1. The invention of the printing press in Europe is credited to __________ (name of the inventor). 2. The __________ (year) was a significant year when the printing press was invented in Europe. 3. The invention of the printing press helped spread the ideas of the __________ (movement) that challenged the Catholic Church's authority. 4. __________ was the first major book printed using movable type in Europe. 5. The printing press helped make books and information available to a wider __________ (group of people). 6. In the 16th century, __________ (religious leader) translated the Bible into vernacular languages, making it accessible to the common people. 7. The __________ (name of the periodical) was one of the first newspapers that helped shape public opinion in 17th century Europe. 8. The spread of print culture led to the rise of __________ (name the intellectual movement) during the Renaissance period. 9. The __________ (name of the country) was the first to use the printing press widely in Europe. 10. __________ (place) was the city where the first European printing press was established. Short Answer Questions: 1. Explain the significance of the invention of the printing press in Europe. 2. How did the invention of the printing press contribute to the Protestant Reformation? 3. What was the effect of print culture on the lives of common people in Europe during the 16th century? 4. Why was the translation of the Bible into vernacular languages an important development in European print culture? 5. What were the differences between handwritten manuscripts and printed books?