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Unit IVModelsof Teaching

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Unit -IV MODELS OF TEACHING Model of teaching: Meaning, definitions, and

function-Models: Philosophical teaching models: Insight model (Plato)
Impression model (Jhon Locke) and Rul...

Book · February 2022


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1 author:

Thanavathi C.
Karapettai Nadar Girls Higher Secondary School


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Unit – IV
Model of teaching: Meaning, definitions, and function-Models: Philosophical
teaching models: Insight model (Plato) Impression model (Jhon Locke) and Rule
model (kanl)- Psychological models: Basic teaching model (Robert Glasser),
Interaction model (Flander) and Computer based model (Daniel Davis) – Modern
teaching models;: Information processing models -, Personal models, social
interaction models and Behavior modification models.

The term model is used to mean a teaching episode done by an experienced

teacher in which a highly focussed teaching behaviour is demonstrated, in it an
individual demonstrating particular patterns which the trainee learns through
imitation. It is a way to talk and think about instruction in which certain facts may be
organized, classified and interpreted. The term model can be used for imitation,
description, explanation, prediction or persuasion. Teaching models can suggest how
various, teaching and learning conditions are inter-related. The practices and
technologies of teaching can be described in terms of models for solving problems in
teaching-learning process.

Joyce and Weil in their book “Models of Teaching” define that “Teaching
models are just instructional designs”. The describe the process of specifying and
producing particular environmental designs which cause the student to interact in such
a way that specific changes occur in his behaviour. They also state that the models of
teaching which govern the teaching activities in any school indicate the kind of
realities which would be admitted in the classroom and the kinds of life views likely
to be generated as the teacher and the learners work together.

Bruce Joyce and Marsha Weil describe a Model of Teaching as a plan or

pattern that can be used to shape curricula, to design instructional materials and to
guide instruction in the classroom and other settings. Thus teaching models are just
instructional designs. They describe the process and producing particular
environmental situations which cause the student to interact in such a way that
specific change occurs in his behaviour.

Dr.C.Thanavathi VOCCE

According to N.K.Jangira and Azit Singh (1983): “A model of teaching is a

set of inter-related components arranged in a sequence which provides guidelines to
realize specific goal. It helps in designing instructional activities and environmental
facilities, carrying out of these activities and realization of the stipulated objectives.”

View of Joyce and Weil (1972): They have given three meanings of teaching
a) "Teaching models are just instructional designs. They describe the process
of specifying and producing particular environmental situations which
cause the student to interact in such a way that specific change occurs in
his behavior".
ii) Teaching model is a "pattern or plan, which can be used to shape a
curriculum or course, to select instructional materials and to guide a
teacher's actions". Models are designed to attain specific goals; we can say
that he is using model approach.
iii) "A model of teaching consists of guidelines for designing educational
activities and environments. It specifies ways of teaching and learning that
are intended to attain certain kinds of goals".
Nelson L Bossing (970): “Teaching model is a pattern or plan, which can be used to
shape a curriculum or course, to select instructional materials and to guide a teacher’s
action”. It consist guidelines for designing educational activities and environment. It
specifies way of teaching and learning that are intended to achieve certain kinds of

According to Morse, “Models are prescriptive teaching strategies designed to

accomplish particular instructional goals”.

Robert S. Wooodworth says “To confirm in behaviour, actions and to direct one’s
action according to some particular design or idea”.

According to Filburt Highet, “It is a set of inter-related components arranged in a

sequence which provide guidance to realize specific goals”.

Dr.C.Thanavathi VOCCE

Models of Teaching are designed for specific purposes-the teaching of

information concepts, ways of thinking, the study of social values and so on-by asking
students to engage in particular cognitive and social tasks. Some models centre on
delivery by the instructor while others develop as the learners respond to tasks and the
student is regarded as a partner in the educational enterprise.

These are based on the following specifications:

a-Specification of Environment- It specifies in definite terms the environmental

conditions under which a student’s response should be observed.
b- Specification of operation- It specifies the mechanism that provides for the
reaction of students and interaction with the environment.
c- Specification of criterion of Performance-It specify the criterion of
Performance which is accepted by the students The behavioural outcome which the
learner would demonstrate after completing specific instructional sequences are
delineated in the teaching models
d- Specification of learning outcome- It specifies what the student will perform after
completing an instructional sequence.
Models of Teaching are really models of learning. As we help students acquire
information ideas skills, values, ways of thinking, and means of expressing
themselves, we are also teaching them how to learn. ln fact the most important long
term outcome of instruction may be the students ‘increased capabilities to learn more
easily and effectively in the future, both because of the knowledge and skills they
have acquired and because they have mastered learning processes.

According to Joyce and Weil, Each model results in two types of effects Instructional
and Nurturant.

A- Instructional effects are the direct effects of the model which result from the
content and skills on which the activities are based.

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B- Nurturant effects are those which are implicit in the learning environment.

They are the indirect effects of the model.

Bandura and Walters have formulated three kind of effect in teaching by modelling:

1- Modelling effect- The learner acquires new kind of response pattern.

2- -Inhibitory and disinhibitory effect- The learner increases or decreases the

frequent, latency or intensity or previously required responses.

3- Eliciting effect- The learner receives from a model merely a cue for realising a

Modelling effect can be seen when a teacher demonstrates to a student how to

hold a pencil or write capital A and thus shows a new behaviour. Through modelling
the teacher lets the student know that it is not permissible of obscene nature in art
book. The eliciting effect takes place when through modelling; a teacher tries to teach
students to get up when he enters the room. Thus it provides a cue eliciting a response
neither new nor inhibited. Gagne feels that learning through imitation seems to be
more appropriate for tasks which are a little cognitive in nature.


 Teaching models are useful in developing social efficiency, personal abilities,
cognitive abilities and behavioural aspects of the students. It helps in selecting
and stimulating situations which causes the desirable changes in students.
 Teaching models help in guiding the teacher to select appropriate teaching
techniques, strategies and methods for the effective utilization of the teaching
situation and material for realizing the objectives.
 Teaching models help to establish teaching and learning relationship
empirically. It helps in making the teaching more effective.
 Teaching models help in bring about desirable changes in the behaviour of the

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 Teaching models helps in providing a theoretical rationale to the teaching,
which will provide changes and rectifications in teaching.
 Teaching models stimulates the development of new educational innovations in
teaching strategies and tactics, which may replace the existing ones in schools
of today.
 Teaching models assist makers of materials to create more interesting and
effective instructional materials and learning sources.
 Teaching models help in finding out ways and means of creating favourable
environmental situation for carrying out teaching process.
 Teaching models assist teachers to develop their capacities to create conductive
environment for teaching, as its nature is practical.
 Teaching models help in achieving desirable teacher-pupil interaction during
 It helps in construction of a curriculum or contents of a course.
 It helps in the proper selection of instruction material for teaching the prepared
course or the curriculum.
 Teaching models help curriculum planners to plan learning activities and
content material which provide a variety of educational experiences to learners.
 It helps in the formation of theory of teaching.
 It helps to establish teaching and learning relationship empirically.
 Teaching model evaluates the behaviour of the students. For this important
task, it presents such a criterion with the help of which the changes in the
students behaviours can be easily evaluated.
1- Encourage Art of Teaching- Teaching is considered as an art. Teaching models
encourages this art by providing learning environment.
2- Development of Inherent Abilities -Teaching models bring about the
qualitative development of personality as it helps in developing human abilities. It
also increases the teacher’s social competency.
3- Based on Individual Differences- Teaching model uses the student’s interest, as
it is constructed on the basis of individual differences.
4- Influenced by Philosophy- Every teaching model is influenced by the
philosophy of education. Hence, teachers formulate different models of teaching
under the influence of the philosophy they believe.

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5- Answers Fundamental Questions- In every teaching model answers to all the
fundamental questions pertaining to the behaviour of students and teachers are
6- Providing Appropriate Experiences- Teaching models provides proper
experiences to both teacher and student. Selecting the content and presenting it for
learning before the students is the main essentiality of teaching. This difficulty is
solved when a teacher presents appropriate experience before the students.
7- Maxims of Teaching- The basis of teaching model is the maxims of teaching.
They are the foundation of each teaching model.
8- Practice and Concentration- The development of a teaching model is based on
regular and continuous practice and concentration. The proper development of a
teaching model is only possible when the assumptions are made clear by related
Normally majority of teaching models are based on the following six elements:

i. Focus
Focus is the central aspects of a teaching model. Objectives of teaching and
aspects of environment generally constitute the focus of the model. Every teaching
model is based on one or the other objective as its focal point. Any teaching model is
developed by keeping this focal point in mind. Every teaching model differs from
another in terms of its objectives. It is the nucleus of a teaching model. Every model is
developed by keeping in view its focal point or objective. Every model has various
phases; some particular types of competencies are developed by it.

ii. Syntax
Syntax of the model describes the model in action. Syntax includes the
sequences of steps involved in the organization of the complete programmed of
teaching. It is the systematic sequence of the activities in the model. Each model has a
distinct flow of phases. It means the detailed description of the model in action. In it,
the teaching activities and interactions between a pupil and the teacher are
determined. The syntax of any teaching model means those points which produce
activities focused on educational objectives at various phases. Under syntax, the
teaching tactics, teaching activities and interaction between a student and the teacher

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are determined in such a pattern of sequence that the teaching objectives are achieved
conveniently by providing desirable environmental situations.

iii. Principles of Reaction

Principles of Reaction tell the teacher how to regard the learner and to respond
to what the learner does. This element is concerned with the way a teacher should
regard and aspects respond to the activities of the students. These responses should
be appropriate and selective. They provide the teacher with rules of thumb by which
to select model, appropriate responses to what the student does. This element is
concerned with the teacher’s reaction to the student’s responses. In it, he comes to
know that how he has to react to the responses of the students and has to see whether
the learners have been actively involved in the process, or not.

iv. The Social System

This element is concerned with the activities of pupil and the teacher and their
mutual relationships. Every teaching model has separate objectives and will have
therefore separate social systems. It is related with the interactive roles and
relationship between the teacher and the student, and the kinds of norms that are
observed and student behaviour which is rewarded. The Social System describes the
role of and relationships between the teacher and the pupils. In some models the
teacher has a dominant role to play. In some the activity is centred around the pupils,
and in some other models the activity is equally distributed. This element is based on
the assumption that every class is a miniature society. In it also discussed the selection
of motivating strategies and tactics for the students. Naturally social system occupies
a central position in making the teaching impressive and successful in relation to the
previously selected objectives.

v. Support system
Support System describes the supporting conditions required to implement the
model. ‘Support’ refers to additional requirements beyond the usual human skills,
capacities and technical facilities. The support system relates to the additional
requirements other than the usual human skills or capacities of the teacher and the
facilities usually available in the ordinary classroom. Teacher requirements refer to
special skills, special knowledge of the teacher and special audio-visual material like

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films, elf-instructional material, visit to special place etc. This includes books, films,
laboratory kits, reference materials etc. It means the additional requirements beyond
the usual human skill, capacities and technical facilities. In it, the evaluation is done
by oral or written examination, whether the teaching objectives have been achieved or
not. On the basis of this success or failure, clear idea is achieved regarding the
effectiveness of strategies, tactics and techniques used during teaching.

vi. Application
It is an important element of a teaching model. It means the utility or usage of
the learnt material in other situations. Several types of teaching modes are available.
Each model attempts to desirable the feasibility of its use in varying contexts related
with goal achievements in terms of cognitive, and affective behaviour modification.


Every teaching model has its specific objective. In order to achieve the
objective of a teaching model, the teacher has to choose right type of model for
achieving the particular objective. The teaching models have been classified into three
main types:

4.8.1. Philosophical teaching models: Israel Saffer had mentioned such types of
models. These include
4.8.1.i- The Insight model (Plato).-This model is an answer to the impression model.
The insight model discards the assumption that the meaning of a teaching model is
merely delivering the knowledge or ideas through teaching to the mental domain of
the students. According to this model the knowledge cannot be provided merely
through the expression of sense organs, but the knowledge principles of language are
most important, edge of the content is also a necessity. The developer of this model
was Plato. His belief was that the knowledge cannot be provided merely by speaking
the words or listening them. Mental processes and language both work together.
4.8.1.ii - The Impression model of teaching (John Locke).-It is based on a general
assumption the child’s brain is like a clean slate at the time of birth. Whatever
experiences are provided through teaching creates impression on child’s brain. These
impressions are termed as learning. In the learning process the sense organs and
principles of language and given more importance. The success and effectiveness of

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entire teaching process depends upon the teacher’s ability and his capability to
4.8.1.iii. - The Rule model (Kant)- The impression model and insight model have
their own limitations. Their drawbacks have been removed by the rule model. In this
model much importance is given to the logic power. Kant gives importance to logic,
because in it following certain rules is essential. The main function of education is to
develop character. The objective of rule model is to develop the logical reasoning
capacities of the student. Some particular rules are followed. Planning, organisation
and interaction of teaching is performed under specific rules. Cultural and moral
values are developed with this model.
4.8.2.- Psychological model of teaching: It is the assumption of psychologists that
the teaching models can acquire the place of teaching theories. In short, it can be
stated that the teaching models are the primitive form of teaching theories. In the
psychological form of teaching models, the relationship of teaching objectives and
teaching-learning activities are explained. John P. Dececco had mentioned such types
of models. It includes
4.8.2.i.- Basic Teaching model (Robert Glaser)- Robert Glaser (1962) has
developed a stripped-down teaching model which, with modifications, is the basic
teaching model. He has used psychological laws and principles in this model. The
basic teaching model divides the teaching process into four components or parts. It
will be useful in several ways. The four parts of the model represent the basic
divisions, they are; Instructional objectives, Entering behavior, instructional
procedure, and performance assessment.
i. Instructional Objectives- These objectives mean those activities which a
teacher is to do before teaching. In other words, the objectives of teachers
and pupils are called instructional objectives. From this element of the
mode, we come to know about how the instructional objectives are written
in behavioural statement. This process is also known as task description.
By this element, we can differentiate the objectives of schools, teachers
and pupils.
ii. Entering Behaviour-Entering behaviours means those abilities or
behaviours of the pupils which are necessary for the understanding of
contents. In simple words, in order to acquire the levels according to
teacher’s expectations, in future, the present level of pupils’ knowledge

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and skills is the entering behaviour. Entering behaviour exists where the
instructions start.
iii. Instructional Procedure-This element means those teaching activities
which are used for the presentation of the contents. Instructional process is
known as the practical aspect of teaching. In this aspect, various methods,
techniques, strategies etc., are used. In short, this element or step includes
those activities which are used to present the contents.
iv. Performance assessment- This step means those tests on the basis of which
a teacher takes decisions. He decides the limits up to which a pupil has
acquired the efficiency in the contents. In this step, performance may be
measured by any method, by it should be valid, reliable, objective and
efficient. Hence, the tests which are used in this step should be objective
and efficient.
4.8.2.ii.- An Interaction model of teaching (N.A. Flander).-
The systematic observation is a set of procedures. It uses a system of
categories to encode and quantifies classroom behavior of teacher and students. The
systematic observation represents a useful means of identifying, studying, classifying
and measuring specific variables as they interact within instructional learning
situation. The purpose of developing the observational system is that a teacher can be
trained to use them for analyzing classroom behavior and for planning and studying
his own teaching activities. Since 1960, the efforts have been made in this direction
to develop the systems of observation. The works of with all (1949), Flanders and
Amidon (1960), Medley and Mitzel (1948) and Galloway (1968) have developed
system of observation for studying the classroom teaching activities.

Interaction Analysis:

Interaction analysis is a process of encoding and decoding the study pattern of

teaching and learning. In the coding process, categories of classifying statements are
established, a code symbol is assigned to each category and a trained observer records
by jotting down code symbols. In the decoding step, a trained analyst interprets the
display of coded data and reconstructs the original events on the basis of the encoded
data even though teacher may not have been present when the data were collected.
Although there are many systems for coding spontaneous verbal communication in
classroom, a typical system for interaction analysis will usually include,

Dr.C.Thanavathi VOCCE
1. a set of categories, each defined clearly,
2. a procedure for observation and a set of ground rules which govern the
coding process,
3. steps for tabulating data in order to arrange a display and suggestions
which can be followed in some of the more common applications.

Dimension of Interaction:
According to Daniel G. Bobrow, the three dimension of interaction are;
1. Communication
3. Integration
1. Communication:
The first dimension of interaction is communication. For communication to
exist between two agents there must be some common ground of mutual
understanding. Where does this come from and how does it develop? What techniques
are used by people and systems to build and extend this base for communication?
Communication between a particular pair of agents might not always be easy or even
possible. In such cases, communication can be facilitated by interposing a mediating
2. Coordination:
The second dimension of interaction is coordination. With multiple agents
with multiple active goals, progress requires agent to share resources and work
towards some common goals. Various organizational structures, for example, based
on market and business hierarchies have been used in the resource allocation process.
But resources are not the only thing that must be shared. For independent agents to
work together, they must be able to predict other’s behavior, but not necessarily in
great detail. Joint commitments to future action are a useful way of organizing this
3. Integration
The third dimension of interaction is integration.
Meaning of classroom interaction analysis:
Classroom interaction analysis refers to a technique consisting of objective
and systematic observation of the classroom events for the study of the teacher’s
classroom behavior and the process of interaction going inside the classroom.

Dr.C.Thanavathi VOCCE
Thakur’s view:

According to Dr.S.K. Thakur, classroom interaction analysis may be defined

as an instrument which is designed to record categories of verbal interaction during,
or from, recorded teaching learning sessions. It is a technique for capturing qualitative
and quantitative dimensions of teacher’s verbal behavior in the classroom.”

Ruhela’s view:

Dr. Satya Pal Ruhela, in his book ‘Educational Technology’ writes that class
interaction analysis may be conveniently divided into two parts:

1. Verbal interaction.
2. Non-Verbal interaction.
Flanders’ Interaction Analysis System:

Flanders’ system is an observational tool used to classify the verbal behavior

of teachers, and pupils as they interact in the classroom. Flanders’ instrument was
designed for observing only the verbal communication in the classroom and non-
verbal gestures are not taken into account.

Basic theoretical assumptions of Interaction Analysis:

The various theoretical assumptions, which are basic to very idea of

interaction analysis, are as follows:

1. In a normal classroom situation, it is verbal communication, which is

predominant. (Flanders1965)

2. Even though the use of spoken language might be resort to non-verbal gestures
in classroom, verbal behavior can be observed with higher reliability than most
non-verbal behavior and also it can reasonably serve as an adequate sample of
the total behavior in classroom.

3. Normally assume that verbal statements of a teacher are consistent with his
non-verbal gestures and, in fact, his total behavior. This assumption was
sustained in terms of experience in Minnesota Studies (Flanders, 1966).

4. The teacher exerts a great deal of influence on the pupils. Pupil’s behavior is
affected to great extent by this type of teacher behavior exhibited (Anderson
and others, 1946).

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5. The relation between students and teacher is a crucial factor in the teaching
process and must be considered an important aspect ofmethodology (Haggerty,

6. It has been established that social climate is related to productivity and to the
quality of interpersonal relations. It has been proved that democratic
atmosphere tends to keep work of a relatively high level even in the absence of
the teacher. (Lewin and other, 1939)

7. Children tend to be conscious of a warm acceptance the teacher and to express

greatest fondness for the democratic teacher. (H.V. Perkins, 1950)

8. The role of classroom climate is crucial for the learning process. (Perkins

9. The teacher-classroom verbal behavior can be observed objectively by the use

of observational technique designed to ‘catch’ the natural modes of behavior,
which will also permit the process of measurement with a minimum
disturbance of normal activities of the group of individuals. (Wrightstone J.
Wayne, 1958)

10. Modification of teacher classroom behavior through feedback is possible

(Flanders 1963), though how much can change occur and more knowledge
relating to the permanence of these changes will require further research.
(Flanders, 1963,1966)

11. Teacher influence is expressed primarily through verbal statements. Non-

verbal acts of influence do occur, but are not recorded through interaction
analysis. The reasonableness of this assumption rests upon the assertion that the
quality of the non-verbal acts is similar to the verbal acts; to assess verbal
influence, therefore it is adequately a simple of all influences.

These assumptions focus our attention on the verbal participation of teachers

and students in teaching-process.

Flander’s Ten Category System:

The Flander’s System attempts to categories all the verbal behavior to be

found in the classroom. It has two main categories: teacher talk and pupil talk. A third
category covers other verbal behavior, i.e., silence or confusion.

Dr.C.Thanavathi VOCCE
Flander’s Interaction Analysis Categories (FIAC)

Category Activity

Teacher 1. Accepts feeling: Accepts and clarifies an

talk attitude or the feeling tone of a pupil in a

non-threatening manner. Feeling may be
positive or negative. Predicting and
recalling feelings are included.

2. Praises or encourages: Praises or

Indirect Response encourages pupil action or behavior. Jokes
influence that release tension, but not at the expense
of another individual; nodding head, or
saying “Um hm?” or “go on” and included.

3. Accepts or uses ideas of pupils: Clarifying

or building or developing ideas suggested
by a pupil. Teacher extensions of pupil
ideas are included but as the teacher brings
more of his own ideas into play, shift to
category five.

4. Asks questions: Asking question about

content to procedure, based on teacher
ideas, with the intent that a pupil will

5. Lecturing: Giving facts or opinions about

content or procedures; expressing his own
ideas, giving his own explanation, or citing
an authority other than a pupil.

6. Giving directions: Directions, commands

or orders to which a pupil is expected to
Direct Initiation comply.
7. Criticising or justifying authority:

Dr.C.Thanavathi VOCCE
Statements intended to change pupil
behavior from non-acceptable to acceptable
pattern; bawling someone out; stating why
the teacher is doing what the teacher is
doing; extreme self-reliance.

Pupil Response 8. Pupil-talk response: Talk by pupils in

talk response to teacher. Teacher initiates the
contact or solicits pupil statement or
structures the situation. Freedom to express
own ideas is limited.

9. Pupil-talk Initiation: Talk by pupils,

Initiation which they initiate. Expressing own ideas;
initiating a new topic; freedom to develop
opinions and a line of thought, kike asking
thoughtful questions; going beyond the
existing structure.

Silence 1 Silence or confusion: Pauses, short periods

0 of confusion in which communication
cannot be understood by the observer.

Procedure of Flanders’s Interaction Analysis:

Encoding and decoding are the two processes of interaction anaylsis. The
encoding process is used for recording classroom events and preparing observation
matrix by encoding the numbers of ten category system. The decoding is process of
interpreting observation matrix.

a) Encoding Process:

The first step in the process of encoding is to memorize the code numbers, in
relation to key phrase of words, which are indicated in capital in ten-category system.
An observer sits on the last bench of the classroom and observes the teacher when the
teacher is teaching. At an interval of every three seconds he writes down that category
number which best represents or communication event just completed. For instance,

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when teacher is lecturing the observer puts 5; when he asks question he puts 4; when
student replies he put 8; when teacher praises he puts 2; when teacher asks to sit down
he puts 6; when again the teacher starts lecturing he puts5. The procedure of recording
events goes on at the rate of 20 to 25 observations in per minute.

Ground rules for encoding observation:

Because of the complexity of the problems involved in categorization, several

ground rules have been established. The rules of observation add in developing
consistency in trying to categorize teacher classroom behavior.

Rule 1: When it is not certain in which of two or more categories a statement belongs,
choose the category that is numerically farthest from the category 5. For e.g., if an
observer is not sure whether it is 2 or 3 then choose 2. If in doubt between 5 and 7, he
chooses 5.

Rule 2: If the primary tone of the teacher’s behavior has been consistently direct or
consistently indirect, do not shift into an opposite classification unless a clear
indication of shift is given by the teacher. This rule is often called the rule of the
biased, unbiased observer.

Rule 3: An observer must not concern with his own biases or with the teacher’s
intent. If a teacher attempts to be clever, pupils see his statements as criticism of
pupils; the observer uses category 7, rather than category 2. This rule has particular
value when applied to the problem of helping teachers to gain insight by their own
behavior, e.g., ‘I was trying to praise them’, and ‘I wanted them to answer that

Rule 4: If more than one category occurs during the three seconds interval, then all
categories used in that interval are recorded. If no change occurs within three seconds,
then repeat category number.

b) Decoding process: After encoding the classroom events into ten-category system
10x10 matrix table is prepared for decoding the classroom verbal behavior. The
generalized sequence of the pupil-teacher interaction can be estimated in this matrix
table. It indicates, what form a pair of categories. The first number in the pair
indicates the row and the second number shows the column for example (10-6) pair
would be shown by a tally in the cell formed by row 10 and column 6. For example,

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the observer has written down the code numbers beginning with 6 as follows:

Tabulating a matrix:

To tabulate these observations in a 10 into 10 matrixes, the first step is to

make sure that the entire series begins and ends with the same number. The
convention is to add 10 to the beginning and end of the series, unless 10 are already
present. So our earlier series now become 10,6,10,5,1,4,8,8,2,3,6,4,8,9,7,10. The
observations are now entered in a 10x10 matrix so that the sum of column one equals
the sum of row one, the sum of column 2 equals the sum of row 2, etc. The numbers
are tallied in the matrix one pair at a time. The first pair in this case is 10-6; the tally
is placed in row 10, column 6 cell. The second pair is 6-10, tally this in row 6, column
10 and so on. ‘N’ always will be tabulated by N-1 tallies in the matrix. In this case,
started a series of sixteen numbers and the series produce 15 tallies in the matrix.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total
1 1 1
2 1 1
3 1 1
4 11 2
5 1 2
6 1 1 2
7 1 1
8 1 1 1 3
9 1 1
10 1 1
Total 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 3 1 2 15

Interpreting the matrix:

No classroom interaction can be ever recreated. It is part of a moment in

history. The purpose of interaction analysis is to preserve selected aspects of
interaction through observation, encoding, tabulating and then decoding.

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1. The proportion of teacher talk, pupil talk, and silence or confusion:
The proportion of tallies in columns 1,2,3,4,5,6 and 7, columns 8,9 and
column 10 to the total tallies indicates how much the teacher talks, the student talks
and the time spent in silence or confusion. After several years of observing, anticipate
an average of 68 percent teacher talk, 20 percent of pupil talk and 11 or 12 percent
silence or confusion.
2. The ratio between indirect influence and direct influence:
The sum of column 1,2,3,4, divided by the sum of columns 5, 6, 7 gives this
ratio. If the ratio is 1 or more than 1, the teacher is said to be indirect in his behavior.
This ratio, therefore, shows whether a teacher is more direct or indirect in his
3. The ratio between positive reinforcement and negative reinforcement:
The sum of column 1, 2, 3 is to be divided by the sum of the columns 6, 7. If
the ratio is more than 1 then the teacher is said to be good.
4. Student’s participation ratio:
The sum of columns 8 and 9 is to be divided by total sum. The answer will
reveal how much the students have participated in the teaching-learning process.
5. Steady state cells:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total
1 1.1
2 2.2
3 3.3
4 4.4
5 5.5.
6 6.6
7 7.7
8 8.8
9 9.9
10 10.10
The above figure shows the ‘steady state’ cells along the diagonal from the
upper left to the lower right. If these cells are heavily loaded it shows that the teacher
remains in a particular category for more than three seconds. The cell with the highest

Dr.C.Thanavathi VOCCE
frequency of the entire matrix is typically the 5-5 cell which lies on this diagonal
indicating that the teacher frequently stays longer than 3 seconds when teacher
provides information through lecture.

6. Content cross cell:

The cell corresponding to the numbers 4 and 5 in the column and the row are
known as ‘content cross’ cells. If these cells are overloaded they reflect the teacher’s
emphasis on the subject matter.

7. Constructive integration cells and vicious cells:

Two areas that are most sensitive to the positive and negative aspects of social
skill is the teacher-student relationship.

Area A might be called “Constructive Integrative Cells” while area B is called

the “Vicious Cells”. The cells corresponding to number 1, 2 and 3 are known as
constructive integration cells. Cells of numbers 6 and 7 are known as vicious cells.
These cells reveal the teacher’s attention to problems of classroom management and
control as distinct from concern with the subject-matter.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total
2 A
7 B

Advantages of FIAC:

Ned Flanders’ Technique of Interaction Analysis is a boon for observing

student-teacher interaction. As Dr. M.B. Buch says, it is “a bold step in the right
direction to improve the quality of education” Several advantages are claimed for this
method of analysis. The following are a few among them;

Dr.C.Thanavathi VOCCE
1. The analysis of matrix is so dependable that even a person not present when
observations were made could make accurate inferences about the verbal
communication and get a mental picture of the classroom interaction.

2. Different matrices can be made and used to compare the behavior of teachers at
different age levels, sex, subject-matter etc.,

3. This analysis would serve as a vital feedback to the teacher or teacher trainee
about his intentions and actual behavior in the classroom. The supervising or
inspecting staff can also easily follow this system.

4. It is an effective tool to measure the social-emotional climate in the classroom.

Precautions in use of Flanders Interaction Analysis:

1. The classroom encoding work should be done by an observer, who is familiar

with entire process and knows its limitations.

2. It is an exploratory device therefore value judgments about good and bad

teaching behaviors are to be avoided. This technique is not an evaluator device
of classroom teaching.

3. The questions regarding classroom teaching can only be answered by

inspecting the matrix table. The observer cannot answer the question relating to
teacher behavior.

4. A comparison between the two matrices can be reliability terms of behavior

ratios, interaction variables and percentage of frequencies in each category and
calls frequency but value judgment is not possible.

5. The accuracy of the observation depends upon the reliability of the observer.
The classroom recording should be done after estimating the reliability of

6. At least two observers should encode the classroom interaction for analyzing
teaching and teacher behavior.

Limitations of Flanders interaction analysis

1. The system does not describe the totality of the classroom activity. Some
behavior is always over looked and who is to say that the unrecorded aspects of
the teaching act are more important than those recorded.

Dr.C.Thanavathi VOCCE
2. Efforts to describe teaching are often interpreted as evaluation of the teaching
act and of the teacher. While descriptions may be used as a basis of evaluation,
judgment can be made only after additional value assumptions are identified
and applied to the data.

3. The system of interaction analysis is content-free. It is concerned primarily,

with social skills of classroom management as expressed through verbal

4. It is costly and cumbersome and requires some form of automation in

collecting and analyzing the raw data. It is not a finished research tool.

5. Much of the inferential power of this system of interaction analysis comes

from tabulating the data as sequence pairs in a 10 x 10 matrix. This is a time
consuming process.

6. Once the high cost of tedious tabulation (electric computers) is under control
but the problem of training reliable observers and maintaining their reliability
will still remain.

7. Its potential as a research tool for a wide application to problems is to be


The system devotes little attention to student talk and focuses a great deal of
attention on direct/ indirect nature of Teachers performance. It is considered a great
drawback of Flanders system.

4.8.2.iii. -Computer based teaching model (Daniel Davis)- The teaching model was
developed by Lowrence Stuloro and Daniel Davis in 1965. It is the most complicated
model having, entering behaviour, determination of objectives and teaching aspect as
fundamental elements. In this element computer teaching plan is selected according to
the entering behaviour and instructional objectives. The performances of the student
are evaluated. Accordingly, alternative teaching plan is presented. In this model, the
diagnosis and teaching go side by side. Remedial teaching is provided on the basis of
diagnosis. Individual differences are also given importance.
4.8.3- Modern teaching models (Joyce and Weil)
Eggen, Kauchar and Harder (1979) have discussed six Information Processing
Models –
1. General Inductive Model,

Dr.C.Thanavathi VOCCE
2. Concept Attainment Model,
3. Taba Model,
4. General Deductive Model,
5. Ausubel’s Model and
6. Such man’s Inquiry Model.
Modern teaching models
The most comprehensive review of teaching models is that of Joyce and Weil
(1980). Bruce R.Joyce has divided all the teaching models under the title “Modern
teaching models”. They identified 23 models which are classified into four basic
families based on the nature, distinctive characteristics and effects of the models.
These four families are :
1. Information Processing Models

2. Personal Models

3. Social Interaction Models and

4. Behaviour Modification Models.

Within the families, there are specific models which are designed to serve particular

4.8.3.i. - Information Processing Models

The models of this type are concerned with the intellectual development of the
individual and help to develop the method of processing information from the
environment. These models focus on intellectual capacity. They are concerned with
the ability of the learner to observe, organise data, understand information, form
concepts, employ verbal and nonverbal symbols and solve problems. The primary
purposes are :

1. The mastery of methods of inquiry

2. The mastery of academic concepts and facts

Dr.C.Thanavathi VOCCE
3. The development of general intellectual skills such as the ability to reason and
think more logically
The models which belong to this family are :
a. The Concept Attainment Model

b. Inquiry Training Model

c. The Advance Organiser Model

d. Cognitive Growth Development Model

e. Biological Science Inquiry Model

Brief Review of the Information Processing Source Models



To develop
1-Concept inductive
Attainment reasoning, mental
The Model inductive process,
Information 2-Inductive and understanding
Processing Model Bruner, Hilda of concepts and
Source Taba principles.

To develop
competencies to
Inquiry Training Richard achieve the social
Model Suchman objective.

To develop
Biological understanding of
Science Inquiry research
Model Joseph J. Schwab methodology, to

Dr.C.Thanavathi VOCCE
think logically on
social problems.

To understand
concepts and facts
and to make the
Advance content
Organizational purposeful and
Model David Asubel interesting.

To develop
Cognitive intelligence and
Growth logic,social and
Developmental moral
Model Jean Piaget development.

4.8.3.ii. - Personal Models

Personal development models assist the individual in the development of selfhood,
they focus on the emotional life an individual,.

The emphasis of these models is on developing an individual into an integrated,

confident and competent personality. They attempt to help students understand
themselves and their goals, and to develop the means for educating themselves. Many
of the personal models of teaching have been developed by counsellors, therapists and
other persons interested in stimulating individual’s creativity and self expression.

The primary goals are :

 To increase the student’s self worth,

 To help students understand themselves more fully.
 To help students recognise their emotions and become more aware of the way
emotions effect other aspects of their behaviour,
 To help them develop goals for learning,
 To help students develop plans for increasing their competence,
 To increase the students’ creativity and playfulness,

Dr.C.Thanavathi VOCCE
 To increase the students’ openness to new experience.
The models which belong to this family are :

a. Non-Directive Teaching Model,

b. Synectics Teaching Model,

c. Awareness Training Model,

d. Classroom Meeting Model.

e-Conceptual System Model

Brief Review of The Personal Source Models



To develop self
learning by auto
Non-Directive instructions, self
The Personal Teaching research and self
Source Model, Carl Rogers understanding

To develop
Synectics creative
Teaching competencies for
Model, William Gordon problem solving.

To develop
Awareness competencies and
Training Model, W.S. Fietz mutual relations.

Classroom To develop skills

Meeting Model. William Glasser of self –

Dr.C.Thanavathi VOCCE
understanding and
capacities of

To adjust with the

environment with
Conceptual flexibility in the
System Model David. F. Hunt personality.

4.8.3.iii. - Social Interaction Models

The models in this family emphasise the relationships of the individual to the society
or other persons. The core objective is to help students learn to work together. to
identify and solve problems, either academic or social in nature.

The primary goals are :

To help students work together to identify and solve problems

 To develop skills to human relations, and

 To become aware of personal and social values.
The models which belong to this family are :

a. Group Investigation Model,

b. Role Playing Model,

c. Jurisprudential Inquiry Model,

d. Laboratory Training Model,

e. Social Simulation Model,

f. Social Inquiry Model.

Brief review of The Social Interaction Source Models

Dr.C.Thanavathi VOCCE

To develop
abilities, use of
knowledge and
The Social Group skills in life of
Interaction Investigation John Dewey, individual and
Source Model Herbert society.

To solve problems
on the basis of
Jurisprudential Donald Oliver, information and
Model James P. Shaver reasoning power.

Social Inquiry
Social Simulation

Role Playing
Model. To develop
competencies of
Benjamin Cox, problem solving
Byron and adjustment

To develop group
skills individual
Laboratory capacities and
Method Model Bethal, Maine adjustment.

4.8.3.iv. - Behaviour Modification Model

All the models in this family share a common theoretical base, a body of
knowledge which referred to as behaviour theory. The common thrust of these models
is the emphasis on changing the visible behaviour of the learner.

Dr.C.Thanavathi VOCCE
The models which belong to this family is Operant Conditioning Model

Brief Review of the Behaviour Modification Source Model



To achieve the
objectives of
lower level of
cognitive domain
Behaviour Operant on the basis of
Modification Conditioning individual
Source Model B.F.Skinner differences.

A number of instructional strategies to realise different instructional goals have been

developed recently by different researchers They have transformed existing
knowledge in the learning and teaching processes into ‘Models of Teaching’ which
can be used by teachers in the teaching, learning process for realising different
instructional objectives. There is a need to incorporate a few ‘Models of Teaching’ in
the curriculum of teacher education programme at the secondary as well as
elementary level so that prospective teachers attain a higher degree of ‘ability to


1. It is a natural way of teaching and learning.
2. It is helpful in developing the power of imagination of the students.
3. It helps in the developments of reasoning power of the students.
4. It helps the students to analyse things systematically.
5. It keeps students actively engaged in the classroom activity.
6. It helps in making the students good observers.
7. It keeps the students busy in the classroom work.
1. It makes high demands on the students as well as teachers.

Dr.C.Thanavathi VOCCE
2. All the students of the class may not be able to participate in the teaching-
learning process.
3. Some students, on account of their shyness, fail to derive the requisite advantage
of this model.
Development of models of teaching is the recent innovation in teaching. An
important purpose of discussing models of teaching is to assist the teacher to have a w
ide range ofapproaches for creating a proper interactive environment for learning. An
intelligent use of these approaches enables the teacher to adopt him to the learning
needs of the students.

Dr.C.Thanavathi VOCCE
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