Elegant Empowerment Evolution of Consciousness 1st Ed Edition Carroll
Elegant Empowerment Evolution of Consciousness 1st Ed Edition Carroll
Elegant Empowerment Evolution of Consciousness 1st Ed Edition Carroll
Principles of Human Evolution 2nd ed Edition Foley
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To you, who know
Reality is more than what is seen
And have the courage to explore what you know.
To all you who discover this material
In your pursuit of flowing the
Light Of understanding through an
Evolving view of the nature of reality.
David P. Lapierre
FORWARD by Lee Carroll xvi
FORWARD by Peggy Phoenix Dubro xviii
PREFACE by David Lapierre xxi
We Are Light Beings • Your Personal Connection to the Cosmic Lattice • Figure-Eight Loops of
Light and Energy • The Back Fibers • Core Energy - Unification Of The Chakra System • Simple
Secret of Mastery • The Side Fibers • The Front Fibers • Hopes, Dreams, Wishes, Intents
• Co-Creative Cycle • Circular Time • Never-ending Story•
A Holographic Processor • A Fluid Interface • Hyperspatial Connector • An Artistic Vibrating Fabric
• Resonance With Time • Programmable Patterns • The Human Brain as Scalar Translator/
Interferometer • Hemispheric Interferometry • A ParaNormal Connection • Hyperspatial Drive
Mechanism • Hyperspatial Forms • Synergistic Geometry• Stimuli To Brain • A Living Crystal
• Thought Resonator• Resonance Requires Charge • The Law of Octaves • Circuits Relate to Color
& Charge • Chemical Connectors • Preferred Pathways Altered by Consciousness • Specialized
Processors • Childhood Development Of Pathways • Role & Connection of the Circuits • An
Evolutionary Circuit • Dialogue With Spirit • Tuning Through Interaction
GROWING IN CONSCIOUS AWARENESS: Aligning With The Axis Of Consciousness 103
Evolution Relates To Expanding Consciousness • Criteria For Evolutionary Process • Consciousness
Of A System Defined By An Equation • Mathematical Perspective • Solutions To The Human
Equation: Increase Resonant Frequency • Increase Flow • Establish Coherence • Geometrical
Architecture Of Consciousness • An Inter-Dimensional Tool For Evolution • Evolution Of Knots
• Magnetic Thresholds • Unlocking The Potential
Influence • Unified Source • A 3-D Web Woven From Sunlight • Multi-Dimensional Mirrors • A
Multiplicity Of Energies • Centered On The Heart • Primal Vortex Polarity System •Master Influence
To All Energy Systems • In The Flow • Human Magnetism • Magnificent Magnetics • Discovering
The Magnetism • Playing In Hyperspace • Magnetic Frequency In Resonance • A Center Magnetic
Void • Distinct Biological Effects • Human Electromagnetic Emissions • Chi Emission • Chi Alters
Reality • Earth Resonant Emission • Bio-Photons In Biological Systems • Resonance Causes
Emissions • Light Illuminates Subtle Realm • Cellular Bio-Photonic Communication System
• Biological Walkie-Talkies • A Scalar Biophoton • Scalar Waves Defy Linear Time • Scalar
Charge• A Scalar Matrix • Hand Held Subtle Resonant Detector • Magnetic Hyperfields From
Hyperspace • Hyperfields Kindle Into Electromagnetic Fields • Hyperflux Detection • Hyperflux At
Hand • Universal Flow Of Similar Free Energy Generators • Expansive Holographic Multi-
Dimensional View
Power Generating Station • Charge = Flow • In Harmony With The Flow • Master Ignition • Earth &
Heart Resonance • Gauging The Potential • Innate Ability To Accumulate Charge • Vector Potential
A Gauge Field • Storing The Potential Within The Lattice • Scaling The Gates
APPENDIX A BIOFIELD: Connecting Web Between Physical & Subtle Realm 199
New Realm For Physics • Reality As Inter-Dimensional Connectedness • Subtle Influence • Biologist
Hypothesize Field Structure • A 3-D Web Woven From Sunlight• A Helical Web • A Knotted
Structure • Evolution Of Knots • Magnetic Thresholds • Unlocking The Potential
SELF-ORGANIZING SYSTEMS: Active Information In The Human-To-Human Connection 205
Redefining An Old Law • Complexity Reverses Disorder • Intelligence & Order At The Quantum
State • Energy Reverses Entropy • Consciousness Collapses The Wave Function • Rocks Acquire
Life-Like Characteristics • Information Provides Interconnectedness • Defining A New Term •
Conditions of Syntropic Phenomena • A Web Providing Self-Organization • The Human-To-Human
Connection • Defining The Structure Of Reality • An Inter-Dimensional Process • Consciousness
Guides Self-Organization • A Multi-Dimensioinal Interactive Phenomenon
Abstract• Introduction • Informational Component Of The Biofield • The Evolutionary Component
Of The Biofield • Both Components Of Biofield Are Linked Together • Appendix: Other Examples
Of Syntropic Behavior
Introduction • Syntropic Conditions • Magnetic Field • Chiral Structure • Oriented Time •
Quantum Coherence • Tuning-Up • Syntropic Phenomena In Protein Structures • References
To be in the resonance of Lee Carroll is a joyful privilege. His obvious love of Creator is the
foundation of our kinship. I am filled with unlimited gratitude for the last five years my
husband Stephen and I have spent working with Lee Carroll and Kryon. This time together can
best be described as a cosmic collegiate learning experience. Lees’ drive to know and to learn
is undeniable and inspiring. He once said anyone can channel the Kryon. In honor of the
unique pattern of his sacred templates and the level of his awakened consciousness, I
confidently tell you no one can channel Kryon like Lee Carroll!
When I first met Jan Tober, she told me “the energy of this work was so refined it would take
time for others to really see it.” It has indeed taken time and Jan has been a friend and
consistent supporter of this work. I thank her for the playfulness and love she has so
generously shared with Stephen and me.
Trish and Winston Ellis our Australian friends and sponsors who did recognize the resonance
of this work at once and have remained in strong support.
Stephen Dubro, who nurtured each concept and steadfastly taught me an appreciation of
integrity and clarity that shines throughout all aspects of my life.
David Lapierre, for the brilliant work presented as co-author of this book, your insights will
touch the hearts of many.
Mark Greenia, for his admirable editing, swift and to the point. Mary Olsen, for her loving
editing skills and contribution to the editing team. Dielle, for her artwork. When I first saw
Dielles’ lovely work, I felt as though she had been present at some of my truly sacred
experiences and then recorded them. Joanna Bernstein who spent many hours listening and
helped put the initial words on paper, bringing form to the very first draft of this book.
Tina Pearce, an English woman with a great sense of humour who tried to teach me proper
english. Jacqueline Janes and Joy Patton, two of the wisest and most patient women I know,
thank you for our enduring friendship of many years.
Shana, beautiful daughter, for all of your inspiration, hard work, and unconditional support.
Krista, beautiful daughter, for your support and “making sure I knew what I was teaching.”
The resonance of being mother to both of you is an honor and contribution to all that I am.
To all the wonderful EMF “students” throughout the world who have studied with us, a sincere
“thank you,”
for your trust, love, and encouragement, you have been and still are awesome teachers.
Dear reader,
I t’s hard to know what brought your eyes to this page. Perhaps you wanted to
find out more about this book before you purchased it. Perhaps you just read
forewords? (Many don’t.) Whatever the case, I want to give you a sentence to ponder
before you put the book down: If you think you knew about healing, body balancing,
and energy work–or perhaps you are one who doesn’t believe in any of it–this is
different, different, different!
Today is a new age where physicists are reinventing reality. Astronomers are
declaring that much of all the energy of the Universe is “hiding” somewhere (they call
it dark energy, because it can’t be seen, and at this writing, they don’t know where it
is). Time as we know it is being examined as something that might not actually exist,
and science has now embraced String Theory–an elegant, complex mathematical model
that demands that all matter be interdimensional. This is a scientific acknowledgment
to all of us that much of our reality is there, but unseen. More and more of the
previous “strange and weird” is instead becoming multiple areas of scientific study,
and it’s a perfect time for the emergence of a new science–the study of previously
hidden universal energy, and the ability of Humans to access it directly.
Peggy Phoenix Dubro, along with the support of her husband, Steve, are the
forerunners of this science. Throughout history, many have used energy to heal others,
to balance the body, and to basically help one another. Some profound metaphysical
systems have emerged, and perhaps some of you reading this use them to this day.
What is in this book does not compete with anything you know or understand. What
the Universal Calibration Lattice and the EMF Balancing Technique are really about is
the unfolding story of the expansion of knowledge around the ability of Human beings
to access “hidden” universal energy–something that this very year has been
acknowledged by science. So whatever you’re using, this may be the explanation of its
core, and the beginning of a graduate study of what it actually is and where it’s going.
Almost everything that is “out there” regarding energy work now begins to be
explained by this new science. Peggy and Steve have become stewards of this new
information, since they were the first to document how it works, to display ways to
access it, and to begin to train other teachers to bring it into the mainstream.
Mainstream? Yes. At one time a group of US Navy scientists were so interested in the
EMF work, it was even brought to the attention of NASA, and that was because the
method gets results, seen by those who measure Human response.
Many have “felt” this energy in these emerging years of the new millennium–
almost like it was something being delivered from the Universe, now available in a
grander way in this new age. It has unfolded like never before in its profundity, right
into the stewardship of Peggy and Steve, who have now become the experts. They
steadfastly strive to keep this study and the training of it pure, in keeping with the
integrity of their obvious responsibility to everyone concerned. Many have scampered
off to find various specialized ways to use it, or to let people “feel” it. It’s everywhere,
and it’s being delivered to us strongly, so it’s getting easier to “see” and feel. Some
have never heard of Peggy and Steve but are very familiar with this new energy . . .
unnamed as yet in their minds, but so powerful that it’s easy to access or “feel” in an
elementary fashion.
But there is only one comprehensive source of information for the full
unfolding and explanation of this new power. It’s from the ones who have spent almost
all their waking hours interpreting the nuances of it for the last decade. They are also
the ones who will manifest the mature use of it, and who are continuing to develop the
system to access it in its fullest capacity.
Although Peggy might not allude to it, one of the most difficult things she had
to deal with when writing this book was that more and more is being revealed to her
each month. When do you stop writing and publish? When is it done? As Peggy and
Steve now know, it’s never done. This is, therefore, the first textbook. It will be the
introduction to something so profound and scientifically significant, that someday we
may look back and wonder why we didn’t “get it” before now.
Peggy and Steve travel the world with me. I’m a lecturer, not an energy worker.
In the beginning, I stood back, unbiased, and watched what happened. Australia,
Canada, France, Belgium, Germany, and Israel all looked at Peggy and said, “Oh, yeah,
another form of spooky, energy work.” Then I saw students’ eyes get wide after about a
week of training, and now there are branches of this work in every one of those
countries. Early critics became their strongest supporters! That’s because it works, and
the results are very observable. Of course, now I’m biased–I’m biased because this
EMF Balancing Technique works!
Peggy Phoenix Dubro
I originally wanted to write this book to share knowledge about the Universal
Calibration Lattice (UCL), a specific system within our energy anatomy, ever mindful
that all of the systems in both the physical and energy anatomy are really a unified
whole. In order to co-create strong foundations in the new energy dynamics, it is
important to understand the function of the UCL. This understanding will help to
incorporate the new energy dynamics quickly and clearly in our daily lives. The UCL
evolves within our energy anatomy as humanity takes the next evolutionary step and
further develops the archetype of the collective whole.
The information I share here comes from my own seeking, finding, teaching
and traveling over a period of almost 30 years. These perceptions complement much of
our current understanding in the realm of energy work. Working around the world with
various cultures and in several languages has revealed new insights about how the UCL
works. When working with a translator, I sometimes observe human energy responding
even before the words are understood! We communicate in the language of energy all
of the time - with one another, the universe, and even with ourselves, right through to
the cellular level of our being. It is important to understand the nature of this energetic
language - what are we saying and what does it mean?
Dave said to me “Your work proves my theories, and my theories prove your
work.” Eventually I invited him to write an appendix for this book and he agreed. When
I read the information he presented and realized the depth of his understanding, I
knew it was appropriate to ask him to co-author this book. The ability to apply critical
thinking to the understanding of inspired information is of utmost importance for all of
us at this time in our evolution. It is my hope that this body of information serves as
one of the bridges between the metaphysical and scientific worlds, contributing to the
elegant union of science and spirit.
Many people refer to Earth as the "planet of choice," or the "free will zone."
We are neophytes in this arena of choice, and this is exciting news. How do we define
freedom? How do we define an enlightened life? I often think of one of my ancestors,
John Hart, an original signer of the Declaration of Independence, and of the vision of
freedom that he and his courageous contemporaries had when they signed that
document. The answers to the questions posed here are not political; they are very
personal and varied according to each individual's perception of freedom and
Please look beyond any words or concepts in this book that may be outside
your belief system. I honor your beliefs exactly as they are, and offer this information
as a practical guide to assist you in co-creating the most enlightened life you can!
by David P. Lapierre
Dear Reader,
The effort that you place in working through the material, at your own pace,
will be well worth it! In the end, you will have acquired a language of concepts that you
will find useful in discourse even with learned individuals of various professions. It is
not necessary that you agree with all the ideas, or postulates presented here. We do
not have all the answers, and in regards to the unseen reality, we likely never will.
However, I assure you, that the overall ‘industry’ requires a step upwards in concepts if
we are to begin to understand a reality in which the likes of Remote Viewing is a given;
time-travel may be more than speculative; and all the other ‘paranormal’ phenomena
refuse to be swept away under the carpet.
For those of us who feel ‘subtle energy’, either around ourselves, or with our
interactions with others, we do not have to be convinced of its existence. For others,
who are prepared to open themselves to the flow through practice, you will find it
intriguing to discover that playing with the energy of your hands feels like playing with
magnets! Play with magnets, and you are playing in hyperspace! Hyperspace is believed
to be the realm of this subtle energy. When you tap into this energy in hyperspace, you
are tapping into the Infinite! Then again, each one of us is a reflection of the Infinite!
David P. Lapierre
Changes are underway around us at levels beyond our comprehension. This is
reflected in the following statement :
2 Elegant Empowerment
“Because of the geomagnetic changes, profuse solar activity, and the space
shift in the space-time continuum, there has been a change in the natural pulse
of the Earth and the Sun which is not electromagnetic, but scalar-takyonic. We
are now absolutely sure that these cosmic changes are being
orchestrated/monitored by a supremely advanced extraterrestrial [see editor’s
note below ] intelligence for the evolution of consciousness, humankind and
Mother Earth. We mentioned in earlier missives that the fundamental
constants of the universe are changing, and the space-time fabric is
undergoing a colossal twister-motion or “warp”, which is the actual mechanism
creating the physical quantum-relativistic cosmic changes. In brief and simple
terms, this has tremendous effects on the human mind, psyche and subtle
bodies at first, and then on the physical body, especially the brain, central
nervous system and DNA-RNA complex…Events are being accelerated, and
emotions are being magnified almost a hundredfold” [2].
This statement appeared in the 1999 Publication Ancient Wisdom & Modern
Physics. The language spoken above sounds like what you would expect to hear if you
were an observer on the bridge of the starship Enterprise, in the TV series "Star Trek."
However, the authors of the statement above are not presenting science fiction.
Perhaps only a few scientific minds on this planet really understand what all this
scientific terminology means. For the rest of us – the implication and effects this may
have on our human organism are spelled out quite clearly!
Note the use of ‘extraterrestrial’ as an adjective or descriptive word, & not a noun. The dictionary context defines
this as “originating, located or occurring outside Earth”. The editor believes the reference is to an intelligence
beyond the Earth plane (example- a Spiritual intelligence, All That Is, The Creator etc.).
The path of transformation holds promise of changes at the cellular level
involving the DNA. Evidence of this has been discussed regarding our INDIGO
CHILDREN. We understand that our DNA is being influenced by outside energy
sources. This suggestion is reflected in the following statement by Col. Philip J. Corso
after his discussions with researcher Dr. Gislero Flesch during the 1940’s:
“It was a wild and, I thought, supernatural theory on what he called
the filament within each cell. The filament was activated by some
cosmic action or form of electromagnetic radiation that bombarded
the Earth continuously from outer space and resonated against a
constant refresh of electrical activity from the brain” [7].
4 Elegant Empowerment
Expanding awareness has everything to do with questioning our sense of
reality. To understand earthly affairs we require knowledge of the history and the real
events around us. As we perhaps struggle to understand and find truth in our three-
dimensional earthy reality, this book will take you into the realm of the invisible and
Human evolution is characterized by "discovering" the existence of
"new" dimensions and tunable circuits within our energy dynamics.
These dimensions exist as elements of creation and are accessible
from within our own multi-dimensional configuration. Expanding
awareness encompasses the realization that we can consciously alter
our internal architectural dynamics. In doing so, we expand our angular
view outward to encompass a greater slice of this creation.
The human energy field and the Universal Calibration Lattice exist outside of
our sense of reality. As we grow in consciousness, we can expect that our concept of
reality will extend beyond the current perceptions of Homo Sapiens. In this text we
introduce the reader to new aspects of the human energy anatomy. As well, we
introduce the notion that we can affect the energy fields of another individual through
the human-to-human interaction. This idea is not a suggestion outside of scientific
thought. We refer the reader to this remark by T.E. Bearden [8]:
“There exists a solid scalar electromagnetic basis --a thoroughly
scientific basis-- for the ancient idea of 'healing the aura' or auric
Here the term "auric bodies" is used as a more generalized reference to all
"subtle" energy body concepts.). Thus is the word from Thomas E. Bearden, major
proponent of scalar electromagnetic theory, and inventor of "overunity" energy devices
(extracting energy from virtual space/Dirac sea/Cosmic Lattice). .T.E. Bearden views
the brain as a
“Scalar interferometer detector of superluminal quantities. This
enables remote viewing, clairvoyance, clairaudience, telepathy,
precognition, postcognition, psychokinesis, etc. – indeed, all the
phenomenon of classical parapsychology are explainable directly by
scalar electromagnetic theory” [9].
What we now view as paranormal may one day be normal for humans as we
learn to exploit and develop the hyperfunctions of our brains, and undergo cellular
transformation at all levels of our being.
As we extend our notion beyond the limiting view of how an "observer" affects
the outcome of an experiment in particle physics, we enter the domain of co-creating
our reality. Co-creating our reality is the message in the following as we come to
understand that
“The wheels of cyclic Tai Chi’s work through unconscious magnetism.
This helps to precipitate full-fledged magnetism of conscious
possibilities or realities” [10].
The matrix, blueprint, lattice, pattern- these are all references to geometric
form. Geometry is the basis to the development of all life forms,
“In fact, all life forms are these geometrical patterns, but it is not
apparent to the causal eye” [12].
This is well explained by Drunvalo Melchizedek, physicist and founder of
Flower of Life. What is not apparent to the causal eye is orchestrated from the
"implicate order". This is a term used by physicist David Bohm to explain how our
reality is an "unfolding" manifestation of an organizing potential and intelligence not
immediately visible to us.
“According to Bohm, what happens in space-time is nevertheless
determined by what happens in a nonlocal reality beyond space-time” [13].
Amit Goswami, Ph.D., expands on this idea in his book The Self Aware
Universe--How Consciousness Creates The Material World.
As we raise our awareness we will one-day come to fully appreciate not
only the existence of our personal energy fields and our paranormal
abilities, but also the multidimensional facets and nature of our being.
We will also come to understand our connectedness to the Universe
and to each other, and the profound nature of the Human-to-Human
Peggy’s Story
With our first breath we are initiated into the school of life on planet earth.
Breathing deepens our initiation into the sacred school of life.
T here are many beliefs surrounding how we incarnate onto this planet. . .
from the Grace of God, to standing in line to get here, to a cosmic
accident. In my case, I was born so fast the attending nurse did not
believe my mother when she called and said I was here. “Your baby can’t be here!” the
nurse shouted from another room. My astonished mother shouted back, “If my baby
can’t be here, then what’s this?” This dubious welcome to planet earth makes me laugh
every time I think about it!
I remember dreaming vividly before the age of five. One could say I had sight,
or a great imagination. I was aware of the “company” around me. My best playmates
were imaginary luminous beings with whom I talked for hours on end. Once in awhile I
8 Elegant Empowerment
saw other luminous beings with some very unfriendly energy. Instinctively, I knew not
to bother with them. I had not even a hint of curiosity because their energy repelled
me. Sometimes I think about those early experiences and wonder about today’s
challenges of discernment and non-judgment facing each of us.
At the age of five, I witnessed the senseless trashing of our apartment by my
father. As he tore through the place, he came to a wall where my mother had hung
some finger paintings I had created in kindergarten that week. In a tirade of
uncontrollable anger, my father ripped them down. As he shredded the paintings,
something strange happened within me. It felt as though a cocoon of energy began to
form around me—closing me off in some way. The “connected” feeling I always had,
along with my sight, shut down. It felt like I was left with only a single strand of energy
to cling to, one that thankfully contained simple joy and hope.
From this point forward, my father’s alcoholism was my constant shadow. This
was the mid 1950s, a time when such situations of abuse were kept quiet, so my family
struggled to keep itself together as best it could. There were no programs readily
available to a poor family and there was no help or support from the community. My
father’s condition worsened over the years as the alcohol took its toll. Eventually he
was diagnosed as a paranoid schizophrenic.
My early years of instruction were spent in Catholic school. On my very first
day I was branded a troublemaker, wrongly accused of humming in class. From the
start, I had a hard time there. My teacher, one of the nuns from the convent,
threatened to put me out of the classroom “so fast my head would spin.” I didn’t fit in
with the other kids; in part because almost everyone there (including the nuns) looked
down on my home life, and also because I still spent a lot of time by myself. In third
grade, the nun who was our teacher once asked who among us wanted to be a nun
when they grew up? To me, being a nun looked like a fabulous way to live. The convent
where the sisters lived was like a beautiful mansion to me. I loved being in church and
I loved God. Joyfully, I stood up. The teacher glared at me and sharply replied, “You
have a long way to go young lady before you ever become a nun!” Humiliated and
confused, I wondered what I had done to make her so angry. I did not realize that my
family and I had become such a disgrace in the parish due to our conditions at home.
My Mothers’ determination to protect and provide for us was indomitable.
Against all odds, my mother finally divorced my father, when I was ten years old. He
had received some treatment for his illness, and after a bitter legal battle, the court
awarded him visitation rights, but only at my discretion. Such a legal decision was
highly unusual, considering I was a ten-year-old child. My family had a strong
Christian background and was very forgiving. We all wanted to believe that my father
had changed, so I agreed to weekly visits with him on Sundays. At first, things seemed
to be fine. However, within a short time I began to wonder if everything was as it
should be. I wondered if it was really safe for my younger brother and sister and me to
visit him. This was not at a time in our culture when children were encouraged to
“tell,” so when I started to notice alcohol in my father’s home, I kept the discovery a
One day when he arrived to pick us up for a visit, I stood at the window in my
second-story bedroom, looked out, and saw his energy field! There was something not
right about his energy—it felt “unfriendly” to me. I knew that we were not to see him
anymore. Without telling anyone what I was about to do, I marched downstairs and
walked outside. In the presence of what seemed like the entire neighborhood, I
physically removed my brother and sister from the car. I confronted my father and told
him that we were not going to see him anymore. Of course he became very angry. My
father’s last words to me were, “I will get even with you some day, Peggy Ann!” At that
moment, the powerful man who would one day become my stepfather came outside to
see what all the commotion was about. I felt his presence behind me and I was able to
stand strong in my truth.
My father never tried to see us again, and I never looked back. I knew what I
had seen. At eleven years old, I recognized that we had all been set free, including my
These previous events set the stage for the next level of my initiation. Still just
eleven years of age, my “sight” started to reopen. I had always been a religious child.
Now my interest in God and religion began to increase. Over the next few years I
attended several different churches, Episcopalian, Congregational and Methodist. I
always sang in the choir, and often played the part of the Christmas angel in the annual
Christmas pageants. I was fifteen when I had my first experience of feeling the energy
of God. I was in a Christian spiritual group for young women. As I studied the Bible, I
read of how God’s glory and magnificence make even the mountains pale in
comparison. I began to sense the magnitude of His presence. The cells of my body
started to vibrate and I felt a strong pulsing sensation through my entire being. I
thought that I was preparing to transport to the mountaintop! I was overwhelmed and
frightened - I quickly slammed my Bible shut. The energy of Creator was trying to
show itself but I wasn’t ready yet.
A few years later, I chose to leave home and claim my freedom. Like many
teenagers, especially those raised in religious homes, I felt my family was too strict. I
graduated from high school, and got married on my eighteenth birthday, making a
grand statement to my family that I would follow my own rules from that point forward.
My husband went into the service and did a yearlong tour in Vietnam. Some
time after he came home, like many others, I found myself asking the big questions
about life. It was the end of the 1960s and the beginning of the 1970s. The Age of
Aquarius was upon us. The Vietnam War would soon end, and Self-knowledge was
about to become the next step in our collective growth process. While I didn’t directly
participate in the wild abandon characterized by the sixties, I was certainly influenced
by it, and I was about to catch the evolutionary wave that the era incited. By now, I was
10 Elegant Empowerment
neck stood up. I was asking to know God - but had I connected with something else
by accident? The sparkling blue light became my constant companion. It was with me
wherever I went. In time, I moved beyond fear, and curiosity set in. I reached out and
touched the light. It felt pleasantly electrical, alive, and very peaceful. I was fascinated
by the way it seemed to dance around and through my hands. There was a connection
between this light and me. Even though I couldn’t understand what it was trying to
communicate, it felt right. One night, this light would not let me sleep. As I lay in
bed, it hovered over me, sparkling and moving. It was impossible to get any rest with
such a light show going on! I slipped out of bed and went into the living room. As
the light intensified, I felt some apprehension and instinctively grabbed my Bible to
hold close to my heart. Still not sure what I was looking at, a question arose from
deep within; not from my head, but from my solar plexus. I asked the light, “What do
you have to teach me?” Finally the right question, and an answer. I felt an infusion of
joy. I also sensed a celebration around me as the light continued to amplify until it
became a great veil of illumination. Then the veil fell away, and energy began to flow
from above my head and downward throughout every part of me. Suddenly, I
remembered! In an overwhelming burst of energy, I became “no beginning and no
This exquisite energy flowed into and out of my body, through every fiber of
my being. There was light everywhere, creating the sense that I had stepped outside of
time. Infused in this energy and light I felt the unconditional love of God the Creator -
no judgment - only infinite love. I knew God was alive and well, and was a very loving
God. I experienced a vision of Christ on the cross (due to my strong Christian
background). He was radiating powerful energy and speaking words of love to the
Creator. The energy intensified and it felt as though all the cells of my body were
turned up to full power, and that power had overloaded my circuits. It was like having a
220-volt jolt in a body wired for 110-volts. The ecstasy was excruciating! I cried tears
of joy and gratitude. I don’t know how long this state lasted, but I did not sleep that
night. Life for me was forever changed. Such love, such light. ... and alas, such
confusion! .
Yes! God was everything I had suspected and more! God was loving, beyond
words! These kinds of exclamations burst from my mouth, and to really make the point,
my eyes practically popped out of my head. I quickly gained the reputation as a
foaming-at-the-mouth eccentric (or worse). I desperately wanted to understand what
had happened within me. I wanted to become comfortable with this new level of
awareness, to develop the ability to repeat the experience and then live in it.
Uncertain where to go for answers and guidance, I turned to those people who
surely must know - the religious leaders in my life. But their response was not quite
the illumination I had hoped for. “How could you have such an experience? Why,
you’re only 22. You’re a product of divorce, and you’re from that neighborhood. There
is something very strange about you. Why on earth would God talk to you?” Feeling
slightly discouraged, but not ready to give up, I finally found someone who really
12 Elegant Empowerment
seemed to listen, and might have some answers. “Let’s see, this vision began with
lights?” she asked. “Yes, yes, beautiful lights!” I answered. She asked a few more
seemingly discerning questions and I began to feel that we were making some
progress. This person must know something. Then the great Aha! Her conclusion was
a warning to me: “Never forget that Satan is the angel of light and the great deceiver.”
Sigh. I realized, it was time to stop talking about my experience and continue seeking.
I was determined to experience that state of unconditional love again, and the
next time I vowed “I will hold it and not let it slip away.” In that spirit, for the next 15
years I studied anything I thought might help to explain—and therefore regain—the
intense energy of love I had felt. I immersed myself in a broad and intense study of
numerous and diverse understandings and disciplines. I set out to find whatever I
could that had some sense or feel of energy to it, some twinkling of that unconditional
Divine Love.
So here I was, after 15 years of searching and waiting for the Divine reality that
I knew existed. I understood that I had a “power pack,” but how could I turn it on?
This was the constant question during my years of study and futile attempts for union
with God. My heart filled over and over again as I gained some understanding of the
ancient truths and the realization that we are all one. However, I still passionately
desired to once again hold the electrical charge of that truth. After all that time of
seeking and not finding, in sincerity and exasperation, I asked, “If the answers are
within me, then I want to know where within me they are - and how do I get to them?”
Finally, on the first day of spring in 1988, in a spectacular luminous event, I once again
had the joyous experience of no beginning and no end.
This time, there was a tall, dark haired warrior of light who accompanied me
throughout the experience. He took me out of body and led me through the maze of
the Cosmic Lattice, the unlimited energy of the Universe. I became aware of how
vulnerable and naive I was on this ethereal plane, and how appreciative I was of his
guidance. We went far out into the cosmos. As I looked back on the universal reality -
expecting to see only harmony and symphony - instead, I saw a cacophony of unlimited
life forms caught in the struggle between freedom and enslavement. Then we entered
a place - a spacious, beautifully furnished room with a stunning view. In front of us
was the biggest window I had ever seen. It revealed infinite space. There were several
women in this place. They were my friends, and we were all preparing for . . .
As I gazed out on the beautiful, black expanse of the universe, the event began
14 Elegant Empowerment
to unfold. At the far left of the great window, an exquisite white light began to build.
A beautiful horse of white light galloped through the black of space, and on his back
was a brilliant feminine form of light. The sight was breathtaking! I turned to speak
with my warrior guide and I noticed that he was gone. Now the women surrounded
me, and feelings of love and peace were radiating everywhere. I turned back to look at
the feminine being of light and found that my warrior guide was out there with her. I
laughed as I realized that he was enjoying her beauty. Then, to my surprise, he started
to guide the horse she rode in my direction. Next, the women had me partially recline
on a luminous couch. The closer my warrior guide and the being of light came, the
stronger I felt a complete stillness inside of me. Finally, only the window remained
between us. The being of light slid off her horse and gracefully floated through the
window as if it weren’t even there. She placed her beautiful face of light directly in
front of mine. I felt our energies align, and she smiled at me. Her smile was radiant,
and I felt pure peace.
Then, the most awesome event took place, one that continues to have a
profound influence on me. Slowly and steadily we merged, becoming one being. The
energy was intensely powerful and consuming. I knew instantly that the last 15 years
had prepared me for this event. The power of the light and energy was so great that I
now understood I had not been ready for it until this very moment. As the light being
and I became one, my new female friends soothed some of my rising apprehension by
singing the sound of “aahh” from their hearts. I was so comforted by this sound. I
relaxed and became what seemed like columns and fibers of light and energy as a
constant stream of information was transferred to me during this process. I have no
idea how long this event went on - such events are “timeless.” I do know that when I
opened my eyes here on the physical plane, most of the energy from the experience
remained present with me. Even though I felt supercharged, I could not move until I
had absorbed every bit of this energy into every
cell of my body and then, as absurd as it seems, I
sat up and wanted someone to sing the happy
birthday song to me!
and felt the “electrical charge of my truth.” This was my first experience of channeling,
and it was highly potent. I received a tremendous amount of information in this one
momentous event, including additional patterns of energy that would eventually
become the EMF Balancing Technique®. Naively, I thought I had arrived spiritually,
that this was the transformation I had been waiting for. I thought some marvelous
spiritual gate had opened, and that from that point forward, my life would be easy and
charmed. I found out however, that this was still a time of old energy dynamics for me,
and further trial and initiation were still to come.
As I pondered how the opening of this spiritual gate would affect my life, the
next test unfolded. I was reading Crystal Woman, my fourth or fifth book by Lynn
Andrews. I had always set aside time to read her books because I found the stories so
powerful, and they often resulted in great realizations or initiations for me. I got to the
part in the story where Lynn recognizes that every time she claims her power she
becomes very ill. “Gee,” I thought, “I can really relate to that.” And in that instant, I
began to feel ill. “Get a grip, Peg,” I thought to myself, “boy are you suggestible.”
A few days before, I had gone swimming with the neighborhood kids at the
local pool. I contracted a form of pneumonia that is relatively harmless to children,
but can be deadly to adults. I became very ill. Ah, the synchronicity of it! I finished
the book as quickly as possible. I had to see if Lynn was able to integrate her male and
female aspects, and at the end of the book, she did! Now, my test went into full swing.
I mused at the co-operation of the Universe. At the time, I couldn’t go to all these
exotic places I had read about for my spiritual quest, so the Universe brought the quest
to me in the little town of Norwich, Connecticut. At the height of this ordeal, I had a
104-degree temperature, my face was deep red, and my heart was racing. I crawled to
the bathroom and forced myself to stand up.
I looked up, and there in front of me, bigger than I had ever seen it before, I
recognized the Blue White Star, an entranceway to the next dimension. It was sparkling
and alive and I knew that I was being offered an opportunity to leave my body and end
this lifetime. Instinctively, I closed my eyes, turned my head away and spoke aloud,
“No, wait! I want to stay! I will do my work!” I thought to myself, “Where did that
come from? What did I mean?” I had two little children of my own and four more kids
for whom I cared daily - I was just the neighborhood day-care mom. What “work” was
I talking about? This was a moment of truth; the offer to leave had been tempting. I
was surprised to find that even after experiencing the Unlimited, I really wanted to stay
here on Earth. There were so many blessings to experience here.
When I looked up again, the Blue White Star was gone. During the next few
days, I reached a critical turning point, but not until I had passed through the
hallucinations of high fever and experienced, in Lynn Andrews-like fashion, an
aboriginal man placing crystals in my body. It took months for me to come back from
16 Elegant Empowerment
this illness. Although physically I’m very robust, I felt like a stick figure for a long time
after this experience. The energy I had absorbed into every cell of my being remained
dormant as I recovered from my illness.
It was 1989, and I was still the daycare mom on the block, but I knew from
deep within myself that something profound had changed in the essential energy of the
planet. Once again my sight and imagination became very active in my life. I became
aware of the divine female form of light within my field. There were also luminous
beings of golden light present. Perhaps you could call them the angels of this
knowledge. There were three beings in particular who stood by my left side. I lovingly
thought of them as the three wise guys. The essence of their collective being held an
energy pattern that is now the logo of the EMF Balancing Technique® work.
As I continued to care for the children in my charge, I began to use the
information from these angels to produce a new kind of energy work. I gave sessions
using the additional energy patterns as they had been shown me. It was like tracing
crop circle patterns through the human energy field. I was instructed to always follow
the patterns as they were given, and the results would vary according to each person’s
need, or intent. There were occasional physical healings, but these I viewed as side
effects. The main focus of this new method, now known as the EMF Balancing
Technique®, was to activate and balance the Universal Calibration Lattice.
At the same time, my life and my surroundings began to change dramatically. I
started to keep my home neat and clean because the flow of clients kept increasing as
word spread of the effectiveness of the work. People reported feeling “different” and
“lighter,” and they noticed that their lives were more fulfilling. This did not come
easily, for there was always more work for each individual to do on their own, but the
clients found they had more energy and a stronger will and guidance to follow through
on their Soul’s next step. By staying consistent and working with one person at a time,
the reputation of the work grew.
Through a series of unusual coincidences, a complimentary article was written
in the local newspaper about the EMF work. This resulted in my first step into the
public arena. I was invited to teach at local adult education programs, and eventually
new-age stores, whole-health expos, and mainstream businesses. This was not an easy
step for me to take - only one year before the article appeared, I had been living like a
hermit for several years. I was still very awkward in social situations and not
comfortable with people.
I took the step almost unconsciously; simply following my passion and love for
God/Goddess. I really never noticed how much I was changing. Almost in spite of
myself, I learned to speak and teach about the Universal Calibration Lattice and the
EMF Balancing Technique. These teachings come from my soul like songs and poems
flow from others. I was invited to speak on some local radio and TV programs. While
it was not always easy, I reached a point where I realized I wanted the process to
continue. I started to travel, first throughout New England and then to a few different
parts of the country. After a few years, I realized this work was growing into a
nationwide business.
While working with the UCL within others, my own body and energy field
became stronger, more capable of “holding the full charge of my own being.” I now
had a place for all that universal energy to circulate, I realized I could hold my own
power, and my partnership with God/Goddess came alive! For the first time, I started
to feel at home right here on planet Earth.
call. I was really ready to learn that being in service did not mean that I no longer
counted. I was burning out, and even with all my good intentions, I was not living in
Under Stephen’s guidance, I rearranged my schedule. Our children required
our attention to grow and so did our work. I limited my session work to four days a
week and spent the other days tending to the development of our company. We legally
incorporated to send a message to the world that even though we are in service, we are
also a business. This is our spiritual path, and we walk it together. We developed new
skills as we learned to follow the lead of our unlimited partner. Stephen always
reminded me that it was not whether we were successful; it was whether or not we gave
our best effort. If we gave our best effort and failed, then so be it. We became
acquainted with the computer, developed our own advertising, set up training
structures for the practitioners and eventually the teachers program. We created the
first EMF manuals. All the time we were learning how to cooperate with one another
and be a family. (Please note that there is no mention that this was easy!)
Interesting opportunities continued to present themselves and we embraced
many of them, learning a great deal along the way. One exciting event came in the
summer of 1995. Through a very special friend of ours, Sonalysts, a respected
Connecticut-based research and development firm, approached Stephen and me. The
producers of C. Everett Koop’s video health series, Sonalysts specialized in
government contracts. They wanted to collaborate with us to apply for a NASA grant
to study the effects of the EMF Balancing Technique®. Our part of the experiment was
to provide the training and exercises that we use with our students. The study was “to
test the effect of electromagnetic field energy awareness on improving team
performance and strengthening the human health maintenance process.” In other
words, we were to stimulate collective consciousness by integrating spirit and biology!
We learned the timing wasn’t right then, and were disappointed when Sonalysts did not
get the NASA grant. But the experience of compiling the formal 23-page proposal
detailing the experiment in conjunction with Navy scientists was such an
encouragement from the Universe!
I continued to speak at many whole health expos. Many of those who attended
asked if I knew about the Kryon writings of Lee Carroll. When I answered no, the
response I usually heard was, “You’re saying a lot of the same things he is.” I felt a
little curious about these writings, but in the realm of curiosity is where it stayed. I had
lost interest in books because I was at a stage in my development where I did not want
to read any more. I wanted to do and to be, and so I continued on my path of action.
In spring, within three days, I received three copies of the first Kryon book,
The End Times, from three different sources. All three books were delivered to my
front door. Anything that happens in sets of three tends to get my attention, so I
thought this was very interesting. Perhaps because it was “channeled,” I resisted
reading the book, and still wanted time to think about it. Even though much of the
channeled information I had been exposed to until that time had been inspiring, I felt
20 Elegant Empowerment
that these works sometimes lacked tangible, helpful, practical information. I craved real
substance—usable, practical tools and information for our world as it is.
My husband Stephen however, did not ignore the coincidence and started to
read the book, deeply touched by its energy and information. He knew it was important
material so he started to read parts of the book to me. I was happy to hear some of the
information and was very impressed with the clarity of what I heard. However, I still did
not pick up the book for myself. One day, Stephen was having a phone conversation
with a representative of an agent for a New Age trade magazine. They were discussing
the Kryon material in regard to the EMF work. The representative felt it was necessary
for us to speak with Lee and gave Stephen his telephone number. Another coincidence.
“This is for you,” Stephen said, putting the phone number in my hand.
Through synchronicity, I had been experiencing the opportunity to speak with some
outstanding leaders in the spiritual field. Here was chance to connect with and say
hello to another human being from whom I could learn. Out of respect to Lee Carroll, I
knew I should read some of his book before I called. I finally picked the book up and
held it in my own hands and planned to do a quick read; instead I read every word! I
was elated, I cried, and laughed as I read the words that rang true so deeply within me.
Lee’s book provided me with an explanation for what I had experienced in my
life and work. I knew something powerful on a very large scale had happened in 1989.
This was the year that the UCL became accessible. There are many contributing
factors to consider when viewing these kinds of events, and we will look at these later
in this book. Specific to this work, the arrival of Kryon into the collective
consciousness in 1989 was a key factor in the evolution of the EMF Balancing
Technique®, as well as to human evolution in general. During the previous seven years
of private practice, facilitating thousands of sessions, I had a front row seat to witness
this evolution within our energy anatomy.
When I called and spoke with Lee there was an immediate kinship - it was like
talking with an old friend. In the fall of that year in New Hampshire, Stephen and I met
Lee, his spiritual partner Jan Tober, and Kryon. In February 1997, we formally became
co-workers. Together in sacred partnership we work and travel throughout the world.
The reality of the Universal Calibration Lattice rings true for people around the
world. Many people will say they have been seeing parts of a lattice-like structure. In
our training seminars, the response to the information regarding the UCL is always
very favorable. People are recognizing a part of themselves and are eager to learn how
to work with it. When I teach, I watch the fibers of energy through the each person’s
field respond, making each class unique and interesting. Even when I teach and my
words are being translated, I sometimes notice energetic movement before the
participants understand the words! There truly is another language.
The EMF Balancing Technique® is the energy procedure specifically designed
to work with the Universal Calibration Lattice. The seeds of this work are well planted
all over the planet. At the time of this writing, there are practitioners and teachers of
the technique in 33 countries throughout the world. The work continues to grow
because it is effective in people lives, and this good news travels fast!
One day Stephen and I were discussing
my experiences with the female form of light. We
wondered if she was an angel. Was she a part of
my own being? To me she is a brilliant friend
who is always there in a posture of support. We
talked about the reality of these beings of light
with whom I feel so comfortable. Almost in
passing, Stephen wondered aloud, “Do you think
she has a name?” The next thing I knew, I sat up
straight, my voice deepened and out came the
name: Ahnya! She proceeded to speak with both
of us for over 30 minutes. Her presence was
nurturing and reassuring.
Illustration 1.4 “Awakening”
For now, this is my understanding. I have
experienced Ahnya as a truly divine feminine energy. She is an aspect of a
consciousness that is a genderless, unified whole, but for the sake of convenience I will
describe this great being as She. She is a teacher of teachers, part of an entourage,
complementing Kryon’s planetary changes, and she is a partner in the development of
the EMF work. Her focus is on the human-to-human connection and the honor and
respect we show each other in this reality. She likes to call me Phoenix and she
reminds me to see the Phoenix in others. We all are consumed in the fire of life and
one way or another we do rise again. Ahnya has much to say about the Phoenix events
of our lives and those teachings will be part of the next level of this work. Whenever I
teach, she is present. I am clearly aware that I am the human being doing the work. I
am in and out of channel because that is how I prefer it at this time. She is present to
offer support whenever and wherever an EMF Balancing teacher presents the work. She
is also present whenever an EMF practitioner performs a session. I am still developing
an understanding of “us,” because I sometimes feel that Ahnya and I are really one. No
matter what the reality, I feel a sacred love for her and honor the responsibility of
sharing these teachings with my fellow humans.
At one time in my life I was so frightened of people I would rarely leave home.
Now we travel all over the world. Our schedule is very demanding and we may teach
for up to seven weeks in one trip. Remember how I wanted to remember God? When I
teach, I see the face of God/Goddess in everyone!
22 Elegant Empowerment
“It is good to be a seeker ... but sooner or later, you have to be a finder.”
Mind, Matter, & Intentionality
As far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality, they are not certain.
And as far as they are certain, They do not refer to reality.
Albert Einstein
Intelligence is present at every point in space,
And can be acted upon through the power of thought.
Nikola Tesla, The Wall of Light
24 Elegant Empowerment
We adopt the view that we, as human beings, are not only multi-
dimensional beings, but that we actively function as multi-dimensional
beings in all our interactions, in particular, those pertaining to our
essence as electromagnetic beings.
From this higher level perspective, we can open new vistas and possibilities in
painting an expanding picture of reality. In painting this picture we contribute to a
paradigm shift, i.e., a dramatic change in the way we view our world. We collectively
create the new Paradigm. In this new Paradigm, the bizarre, the mysterious, the
paranormal, and the unsolvable become solvable. Here we have introduced major new
concepts, central to our understanding of the material that follows. In the sections
that follow, we will clarify and expand our definitions of the terms Paradigm and multi-
and plays an active role in shaping our reality! Now the challenge of defining the
interactive role between Matter, Intent, and Consciousness stands before us! Matter
and Consciousness cannot be separated. Moreover, Consciousness interacts and
influences the virtual realm of electromagnetic fields. Our ultimate challenge is to
develop a Science of inter-dimensional physics that unifies Consciousness in the grand
From observations of the field
quantum world, it is now apparent that
the reality of elementary particles has no N
respect for clocking time the way we do.
In fact, within the quantum world of Torus
elementary particles a state of non-time -hyperfield-
and non-space is an accurate description dimensional
of that virtual (unseen) reality. vortex
Imagine that an elementary scalar
particle such as the electron is able to resonance
simultaneously share its existence with its waves
own past, and its own future! We S
perceive that electron in our reality for
only a fraction of its time, as it dances in
and out of different time frames
simultaneously. In doing so, the electron
carries information of all its time
experience --past and future-- within its
very essence.
Keeping an appointment in this Figure 2.1 Body Hyperfields. The
world would be a challenge! The street physical body is surrounded by hyperfields-
corner of your appointment could appear fields in higher dimensional space. The torus,
to be everywhere at once. All events an interdimensional vortex, is multi-layered
like the skins of an onion. These energy fields
would carry the property of connectivity, carry the hyperspatial properties of torsion
no matter what the extent of physical fields. Throughout the entire structures there is
separation. This is that unusual property a flow, or flux, of energy. Bearden has
called non-locality. Events in the calculated that the physical system is in constant
quantum world are instantly connected, open energy exchange with the vacuum (Cosmic
even if they occur at separate ends of the Sea). The magnitude of this energy exchange is
universe! What is this unseen hidden equivalent to the output of one million 1,000-
reality… this web or lattice that unifies megawatt power-generating stations! This is all
‘free energy’[1].
and interconnects everything?
26 Elegant Empowerment
Gone are the days when elementary particles are viewed as simple inanimate
objects! Elementary particles have been observed to exhibit organic intelligence.
Individually, and acting collectively within systems, these particles have shown us that
they actually have an awareness of their outside environment. As we watched them,
groupings of electrons have demonstrated that their coordinated movements can be
influenced by information from the outside world. These particles are literally in-
formed [3].These particles can tune-in, or resonate, and respond to received
information- information that we are now understanding as being transferred through
the vehicle of form!
We have witnessed these
particles dance collectively in step-
not missing a beat, not stepping on
anyone’s toes- as if following the
conductor of a polished symphony
old view orchestra! Visualize a region of
organized influence that we call the
electromagnetic field. Within this
region you are witnessing a
veritable light show. The photon of
light, known by physicists to be
straight the messenger of the
electromagnetic field, cascades
new view Diagram adapted from discoveries of about delivering and exchanging
Davis & Rawls
information with electrons within
Figure 2.2 Old & New View Of Magnetism. the field. Physicists call light a
In the old view of magnetism, lines of force transmit from reflection of the 5th dimension,
South to North pole-or in an alternate view, from North because light originates from
to South pole [2]. Davis & Rawls determined a new view ‘higher’ dimensional space [5].
of magnetism. Energy moves in both directions at the same The human body emits
time. The ‘cables of forces’ as defined by Davis & Rawls photons- biophotons-from within
express a duality-each spins in an opposite direction as it
the DNA! The more highly
leaves the pole travelling to the other. The pattern formed is
a figure 8 loop! See Chapter Note #48. charged-up the electromagnetic
field, the more active is this
exchange of information! It is the
information derived from our evolving electromagnetic field structures that provides us
with our expanding awareness. Of course, it is the electromagnetic field that provides
the organization-- the structure and form-- of the substance that we call matter.
Without the electromagnetic field, there would be no materialization or manifestation
of ‘solid’ objects. Imagine that we will ultimately understand that light carries the
patterns imprinted by Consciousness!
term is used in context to describe the possible existence of living multiple lives
simultaneously, within different and separate space-time coordinate systems.
This is to say that if we view time- all of the past, present and future- as
existing all at the same time, then our life experiences are all taking place in parallel
realities at the same time. The separation of these lives is taking place only within our
concept of time and our limits of conscious awareness. Separate ‘life’ experiences
remain somehow connected through a common thread that links and connects us to
the central core of our essence- that of a spiritual being.
The notion that dimensions represent
“layers” is a rather linear one. Consider, for
example, a space in which you are able to tune
into different radio stations on the “air waves”.
N Each radio broadcast is found within the same
“space”. Turn the dial of the radio tuner, and you
can select a different station. Add more radio
broadcasting stations, and the signals simply get
added to the existing space.
Theoretically, you could add a virtually
S infinite number of radio station broadcasts, and
these would all occupy the same “space”. Extend
the tuning capacity of your radio set, and you
could increase the dynamic range of your
reception to include more “stations”. Notice how
the radio broadcast signals just pile up unto each
Figure 2.4 Dual Flow. A major aspect other in “space”. A characteristic of hyperspace is
of the human energy anatomy is that of the ability to contain more than one thing in the
human magnetism. According to the laws of same “space”. Therefore, radio broadcast “space”
magnetism discovered by Davis & Rawls, is hyperspace! The radio signals are all in the
the primary energy flows are in two same place, but they are separated by the
directions. These form the figure 8 loop
pattern. Initiating flow in this circuit creates
characteristics of frequency, phase, or amplitude.
another “free energy generator”. Note that Each differing characteristic is a new “dimension”
this pattern establishes a resonance with the for the existence of a vibrating pattern. Each
earth, as well as each biological cell! (See signal requires specific tuning circuitry. The
Chapter Notes #59). human senses function within limited vibratory
The only way to access the “dimension” is with the appropriate tuner.
A limited tuner is totally unaware of the existence of other
“dimension” around it, even when fully immersed within the same
hyperspace. Human evolution is characterized by ‘discovering’ the
existence of ‘new’ dimensions and tunable circuits within our energy
It is the unique expression of these patterns that underlie and differentiate possible
experience that we may encounter as we journey beyond our familiar universe into
these realms!
In our physical world, an example of layering is seen within the biological
system itself: a biological organ consists of a collection of cells, cells are formed from
a collection of molecules, molecules consists of grouping of atoms, and atoms consists
of elementary particles. So then we ask, what do elementary particles consists of?
Entering the virtual world takes us into hyperspace or the vacuum (to use terms coined
by physicists) or the Cosmic Lattice (a term familiar to some readers). The vacuum is
not empty; rather it is full… considered by physicists as a plenum of energy [47].
Although a region of non-time and non-space, the vacuum is the background fabric from
which matter, time, and space emerge as dimensional properties. These properties give us
a linear view of our reality. We continue the
concept of layering, but within the virtual
(unseen) world.
Elementary particles consist of
A B C further smaller illusive particles…each
originating from their own respective layer or
electrostatic scalar massless mass dimension of existence, far removed from of
potential charge charge
own. Yet as these particles or energies
‘descend’ into our existence that carry with
Figure 2.6 Concept of Charge. Both them the knowledge of their remote
particles of mass, and those without mass homeland! Imagine a virtual level of reality
(massless) can possess charge- charge defined in containing its own nested or embedded
the electric sense. The charged particle is reality. Imagine that light interacts with
visualized as a spherical spinning entity. The spin elementary particles and in doing so a little
traps virtual particles-spin also traps light. For bit of time is taken away, and a little bit of
both mass & massless charge there is an ongoing
flow or flux of virtual particles on and off the
time is added. This interaction of light and
spinning sphere. (See Chapter Note #49) matter contributes to our linear
perspective. Light consists of a multi-
dimensional essence.
A subatomic particle is 5DGRAVITIONALPOTENTIAL
Physicist Michio Kaku, author of Hyperspace [A Scientific Odyssey Through
Parallel Universes, Time Warps, and the 10th Dimension] assures us that higher
dimensional space is actually quite “simple and geometric”. Perhaps so, and perhaps if
we were not such masters at complicating our lives we could also see such space as
32 Elegant Empowerment
The key to understanding higher dimensional space (never mind higher
dimensional physics and mathematics) is to realize that “higher space” places us at a
vantage point that provides us with a global, universal, or holistic perspective. From
this vantage point the distinction between the observer and the observed disappears.
You become both the observer and
the observed! From higher space
wavefront within one appreciates the grand
oscillation viewpoint-the rhyme and reason of
E this experience we call life on earth
in the 21st century. Is our grand
purpose to remember and
reconnect to our own individual
multi-dimensional essence?
H An analogy to vantage
virtual hyperspatial viewpoint is presented in the
vector for each of the
3 EM vectors following. Consider the manner in
which we may view a picture. In
Figure 2.8 Nature of Light (photon). In this lower space you would be aware of
diagram we expand on the nature of a photon (light). the small details- you would view a
Each vector is not a simple entity. What lies beyond? Light piece of the picture. Whereas, from
is a bridge to higher dimensional space- and the bridge to higher space you would view the
the mind field of consciousness [7]. The cells of the human whole image. The brain exhibits
body communicate through the emission & absorption of
bio-photons. DNA is a receiver, transmitter, translator, &
similar properties to this analogy.
storage center of photonic energy. Biophotons are emitted The brain can focus on the details
from the human hands! In William Tiller’s view, light is a (a lower space ability), or it can
composite of electromagnetic radiation (in physical space), view the entire picture (a higher
magnetoelectric radiation (in etheric space), and deltron space, hyperspatial, multi-
radiation (from higher subtle realm). The photon exist dimensional capability). Neither
beyond space-time. Arthur Young described the photon as aspect is more desirable than the
consciousness itself! ( See Chapter Note #51.) other. The key to optimum brain
function is that both aspects function in harmony in order that we can consciously
experience our greater potential. What we observe as electromagnetic activity of the
brain (such as the activity measured by an EEG, Electroencephalograph machine) is but
a ripple and reflection of unseen higher-space brain function! Electromagnetism is a
reflection of activity in the 5th dimension. This unseen activity cannot be measured and
quantified through conventional means.
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