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Plants have always been integral to human society and their (genetic) improve-
ment has been carried out ever since humans became farmers. Breeders are seeking
to alter plants in a permanent and heritable manner in order to enhance agricultural
production relying on the scientific and technical advancements in molecular biology
and biotechnology. Plant breeding simultaneously creates and exploits biological
diversity (genetic variation), which are the main activities for plant breeders. Both
plant domestication and traditional (conventional or classical) breeding depended
on the natural processes and genetic potential of the species. However, innovations,
such as mutation breeding, various biotechnological tools (e.g. in vitro techniques),
and speed breeding, have been developed to enhance genetic gain and accelerate
the breeding process. Furthermore, to improve selection, molecular markers were
introduced. Strategies, such as molecular-assisted selection and genomic selection,
are part of molecular (modern or nonconventional) breeding, which also includes two
approaches based on genetic engineering: transgenesis and genome editing. The main
characteristics of all these breeding tools — the essential assets for overcoming the
agricultural challenges of modern civilization — and their relation to one another are
presented in this chapter.
1. Introduction
Plants have always been, and still are, integral to human society because they
provide food, feed, fiber, fuel, raw materials, medicines and other various bioac-
tive compounds, esthetic pleasure, and solutions to various environmental issues.
However, nearly all the plants that are useful today do not occur naturally but exist
only because of human intervention that began thousands of years ago [1].
Early humans gathered what that they could find in the wild, but as their lifestyle
changed from nomadic to sedentary, thousands of years ago, desirable plant species
started to be selected and cultivated. This was the beginning of plant domestication
[2], which represents the earliest form of plant breeding [3]. About 150 years ago,
science revolutionized selection and breeding processes, facilitating and making
them more efficient [4, 5]. To this day, plant traits and characteristics continue to be
Beyond the Blueprint – Decoding the Elegance of Gene Expression
changed in order to better serve the needs of modern society [6]. The role of science
and technology in plant breeding has increased continuously [4] and modern breed-
ers rely on more and more sophisticated and efficient methods to create variability,
discriminate among variants, and develop varieties (cultivars) for widespread
cultivation [7].
The last five decades have been the most productive period in world agricultural
history, saving billions of people from hunger and starvation [8]. The enhanced
production has been based on overexploitation of natural resources and changing
the natural environment, essentially entailing the modification of growing condi-
tions [5, 8]. This was possible with the implementation of advanced agricultural
technology, especially the application of production inputs such as fertilizers,
irrigation, and pesticides [4, 5, 8]. However, this progress cannot cater to all the
needs of mankind, and it will be even less sufficient in the coming years because
of the increasing demands of human society [9]. So, for the future, the challenge is
to ensure a sustainable rise in global agricultural production for a growing human
population using finite natural resources and a shrinking agricultural land base due
to industrialization, urbanization, and limiting factors, such as climatic or environ-
mental changes [8–11]. In this context, the genetic improvement of crops is more
important than ever.
In contrast to farmers, whose strategy is to enhance certain traits only temporarily —
without tampering with the genetics of the organism — breeders seek to alter plants in
a permanent and heritable manner so that genetic modifications are transmissible from
one generation to the next [12]. The integration of newly developing technologies, such
as molecular markers, OMICS, transgenesis, genome editing, and RNA interference
into plant breeding, will provide the basic principles for developing modern breeding
methodologies [4, 5, 13]. In this way, genetics coupled with other scientific knowledge
(statistics, biometrics, biochemistry, bioinformatics, biotechnology, etc.) have the
potential to overcome the aforementioned threats and challenges [8].
As an educator, I am concerned first and foremost with the students and the unini-
tiated, for whom understanding of all aspects of plant breeding is difficult to grasp,
particularly because they are at the beginning of a challenging journey. As a result,
it should be noted that this chapter is not intended for expert readers or an advanced
audience as it will only offer a brief overview of the fascinating world of plant breed-
ing, in order to provide up-to-date theoretical background and definitions. The main
characteristics of the various types of plant breeding strategies are presented, starting
with the fundamental principles of classical breeding and all the way to the advanced
technologies of modern breeding, emphasizing approaches such as artificial induction
of mutations, rapid generation advancement, the use of molecular markers, transgen-
esis, and genomic editing.
2. Plant breeding
It should be noted that the terms plant breeding and plant improvement are used
synonymously [5]. One of the best-suited definitions for plant breeding is the one
given by [12]: “the art and science of improving the heredity of plants for the benefit
of humankind.” Other definitions emphasize the changing, altering, or manipulation
of genetic patterns, genetic make-up, genetic information, genome, or genetics of
plants in order to produce desired traits or characteristics, to increase their value, or
to make them a better fit for human purposes. Basically, the plant breeding process
Characteristics of Various Types of Plant Breeding
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.1004008
encompasses techniques for producing, selecting, and fixing superior plant pheno-
types in order to develop new, improved cultivars that better meet the requirements
of farmers and consumers [14, 15].
Many authors state that the scientific basis for plant breeding was established by
the ground-breaking work of Gregor Johann Mendel in the middle of the nineteenth
century. However, the principles put forth by Charles Darwin and Alfred Russell
Wallace during the same period are equally important since breeding is nothing less
than a particular form of evolution. At the beginning of the twenty-first century, the
science of crop improvement is being transformed once again by molecular breeding,
which integrates the latest breakthroughs in biological research — namely molecular
biology and biotechnology — with traditional breeding practices [15–19]. As science
and technology advance, modern breeders are able to make their activities more and
more predictable and precise, with plant breeding becoming indispensable to modern
human society [20]. Thus, the development of a new crop variety is an example of
agricultural biotechnology that includes both traditional breeding techniques and
modern methods [1, 21], such as molecular markers and genetic engineering.
As mentioned before, plant breeding is often likened to evolution [5]. Yet, a crucial
distinction between the two is that evolution is a natural and extremely slow process,
whereas plant breeding is a relatively quick artificial one [2]. Moreover, natural evolu-
tion increases the fitness of the populations or species, whereas plant breeders aim
to direct the population toward specific and predetermined goals — often related to
yield, nutritional value or other commercial traits — that are generally not concerned
with fitness because modern farmers can grow plants under artificial conditions [5]. It
should be noted, however, that in recent years, there has been a shift toward improv-
ing adaptability to abiotic or biotic stress factors in order to make better use of land
resources while also taking climate change into consideration [22].
The development of new cultivars entails two basic activities: assembling genetic
variability and discriminating among variants — selection — in order to identify
and advance desirable genotypes (individuals) that meet the breeding objectives [7].
These two stages are followed by the evaluation and release of the cultivar [5].
Depending on the approaches and techniques employed by breeders, which keep
evolving along with science and technology, there are two basic categories of plant
improvement: traditional (conventional) and molecular (nonconventional) [4, 20].
These two categories and their characteristics will be presented in the remainder of
this chapter.
suitable to their needs [9]. The natural rate of mutation is nevertheless very low and
insufficient for generating all the variation that breeders would like to have for their
breeding programs [26], which have to run at a much faster pace than natural evolu-
tion. To overcome this limitation, plant breeders can artificially induce additional
mutations by using physical (i.e. different types of high-energy radiation) or chemical
(e.g. ethyl methanesulfonate and dimethyl sulfate) mutation-causing agents – muta-
gens [28–30, 32, 33]. This way of generating new variation to be exploited in the
breeding process is called mutation breeding. Consequently, the genetic variation
used in plant breeding could be: (1) found in the natural, existing gene pool; (2)
obtained through crossings (hybridizations) that shuffle existing variation into new
combinations without creating novel gene variants; and (3) the result of artificial
mutagenesis which actually means generating new alleles.
Usually, mutation breeding is considered part of conventional or traditional
breeding [23, 28–30, 32, 33], but different opinions can be found as well:
Several years are required for developing cultivars using conventional procedures
for generation advancement (to the next breeding cycle). In order to achieve a rapid
generation advancement (RGA) — that is. the shortening of breeding cycles — with
more than three to four generations per year, a relatively unsophisticated and highly
adaptable platform for plant cultivation was perfected [38–42]. Research on this topic
had been reported as far back as 1880 [39, 41], based on the idea of growing plants
under artificial light that was experimented with by botanists [40, 41]. The RGA
approach was first proposed just before World War 2, then modified in the 1960s, and
its most recent form — speed breeding — was introduced only a few years ago [39, 42].
Just like mutation breeding and molecular breeding (Subchapter 4), speed breed-
ing is aimed at accelerating genetic gain [38–40]. For this, plants are cultivated under
fully enclosed environmental conditions, in growth chambers or greenhouses, where
crop-specific optimal light (quality, intensity, and duration), temperature, and
humidity can be artificially controlled [30, 38–40, 42].
The basic and simple procedures of speed breeding can be easily adopted.
However, this approach is much more effective in enhancing genetic gain when
Beyond the Blueprint – Decoding the Elegance of Gene Expression
integrated with other modern strategies [39]. To produce greatly improved outcomes,
speed breeding can be combined with:
• genome editing techniques [11, 40], an approach called express edit [40]; genome
editing is presented in Subchapter 4.2.2;
This type of accelerated plant breeding reduces the time, space, and manpower
needed to advance plant generations more rapidly and develop varieties at a quicker
pace, so speed breeding was adopted worldwide, with already well-established proto-
cols in many important staple crops [38–42].
• “Modern plant breeding techniques came into being when molecular techniques
were integrated along with conventional breeding techniques in order to achieve
higher genetic gains.” [19].
• “The areas of molecular breeding include QTL [quantitative trait locus] mapping
or gene discovery, marker-assisted selection and genomic selection, genetic engi-
neering, and genetic transformation.” [3]; here, it should be noted that genetic
transformation is not included in genetic engineering.
There are instances when the authors reference only one of the elements men-
tioned above, either molecular markers or genetic engineering:
• “DNA markers are also called molecular markers in many cases play a major role
in molecular breeding.” [47, 48].
• “Single and multigene transgenesis is the current strategy since the past one
decade, which if aptly exercised alongside other molecular breeding strategies,
can yield satisfactorily performing drought tolerant crop plants.” [52].
• “Molecular breeding is the DNA marker-assisted breeding that calls for sophisti-
cated instrumentation and facilities.” [3].
• “Molecular breeding, or MAS, refers to the technique of using DNA markers that
are tightly linked to phenotypic traits to assist in a selection scheme for a particu-
lar breeding objective.” [53]
• “Called molecular plant breeding, plant breeders may now access genes from the
animal kingdom for plant improvement, but not without controversy.” [5].
Characteristics of Various Types of Plant Breeding
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.1004008
• “Molecular breeding and [genetic engineering] also have benefits over conven-
tional breeding because they make it tranquil to grow crops with many nutri-
tional traits of interest.” [18].
Certainly, there are many other particular definitions for molecular breeding, its
components, and the relations between them.
Conventional techniques are time-consuming, so one of the most important
advantages of molecular breeding is the possibility of reducing the duration of the
crop development process by years [18]. However, due to its complexity, the success-
ful application of molecular breeding requires sophisticated, high-tech infrastructure
and deep knowledge and specialization [44].
• “One of the most important methods of molecular breeding is MAS, the use of
DNA markers that are tightly linked to target loci as a substitute to assist pheno-
typic screening.” [17].
However, indirect selection is only one type of MAS, direct selection being also
• “All forms of indirect selection involve selection for one trait to make improve-
ment in a different trait, called the target trait. A second and developing, form
of MAS is to select directly on the individual alleles at one or more loci affecting
polygenic traits. This form of marker-assisted selection requires knowledge, at
the molecular level, of some or all of the genes controlling the target trait and can
be viewed as direct selection, rather than indirect selection, since selection is for
specific, favorable alleles at those loci.” [57].
Characteristics of Various Types of Plant Breeding
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.1004008
• “Genetic markers used in genetics and plant breeding can be classified into
two categories: classical markers and DNA markers. Classical markers include
morphological markers, cytological markers and biochemical markers.” [47].
Usually, genetic markers encompass all of the other types of markers and can be
defined as:
• “… the biological features that are determined by allelic forms of genes or genetic
loci and can be transmitted from one generation to another, and thus they can be
used as experimental probes or tags to keep track of an individual, a tissue, a cell,
a nucleus, a chromosome or a gene.” [47];
• “… a broad term for any visible or assayable phenotype or the genetic basis for
assessing of the observed phenotypic variability.” [67].
The definition of molecular markers also varies between authors, especially when
considering different fields of study and no attempt will be made here to reconcile
them. Below are some appropriate definitions for molecular markers applicable to
plant breeding:
• “The markers revealing variations at the DNA level are referred to as the molecu-
lar markers.” [66].
Beyond the Blueprint – Decoding the Elegance of Gene Expression
MAS is probably both the least sophisticated and the most widely used approach
in practical molecular breeding because of its simplicity, especially when compared to
the other molecular breeding strategies.
breeding value (GEBV) of the training population. GEBV can then be utilized to
estimate the phenotypic value of individuals in a breeding program employing solely
their genotypic data. In this regard, the selection of individuals in subsequent genera-
tions is based purely on GEBVs. This general outline of the genomic selection process
is based on information published by [11, 24, 59, 60, 70, 72, 73].
However, there are certain factors that may influence the accuracy of the genomic
prediction: the size and genetic diversity of the training and breeding populations,
as well as the genetic relationship between the two, the heritability of the target trait,
the influence of the environment on the initial population, the density of markers, the
choice of statistical models used to estimate breeding values, and the accuracy of the
phenotyping [24, 69, 72].
In conclusion, there is great potential in GS and GAB, and overcoming the limita-
tions these technologies are currently facing will make their routine implementation
possible in plant breeding [24, 72, 74], which might lead to replacing phenotypic
selection and MAS, at least in the analysis of complex traits [59].
Due to its most defining attribute — the possibility of direct and highly accurate
manipulation of genetic information — genetic engineering (GE) has transformed
both the way in which biological studies are performed, by becoming an essential
tool for understanding the genetic basis of biological processes and the possibilities
of applying acquired knowledge [9, 75, 76]. The manipulation of genetic material is
intended to induce gene function-level changes — gene inactivation, overexpression
of an already existing (native) gene, or synthesis of a new compound and integration
of a new function after the insertion of a new gene — that will, in turn, alter the phe-
notype. Thus, GE has found numerous applications in all the main sectors of human
activity — industry, medicine, and agriculture — including plant breeding.
GE represents the foremost biotechnological approach that is used in modern
breeding for the genetic improvement of crops, with two basic components: trans-
genesis or transgenic technology and genome or gene editing [77]. Both of them allow
twenty-first-century breeders to alter the genome of an organism and to create new
heritable variability through the direct manipulation of the genes controlling the
traits of interest [16]. There is, however, an essential difference between the two: the
origin of the manipulated genetic material.
In the case of transgenesis, genetic material from two (or more) species is used —
that is. combined. Basically, the transfer of genetic material — that is. a gene, but sev-
eral genes could be transferred as well — from one (or more) species into the genome
of another is carried out. This type of transfer is called horizontal or lateral transfer of
genetic material and cannot take place between the species involved in transgenesis as
they are not capable of sexual reproduction with each other — that is. vertical transfer.
So, in essence, transgenic technology introduces novel genes into an organism in order
to enhance it with new characteristics. On the other hand, most of the gene editing
tools act on the genetic material of a single organism (and species) and their genetic
and phenotypic effects are the same as in the case of naturally, spontaneous occurring
mutations. It should be noted that the transfer of novel genes — just like in the case of
transgenesis — is also possible.
Authors do not always make the same distinction between GE, transgenesis, and
genome editing. Often, GE and transgenesis were used interchangeably, especially
before genome editing became widespread. Today, such an approach can be somewhat
Beyond the Blueprint – Decoding the Elegance of Gene Expression
• “The process of genetic engineering or gene editing in plants starts with isolation
of the desired gene from a living source, which is then incorporated within a
suitable vector to make a recombinant DNA molecule, and finally this recombi-
nant DNA molecule is inserted into the host’s (plant) genome — thus integrating
a new function within the GM plant. One of the main components of gene edit-
ing tools used for production of GM crops that have the most significant impact
upon the overall process of gene editing is selection of a suitable enzyme.” [79].
During the past four decades, the asexual transfer of genes employing specific
GE methods has added a new dimension to the genetic modification and improve-
ment of plants [57]. It should be noted that genetic modification is often used to refer
specifically to genetic engineering and transgenesis [14, 80]. However, the term has
traditionally been used to describe any heritable (genetic) improvements in plants
(or animals) irrespective of the methodology employed by the breeders [14, 80].
Modifications — insertions, deletions, or substitutions — can range from small-scale
alterations, such as a single nucleotide affecting a single gene to major changes in the
genetic makeup, affecting numerous genes.
The products of GE — called transgenic plants or crops and commonly referred
to as GM or biotech — became the most rapidly spreading agricultural technology in
history [81, 82]. They contain at least one (foreign or exogenous) gene that has been
artificially inserted into their genome to determine a desired characteristic [49, 77].
The inserted gene is known as a transgene [83] and originates from different sexually
incompatible species or can even be completely artificially synthesized.
Consequently, transgenic technology can overcome the reproductive barriers of
transferring genetic material so that breeding resources are extended to unrelated
species, creating additional genetic variation [49, 77, 84] — characteristics not
available in nature in the plants to be modified are introduced from a variety of
other organisms [3, 57]. In this way, transgenesis is fundamentally different from
traditional, mutation-based, or molecular marker-based breeding [57]. Such an
approach also produces plants with desired characteristics faster than classical
breeding [3], enabling the insertion of the foreign DNA directly into elite cultivars
(genotypes) [49, 83]. The two most popular techniques for plant transformation are
Agrobacterium-mediated gene transfer (plant transformation) and particle bom-
bardment [75, 84].
Characteristics of Various Types of Plant Breeding
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.1004008
Two particular types of transgenesis have been developed for transferring DNA
that belongs to the same species or to other closely related and sexually compatible
species: cisgenesis employs natural genetic sequences (i.e. genes with their regula-
tory elements) for genetic modification, while intragenesis refers to the use of new
combinations of coding sequences and regulatory elements [77, 85]. There are differ-
ent goals for these types of transfers — for example. Overexpression of genes that are
already present within the crop itself, avoiding linkage drag that occurs when gene
transfer is obtained by crossing — but a very important aspect is that the gene pool
exploited by these approaches is identical to the gene pool available for traditional
breeding. In this way, objections to transgenesis may be overcome more easily [77].
Gene silencing is another important tool used in plant transgenesis [86],
encompassing a series of mechanisms capable of suppressing or inhibiting gene
expression [83, 86].
Several new (plant) breeding techniques (NPBTs or NBTs) — also termed novel
genomic techniques, new genetic modification techniques, etc. — have been devel-
oped over the past few decades [32, 33, 36, 87]. NBTs is an umbrella term, encompass-
ing different biotechnological approaches employed in research and breeding that
are capable modifying an organism’s genetic makeup and that have emerged or have
been created since 2001 [32, 33, 36]. Of these, genome editing or gene editing (GEd),
is a particularly useful strategy for the genetic improvement of crops, allowing much
faster and more precise results than other breeding techniques [32, 33, 77]. Therefore,
GEd has evolved rapidly in recent years, and it has received increasingly more atten-
tion [77, 88, 89], both from researchers and the general public, not only in plant
breeding but also in many other research areas as well.
There are many different molecular (genome) editors available, such as site-
directed nucleases (SDNs), which include meganucleases (MNs), zinc-finger nucle-
ases (ZFNs), transcription activator-like effector nucleases (TALENs) and CRISPR/
Cas or CRISPR-Cas systems — CRISPR is an acronym for clustered regularly inter-
spaced short palindromic repeat, while Cas stands for CRISPR-associated protein,
prime editing (PE), base editing (BE), oligonucleotide-directed mutagenesis (ODM),
transposases, recombinases, chemical (chemistry-based) DNA cutters, and peptide
nucleic acids (PNAs) [90–92]. Although some editing systems have been introduced
since the 1990s, with the first one even earlier, it was the CRISPR/Cas-based platform
that really “revolutionized this revolutionary field.” Introduced only in 2013, the
CRISPR/Cas technology became, by far, the most popular tool for editing the genetic
blueprint of an organism due to its simplicity and versatility — CRISPR/Cas can be
easily adapted and programmed for many different uses — and continues to drive
major breakthroughs in life sciences [90, 93]. The four main classes of CRISPR/Cas-
derived genome editors are nucleases (i.e. SDNs), base editors (i.e. BE), prime editors
(i.e. PE), and transposases/recombinases [90].
In essence, GEd systems generate targeted DNA mutations (at predefined loca-
tions in the genome) [49, 94], ranging from one or a few nucleotides, just like natu-
rally occurring mutations, to inserting or removing one or more entirely functional
genes [9, 36, 37].
Applications of SDNs-based GEd — mainly CRISPR/Cas — are generally grouped
into different types — SDN-1, SDN-2, and SDN-3 — depending on the presence of
exogenous DNA, the cellular response mechanism, and the resulting change in the
Beyond the Blueprint – Decoding the Elegance of Gene Expression
genetic makeup of the targeted organism [89, 93, 95, 96]. SDN-1 and SDN-2 are some-
what similar, producing plants that contain no exogenous DNA in their genome. The
desired traits result from changes, such as nucleotide substitutions and small dele-
tions and insertions, made exclusively on endogenous DNA and are indistinguish-
able from natural genetic variation or what can be obtained by mutation breeding
[9, 95]. The European Network of GMO Laboratories concluded that without prior
knowledge, it is technically impossible to detect the small DNA changes introduced
by Ged, and thus to distinguish GEd plants from plants selected for certain naturally
occurring mutations or plants that are obtained through mutation breeding [9, 33].
SDN-3, on the other hand, results in the insertion of exogenous DNA into the target
genome at a predefined locus, and such organisms are considered to be GMOs [9, 95].
PE and BE constitute separate categories than any SDN, but the genetic changes they
are producing are similar to SDN-1 and SDN-2 [9].
Breeding has always relied heavily on genetic diversity and modern breeders
have continuously looked for ways to expand it [9]. So, over time, breeding efforts
were augmented by introducing various means — that is. artificial mutagenesis
and trangenesis — for creating new genetic variants in addition to the spontaneous
mutations found in nature [9]. One of the drawbacks of artificially induced mutations
is that it generates many (probably thousands) unknown and uncontrolled muta-
tions in a genome, even deleterious ones, so isolating a desired new trait could still
be time-consuming and, in some cases, virtually impossible [9, 77]. In this context,
a distinction must be made between undirected methods — that is. artificial muta-
tion methods causing random genetic changes — and the more precise site-directed
methods [97] — that is. GEd, also called targeted genome engineering [94]. So, unlike
artificial mutations, the changes produced by GEd are not random, being targeted at
a specific predetermined locus, which gives this technology a high level of precision
while generating new variability [9]. Therefore, GEd increases the efficiency of intro-
ducing single and multiple traits and removing undesirable ones without affecting
genetically linked genes [37].
In many countries, the development, commercialization, and use of GM crops are
severely limited due to the many regulatory, social, and ethical issues and concerns
related to environmental safety and consumer health [9, 77]. As pointed out before,
most GEd technologies work without introducing exogenous DNA fragments in the
targeted genome and their effects on the DNA and phenotype are the same as those of
conventional mutations. It can thus be concluded that “the process is genetic engi-
neering, but the product is not” [97], which should contribute to their acceptance.
Certain authors go as far as calling GEd technology and organisms transgene-free
[76, 98]. In fact, one of the most intriguing aspects related to GEd is its legal status,
especially in relation to transgenesis — whether or not it falls in the same category as
GMOs. Two major rulings applicable GEd were issued in 2018:
1. The US did not regulate “plants that could otherwise have been developed
through traditional breeding techniques” because they are considered “indistin-
guishable from those developed through traditional breeding methods;” so, in
the US, gene editing is not part of the same regulatory oversite as GMOs; a key
point in this regard is the fact that it is nearly impossible to detect whether an
organism’s DNA has been edited [9, 36, 93, 95, 99]. As a result, several countries
worldwide have fully or partially exempted from national biosafety regulations
specific types of GEd organisms [95].
Characteristics of Various Types of Plant Breeding
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.1004008
2. The ruling of the European Court of Justice (Case C-528/16) was interpreted by
the European authorities to mean that organisms developed through so-called
NBT, including GEd crops are not excluded from the scope of the legislation
on GMOs — Directive 2001/18/EC; this opinion is based on the fact that GEd
techniques alter the genome in such a way that would not occur naturally or by
mating, and they do not have a long safety record [9, 36, 37, 93, 95, 99].
5. Concluding remarks
As long as the human population continues to grow, there will also be a high
demand for agricultural products. Increased production can be achieved by expanding
the cultivated land area, using appropriate agronomic practices (e.g. fertilizers, irriga-
tion, and crop rotation) and cultivating superior plant varieties. However, farmlands
are sometimes converted to other uses because an increasing population comes with
higher needs for residential, commercial, industrial, and recreational land uses. There
are also more and more limitations on available resources and protecting the environ-
ment should be taken very seriously in the coming years. In this context, the challenge
is to improve agricultural yields while decreasing the use of resources. The solution to
this challenge rests with the genotypes being cultivated. Developing varieties superior
to the already existing ones is achieved by plant breeding, which, in its modern form,
is a very systematic and highly technological approach.
Beyond the Blueprint – Decoding the Elegance of Gene Expression
Humans have carried out plant breeding since they first started farming, but its
scientific basis was firmly established only at the beginning of the twentieth century
when Mendel’s work on heredity and variability was rediscovered. Since then, science
and technology have made plant breeding more and more efficient, and spectacular
advances have been made by breeders after the implementation of new molecular and
biotechnological knowledge over the past few decades.
Plant breeding simultaneously enhances and exploits biological diversity — that
is. genetic variation. Therefore, many achievements in plant breeding were based
on phenotypic selection, which is still widely used. However, traditional breeding
is becoming more sophisticated with the addition of modern strategies. The initial
integration of molecular markers in plant breeding — marker-assisted selection
— allowed important progress to be made, and now, due to the availability and
employment of new sequencing technologies, genomic-based approaches are likely to
dramatically change the selection process.
Traditional breeding primarily exploits natural genetic variation, and mutation
breeding and genome editing were designed to extend this type of variation, but
not beyond species limitations. Further expansion of variability beyond the natural
boundaries of sexual reproduction was enabled by other advances in molecular biol-
ogy and biotechnology — transgenesis allows the transfer of genes between sexually
incompatible species. In this way, there is essentially one universal gene pool from
which breeders may obtain variability for crop improvement.
The implementation of the new approaches presented in this chapter has already
made invaluable contributions to overcoming the aforementioned agricultural threats
and challenges. Other possibilities of augmenting breeding methodologies that have
not been discussed here are also available: metabolomics-assisted breeding, high-
throughput or automated phenotyping, RNA and epigenetic editing (i.e. modifica-
tion), etc.
This chapter provided an introduction to plant breeding by presenting the main
types of genetic improvement that were devised to meet the needs of an ever-growing
human civilization. There is a large variety of tools available to breeders, both simple
and complex, with incredible advantages but also drawbacks. The information is,
thus, a vital resource for students interested in this field of agricultural sciences.
Author details
Cristian-Radu Sisea*
Faculty of Horticulture and Business in Rural Development, University of
Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
© 2024 The Author(s). Licensee IntechOpen. This chapter is distributed under the terms of
the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0),
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided
the original work is properly cited.
Characteristics of Various Types of Plant Breeding
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