Design and Modeling of An On-Site Greywater Treatment System For A Hotel Building
Design and Modeling of An On-Site Greywater Treatment System For A Hotel Building
Design and Modeling of An On-Site Greywater Treatment System For A Hotel Building
Purpose – As the United States is making a significant move toward rejoining the Paris Agreement on climate
change, there is a high demand for sustainable solutions across various industries, including construction and
hospitality sectors. The aim of this project was to design and model an on-site greywater treatment system for a
hotel building for the effective reuse of sewage water. The study considered Los Angeles, California, as a case
study location and referred to respective climate conditions and construction standards.
Design/methodology/approach – This study considered various options of greywater treatment plants
such as membrane bioreactor (MBR), sequencing batch reactor and reverse osmosis with upflow anaerobic
sludge blanket which were carefully reviewed and modeled using the GPS-X software. The design and
modeling results were verified by hand calculations and were followed by the estimation of capital and
operational expenses required for the implementation of the plants.
Findings – Having relatively low capital and operational expenditure requirements as well as superior
technical performance, the MBR plant proved to be the most effective solution for the considered location and
standards and was recommended for use in hotel buildings.
Practical implications – Designing and modeling several greywater treatment plants allowed selecting the
most optimal option which in the long run will help to preserve the eco-system, stay compliant with the
government laws and regulations and be financially sustainable.
Originality/value – The outcomes of the present study provide a detailed procedure for designing and
modeling a greywater treatment plant for a hotel building that can be used for the localities with a similar
climate. The most effective option selected as a result of cost-benefit analysis provides an efficient and viable
solution for the relevant industry and the type of buildings.
Keywords Greywater treatment, Sewage, Hotel, Sustainability
Paper type Research paper
1. Introduction
Globally, tourism is regarded as a crucial sector of the economy and in some cases, even
considered as a primary source of income. According to the United Nations World Tourism
Organization (2021), as of 2020, the United States has been a leading country in terms of
income from international tourism and the Los Angeles area made a significant contribution
as one of the most attractive tourist destinations. While there is no doubt in the economic
impact of the tourism and the hospitality industry, their detrimental effects on the
International Journal of Building
environment tend to be underestimated by the tourists and the public. However, there are Pathology and Adaptation
various environmental policies and norms at governmental and organizational levels which Vol. 41 No. 1, 2023
pp. 201-224
have to be followed by the industry if it is to remain a substantial economic activity (Styles © Emerald Publishing Limited
et al., 2013). Ecorys (2009), for example, highlights that considering the reliance of the tourism DOI 10.1108/IJBPA-08-2021-0109
IJBPA industry on natural resources, further development of the businesses in an eco-friendly and
41,1 sustainable manner is essential to ensure competitiveness. Similar principles are widely
reflected in various governmental policies, such as the “Agenda for a sustainable and
competitive European tourism” in the case of the European Union. Styles et al. (2013)
emphasize the role of the following areas which directly or indirectly spawn various
environmental pressures on the sector: energy use; water use; land use and landscaping;
guest behavior; material use; various emissions into the air; discharge of effluents; detriment
202 to natural biodiversity of the ecosystem; odor and noise pollution; waste disposal. These
aspects tend to create various environmental issues both at local and global levels. While the
importance of addressing each of these cannot be neglected, for the proposed hotel project
(Hotel) only a design of a wastewater reuse system is considered, specifically looking at,
“water use” and “discharge of effluents” aspects.
Such a specific focus of the study is formed based on the fact that Los Angeles area
constantly faces water shortage issues during summer months and due to the lack of adequate
irrigation and sewage systems. Similar to many cities around the world, the city of Los Angeles,
particularly, and the California state, in general, face significant water scarcity problems during
dry seasons (or years) (Edry, 2021). Partially, this is the result of advancing climate change
causing California state to observe higher autumn and winter temperatures with less
precipitation (USC Viterbi, 2021). Over the last several years, the amount of precipitation in the
state has been 5% below the normal levels. Even with normal precipitation levels, there is often
no adequate way to capture rainwater and infrastructure to reuse it. Historically, the Los
Angeles River was well used as the main source of drinkable water until 1940; however, due to
concerns around flooding, the river was reengineered to serve as a drainage pathway for excess
waters. This resulted in losing the major source of potable water in the area (USC Viterbi, 2021).
At the present, the city has three main sources of water, each representing about one-third of the
water supply: Colorado and Northern California River, the Owens River and groundwaters.
Considering that, more than 85% of water in Los Angeles is imported from remote locations, the
city’s water supply action plan, which recommends using new technologies for recycling and
reuse of water, is critical (Edry, 2021).
Besides addressing the issues of water shortage and lack of adequate irrigation and
sewage systems, implementing a wastewater reuse system in hotels has a few other benefits
• The sewage water of the Los Angeles city is dumped into the ocean and
some por on of water sips into the ground while being stored inside sep c
Preserva on of tanks. Therefore, trea ng wastewater before releasing it into the ocean
the ecosystem would reduce the concentra on of various hazardous chemicals
(suspended solids, organic materials, BOD, COD, various oils and grease,
etc.) and thereby help preserve the environment.
Staying • There are certain governmental rules on the effluent content of various
compliant with commercial and residen al buildings with which hotels have to abide. Non-
the governing compliance with these regula ons lead to imposing of fines and other
laws and financial and legal ramifica ons for businesses that hinder their further
opera on.
regula ons
Since data on typical greywater content of hotels does not exist in open sources, the average
hotel greywater content was used for the design of the Hotel has been compiled from multiple
sources (Atanasova et al., 2017; Jefferson et al., 2004; Li et al., 2009) and the end result is
summarized in Table 1.
For the design of greywater treatment systems, either average or maximum values were
used specifically to create the most adverse operating conditions for the greywater system.
The concentration of other chemicals that needed to be specified within the software were set
to remain as default values for common wastewaters.
Category requirement Applications after the treatment
Unrestricted BOD5: max. 10 mg/l Toilet flushing, landscape irrigation, laundry, fire extinguishing,
reuses Faecal coliforms: max. irrigation of crops, fruits and vegetables, street washing
Turbidity: max. 2 NTU
pH: 6–9
Residual chlorine:
max. 1 mg/l
Total coliforms: max.
Restricted BOD5: max. 30 mg/l Limited irrigation of landscape, subsurface irrigation of non-
reuses Detergent (anionic): edible and edible crops, fruits and vegetables
max. 1 mg/l
Faecal coliforms: max.
pH: 6–9
Residual chlorine: Table 2.
max. 1 mg/l US EPA standards for
Total coliforms: max. reclaimed greywater
100/ml for restricted and
TSS: max. 30 mg/l unrestricted reuse
IJBPA Physical treatment technologies include primarily those which include adsorption by
41,1 granular activated carbon, coarse filtration by sands and soils as well as fine filtration by
membranes. Generally, this type of treatment clarifies the water from solids and reduces
the content of organic pollutants (Yoonus and Al-Ghamdi, 2020). This is achieved by three
ways: (1) physical separation of particles by filters, (2) chemical removal of contaminants
by adsorption to the solid particles of sand and (3) consumption of nutrients in greywater
by microbial organisms. According to Al-Mughalles et al. (2012), physical treatment by
206 sand filters and granular activated carbon can achieve more than 65% COD removal rate.
However, the most effective physical greywater treatment technologies are those that use
pressure-driven membrane filtration techniques, namely micro-, ultra- and nano-filtration
and also the RO. These technologies have limitations, such as high energy consumption
and high fouling rate, i.e. membranes must be replaced with a high frequency. Moreover,
according to Li et al. (2009), physical treatment technologies have to be combined with
other proper technologies to yield adequate removal of surfactants, organic matter and
Yet another category of technologies for greywater recycling is chemical treatment, which
includes techniques, such as coagulation, flocculation, photocatalytic oxidation, ion
exchange, and many others (Yoonus and Al-Ghamdi, 2020). It is relatively rare that
chemical processes are reported to be effective in greywater treatment (Li et al., 2009). Pidou
et al. (2008) experimentally investigated the effectiveness of chemical greywater treatment
technologies and concluded that the efficiency of organic removal is not sufficiently high to
satisfy reclaimed water quality standards of all the countries. Li et al. (2009) further
corroborates this statement by arguing that chemical treatment technologies are only
effective for the treatment of low-strength greywaters.
Lastly, a group of technologies that is considered the most effective against medium and
high strength greywaters are the biological treatment technologies. This group includes
technologies, such as SBR, MBR, rotating biological reactor, up-flow anaerobic sludge
blanket (UASB), continuous flow sequencing reactor and others (Yoonus and Al-Ghamdi,
2020). A common feature of all these technologies is that they employ microorganisms for
removal of organic matter. Generally, biological treatment technologies are often found to
provide superior performance in terms of the treatment of greywaters. Lamine et al. (2007), for
example, reports that SBR plant was able to achieve a 90% COD removal. However, among all
the biological treatment technologies, the one that is thoroughly investigated and the most
frequently cited by the scientific community is MBR. Berube (2010) argues that the global
market for this technology has already been above 1.3 billion US dollars in 2010 with a 10%
annual growth rate and is stated to be an ideal technology for applications involving
wastewater reuse.
The primary criterion for shortlisting technologies for further design in the GPS-X
software was the technical performance, i.e. the capacity of a technology, as reported in
review papers, to reduce the content of chemicals to the levels required by the standards. With
this logic, chemical treatment technologies were not considered as they are only effective
against low-strength greywaters. According to Yoonus and Al-Ghamdi (2020), among the
physical treatment technologies the most promising ones are nanofiltration and RO.
However, they need to be coupled with a biological treatment technology as they are not good
at removing COD content (Li et al., 2009). As per biological treatment technologies, studies
report that SBR and MBR are very attractive options due to their high efficiency against
medium and high strength greywaters (Li et al., 2009). The latter is also reported to be
particularly cost effective solution for collective use by more than 500 residents (Li et al.,
2009). Considering all of these, the design was performed on MBR, SBR and RO technologies.
The latter in particular was coupled with a biological treatment technology, as recommended
by the literature (Li et al., 2009; Yoonus and Al-Ghamdi, 2020).
3.2 Membrane bioreactor An on-site
MBR is one of the most widely used greywater treatment technologies. It consists of very greywater
simple components and, it is derived from the conventional activated sludge (CAS) system
(Berube, 2010). Similar to CAS, it uses microorganism and other biomasses to remove
contaminants from the wastewater. The main difference in their physical processes is that the system
former uses the secondary clarifiers and granular filters to retain the biomass, whereas the
latter filters them using membranes. At early stages of development of MBR, membranes
were mostly external and standalone. At present, almost all MBR systems use submerged 207
membranes since it (1) simplifies the process and (2) reduces the required capital and
operational expenses, while yielding the same treatment performance as the MBR with
standalone membrane (Berube, 2010). Figure 2 below illustrates the process schematics of
submerged MBR and CAS plants.
The advantage of the MBR system is that it has small footprint area, which is very much
critical in the case of the hotel in Los Angeles, and consistently good effluent quality
(Atanasova et al., 2017). The system is also quite robust to changes in the greywater quality
(Bis et al., 2019; Berube, 2010). Although it is reported to have a relatively high cost, for
multistory buildings, it is economically viable to implement the system with approximately
15 years of payback period (Jabornig, 2014).
3.2.1 Design of MBR plant by GPS-X software. For the design of plants, the GPS-X software
developed by Hydromantis Inc. was used. GPS-X (Hydromantis Inc. 2021) is the leading and
the most advanced software for design, modeling and optimization of wastewater treatment
plants. Generally, the process of designing greywater treatment systems consisted of
constructing a layout of each respective greywater treatment plant, identification of the most
significant and sensitive design parameters by optimization of these parameters to achieve
satisfactory effluent quality at a minimum cost and space.
Figure 3 below demonstrates the layout of the MBR plant, which was modeled through the
GPS-X software.
As can be seen from this schematic diagram, first, 110 m3/day of water enters through an
influent pipe and passes through coagulation and flocculation steps. For coagulation and
flocculation, alum, Al(SO4)2$12H2O and PACl solution, PAC-Al2(OH)nCl(6n), were used,
respectively. In these two stages, suspended solids and colloidal particles get enlarged in size
by adhering to each other and eventually settle. Upon passing through the primary clarifier,
this water passes through the MBR tank with four reactors in it connected in series. This is
Figure 2.
Process schematics of
(a) submerged MBR
system and (b) CAS
IJBPA followed by disinfection through chlorination and, eventually, transmitting clean water
41,1 through the effluent pipe. There is also a secondary cycle for the flow of sludge: it passes
through the thickener (makes the sludge denser by removing excess water), digester (breaks
down organic matter inside the sludge into carbon dioxide and methane gases), and
dewatering tank (converts slurry sludge into a solid by removing liquid contained in it).
Throughout this process, the water removed from the sludge is redirected to the primary
cycle of greywater treatment and the final sludge that undergoes through thickener, digester
208 and dewatering tank is disposed through special transport to the sludge gallery. The Sankey
diagram shown in Figure 4 illustrates how the total flow rate of influent greywater gets
distributed through the plant at various stages.
After manual sensitivity analysis, it was determined that the most influential parameters
in the case of the MBR plant shown in Figure 3 were the chlorination dosage, the volume of
chlorination tank, the dosage of alum in the coagulation stage, the dosage of PACl solution in
the flocculation stage, dissolved oxygen (DO) set points in each of the four MBR reactors as
well as volumes of these reactors and, lastly, solids capture rate of MBR tank, which has to
deal with the characteristics of the membrane, its pore size, operational pressures, etc. Table 3
summarizes the list of these parameters, search ranges used for the optimization process and
the final optimum values obtain thereafter.
After undergoing the treatment process, the content of BOD5, TSS, residual Cl2, total
coliform count and pH have changed as shown in Figure 5.
The content of all the chemicals is below the limits set forth by EPA. The graph for pH
level is not shown, but it does not change during the treatment by this plant, i.e. it stays
constant at 7.0 as it was initially. Other than these, the magnitude of some important
parameters is presented in Table 4 so that changes occurring during the treatment can be
better observed.
Figure 3.
Layout of the MBR
plant as modeled in the
GPS-X software
Figure 4.
Sankey diagram
showing the
distribution of flow
rate of greywater
throughout the plant
To further illustrate the dynamics of changes in the plant, two more Sankey diagrams are An on-site
presented in Figures 6 and 7, which display, respectively, the spatial distribution of TSS and greywater
COD in the plant:
As can be observed from Figures 6 and 7, most of the TSS and COD are removed during
the primary clarification stage. system
3.2.2 Verification by hand calculation. This section presents the hand calculations used to
verify the validity of software modeling results. It is important to emphasize that not all the
calculations can be done by hand since (1) the plant consists of a multitude of sub-elements in 209
each of which the content of chemicals undergo some changes and (2) software design was
conducted through dynamic simulations meaning that there is no steady-state condition and
the concentration of chemicals in each successive time period is directly or indirectly
influenced by conditions in the previous timestep. Thus, the calculations presented below are
completely in line with the software results. First, the coliform count was calculated as follows
(Hydromantis, 2019):
ðchlorine doseÞðVtank =QÞðt10; ratio Þ
log inactivation ¼
ð0:2828Þ pH 2:69 chlorine dose0:15 0:933T−5
ð5:7 g=m3 Þð2:6m3 =108:5 m3 =dayÞð0:7Þ
¼ ¼ 5:656
ð0:2828Þ 7:02:69 ð5:7 g=m3 Þ0:15 0:93320−5
Since there is a non-zero alkalinity, according to the chemical reaction above, pH level of the
water does not change.
The concentration of residual chlorine, Cavailable, after a part of chlorine is lost to satisfy
some portion of the instantaneous demand can be estimated through the formula below:
Cdose 5:7 g=m3
Cavailable ¼ ¼ ¼ 0:844 g=m3
1 þ kinact $t 1 þ 10$6034:51 min
Figure 5.
The limits set by EPA
standards and the
content of BOD5, TSS,
residual Cl2 and total
coliform count within
the greywater after the
treatment with MBR
Now, the instantaneous chlorine demand, Cinst, for chlorine-ammonia reaction and by-product An on-site
formation can be calculated through this formula: greywater
Cinst ¼ exp −A1;inst þ A2;inst $log
þ A3;inst $logðUV254 Þ þ A4;inst $logðsTOCÞ treatment
TOC system
" ! #
5:7g=m3 −1
¼ exp −0:62 þ 0:522$log þ 0:302$log 0:001cm þ 0:842$logð55:7Þ
171:3g=m3 211
¼ 0:437 mg=L
3.2.3 Operational costs of MBR. To calculate the operational costs of the MBR plant,
CapdetWorksTM tool was employed with unit costs based on US EPA computer assisted
procedure for design and evaluation of treatment systems (Hydromantis, 2018). The
following unit costs were assigned to the processes involved in MBR plant:
Before After
Figure 6.
Sankey diagram
showing the
distribution of the
amount of TSS in the
water throughout
the plant
Figure 7.
Sankey diagram
showing the
distribution of the COD
levels in the water
throughout the plant
IJBPA (1) Energy Price: 0.1 USD/kWh
41,1 (2) Alum (16% purity): 0.32 USD/kg
(3) PAC-Al2(OH)nCl(6n): 0.50 USD/kg
(4) Clarifier: 0.35 kW
(5) MBR: 3.0 W/m3
(6) NaOCl (70% purity): 1.1 USD/kg
(7) Thickener: 2.2 kW
(8) Digester: 3.0 W/m3
(9) Dewatering: 2.2 kW
(10) Sludge disposal cost: 80.0 USD/tonnes
Based on these unit costs, the operational expenditures of the plant were estimated to be
24.99 USD/day (Figure 8).
As can be seen from Figure 8, most of the daily expenses are concentrated at coagulation
tank and MBR reactors. Figure 9 shows the breakdown of daily expenses by various
categories of costs.
The pie chart in Figure 9 shows that cost of chemical consumables makes up more than
half of all the daily expenses, followed by aeration costs, pumping costs and sludge
disposal costs.
Figure 8.
Operational cost of the
MBR plant at various
An on-site
Figure 9.
Costs of various types
of consumables
Figure 10.
Six stages of SBR
The advantages of the SBR technology are related to the high treatment efficiency which
allows a broad flexibility level in operational conditions. However, the technology is limited in
the sense that it cannot remove pathogens effectively and requires high capital expenditures
(CAPEX) and operating expenses (OPEX) as well as stringent maintenance requirements. For
disinfection of the greywater, a conventional chlorination tank was included in the plant.
3.3.1 Design of SBR plant by GPS-X software. Figure 11 displays the layout of the SBR
plant which was modeled in the GPS-X software.
As in the case of MBR plant, several parameters that have the greatest influence on the
objective functions were identified by manually adjusting the process controls. By varying
these parameters within a reasonable range, their magnitude was optimized. The results are
summarized in Table 5.
Figure 11.
Layout of the SBR
plant as modeled in the
GPS-X software
Here it should be emphasized that the surface area of the SBR tank was left to be large An on-site
because otherwise the performance of the plant, especially the COD and BOD removal greywater
efficiencies were significantly reduced. With the optimum values shown in Table 5, the SBR
plant was able to keep the control variables below the limits set by US EPA (Figure 12).
Some more numerical results that show how the chemical content of the greywater has system
changed after the treatment is shown in Table 6.
Figure 12.
The limits set by EPA
standards and the
content of BOD5, TSS,
residual Cl2 and total
coliform count within
the greywater after the
treatment with SBR
IJBPA 3.3.2 Verification by hand calculation. The total coliform count was calculated as follows:
41,1 ðchlorine doseÞðVtank =QÞðt10;ratio Þ
log inactivation ¼
ð0:2828Þ pH 2:69 chlorine dose0:15 0:933T−5
ð9:9 g=m3 Þð120 m3 =4941m3 =dayÞð0:7Þ
¼ ¼ 9:164
ð0:2828Þ 7:02:69 ð9:9 g=m3 Þ0:15 0:93320−5
initial coliform count 4:1e6
coliform count ¼ ¼ 9:164 ¼ 0:01
10log inactivation 10
As in the case of the MBR plant, the level of pH does not change, and no chemical is added that
consumes alkalinity during the process:
Al2 ðSO4 Þ3$14H2 O þ 6HCO−3 ↔ 2AlðOHÞ3 $3H2 O þ 6CO2 þ 8H2 O þ 3SO2−
Therefore, based in the same chemical reaction shown above, the level of pH within the
greywater does not change in the case of SBR plant.
The available chlorine before the instantaneous chlorine demand is consumed is as shown
Cdose 9:9 g=m3
Cavailable ¼ ¼ ¼ 1:450 g=m3
1 þ kinact $t 1 þ 10$6034:97 min
Finally, the instantaneous chlorine demand itself can be estimated using the following
Cinst ¼ exp −A1;inst þ A2;inst $log þ A3;inst $logðUV254 Þ þ A4;inst $logðsTOCÞ
" !
9:9 g=m3
¼ exp −0:62 þ 0:522$log 3
þ 0:302$log 0:001 cm−1
171:3 g=m
þ 0:842$logð55:7Þ
¼ 0:495mg=L
Before After
Figure 13.
Breakdown of
operational costs of the
SBR plant
Figure 14.
Layout of the RO with
UASB plant as
modeled in the GPS-X
3.4.1 Design of reverse osmosis with upflow anaerobic sludge blanket by GPS-X software. The An on-site
layout of the RO with UASB plant modeled through the GPS-X software is shown in Figure 14. greywater
After optimizing volumes of various tanks, dosages of chemical consumables, pore sizes
of membranes and temperature within the UASB reactor, pipe diameter and number of
vessels inside the RO reactor, the magnitudes of BOD5, pH, total coliform count and TSS to system
the levels were reduced to the levels shown in Figure 15.
More quantitative results comparing the greywater quality before and after the treatment
can be found in Table 7. 219
3.4.2 Verification by hand calculation. First of all, the number of total coliforms is
calculated as follows:
3.4.3 Operational costs of reverse osmosis with upflow anaerobic sludge blanket. Unit costs
were again obtained from the CapdetWorks database and are practically the same as the ones
presented in sections 3.2.3 and 3.3.3. The only new cost item may be that UASB plant 20.0 kW
of power which is estimated at 0.1 USD/kWh. Overall, the estimates show that the plant will
consume about 10.01 USD per day not including the cost of membranes in RO which have to
be replaced periodically (Figure 16). Most of the daily operational expenses are constituted by
chemical consumables.
Figure 15.
The limits set by EPA
standards and the
content of BOD5, TSS,
residual Cl2 and total
coliform count within
the greywater after the
treatment with RO
with UASB
each component of plants. However, data availability is an issue, especially for SBR and RO An on-site
with UASB. In the present report, CAPEX, OPEX and net present value (also called life cycle greywater
cost) were calculated using relations proposed in scientific publications based on a statistical
analysis of industry data or regression analysis. For MBR, Lo et al. (2015) suggest using the
following relations for estimation of CAPEX, OPEX, and NPV: system
CAPEX ¼ 1060$Q0:872 ¼ 1060$108:50:872 ¼ 63; 124 USD
OPEX ¼ ð−0:0509$ln Q þ 0:664Þ$Q ¼ ð−0:0509$ln108:5 þ 0:664Þ$108:5 221
¼ 97:9 USD=day ¼ 35; 743 USD=year
Consumables ¼ 25:0 USD=day ¼ 9; 125 USD=year
NPV ¼ 1265$t 0:44 $Q−0:00385$lntþ0:868 ¼ 1265$200:44 $108:5−0:00385$ln20þ0:868 ¼ 261; 710 USD
Similarly, based on statistical data from US EPA (United States Environmental Protection
Agency, 2021) and Advisian (Advisian, 2021), the CAPEX and OPEX of SBR and RO with
UASB plants were calculated as shown in Table 8.
All these cost analysis results are presented in Figure 17.
Despite difficulties estimating the net present value of SBR and RO with UASB, it is evident
that MBR is the optimal choice based on the economic feasibility criterion. There are other non-
financial factors that must be considered to make the final decision, such as space requirements,
robustness of performance of these technologies, capacity to consistently yield an effluent
quality compliant with the EPA standards, percent recovery, etc. All of these are necessary
conditions for the alternative technologies to be considered for further design steps. When
compared against these criteria, SBR proved to be unsuitable for use in the Hotel as it requires
Before After
Figure 16.
Operational costs of
RO with UASB
Figure 17.
with UASB
large land areas and is also inefficient in terms of removal of pathogens. On the other hand, for
RO with UASB, the main challenge is low BOD and COD removal rate and low recovery level,
just above 50% (in contrast to 98.6% for MBR plant). As per MBR, its main limitation is the
relatively high cost, which, however, is significantly lower than that of its competitors. However,
studies show that it is financially feasible with an average of 15-year payback period if
implemented in a multi-story building. Taking all these factors into account, the MBR plant
appears to be a clear winner and thus, may be used for further detailed design stages.
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