Conchubhair 2019 Environ. Res. Lett. 14 065001
Conchubhair 2019 Environ. Res. Lett. 14 065001
Conchubhair 2019 Environ. Res. Lett. 14 065001
presents a significant risk to ecosystem from coastal the amount and distribution of plastic, with a focus on
areas to the deep sea. Plastic has become a serious microplastics, in the oceans. This paper reviews the
threat to marine life as it can be ingested and/or cause current ability of RIs to monitor plastic is addressed
entanglement, which can lead to mortality. This along with technology and knowledge gaps. Finally, it
anthropogenic material also smoothers benthic habi- outlines the requirement for further cooperation
tats, can act as artificial substrate for colonisation and between RIs, as well as between RIs and sensor manu-
transport invasive species between continents factures to develop dedicated, long-term microplastic
(Gregory 2009). monitoring systems.
Subsequently, plastic marine debris has been iden-
tified as one of the most significant problems facing
the marine environment today (STAP 2011). Plastics 2. Research infrastructures
are persistent as a pollutant and impact on the
environment and biota is now a major concern. As The European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastruc-
plastics persist in the environment, they become tures (ESFRI) defines RIs as ‘facilities, resources or
weathered through photodegradation by UV light as services of a unique nature, identified by European
well as from wind and wave action. This exposure cau- research communities to conduct and to support top-
ses chemical bonds to weaken and plastic to become level research activities in their domains.’ RIs can also
brittle and breakdown. As plastic fragments it pro- be defined as anything with institutional, national, or
duces microplastics. Furthermore, as chemical bonds multi-country funding. Consequently, ESFRI and
of plastic polymers weaken, toxic compounds are non-ESFI will be defined as RIs within the scope of this
released into the ocean, which may have a detrimental work, along with referencing projects such as JERICO,
effect on marine ecosystems (Romera-Castillo et al which is an EU-funded infrastructure project. Most
2018). infrastructures are mature, have been deployed for 5
The National Oceanic Atmospheric Administra- years, monitor a variety of environmental parameters
tion (National Ocean Service 2018) defines micro- and have the ability to expand or integrate new sensors
plastics as anything <2.5 cm in size (Lippiatt et al and technologies. Marine RIs have a global distribu-
2013), however, microplastics are also defined as tion and are located within the water column, either at
<5 mm (Arthur et al 2009), or 1 mm in size by the sci- the surface, bottom mounted or somewhere in
entific community (Browne et al 2011). The con- between. Some marine RIs are fixed point, such as
temporary definition of a microplastic is anything in situ marine observatories; whereas others can either
smaller than 1mm but the variation in sizing classifica- move freely within the water column or drift with
tion is one of the primary methodologies that should ocean currents, such as Argo profiling floats.
be standardised globally. Regardless of the definition The European Multidisciplinary Seafloor and
used, the smaller the microplastics, the harder they are water-column Observatory (EMSO) and European
to observe by the human eye. This observation Argo programme (EURO-ARGO) are both recognised
requires microscopes or optical sensing technology to European Research Infrastructure Consortia (ERICs).
measure/monitor abundance. Not all microplastics These marine ERICs monitor various marine environ-
are formed from the breakdown of larger particles in mental parameters with EMSO dedicated to fixed
the environment, some are formed from the break- point observing and Argo floats moving both up and
down during use, whereas others, termed primary down the water column (between the surface and
microplastics, are initially manufactured in small sizes 2000 m), but also spatially floating with wind and
(Cole et al 2011). ocean currents. These ERICs are supported by addi-
A significant amount of debris enters the ocean tional RI projects such as the Joint European Research
every year, with sources identified both on land and at Infrastructure Network for Coastal Observatories
sea (Sheavly and Register 2007) and the accumulation (JERICO), which focuses on the coastal part of a future
of plastics in the environment has been estimated to be version of the European Ocean Observing System
between 15 and 51 trillion microplastic particles (Van (EOOS), and includes monitoring infrastructure such
Sebille et al 2015). The large volume of plastic in the as fixed point including shallow-water observatories,
marine environment, coupled with the potentially data buoys, high frequency radar and mobile infra-
detrimental consequences it has on marine life, has structure (including gliders and FerryBox platforms).
fuelled global motivation to address the issue of mar- Additionally, INTAROS (Integrated Arctic Observa-
ine plastics in order to ensure a cleaner and safer ocean tion Systems; Horizon 2020) includes pan-Arctic
for future generations. monitoring infrastructure that covers the ocean, cryo-
RIs present a unique opportunity where through sphere, atmosphere, and terrestrial sphere.
global cooperation, efficient knowledge transfer of As plastics and microplastics in the marine
best practises and coordinated international efforts environment are a global issue, this problem cannot be
may be used to monitor and assess marine plastic pol- solved by European infrastructure alone. For example,
lution. Therefore, the aim of this manuscript is to the Memoranda of Understanding (MoUs) between
understand the role that RIs can play in monitoring Ocean Network Canada (ONC) and EMSO formalises
Environ. Res. Lett. 14 (2019) 065001
a collaborative relationship between both marine developers to integrate such systems within their spe-
observing RIs and will develop joint efforts to deliver cific RI. Technological development at this scale
high‐quality, continuous data for environmental pro- requires a significant amount of dedicated funding via
tection (Conti 2018). Euro-Argo also contributes to specific mechanisms including but not limited to:
the international Argo programme, which is part of
the Global Climate Observing System (GOOS). • Europe: Horizon 2020, Horizon Europe and
Interreg (European Regional Development Funding
3. RIs and their role in monitoring plastic
debris • International: National Science Foundation (NSF)
United States (US), African Academy of Sciences
Plastics can enter the ocean in a variety of ways ranging (AAS) Weather and Climate information SERvices
from indirect sources such as coastal landfill runoff, for Africa (WISER) and the Africa Climate Policy
wind-blown landfill waste, litter washed into drains, Centre (ACPC) (Africa), the Marine and Coastal
rivers and lakes; through to accidental input (for Research funding instrument (South Africa),
example large containers being washed overboard National Environmental Science Program (NESP),
cargo vessels while in transit), to direct and intentional Australia.
input via illegal dumping. To put this into perspective,
Jambeck et al 2015 estimated that ∼275 million metric This financial support should be short-to-medium
tons (MT) of plastic waste were created during 2010, term to initially speed up the technology development
and between 4.8 and 12.7 million MT of this ended up and facilitate integration across various RIs.
in the ocean. More recent studies estimated the plastic As reported by Hopewell et al (2009) the trend for
emission from rivers into the oceans was between 1.15 plastic recycling is increasing, which is encouraging;
and 2.41 million MT (Lebreton et al 2017) and 0.41–4 however, the continued exponential increase in plastic
million MT (Schmidt et al 2017). The significant use and production highlights the need to understand
volume of plastics flowing into the marine environ- the consequences. Marine RIs have the potential to
ment presents the need to monitor their release and play a major role in monitoring plastics in the future.
transport via ocean circulation, tides, and thermo- Baseline investigations have shown promising
clines (Eriksen et al 2013). Ocean currents can also advancements utilising FerryBox systems to monitor
carry marine debris into coastal areas and onto microplastics (NorSOOP Project, funded by the Nor-
beaches, polluting coastlines and ports. wegian Research Council).
The European Space Agency (ESA) funded project Novel technology, which may be integrated onto
OptiMAL (Optical methods for MArine Litter detec- marine RIs, is currently being developed albeit at very
tion), reviewed different observational scenarios for early stage via the COMMONSENSE project (an EU
marine litter detection, focussing on optical remote FP7 funded project developing cost-effective sensors,
sensing techniques. Satellite/remote sensing technol- interoperable with international existing ocean obser-
ogy can only monitor large debris including plastics at ving systems, to meet EU policies requirements). The
the surface of the ocean or along the coastline and can- project is testing a pump that pulls through sea-water
not penetrate into the water column. Furthermore, and measures the amount of microplastics in the water
satellites are not currently able to monitor micro- sample which is based on a suggestion presented by
plastics as new technology is required to monitor par- researchers from Ireland (Lusher et al 2014, 2015).
ticles of this size. A combination of remote sensing This project is synonymous to the integration of a
technology as well as water column observations ( microplastic sampler within FerryBox systems. Tech-
in situ observatories and mobile platforms) would nology such as this, once it has matured to a sufficient
provide a whole scale overview of plastics and micro- TRL, could then be integrated into some marine RIs.
plastics in the ocean. This puts RIs in a well-situated Knowledge and awareness on the potential harm
position to address the current limitations of satellites of plastics, primarily microplastics, to the marine
and remote sensing technology. environment, as well as to humans through consump-
At present there is a lack of monitoring technology tion has been brought before governments with the
within standalone marine RIs which is hampering the hope of forming new policies. Policy is an important
monitoring of microplastics. Optical technology is driver and RIs have the potential to inform policy as
needed to identify particles smaller than 1 mm, this is well as decision makers regarding current status of
currently laking or unsuitable for some fixed and plastic and microplastic pollution.
mobile marine observing platforms. Microplastic
monitoring is possible in laboratories on-board ships 3.1. Identification of requirements
as well as on land. However, there is currently a lack of Considerable technological (equipment/sensor) gaps
technology mature enough to carry out this monitor- remain in order to monitor plastic in the marine
ing autonomously in a marine environment. Estab- environment. Remote sensing is currently limited to
lished RIs should be working with technology assessing floating debris at the surface and to debris of
Environ. Res. Lett. 14 (2019) 065001
a large size (e.g. shipping containers). In situ monitor- for monitoring marine litter, which the human eye can
ing is carried out using nets, trawls and beach clean- see, however it is limited when monitoring smaller
ups and it is this kind of multi-faceted approach that is items such as microplastics.
required to tackle the problem of marine litter (Ryan
et al 2009). In situ RIs have the potential to provide 3.3. Future scenarios
autonomous long-term monitoring, which would also ESFRI funded RIs for monitoring marine plastic debris
provide crucial data along with the manual systems are still lacking the monitoring technology for integra-
already in place. tion onto the existing infrastructure. Monitoring
Technological advancement in the area of optical technology is not yet at a technology readiness level
sensing could see optical monitoring as one of the pri- (TRL- used for estimating maturity of a new technol-
mary tools in terms of microplastic monitoring within ogy and therefore how far/close it is to market
the marine environment. Further developments need deployment) to allow for integration into in situ RIs
to take place within the research field, which would such as EMSO, OOI (Ocean Observatories Initiative)
also then require a marinisation add-on development or Argo. Current technologies (optical sensing for
for deployment at sea. Specific requirements for any example) are either too large and/or power intensive
device deployed in the marine environment include: to be integrated onto in situ RIs. Remote sensing
infrastructures are currently assessing whether satellite
• Calibration (How long can a device be left at sea detection/monitoring can be used to monitor marine
without calibration?) debris (such as containers and ghost ships) but again,
• Operation and Maintenance (What maintenance this technology is also at early stage and can only
intervals are associated with the device?) monitor relatively large items (such as those listed
above) at the ocean surface. Mid-infrared spectrosc-
• Power (What are the power demands of the device?) opy technique was developed to analyse microplastics
with high precision but this technology is relatively
All of the above will influence the distribution of expensive and the cost may prove prohibitive for many
any device, how long it can be left deployed for and on countries.
what types of platforms it can be deployed on. Calibra-
tion, as well as operations and maintenance will have a
direct impact on integration and running costs as ves- 3.4. Specific aspects addressed by RIs
sels, remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) and divers are RIs require up-to-date reviews with technological
required for the installation, removal (for calibration) developers on any advances in the area of marine
plastic monitoring. Collaboration between RIs and
and maintenance (removal of marine growth) of any
device deployed at sea. Power determines what type of marine plastic organisations should be initiated
platform a device can be deployed on as if it uses a rela- (ENVRI+, a Horizon 2020 project bringing together
tively high amount of power then it would be limited Environmental and Earth System Research Infrastruc-
tures, projects and networks and similar initiatives)
to platforms that have a cabled supply of power.
and host regular meetings for RIs. These meetings
could include a section where technological devel-
3.2. Case study: increase of litter at the Arctic deep- opers have a forum to update RIs on the current status
sea observatory HAUSGARTEN (Bergmann and of their technologies as well as future steps and
Klages 2012). timelines associated with their respective technology.
In 1999 the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and It is imperative that there are open discussions
Marine Research (AWI), established a deep-sea obser- between marine plastic monitoring organisations, RIs,
vatory ‘HAUSGARTEN’ in the Fram Strait, North and technology developers and a co-development
Atlantic (Soltwedel et al 2005). During 2002, a towed approach is in place to ensure that commercially ready
camera track was established at a depth of 2500 m at products will provide the data required for fit-for-
the HAUSGARTEN observatory. This track was purpose monitoring and can be easily integrated into
revisited in 2004, 2007 and 2011. During the camera various RIs.
tow, images were taken at intervals of either 30 s or
50 s and any shape which could be identified with 90%
certainty as human waste were marked as litter 4. Gap analysis
(Bergmann and Klages 2012). This study was one of
the projects to present long-term monitoring data Currently there is a gap between monitoring technol-
related to marine litter on the deep seafloor and ogy and existing RIs. Marine RIs are in place, but
although it cannot be discounted that some of the litter monitoring technology is at a low maturity level and is
may have been counted twice over the various track currently not suitable for integration onto the RIs.
years there was still more litter counted that what was Harmonisation of marine plastic monitoring and data
expected for a remote site, such as HAUSGARTEN collection and data formatting are also issues. Three
(Bergmann and Klages 2012). This technique is good main tasks are outlined below along with an overview
Environ. Res. Lett. 14 (2019) 065001
of how they can be used to drive collaboration between • Sensor/Equipment Calibration: there is a cost
RIs as well as the main actors involved in each task. associated with removal and replacement of equip-
ment in subsea and often-remote environments (i.e.
4.1. Task 1—monitoring methods quality of data if instrument out of calibration).
4.1.1. Description
• Biofouling and marine growth on sensor if deployed
The primary focus should be on the harmonisation of
in an area of high productivity. Cost associated with
existing monitoring methods. As new methods are
sending divers or ROVs to clean growth from
created, the more difficult it is to harmonise between
the various different methods already in use. This is
why BASEMAN, a JPI-Oceans funded project aimed at • Power requirements—if instruments are deployed
defining the baselines and standards for microplastics on an observatory with cabled power supply then
analyses in European waters, and similar objectives for this is less of an issue. However, to ensure maximum
RIs are important. BASEMAN’s primary goal was to deployment of instrumentation within the marine
review, compare and evaluate all existing methodology environment then the device should have a low
in terms of marine plastic sampling and identification power-draw allowing for deployment on remote
and propose a harmonised approach going forward. buoys, marine platforms and possibly Argo profiling
Similar initiatives have been followed, including a floats.
workshop on the analysis of microplastics, hosted by
Quality Assurance of Information for Marine Envir-
onmental Monitoring in Europe (QUASIMEME) 4.2.2. Type
(QUASIMEME 2018). The aim being improving the Data collection, Experimental Research,
quality and reliability of analysis as well as achieving Interoperability
better harmonization of microplastics data. The Japa-
nese government has taken a lead role in harmonising
the methods used to monitor microplastics in the 4.2.3. Actors involved and their role
ocean. In 2016, the Japanese Ministry for the Environ- With the development of optical sensing for subsea
ment launched their project of ‘Harmonization of monitoring there are significant amounts of RIs (both
Marine Microplastics Monitoring Methodologies,’ (Japa- ESFRI and non-ESFRI defined infrastructures) cap-
nese National Ministry 2018). Such initiatives must be able of hosting these monitoring devices, examples of
amalgamated to ensure harmonisation between insti- such include:
tutions, projects and governments on an international
scale. • EMSO ERIC: is a large-scale European distributed
Research Infrastructure for ocean observation,
4.1.2. Type enabling real-time interactive long-term monitor-
Data harmonisation, Data Collection, Interoperability ing of ocean processes and is a recognised ERIC.
• OOI: is based across Northern and Southern
4.1.3. Actors involved and their role Americas, is an integrated infrastructure pro-
BASEMAN, Japanese Ministry for the Environment, gramme composed of science driven platforms and
QUASIMEME and similar harmonisation organisa- sensor systems.
tions/projects play a crucial role in the harmonisation
of marine plastic sampling and identification. • JAMSTEC: The Japan Agency for Marine-Earth
Science and Technology, or JAMSTEC, is a Japanese
4.2. Task 2—data collection national research institute for marine-earth science
4.2.1. Description and technology and has marine platforms within
Data are collected using a variety of methods including Japanese territory and territorial waters.
satellite (larger debris), in situ sampling (nets, trawls, • Euro-Argo ERIC: 12 European countries within the
beach clean-ups etc) and increasingly, towards the Euro-Argo project with a common aim to provide
development of optical monitoring of marine plastic an optimized and sustained European contribution
as well as software analytics using video footage via
to Argo by deploying 250 floats per year, and is a
airborne drones etc. There can be harmonisation
recognised ERIC.
issues: some nets used to collect microplastics may
have larger or smaller mesh sizes; and quantification • Other non-ESFRI RIs.
methods on beach clean-up can often be personal and
• National ocean RIs (Research Vessels etc).
sizing can be ‘rough estimations,’ (i.e. measurements
taken using estimations instead of correct measuring • Oil and Gas companies.
instrumentation). Specific issues also surround the
• Marine test site operators.
deployment of any device in a subsea environment
including: • Local and national governments.
Environ. Res. Lett. 14 (2019) 065001
Environ. Res. Lett. 14 (2019) 065001
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