Roof Sheeting Flashings Lysaght
Roof Sheeting Flashings Lysaght
Roof Sheeting Flashings Lysaght
Table of Contents
1. Introduction and Scope .................................. 3
2. Design Preliminaries...................................... 4
2.1 Product selection...................................... 4
2.2 The purpose of flashing............................ 4
2.3 Materials and finishes............................... 5
2.4 Compatibility.......................................... 5
2.5 Support spacings..................................... 6
2.6 Maximum lengths of roofing...................... 6
2.7 Low roof pitches...................................... 6
2.8 Wind forces on roofs................................ 6
2.9 Codes and performance tests.................... 6
2.10 Specifications - roofing profiles................. 7
2.11 Specifications - walling profiles................. 8
3. Roof flashings............................................... 9
3.1 Design.................................................... 9
3.2 Roof flashings......................................... 10
3.3 Flashing laps.......................................... 11
3.4 Apron flashing........................................ 11
3.5 Longitudinal flashings.............................. 11
3.6 Transverse flashings................................. 12
3.7 Using notching tools............................... 13
3.8 Flashing at change of pitch....................... 14
3.9 Capped bent roofs.................................. 14
3.10 Gutter apron......................................... 15
3.11 Types of penetration flashing design......... 16
3.12 Flashing large roof penetrations.............. 17
3.13 Flashing small roof penetrations.............. 19
3.14 Expansion............................................ 20
3.15 Standard roof flashings........................... 21
3.16 Non standard roof flashings, cappings.... 24
3.17 Box gutters.......................................... 25
3.18 Barge gutters and capping..................... 26
4. Typical wall flashings................................... 27
4.1 Cladding orientation............................... 27
Copyright in this information including any designs, text,
4.2 Walling profile running horizontally.......... 27 data, graphics and images belong to BlueScope Steel Ltd,
4.3 Types of flashings................................... 28 trading as Lysaght except as noted.
4.4 Optional wall trims................................. 29 Thanks are given to the New Zealand Metal Roofing
4.5 Mid-wall connections............................. 30 Manufacturers Inc. For permission to reproduce text,
graphics and drawings from their copyright publication
4.6 Internal wall connections........................ 30 - NZ METAL ROOF AND WALL CLADDING CODE OF
4.7 External corner connections..................... 31 PRACTICE (Version 2.2: 2012). All rights reserved. Such
material is annotated in footnotes as such by use of this
4.8 Flashing for horizontal cladding................ 31 logo.
4.9 Flashing for horizontal corrugate cladding.32
Any use of this publication including reproduction,
4.10 Flashings for vertical cladding................ 32
of Lysaght is prohibited.
4.12 Window flashing types.......................... 33
© Copyright BlueScope Steel Limited April 7, 2014
4.13 Window flashings for metal cladding....... 33
4.14 Flush window flashings.......................... 34 Produced at Lysaght Research & Technology
4.15 Recessed window flashings.................... 36 * Except for material taken from NZ METAL ROOF
AND wall cladding code of practice (Version 3:
4.16 Butt window flashings........................... 37 2012) where the permission of the New Zealand Metal
Roofing Manufacturers Inc. must be sought.
1. Introduction and Scope
• How to design and detail steel clad
roofs and walls
• Clear, concise installation tips and
methods for architects and draftsmen
• Using flashings to create an
architectural feature
• Industry ‘best practice’ explained
Correct detailing of LYSAGHT roof and wall flashing has
more than cosmetic importance - it is essential in ensuring
the wet weather performance of the cladding.
Correct flashing and detailing will improve the overall
appearance of the finished job.
The advice given in this manual is consistent with the
requirements of the Building Code of Australia and is aimed
at ensuring that correct practice is specified into building
In many instances, alternative methods are examined to
provide a clear understanding of the implications arising
from these alternatives.
And finally, the examples shown are typical of the work
to be carried out and may not apply to specific situations
or specific LYSAGHT cladding products. In all cases, a
qualified tradesman should be engaged to ensure the
advice given here is applicable to your intended use.
We hope that the information supplied provides clear,
concise direction in the correct design and detailing of roof
and wall flashing for architects and draftsmen.
The manual is set out in two parts, design and flashing.
For overall roof and wall design, refer to the LYSAGHT
Roofing & Walling Installation Manual. If these products are
to be used in cyclonic areas as defined in AS 1170.2:2011,
you must also refer to the Lysaght Cyclonic Area Design
Both these publications are available at:
2 Design preliminaries In all cases it is important to have ample cover provided
by the flashing and proper turn-up of the cladding
2.1 Product selection
Be careful when moving between supports. Do not walk
When you incorporate steel cladding into your building in the pan immediately adjacent to flashings or translucent
Lysaght offers a wide range of profiles from which to sheeting. Walk at least one pan away.
choose. Whilst roofing and walling obviously have to keep
out the weather, they also have significant effects on the Lysaght has a range of standard flashings. We can also
looks, cost and durability of a building. supply custom flashings to your requirements – ask your
local service centre for details.
If you are unsure about any product feature, visit, call our information line or seek advice Flashings are required to provide weather-resistance for
from the relevant specialists. the various junctions on a roof or wall structure. Flashings
are an important part of the cladding design, and have
Lysaght has been supplying the Australian building a significant impact on the aesthetic appearance of the
industry with premium products for over 150 years, and our building.
technical literature provides the engineering data to design
buildings using our products. Qualified tradesmen or other suitable expertise should be
sought when designing, cutting and fastening flashing to a
In particular, architects and builders should consult building.
chapters 2 to 6 of the LYSAGHT Roofing & Walling
Installation Manual. We urge the reader to consult this Ponding of water and build-up of debris should be
document for overall design and fixing advice, although prevented and all flashings should be designed to prevent
selected parts of that information are repeated here. this from happening. Flashings must be designed to
provide weather-resistance for the roof or wall cladding,
The appropriate design will depend on your particular independent of the use of sealants or other materials to
needs and circumstances. You should get advice from the provide such weather-resistance.
relevant qualified specialists where required.
Unpainted galvanised steel is incompatible with most inert
2.2 Purpose of flashing materials and is subject to inert catchment corrosion.
The purpose of a flashing is to make the building weather- 2.3 Materials and finishes
resistant and to prevent water from entering the building
by diverting it. Flashings, ridge cappings, and accessories should be
made from the same material as the material used to
Flashings and cappings are strips of metal formed to clad the roof or walls. If different materials are intended
weatherproof the edges of roofing and walling. or specified, such materials should compatible for both
For the purposes of this chapter, only the term flashing contact and run-off. Our most widely used cladding profiles
is used. The following sections should be considered as are listed in Tables 2.10.1 and 2.11.1. They are available
a guide only. For a comprehensive account of flashing in colorbond® pre-painted steel, or in unpainted
guidelines, refer to HB39-1997.
zincalume® aluminium/zinc alloy-coated steel.
Similar methods of flashing are used for different
cladding-profiles. You can adapt the principles to suit your
Typical material specifications or walkways on top of roof cladding need to consider
discharge from such systems. Severe corrosion may occur If
• colorbond® is pre-painted steel for exterior roofing materials are not combined correctly.
and walling. It is the most widely used. The painting
complies with AS/NZS 2728:2013 and the steel base is Lead flashing is not recommended, however it will
an aluminium/zinc alloy-coated steel complying with AS usually be retained when re-roofing, because it is usually
1397:2001. Minimum yield strengths are G550 (550MPa), cemented into the structure. In these cases:
or G300 (300MPa) depending on the profile. Minimum • the top surface of the lead flashing must be painted
coating mass is AM100 (100g/m2). with a good quality exterior paint system (to limit
• colorbond® ULTRA is pre-painted steel for severe contamination with lead compounds in water
coastal or industrial environments (generally within about running off the flashing); and
100-200 metres of the source). The painting complies with • there must be a barrier between the lead flashing
AS/NZS 2728:2013 and the steel base is an aluminium/ and the cladding: either a plastic strip (such as
zinc alloy-coated steel complying with AS 1397:2001. polyethylene damp course), or paint.
Minimum yield strength is G550 (550MPa). Minimum
coating mass is AM150 (150g/m2) Flashings should conform to AS/NZS 2179.1:1994, and
be compatible with the cladding (Section 2.10, LYSAGHT
• Stainless steel standard grade designation is AISI/ASTM Roofing & Walling Installation Manual).
Type 430; UNS No. S43000
Materials for flashings are available in zincalume® or
Not available in metallic finishes as a standard item. Subject
colorbond® finishes.
to enquiry.
The colorbond® pre-painted steel complies with 2.5 Support spacings
AS/NZS2728:2013. The maximum recommended support spacings are shown
Check with your local BlueScope Lysaght office for in Tables 2.13.1 and 2.14.1 of the LYSAGHT Roofing and
availability of profiles, materials, finishes, colours, Walling Installation Manual. They are based on data in
accessories; and for suitability of the product. accordance with AS 1562.1:1992 Design and installation of
sheet roof and wall cladding: Metal, and AS 4040.1:1992
Tables 2.10.1 and 2.11.1 list general information for profile Methods of testing sheet roof and wall cladding—
selection. Refer to our publications on specific products Resistance to concentrated loads.
for detailed specifications. There are also publications on
zincalume® steel and colorbond® pre-painted steel The spacings in the tables are recommended to produce
from our information line (Page 1). adequate performance of claddings under concentrated
loading (incidental for maintenance).
2.4 Compatibility For support spacings in wind conditions, refer to our
Contact with, or runoff from, some materials can damage publications on specific products for wind pressure data.
coated steel products. Buildings can also be susceptible In all cases, cladding is fixed to a support of 1.0mm
to condensation on inside surfaces. The materials include minimum base metal thickness (BMT) and minimum yield
certain metals, treated timbers and chemicals. stress of 550MPa. If you want to use metal battens thinner
• Don’t allow any contact of coated steel products with than 1.0mm, seek advice from our information line.
incompatible materials.
2.6 Maximum lengths of roofing
• Don’t allow discharge of rainwater from incompatible
materials onto coated steel products. The valleys (or pans) of roofing have to carry water to the
gutters. If the valleys overfill in heavy rain, water can flow
• Ensure that supporting members are compatible with into the roof through the side-laps and flashings.
the coated steel products or, alternatively, appropriately
coated. Factors affecting waterproof and drainage capacity of the
laps of a profile include:
Incompatible materials include: lead, copper, monel metal,
bare steel, stainless steel (except with colorbond® • the width and depth of the valleys or pans;
stainless cladding), carbon (in pencils and some rubbers), • the pitch of the roof—rain flows faster on a steeper
green or some chemically-treated timber (like CCA or tana- pitch;
lith treatments), materials subject to cycles of dryness and
wetness or which have excessive moisture content (such as • rainfall intensity for the geographical area;
improperly-seasoned timber), wet and dry concrete, soils, • the length of the roof from ridge to gutter; and
vegetable matter, cleaning agents (e.g. brick cleaning)
and any material which will inhibit normal exposure to the • penetrations that cause nearby valleys to carry
atmosphere. extra rain diverted from valleys obstructed by the
penetration (Figure 2.14.1).
When moisture is present and two dissimilar metals are in
contact, accelerated galvanic corrosion can affect one of The maximum recommended roof lengths for drainage
for each profile are given in Table 2.14.1 of the LYSAGHT
, unless otherwise marked (*) 4
FLATDEK & FLATDEK II are Home Improvement profiles.
* which are indicative masses only. Please refer to their individual brochures for more installation details.
See Section 2.5, LYSAGHT Roofing & Walling Installation Manual. 5
Slope of 2º (1 in 30) is available subject to enquiry. Please refer to Section 2.5,
LYSAGHT Roofing & Walling Installation Manual.
2.11 Specifications - walling
Table 2.11.1
Specifications of profiles for walling only
Step O
Spacing definitions
ES = End span
IS = Internal span
O = Overhang
O Single span
3. Roof Flashing
3.1 Design
All roof cladding located at the join (except gutters), require Flashings, other than standard ridging, are produced to
a flashing fastened on both sides of the join. specific order and are designed and manufactured from
Flashings near the edges of roofs or walls can be subjected flat sheet or coil. If these flashings are required to match
to suction or negative wind loads that can be greater than the colour of the profiled cladding sheets it is necessary for
other positive imposed loads. Therefore the wind design the pre-painted flat sheet or coil to be made by the same
load can be approach double that of the main roof area, manufacturer using the same process in order to avoid
and as a result additional fixings are required to fasten differential colour matching or fading.
flashings. Preferred maximum length of flashing is 6m, with
The design wind load of each structure determines the expansion joints provided after a maximum of two lengths
number and the spacing of flashing fasteners as well as of flashing (12m) have been fixed together, as any lap
locate wind zones on the building. A minimum number secured by rivets or screws effectively becomes one length.
of fixings are required to avoid flexing fatigue cracking of Flashings are restricted in length in the same manner as are
metal cladding under changing loads. This also prevents roof and wall cladding sheets and are subject to the same
noise or flapping. requirements and expansion provisions.
Lysaght recommends screws instead of rivets for fastening A minimum distance of 2-5mm from the edges of all
flashings. The larger diameter of a screw shaft gives a flashings must be provided away from an adjacent
greater shear capacity, and the larger head (or a washer) horizontal surface. This helps avoid the retention of
can be used to reduce the likelihood of pull out of the moisture and deterioration at the cut edge of flashings.
fastener. When a cut edge is very close to some materials (concrete,
The penetration of rain into the roof or wall through the plaster or some rubbers) this spacing is particularly
flashings is largely caused by the air pressure differential important.
between the outside and inside of the roof or wall. A minimum clearance (CL) of 25mm and a maximum
Gusting wind can cause a significant pressure differential clearance of 50mm should be provided at the end of wall
which can fluctuate greatly. This in turn can cause a cladding. The cladding should not extend down to any
pumping action where water can be sucked into the join apron flashing.
which the flashing is protecting.
Solutions to this problem include an anti-capillary offset
fold, a gap of up to 5mm, or a suitable sealant. All flashing
edges require one of these measures to avoid capillary
action where flashings are subject to wind action when in
contact with the roof or wall cladding.
c c
Clearance Smooth
Clearance cladding Profiled
Smooth Profiled
cladding cladding
Chased apron
Vertical cladding
Angle diverter
Stop end
turned down
Stop end
turned down
Stop end
turned down
Flashing Cover
The minimum recommended cover of longitudinal flashings
over cladding should be as follows: (as taken from HB39-
Figure 3.5.1
Typical longitudinal flashings
3.6 Transverse flashings Every 4th rib (minimum)
Transverse flashings run across the pans or valleys (Figure
3.6.1). They usually have a stiffening lip, along the lower
edge, which is turned-down to dip into the pan or valley. To
maximise weatherproofing, the bent lip is profiled to fit.
The turn-down for transverse flashings for wide panned Every 3rd rib
cladding is always notched or scribed to fit over the ribs. (minimum)
Flashing Cover
Lysaght produces a range of standard flashings (hip, barge,
apron). To increase weather-resistance, Lysaght recommends
you maximise the overlap between flashings and claddings.
Refer to Table 8.1.2 in HB-39 for greater detail.
Fixing of Flashings
Longitudinal flashings shall be fastened at maximum
500mm centres. Transverse flashings shall be fastened in
accordance with HB39-1997, as detailed below.
Recommended Fixing Spacing (min.)
Custom Orb/Custom Blue Orb Every 4th rib
Custom Orb Accent 21 Every 4th rib
Custom Orb Accent 35 Every 2nd rib
Klip-lok 406 Every rib
Klip-lok 700 High Strength Every rib
Klip-lok classic 700 Every rib Every rib
Longline 305 Every rib
Spandek Every 3rd rib
SPANRIB Every rib
Trimdek Every rib
Table 3.6.1
Notching tools
Others subject to inquiry.
Joining flashings
The overlaps of transverse flashings should be sealed
with a recommended sealant and fastened. Before finally
positioning and fixing the lap, turn over the top piece and
apply a 3mm bead of sealant across the flashing, about
Figure 3.7.2
12mm from the end. Using a template to mark out for notching with
3.8 Flashing at change of pitch
Figure 3.8.1
Typical flashing at changes of pitch
Figure 3.10.2
Gutter apron: Trimline/Sheerline†
These drawings are based on drawings from the NZ METAL ROOF AND WALL CLADDING CODE OF PRACTICE (Version 2.2: 2012).
3.11 Types of penetration flashing design
Penetration flashings can be divided into four different
Type A
Under flashings drain at the plane of the roof pan.
Soaker (under) flashings
• Suitable for any pitch;
• Most preferred detail;
• Curb side in line with the rib;
• Leave clearance of 10mm (minimum) all around;
• minimum of 100mm for all upstands;
• Drill holes for rivets before sealing;
• minimum 25mm for sealed laps;
Type A Under soaker
• Order slightly longer cladding sheets to allow for
Type B
Overflashings drain at the plane of the rib of the roof.
These are also known as back flashings.
• Simple to use
• Suitable for use to first purlin from the ridge if > 300mm
• Not suitable for widths over 1.100m
• regarded as unattractive by some
• Suitable for use with sprung or over-roof design.
Type A Under soaker Type B Over watershed
Type C
Tapered flashings that drain at the plane of the roof pan at
the top, and over the ribs at the bottom.
Also known as transition or ‘under/over’ flashings.
Tapered or transition flashings
• Provides greater water run-off capacity
• Suitable for all roofs > 5°.
• Can be used for a retrofit
• Support required
Type D
Type B Over watershed Type C Under/over tapered
Soaker flashings that drain at the plane of the roof pan at
the gutter
• Simple
• Provides greater water run-off capacity
• Suitable for all roofs > 5°
• Can be used for a retrofit
• Support required
Type D Tray
These drawings are based on drawings from the NZ METAL ROOF AND WALL CLADDING CODE OF PRACTICE (Version 2.2: 2012).
3.12 Flashing large roof penetrations
Penetrations through ribbed cladding block the valleys
(or pans), and thus affect the free flow of rainwater down
a roof. All flashings have to weatherproof the cladding
– but on the uphill side of large penetrations, they also
have to channel rainwater sideways into valleys that run
unobstructed to the eaves.
Four methods are described here. In all methods the ends
of cut ribs may be closed off with caps on the outside of
the rib, or with plugs inside the ribs. Plugs must be used on
side-laps to allow the anti-capillary cavity to drain.
Note: For masonry construction, Building Code
Australia (BCA) requires the use of Damp Proof Course
(DPC) to ensure weather-proofing. For acceptable
methods see BCA section on weather-proofing
Support framing
Wherever one or more of the sheet ribs are cut, you
must provide framing to support the cut ends of the roof
cladding each side of the penetration.
Figure 3.12.1
Existing flashing Flashing method 1: Head gutter
If you have to re-use lead flashings that are built into the
structure, special protection is needed.
Figure 3.12.2
Flashing method 2: Flat tray and sleeve
Method 3: Tray gutter for steeper roofs
If the roof pitch is more than, say 1 in 12 (5°), you cut the
roof cladding sufficiently high above the penetration to
allow a tray gutter to raise rainwater over the top of the
sheet ribs and divert it around the penetration (Figure
Figure 3.12.3
Flashing method 3:
Tray gutter for steeper roofs
Figure 3.12.4
Flashing method 4:
Penetrations close to ridge capping
3.13 Flashing small roof penetrations
A flanged cylindrical sleeve is a fairly simple method
of flashing around small penetrations (such as pipe
penetrations) which fit between the ribs of a roof sheet, or
penetrate only a single rib.
Two methods are described here. Wherever roofing is
cut, you must consider providing extra support for the
roofing above and below the penetration. Where one or
more of the sheet ribs are cut, you must provide framing
to support at the cut ends of the roof cladding each side of
the penetration.
Method 2: Sleeve
This is often the simplest method (Figure 3.13.2). Flexible
flanged sleeves can be bought for flashing around
penetrations of at least 350mm diameter. They overcome
the problem of capping and sealing the open ends of cut
ribs. A sleeve is commonly used, though silicone sealant
has a wider operating temperature range and is available in
a wider range of colours.
The flange around the base of the sleeve can be contoured
by hand to match the cladding profile before it is sealed
and fixed to the cladding.
Be careful not to dam any valleys or pans so that rainwater
can drain freely from the high side of the roof penetration.
Moisture held in such areas can cause deterioration Figure 3.13.1
of the sheet coating, reduced life expectancy or poor Small penetration with metal skirt and sleeve
Where damming of any valley or tray is unavoidable, due
to the size of the pipe penetration, treat the installation as a
large penetration.
Copper penetrations
All copper pipe penetrations through zincalume® or
colorbond® steel cladding must be physically and
electrically isolated from the cladding. This can be done by
using a sleeve of PVC polyethylene or similar plastic that is
also ultra-violet stable.
Figure 3.13.2
Small penetration with sleeve
(Dektite® sleeve illustrated)
3.14 Expansion
Background on thermal expansion
All metals expand and contract with changes in Table 3.14.1
temperature. Although steel is by far the least affected of all Thermal expansion and contraction of steel
the metals commonly used for roof and wall cladding, the cladding
changes in length experienced in very long runs of roofing
are significant.
On a clear hot summer day, with no wind, the steel
temperature in roof cladding can reach approximately 50°C
in colorbond® surfmist®, 60°C in plain zincalume®
and more than 80°C in colorbond® night sky®.
Examples of the thermal changes in lengths of steel
cladding that would result from various temperature
changes in the steel are shown in Table 3.14.1.
The actual expansion or contraction between the end of
a sheet and the last support would only be a fraction of
the figures shown because the movement in the length of
fixed cladding would normally take place from the centre
Table 3.14.2
towards each end of the sheet. The movement at each end
is thus only half the total expansion or contraction. Maximum distance between top & bottom rows
of fasteners on a sheet, before expansion joint is
Transverse thermal expansion poses no problems in ribbed needed
cladding because each rib absorbs some transverse
Expansion joints
Thermal expansion effects are mitigated by slight bending
of fastener shanks, thermal movement of the building
structure, and slight flexing of the purlins (where they are
not restrained by cleats or bridging). However, for very
long runs of roofing, you should include an expansion joint /pans
to overcome linear thermal expansion.
Table 3.14.2 shows the maximum distance between the
top and bottom rows of fasteners on a pierce-fixed sheet.
For LONGLINE in distances of greater than 35m, please Sheeting
contact your Lysaght branch for advice. If the total length of turned down Added protection
if required
two sheets pierce-fixed through the lap, or a single sheet Baffle flashing. Depth of
exceeds this distance, then an expansion joint is needed. Notch over sheeting
250 mm plus
There should be no more than one pierce-fixed end-lap ribs & fasten to
underlapping minimum overlap 15 mm
between expansion joints.
An expansion joint involves overlapping the ends of the
upper sheets over the ends of the lower sheets—but with a
clearance between them (about 15mm). A typical overlap
is 250mm (this overlap is not the same as the overhang in
Table 3.7.1 which does not apply to expansion joints). The Trays turned up
clearance is usually created by having all the purlins for the
roofing on the high side of the joint, higher than the roofing
on the low side of the joint. An extra purlin is needed at 25 mm min.
the joint. A baffle flashing provides weatherproofing. See clearance
Figure 3.14.1.
300 mm
Where there is a risk of high winds, or the ribs result in a
large opening, you may need protection, such as extra Figure 3.14.1
flashing or the inclusion of closed-cell foam infill strips. Expansion joint detail
3.15 Standard roof flashings
LYSAGHT Standard flashings by region
Although some flashings are common to all regions,
the climactic conditions can cause variations in the local
product requirements. Please check with your local Lysaght
sales representative for the product offer in your area.
210 *
140 40
215 *
140 35
Side capping Baffle flashing Ridge capping Valley gutter
25 25
Counter flashing
Barge roll
Barge capping Ridge capping Ridge capping Valley flashing
Miscellaneous flashing
Single-sided ant capping Horizontal ant capping Round vent stays Tile valley gutter
Gable roll
Drip strip
Bribie Island ant capping
Barge gutter
Western Australia
Bargemould/corner capping Corner flashings Barge capping & Ridge capping
parapet flashing
100 º
Adjustable box
gutter brackets Roll ridge to suit fibreglass &
º plastic curving sections
Valley gutter
Spandek gutter
550 or 770mm wide
70 º
This page shows some non-standard profiles. Please ask your local Lysaght branch for other options.
Profile types
Type 1 (CF1) Type 5 (CF5) Type 9 (CF14) Type 12 (CF32)
Type 2 (CF2) B
C F Type 6 (CF11)
A D Type 10 (CF15)
H A E Type 13 (CF33)
Type 3 (CF3) B
Type 7 (CF12)
Type 11 (CF31)
Type 14 (CF35)
Type 8 (CF13) A
Type 4 (CF4) C D
Box gutter
Box gutter
Figure 3.17.1
Box gutter
3.18 Barge Gutters and cappings
Barge gutters are designed to provide an option for the
rainwater carrying capacity for the sides of buildings.
This detail is the most common way to flash the side of a
steel clad roof.
Barge flashing
Flange to match
profile depth
Barge flashing
2-piece seamed
barge capping
Purlin required for
curved roofs
Figure 3.18.1
Barge gutters and cappings
4.2 Walling profile running horizontally
4. Typical wall flashings • It is usual to lay the first sheet at the bottom of a wall and
4.1 Cladding orientation work upwards towards the eaves. You want the window
and door flashings to fit properly into the valleys, so
Cladding is usually installed with the profile running you should locate the first sheet relative to the heads
vertically or horizontally, though sheets have been laid and sills of doors and windows. Thus, you first have to
diagonally—the choice is aesthetic. decide where the cladding will eventually be located
Wind can drive rain hard against wall flashings, so it at the heads of doorways and at the heads and sills of
is important that you pay attention to the detailing of windows before you place the first sheet.
flashings around windows, doors, re-entrant and external • Where possible, select the vertical size of windows so
corners, to ensure you get a watertight building. You also that the flashings at both heads and sills will coincide
want a neat appearance. neatly with the pitch of your profile
We make wall flashings for some wall claddings (like • Be sure that the crests of the profile align with each
easyclad and mini orb) which are sometimes called other on adjacent walls, either side of a corner—this
trims. Where these are not suitable, custom-made flashings ensures that horizontal flashings fit properly into all
can be easily produced following the general principles valleys.
described in this section.
• Where valleys create a void at flashings, use closed-cell
foam plastic infill
• Where wind-driven rain can be expected, turn back the
edges of flashing to restrict water movement past the
Continuous beads
of silicon
Continuous beads /300
of silicon
(15mm min.)
Minimum fall
Minimum fall
for drainage 5º
for drainage 5º
Maximum as
for profile
min mm
ni m m
mi 10m
A small gap
may remain
after crushing.
to suit depth of profile
m um
10 nim
10 imu
m m
Drip Edge Flatten Edge Break Mountain Fold Turn Down
Figure 4.1.1 mm
Edge types 150
Drip edge
50/100mm 50/100mm
Wall Side Underlap Wall Side Overlap
(Horizontal sheeting) (Horizontal sheeting)
Figure 4.1.3
Types of flashing laps
22 28
22 25
38 20 145 22 25
17 15 28 28 38
15 38 17 15 19
38 28 45
19 28 75 28 25
15 27 38
15 CD 1 Trim Channel CD 3 Fascia to Soffit Section, CD 4 Feature Section Soffit 50CD 5 External Corner. Use19
Use with Multiclad, Use with Panelrib, 16Mini 15 orb, with Panelrib, Multiclad
Use with Panelrib, Mini
38 Easyclad145 orb, Easyclad,
25 MulticlaD Easyclad, Multiclad easyclad and Mini orb.
19 38 46
28 25
75 38 45 25
27 25
8 22 50 30
25 19 19 38
28 15 15
17 28 38 15 38 25
38 10 28 28 25 38 38 28
8 28 10 20 16 20
25 28 15 2828 15 2.5 28
38 38 CD20 Butt joint trim-Top hat CD6
CD 6 Internal Corner. Use CD 8 Purlin hat Section CD 1528Tee Section. Use with CD 20 Butt Joint trim - 38 Top
20 30 20 38
with Panelrib, Multiclad Use with Multiclad, 38Easy- Panelrib, Multiclad easy- Hat. Use with Panelrib, 48
xternal corner easyclad
CD24 and25Mini
Internal orb. CD23
corner clad
CD20 Buttcorner
External joint trim-Top hat cladCD6
and Minicorner
Internal orb.
15 Multiclad
CD5 External corner and 38 Mini
CD2415 orb.
Internal corner
2.5 38 25 28 28 28 38 28 15 28
38 33 38 38
48 38
38 38 33
38 28 CD22 Edge trim
18 38 18
15 (Subject to28
enquiry in SA) CD 26 In
15 15 15 28 22 28 28 46 10
38 38 38 38
38 20 38 38 22 28
20 15 20
20 20 20
CD22 Edge trim38 20 19 27 22
28 38 38 20 15
28 38 17
at corner CD 21
CD21 ButtJoint
Internal TrimCD20
joint - CD5
trim-Overlap CD
Butt External
joint 22 Edge
hat toTrim
trim-Top Use
enquiry with
in SA)
CD24 38 CDcorner
CD6 Internal
Internal corner 26
CD23 corner
External 15 CD25
CD5 Corner.
External corner ExternalCD
corner corner
24CD24Internal Corner.
Internal Butt jointUse
corner trim-Overlap
CD23 External
Overlap. 15 Multiclad and 38 Mini orb. with Panelrib, 38 Multiclad with Panelrib,
15 38 38 Multiclad
Use with Multiclad (Enquiry
48 only in S.A.) 33 easyclad and Mini 38
orb. easyclad 33 and Mini orb.
38 18 38 18
15 22 15 28
38 38 38
46 145 38 25 145
38 38 46 25
15 20 25 20 19
22 28
38 20 CD22 Edge trim
7519 38 45 75 45
19 SA) 28 25
A) CD 26 Internal corner CD25(Subject
Externalto corner
enquiry in38 CD 26 27 15
Internal corner
17CD21 Butt joint trim-Overlap CD25 External corner 27 CD21 Butt joint trim-Overlap
38 15 50 10
20 16 28 15 19
38 16 28 15
CD 27 Fascia to Soffit CD 30 Fascia Capping. Use CD 39 Trim Channel EC 3 Fascia Capping. Use
Section. Use with Panelrib, with Panelrib, Multiclad, Use with Easyclad. with Panelrib,
25 Multiclad,
Multiclad, Easyclad145 and trimwall, easyclad and trimwall, easyclad and
25 25 Installation - Concealed Fastener
Mini orb. Mini orb. Mini orb. 30
25 28 19 First Sheet 25
28 28
75 38 45 28the range of 25 2510 CD 40 Clip Interm
27 Our range of wall trims are available for 20 10 28 2.5
LYSAGHT cladding profiles to 50provide an attractive
compliment to walls, ceilings or soffits. 28 19 2.5
Some trims are used to start the installation of the walling
panels whilst others provide the perfect finishing touch. First Sheet
Made from Colorbond or zincalume steel*, they
® ® CD 40channel
Trim Starter Clip
are an attractive, long lasting addition to any walling Use with Easyclad.
installation. 30
Depth to suit profile minimum
Continuous Continuous
min. silicon seal
silicon seal
Notched to
Internal Corner Trim Feathered edge
suit profile
(165º typical)
(typical) 50mm
4.7 External corner connections
50mm 50mm
typical typical
50mm typical
To suit To suit
50mm profile 50mm profile
typical typical
Figure 4.10.1
Flashings for vertical cladding
25mm 25mm
50mm 25mm
100mm crush
50mm and fold to be Internal Corner
External Corner flattened over a
spacer bar
25mm 25mm
Tee flashing Jointer
Figure 4.9.1
Butt details
These drawings are based on drawings from the NZ METAL ROOF AND WALL CLADDING CODE OF PRACTICE (Version 2.2: 2012).
4.12 Window flashing types
There are three types of window flashings:
(a) flush mounted
(b) recessed (or reveal)
(c) butt
The module set-out of horizontal cladding should be
determined by the height of the window.
Generally speaking, to achieve good weathering
characteristics, window and door detailing should be
performed after the cladding and other flashing has been
≥10º However, the installation of a head flashing, for example,
requires that it is behind the cladding and protects the
window by exiting over the cladding. The depth of the
cladding determines the offset. A fall to the front of 10°
(minimum) is recommended.
Lap the cladding at the window or door head height when
lapping horizontal cladding.
If the window is within the depth of the wall of the building,
the flashings are termed ‘reveal or recessed flashings’.
Windows and doors can be recessed to the front of the
frame or flush in line with the cladding. Either way, they
Space 5mm (min.) both have the same overflashing design, however a
recessed design has the advantage of a better weathering
detail. A recessed design can result in unwashed areas of
metal, which will require some maintenance for durability.
Because they do not overflash the metal cladding, butt
flashing details are not considered suitable for residential
Figure 4.10.2 closed cavity construction.
Flashings for vertical cladding
To avoid ponding and the build up of dirt and debris, all
exposed horizontal metal flashings (including the head or
4.11 Toe-mould type flashings sill flashings) must have a minimum 10° pitch.
Flashing at wall footings should include a fall on “horizon- To provide a weather-tight joint, all sills should be riveted
tal’ planes & be of a sufficient size to ensure good drainage and sealed.
away from the sheeting & to avoid potential build-up of
debris. 4.13 Window flashings for metal cladding
Metal clad buildings such as sheds and garages have
generally been unlined and as such, the wall cavity is
naturally vented. In such cases minor amounts of water
penetration are acceptable. However, if the building is
lined then greater moisture resistance is required. Cavity
construction is required for lined and insulated buildings in
higher risk areas for this reason. Buildings situated in a very
high wind design load areas (<1.5.kPa.) and buildings that
are two stories or more are considered to be higher risk.
The flashings that protect the sheets and any penetrations
in horizontal cladding are the prime factor controlling
weather-resistance. A cavity is required for all lined
buildings because they are susceptible to the accumulation
of condensation.
Some provision to remove condensation is required for all
metal wall cladding. Condensation can occur when the
humidity is high or when there is a large daily temperature
differential. The frequency of condensation forming on the
Toe Flashing metal cladding will increase if the wall is insulated and the
Figure 4.10.3
Toe-Mould Type Flashing
These drawings are based on drawings from the NZ METAL ROOF AND WALL CLADDING CODE OF PRACTICE (Version 2.2: 2012).
4.14 Flush window flashings
Closed cell foam block
The position of the profile rib may require the height of the
perforated for ventilation sill flashing may have to be adjusted slightly.
Flush mounted windows or doors permit a wide choice of
flashings to be utilised. You can choose to have the window
frame is mounted externally to the cladding, or timber
facings, or any number of other designs.
An under jamb and a front or face jamb is used for both the
flush and recess flashings.
Add 10mm on the jamb liner size to the trim sizes for
aluminium windows. Add 15mm vertically to the trim size
for a flush flashing design as this allows for a 10mm packer.
Flatten profile
Figure 4.13.1
Flush window flashings
Stage 2
Figure 4.14.1
These drawings are based on drawings from the NZ METAL ROOF AND WALL CLADDING CODE OF PRACTICE (Version 2.2: 2012).
10˚ angle Turn down end of
minimum extended head flashing
Figure 4.14.3
Flush window head flashing
Figure 4.14.4
Flush window sill flashing
These drawings are based on drawings from the NZ METAL ROOF AND WALL CLADDING CODE OF PRACTICE (Version 2.2: 2012).
4.15 Recessed window flashings
A recessed window flashing design is considered
the best option for horizontal cladding but accurate
flashing measurement and installation are required to
provide weather-tightness.
N.B. For lined buildings a cavity is required for
horizontal metal cladding.
Figure 4.14.3
Recessed window sill
Figure 4.14.2
Recessed window head
These drawings are based on drawings from the NZ METAL ROOF AND WALL CLADDING CODE OF PRACTICE (Version 2.2: 2012).
4.16 Butt window flashings Additionally, butt flashings require precise and accurate
installation to provide an aesthetically agreeable solution.
In some instances, the cladding can terminate up to a Consideration should be given to the size of the catchment
flashing without overflashing, but this requires accurate area they drain and whether adequate framing structure
fitting to be weather-resistant. (see Figure 4.15.2). Called exists to fix them correctly. Given all these factors, they are
‘butt flashings’ they can be used on flush or recess designs not a preferred detail.
with a one-piece jamb. They are not suitable for areas
with high wind design loads. Careful attention to design, Drainage from multi-storey building can be considerable. A
measurement and precision manufacture are all necessary rule-of-thumb is to calculate this by multiplying the width of
to provide a weather-resistant solution. the window opening by half the height. Treat water disposal
at a butt flashing as you would a penetration.
Extra material
may be required
10º angle
Figure 4.16.1
Head flashing for vertical cladding
Figure 4.16.2
Sill flashing for vertical cladding
These drawings are based on drawings from the NZ METAL ROOF AND WALL CLADDING CODE OF PRACTICE (Version 2.2: 2012).
4.17 Alternative Flashing designs
This document does not claim to be comprehensive - there
are many alternate ways to successfully use butt flashings to
to weather-proof a window.
If it is a ‘panelised’ opening, the vertical jamb flashing can
be extended from soffit to the ground for single storey
buildings or to a module break in a multi-storey building as
shown in drawing 4.16.1.
This alternative provides the opportunity to use the same or
an alternative material at the head and sill areas and a top
hat flashing is used to obtain a module break.
Figure 4.17.1
Alternative flashing designs
Alternative material
Foam infill strip
Figure 4.17.2
Alternative flashing designs
These drawings are based on drawings from the NZ METAL ROOF AND WALL CLADDING CODE OF PRACTICE (Version 2.2: 2012).
Product Descriptions
All descriptions, specifications, illustrations, drawings,
data, dimensions and weights contained in this catalogue,
all technical literature and websites containing information
from Lysaght are approximations only.
They are intended by Lysaght to be a general description
for information and identification purposes and do not
create a sale by description. Lysaght reserves the right at
any time to:
(a) supply Goods with such minor modifications from its
drawings and specifications as it sees fit; and
(b) alter specifications shown in its promotional literature
to reflect changes made after the date of such
Disclaimer, warranties and limitation of liability
This publication is intended to be an aid for all trades
and professionals involved with specifying and installing
Lysaght products and not to be a substitute for
professional judgement.
Terms and conditions of sale available at local Lysaght sales
Except to the extent to which liability may not lawfully
be excluded or limited, BlueScope Steel Limited will not
be under or incur any liability to you for any direct or
indirect loss or damage (including, without limitation,
consequential loss or damage such as loss of profit or
anticipated profit, loss of use, damage to goodwill and
loss due to delay) however caused (including, without
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statute), which you may suffer or incur in connection with
this publication.
© Copyright BlueScope Steel Limited 7 April, 2014