05 - Chapter 1
05 - Chapter 1
05 - Chapter 1
Cp =
Figure 1.5 Eb/No vs Spectral efficiency
This value is called the Shannon power efficiency limit. This limit
informs the minimum requirement of energy per bit at the transmitter for
reliable communication. It is one of the important measures in designing a
coding scheme.
Gallager (1962) had given this code as one of the linear block
codes for error correction. This encoding will have more numbers of 0's than
1's in the parity check matrix; hence it is called a low density parity check
code. The LDPC codes are having a code rate closer to the Shannon channel
limit. It has nearly 0.04dB of Shannon's limit. This code uses an iterative
decoding method that is easy to implement and has enhanced performance in
the error rectifying process by providing a low error floor in the BER curve.
This code can be constructed for any block length and code rate. Figure 1.7
shows the function of the LDPC with variable node (v) and parity check node
• Block length: n = 2 m – 1
• Number of parity-check digits: n – k ≤ m * t
• Minimum Distance: d min ≥ (2*t) + 1
convolutional code as a product code for the digital video broadcasting and
wireless sensor network. Trellis coded modulation and Turbo codes are
convolutional coding systems.
n1=k1+q1 (1.4)
then, The n1 data set is exchanged from row to column using interleaver, and
the second algorithm is added. It adds q2 parity bits. Consider n1 as k2. Hence,
n2=k2+q2 (1.5)
So, the product code increases the minimum distance which is the
important parameter of error correction ability. The communication which
vulnerable to errors can be dealt with by incorporating the error control code
capable to correct random error in row and code capable to correct burst error
in the column or vice versa. Based on the application four code has been
chosen. The first product code is designed for DVB which is using LDPC and
BCH codes. The second product code is designed for mobile communication
which has more burst errors. So LDPC and RS code has been chosen. The
third product code is designed for deep-space communication. Here, turbo
code has been chosen along with LDPC to control burst errors.
system. This model creates a burst error in the signal which will arise in the
actual system due to multipath reception. Here the deep fading will arise in
every half of the wavelength due to the random process. The Rayleigh fading
channel model having its amplitude like the Rayleigh model and the derivative
of amplitude follows Gaussian which is amplitude independent. The phase is
uniform and the derivative of the phase is Gaussian which is amplitude-
dependent. It is useful in calculating the Probability Density Function (PDF) of
the incoming signal, the rate of fluctuation happening in a channel, effect of
multiple interferences occurring in the signal while using satellite and mobile
communication. The depth of burst error can be changed by modifying
variance (σ) as shown in Figure 1.11.
Random variable
reduces the data flow. It ensures the reliability of the decoder output. The
density evolution analysis is used for generalized low density parity check
codes. This code achieves the performance gain up to 0.29 dB and 0.31 dB.
This method is expensive and has a minor increase in complexity. It is mainly
applied in fiber-optic communication systems.
The system of Qin et al. (2017) enumerates that all the reliability
vector elements are supported into separate sets. It is noted that trellis-based
extended min-sum decoding methods having a path. So it reduces the search in
all trellis of check nodes. The simulation results show that the described
methods decode the low-density parity-check code in a better manner in terms
of complexity also.
Also highlighted, the product code performs well when a high rate algorithm is
used as an outer code.
Li & Zhang (2010) present a scheme for product code. Here, the
TCM codes and BCH codes are used in the concatenation form for the error
control coding scheme. The TCM encoder and decoder are embedded on-chip
and BCH hardware is kept as off-chip. The improved TCM is also proposed
which relieves the burden of BCH code when correcting errors. The result
shows the improvement in error correction compared to the BCH code by
using the same number of extra redundant bits.
have if code rate R<0.7. It is implied that other parameters like code length,
signal to noise ratio, manipulation method, and required reliability are the
same for LDPC and BCH. The coded rates are obtained for LDPC (n=1000)
and BCH codes (n=1023) for the Gaussian channel when the signal to noise
value is known. According to numerical LDPC and BCH code rates values,
LDPC code can be recommended as more effective if the signal to noise value
is larger than 7 dB.
Qiu et al. (2020) describe the coding system that uses special case
LDPC, Spatially Coupled (SC) low-density parity-check as inner codes, and
reed Solomon as outer codes. A decoding algorithm based on belief
propagation is proposed as sliding window decoding. For RS coding,
Berlekamp-Massey is used. This system improves the Bit error rate up to 10-8
error floor.
deep space. The early analysis of the area makes the system occupy less space
and also with low cost.
Blaum & Hetzler (2018) generate the extended product codes that
process the encoding part more efficiently compared to other coding
techniques. This code along with extended integrated interleaved code form a
special case of codes that naturally unifies the upper bound. Here minimum
distance is also improved and enhancement is done at the decoding part with
uniform distribution of parity symbols. The upper bound on the minimum
distance was presented. It requires a small finite field in practical cases. The
simulation outputs ensure the encoding and decoding algorithms with
minimum distance.