PDF Pub5162 2
PDF Pub5162 2
PDF Pub5162 2
Abstract—Recent works have shown the use of diffusion geometry for various pattern recognition applications, including non-rigid
shape analysis. In this paper, we introduce spectral shape distance as a general framework for distribution-based shape similarity and
show that two recent methods for shape similarity due to Rustamov and Mahmoudi & Sapiro are particular cases thereof.
Index Terms—diffusion distance, commute time, spectral distance, eigenmap, Laplace-Beltrami operator, heat kernel, distribution,
global point signature, non-rigid shapes, similarity.
As the result, it admits a discrete eigendecomposition frequency, K(λ) can be thought of as the transfer function
Kψi = αi ψi with eigenfunctions {ψi }∞i=0 and eigenvalues of a low-pass filter.1 Using this signal processing analogy,
{αi }i=0 . αi ≥ 0 by virtue of property (K3), and αi ≤ 1, the kernel k(x, y) can be interpreted as the point spread
by virtue of (K5) and consequence of the Perron-Frobenis function at a point y, and the action of the diffusion
theorem. operator Kf on a function f on X can be thought
By the spectral theorem, the diffusion kernel admits of as the application of the point spread function by
the following spectral decomposition property means of a non shift-invariant version of convolution.
X The transfer function of the diffusion operator Kt is
k(x, y) = αi ψi (x)ψi (y). (2) K t (λ), which can be interpreted as multiple applications
of the filter K(λ). Such multiple applications decrease
Since ψi form an orthonormal basis of L2 (X), the effective bandwidth of the filter and, consequently,
Z Z X∞ increase its effective support in space. Because of this
k 2 (x, y)dµ(x)dµ(y) = αi2 , (3) duality, we will freely interchange between k(x, y) and
K(λ) referring to both as kernels.
a fact sometimes referred to as Parseval’s theorem. Using
An important particular case of is the heat oper-
these results, properties (K3–5) can be rewritten in the
X ator Ht defined by the family of transfer functions
spectral form as 0 ≤ αi ≤ 1 and αi2 < ∞. H t (λ) = e−tλ and the associated heat kernels ht (x, y) =
P∞ −tλi
An important property of diffusion operators is the i=0 e φi (x)φi (y). The heat kernel ht (x, y) is the so-
fact that for every t ≥ 0, the operator Kt is also a diffu- lution of the heat equation with point heat source at x
sion operator with the eigenbasis of K and correspond- at time t = 0, i.e., the heat value at point y after time t.
ing eigenvalues {αit }∞
i=0 . The kernel of K expresses the
transition probability by random walk of t steps. This 2.3 Diffusion distances
allows to define a scale space of kernels, {kt (x, y)}t∈T ,
Since a diffusion kernel k(x, y) measures the degree of
with the scale parameter t.
proximity between x and y, it can be used to define a
2.2 Heat diffusion
d2 (x, y) = kk(x, ·) − k(y, ·)k2L2 (X) , (6)
There exists a large variety of possibilities to define a
diffusion kernel and the related diffusion operator. Here, on X, dubbed the diffusion distance by Coifman and La-
we restrict our attention to operators describing heat fon [9], [12]. Another way to interpret the latter distance
diffusion. Heat diffusion on surfaces is governed by the is by considering the embedding Ψ : x 7→ L2 (X) by
heat equation, µ ¶ which each point x on X is mapped to the function
∆X + u = 0, (4) Ψ(x) = k(x, ·). The embedding Ψ is an isometry between
X equipped with diffusion distance and L2 (X) equipped
where u is the distribution of heat on the surface and
with the standard L2 metric, since
∆X is the positive-semidefinite Laplace-Beltrami opera-
tor, a generalization of the Laplacian to non-Euclidean d(x, y) = kΨ(x) − Ψ(y)kL2 (X) . (7)
domains. For compact surfaces, the Laplace-Beltrami
Because of spectral duality, the diffusion distance can
operator has discrete eigendecomposition of the form
also be written as
∆X φi = λi φi .
Diffusion operators associated with heat propagation
d2 (x, y) = K 2 (λi )(φi (x) − φi (y))2 . (8)
processes are diagonalized by the eigenbasis of the i=0
Laplace-Beltrami operator, namely K’s having ψi = φi .
Here as well we can define an isometric embedding
The corresponding diffusion kernels can be expressed as
Φ : x 7→ `2 with Φ(x) = {K(λi )φi (x)}∞ i=0 , termed as
X the diffusion map by Lafon. The diffusion distance can be
k(x, y) = K(λi )φi (x)φi (y), (5)
i=0 cast as d(x, y) = kΦ(x) − Φ(y)k`2 .
where K(λ) is some function such that αi = K(λi ). Since 1. For an insightful discussion of the physical interpretation of the
the Laplace-Beltrami eigenvalues can be interpreted as Laplace-Beltrami operator, the reader is referred to [13].
Fig. 1. Data flow in the proposed approach: for each of the compared shapes, a transfer function K(λ) and the norm
k · k define a family of pair-wise distances. Shape dissimilarity is cast as distribution dissimilarity using the criterion D.
Aggregation of different scales can be performed at any of these stages as denoted in dashed red.
and eigenvalues are invariant to inelastic bendings. As a (note that the singularity at λ0 = 0 can be removed
result, diffusion kernels based on φi , λi are deformation- starting the summation from i = 1, since φ0 = const).
invariant, and so are distributions of the related dis- Such a distance is known in spectral graph theory as
tances. the commute time distance, and can be thought of as the
Topological invariance: In many practical applica- average time of a walk starting at x to go through y
tions, shapes suffer from “topological noise”, resulting and return back to x (called the commute time, hence
in different local connectivity. This is a typical situation the name). Invoking the relation 0 e−λt dt = λ1 , the
when shapes are scanned by a 3D range camera. The commute time distance can interpreted as the integral
change in connectivity alters the diffusion distances by of the squared heat diffusion distance d2t over the entire
introducing “shortcuts”; however, these artifacts have time scale,
different effect at different scale. For large t, the influence Z ∞ X∞ Z ∞
of the shortcuts is smaller. dt (x, y) = e−2λi t dt(φi (x) − φi (y))2 (20)
0 i=0 0
Scale invariance: When a shape X 0 is obtained by X∞
1 1
uniformly scaling X by a factor α > 0, the eigenvalues = (φi (x) − φi (y))2 = d2CT (x, y).
2λ 2
of the Laplace-Beltrami operator are scaled according i=0
to λ0i = α−2 λi , and the corresponding L2 -normalized Equivalently, the commute time kernel KCT (λ) = λ−1/2 can
eigenfunctions become φ0i (x) = α−1 φi (x). A diffusion 2
be though of as the integral of the heat kernel, KCT (λ) =
kernel defined by a transfer function K(λ) therefore 0
H t (λ)dt.
3.2 Scale aggregation denotes some set of time scale. Such a distance has the
The derivation of the commute time kernel and the advantage of comparing shape properties at multiple
commute time distance from the corresponding heat scales, considering each scale separately.
kernel and diffusion distance can be interpreted as the dDSS is also spectral shape distance with the heat
application of a scale aggregation functional on {Ht (λ)}t>0 kernel K t (λ) = e−λt , diffusion distance defined with
or {dt (x, y)}t>0 . Examples of such aggregation function- the L2 (X) norm, and L2 distribution dissimilarity. The
als are aggregation is performed on distribution dissimilarities
Sum or, more generally, weighted sum A(ft ) = using sum t∈T over a finite set of scales T .
w(t)ft dt where w is some scale-dependent weighting Global point signature: In [23], Rustamov pro-
function and T is some range of scales. posed the global point signatures (GPS) representation for
Sum of squares or, more generally, sum of non- shapes based on the eigenmap of the form ΨX (x) =
R −1/2
linearities A(ft ) = T ξ(ft ) dt, where ξ is a scalar non- {λi φi (x)}∞i=1 . Given two shapes X, Y , Rustamov
as a scale aggregation functional acting on the kernel. the Arnoldi algorithm used in MATLAB function eigs.
It can be further followed by selection of a single value This should be taken into consideration when choosing
of τ or aggregation of several scales in the previously the transfer function K(λ): ideally, it should decay fast
discussed way. Though the kernel k̂τ is not a valid enough to allow taking a small number of eigenvalues,
diffusion kernel (e.g., it can assume negative values), thus reducing the computation complexity. Specifically
the resulting “distance” is still informative. We intend in the particular cases discussed in Section 3.3, numerical
to investigate this interesting relation in future studies. approximation of the commute time distance (19) is less
favorable compared to the heat diffusion distance,since
the decay of the terms e−λt is faster than λ−1/2 for typical
choice of t.
For numerical computation, the shape X is represented
by a finite number of samples X̂ = {x1 , ..., xN } ⊆ X. The
discrete approximation of the Laplace-Beltrami operator
has the following generic form We used a subset of 486 shapes from the Shape-
Google database [18], containing different shapes with
1 X
(∆X̂ u)i = wij (ui − uj ), (22) simulated transformations. The transformations include
ai j
null (no transformation), isometry (near-isometric bend-
where u = (u1 , ..., uN ) is a scalar function defined on ing), topology (connectivity change obtained by welding
X̂, wij are weights, and ai are normalization coeffi- some of the shape vertices), isometry+topology (com-
cients. In matrix notation, Equation (22) can be written bination of the previous two), triangulation (different
as ∆³X̂ u = A´−1 Lf , where A = diag(ai ) and L = meshing of the same shape), and partiality (missing
diag l6=i wil − (wij ) are sparse matrices. The eigen- information, obtained by making holes and cutting parts
values and eigenfunctions of the discretized Laplace- off the shape). Multiple instances of each transformation
Beltrami operator are computed by solving the gener- are present for each shape class.We performed a leave-
alized eigendecomposition problem AΦ = ΛLΦ, where Λ one-out retrieval experiment, in which each class of
is the (k + 1) × (k + 1) diagonal matrix of the smallest transformations was queried against a database con-
eigenvalues λ0 , ..., λk , and Φ is an N × (k + 1) matrix of taining the remaining transformations. Matches were
corresponding eigenfunctions [13]. consider correct between different transformations of
Discrete Laplace-Beltrami operator. Different dis- the same shape. The average precision (area under the
cretizations of the Laplace-Beltrami operator lead to precision-recall curve) was measured for each query
different choice of A and W [21]. For triangular meshes, shape, and the mean average precision (mAP) was used as
a popular choice is the cotangent weight scheme [19], in a single number quantifying the retrieval performance
which wij = cot αij + cot βij (αij and βij are the two for each class of transformations. As an additional qual-
angles opposite to the edge between vertices i and j ity measure, for each class of transformations the receiver
in the two triangles sharing the edge) for j in the 1- operating characteristic (ROC) curve was computed, rep-
ring neighborhood of vertex i and zero otherwise, and resenting a tradeoff between the percentage of similar
ai is one third of the area of the triangles sharing the shapes correctly identified as similar (true positives rate
vertex xi . This discretization preserves many important or TPR) and the percentage of dissimilar shapes wrong-
properties of the continuous Laplace-Beltrami operator, fully identified as similar (false positive rate or FPR). For
such as positive semi-definiteness, symmetry, and lo- additional details, the reader is referred to [18].
cality, and in addition it is numerically consistent. For Experiments. We performed several experiments to
shapes represented as point clouds, the Laplace-Beltrami reveal the influence of the choice of the different pro-
operator can be approximated using [2]. cessing stages in Figure 1. While these experiments
Approximation quality and complexity. In practice, do not attempt to entirely cover the entire space of
numerical inaccuracy due to the discretization of the possible choices, we believe they provide a sufficiently
Laplace-Beltrami operator imposes a limit on the number interesting insight about the importance of each ingredi-
k of eigenvalues and eigenvectors that can be accu- ent. We denote each choice as Kernel-Norm-Dissimilarity-
rately computed. Typical complexity of computing k first Aggregation, according to Section 3. As Kernel, we used
eigenvectors of a sparse symmetric matrix is O(N k) with K(λ) = e−λ (heat kernel, abbreviated as H), λ−1/2
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(a) (b) (c)
(d) (e) (f )
−3 −2 −1 0 −3 −2 −1 0 −3 −2 −1 0
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Fig. 2. ROC curves of (a) H-L2 -nL1 -Single, t = 1024; (b) H-L2 -nL1 -Single, t = 4096; (c) H-L2 -nL1 -Max,
t ∈ [1024, 4096]; (d) Geo-nL1 -Single; (e) CT-L2 -nL1 -Single; and (F) Step-L2 -nL1 -Single, t = 1024.