MD - Miftahul Alam
MD - Miftahul Alam
MD - Miftahul Alam
Miftahul Alam
Data Analyst
Want to establish myself as a data and facts-driven data analyst who will be solving business
development and operation-related problems.
BSc. in Computer Science and Python R Power Bi Data Analytics
American International University- Machine Learning Requirement Engineering
Communication MS Office Team Player
09/2018 - 08/2023, 3.18
Courses Presentation Skills Quick Learner
All compulsory courses All Major and minor
are done. courses are done. Analytical Thinking SQL Excel
Thesis : Supply Chain Academic Internship at
Management techniques Mercantile Bank PLC Strategic thinking
using big data for Agro (Gulshan Branch)
food Products in
Higher Secondary Certificate(HSC)
Southpoint School and College Customer Segmentation using K-means Clustering
Algorithm (01/2022 - 04/2022)
06/2016 - 06/2018, Chittagong
We worked on mall customer dataset and created a model using the
Courses K-means algorithm which was successful in identifying the right
Science background customer group for all categories of shops.
Secondary School Certificate(SSC) Customer Churn Prediction using KNN, Decision tree and
Southpoint School and College Naive Bayes (05/2022 - 08/2022)
01/2014 - 04/2016, Chittagong Using Data mining techniques like Naïve Bayes, KNN Algorithm and
Decision tree we are going to find out amounts of customers leaving
Courses the certain telecom company service The whole project is done with
Science background the help of the WEKA tool.