ENA EHA Reference Manual Health Workers Nutrition
ENA EHA Reference Manual Health Workers Nutrition
ENA EHA Reference Manual Health Workers Nutrition
Reference Manual:
Health Workers and
Nutrition Managers
April 2015
This Reference Manual: Health Workers and Nutrition Managers would not have been possible without the
contributions of many individuals, agencies, and institutions. The evolution of the Essential Nutrition Actions (ENA)
Framework had been influenced over the years by USAID’s generous funding to the BASICS project, and to the
LINKAGES project, the Africa’s Health in 2010 project, and the Food and Nutrition Technical Assistance Project (FANTA)
project, all managed by the Academy for Educational Development and FHI 360. The African Regional Center for the
Quality of Health Care, the West African Health Organization, the East, Central and Southern African Health
Community, and UNICEF each played key roles as well, especially in Liberia and Niger, as did the Carter Center in
Ethiopia and the Essential Services for Health in Ethiopia (ESHE) project funded by USAID and managed by John
Snow Incorporated (JSI). National training partners in a number of countries have also been central to the
development of the ENA framework, as well as to related training and behavior change communication materials.
The 2014 revision of the generic ENA materials was initiated by JSI Research & Training Institute Incorporated and
Helen Keller International, with the support of the CORE Group and the Food-for-Peace Technical and Operational
Performance Support (TOPS) Project. Revisions include work from Helen Keller International, the USAID-funded
Strengthening Partnership, Results, and Innovations in Nutrition Globally (SPRING) project in Bangladesh and
Nigeria, the USAID/Peace Corps West Africa Food Security Partnership (WAFSP), and Peace Corps Benin. Illustrations
are from SPRING/Nigeria and SPRING/India adapted from UNICEF and URC/CHS: The Community Infant and Young
Child Feeding (IYCF) Counselling Package 2013, and from the USAID/Suaahara project in Nepal.
The revised materials were tested during the joint CORE Group, JSI and HKI Training of Trainers, funded by the
USAID/Food for Peace-funded TOPS Program in December 2014.
1 2 3 4
Guyon A. MD.MPH , Quinn V.PhD , Nielsen J.PhD , Stone-Jimenez M.MSc, IBCLC , Essential Nutrition Actions and
Essential Hygiene Actions Reference Manual: Health Workers and Nutrition Managers. 2015. CORE Group:
Washington, DC.
Photo Credits:
Top Photo: Agnes Guyon, JSI Ethiopia; Middle Photo: Victoria Quinn, HKI Nepal; Bottom Photo: Ministry of Health,
This version of the guide was made possible in part by a grant from the USAID Technical and Operational
Performance Support (TOPS) program. The TOPS Micro Grant Program is made possible by the generous support
and contribution of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development
(USAID). The contents of the materials produced through the TOPS Micro Grants Program do not necessarily
reflect the views of TOPS, USAID or the United States Government.
John Snow Incorporated, Senior Child Health and Nutrition Advisor
Helen Keller International, Senior Vice president
Helen Keller International, Senior Nutrition Advisor
CORE Group, Consultant
Acronyms and Abbreviations ........................................................................................................................ v
Global Nutrition Efforts ................................................................................................................................. 1
About the Essential Nutrition Actions Operational Framework ................................................................... 2
The Essential Nutrition Actions ..................................................................................................................... 3
The Framework to Integrate, Communicate and Harmonize ....................................................................... 6
2015 Updates, Compared to ENA 2011 ........................................................................................................ 7
Reference Documents ................................................................................................................................... 8
About The Reference Manual ....................................................................................................................... 9
About Adapting the Reference Manual....................................................................................................... 10
Document #1: Learning Objectives for the ENA&EHA Training .................................................................. 11
Document #2: Pre-assessment ................................................................................................................... 12
Document #3: Role of Health Workers in Improving Nutrition .................................................................. 14
Document #4: Helping Health and Community Workers Use All Available Platforms and
Contact Points ......................................................................................................................................... 16
Document #5: Stages of Change Model Steps to Change Practices and behaviors, and
Role of the Support Person .................................................................................................................... 17
Document #6: Stages of Change and Interventions ................................................................................... 18
Document #7: Conceptual Framework for Nutrition .................................................................................. 19
Document #8: Implementing the ENA & EHA to Prevent Undernutrition ................................................. 20
Document #10: Interventions to Break the Intergenerational Cycle of Malnutrition ................................ 22
Document #11: Practices provided by Health Workers to Adolescent Girls,
Non-Pregnant Women, and Pregnant and Lactating Women ................................................................ 25
Document #12: Essential Nutrition Actions in the Context of HIV Pregnant and Lactating
Women and Their Children Who Are HIV Negative or of Unknown Status ............................................ 28
Document #13: The Benefits of Breastfeeding for Infants and Young Children and the
Risks of Formula Feeding ........................................................................................................................ 30
Document #14: Breastfeeding Practices from Birth up to Six Months ....................................................... 32
Document #15: How Health Workers Can Support Maternal and Child Health ........................................ 34
Document #16: Proper Breastfeeding Positioning and Attachment .......................................................... 37
Document #17: Feeding Recommendations for HIV positive mother ....................................................... 40
The Lancet. Maternal and Child Undernutrition. The Lancet, 2008, http://www.thelancet.com/series/maternal-and-child-undernutrition; and
2013, http://www.thelancet.com/series/maternal-and-child-nutrition. This landmark series estimated that effective, targeted nutrition
interventions to address maternal and child undernutrition exist, and if implemented at scale during the 1,000-day-long window of
opportunity, could reduce nutrition-related mortality and disease burden by 25 percent
Black, R. E., C. G. Victora, et al. (2013). “Maternal and child undernutrition and overweight in low-income and middle-income countries.” The
Bhutta, Z. A., J. K. Das, et al. (2013). “Evidence-based interventions for improvement of maternal and child nutrition: what can be done and
at what cost?” Lancet.
World Health Organization. 2013. “Essential Nutrition Actions: Improving Maternal, Newborn, Infant and Young Child Health and Nutrition.”
Geneva: World Health Organization. http://www.who.int/nutrition/publications/infantfeeding/essential_nutrition_actions/en/.
Guyon AB, Quinn VQ, Hainsworth M, Ravonimanantsoa P, Ravelojoana V, Rambeloson Z, and Martin L. (2009) Implementing an integrated
nutrition package at large scale in Madagascar: The Essential Nutrition Actions Framework. Food & Nutrition Bulletin 30(3):233-44.
Hampshire, R. D., V. M. Aguayo, et al. (2004). “Delivery of nutrition services in health systems in sub-Saharan Africa: opportunities in Burkina
Faso, Mozambique and Niger.” Public Health Nutr 7(8): 1047-1053.
During pregnancy and lactation: increased protein, caloric and micronutrient (Vitamin A, Iron,
Calcium, Zinc) intake, dietary change to increase iron absorption, rest during pregnancy, and the lactation
amenorrhea method (LAM) of contraception.
Early initiation of breastfeeding (immediately after birth), exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months,
continued breastfeeding with complementary foods up to 2 years or beyond, and HIV and infant feeding.
Complementary Feeding
From 6 months (age-appropriate frequency, amount, density, diversity, utilization) with continued
breastfeeding for up to two years or beyond, consumption of fortified foods (commercial and/or in-home
fortification), responsive feeding, food hygiene.
(Ruel M, Alderman H, and the Maternal and Child Nutrition Study Group. Nutrition-sensitive interventions and programmes. Lancet 2013;
published online June 6. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0140- 6736(13)60843-0)
Serves as an operational and practical tool for translating 2013 Lancet recommendations and
SUN aspirations into action on the ground
Gives central focus to moving beyond nutrition education to promotion of social and
behaviour change. Includes exercises throughout to build participants’ skills in counselling and
negotiation to support caregivers to adopt improved practices, including role plays, field
practicums, using illustrations to animate group discussions and individual counselling,
facilitating community support groups, and applying these skills across both ENA and EHA.
Equips health workers at health facilities to better deliver nutrition services and messages at
each health contact.
Guides nutrition managers through practical exercises to build their training skills and provides
them with a tool to train community workers across all sectors to promote high impact
nutrition and hygiene.
Includes the promotion of the Essential Hygiene Actions as inextricably linked to improved
nutrition, going beyond hand washing to food hygiene, animal hygiene, safe water, and
introduction to simple hand washing stations.
Incorporates suggestions for ways that Homestead Food Production can contribute to improved
nutrition and how agriculture in general can be made nutrition-sensitive.
World Health Organization. 2013. “Essential Nutrition Actions: Improving Maternal, Newborn, Infant and Young Child Health and Nutrition.”
Geneva: World Health Organization. http://www.who.int/nutrition/publications/infantfeeding/essential_nutrition_actions/en/.
ENA State of the Art Training for Managers (English & French, 2006)
Includes nine modules on rational for the essential nutrition actions and large scale implementation
1. When breastfeeding, the baby’s chin needs to touch the mother’s breast.
3. Even if a mother believes she does not have enough breastmilk, she can still be able
to adequately breastfeed her baby.
4. A mother can prevent sore and cracked nipples by correctly positioning and
attaching her baby at the breast.
5. Watery food is a better food for a 6-month old baby than soft porridge.
6. The mother or caregiver needs to play with the baby to encourage the baby to eat
all the food given.
7. Animal products, beans and legumes are the foods that help a child grow.
9. Mothers need support from the family or the community in order to feed their
10. When a young child over 6 months has diarrhea, the mother needs to decrease the
frequency of breastfeeding, frequency of other liquids, and the frequency of foods
to give child’s stomach a rest,
11. A pregnant woman needs to eat more than a woman who is lactating.
12. Red meat, liver, and green leafy vegetables contain iron.
13. A malnourished mother is likely to give birth to a low birth weight child.
15. It is important to sleep under an ITN to prevent anemia in women and children.
16. Pregnancy and lactation are the only points in the lifecycle of females where
nutrition should be improved.
17. It is important to focus on pregnant and lactating women and children under two
year of age to improve nutrition outcomes.
19. Integration of nutrition into other sectors means reaching mothers, their babies and
children at critical contact points in that sector.
Opportunities at School
During health classes
At parent–teacher association activities
At each stage, the goal is to encourage the target audience to try a new practice—to provide support for a
mother’s choice and to change community norms.
Heard About the New Encourage the behavior and discuss its benefits.
Behavior Or Know Hold group discussions or talks.
What it is
Disseminate information via the spoken or printed word.
Hand out counseling cards.
Form and promote breastfeeding and young child feeding support groups.
Thinking About the Negotiate with community members and help them overcome obstacles.
New Behavior Make home visits, and use visuals.
(Intention) Create activities for families and the community.
Create structures for peer-to-peer support.
Negotiate with husbands, mothers-in-law, or other influential family
members to support the mother.
Trying Out the Praise the behavior and reinforce its benefits.
New Behavior Congratulate the mother and other family members as appropriate.
(Action) Suggest support groups to visit or join to provide encouragement.
On radio programs and in other forums, encourage community members to
provide support.
When a woman is malnourished, the next generation may also suffer from malnutrition and poor health.
Malnourished women are more likely to have been:
Low birthweight babies.
Underweight and stunted as girls.
Girls whose first pregnancy occurred during their adolescence.
Women whose pregnancies have been closely spaced.
Women who had heavy workloads during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
• Early initiation • Complementary • Increased • Diversified diet • Delayed cord • Iodized salt, • One
of feeding starting at frequency of with vitamin A- clamping. when additional
breastfeeding six months with breastfeeding rich foods (e.g. available. meal daily
—within one mashed foods. during and ripe orange and • Diversified diet during
hour of birth. after illness. yellow with iron-rich pregnancy.
• Continued vegetables and foods (red meat
• Keep newborn breastfeeding to • Increased fruits, liver) and and dark green, • Two
warm and dry 24 months or frequency of fortified foods. leafy vegetables) additional
(skin to skin). beyond. complementar and fortified meals daily
y feeding • Vitamin A foods. during
• Exclusive • Increased feeding during and supplementatio lactation.
breastfeeding frequency with after illness for n for woman • Supplementatio
during first six age. children aged 6 after delivery n with IFA daily • Breast
months. up to 24 (as per national for six months health
• Increased amount for pregnant during
of food with age. months. protocol).
women and lactation.
• Increased density • Zinc • Vitamin A continuing after
supplementatio supplementatio delivery, if • Less
or thickness of workload
foods with age. n for children n twice a year needed.
with diarrhea. for children and more
• Enriched diet with between 6 and • Deworming for rest during
a variety of foods • Vitamin A 59 months of pregnant pregnancy.
and fortified supplementatio age. women and for
foods. n as children
recommended. between 12 and
• Active feeding. 59 months of
(Encourage and • Special care for age, twice a
play with the baby malnourished year.
while eating. child,
depending on • In malaria-
• Hand washing severity. endemic areas:
before feeding. sleep under ITN,
• Kangaroo care IPT for pregnant
• Food hygiene. for low birth women.
newborns. • In areas where
malaria is not
endemic but
prevalence is >
50 percent: IFA
n daily for
children aged six
months and
Delay of first pregnancy. Child spacing. Immunization. Clean water, hygiene, and sanitation.
Developed by Agnes Guyon, Victoria Quinn, and Robert Mwadime. Revised 2013.
• Support infant • Early cessation • Counsel on • Supplementation • Follow ENA • Energy intake • Diversified
feeding of breastfeeding testing child at one for HIV- increased by 10 diet.
option: when breastmilk (depending on recommended negative percent if non-
exclusive can be replaced test daily allowance individuals. symptomatic; • Energy intake
breastfeeding by other milks availability). with multiple add one extra increased by
or exclusive (animal or micronutrients if feeding daily. 10 percent in
formula commercial); • Immediate diet is not adults if not
feeding. otherwise treatment of adequately • Energy intake symptomatic;
breastfeed for sickness. diverse. increased by 20 add one extra
• Encourage at least 1 year. to 30 percent if meal daily.
exclusive • Diet symptomatic or
breastfeeding • Energy intake management losing weight; • Energy intake
for 6 months increased by 10 of nausea, add two extra increased by
for infants percent if vomiting, and feedings daily. 20 to 30
confirmed to suspected HIV- oral sores, etc. percent if
be HIV- positive and not • BMI for symptomatic
• Energy intake nutritional or losing
positive. losing weight increased by
(one extra monitoring or weight; add
• Energy intake 50 to 100 MUAC for two extra
feeding per percent if
increased by day). pregnant feedings daily.
10 percent if losing weight women.
suspected • Use fortified, (double the • Evaluation of
HIV-positive blended foods, daily feedings). • Breastfeeding interaction of
and not losing when available. stopped on nutrition and
• Supplementary affected breast ARVs.
weight (one or therapeutic
extra feeding • Assess health if encounter
and growth of feeding for breast • Monitor
per day). moderate or weight and
child. problems.
• severely BMI.
malnourished • Dietary
child, per management • Dietary
international of nutrition- management
guidelines. related of vomiting,
symptoms. nausea, and
• Importance of nutrition-
malaria related
prevention and symptoms.
deworming. Physical
exercise to
• Counsel and build muscle
refer for mass.
Be sure to assess the household food security situation and to treat all illnesses immediately.
Developed by Agnes Guyon, Victoria Quinn, and Robert Mwadime. Revised 2013.
Frequent skin-to-skin contact with the mother improves the baby’s psychomotor, emotional, and social
Formula-fed children:
are at increased risk for infection. Infant formula can become contaminated in the factory with
heat-resistant, pathogenic, and highly contagious bacteria such as Enterobacter sakazakii.
are more likely to suffer from asthma
are at increased risk for allergies
When is the best time for clamping the baby umbilical cord?
The clamping of the baby umbilical cord needs to be done when the pulsations have stopped
(two to three minutes).
It helps to prevent mother’s heavy bleeding.
It increases blood flow to the newborn and builds infant’s body iron storage, preventing infant
There is no risk for HIV transmission.
Remind the mother to come back at six months for vitamin A supplementation (IU 100,000)
and at nine months for measles and yellow fever (if applicable) vaccines.
Good Attachment
Good attachment enables the infant to suckle effectively, to remove the milk efficiently, and to
stimulate an adequate supply.
The baby’s mouth covers a large part of the areola; more of the areola shows above the nipple
than below. The infant’s chin touches the breast.
Baby’s lower lip is turned outwards.
The areola and the nipple stretch and become longer in the infant’s mouth. (If attachment is not
good, milk will not be completely removed, which can lead to sore nipples, inflammation of the
breast, and mastitis.)
More comfortable for the mother after delivery, this position enables her to rest while
Both mother and infant are lying on their sides, facing one another.
American Football
This position is best used:
o after a Caesarean section
o when the nipples are painful
o to breastfeed twins
The mother is comfortably seated with the infant under her arm. The infant’s body passes by
the mother’s side and the child’s head is at breast level.
The mother supports the infant’s head and body with her hand and forearm.
Note: Where wet-nursing is acceptable, an HIV positive mother could consider this as long as a
set of criteria are met.
If suitable breastmilk substitutes are not available or not provided appropriately, the infant risks
becoming malnourished.
If breastmilk substitutes are not prepared safely, the infant may be at increased risk of diarrhea.
If breastfeeding cessation is too rapid and infants are not prepared for the transition, they can
become dehydrated, anxious, disoriented, and unhappy. They may cry excessively or refuse
food, making the transition more difficult for themselves and their families.
Infants need to learn to cup feed before breastfeeding cessation. Cup feeding requires the
caregiver’s patience and time.
o Teach the baby to drink from a cup while you are still breastfeeding.
o Start by replacing one breastfeeding with a cup of formula; increase the frequency of cup
feeding every few days.
o Stop breastfeeding completely once the baby can drink from a cup.
o Gradually replace the breastmilk with formula or animal milk.
To avoid breast engorgement, express and discard milk when your breasts feel too full.
Early breastfeeding cessation is not recommended for HIV-infected infants.
Do not dilute animal milks or add sugar. However, special preparation is still required for fresh
and powdered milk.
o Fresh animal’s milk must be boiled to kill any bacteria.
o To powdered or evaporated milk, add clean, boiled water, following the directions on the
Breastmilk Substitute Requirements after 12 Months
12 up to 24 months 500 ml
Commercial infant formula must be prepared carefully according to the instructions on the label, and
given in quantities appropriate for the child’s weight and age. Information about the volume of feeds is
also included on the label.
Formula is expensive, and a continuous supply is needed to prevent malnutrition.
Commercial Infant Formula Requirements during the First Six Months
At Each Visit
Ask the mother how she is feeding her baby.
Check on the baby’s growth and health.
Ask how the mother is coping with her health and whether she has any difficulties.
At Any Point
Barrier methods
Intrauterine devices
Sterilization of either partner
Natural family planning methods
The lactation amenorrhea method is universally acceptable.
It is more than 98 percent effective.
It is started immediately after delivery.
It promotes maternal and child health.
It does not require products or devices.
It is accepted in most cultures.
It acts as a preliminary step to using other contraceptive methods.
The method can only be used during a limited period of time (six months after birth).
It does not protect against HIV or other STIs.
It can only be used by breastfeeding women, and exclusive breastfeeding may be difficult to
Block the
Use a sanitary latrine and
have your children do so
Properly dispose of
children’s feces
Do not use dirty water
Wash your hands
Cover Food
Keep animals away from
Fluid/water. When you drink water that has been contaminated by feces.
Fingers. By direct transmission: when hands are not washed after defecation or after contact
with feces on the ground (e.g., when small children are crawling) and then are put into the
mouth. Or by indirect transmission, as when food is prepared or eaten with contaminated,
unwashed hands or using dishes, cups, or utensils handled with contaminated, unwashed hands.
Flies. Because flies sit on feces and then sit on food.
Food. When people eat food that flies have been sitting on.
Field. When soil contains feces due to direct defecation or other means; unwashed hands that
have worked the soil and improperly cleaned and cooked crops from the fields can enable feces
to be ingested.
Preventing Moderate Acute Malnutrition (MAM) through nutrition-sensitive interventions. CMAM Forum Technical Brief, Dec 2014.
How To Wash
1. Wet hands with running water.
2. Rub with soap or ash for the time it takes
to sing “Happy Birthday” (about 30 seconds).
3. Clean between fingers, under fingernails, up to
wrists. Scrubbing and soap or ash dislodges and
remove germs.
4. Rinse hands with water poured from jug or tippy
tap. Then air-dry—don’t pick up germs from a
dirty towel!
IMPORTANT! You can wash your hands with “dirty” water and still get them clean—
as long as you use soap and pour water over your hands—no dipping into a bowl!
The soap or ash lifts the dirt; water flushes off germs
What would people in this community do in the same situation? Why?
What would you do in the same situation? Why?
What difficulties might you experience? Would you be able to overcome them? How?
Ask open-ended questions—that is, ask questions that start with what, why, how, or where
rather than questions that require merely a yes or no answer.
Use responses and gestures that demonstrate your interest.
Reflect back on what the mother said—that is, repeat her ideas back to her using your own
Empathize: Demonstrate that you understand how she feels.
Do not use words that sound judgmental (e.g., words that suggest you believe what she is doing
is wrong or bad).
Options Suggested
Case Study 2
The Situation: Hawa is a recently married 18-year-old woman.
The Visit: The health worker has to find out about Hawa’s eating habits and overall nutrition. The health
worker also has to listen carefully to Hawa to identify problems and their causes. Specifically, Hawa
needs to understand her body is still developing and she has to eat well to allow her body to develop
more. At each meal, she needs to eat animal-source foods, as well as brightly colored fruits and
vegetables. The health worker should urge her to delay her first pregnancy while her body continues to
develop. Finally, the health worker should suggest that Hawa go the health facility for advice on family
planning and to be checked for anemia.
Case Study 3
The Situation: Queta has three daughters between the ages of 12 and 16.
The Visit: The health worker needs to ask questions about the nutrition practices of the mother and her
daughters, listen carefully, and then identify problems and their causes. After deducing that Queta’s
children were spaced closely, the health worker should explain the importance of good nutrition. Queta
should eat well and encourage her daughters to do so as well. Queta needs to learn that this means
eating animal-source foods as much as possible, dark green leafy vegetables, and orange and yellow
fruits and vegetables. The health worker needs to explain how important it is that Queta’s daughters
delay pregnancy until after age 20 and to space their own pregnancies at least three years apart. Birth
spacing ensures bodies are strong enough to have healthy infants. Finally, the health worker should urge
Queta and her daughters to go to the health clinic to be checked for anemia.
Case Study 5
The Situation: Faith is in her last month of pregnancy and does not know where she will give birth.
The Visit: The health worker should ask Faith questions about her plans for delivering and feeding her
baby. The health worker should then listen carefully and identify any problems that may affect Faith’s
nutritional status and their causes. The main challenge is to convince Faith to deliver her baby at a
health facility. Faith also needs to be checked for anemia and to be given IFA supplementation. Faith
should also be counseled on early initiation of breastfeeding (within an hour of birth, before the
placenta is expelled) and should be advised on the advantages of breastfeeding exclusively until the
baby is six months old.
Case Study 6
The Situation: Queta, 21, has three daughters between the ages of two and six.
The Visit: The health worker should learn about community practices regarding pregnancy and child
rearing, listen carefully to Queta, then identify the potential problems in Queta’s situation, as well as
their causes. The main issue is that Queta’s pregnancies were too close to one another and started
when she was very young. The health worker should stress the importance of eating well to help her
body recover from the pregnancies, and suggest she try to eat red meat as often as possible. She should
check Queta for anemia. The health worker should suggest Queta wait at least three years before having
her next child so her body can fully recover. The health worker should also recommend that Queta
speak with her husband about family planning to delay another pregnancy.
Case Study 2
The Situation: Yamah is breastfeeding her 10-week-old daughter but has decided to give her some
porridge to accustom her to eating food.
The Visit: Giving food to a baby before her six-month birthday puts her at risk for malnutrition, diarrhea,
and other illnesses; and puts Yamah at risk for too-soon pregnancy and reduced breast-milk production.
But before making recommendations, the health worker needs to gently probe about local practices and
listen carefully to Yamah. The fact that Yamah wants to give her daughter complementary food before
she has reached six months of age is the main issue. The health worker needs to stress that this
complementary feeding of porridge before the age of six months is not only risky but is also
inappropriate because the baby’s body is not ready for family foods. And Yamah needs to understand
that for a baby of ten weeks of age, breastmilk alone is sufficient to meet all her needs for food and
water. Moreover, EBF brings the baby many health benefits, including resistance to diseases.
The health worker needs to negotiate with Yamah to get her to agree to EBF for several days to see the
effect. The health worker should praise Yamah and fix a time for a follow-up visit.
Case Study 4
The Situation: Massa works very hard and does not always have time to breastfeed her three-month-old
son by day but does breastfeed him at night.
The Visit: As a working mother, Massa has many stresses. The health worker should find out more about
these as well as about how other mothers in the community with similar challenges handle the stress.
Massa’s nighttime breastfeeding should be recognized and praised, and she should be encouraged to
keep it up. Further, the health worker needs to recommend that Massa breastfeed before leaving the
house in the morning; look into the feasibility of someone else bringing the baby to her workplace; and
negotiate with her employer for breastfeeding breaks.
The health worker can also suggest that Massa express her breastmilk so that it can be given to her baby
in a cup while she is at work if bringing the baby to her during the day is impossible. The health worker
will need to explain how to express breastmilk and how to store it safely. If the health worker cannot
teach Massa how to express her milk, she should provide a referral to a place where Massa can learn the
Case Study 5
The Situation: Mercy says she gives only breastmilk to her four-month-old daughter. But in visiting
Mercy, the health worker sees her give the daughter some water. When that observation is mentioned
to Mercy, she explains that water is not food or milk. The health worker should address the issues
mentioned in practice case study #1, above.
Low consumption of vitamin A
High burden of infections, which burn up vitamin A
Aged 12 months and above 1 capsule 200,000 IU Every four to six months
Supplementation may be provided during routine health services, national immunization days,
child health days, or micronutrient days.
Severe and Moderate Children 6–11 months 100,000 IU on Day1, Day 2 and Day 14
Acute Malnutrition
Children 12–59 months 200,000 IU on Day 1, Day 2 and Day 14
5. Fortified Foods
Populations in industrialized countries get an abundant supply of vitamin A, not just in the natural diet,
but also through industrial fortification of foods, such as margarines and vegetable or canola oil. Many
Central American countries, including Guatemala and Honduras, have fortified sugar. West African
countries are fortifying cooking oil and wheat flour.
During Pregnancy: The baby’s birth weight may be low. The risk of maternal death from excessive
bleeding increases. Delay in delivery may result in the newborn’s death. Twenty percent of all maternal
deaths are associated with anemia.
Children: Anemia impairs physical and cognitive development in children; the World Health
Organization estimates that 40 percent of preschoolers are anemic. School performance suffers.
Adults and Older People: Decreased productivity and lowered immune capacity are consequences in
adults. Severe anemia causes deposition of water in lower limbs and heart attack.
pregnant and lactating women Iron: 60 mg/day At least six months. Take IFA from
conception until three months postpartum
Folic acid: 400 mcg/day
children older than 12 Mebendazole 500 mg OR Routine dose every six months
Albendazole 400 mg
According to Lancet 2013, 17% of the world population is at risk of deficiency on the basis of analysis of
dietary intake. Pregnant women and young children are at higher risk of zinc deficiency. Zinc deficiency
is very hard to assess and there are very limited data for global estimates.
low consumption of zinc
high burden of infections, which use up zinc
high zinc needs during growth
Children may be vulnerable to zinc shortages during infancy and adolescence; these shortages may be
associated with deficits in cognitive development. Mild to moderate deficiency accounts for some 16
percent of lower respiratory tract infections, 18 percent of malaria infections, and 10 percent of
diarrheal disease.
Advocate for consumption of zinc-rich foods, such as animal source products, particularly among
pregnant and lactating women and children under the age of five.
Treat all cases of diarrhea with zinc in addition to low osmolarity oral rehydration therapy.
In pre-eclampsia there are often problems with the placenta, along with increased blood pressure, that
can reduce blood flow and therefore oxygen and nutrient supply to the baby. These conditions may
result in intra-uterine growth retardation and possibly early delivery, which represents, in lower-income
settings, a leading cause of infant mortality.
Pre-eclampsia may also pose serious risks to the mother, such as kidney and liver problems, potentially
progressing to stroke or seizures (eclampsia). Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy are associated with
preterm birth, low birth weight and maternal mortality.
low consumption of calcium
Calcium is an essential mineral that assists with many of the body’s processes, such as
maintaining cell membranes in nerve as well as muscle contraction
Pre-eclampsia is a hypertensive disorder that develops in approximately 5% of all pregnancies, usually
after about 20 week gestation. Low calcium intake is thought to cause high blood pressure.
During pregnancy and lactation calcium supplementation is often recommended to meet the
body’s increased demands and for the overall health of mother and child.
Calcium Supplementation during pregnancy
1.5 g
pregnant woman (3 tablets, 3 times daily Entire pregnancy
with meals)
Globally, more than 1.9 billion people (Lancet 2013) may be at risk for iodine deficiency; recent
estimates point to more than 1 billion people experiencing some degree of goiter, one of iodine
deficiency’s effects. Pregnant women and young children are most at risk of iodine deficiency.
Inadequate intake of iodine causes iodine deficiency disorder (IDD), particularly in regions where
quantity of iodine in the soil is low.
Iodine deficiency is one of the most common preventable causes of mental retardation and brain
damage, with “endemic cretinism”—a profound mental retardation—at the severe end of the spectrum
of IDDs. Lower mean birthweight, higher infant mortality, hearing impairment, impaired motor skills,
and neurological dysfunction are also associated with IDD.
Other Effects of Iodine Deficiency Disorder
Make available iodized salt for entire population.
Encourage the consumption of iodized salt for the entire family and of foods rich in natural
iodine, such as seafood.
In regions where the access to iodized salt is less than 20 percent, iodized capsules may be
distributed to pregnant women and children under five.
Recommend her to wash her hands and the baby’s hands with soap before each meal and
Encourage the mother or caregiver to help the baby learn how to eat by taking the time and
feeding the child patiently. Explain to the mother that she should play with and sing to the child
and encourage easting all the food offered. Force feeding or stuffing may discourage the baby
from eating and can be harmful.
Explain that the porridge is just right and good for the baby when it is thick enough to slowly fall
off the spoon. A watery or thin porridge is not healthy for the baby; it does not provide enough
nutrients for the baby to grow strong and healthy.
o A sticky porridge is difficult for the baby to swallow, making it unhealthy for the child.
o Porridge should get thicker as the baby grows older; making sure the child is still able to
easily swallow it without choking. To thicken porridge, add more flour or paste.
Continue Breastfeeding—and Space Your Pregnancies
Breast milk supplies ALL of the ‘energy needs’ of a child from birth up to 6 months, about 60% of
‘energy needs’ of a child from 6 up to 12 months and 40% of ‘energy needs’ of a child from 12
up to 24 months. (This fact can be posted throughout the training.)
Inform the mother/caregiver that by eight months, the baby is usually able to begin eating with
his or her hands, thus it is necessary to wash the baby’s and mother’s hands before feeding. The
child should be given small pieces of finger foods, e.g., soft-cooked vegetables or soft ripe fruit,
such as bananas, papaya, ripe plum mango, avocado or butter pear; or bread, . Calcium-rich
foods like dairy are also important. Caregivers need to remember to help the baby eat all the
food that it is served to him or her.
Tell the mother not to use a baby bottle to feed the baby, as it is difficult to
clean and the baby can get diarrhea.
Recommend using iodized salt to prepare food for the whole family, including
the baby.
Offer 1 to 2 snacks: between meals offer extra foods that are easy to prepare,
clean, safe and locally available and can be eaten as finger foods. Snacks can be
pieces of ripe mango, papaya, banana, avocado, other fruits and vegetables,
fresh and fried bread products, boiled potato, sweet potato
Note: 'Biscuits', package foods such as chips, tea and coffee are not appropriate
complementary foods, and therefore are not recommended for young children. No coffee or tea with
meals (or to soften food for baby).
Morning Snack Give child one half of a mashed ripe mango or an equivalent amount of mashed
papaya, banana, or mango; bread,; or roasted or fried plantain or yam.
Counsel the mother that to ensure healthy growth, the baby needs be fed a meal of family foods
plus one or two snacks at least three to four times a day.
o At 12 months, the baby can begin to eat family foods, such as rice, yam, plantain, cassava,
or sweet potato.
o From the family bowl, a portion can be kept for the baby and be enriched with one or two
additional foods—for example, sesame seeds or cassava leaves or other dark leafy
vegetables; and milk, meat, fish, egg, mashed beans, peanuts, or other nuts.
o Whenever available, animal-source foods (e.g.., fish, eggs, chicken, liver and other meat,
and milk) should be included for the child to get strong. Calcium-rich foods are also
o At each meal, mix a cup of staple or family foods with three tablespoons of other foods.
o To support the baby’s growth, the child can be given more food if he or she asks for it.
Advise that the baby also be given snacks at least twice a day between main meals, such as
bread, banana, roasted or fried plantain, or yam; the child is growing and needs more food.
Midday Meal To family food, add a tablespoon of palm oil and dried fish.
Evening Meal Add an egg and a small piece of pumpkin to family food.
Recommend that everyone in the family, including the baby, needs to eat foods rich in vitamin
A, such as papaya, mango, and other orange and yellow fruits, as well as orange-fleshed sweet
potatoes, dark green leafy vegetables, red meat, liver, and milk.
o Vitamin A–rich foods enrich breastmilk with vital nutrients to keep babies healthy and
o Pregnant and breastfeeding women in the household, as well as children aged six months
to two years, should get as much animal-source food (i.e., fish, eggs, chicken, liver and
other meat, and milk) as possible.
Advise the mother/caregiver that fortified foods should be eaten when they are available for
purchase in stores.
Malaria Prevention
Malaria causes anemia (“low blood”), which makes family members weak and sick.
Recommend that all members of the family, especially pregnant women and young children
sleep under an insecticide-treated mosquito net to prevent malaria.
Children and any family member with fever should be brought to the health center to be tested
for malaria and treated as early as possible.
In young children, worms cause anemia, which makes them weak and sick.
Remind the mother that when the child is a year old, he or she needs to be treated with worm
medicine every six months until the fifth birthday to maintain healthy growth and prevent
o Deworming medicine can also be obtained during national immunization days or similar
Good hygiene and sanitation is important to prevent a runny stomach, worms, and other
sickness. It also keeps families healthy.
More Information
Babies need clean and safe places to explore and play, as they often put things into their
mouths. Putting them on a clean mat will help protect them. Remove dirty objects and replace
them with clean things they can explore and cannot swallow.
Pots and cups and spoons are all toys for small children, who learn by grabbing, banging,
stacking and watching and copying others.
When they are ready, children should be allowed to feed themselves although they also need to
be encouraged with patience and good humor to eat a variety of different foods.
At each age children need the opportunity to learn new things, and as they grow and develop
they will be able to build on what they know to gain more advanced skills.
Give your child affection and show love.
Be aware of your child’s interests and respond to them.
Praise your child for trying to learn new skills.
Why encourage mothers, fathers, or caregivers to use iodized salt for the
whole family, including children who have begun complementary
To ensure the physical and intellectual development of not only the child but also the whole
To prevent goiters and their complications.
To prevent poor work performance in adults.
In pregnant women: to prevent miscarriage, stillbirth, low birth weight, and cretinism in the
Check Provide
Polio 2 + Penta 2 + Pneumococcus + Rota
Yellow Fever (if applicable)
Polio 3 + Penta 3 + Pneumococcus + Rota
What are the essential nutrition supplies and how can health workers
maintain adequate stocks?
Capsules of vitamin A
Iron–folic acid
Mebendazole or Albendazole
Iron syrup
Ready to use therapeutic foods (RUTF) (if applicable)
Middle-upper arm circumference (MUAC) tapes
Scales (refer to country guidelines)
Order drugs and supplies several months before your stocks run out as you do with other
essential drugs. Consider your leftover stocks. For campaigns, order in relation to the target
coverage; use the results of the previous supplementation.
How can health workers help mothers, fathers, or caregivers make sure
that their children are properly fed and that they obtain the nourishment
they need?
Discuss age-appropriate feeding recommendations with the mother or caregiver and, if possible,
with the father, grandmother, and the rest of the family.
Congratulate and encourage mothers to continue breastfeeding for two years.
Encourage parents to give their children many different types of food, including foods rich in
vitamin A and iron. Emphasize that even small quantities of animal foods are especially
important for growth.
Encourage parents to have a garden and to grow different green leafy vegetables and orange
and yellow vegetables and fruits and to raise poultry.
Raise awareness among the population to use only salt that has been iodized.
If the child cannot eat, breastfeeding should be increased and additional food given after his
appetite has returned.
After Illness
Each time babies are sick, they lose weight, so it is important to give breastmilk as often as
possible after and during an illness. Breastmilk is the safest and most important food offered to
the baby to restore the child’s health and help him or her regain lost weight.
What is the best way to help mothers, fathers, and caregivers prevent
Urge exclusive breastfeeding from birth to six months of age.
Initiate complementary feeding in a timely fashion, emphasizing FADDUA (correct frequency,
amount, density, diversity, utilization, and active feeding).
Wash hands with soap and water before preparing food.
Wash hands with soap and water before feeding infants and young children.
Wash hands with soap and water after using the toilet or cleaning the baby.
If food is stored ensure it is in a covered container and reheated (then cooled) sufficiently
before serving to ensure its safety.
Dispose of waste appropriately.
Observe correct personal and environmental hygiene.
Have an adequate supply of safe water and protect it.
Ensure the child has all necessary vaccinations.
Obtain vitamin A supplementation for the child starting at age six months and repeating every
six months until age 59 months.
Avoid bottle feeding; use cups and bowls instead.
What general danger signs of illness should all parents and caregivers be
aware of?
The child is unable to drink and eat.
The child experiences loss of consciousness or is lethargic.
The child vomits up everything.
The child has convulsions or history of convulsions
Korpo is exclusively breastfeeding Anik
Korpo has not started complementary foods; she believes Anik’s stomach is too small for food
Think: beginning complementary foods, frequency, amount, and density
Case Study 2
The Situation: Hawa has a nine-month-old daughter, Tesfa, who is eating plain gruel once a day. Hawa is
also breastfeeding Tesfa.
The Visit:
Greet, Ask, Listen
Greet Hawa and ask questions that encourage her to talk, using listening and learning, building
confidence and giving support skills.
How is breastfeeding going; how is eating other foods going? (How often is Hawa giving plain
gruel, how thick, and how many times?)
Listen to Hawa’s concerns, and observe Tesfa and Hawa
Accept what Hawa is doing without disagreeing or agreeing
Hawa is breastfeeding Tesfa
Hawa is giving Tesfa plain gruel once a day
Think: frequency, amount, density and diversity
Case Study 3
The Situation: Yamah’s gives her 12-month-old baby, Abdul, bites of family food at mealtime only.
Yamah is continuing to breastfeed.
The Visit:
Greet, Ask, Listen
Greet Yamah and ask questions that encourage her to talk, using listening and learning, building
confidence and giving support skills.
How is breastfeeding going; how is eating other foods going? (How often is Abdul eating, what
kinds of foods is he eating, and how much?)
Listen to Yamah’s concerns, and observe Abdul and Yamah
Accept what Yamah is doing without disagreeing or agreeing
Yamah is breastfeeding Abdul
Yamah is giving Abdul bites of food at mealtime only
Think: frequency, amount and diversity including snacks
Case Study 4
The Situation: Kaisha’s son, Faith, 15 months old, eats a family meal with her parents two times a day.
Kaisha has stopped breastfeeding her, and she seems small for her age.
The Visit:
Greet, Ask, Listen
Greet Kaisha and ask questions that encourage her to talk, using listening and learning, building
confidence and giving support skills.
How is breastfeeding going; how is eating other foods going? (How often is Faith eating, what
kinds of foods is she eating, and how much?)
Listen to Kaisha’s concerns, and observe Faith and Kaisha
Accept what Kaisha is doing without disagreeing or agreeing
Kaisha is no longer breastfeeding Faith
Kaisha is giving Faith food twice a day at mealtime
Faith seems small for her age
Think: frequency, amount and diversity including snacks
Hannah is breastfeeding Ben
Hannah is giving Ben water in a bottle
Ben has diarrhea and is vomiting
Think: frequency, on-demand feeding day and night; duration of breastfeeding; Ben releasing
breast; check positioning and attachment; use of bottles
Case Study 2
The Situation: Joyce’s daughter, Diane, who is nine months old, has a mild fever and cough and refuses
to eat food.
The Visit:
Greet, Ask, Listen
Greet Joyce and ask questions that encourage her to talk, using listening and learning, building
confidence and giving support skills.
How is breastfeeding going; how is eating other foods going? (When did fever and cough start;
when did Diane lose her appetite?)
Listen to Joyce’s concerns, and observe Diane and Joyce
Accept what Hannah is doing without disagreeing or agreeing
Joyce is breastfeeding Diane
Diane has a mild fever and cough, and she is refusing to eat
Think: increase frequency of breastfeeding, on-demand feeding day and night; feeding favorite
foods; offering more liquids
Case Study 3
The Situation: Betty’s baby boy, Andy, was sick last week and is now recovering. He is five months old.
Betty continues to breastfeed as usual, but her baby is losing weight.
The Visit:
Greet, Ask, Listen
Greet Betty and ask questions that encourage her to talk, using listening and learning, building
confidence and giving support skills.
How is Andy doing? How is breastfeeding going? Is Andy getting anything else to eat or drink?
Listen to Betty’s concerns, and observe Andy and Betty
Accept what Betty is doing without disagreeing or agreeing
Betty is exclusively breastfeeding Andy
Andy was sick last week and lost weight
Think: increase frequency of breastfeeding, on-demand feeding day and night; duration of
breastfeeding; Andy receiving other foods or drinks?; preparation for giving complementary
foods; active feeding; WASH
Case Study 4
The Situation: Celeste, whose daughter, Albina, is 18 months old, tells a health worker that her baby is
recovering from an illness and has started eating well but is still losing weight.
The Visit:
Greet, Ask, Listen
Greet Celeste and ask questions that encourage her to talk, using listening and learning, building
confidence and giving support skills.
How is Albina doing; how is breastfeeding going; how is other feeding going?
Listen to Celeste’s concerns, and observe Albina and Celeste
Accept what Celeste is doing without disagreeing or agreeing
Celeste is breastfeeding Albina
Albina is recovering from a sickness
Albina is still losing weight
Think: extra food for 2 weeks after sickness; frequency, amount and diversity of foods; active
feeding; WASH
The Facilitator
Sits in a circle at the same level as the rest of the group.
Introduces himself or herself and asks participants to introduce themselves.
Introduces the meeting’s purpose and theme.
Explains that the support group meeting will last 60 to 90 minutes.
Asks open-ended questions to encourage participation and active debate of the ideas.
Encourages all to share experiences and ideas, including difficulties and challenges, even quieter
Repeats key messages.
Asks participants to summarize what they learned.
Decides, with participants, on meeting length, frequency, timing, and topics.
Sit in a circle.
Many settings still refer to this as community-based management of acute malnutrition (CMAM)
Marasmic Kwashiorkor
Bilateral pitting edema
Severe wasting
Wrapping the tape too tightly or too loosely
Not taking the measurement at the midpoint between shoulder and elbow
Measuring the MUAC with a bent elbow or an arm that is not relaxed
Measuring the right arm rather than the left
Advise the mother to get antimalarial treatment if she has fever.
o Malaria with no complications: Give artesunate + amodiaquine.
o Malaria with complications: Give quinine.
Expressing Breastmilk
Explain to the mother how to express her breastmilk; demonstrate.
Let her know she can store her milk safely up to eight hours at room temperature.
Advise the mother to get antimalarial treatment if she has fever.
o Malaria with no complications: Give artesunate + amodiaquine.
o Malaria with complications: Give quinine.
BCG Tuberculosis
Oral polio Polio
Pentavalent I
Oral Polio 1
PCV Diphtheria
Rota Hepatitis B
th Pentavalent II Haemophilus influenza
10 week
Oral Polio 2 Tetanus
THIRD IMMUNIZATION (Four weeks after
PCV Pertussis
Pentavalent I)
Rota Polio
th Pentavalent III Pneumococcus
14 week
Oral Polio 3 Rotavirus
Pentavalent II)
Measles and yellow
Nine months Measles, yellow fever,
of age vitamin A deficiency
Vitamin A
Expressing Breastmilk
Explain to the mother how to express her breastmilk; demonstrate.
Let her know she can store her milk safely up to eight hours at room temperature.
Assess and Counsel on Adequate Complementary Feeding from 6 up to 24 Months
Continue breastfeeding at least up to 24 months (at least eight times during each 24-hour
Beginning at 6 months, feed infants two to three meals of porridge each day, plus one or two
other snacks in addition to breastmilk.
Beginning at 12 months of age, offer family food to the baby four times a day; also give one or
two snacks in addition to breastmilk.
Xerophthalmia (night blindness, eye lesion) Day 1, Day 2, Day 14 Day 1, Day 2, Day 14
# of Sessions = 24 # of Sessions = 14
Session 3: Women and child nutrition Activity 1.2: Explore how to stay well-nourished
Activity 3.1: Recognize key factors that contribute to a
healthy, well-nourished woman and child
Session 4: ENA & EHA Activity 1.3: Identify how community health workers
Activity 4.1: Describe the Routine Nutrition Practices can improve nutrition and hygiene
that the HW Shares with Women to Improve Their
Own and Their Children’s Health; and Where/When
Can the HW Share These Messages with Women?
Session 5: Women’s nutrition: the malnutrition cycle Session 2: Adolescent girls and women’s nutrition
and strategies to break it during pregnancy, and the importance of
Activity 5.1: Explain the Intergenerational Cycle of micronutrients
Malnutrition Activity 2.1: Explain why nutrition for women is
important through the life cycle
Reference Handbook Practices:
Practice 1: Nutrition for Adolescent Girls and Non-
Pregnant women
Practice 2: Nutrition for Pregnant Women
Practice 3: Preventing Anemia and Malaria during
Practice 4: Using Iodized Salt
Session 12: Using pictures to discuss practices Session 4: Using pictures to discuss practices
Session 13: Negotiation with mothers, fathers, Session 5: Negotiation with mothers, fathers,
grandmothers, or other caregivers: women’s nutrition grandmothers, or other caregivers: women’s nutrition
during pregnancy and breastfeeding practices during pregnancy and breastfeeding practices
Session 15: Complementary feeding practices Session 6: Complementary feeding and feeding a sick
Activity 15.2: Describe how health workers can child
support complementary feeding practices Activity 6.1: Practices in complementary feeding and
Activity 15.4: Name local, available and seasonal feeding a sick child
available foods appropriate for infants and young Activity 6.2: Name local, available and seasonal foods
children and Activity 15.5: Make a calendar of appropriate for infants and young children
seasonal foods A Reference Handbook:
Practice 9: Introducing complementary foods
Practice 10: A varied diet
Practice 11: Feeding frequency and quantity for
children aged 6 - 11 months
Practice 12: Feeding frequency and quantity for
children aged 12 up to 24 months
Session 16: Feeding the sick child and danger signs in Session 6: Complementary feeding and feeding a sick
illness child
A Reference Handbook:
Practice 13: Feeding sick children during and after
Practice 14: Nutritional care of infants and children
with diarrhea or moderate malnutrition
Session 17: Negotiation with mothers, fathers, Session 9: Negotiation with mothers, fathers,
grandmothers, or other caregivers: complementary grandmothers, or other caregivers: complementary
feeding and the sick child feeding and the sick child
Session 18: 1 Field Practice Session 11: Field Practice
Session 19: Community Support Groups Session 13: Community Support Groups
Session 20: 2 Field Practice Session 11: Field Practice
Session 21: Integrated Management of Acute Session 8: Screening for malnutrition and referring a
Malnutrition child who is malnourished
Session 23: Improving nutrition at community level Session 14: Implementation and action plans
and developing action plans
Session 24: Post assessment and course evaluation Session 14: Implementation and action plans
2 hours 15 minutes
Frequency of supervision
For community workers: At most one month after training, then every two to three months, as
For community groups functioning well: Every three to four months.
In plenary, have each team present the strong points and points to be improved.
Summarize key points and reinforce important ones.
Present and summarize group thoughts and highlights.
Set a date for the next meeting.
1. When breastfeeding, the baby’s chin needs to touch the mother’s breast.
3. Even if a mother believes she does not have enough breastmilk, she can still be able
to adequately breastfeed her baby.
4. A mother can prevent sore and cracked nipples by correctly positioning and
attaching her baby at the breast.
5. Watery food is a better food for a 6-month old baby than soft porridge.
6. The mother or caregiver needs to play with the baby to encourage the baby to eat
all the food given.
7. Animal products, beans and legumes are the foods that help a child grow.
9. Mothers need support from the family or the community in order to feed their
10. When a young child over 6 months has diarrhea, the mother needs to decrease the
frequency of breastfeeding, frequency of other liquids, and the frequency of foods
to give child’s stomach a rest,
11. A pregnant woman needs to eat more than a woman who is lactating.
12. Red meat, liver, and green leafy vegetables contain iron.
13. A malnourished mother is likely to give birth to a low birth weight child.
15. It is important to sleep under an ITN to prevent anemia in women and children.
16. Pregnancy and lactation are the only points in the lifecycle of females where
nutrition should be improved.
17. It is important to focus on pregnant and lactating women and children under two
year of age to improve nutrition outcomes.
19. Integration of nutrition into other sectors means reaching mothers, their babies and
children at critical contact points in that sector.
1. When breastfeeding, the baby’s chin needs to touch the mother’s breast. X
3. Even if a mother believes she does not have enough breastmilk, she can still be able to X
adequately breastfeed her baby.
4. A mother can prevent sore and cracked nipples by correctly positioning and attaching X
her baby at the breast.
5. Watery food is a better food for a 6-month old baby than soft porridge. X
6. The mother or caregiver needs to play with the baby to encourage the baby to eat all X
the food given.
7. Animal products, beans and legumes are the foods that help a child grow. X
9. Mothers need support from the family or the community in order to feed their children. X
10. When a young child over 6 months has diarrhea, the mother needs to decrease the X
frequency of breastfeeding, frequency of other liquids, and the frequency of foods to
give child’s stomach a rest,
11. A pregnant woman needs to eat more than a woman who is lactating. X
12. Red meat, liver, and green leafy vegetables contain iron. X
13. A malnourished mother is likely to give birth to a low birth weight child. X
15. It is important to sleep under an ITN to prevent anemia in women and children. X
16. Pregnancy and lactation are the only points in the lifecycle of females where nutrition X
should be improved.
17. It is important to focus on pregnant and lactating women and children under two year X
of age to improve nutrition outcomes.
19. Integration of nutrition into other sectors means reaching mothers, their babies and X
children at critical contact points in that sector.
Dear Participant,
Thank you for your valuable time for contributing and participating in this training. Please take a few
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Place a √ in the box that reflects your feelings about the following:
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objectives were met
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materials used were
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Facilitation of the
workshop was