(Etextbook PDF) For International Human Resource Management 7Th
(Etextbook PDF) For International Human Resource Management 7Th
(Etextbook PDF) For International Human Resource Management 7Th
International Human Resource Management: Policies and
Practices for Multinational Enterprises (Global HRM)
5th Edition, (Ebook PDF)
International Human Resource Management is a rare instance of a textbook that has developed alongside the
field – helping to shape what it is today. The author team (based in Australia, the US and Europe) link International
Human Resource Management (IHRM) practices with developments in academic curriculum, making this a key
resource for intermediate and graduate IHRM students, as well as any business students wishing to further their
understanding of IHRM.
This new edition is updated to reflect the rise of the individual, the enabling technology and digitalization, the
interconnected global economy, new market and global responsibilities, and a rise in entrepreneurship.
Peter Dowling is Professor of International Management & Strategy at La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia
Marion Festing is Professor of Human Resource Management and Intercultural Leadership at ESCP Europe and
Rector of the Berlin Campus of this business school, Germany
Allen Engle is Professor of Management in the College of Business and Technology at Eastern Kentucky
University, USA
“As the ecosystem of work becomes increasingly global, boundaryless and interconnected, more
organizations are multinational, and must engage a workforce that spans nations, cultures and regions.
In the 7th edition of International Human Resource Management, Dowling, Festing and Engle offer an
evidence-based and practical framework to guide current and future organizational leaders. With 25
years of history, the book is solidly grounded in research, history and practical experience.”
Dr. John W. Boudreau, Professor and Research Director, University of Southern California Professor John
Boudreau, Southern California University, USA.
“The 7th edition of International Human Resource Management represents a valuable update of our
knowledge of the field in all its global dimensions. The co-authors clearly ‘know their stuff’ in the IJHRM arena.
This work will continue to enlighten academics, students and practitioners across the world for many years to
come. The text is now deepened and extended, thereby bringing us new insights and understandings.”
Professor Malcolm Warner, Wolfson College and Cambridge Judge Business School,
University of Cambridge, UK.
“This outstanding book continues to set the standard in the field of international human resource
management. Its international author team does a superb job of combining what we know from theory and
research with current examples and cases to provide the perfect opportunity for students to engage with key
University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA.
Discussion Questions 267
Further Reading 267
Notes and References 267
In writing the Preface for the 7th Edition of International Human Resource Management two important
published documents illustrate the context for HRM in International Business in the first quarter of the 21st
Century. One is the Internet document Decent Work and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable D evelopment
published by the International Labour Organization (ILO) which states that “over 600 million new jobs
need to be created by 2030, just to keep pace with the growth of the working-age population. That is
around 40 million per year. We also need to improve conditions for the 780 million women and men who
are working but not earning enough to lift themselves and their families out of US$2-a-day poverty”.
In addition, we observe the demographic challenges of low birth rates in many industrialized countries and
a lack of qualified talent.
A second document is the Special Report on Companies published by The Economist (17 Sept. 2016)
titled The rise of the superstars. This report notes that “a small group of giant companies (some old, some
new) are once again dominating the global economy” and asks the question “Is that a good or a bad
thing?”. There is also a chart which lists the world’s ten largest listed companies by market capitalization
in billions of US dollars in 2006 and 2016. The 2016 companies are Apple, Alphabet, Microsoft, Berkshire
Hathaway, Exxon Mobil, Amazon, Facebook, Johnson & Johnson, General Electric and China Mobile.
Of this list only Microsoft, Exxon Mobil and General Electric were on the 2006 list, indicating the extent
of change in what The Economist describes as “a virtually new world” (page 5).
We also acknowledge the so-called megatrends highlighted by many authors, mainly from consulting
firms. An important issue they address is the complex and ongoing effect of demographic shifts on global
business practices. In part, many countries are characterized by higher life expectancies and lower birth
rates. This is not only a challenge for the social welfare systems1 but also for companies and their human
resource management.
According to this and other studies other challenges include the rise of the individual, the enabling
technology and digitalization, the interconnected global economy, new market and global responsibilities
as well as a rise in entrepreneurship2. In preparing the 7th E dition the authors have attempted to pay con-
siderable care and attention to this new world of international business.
The world of global business is very different than it was in 1990 when the first edition of this text was
introduced. Our task remains to capture key human issues, those complexities, challenges, and choices faced by
individuals and organizations engaged in global business and exchange. This world remains as compelling and
critical as it was some 27 years ago.
The more significant changes to the Seventh Edition include the following:
Several of the IHRM in Action cases embedded throughout the chapters have been significantly updated.
These changes will help students grasp the principles and models in the chapter and better apply these
ideas to a range of settings or contexts.
A new case, written particularly for this edition, has been added in the area of career development and
repatriation. The nine in-depth cases at the end of the text have been written by the co-authors or solicited
from global experts to provide a range of in-depth applications for all of the major functional areas of
IHRM. Extensive teaching notes are provided for adopters of the text. Long time users of the text will find
a more systematic and extensive set of cases, but hopefully our loyal adopters will still find some of their
Preface ix
favorite cases remain as well. Our feedback on these end-of-text cases was outstandingly positive in the
6th edition and we feel this new edition builds on that strength.
As in previous editions, the challenge of this Seventh Edition has been to organize the complexities
particular to HRM activities in MNEs in such a way that provides teachers (of both undergraduate and
graduate students) real choice as to how they will present the material. We have tried to find a balance that
is meaningful and appropriate to the varying cultures represented by potential adopters and readers, and
across educational traditions, institutions, and forms, while accurately capturing the compelling realities
facing HRM professionals in MNEs. As always, we welcome your comments and suggestions for improve-
ment in this task.
The author team remains an excellent example of collaborative work (across a significant number
of time zones) in the 21st century with tri-continental representation from the Asia Pacific, Europe, and
North America.
1. www.kpmg.com/Global/en/IssuesAndInsights/ 2. see also www.rolandberger.com/gallery/
ArticlesPublications/future-state-government/Documents/ trend-compendium/tc2030/content/assets/
future-state-2030-v3.pdf trendcompendium2030.pdf; www.ey.com/Publication/
First we would like to thank the scores of academics and practitioners who have come up to us at con-
ferences and workshops, as well as communicated by emails sent over the last four years, sharing with
us their comments and suggestions. Many of the improvements to this new edition of the book outlined
above are the direct result of these conversations. The tricky task of balancing the need for continuity and
meeting expectations for an enduring and highly successful title with the need to update and revise mate-
rials in what is still a very young and dynamic academic area of study is made easier by the support of our
peers and colleagues around the world. We thank you for your patience, ongoing interest in and commit-
ment to our book.
As with previous editions, we have received a great deal of assistance from numerous colleagues in
various educational institutions and organizations across the globe. Particular thanks go to the following
colleagues for their assistance with this edition of the book:
Particular thanks go to Maike Andresen, Claudia Fischer, Manfred Froehlecke, Martine Cardel Gertsen,
Yvonne McNulty, Ihar Sahakiants, and Mette Zølner for their case contributions.
Peter Dowling thanks Tim Majoribanks, Associate Head of the School of Business and his HRM and
International Business colleagues for providing a supportive academic environment.
Finally, our personal thanks to the following individuals for their understanding, support, and encourage-
ment throughout the process of completing this Seventh Edition:
Fiona Dowling
Journal for East European Management Studies and International Journal of Globalization and Small
Business. Recently, together with her colleagues she was awarded a best paper award at the Academy of
Management Conference in Vancouver (2015) for her work on the impact of international business educa-
tion on career success.
Marion is the Co-Editor of the German Journal of Human Resource Management and serves on various
editorial boards. She is also the German ambassador of the HR-Division of the Academy of M anagement
and is involved in many academic organizations. In 2012 she was the co-track chair (HRM) of the IFSAM
conference in Limerick/Ireland in 2012. In 2013 she organized the 11th EIASM Workshop on International
Strategy and Cross-Cultural Management at the Berlin Campus of ESCP Europe. In 2014 she organized
the 3rd EIASM workshop on Talent Management, also at the Berlin Campus of ESCP Europe in the con-
text of her responsibilities as the Academic Director of the ESCP Europe Talent Management Institute.
Her current research interests focus on transnational HRM strategies, global performance management,
global careers, global talent management and global rewards and diversity and inclusion.
Lecturers: to discover the dedicated lecturer digital support resources accompanying this
textbook please register here for access: login.cengage.com.
Students: to discover the dedicated student digital support resources accompanying this
textbook, please search for International Human Resource Management on: cengagebrain.co.uk
●● define key terms in international human resource management (IHRM) and consider several
definitions of IHRM
●● introduce the historically significant issue of expatriate assignment management and review the
evolution of these assignments to reflect the increasing diversity with regard to what constitutes
international work and the type and length of international assignments
●● outline the differences between domestic and international human resource management (HRM)
and detail a model that summarizes the variables that moderate these differences, and
●● present the complexity of IHRM; the increasing potential for challenges to existing IHRM practices
and current models; and the increasing awareness of a wide number of choices within IHRM prac-
tices due to increased transparency and faster and more detailed diffusion of these practices across
organizational units and firms.
As Figure 1.1 demonstrates, there is an inevitable overlap between the three approaches
when one is attempting to provide an accurate view of the global realities of operating in the
international business environment. Obviously, cross-cultural management issues are impor-
tant when dealing with the cultural aspects of foreign operations. Some of these aspects will
be taken up in Chapter 2, where we deal with the cultural context of HRM in the host country
context – indicated by (a) in Figure 1.1. Chapter 9 deals with international industrial relations
and the global institutional context and draws on literature from the comparative industrial
relations field – (b) in the above figure. While the focus of much of this book is on the established
MNE – a firm which owns or controls business activities in more than one foreign country –
we recognize that small, internationalizing firms which are yet to reach multinational firm
status, and family-owned firms, also face IHRM issues and many of these issues are addressed
in Chapter 4.
Before we can offer a definition of IHRM, we should first define the general field of HRM.
Typically, HRM refers to those activities undertaken by an organization to effectively utilize its
human resources (HR). These activities would include at least the following:
●● HR planning
●● staffing (recruitment, selection, placement)
●● performance management
●● training and development
●● compensation (remuneration) and benefits
●● industrial relations.
The question is, of course, which activities change when HRM goes international? An excellent
early model developed by Morgan5 is very helpful in terms of answering this question. Morgan
presents IHRM in three dimensions:
1 The broad HR activities of procurement, allocation, and utilization. (These three broad activities
can be easily expanded into the six HR activities listed above.)
2 The national or country categories involved in IHRM activities:
●● the host-country where a subsidiary may be located
●● the parent-country where the firm is headquartered, and
●● ‘other’ countries that may be the source of labor, finance, and other inputs.
3 The three categories of employees of an international firm:
●● host-country nationals (HCNs)
●● parent-country nationals (PCNs), and
●● third-country nationals (TCNs).
Thus, for example, the US multinational IBM employs British citizens in its British operations
(HCNs), often sends US citizens (PCNs) to Asia-Pacific countries on assignment, and may send
some of its Singaporean employees on an assignment to its Chinese operations (as TCNs). The
nationality of the employee is a major factor in determining the person’s ‘category’, which in
turn is frequently a major driver of the employee’s compensation and employment contract.
Morgan defines IHRM as the interplay among the three dimensions of human resource
activities, countries of operation, and type of employees. We can see that in broad terms IHRM
involves the same activities as domestic HRM (e.g. procurement refers to HR planning and
staffing). However, domestic HRM is involved with employees within only one national bound-
ary. Increasingly, domestic HRM is taking on some of the flavor of IHRM as it deals more and
more with a multicultural workforce. Thus, some of the current focus of domestic HRM on
issues of managing workforce diversity may prove to be beneficial to the practice of IHRM.
However, it must be remembered that the way in which diversity is managed within a single
national, legal, and cultural context may not necessarily transfer to a m ultinational c ontext
without some modification.
What is an expatriate?
One obvious difference between domestic and IHRM is that staff are moved across national
boundaries into various roles within the international firm’s foreign operations – these employ-
ees have traditionally been called ‘expatriates’. An expatriate is an employee who is working
and temporarily residing in a foreign country. Many firms prefer to call such employees ‘inter-
national assignees’. While it is clear in the literature that PCNs are always expatriates, it is
often overlooked that TCNs are also expatriates, as are HCNs who are transferred into par-
ent-country operations outside their own home country.6 Figure 1.2 illustrates how all three
categories may become expatriates.
The term ‘inpatriate’ has come into vogue to signify the transfer of subsidiary staff into the
parent-country (headquarters) operations.7 For many managers this term has added a level of
confusion surrounding the definition of an expatriate. The (US) Society for Human Resource
Management defines an inpatriate as a ‘foreign manager in the US’. Thus, an inpatriate is also
defined as an expatriate. A further indication of the confusion created by the use of the term
‘inpatriate’ is that some writers in international management define all HCN employees as
inpatriates. HCNs only become inpatriates when they are transferred into the parent-country
operations as expatriates, as illustrated in Figure 1.2.
Given the substantial amount of jargon in IHRM, it is questionable as to whether the term
‘inpatriate’ adds enough value to justify its use. However, some firms now use the term ‘inpatri-
ate’ for all staff transferred into a country. For clarity, we will use the term ‘expatriate’ through-
out this text to refer to employees who are transferred out of their home base/parent country
into some other area of the firm’s international operations. In doing so, we recognize that there
is increasing diversity with regard to what constitutes international work, the type and length
of international assignments, and the increasingly strategic role of the HR function in many
organizations, which in turn influences the nature of some expatriate roles.
HCNs National
Stahl, Björkman, and Morris have recognized this expansion in the scope of the field of
IHRM in their Handbook of Research in International Human Resource Management, where
they define the field of IHRM as follows:
We define the field of IHRM broadly to cover all issues related to managing the global workforce and
its contribution to firm outcomes. Hence, our definition of IHRM covers a wide range of HR issues
facing MNEs in different parts of their organizations. Additionally we include comparative analyses of
HRM in different countries.8
We believe that this broad definition accurately captures the expanding scope of the IHRM
field and we will use this definition in this book.
1 more HR activities
2 the need for a broader perspective
More HR activities
To operate in an international environment, a HR department must engage in a number of
activities that would not be necessary in a domestic environment. Examples of required inter-
national activities are:
●● international taxation
●● international relocation and orientation
●● administrative services for expatriates
●● host-government relations
●● language translation services.
Expatriates are subject to international taxation, and often have both domestic (i.e. their
home-country) and host-country tax liabilities. Therefore, tax equalization policies must be
designed to ensure that there is no tax incentive or disincentive associated with any particu-
lar international assignment.10 The administration of tax equalization policies is complicated
by the wide variations in tax laws across host countries and by the possible time lag between
the completion of an expatriate assignment and the settlement of domestic and international
tax liabilities. In recognition of these difficulties, many MNEs retain the services of a major
accounting firm for international taxation advice.
International relocation and orientation involves the following activities:
The issues involved when expatriates return to their home-country (‘repatriation’) are covered
in detail in Chapter 7. Many of these factors may be a source of anxiety for the expatriate and
require considerable time and attention to successfully resolve potential problems – certainly
much more time than would be involved in a domestic transfer/relocation such as London to
Manchester, Frankfurt to Munich, New York to Dallas, Sydney to Melbourne, or Beijing to
An MNE also needs to provide administrative services for expatriates in the host countries in
which it operates.11 Providing these services can often be a time-consuming and complex activ-
ity because policies and procedures are not always clear-cut and may conflict with local condi-
tions. Ethical questions can arise when a practice that is legal and accepted in the host country
may be at best unethical and at worst illegal in the home country. For example, a situation may
arise in which a host country requires an AIDS test for a work permit for an employee whose
parent firm is headquartered in the USA, where employment-related AIDS testing remains a
controversial issue. How does the corporate HR manager deal with the potential expatriate
employee who refuses to meet this requirement for an AIDS test, and the overseas affiliate
which needs the services of a specialist expatriate from headquarters? These issues add to the
complexity of providing administrative services to expatriates.
Host-government relations represent an important activity for the HR department in a
MNE, particularly in developing countries where work permits and other important certif-
icates are often more easily obtained when a personal relationship exists between the rele-
vant government officials and multinational managers. Maintaining such relationships helps
resolve potential problems that can be caused by ambiguous eligibility and/or compliance
criteria for documentation such as work permits. US-based multinationals, however, must
be careful in how they deal with relevant government officials, as payment or payment-in-
kind, such as dinners and gifts, may violate the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA). 12
Provision of language translation services for internal and external correspondence is an
additional international activity for the HR department. Morgan 13 notes that if the HR
department is the major user of language translation services, the role of this translation
group is often expanded to provide translation services to all foreign operation departments
within the MNE.
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