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Question 4

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Maximum Marks: 100

Time allowed: Two hours

Answers to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately.

You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes.

This time is to be spent in reading the question paper.

The time given at the head of this Paper is the time allowed for writing the answers.

Attempt all questions from Section A and any four questions from Section B.

The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets[ ].

Instruction for the Supervising Examiner

Kindly read aloud the Instructions given above to all the candidates present in the Examination

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(Attempt all questions.)

Question 1 [20]
Choose the correct answers to the questions from the given options.
(Do not copy the question, write the correct answers only.)

(i) Which of the following is not one of the 7C’s of communication?

(a) Completeness

(b) Clarity

(c) Courtesy

(d) Clear

(ii) Stress always has a negative effects.

(a) True

(b) False

(iii) Which of the following is / are the causes of stress?

(a) Physical

(b) Mental

(c) Financial

(d) All of the above

(iv) Which of the following is not a Web browser?

(a) Safari

(b) Internet Explorer

(c) Firefox

(d) Google

(v) Which of the following is NOT a type of feedback?

(a) Summative

(b) Prescriptive

(c) Clear

(d) Formal

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(vi) Sustainable development requires the judicious use of

(a) Natural resources

(b) Man made resources

(c) Human resources

(d) Divine resources

(vii) Which of the following cannot be totally absent in a communication


(a) Light

(b) Sound

(c) Water

(d) Rain

(viii) Which of the following is not an advantage of database?

(a) Reduce Data Redundancy

(b) Sharing of data

(c) Enhance Data Inconsistency

(d) Ensure Data Security

(ix) Which of the following helps to manage stress?

(a) Recreational activities like watching movies etc.

(b) Less physical activities

(c) Staying alone

(d) Overthinking

(x) Simran created a file in notepad and saved the file by name
“employability”. So, the complete name of file will be:

(a) employability.doc

(b) employability.docx

(c) employability.jpg

(d) employability.txt

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(xi) Which of the following help us to gather data from different
worksheets into a master worksheet?

(a) Data consolidation

(b) Goal seek

(c) Solver

(d) Total data

(xii) What makes you complete your work or studies without others
reminding you?

(a) Self confidence

(b) Self-motivation

(c) Communication

(d) Self esteem

(xiii) Which software is used for creating presentations?

(a) Spreadsheet software

(b) Database software

(c) Word processing software

(d) Presentation software

(xiv) Which of the following is / are types of motivation?

(a) Internal

(b) External

(c) Intermediate

(d) (a) and (b) both

(xv) Over the years, with economic development, there has been an
increase in:

(a) Water pollution

(b) Air pollution

(c) Noise pollution

(d) All of the above

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(xvi) Which is an example of written communication?

(a) A face-to-face meeting

(b) A telephone conversation

(c) An email

(d) A sign language conversation

(xvii) Prithvi (earth), Agni (fire), Jal (water), Vaayu (air), Aakash (space)

(a) Five objects

(b) Five elements of nature

(c) Five parts of nature

(d) Myths about nature

(xviii) Pictures can be added to word document and they cannot be formatted
in various ways.

(a) True

(b) False

(xix) Assertion (A): Spreadsheets are useful tools for organizing and
analyzing data.

Reason (R): Spreadsheets allow users to input and manipulate data

in rows and columns.

(a) Both the assertion and reason are true, and the reason is a correct
explanation of the assertion.

(b) Both the assertion and reason are true, but the reason is not a
correct explanation of the assertion.

(c) The assertion is true, but the reason is false.

(d) The assertion is false, but the reason is true.

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(xx) Which of the following activities is an example of a Green Skills?

(A) (B) (C) (D)

(a) Planting Trees

(b) Driving a car

(c) Manufacturing waste

(d) Using Plastic bags

Question 2

(i) Fill in the blanks: [5]

(a) BIOS stands for ___________.

(b) VIRUS is an acronym for ___________.

(c) With proper ___________ and use of right __________ stress

can be reduced.

(d) ICT stands for ___________.

(e) Linux is an example of __________.

(ii) Write True and False: [5]

(a) Good communication skills are essential for working an


(b) Leadership and goal oriented are the qualities of good


(c) Sustainable development is not necessary for the maintenance

of the environment.

(d) Rainwater harvesting techniques are not useful at all.

(e) Stress can affect both our mind and body.

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Question 3

(i) Write two ways of renaming worksheet. [2]

(ii) What is mail merge? [2]

(iii) Explain the concept of Word Processing. [2]

(iv) Differentiate between Save and Save As option. [2]

(v) What is Macro? [2]

(Answer any four questions from this Section.)

Question 4

Answer the following questions with respect to Calc (spreadsheet):

(i) Define any two types of Charts available in Calc (spreadsheet). [5]

(ii) Write the differences between a text editor and a word processor [5]
Write the name of any three text editor or word processor available in

(iii) Define the term Formula. [5]

How it can be implemented in a spreadsheet with example.

Question 5

Answer the following questions regarding the computer handling:

(i) How to handle accidents? [5]

(ii) What do you understand by accidents & emergencies? [5]

Define types of accidents.

(iii) In relation to the excessive use of computers, what is ‘eye strain’? [5]
Mention any two ways to reduce the risks of visual problems?

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Question 6

(i) What is DBMS? [5]

Mention any four advantages of it.

(ii) With reference of Relational database model define the following: [5]

(a) entities

(b) table

(iii) Define the following terms with reference to DBMS: [5]

(a) form

(b) report

Question 7

(i) How to merge worksheets? [5]

Briefly explain the steps to merge worksheets.

(ii) Differentiate between Relative and Absolute cell address in the [5]

(iii) Rama keeps stock of various equipment in his shop. The owner wants to [5]
maintain a stock value and reorder level for following items as given in
a spreadsheet.
Write formulas for the operations (1) to (3) and answer the questions (4)
and (5) based on the spreadsheet given below.


1 Item Item Min Quantity Rate Stock Quant Order

Code Name Stock in Stock Value ity to Value
Quantity Order

2 1001 Scissors 300 600 45

3 1002 Forceps 550 250 35

4 1003 Clamps 350 550 15

5 1004 Surgical 400 700 20


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(a) To calculate the Stock Value as product of Quantity in Stock and
Rate for each item present in the spreadsheet.

(b) To calculate the Order Value as product of Quantity to Order and

Rate for the items if Quantity to Order >= 0, else assign the value 0.

(c) To calculate the Quantity to Order as Minimum Stock Quantity –

Quantity in Stock for each item.

(d) Owner wants to graphically represent his stationery stock. Suggest

to him the most appropriate feature of MS- Excel.

(e) If the Quantity in Stock’s value changes, will have to redo all the
calculations for that particular column. Explain.

Question 8

(i) What do you understand by the terms: [5]

(a) Text Wrapping

(b) Anchoring

(ii) Explain Image Cropping. [5]

List any two methods of inserting images a text document.

(iii) Give the syntax and example of any three functions in Calc. [5]

Question 9

(i) Distinguish between data and information regarding database [5]

management with examples.

(ii) Define the following terms: [5]

(a) Insert Command

(b) Delete Command

(iii) State the relationship and differentiate between a Primary Key and [5]
Foreign Key in a DBMS.

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