Euro Commercials Limited Vs Victor Karega (Miscellaneous Labour Application No 15221 of 2024) 2024 TZHCLD 163 (10 September 2024)
Euro Commercials Limited Vs Victor Karega (Miscellaneous Labour Application No 15221 of 2024) 2024 TZHCLD 163 (10 September 2024)
Euro Commercials Limited Vs Victor Karega (Miscellaneous Labour Application No 15221 of 2024) 2024 TZHCLD 163 (10 September 2024)
EURO COMMERCIALS LIM ITED.........................................................APPLICANT
VICTOR KAREGA............................................................................ RESPONDENT
Date of last Order: 16/ 08/2024
Date of Ruling: 10/ 09/2024
In the instant matter, the Applicant is praying for this Court to grant
from the following background; That, on the 9th March, 2022, the
determined in favour of the Respondent. The Applicant alleges that on the 8th
Award after she was served with a copy of the Award and Application for
Execution No. 520 o f2022 at the High Court of Tanzania Labour Division of
application for execution, the Applicant on the 12th of December, 2022 filed
an application at the CMA for setting aside the ex-parte Award delivered
against her. Such application was dismissed for being filed out of time. That,
After considering the rival submissions of the parties I find the Court is
called upon to determine one issue; whether the Applicant has adduced
the challenged decision. From the case of, Lyamuya construction (supra),
illegality of the challenged decision can stand as a good ground for the grant
Mwita) and 3 Others, Civil Application No. 200/17 of 2016, Court of Appeal
In this case, the Applicant pleaded illegality as a reason for the delay to
file the intended application. After examining the records, I find the alleged
sought. The case of Tauka Theodory (supra) stated clearly that the
Court, such as the point of jurisdiction or time limitation. This is also the
The Applicant in this case also alleges that he was denied the right to be
extension of time to file revision against the CMA's decision. Such application
Therefore, after the impugned decision was delivered, the Applicant took
a year and two months to file an application before this Court. There is no
reason adduced in his affidavit for such delay other than pleading illegality of
I thus, join hands with the Respondent's submission that each day of the
delay ought to have been accounted for as it is the position in the case of
It is so ordered.
Appeal explained.