Task 5 PCT
Task 5 PCT
Task 5 PCT
Subject : JOB20303
Main Task : pH Adjustment and Coagulation
/ Flocculation Process
Date: 21/5/2024
Task : Set up Hazard RAC Safety Precautions
1 Cordone working area with Stumbling at uneven surface 20 Ensure surface is flat before conducting work. Identify
hazard cone any uneven area.
2 Collecting sample Stumbling at uneven surface 16 Ensure surface that u need to step is clear
3 Collecting sample Back pain 18 Ensure good posture before lifting anything
4 Equipment handling Shock 21 Ensure hand dry before touching electrical equipment
6 Chemical handling Chemical can splash into skin , 18 Wearing proper ppe
Copyright: Muhammad bin Azmi
Prepared by Group 1 :
This manual describes the operation and maintenance of Industrial Wastewater Treatment
Process Pilot Plant. The pilot plant is to study the fundamental of wastewater treatment
operation and sequence. The pilot plant consists of
• Wastewater storage and transfer process
• pH adjustment and coagulation process
• Flocculation and sedimentation process
• Dewatering process using filter process.
• Aeration and chlorine disinfection process
pH and alkalinity
Coagulation process
4.1 Collect sample from water mixed (5L) from the field. Strain the sample before
using it for any experiment.
4.2 Prepare 6 beakers for experimentation & label each beaker as Sample 1, Sample
2, Sample 3, Sample 4, Sample 5 and Control.
4.3 Extract 300ml from the water sample for each beaker.
4.4 Measure the wastewater quality in Control.
4.5 If the pH reading is in the range of 6.5-7.5, no pH adjustment is needed. If it is
below 6.5, addition of 1 M sodium hydroxide (NaOH) is needed to increase the pH
and if the pH is more than 7.5, addition of 0.1 M sulphuric acid (H2SO4) is needed
to decrease the pH. (Note: prepare the sodium hydroxide (NaOH) / sulphuric acid
(H2SO4) earlier). Dose the sample 1 with acid or alkali to achieve a neutral pH.
Record the amount of Acid & Alkali used to reach this level of pH.
4.6 Repeat this process for sample 2, & 3. Find out the accurate amount of acid/alkali
required to neutralize the sample.
4.7 Dose Sample 3 with 3gm Alum (tawas). Take measurement of turbidity &
conductivity following the time difference below & record the final turbidity of
4.8 Move sample 3, sample 5 & control to sedimentation test bench. Take
measurement of sedimentation volume on minute 5 & minute 10. careful not to
allow sample to stir.
5.1 Compare measurement of sedimentation volume depth (ml) for all 3 samples after
minute 5 & minute 10.
When comparing the sedimentation process of Sample 3 and Sample 5, Sample 3 has
greater turbidity, indicating that water contains more suspended particles. This affects
sedimentation efficiency. For Sample 3, handle more particles, necessitating a more
aggressive pre-treatment step including coagulation and flocculation to produce enough
flocs for settling. More particles indicate longer settling times and, potentially, a bigger or
more effective sedimentation basin. The sludge zone will fill up quickly, necessitating
more frequent sludge removal. Sample 5 requires less rigorous pre-treatment and shorter
settling periods because to its lower turbidity. Its sedimentation process is more efficient
and less resource-intensive, requiring less frequent sludge removal. Sample 5 requires
a simpler pre-treatment and shorter settling periods because to its lower turbidity. Its
sedimentation process is more efficient and less resource-intensive, requiring less
frequent sludge removal. Other than that, our group facing difficulty to measure
sedimentation volume depth due to big flasks.
5.2 Plot the graph of the effect of dosing time of alum and discuss briefly.
sample 3 sample 3 sample 3 sample 3 sample 3
Min pH Turbudity
In an experiment that used 3 grammes of alum to treat water at various pH levels (4.0,
4.5, 4.6, 4.7) and monitored the turbidity at different periods (5, 10, 15, 20, 25 minutes),
the results revealed a link between pH, turbidity, and settling time. At lower pH values
(4.0 to 4.7), alum successfully coagulates particles, although the effectiveness varies.
Turbidity readings began at 56.0 NTU and gradually fell, with 47.9 NTU at 5 minutes, 39.8
NTU at 10 minutes, 31.7 NTU at 15 minutes, 23.6 NTU at 20 minutes, and the lowest at
23.6 NTU at 25 minutes. This shows that alum works better over longer periods of time,
with the most substantial turbidity decrease occurring at roughly 20 to 25 minutes.
Furthermore, modest pH fluctuations (between 4.5 and 4.7) did not significantly affect
turbidity reduction, showing a reasonably steady coagulation efficiency in this pH range.
Overall, optimum turbidity reduction is achieved by good pH regulation and enough
settling time.
Our recommendation, for an efficient sedimentation process in water treatment, it is critical
to use the proper equipment and maintain ideal operating conditions. A well-designed
sedimentation basin, whether rectangular, circular, or up flow, should be adapted to your
unique demands to give appropriate settling time and reduce turbulence. The input zone
should include diffusers, baffles, or inlet weirs to uniformly disperse entering water, and
the output zone should have outlet weirs or troughs to collect cleared water consistently.
Implementing mechanical or automatic sludge removal equipment, such as scrapers or
suction devices, will aid in efficiency by reducing sludge accumulation. Furthermore,
adding pH adjustment equipment, such as chemical dosing systems and pH metres, is
critical to maintaining ideal pH values for coagulation. Proper coagulation and flocculation
using mixers and coagulant dosing systems will improve floc production and hence
sedimentation efficiency. Overall, integrating these factors with frequent monitoring and
maintenance will result in a highly efficient sedimentation process that removes
suspended particles while improving water quality.