Level2 MY Higher Test
Level2 MY Higher Test
Level2 MY Higher Test
2 Do you __________ your bed after you get up? 1 Eva: John’s a doctor, isn’t he? Where does he work?
3 On holiday we usually ____________ sightseeing in Dan: He works in the new _______________ in town.
the places we visit. 2 Ali: Why can’t you play baseball today?
4 Do you __________ a shower in the morning or at Bob: I hurt my _______________ yesterday.
3 Amy: How did you travel round Kyiv when you
5 My job at home is to __________ the table before visited the city?
Ben: By _______________. It was really quick.
6 My sisters usually hang __________ with friends
after school. 4 Mae: My favourite sport is horse-riding. What’s
7 I __________ school at 9 am every day.
Tom: I love _______________.
Score __/7
5 Joe: Where are you going?
2 Write the correct words for the definitions. Sue: To a _______________. I want to listen to the
1 It’s a job where you repair cars and motorbikes in a musicians while they are working.
garage. __________ 6 Zoe: Did you enjoy the _______________ last week?
2 It’s the room at the very top of a house. __________ Liz: Yes, the music was brilliant!
3 It’s a place where you can watch actors perform in 7 Ana: Careful! Don’t touch the _______________ in
plays. __________ my room. It’s really hot.
4 It’s a thing you need to get on a plane or train that Ben: OK!
shows you paid for the journey. __________
Score __/7
5 It’s the name of the cupboard where you keep your
clothes. __________
6 It’s the person who tells actors in a film what to do.
Score __/6
5 Sara / not be / here now / because / she / play football 4 Sue: _______________ you swim?
/ in the park with her friends / . Mia: Of course! I _______________ swim when I was
___________________________________________ five years old.
Score __/7
Writing ________________________________________________
14 Write a story. You were travelling when something ________________________________________________
funny or amazing happened. Include the following:
• where and when the story happened
• what you were doing at the time and what happened ________________________________________________
• what happened in the end
Write at least 60 words. ________________________________________________
________________________________________________ ________________________________________________
________________________________________________ ________________________________________________
________________________________________________ ________________________________________________
________________________________________________ ________________________________________________
________________________________________________ ________________________________________________
________________________________________________ Score __/10
________________________________________________ Speaking
15 Work in pairs. Give your opinions about the activities
________________________________________________ below. Remember to:
________________________________________________ • use phrases for giving opinions
• give reasons for your opinions
• talk about all the activities and say which you like best
________________________________________________ Going to a concert
Visiting an art gallery or museum
________________________________________________ Sailing
________________________________________________ Going shopping
Going sightseeing on holiday
________________________________________________ Eating in a restaurant
________________________________________________ Score __/10
Vocabulary __/20
Grammar __/25
Use of English __/8
________________________________________________ Listening __/12
________________________________________________ Reading __/15
________________________________________________ Writing __/10
________________________________________________ Speaking __/10
________________________________________________ TOTAL __/100
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