs on sepals absent. Veins in calyx tube
13. Outer surface of Petal lobes glabrous. Corolla upper lip reduced.
Corolla tube longer than calyx. Corolla tube curved. Stamens 2.
Stamens included. Staminal filaments glabrous. Filament-Connective
attachment lever-like. Ovary glabrous. Style glabrous. Style gynobasic.
Stigma pointed arms. Stigmatic lobes unequal. Fruit four nutlets.
Salvia sclarea L.
Plant herb. Stem hairy. Stem erect. Stolon absent. Leaves petioled.
Leaves simple. Leaves ovate. Leaf blade not leathery. Base of blade
cordate. Leaf veins prominent. Leaf veins not black. Leaf margin not
entire. Leaf margin glabrous. Leaf margin not thickened. Leaf apex
acute. Leaf surface rough and rugose. Leaf venation pinnate. Simple
eglandular hairs on leaves present. Sessile glandular hairs on leaves
absent. Stalked glandular hairs on leaves absent. Branched hairs on
leaves absent. Inflorescence lax verticillasters. Flowers pedicelled.
Calyx bilabiatae. Calyx campanulate. Calyx veinns prominent. Calyx
teeth 5. Calyx teeth spiny-tipped. Posterior sepal 10 mm long. Sessile
glandular hairs on sepals absent. Stalked glandular hairs on sepals
absent. Branched hairs on sepals present. Veins in calyx tube 10. Outer
surface of Petal lobes hairy. Corolla bilabiate. Corolla tube included in
calyx. Corolla tube straight. Stamens 2. Stamens included. Staminal
filaments glabrous. Filament-Connective attachment lever-like. Ovary
glabrous. Style glabrous. Style gynobasic. Stigma pointed arms.
Stigmatic lobes unequal. Fruit four nutlets.
Salvia spinosa L.
Plant woody shrub. Stem hairy. Stem erect. Stolon absent. Leaves
petioled. Leaves simple. Leaves ovate. Leaf blade not leathery. Base of
blade cordate. Leaf veins not prominent. Leaf veins not black. Leaf
margin not entire. Leaf margin glabrous. Leaf margin thickened. Leaf
apex acute. Leaf surface rough and rugose. Leaf venation pinnate.
Simple eglandular hairs on leaves present. Sessile glandular hairs on
leaves absent. Stalked glandular hairs on leaves present. Branched hairs
on leaves present. Inflorescence lax verticillasters. Flowers pedicelled.
Calyx bilabiatae. Calyx tubular. Calyx veinns prominent. Calyx teeth 5.
Calyx teeth not spiny-tipped. Posterior sepal 15–20 mm long. Sessile
glandular hairs on sepals absent. Stalked glandular hairs on sepals
absent. Branched hairs on sepals present. Veins in calyx tube 10. Outer
surface of Petal lobes hairy. Corolla bilabiate. Corolla tube included in
calyx. Corolla tube straight. Stamens 2. Stamens included. Staminal
filaments glabrous. Filament-Connective attachment lever-like. Ovary
glabrous. Style glabrous. Style gynobasic. Stigma pointed arms.
Stigmatic lobes unequal. Fruit four nutlets.
Salvia verbenaca L.
Plant woody shrub. Stem hairy. Stem erect. Stolon absent. Leaves
petioled. Leaves simple. Leaves linear-lanceolate. Leaf blade not
leathery. Base of blade cordate. Leaf veins prominent. Leaf veins not
black. Leaf margin not entire. Leaf margin spiny. Leaf margin not
thickened. Leaf apex acute. Leaf surface rough and rugose. Leaf
venation pinnate. Simple eglandular hairs on leaves present. Sessile
glandular hairs on leaves absent. Stalked glandular hairs on leaves
absent. Branched hairs on leaves absent. Inflorescence lax
verticillasters. Flowers sessile–subsessile. Calyx bilabiatae. Calyx
campanulate. Calyx veinns prominent. Calyx teeth 5. Calyx teeth not
spiny-tipped. Posterior sepal 5–8 mm long. Sessile glandular hairs on
sepals absent. Stalked glandular hairs on sepals absent. Branched hairs
on sepals absent. Veins in calyx tube 13. Outer surface of Petal lobes
glabrous. Corolla bilabiate. Corolla tube included in calyx. Corolla tube
straight. Stamens 2. Stamens included. Staminal filaments glabrous.
Filament-Connective attachment lever-like. Ovary glabrous. Style
glabrous. Style gynobasic. Stigma pointed arms. Stigmatic lobes
unequal. Fruit four nutlets.
like. Flowers pedicelled. Calyx not bilabiatae. Calyx tubular. Calyx
veinns not prominent. Calyx teeth 5. Calyx teeth not spiny-tipped.
Posterior sepal 5–8 mm long. Sessile glandular hairs on sepals present.
Stalked glandular hairs on sepals absent. Branched hairs on sepals
present. Veins in calyx tube 15. Outer surface of Petal lobes hairy.
Corolla upper lip reduced. Corolla tube longer than calyx. Corolla tube
straight. Stamens 4. Stamens included. Staminal filaments hairy.
Filament-Connective attachment not lever-like. Ovary glabrous. Style
glabrous. Style gynobasic. Stigma pointed arms. Stigmatic lobes equal.
Fruit four nutlets.
not leathery. Base of blade cuneate. Leaf veins not prominent. Leaf
veins not black. Leaf margin not entire. Leaf margin ciliate. Leaf
margin thickened. Leaf apex obtuse. Leaf surface white tomentose.
Leaf venation pinnate. Simple eglandular hairs on leaves present.
Sessile glandular hairs on leaves present. Stalked glandular hairs on
leaves absent. Branched hairs on leaves absent. Inflorescence dense
spike-like. Flowers sessile–subsessile. Calyx not bilabiatae. Calyx
campanulate. Calyx veinns not prominent. Calyx teeth 5. Calyx teeth
not spiny-tipped. Posterior sepal 1.5–3 mm long. Sessile glandular hairs
on sepals absent. Stalked glandular hairs on sepals absent. Branched
hairs on sepals absent. Veins in calyx tube 10. Outer surface of Petal
lobes glabrous. Corolla bilabiate. Corolla tube included in calyx.
Corolla tube straight. Stamens 4. Stamens exserted. Staminal filaments
glabrous. Filament-Connective attachment not lever-like. Ovary
glabrous. Style glabrous. Style terminal. Stigma pointed arms.
Stigmatic lobes unequal. Fruit drupe.
glabrous. Style terminal. Stigma pointed arms. Stigmatic lobes unequal.
Fruit drupe.
Teucrium polium L.
Plant woody shrub. Stem hairy. Stem erect. Stolon absent. Leaves
sessile-subsessile. Leaves simple. Leaves linear-lanceolate. Leaf blade
not leathery. Base of blade cuneate. Leaf veins not prominent. Leaf
veins not black. Leaf margin not entire. Leaf margin glabrous. Leaf
margin not thickened. Leaf apex obtuse. Leaf surface rough and rugose.
Leaf 1-veined. Simple eglandular hairs on leaves present. Sessile
glandular hairs on leaves absent. Stalked glandular hairs on leaves
absent. Branched hairs on leaves present. Inflorescence dense spike-
like. Flowers sessile–subsessile. Calyx not bilabiatae. Calyx
campanulate. Calyx veinns not prominent. Calyx teeth 5. Calyx teeth
not spiny-tipped. Posterior sepal 2–4 mm long. Sessile glandular hairs
on sepals absent. Stalked glandular hairs on sepals absent. Branched
hairs on sepals present. Veins in calyx tube 10. Outer surface of Petal
lobes glabrous. Corolla bilabiate. Corolla tube included in calyx.
Corolla tube straight. Stamens 4. Stamens exserted. Staminal filaments
glabrous. Filament-Connective attachment not lever-like. Ovary
glabrous. Style glabrous. Style terminal. Stigma pointed arms.
Stigmatic lobes unequal. Fruit drupe.
Posterior sepal 2–4 mm long. Sessile glandular hairs on sepals present.
Stalked glandular hairs on sepals absent. Branched hairs on sepals
absent. Veins in calyx tube 10. Outer surface of Petal lobes hairy.
Corolla bilabiate. Corolla tube longer than calyx. Corolla tube straight.
Stamens 4. Stamens exserted. Staminal filaments glabrous. Filament-
Connective attachment not lever-like. Ovary glabrous. Style glabrous.
Style gynobasic. Stigma capitate. Stigmatic lobes equal. Fruit four
not thickened. Leaf apex acute. Leaf surface white tomentose. Leaf 1-
veined. Simple eglandular hairs on leaves present. Sessile glandular
hairs on leaves present. Stalked glandular hairs on leaves absent.
Branched hairs on leaves absent. Inflorescence dense spike-like.
Flowers sessile–subsessile. Calyx not bilabiatae. Calyx funnel-shaped.
Calyx veinns prominent. Calyx teeth 5. Calyx teeth not spiny-tipped.
Posterior sepal 3–4 mm long. Sessile glandular hairs on sepals present.
Stalked glandular hairs on sepals absent. Branched hairs on sepals
absent. Veins in calyx tube 10. Outer surface of Petal lobes hairy.
Corolla bilabiate. Corolla tube included in calyx. Corolla tube straight.
Stamens 4. Stamens exserted. Staminal filaments glabrous. Filament-
Connective attachment not lever-like. Ovary glabrous. Style glabrous.
Style gynobasic. Stigma capitate. Stigmatic lobes equal. Fruit four
Ziziphora capitata L.
Plant herb. Stem hairy. Stem prostrate. Stolon absent. Leaves
petioled. Leaves simple. Leaves ovate. Leaf blade not leathery. Base of
blade cuneate. Leaf veins prominent. Leaf veins not black. Leaf margin
not entire. Leaf margin ciliate. Leaf margin not thickened. Leaf apex
acute. Leaf surface white tomentose. Leaf venation pinnate. Simple
eglandular hairs on leaves present. Sessile glandular hairs on leaves
absent. Stalked glandular hairs on leaves present. Branched hairs on
leaves absent. Inflorescence dense spike-like. Flowers pedicelled.
Calyx bilabiatae. Calyx tubular. Calyx veinns not prominent. Calyx
teeth 5. Calyx teeth not spiny-tipped. Posterior sepal 6–9 mm long.
Sessile glandular hairs on sepals absent. Stalked glandular hairs on
sepals absent. Branched hairs on sepals present. Veins in calyx tube 13.
Outer surface of Petal lobes glabrous. Corolla bilabiate. Corolla tube
included in calyx. Corolla tube straight. Stamens 2. Stamens exserted.
Staminal filaments glabrous. Filament-Connective attachment not
lever-like. Ovary glabrous. Style glabrous. Style gynobasic. Stigma
pointed arms. Stigmatic lobes unequal. Fruit four nutlets.
Ziziphora tenuior L.
Plant herb. Stem hairy. Stem prostrate. Stolon absent. Leaves
sessile-subsessile. Leaves simple. Leaves linear-lanceolate. Leaf blade
not leathery. Base of blade cuneate. Leaf veins not prominent. Leaf
veins not black. Leaf margin entire. Leaf margin ciliate. Leaf margin
not thickened. Leaf apex acute. Leaf surface rough and rugose. Leaf
venation pinnate. Simple eglandular hairs on leaves present. Sessile
glandular hairs on leaves present. Stalked glandular hairs on leaves
absent. Branched hairs on leaves absent. Inflorescence dense spike-like.
Flowers sessile–subsessile. Calyx bilabiatae. Calyx tubular. Calyx
veinns not prominent. Calyx teeth 5. Calyx teeth not spiny-tipped.
Posterior sepal 5–8 mm long. Sessile glandular hairs on sepals present.
Stalked glandular hairs on sepals absent. Branched hairs on sepals
absent. Veins in calyx tube 13. Outer surface of Petal lobes glabrous.
Corolla bilabiate. Corolla tube included in calyx. Corolla tube curved.
Stamens 2. Stamens exserted. Staminal filaments glabrous. Filament-
Connective attachment not lever-like. Ovary glabrous. Style glabrous.
Style gynobasic. Stigma pointed arms. Stigmatic lobes unequal. Fruit
four nutlets.
*Item Descriptions
29,1-4 30,2 31,2 32,2 33,2 34,1 35,1 36,1 37,1 38,2 39,1 40,1
41,2 42,2 43,1 44,1 45,2 46,1 47,1
1,2 2,1 3,1 4,2 5,1 6,1 7,3 8,2 9,2 10,2 11,2 12,1 13,3 14,2 15,1
16,1 17,3 18,2 19,2 20,2 21,2 22,1 23,1 24,2 25,3 26,2 27,1 28,2
29,3-6 30,2 31,2 32,2 33,2 34,1 35,3 36,1 37,1 38,2 39,1 40,2
41,2 42,2 43,2 44,2 45,2 46,1 47,2
41,2 42,2 43,2 44,2 45,1 46,1 47,1
16,3 17,2 18,1 19,2 20,2 21,1 22,1 23,2 24,2 25,2 26,1 27,2 28,3
29,3-6 30,2 31,2 32,1 33,2 34,1 35,2 36,1 37,1 38,2 39,2 40,2
41,2 42,2 43,2 44,2 45,2 46,2 47,1
41,2 42,2 43,2 44,2 45,2 46,1 47,1
# \i\b{}Orthosiphon pallidus\i0{} Royle ex Benth. In Hook.\
1,1 2,1 3,1 4,2 5,1 6,1 7,3 8,2 9,3 10,2 11,2 12,2 13,3 14,2 15,2
16,1 17,3 18,2 19,2 20,2 21,2 22,1 23,1 24,1 25,3 26,1 27,1 28,2
29,2-2.5 30,1 31,1 32,2 33,2 34,2 35,1 36,2 37,1 38,2 39,2 40,2
41,2 42,2 43,2 44,2 45,1 46,1 47,1
# \b\i{}Prasium majus\i0{} L.\b0{}/
1,2 2,2 3,1 4,2 5,1 6,1 7,3 8,2 9,1 10,1 11,1 12,2 13,3 14,2 15,1
16,1 17,3 18,2 19,2 20,2 21,2 22,1 23,1 24,1 25,1 26,2 27,1 28,1
29,10-12 30,2 31,2 32,2 33,3 34,2 35,1 36,1 37,1 38,2 39,2 40,2
41,2 42,2 43,2 44,2 45,2 46,2 47,1
41,1 42,2 43,2 44,2 45,2 46,2 47,1
16,2 17,3 18,1 19,1 20,2 21,2 22,2 23,2 24,2 25,3 26,2 27,1 28,2
29,1.5-3 30,2 31,2 32,2 33,2 34,2 35,1 36,1 37,1 38,2 39,1 40,2
41,2 42,2 43,2 44,1 45,2 46,2 47,2
# \b\i{}Ziziphora capitata\i0{} L.\b0{}/
1,1 2,1 3,2 4,2 5,1 6,1 7,3 8,2 9,3 10,1 11,2 12,2 13,1 14,2 15,1
16,2 17,3 18,1 19,2 20,1 21,2 22,2 23,1 24,1 25,2 26,2 27,1 28,2
29,6-9 30,2 31,2 32,1 33,3 34,2 35,1 36,1 37,1 38,1 39,1 40,2
41,2 42,2 43,2 44,2 45,2 46,2 47,1