ADEKIT by SikaAxson is a brand of Pu, MMA and Epoxies adhesives developed and designed to achieve:
FLEXIBLE PU is preferred for dissimilar assembly with low adhesive thickness: absorb CTE gap, high elongation. Good
energy absorption (crash). Handling in a few minutes with limited activation energy.
Open LSS Peel Elongation Impact Resist.
Ref. Main features time (MPa) (N/mm) (%) (N/mm)
Non sagging paste product suitable for vertical applications and to fill irregular
A 252
joints. Fast setting product to reduce assembly time. High fl exibility.
8’ 11 9 300 50
For plastics bonding sensitive to the phenomenon of bond line witness marks 5’
A 256
(composite, thermoplastic). Can be used in thick seal, vertical or ceiling.
4 5 100 NA
Bonding of plastics sensitive to the phenomena of bond line witness marks
A 257
(thermoplastic, composite). Short handling with limited heating.
5’ 5 10 350 55
SEMI RIGID For assembly with similar material or dissimilar with regular adhesive thickness.
Open LSS Peel Elonga- Impact Resist.
Ref. Main features time (MPa) (N/mm) tion (%) (N/mm)
Excellent for vibration, impact and noise dampening. Excellent behavior
A 220 at low temperature. Product adapted to assemblies involving dissimilar 15’
A 280 materials with regular glue thickness. Structural bonding of spoiler, me- 10’ 16 12 80 30
A 290 tallic inserts/big head to composites. Good chemical resistance. Short 3’
handling with limited heating.
Bonding of composite parts (RTM, SMC, laminate...) & metallic struc- 7’
A 230
A 231
tures. High flexibility. Suitable for vertical applications and to fill 15 6 30 15
irregular joints. 3’
RIGID Epoxy is preferred for assembly requiring high modulus, high energy absorption (crash test).
Open LSS Peel Elongation Impact Resist.
Ref. Main features time (MPa) (N/mm) (%) (N/mm)
Pasty constructive adhesive with long pot life. For large composite parts,
A 155 repair and maintenance. Good mechanical performance & chemical and 120’ 22 3 8.5 15
temperature resistance. Impact Resist: 15 N/m.
Non-filled adhesive for bonding large surfaces (ie panels) when mechanical and
ageing as well as high peel resistance is needed. 50’ 26 9 10
T for thixotropic product (hot cure process). Used in Railway.
High shear/peel/ageing resistance. Filled with Nanoparticles. Short handling time
with limited heating. Self extinguishable. Used in railway and aerospace applications.
2h 26 10 3
High performance room temperature cured adhesive. Slow setting product adapted
A 171
to cover and bond wide surfaces. Self-extinguishing adhesive with FAR 25.853.
37’ 20 5 5
A 211 For electronic components bonding. Self-extinguishing adhesive with FAR 25.853 40’ 10 9 80
Multipurpose with very good mechanical features.
A 140
Pasty non sagging Gap filler material. Impact Resist: 10 N/mm.
40’ 21 5 2
Open time
Ref. Application, description Colour
A 211 For electronic components bonding. Self-extinguishing adhesive with FAR 25.853. X 40’ 95A thixo
Excellent for vibration, impact and noise dampening. Excellent behavior at low temperature. Product adapted
A 220
to assemblies involving dissimilar materials with regular glue thickness. Impact resistance : 30 N/mm.
X 15’ 48D 150
A 230 Bonding of composite parts (RTM, SMC, laminate...) & metallic structures. High strength & high peel 7’
X 70D thixo
A 231 combined with flexibility. Suitable for vertical applications and to fill irregular joints. 3’
H 6235 Large dimensions assembly. Gap filling capacity. Used in industry assembling big parts. X 45D 100
Allows gaps up to 40mm and parts assembly with large dimensions (deck/hull, wind mill). Various reactivities
A 236
and colours. Machine or hand mix version. Lloyd’s Register.
X 90’ 60D pasty
Non sagging paste product suitable for vertical applications and to fi ll irregular joints. Fast setting
A 252
product to reduce assembly time. High flexibility. Impact Resist: 50N/mm.
X 8’ 70A 600
Recommended for plastics bonding sensitive to the phenomenon of bond line witness marks (composite, 5’
A 256 thermoplastic). Broad spectrum of accession. Available in two reactivities, can be used in thick seal, X 80A pasty
vertical or ceiling. 25’
Recommended for the bonding of plastics sensitive to the phenomena of bond line witness marks
A 257 (thermoplastic, composite). Low hardness. Flexible product. Short handling with limited heating. X 5’ 50A pasty
Impact Resist: 55 N/mm.
A 280 Structural bonding of spoiler, metallic inserts/big head to composites. Vibration absorbing. Good 10’
X 48D 150
A 290 chemical resistance. Short handling with limited heating. Impact Resist: 30 N/mm. 3’
High dimension pannels bonding (skin on core), honeycomb (Nomex, aluminium, foam thermoplastics...).
P 4302
Wood, aluminium or metal sheets. 3 Iso combinable (P 4004, 4002, 4003).
X 120’ 80D 6
A 300-1 Excellent mechanical and thermal performances up to 120 °C. Multipurpose product with thermoplastic 5’
A 310-1 aspect. Product able to bond dissimilar materials
X 75D pasty
A 130 Fast cure at room temperature. Suitable for injection. Bonding of subtrates such as composites, metal, X 45
A 135 wood, concrete.
Transparent 6’ 80D
X 15
Multipurpose with very good mechanical features. Pasty non sagging Gap filler material.
A 140
Impact Resist: 10 N/mm.
X 40’ 80D 430
A 145 Liquid adhesive. Long pot life. Excellent mechanical performance and chemical resistance. Transparent X 85’ 75D 30
Pasty constructive adhesive with long pot life. For large composite parts, repair and maintenance. Good
A 155
mechanical performance & chemical and temperature resistance. Impact Resist: 15 N/mm
X 120’ 84D 160
A 170 High performances room temperature curing adhesive. Slow setting product adapted to cover and bond 30’ 1600
X 83D
A 171 wide surfaces. A 171: Self-extinguishing adhesive with FAR 25.853. 37’ 130
High performances room temperature curing adhesive. Slow setting product adapted to bond wide
A 175
surfaces and heavy duty applications subject to impact or vibration. Shock resistant.
X 90’ 80D 940
H 9011 Multipurpose liquid adhesive. Bond most of materials.For general industry and maintenance. Transparent X 100’ 80D 45
H 9950 Non-filled adhesive. High structural performances and low outgassing for aerospace applications. Large sizes X 65
2h 80D
H 9950T bodies, structural and panel bonding. Long open time. X 200
H 9951 Non-filled adhesive for bonding large surfaces (ie panels) when mechanical and ageing as well as high peel X 9
50’ 75D
H 9951T resistance is needed . T for thixotropic product (hot cure process). Used in railway. X 22
High shear/peel/ageing resistance. Filled with Nanoparticles. Short handling time with limited heating.
H 9952
Self extinguishable (EN45545 HL3 for R1, R2, R3, R6, R7, R17). Used in railway and aerospace applications.
X 120’ 85D 180
Substrates Resistance ++ Very well + Well o Medium
Elastomer, rubber
Foam materials
strength on alu
Peel resistance
Handling time
at break (%)
Shear stress
Non ferrous
(*with 70°C
Other Industrial
Peel stress
Lap shear
(PU, PS)
400 ml
50 ml
4h 10 9 80 o + ++ + + + + + + + ++ + + + A 211 X
Kit & drum:
60’ 16 12 80 o + ++ + + + + + + + ++ ++ ++ + A 220 X X H 6220
30’ (7’)*
5 7 150 + + ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ + + o ++ + ++ ++ A 256 X 420 ml Drum
20’ A 300-1
24 9 40 ++ ++ ++ ++ o o o o ++ + ++ ++ + ++ A 310-1 X X Drum
H 9950
4h 18 3 3 ++ ++ ++ o + ++ o + ++ ++ ++ ++ + ++ H 9950T Drum
H 9951
6h 26 4 10 ++ ++ ++ + + + o ++ ++ + + ++ + ++ H 9951T Kit & drum
Allows gaps up to 40mm and parts assembly with large dimensions (deck/hull, wind 30’ 14 4 60
A 236
mill). Various reactivities and colours. Machine or hand mix version. Lloyd's Register. 90’ 14 4 60
6236 HM Special version for hand mixing, provided in ready to use kit. 120’ 14 4 60
Pasty constructive adhesive with long pot life. For large composite parts, repair and
A 155 maintenance. Good mechanical performance & chemical and temperature resistance. 120’ 22 3 8.5
Impact Resist: 15 N/mm.
Excellent mechanical and thermal performances up to 120 °C. Multipurpose product
A 310-1 with thermoplastic aspect. Product able to bond dissimilar materials. Fast bonding of 10’ 45 20 40
stainless steel.
Base on the experience acquired in high tech industries like automotive or aero, these products offer a wide range of adhesion
for the majority of processes, from maintenance to industrial production.
Open LSS Peel Elongation
Ref. Main features time (MPa) (N/mm) (%)
A 130 Fast cure at room temperature. Suitable for injection. Bonding of subtrates such as
composites, metal, wood, concrete.
6’ 15 27 3
A 135
Multipurpose liquid adhesive. Bond most of materials. For general industry and
100’ 7h 24 5
A 300-1 Excellent mechanical and thermal performances up to 120 °C. Multipurpose product 5’
with thermoplastic aspect. Product able to bond dissimilar materials.
24 9 40
A 310-1 10’
High performances room temperature curing adhesive. Slow setting product
A 170
A 171
adapted to cover and bond wide surfaces. 30’ 3h30’ 24 5
A 171: Self-extinguishing adhesive with FAR 25.853.
SikaAxson developed with market leader of insulating panels a range dedicated to these specific applications : bonding skin on
core and panel assembly.
Open LSS Peel Elongation
Ref. Main features time (MPa) (N/mm) (%)
Large dimensions assembly. Gap filling capacity. Used in industry assembling big
90’ 5h 13 6
Axson technologies has selected a wide range of accessories hand tool equipment
that combines perfectly with all materials listed.
1 ●
2 ●
3 Mixers «Turbo»
Surface preparation from cleaning to primer application is essential to optimize bonding properties. SikaAxson will recommend a
surface preparation programme adapted to each case.
Several standard packaging are available depending on the recommended
processing way from cartridges to large bulks. Final choice is a compromise
between economical, productivity and overall quality performances.
Our most current General Sales Conditions
shall apply.
Phone + 33 1 34 40 34 60
Fax + 33 1 34 21 97 87