FNH Pre Medicine Program As A Factor Influencing Residency Specialization
FNH Pre Medicine Program As A Factor Influencing Residency Specialization
FNH Pre Medicine Program As A Factor Influencing Residency Specialization
Abstract: Pre-medicine program is the first step on one’s medical journey. Choosing the best
pre-medicine program may give one prerequisite skill that are likely needed during medical
school as well as in residency training. Different programs offer different subjects and
competencies to meet, so it gives several advantages and disadvantages for the student with
respect to their performance in medical school and residency training. This leads researchers
to think that choosing the right pre-medicine program is crucial to be competent enough in the
professional field. The study is conducted to know if there is a significant relationship between
the chosen pre-medicine program and residency specialization options of pre-medicine
students of University of Perpetual Help System DALTA - Las Piñas Campus. In order to find
answers to this, the researchers conducted a semi-unstructured interview on 10 pre-medicine
students of UPSHD that are categorized into two categories: 5 for BS Nursing and 5 for BS
Medical Technology, via MS Teams or Messenger call. The results showed that respondent’s
current pre-medicine program does not affect their specialization options. Most of them did not
have a hard time choosing their current pre-medicine program since it is their already their
top choice without considering specialty. They reasoned out that pre-medicine program is
independent from the residency training itself. The researchers concluded that there is no
significant relationship between pre-medicine program and residency specialization options of
pre-medicine students of UPHSD – Las Piñas Campus.
step away in taking their residency. Moreover, this interview process that has taken place was around 8
study can generate information and recommendations minutes at max.
that can be used to respond to the challenges of
choosing the most suitable pre-medicine program
which would ideally help them excel in residency The researcher will be using
training as well as in the actual professional field. descriptive statistical tools, specifically the measures
This aims to know if there is a of central tendency to analyze the data that was
significant relationship between the chosen pre- gathered. It enables the researchers to summarize the
medicine program of pre-medicine students of statistic that quantitatively describes or summarizes
University of Perpetual Help System DALTA – Las features from a collection of the said information and
Piñas Campus and their residency specialization enables to evaluate, and interpret how the
options. It also aims to give high school students an respondents will answer the asked questions.
idea on what pre-medicine program suits them best Therefore, through the evaluated data the researchers
based on their residency preference, if they already will be able to generate conclusions that will answer
have one in mind. Ultimately, to produce medicine the research questions from the overall topic. With
students that can excel in their residency training as this method, it will show the average based on the
well as medical professional who have the questions asked during the interview. It allows the
competencies to better serve the nation. researchers to describe the response of the
respondents if their chosen pre-medicine program will
2. METHODOLOGY affect their specialization.
The researchers decided to do a survey-
interview as their data gathering tool, specifically a
semi structured type of interview, that refers to an 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
interview concept that does not strictly follow a
formalized list of questions. With this the researchers
have prepared at least 7 questions to be given to the
interviewee. As it allows for a discussion with the
interviewee rather a straightforward question and
answer format.
Most of the respondents answered that their gives us additional information about our study.
choice of residency specialization is affected by their Above all, we would to acknowledge our Almighty God
financial status due to it being really expensive to for the divine intervention in this academic endeavor.
study, with a frequency of 8 or 80%. In contrast to this,
2 or 20% of the respondents answered that their
financial status does not affect their choice of
residency specialization. One of the respondents think 5. REFERENCES
that financial stability will definitely a specialization. Aboshady, O., Zenhom, M., & Nasr, A. (2015,
She emphasized that, “To be a doctor, it takes many November 23). What should medical students do
years of education and tuition fees. Other than that, to choose thei specialty. The Pan African MEdical
there will be miscellaneous fees and expenses that are Journal.
included in the tuition.” The respondent concluded https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4
that if your financial status is not really great, it will 765349/
definitely have an effect.
Chang, P.-Y., Hung, C.-Y., Wang, K.-I., & Huang, Y.-
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Studen'ts Choice of Specialty. ResearchGate.