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Finite Automata: Theory of Computation

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Theory of computation


Contents: Introduction, Finite automata and its working ,Types of finite automata, DFA,
NFA,NFA to DFA conversion, NFA with ε- Transitions, NFA with ε to DFA conversion, DFA
minimization , Finite automata with output: Moore machine and Mealy machine, Conversion of
Moore machine to Mealy machine, Conversion of Mealy machine to Moore machine.

Finite automata:
A finite automaton is considered to be a mathematical model of a machine or a system. The finite
automaton plays the role of a language acceptor. It takes input string and decides whether the
string will be accepted or rejected. It just produces answer “yes” if machine accepts the string
otherwise it produces “no” answer.

Components of Finite automata:

Finite automata consist of
• Finite set of states
• I/P tape
• Read head.

Working of Finite Automata:

The finite automata consist of finite number of states. The input is stored on input tape. It takes
any string as input and processes it from left to right by reading one symbol at a time. As shown
in figure, there is a head which will point to particular input symbol which can move from left to
right. There will be transitions from one state to another state on reading some input.
Input symbol

Input tape a a b b
Read head

Finite State Control

Figure: Working of Finite Automata

There will be transition from state to state for some input symbol. There will be one initial state
to indicate start state and there will be one or more final states. Final states indicate the
acceptance of the input string. After reading entire string if FA resides in final state then the
input string is accepted otherwise it is rejected. The states other than initial and final states are
called as non-final states.

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Theory of computation

Formal definition:
An FA can be expressed mathematically as,
M= (Q, ∑, δ, q0, F)
where ,
Q: finite set of states
∑: finite set of input symbols
δ: state transition function as, Q X ∑→Q
q0: an initial state q0 Q
F: finite set of final states
In automata theory the transition function can be described by following two ways
1] Transition diagram or transition graph
2] Transition table
➢ Transition diagram or transition graph
A diagrammatical representation of an FA is known as transition diagram. In transition diagram,
a state is represented by a circle, and the transition between states is indicated by directed lines
connecting the circles. Different notation used in transition diagram is as follows.
Initial state

Intermediate state

Final state


➢ Transition table:
A transition table is a tabular representation of transition function. The row of the table
corresponds to the state, and the column corresponds to the inputs. The entry for the row
corresponding to state q and the column corresponding to input ‘a’ is the state ∂(q,a).
• In transition table initial state is represented by →
• Final state is represented by ‘*’
Example: In this e.g. states are q1, q2 and input are 0&1.for q1 state 0 transition goes to q2 state.

Q 0 1
→q1 q2 q1
q2* q2 q1

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Variations of Finite Automata:


FA with final state &no o/p FA with o/p & no final state


Types of FA:
There are two types of FA with no output.
1. Deterministic Finite Automata (DFA)
An finite automata is said to be an deterministic if from every vertex of its transition
graph, there is an unique input symbol which takes the vertex state to the required next
state i.e. there has to be an unique transition on input symbol.

0 1 1
q0 q1

01 0

Fig: An DFA accepting all the string that ends with ‘0’

2. Non-Deterministic Finite Automata (NFA)

An finite automata is said to be an non deterministic if there are zero, one or more
transition for an input symbol from a state.

0 1
q0 q1 q2

Fig: An NFA accepting all the string that ends with ‘01’

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1] Deterministic Finite Automata (DFA)

DFA consists of finite set of states. There should be exactly one transition for each i/p symbol
from each state. In DFA from each state on each input symbol The DFA can be expressed
mathematically using a 5-tuple as follows:
Formal definition:
M= (Q, ∑, δ, q0, F)
where ,
Q: finite set of states
∑: finite set of input symbols
δ: transition function as, Q X ∑→Q
q0: initial state q0 Q
F: finite set of final states

Examples on DFA:
1] Design a DFA for string containing odd number of a’s.
Solution: Let M= (Q, ∑, δ, q0, F)
The language accepted by this DFA over alphabet , ∑ = { a } is,
L = {a, aaa, aaaaa, aaaaaaa,………}
In a string of a’s no of a’s can be even or odd. so it is represented by 2 states.

Transition Table: ∑ a
Even no of a’s →q0 q1
Odd no of a’s q1* q0

Transition Diagram: a
q0 q1

Let L=aaa
δ (q0, aaa)
= δ ( q1, aa)
= δ (q0,a)
= q1 (Accept)

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2] Design a DFA for language of strings with odd number of a’s and any number of b’s
Solution: Let M= (Q, ∑, δ, q0, F)
∑ = { a,b }
The language accepted by this DFA over alphabet , ∑ = { a,b } is
L = {a, ab, ba,bab,aaab, abb, , ……….}
In this string there are two cases as follows:
1. Even number of a’s and any number of b’s (q0 state)
2. Odd number of a’s and any number of b’s (q1 state)
Q = {q0, q1}

Transition Table:

Q a
Even a’s any b’s →q0 q1 q0
Odd a’s any b’s q1* q0 q1

Transition Diagram:

Let L=baaa
δ (q0,baaa)
= δ ( q0, aaa)
= δ (q1,aa)
= δ (q0,a)
= q1 (Accept)

3] Design a DFA for language of string with odd number of 0’s and even number of 1’s.
Solution: Let M= (Q, ∑, δ, q0, F)
∑ = { 0,1 }
The language accepted by this DFA over alphabet, ∑ = { 0, 1 } is
L = {011 ,01010, 0101011,……………..}
In this string there are four cases as follows:
1. Even number of 0’s and even number of 1’s (q0 state)
2. Even number of 0’s and odd number of 1’s (q1 state)
3. Odd number of 0’s and even number of 1’s (q2 state)
4. Odd number of 0’s and odd number of 1’s (q3 state)
Q = {q0, q1, q2, q3 }

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Transition diagram:

Transition table

0 1
→q0 q2 q1
q1 q3 q0
q2* q0 q3
q3 q1 q2
Let L=01100
δ (q0,01100)
= δ (q2, 1100)
= δ (q0, 100)
= δ (q2,00)
= δ (q0,0)
= q2 (Accept)
4] Design DFA which accepts string with exactly four alphabets.
Solution: Let M= (Q, ∑, δ, q0, F)
∑ = { a,b }
The language accepted by this DFA over alphabet, ∑ = { a,b } is
L = {aaab,baba,bbaa,……………}
As string length is four so it requires five states, .here q5 state is dead state which is used for
satisfying the DFA constraints.
Transition Diagram:

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Transition Table:

Q a b

→q0 q1 q1

q1 q2 q2

q2 q3 q3

q3 q4 q4

q4* q5 q5

q5 q5 q5

Let L=aaab
δ (q0,aaab)
= δ (q1,aab)
= δ (q2, ab)
= δ (q3,b)
= q4 (Accept)
5] Design DFA for language of string if it ends in a double letter over ∑={a,b}
Solution: Let M= (Q, ∑, δ, q0, F)
∑ = { a,b }
The language accepted by this DFA over alphabet, ∑ = { a,b } is
L = {aa,bb,abb,baa,bbaa,……………}
As string ends with double letter so there are two final states one is ending with ‘aa’ and other is
ending with ‘bb’.
Q={q0,q1,q2,q3 }
Transition Diagram:

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Transition Table:

Q a b

a →q0 q2 q1

q1 q0 q3
aa q2* q2 q1

q3* q0 q3

Let L=aaabb
= δ (q0,aaabb)
= δ (q2,aabb)
= δ (q2, abb)
= δ (q2,bb)
= δ (q1,b)
= q3(Accept)
6] Design DFA for language of string if it contains at least one occurrence of double letter
over ∑={0,1}
Solution: Let M= (Q, ∑, δ, q0, F)
∑ = { 0,1 }
The language accepted by this DFA over alphabet, ∑ = {0, 1} is
L = {00,11,0110,1001,…………..}
As string containing at least one occurrence of double letter means anywhere in the string 00 or
11 should be present, so there are two final states one is with 0 occurrence read as ‘00’ and other
with 1 occurrence as ‘11’.
Q={q0,q1,q2,q3 }

Transition Diagram:

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Transition Table:

Q 0 1

0 →q0 q2 q1

q1 q0 q3
00 q2* q2 q2
11 q3* q3 q3

Let L=1001
= δ (q0,1001)
= δ (q1,001)
= δ (q0, 01)
= δ (q2,1)
= q2 (Accept)
7]Design FA for a string does not contain any occurrence of three consecutive b’s.
Solution: Let M= (Q, ∑, δ, q0, F)
∑ = { a,b }
The language accepted by this DFA over alphabet, ∑ = {a,b} is
L = {b, bb, bba, a, ab, abb, ababa, …….}
Q = {q0, q1, q2, q3 }
Transition Diagram

Transition Table

Q a b

a →q0* q0 q1
b q1* q0 q2
bb q2* q0 q3

bbb q3 q3 q3

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Let L=ababa
= δ (q0,ababa)
= δ (q0,baba)
= δ (q1, aba)
= δ (q0,ba)
= δ (q1,a)
= q0(Accept)

8] Design FA to accept string that contains at least one occurrence of substring ‘bba’.
Solution: Let M= (Q, ∑, δ, q0, F)
∑ = { a,b }
The language accepted by this DFA over alphabet, ∑ = { a,b } is
L = {bba, abba, bbaa, bbba, , bbab, abababbaa, …….}
As FA containg atleast one occurrence of substring ‘bba’ so for reading three alphabet it requires
four states.
Q = {q0, q1, q2, q3 }
Transition Diagram :

Transition Table:

Q a b

a →q0 q0 q1
b q1 q0 q2
bb q2 q3 q2

bba q3* q3 q3
Let L=bbba
= δ (q0,bbba)
= δ (q1,bba)
= δ (q2, ba)
= δ (q2,a)
= q3 (Accept)

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9] Design DFA for string having “101” or “110” as a substring.

Solution: Let M= (Q, ∑, δ, q0, F)
∑ = { 0,1 }
The language accepted by this DFA over alphabet, ∑ = {0,1 } is
L = {101, 110, 0101, 1101, 0110, 1110,0011010, 001100, ……….}
As FA having substring ‘101’ or ‘110’so it requires five states.
Q = {q0, q1, q2, q3, q4}
Transition Diagram:

Transition Table:

Q 0 1

0 →q0 q0 q1
1 q1 q2 q4
10 q2 q3 q0
101/110 q3* q3 q3
11 q4 q3 q4

Let L=0110
= δ (q0,0110)
= δ (q0,110)
= δ (q1, 10)
= δ (q4,0)
= q3 (Accept)

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10] Design DFA to check the i/p is valid if it ends with ‘100’over ∑ = {0,1 }
Solution: Let M= (Q, ∑, δ, q0, F)
∑ = { 0,1 }
The language accepted by this DFA over alphabet, ∑ = {0,1 } is
L = {100, 0100, 1100, , 10100, 01100, ,…………….}
For traversing the given sequence 100 from initial state q0 it requires four states.
Q = {q0, q1, q2, q3}

Transition Diagram:

Transition table:

Q 0 1

0 →q0 q0 q1
1 q1 q2 q1
10 q2 q3 q1
100 q3* q0 q1

Let L=10100
= δ (q0,10100)
= δ (q1,0100)
= δ (q2,100)
= δ (q1, 00)
= δ (q2,0)
= q3 (Accept)

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11] Design DFA in which the i/p is valid if it ends in either ‘101’or ‘110’over ∑ = {0,1 }
Solution: Let M= (Q, ∑, δ, q0, F)
∑ = { 0,1 }
The language accepted by this DFA over alphabet, ∑ = {0,1 } is
L = {101, 110, 0101, 1101, 0110, 1110, 01101, 10110, ……….}
Q = {q0, q1, q2, q3, q4, q5}
Transition Diagram:

Transition Table:

Q 0 1

0 →q0 q0 q1
1 q1 q2 q4
10 q2 q0 q3
101 q3* q2 q4

11 q4 q5 q4
110 q5* q0 q3

Let L=1101
= δ (q0,1101)
= δ (q1,101)
= δ (q4, 01)
= δ (q5,1)
= q3 (Accept)

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12] Design a FA such that if the second last symbol is ‘a’ over ∑={a,b}
Solution: Let M= (Q, ∑, δ, q0, F)
∑ = { a,b }
The language accepted by this DFA over alphabet, ∑ = {a,b } is
L = {aa, ab, abab, abaa, , abaaa, ……….}
As there are two final states one is ending with aa and other is ending with ab because we want
second last symbol is ‘a’.
Q = {q0, q1, q2, q3 }
Transition Diagram:

Transition Table:

Q a b

a →q0 q2 q3
b q1 q0 q1
aa q2* q2 q3
ab q3* q0 q1

Let L=abaa
= δ (q0,abaa)
= δ (q2,baa)
= δ (q3, aa)
= δ (q0,a)
= q2 (Accept)

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13] Design DFA with every odd position of w is ‘1’

Solution: Let M= (Q, ∑, δ, q0, F)
∑ = { 0,1 }
The language accepted by this DFA over alphabet, ∑ = {0,1 } is
L = {101, 111, 1010, 10101, 10111, 11101, 101110, ……….}
Q = {q0, q1, q2}

Transition Diagram:

Transition Table:

Q 0 1

Even 1’s →q0* q2 q1

Odd 1’s q1* q0 q0

dead q2 q2 q2

Let L=1010
= δ (q0, 1010)
= δ (q1,010)
= δ (q0, 10)
= δ (q1,0)
= q0 (Accept)
14] Design a DFA to accept language of Set of all strings with odd number of 1’s followed
by even number of 0’s
Solution: Let M= (Q, ∑, δ, q0, F)

∑ = { 0,1 }
The language accepted by this DFA over alphabet, ∑ = {0,1 } is
L = {100,10000, 11100,111110000, ….}
Q = {q0, q1, q2,q3 }

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Transition Diagram:

Transition table:

Q 0 1

→q0 q3 q1
q1* q2 q0
q2 q1 q3
q3 q3 q3

Let L=100
= δ (q0, 100)
= δ (q1,00)
= δ (q2, 0)
= q1 (Accept)
15] Design a DFA that accepts a set of all strings with which begin and ends with different
letters ∑ = { x, y, z }
Solution: : Let M= (Q, ∑, δ, q0, F)
∑ = { x,y,z }
The language accepted by this DFA over alphabet, ∑ = { x, y, z } is
L = ,xy, xz, zy,zx, yz, yx,xxyz, yxxz, ……….}
Q = {q0, q1, q2, q3, q4, q5, q6,q7,q8}

Transition table:

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Q x y z

xx →q0 q0 q1 q2
xy q1* q0 q1 q2
xz q2* q0 q1 q2
yx q3* q3 q4 q5

q4 q3 q4 q5 q3
yz q5* q3 q4 q5

zx q6* q6 q7 q8
zy q7* q6 q7 q8

zz q8 q6 q7 q8

Q x y z

→q0 q0 q1 q1

q1* q0 q1 q1

q3* q3 q4 q3

q4 q3 q4 q3

q6* q6 q6 q8

q8 q6 q6 q8

Transition diagram:

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16]Design DFA for the following language over ∑ = { 0, 1}

L= {x|x begins with ‘1’ and when interpreted as binary integer is a multiple of 5}
Solution: Let M= (Q, ∑, δ, q0, F)
∑ = { 0,1 }
The language accepted by this DFA over alphabet, ∑ = {0,1 } is
L = {101,1010,1111, ……….}
Q = {q0, q1, q2, q3, q4 }

Transition diagram:

Transition table:

Q 0 1

→q0* qo q1
q1 q2 q3
q2 q4 q0
q3 q1 q2
q4 q3 q4

Let L=101
= δ (q0, 101)
= δ (q1,01)
= δ (q2, 1)
= q0 (Accept)

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Note: For Divisibility Examples

Tm= (m*base +I/P % no.)
Tm= (m*2 +I/P % no.) for Binary
= (m*3+I/P % no.) for Ternary
= (m*10+I/P % no.) for Decimal
Where m-> current state no.
No -> divisibility number
17] Design a DFA to check whether given decimal number is divisible by 3.
Solution: Let M= (Q, ∑, δ, q0, F)
∑ = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}
The language accepted by this DFA over alphabet, ∑ = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}is
L = {0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 45, ……….}
As the number is divided by 3, the remainder becomes either 0 or 1 or 2.
q0 -> Gives Remainder zero for input 0 or 3 or 6 or 9
q1 -> Gives Remainder 1 for input 1 or 4 or 7
q2 -> Gives Remainder 2 for input 2 or 5 or 8
Q = {q0, q1, q2}
Transition Diagram:

Transition Table:

Q {0,3,6,9} {1,4,7} {2,5,8}

→q0* q0 q1 q2

q1 q1 q2 q0
q2 q2 q0 q1

Let L=363
= δ (q0, 363)
= δ (q0,63)
= δ (q0, 3)

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= q0 (Accept)

18] Design divisibility by 4 tester FSM for binary numbers.

Solution: Let M= (Q, ∑, δ, q0, F)
∑ = { 0, 1}
The language accepted by this DFA over alphabet, ∑ = {0, 1}is
L = {000, 100, 1000, 1110, ……….}
When the number is divided by 4, the remainder is either 0 or 1 or 2 or 3.
For constructing DFA, string may have following four different possibilities:
1. Remainder is 0 (state q0) therefore it is final state.
2. Remainder is 1 (state q1)
3. Remainder is 2 (state q2)
4. Remainder is 3 (state q3)
Q = {q0, q1, q2, q3}
Transition Diagram:

Transition Table:

Q 0 1

→q0* q0 q1

q1 q2 q3

q2 q0 q1

q3 q2 q3

Let L=1100
= δ (q0, 1100)
= δ (q1,100)
= δ (q3, 00)
= δ (q2, 0)
= q0 (Accept)

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19] Design a DFA to check whether given ternary number is divisible by 5.

Solution: Let M= (Q, ∑, δ, q0, F)
∑ = { 0, 1,2}
The language accepted by this DFA over alphabet, ∑ = {0, 1,2}is
L = {0, 101, 221, 2102, ……….}
When the number is divided by 5, the remainder is either 0 or 1 or 2 or 3 or 4.
For constructing DFA, string may have following four different possibilities:
1. Remainder is 0 (state q0) therefore it is final state.
2. Remainder is 1 (state q1)
3. Remainder is 2 (state q2)
4. Remainder is 3 (state q3)
5. Remainder is 4 (state q4)
Q = {q0, q1, q2, q3, q4}
Transition Diagram:

Transition Table:

Q 0 1 2

→ q0* q0 q1 q2

q1 q3 q4 q0

q2 q1 q2 q3

q3 q4 q0 q1

q4 q2 q3 q4

Let L=2102
= δ (q0, 2102)
= δ (q2,102)
= δ (q2, 02)
= δ (q1, 2)
= q0 (Accept)

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20] Design a DFA to check whether given unary number is divisible by 3.

Solution: Unary number has only one alphabet symbol which may be a digit or character.
∑ = {x: x is either alphabet or digit}
As we know that unary numbers are represented by base 1.
Number 1 is represented as ‘x’
Number 2 is represented as ‘xx’
Number 3 is represented as ‘xxx’
And so on.
Thus we can conclude that unary number ‘n’ is represented by a list of symbol ‘x’ of length ‘n’.
The language accepted by this DFA is
L = {x, xx, xxx, xxxx, ….}
When the number is divided by 3, the remainder is either 0 or 1 or 2.
In this DFA, string may have following three different possibilities:
1. Remainder is zero (state q0) for length is multiple of 3
2. Remainder is 1 (state q1) for length is multiple of 3 plus 1
3. Remainder is 2 (state q2) for length is multiple of 3 plus 2
State ‘q0’ is final state as it accepts all strings which are divisible by 3.
Hence set of states Q is given by
Q = {q0, q1, q2}
Similar to above example transitions are added on each state for all input symbols.
Transition Diagram

Transition Table:


q0 q1

q1 q2

q2 q0

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21] Obtain DFA to accept the strings which contains exctly three a’s over ∑ ={a, b}
The above DFA accepts all strings with exactly three a’s and any number of b’s. Hence first we
traverse string ”aaa”.
State q0 is initial state.

As these three a’s are not necessarily consecutive threes, a string may contains any number of b’s
in between. Hence add self transition on input symbol ‘b’ on each state.


Transition Diagram

Transition Table

a b

q0 q1 q0

q1 q2 q1

q2 q3 q2

q3 q3 q3

q1 q2 q3
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Non Deterministic Finite Automata (NFA)

The non-determinism property is defined as, for a given current state of the machine and input
symbol to be read, the next state is not uniquely determined.
NFAs have following three features when compared with DFAs:
1. Ability to take a step without reading any input symbol.
2. A state may have no transition on a particular symbol.
3. Ability to transit to more than one state on a given symbol.
1. ε- Transitions
ε- Transitions are the transitions without reading input symbols.
e.g The British spelling of “\color" is \colour". If we want to recognize both variants then the FA
will consist of ε-transition as shown in following figure.

Figure- NFA with ε- Transition

1. No transition
In the following automaton, if the string starts with ‘0’ then the string is rejected. Therefore, in
this example, no transition is given for initial state ‘q0’ on input symbol ‘0’.

Figure- NFA with no 0-Transition for q0

2. Multiple transitions
Consider the finite automata which accept string containing substring “abab”. In below figure,
there are multiple transitions on input symbol ‘a’ from state ‘q0’.

NFA has same capacity as DFA; it just adds simplicity to DFA. The main reason to draw NFA
is, it becomes sometimes simpler to draw NFA for a particular problem than drawing a DFA.
Consider an example to draw finite automata that accepts strings ending in ‘01’.
The DFA for above problem is:

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The NFA is:

We can observe from above two transition diagrams that NFA is quite simpler than the DFA.As
we can omit some of transitions in NFA; it is easy to draw NFA with only necessary transitions.
The main issue with NFA is how does it know which arrow to follow? Either it guesses and
somehow makes the right choice or it tries multiple possibilities in parallel and one of them will
turn out as right choice.
Consider a string “011010” as an input to NFA.
It can try following configurations:
q0→ q0 → q1→ reject
q0→ q0 →q0→ q1→q2→ reject
q0→ q0 →q0→ q0 →q0→ q1→q2→ accept
q0→ q0 →q0→ q0 →q0→q0→ reject
If one of the paths lead to accepting state and entire input is consumed then machine accepts the
Equivalence of NFA and DFA
The NFA and DFA have same capabilities. For every NFA there exists equivalent DFA which
accepts the same language. So we can convert the given NFA to its equivalent DFA. The method
of conversion is explained below.
1. Start with initial state of given NFA.
2. Find the transitions of this state on each input symbol.
3. If any new state is encountered then add it to DFA and GOTO step 2.
4. Repeat this till no new state is encountered.
Example 1
Consider NFA as
M=({q0,q1}, {0,1}, δ, q0, {q1})
δ is given in following table
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0 1

→q0 {q0,q1} {q1}

q1 * ϕ {q0,q1}

1. Start with initial state ‘q0’ and find its transitions on input ‘0’ and ‘1’.
δ(q0,0)={q0,q1} and δ(q0,1)=q1
2. We get two new combinations of states here as {q0,q1}and {q1}. Now, find their
transitions on input ‘0’ and ‘1 and add them to the resultant DFA.
δ({q0,q1},0)= δ(q0,0) U δ(q1,0)={q0,q1}U ϕ = {q0,q1}
δ({q0,q1},1)= δ(q0,1) U δ(q1,1)={q0,q1}U {q1}= {q0,q1}
δ(q1, 0)= ϕ and δ(q1,1)= {q0,q1}
3. There is no new state generated from above transitions so we will stop here. The
transition table is given below represents all the above transitions.

0 1
→q0 {q0,q1} {q1}

q1* ϕ {q0,q1}

{q0,q1}* {q0,q1} {q0,q1}

4. The state ‘q1’ is final state in given NFA. Therefore, every combination with state’q1’ will
become final state in resultant DFA. So, ‘q1’ and ‘q0,q1’ both are final states in above table.

Example 2
Construct NFA that accepts a set of all strings over {a, b} ending with “abb”. Convert
this NFA to equivalent DFA
First we traverse “abb” from start state q0 to final state. As NFA considers any single path, the
NFA is given as below.
The NFA is:

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For above NFA, some transitions are missing so its also a DFA. The transition table for DFA is
given below.
Conversion to DFA:

a b
→q0 q1 q0
q1 - q2
q2 - q3
q3 - -

2.6 Difference between DFA and NFA


It is deterministic It is non-deterministic

For each state for given input there is For each state for given input the next
a unique next state state is not uniquely determined

No epsilon transition Epsilon transitions are allowed

No multiple moves Multiple moves are allowed

No missing transitions Missing transitions are allowed

Complex to design Simpler to design

Give example Give example

DFA minimization
The DFA can be minimized if it consists of equivalent states. The two states are equivalent if
there are same transitions on the same input symbol. The DFA can be minimized by removing
equivalent states. The rules for the minimization are:
1. Replace one non-final state by its equivalent non-final state only.
2. Replace one final state by its equivalent final state only.
3. Cannot replace initial state by any other state.

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4. Replacing state ‘B’ by ‘A’ means deleting the row for state ‘B’ from the transition table
and replacing every entry of ‘B’ by ‘A’.

We will cover few more examples of NFA to DFA conversion.

Example 1
Convert the given NFA to equivalent DFA (DEC-2007)
M=({p,q,r,s}, {0,1}, δ, p, {q,s}) (10 MARKS)
δ is given in following table

0 1

→p {q,r} q

q* r {q,r}

r s p

s* ϕ p

1. Start from initial state ‘p’ and find its transitions on input ‘0’ and ‘1’.
δ(p,0)={q, r} and δ(p,1)=q
2. Here, we get two new combinations of states here as {q, r} and {q}. Now, find their
transitions on input ‘0’ and ‘1 and add them to the resultant DFA.
δ({q,r},0) = δ(q,0) U δ(r,0) = {r} U {s} = {r,s}
δ({q,r},1) = δ(q,1) U δ(r,1) = {q,r} U {p} = {p,q,r}
δ(q,0)={r} and δ(q,1)={q, r}
3. Now, we get the new states as: {r}, {r, s} and {p, q, r}. Similar to above step we will find
their transitions and add them to DFA.
δ({r,s},0) = {s}
δ({r,s},1) = {p}
δ({p,q,r},0) = {q,r,s}
δ({p,q,r},1) = {p,q,r}
δ(r,0)={s} and δ(r,1)={p}

4. The new states that can be added to DFA are {s} and {q, r, s}. Let us find their
δ({q,r,s},0) = {r,s}
δ({q,r,s},1) = {p,q,r}
δ(s,0)= ϕ and δ(s,1)={p}
The transition table for DFA is given in figure

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0 1
→p {q,r} q

{q,r}* {r,s} {p,q,r}

{r,s}* s p

{p,q,r}* {q,r,s} {p,q,r}

{q,r,s}* {r,s} {p,q,r}

q* r {q,r}

r s p

s* ϕ p
5. As ‘q’ and‘s’ are final states in given NFA. All following states are final states in the
resultant DFA.
In above DFA state {q,r,s} and {q,r} are equivalent as both of them have same transitions on all
input symbols. So we can remove one of them. We can replace {q, r, s} by {q,r}. To do so delete
the row of {q,r,s} and replace each entry of {q,r,s } by{q,r}.The states {r,s } and{r} also have
similar transitions, but we cannot replace {r,s} by ‘r’ ,as {r,s} is final state and ‘r’ is non-final

Hence the minimized DFA is:

0 1
p {q,r} q

{q,r} {r,s} {p,q,r}

{r,s} S p

{p,q,r} {q,r} {p,q,r}

q r {q,r}

r s p

s Φ p
Example 2
Convert following NFA to equivalent DFA

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M=({p,q,r,s}, {0,1}, δ, p, {s})

δ is given in following table

0 1
→p {p,q} p
q r r
r s ϕ
s* s s
1. Start from initial state ‘p’ and find its transitions on input ‘0’ and ‘1’.
δ(p,0)={p, q} and δ(p,1)=p
2. Here, we get the new combinations of states as {p, q} and .Let us find its transition
δ({p,q},0) = δ(p,0) U δ(q,0) = {p,q} U {r} = {p,q,r}
δ({p,q},1) = δ(p,1) U δ(q,1) = {p} U {r} = {p,r}
3. From above step we get the new states as {p, q, r} and {p, r}.
δ({p,q,r},0) = {p,q,r,s}
δ({p,q,r},1) = {p,r}
δ({p, r},0) = {p,q,s}
δ({p, r},1) = {p}
4. Here we get the new states{p,q,r,s} and {p,q,s}
δ({p,q,r,s},0) = {p,q,r,s}
δ({p,q,r,s},1) = {p,r,s}
δ({p,q,s},0) = {p,q,r,s}
δ({p,q,s},1) = {p,r,s}
5. Now new state {p,r,s} is generated
δ({p,r,s},0) = {p,q,s}
δ({p,r,s},1) = {p,s}
6. Now new state {p,s} is generated
δ({p, s},0) = {p,q,s}
δ({p, s},1) = {p,s}
Now there is no new state remaining to be added to the DFA. Hence the transition table for DFA

0 1
→p {p,q} p
{p,q} {p,q,r} {p,r}
{p,q,r} {p,q,r,s} {p,r}

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{p,r} {p,q,s} p
{p,q,r,s}* {p,q,r,s} {p,r,s}
{p,q,s}* {p,q,r,s} {p,r,s}
{p,r,s}* {p,q,s} {p,s}
{p,s}* {p,q,s} {p,s}
q r r
r s ϕ
s* s s

In above DFA state {p,r,s} can be replaced by {p,s}as both are equivalent. Similarly {p,q,r,s}
can be replaced by {p,q,s}.The modified table after replacement is given below.

0 1
→p {p,q} p
{p,q} {p,q,r} {p,r}
{p,q,r} {p,q,s} {p,r}
{p,r} {p,q,s} p
{p,q,s}* {p,q,s} {p,s}
{p,s}* {p,q,s} {p,s}
q r r
r s ϕ
s* s s

From above table we can observe that we can replace state {p,q,s} by {p,s}and the modified
table is:

0 1
→p {p,q} p
{p,q} {p,q,r} {p,r}
{p,q,r} {p,s} {p,r}
{p,r} {p,s} p
{p,s}* {p,s} {p,s}
q r r

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r s ϕ
s* s s

Example 3
Convert the following NFA to DFA (DEC-2011)
M=({p,q,r,s,t}, {0,1}, δ, p, {s,t}) (05 MARKS)
δ is given in following table

0 1
p {p,q} p
q {r, s} t
r {p,r} t
s* ϕ ϕ
t* ϕ ϕ
Start from initial state ‘p’. A new state {p, q} is generated on input symbol ‘0’ from state ‘p’.
δ({p,q},0) = δ(p,0) U δ(q,0) = {p,q} U {r,s} = {p,q,r,s}
δ({p,q},1) = δ(p,1) U δ(q,1) = {p} U {t} = {p,t}
A new state {r,s} is generated on input symbol ‘0’ from state ‘q’.
δ({r,s},0) = δ(r,0) U δ(s,0) = {p,r} U { ϕ } = {p,r}
δ({r,s},1) = δ(r,1) U δ(s,1) = {t} U { ϕ } = {t}
A new state {p, r} is generated on input symbol ‘0’ from state ‘r’.
δ({p,r},0) = δ(p,0) U δ(r,0) = {p,q} U {p,r} = {p,q,r}
δ({p,r},1) = δ(p,1) U δ(r,1) = {p} U {t} = {p,t}
new states {p, q, r, s}, {p, t} and {p,q,r} are generated
δ({p,q,r,s},0) = {p,q,r,s}
δ({p,q,r,s},1) = {p,t}
δ({p, t},0) = {p, q}
δ({p, t},1) = {p}
δ({p,q,r},0) = {p,q,r,s}
δ({p,q,r},1) = {p,t}
Transition table for DFA is

0 1
p {p,q} p

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q {r, s} t

r {p,r} t

s* ϕ ϕ

{p,q} {p,q,r,s} {p,t}

{r,s} {p,r} t

{p,r} {p,q,r} {p,t}

{p,q,r,s} {p,q,r,s} {p,t}

{p,t} {p,q} p

{p,q,r} {p,q,r,s} {p,t}

t* ϕ ϕ
In above DFA state {p,q,r} can be replaced by {p,q} as both are non final states, similarly final
state {r,s} can be replaced by final state {r}. Final state {p,q,r,s} cannot be replaced by non final
state {p,q}. Similarly final state {p,t} cannot be replaced by initial state {p}.

0 1
p {p,q} p

q r t

r {p,r} t

s* ϕ ϕ

{p,q} {p,q,r,s} {p,t}

{p,r} {p,q} {p,t}

{p,q,r,s} {p,q,r,s} {p,t}

{p,t} {p,q} p

t* ϕ ϕ

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Example 4
Convert the given NFA to equivalent DFA
P is initial state and r and s are the final states
δ is given in following table

0 1

→p {p,r} {q}

q* {r,s} {p}

r {p,s} {r}

s* {q,r} {}

1. Start from initial state ‘p’ and find its transitions on input ‘0’ and ‘1’.
δ(p,0)={p, r} and δ(p,1)=q
2. Here, we get two new combinations of states here as {p, r} and {q}. Now, find their
transitions on input ‘0’ and ‘1 and add them to the resultant DFA.
δ({p,r},0) = δ(p,0) U δ(r,0) = {p,r} U {p,s} = {p,r,s}
δ({p,r},1) = δ(p,1) U δ(r,1) = {q} U {r} = {q,r}
δ(q,0)={r,s} and δ(q,1)={p}
3. Now, we get the new states as: {p}, {q,r},{r,s} and {p, r, s}. Similar to above step we
will find their transitions and add them to DFA.
δ({q,r},0) = {p,r,s}
δ({q,r},1) = {p,r}
δ({r,s},0) = {p,q,r,s}
δ({r,s},1) = {r}
δ({p,r,s},0) = {p,q,r,s}
δ({p,r,s},1) = {q,r}
δ(p,0)={p,r} and δ(p,1)={q}

4. The new states that can be added to DFA is {p, q, r, s}. Let us find its transitions.
δ({p,q,r,s},0) = {p,q,r,s}
δ({p,q,r,s},1) = {p,q,r}
δ(r,0)= {p,s} and δ(r,1)={r}
δ(s,0)= {q,r} and δ(s,1)={}
5. The new states that can be added to DFA is {p, q, r}. Let us find its transitions.
δ({p,q,r},0) = {p,r,s}
δ({p,q,r},1) = {p,q,r}

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The transition table for DFA is given in figure

0 1
→p {p,r} q

{p,r}* {p,r,s} {q,r}

{q} {r,s} {p}

{q,r}* {p,r,s} {p,r}

{r,s}* {p,q,r,s} {r}

{p,r,s}* {p,q,r,s} {q,r}

{p,q,r,s}* {p,q,r,s} {p,q,r}

{p,q,r}* {p,r,s} {p,q,r}

R* {p,s} {r}

s* {q,r} {}
6. As ‘q’ and‘s’ are final states in given NFA. All following states are final states in the
resultant DFA.

NFA with ε- Transitions

It becomes sometimes easier to draw NFA with ε- Transitions than drawing the DFA, for a
particular problem. But, in real life the machine which changes the state without reading any
input does not exist. Thus, for simplicity we can draw NFA with ε-transitions but we have to
convert it to DFA, in order to design any deterministic machine.
Following section describes the steps for converting NFA with ε-transitions to DFA. To convert
it to DFA, we require ε-closure of each state. First we will discuss the term “ε-closure of a state”
and then go for the conversion of NFA with ε-moves to DFA.

• ε-closure of a state
ε-closure of state ‘q’ is set of states ‘p’ such that there is a path “from q to p” labelled ‘ε’
directly or indirectly. It is a set of states with distance zero from state ‘q’. The state itself is
included in its ε-closure.
Example 1
For the DFA in figure, we will find out the ε-closure of all states.

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ε-closure of q0={q0,q1,q2}
In ε-closure of q0 the state q0 itself will be included.
There is a path with label ‘ε’ from q0 to q1 so q1 is included.
There is a path with label ‘ε’ from q1 to q2 i.e. there is ε-path from q0 to q2 indirectly as
q0→q1→q2. Therefore q2 is also included in ε-closure of q0.
Similarly, we can find,
ε-closure of q1={q1,q2}
ε-closure of q2={q2}

Steps for ε-NFA to DFA conversion

We will start with initial state
1. Find the ε-closure of a state
2. For each subset in ε-closure find transitions over each symbol in input alphabet.
3. Repeat above two steps till no new state is encountered.
Example 1
Convert the given ε-NFA to equivalent DFA.

Q ε a b c

→p q,r - q r

q - p r p,q

r* - - - -

1. Find ε-closure of all states:
ε-closure of p={p, q, r}
ε-closure of q={q}
ε-closure of r={r}
2. Now, we will start with state’ p’ its ε-closure is {p, q , r}. Find transitions of {p,q,r} on
each input symbol.
δ({p, q, r}, a)= δ(p, a)  δ(q, a)  δ(r, a) ={p}
δ({p, q, r}, b)= δ(p, b)  δ(q, b)  δ(r, b) ={q, r}
δ({p, q, r}, c)= δ(p, c)  δ(q, c)  δ(r, c) ={p, q, r}

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3. From this we get two new states as {q, r} and {p, q, r} which we will add to resultant
DFA. Let us take state {q, r} first and find its ε-closure.
ε-closure(q, r)= ε-closure(q)  ε-closure(r) ={q}  {r}={q, r}
Find transitions of {q , r} on each input symbol
δ({q, r}, a)= δ(q, a)  δ(r, a) ={p}
δ({q, r}, b)= δ(q, b)  δ(r, b) ={r}
δ({q, r}, c)= δ(q, c)  δ(r, c) ={p, q}
Here, we get again two new states as {r} and {p, q} which will be added to resultant
4. Next we will take state {p, q, r}, its ε-closure is :
ε-closure(p, q, r)= ε-closure(p)  ε-closure(q)  ε-closure(r)
={p, q, r}  {q} {r}={p, q, r}
We have already calculated the transitions of {p, q ,r} on each input symbol in step no.2
5. Next we will take state {r}, its ε-closure is {r}.
δ({r}, a)= δ({r}, b)=δ({r}, c)= {}
6. Next we will take state {p,q}, its ε-closure is :
ε-closure(p, q)= ε-closure(p)  ε-closure(q) ={p, q, r}  {q}={p, q, r}
We have already calculated the transitions of {p, q ,r} on each input symbol in step no.2
7. Next we will take state {q,r}, its ε-closure is :
ε-closure(q, r)= ε-closure(q)  ε-closure(r) ={q}  {r}={q, r}
We have already calculated the transitions of {q ,r} on each input symbol in step no.3
8. The states will be considered as final state if its ε-closure consists of final state of the
given NFA. Thus in the resultant DFA the states {q, r}, {p, q, r},{r} and {p, q} will
become final states.
There is no new state remaining to be added to the resultant DFA so we will stop here. All above
explained transitions are shown in following table.
X y= ε-closure(X) δ(y, a) δ(y, b) δ(y, c)

→p p,q,r p q, r p, q, r
q,r * q,r p r p,q
p,q,r* p,q,r p q, r p, q, r
r* r - - -
p,q* p,q,r p q, r p, q, r

We can observe from the above table that states {p, q, r} and {p, q} are equivalent so we can
replace them. The minimized DFA is shown below:
a b c
→p p q,r p,q
q,r* p r p,q

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r* - - -
p,q* p q,r p,q
Example 2
Convert the given ε-NFA to equivalent minimized DFA.

Q ε a b C

→p - p q R

q p q r - -

r q r - P

1. Find ε-closure of all states:
ε-closure of p={p}
ε-closure of q={p, q}
ε-closure of r={p, q, r}
2. Now, we will start with state’ p’ its ε-closure is {p}. Find transitions of {p} on each input
δ({p}, a)= {p}
δ({p}, b)= {q}
δ({p}, c)= {r}
From this we get two new states as {q} and {r} which we will add to resultant DFA.
3. Let us take state {q}, its ε-closure is {p, q}. Find transitions of {p, q} on each input
δ({p, q}, a)= δ(p, a)  δ(q, a) ={p, q}
δ({p, q}, b)= δ(p, b)  δ(q, b) ={q, r}
δ({p, q}, c)= δ(p, c)  δ(q, c) ={r}
Here, we get again two new states as {q, r} and {p, q} which will be added to resultant
4. Next we will take state {r}, its ε-closure is {p, q, r}. Find transitions of {p, q, r} on each
input symbol.
δ({p, q, r}, a)= δ(p, a)  δ(q, a)  δ(r, a) ={p, q, r}
δ({p, q, r},b)= δ(p, a)  δ(q, b)  δ(r, b) ={q, r}
δ({p, q, r}, a)= δ(p, c)  δ(q, c)  δ(r, c) ={p, r}
Here, we get again two new states as {p, r} and {p, q, r} which will be added to resultant
5. Next we will take state {p,q}, its ε-closure is :

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ε-closure(p, q)= ε-closure(p)  ε-closure(q) ={p}  {p, q}={p, q}

We have already calculated the transitions of {p, q} on each input symbol in step no.3
6. Next we will take state {q,r}, its ε-closure is :
ε-closure(q, r)= ε-closure(q)  ε-closure(r) ={p, q}  {p, q, r}={p, q, r}
We have already calculated the transitions of {p, q ,r} on each input symbol in step no.4
7. Next we will take state {p, r}, its ε-closure is :
ε-closure(p, r)= ε-closure(p)  ε-closure(r) ={p}  {p, q, r}={p, q, r}
We have already calculated the transitions of {p, q ,r} on each input symbol in step no.4
8. Next we will take state {p, q, r}, its ε-closure is :
ε-closure(p, q, r)= ε-closure(p)  ε-closure(q)  ε-closure(r)
={p}  {p, q} {p, q, r}={p, q, r}
We have already calculated the transitions of {p, q ,r} on each input symbol in step no.4
9. The final states in the DFA are ‘r’, ‘q,r’ , ‘p,r’ and ’p,q,r’
There is no new state remaining to be added to the resultant DFA so we will stop here. All above
explained transitions are shown in following table.

x y= ε-closure(x) δ(y, a) δ(y, b) δ(y, c)

→p p P q r

q p, q p, q q, r r

r* p, q, r p, q, r q, r p, r

p, q p, q p, q q, r r

q, r* p, q, r p, q, r q, r p, r

p, r* p, q, r p, q, r q, r p, r

p, q, r* p, q, r p, q, r q, r p, r

From the table we can observe that the states {q} and {p, q} are equivalent so we can replace
{p, q} by {p}. Similarly states {r},{q, r},{p, r} and {p, q, r} are equivalent so we can replace
them and can minimize the DFA as shown below.

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x δ(y, a) δ(y, b) δ(y, c)

→p p Q r

q q q, r r

r* r R r

Minimization of DFA (Using BOX Method)

We can found the equivalent states from the transition table and can reduce it. The problem with
this method is that sometimes it requires repetitive reductions or more number of steps.This
method minimizes the DFA within one step.
Steps for Minimization method:
• Remove unreachable states, i.e. states which cannot be reached from the start state
• Create a table such that Rows and columns will be identified by the state.
• Put ‘X’ for row and column of final state
• Check for equivalence state .
For pair (p, q) and input ‘a’ and ‘b’
If δ(p, a) =r and δ(q, a) =s
➢ If r!= s and for(r, s) pair ‘X’ is there then put ‘X’ for (p, q)
➢ If r!= s and for(r, s) pair ‘X’ is not there then do not put ‘X’ for (p, q)
➢ If r==s then check for next input and repeat above two steps
If δ(p, a) =δ(q, a) =r
If δ(p, b)= δ(q, b) =s
• Two states (p,q) cannot be equivalent if one is a final state and the other is not.
• Then pair (p, q) is equivalent and do not put ‘√’ for (p, q).
Example 1: Minimize the DFA represented by transition diagram below.

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Q 0 1

→A B F
C* A C
• From above table put ‘X’ for row and column of final state








• Now, start with last column with pair (G,H)

δ(G,0) =G δ(G,1)=E
δ(H,0) =G δ(H,1)=C
For (E, C) pair, there is already ‘X’ in table so put ‘X’ in (G, H) column.
• Next take the pair (F, H)
δ(F,0) =C
δ(H,0) =G
For (C, G) pair, one is final state and other is non final so put ‘X’ in table
• Next take the pair (F, G)
δ(F,0) =C
δ(G,0) =G
For (C, G) pair, one is final state and other is non final so put ‘X’ in table

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The above procedure is repeated for remaining pair.

• For (D, F) pair
δ(D,0) = δ(F,0) =C
δ(D,1)= δ(F,1)=G
As both transitions are equal put ‘√’.
• Similarly ,
δ(B,0) = δ(H,0) =G
δ(B,1)= δ(H,1)=C
As both transitions are equal put ‘√’.
• For (A, E) pair
δ(A,1) = δ(E,1) =F
δ(A,0)=B and δ(E,1)=H
As, for (B, H) pair we have already marked as equivalent pair so put ‘√’ for (A, E) pair.




E √ X X X

F X X X √ X


H X √ X X X X X

We get following equivalent pairs as (D, F) ,(B, H) and (A, E)
Thus the minimized DFA is :

0 1
→A B F
C* A C

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Example 2: Minimize the following DFA

∑ 0 1

→A B C





F* D E


B √


D √ √ X

E X X √ X

G X X √ X √ X
The equivalent pairs we get are (AB),(AD)(BD) (A ,B,D)
(EG),(CG),(CE) (C,E,G)
(A ,B,D) (C,E,G),F
The minimized DFA is,

∑ 0 1

→A A C


F* A C

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Example 3: Find a minimum state finite automata equivalent to following automata

a b
→q0 q1 q3
q1 q0 q3
q2 q1 q4
q3* q5 q5
q4 q3 q3
q5* q5 q5

Note: if more than one final states are there then do not put ‘X’ for their combination. First
check the transitions and then decide.

Solution: Here two final states i.e.q3,q5 so put ‘X’ for row and column of q3 and q5.
While doing this, we will not put ‘X’ for (q3, q5) pair.
Because, δ(q3,a) = δ(q5,a) =q5
δ(q3,b)= δ(q5,b)=q5
Both transitions are equal.
q1 X

q2 X X

q3 X X X

q4 X X X X

q5 X X X √ X

q0 q1 q2 q3 q4
The minimized DFA is:
∑ a b

→q0 q1 q3

q1 q0 q3

q2 q1 q4

q3* q3 q3

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q4 q3 q3

Example 4: Find a minimum state finite automata equivalent to following automata.

0 1
→a b a
b a c
c d b
d* d a
e d f
f g e
g f g
h h d

Solution: The table for above DFA shown below.

b X
c X X

d X X X

e X X X X

f X X X X X

g X X X X X X
h X X X X X X X
a b c d e f g
As equivalent states are not present in above DFA, it cannot be minimized any more. Hence
given DFA is minimized DFA

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Example 5: Find a minimum state finite automata equivalent to following automata.

Solution: As we see F is not reachable from ‘A’ so we eliminate F

Transition table:
∑ 0 1
→A B C
D √ X X
E X X √ X
C* B C

E* B C

After constructing table we get two pair that are equivalent i.e.(A,D) and (C,E)therefore there are
three states (A,D) (C,E),B
The minimized DFA is ,
∑ 0 1

→A B C


C* B C

Here state A and C cannot be merged because one is final and other is non final.

Finite Automata with Output:

As we see Finite automata doesn’t include information about output. After reading a string, it
just accepts or rejects that particular string. If FA resides in final state then the string is accepted
otherwise it is rejected. There are two different types of machines which can be formulated as

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Finite Automata with Output,Such machines do not have final states. Both machine generates
output for every input and can be categorized as,
1. Moore machine
2. Mealy machine.

➢ Moore Machine:
It is a machine with finite no of states and for which output symbol at a given time depends on
present state of machine. In Moore machine the output symbol is associated with each state.
Formal definition: A Moore machine can be expressed as,
M=(Q,∑,∆,δ,λ ,q0)
Q : Finite set of states
∑: Input alphabet
∆:Output alphabet
δ: State transition function Q X ∑ →Q
λ: Machine function/Output Function Q→ ∆
q0: initial state

State transition Table

0 1 o/p
→qA qA qB a

qB qC qB b

qC qB qA a

➢ Mealy Machine:
It is a machine with finite no of states and for which output symbol at a given time depends on
present input symbol and present state of machine. In Mealy machine the output symbol is
associated with each transition.
Formal definition: A Mealy machine can be expressed as,
M=(Q,∑,∆,δ,λ ,q0)

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Q : Finite set of states

∑: Input alphabet
∆:Output alphabet
δ: State transition function Q X ∑ →Q
λ: Machine function/Output Function Q X ∑ → ∆
q0: initial state

State transition Table δ= Output table λ=

∑ ∑
0 1 0 1
qB c
→qA qA →qA a
qC a
qB qB qB b

qC qA qB qC c b

1] Design Moore and Mealy machine to find 1’s complement of a binary number .
Moore Machine: Let M=(Q,∑,∆,δ,λ ,q0) be the required machine.
As we have two output symbols so require two states to represent them.
Hence Q={q0,q1}
q0 which gives output “0” .
q1 which gives output “1” .
Transition Table:

0 1 o/p
→q0 q1 q0 0

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q1 q1 q0 1

Transition Diagram:

Mealy Machine:
For mealy machine we require just two transitions. One is to convert 0 to 1 and other to convert 1
to 0.
State transition table δ= Output table λ=
∑ ∑
0 1 0 1
q0 →q0 0
→q0 q1 1
q0 0
q1 q1 q1 1

Transition Diagram:

2] Design Moore and Mealy machine consisting of strings from from ∑ * , where ∑ ={0,1} ,
and ending with “00” or “11” OR (0+1)*(00+11)
Solution:Let ∑ ={0,1}
Let us assume ,∆={Y,N}
If string is accepted it gives “Y” output otherwise it gives “N” output.
Moore Machine: We have to check whether the string is ending with “00” or “11”.

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Transition table:

0 1 o/p
q0 q1 q3 n

q1 q2 q3 n

q2 q2 q3 y

q3 q1 q4 n

q4 q1 q4 y

Mealy Machine:
State transition table δ= Output table λ=
∑ ∑
0 1 0 1
q2 →q0 n
→q0 q1 n
q2 n
q1 q1 q1 y
q2 q2 n y
q2 q1

Transition Diagram:

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3] Design Moore and Mealy machine for the following:

For input from ∑ * , where ∑ ={0,1} , If input ends with 101,output should be A , If input
ends with 110 then output is B Otherwise output should be C.
Moore Machine:Let M=(Q,∑,∆,δ,λ ,q0) be the required machine.
Transition Table
∑ o/p
0 1
0 C
→q0 q0 q1

1 C
q1 q2 q4

10 C
q2 q0 q3

101 A
q3 q2 q4

11 C
q4 q5 q4

110 B
q5 q0 q3

Transition diagram:

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Mealy Machine:
State transition table δ= Output table λ=

∑ ∑
0 1 0 1
→q0 q0 q1 →q0 C C
q1 q2 q4 q1 C C
q2 q0 q3 q2 C A
q3 q2 q4 q3 C C
q4 q5 q4 q4 B C
q5 q0 q3 q5 C A

Transition diagram:

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4] Design Moore and Mealy machine for finding Residue mod 3 for binary numbers.
Moore Machine: Let M=(Q,∑,∆,δ,λ ,q0) be the required machine.
When the number is divided by 3, the remainder is either 0 or 1 or 2.
For constructing DFA, string may have following four different possibilities:
1. Remainder is 0 (state q0)
2. Remainder is 1 (state q1)
3. Remainder is 2 (state q2)
Transition Diagram: Transition Table:

∑ o/p
Q 0 1

→q0 q0 q1 0

q1 q2 q0 1

q2 q1 q2 2

Mealy Machine:
State transition table δ= Output table λ=
∑ ∑
0 1 0 1
→q0 q0 q1 →q0 0 1
q1 q2 q0 q1 2 0
q2 q1 q2 q2 1 2
Transition Diagram:

***5]Design Moore and Mealy machine to Decrement a binary number. Dec-14(CBGS)


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Mealy Machine: Let M=(Q,∑,∆,δ, λ ,q0) be the required machine.

Q={q0,q1 }
When binary number is decremented then trailing 1’s become 0 and 0 become 1and after
trailing 1’s remaining bits are same.[start from MSB bit]
Example: if input 1011 then output becomes 1010
if input 111 then output becomes 110
State transition table δ= Output table λ=
∑ ∑
0 1 0 1
→q0 q0 q1 →q0 1 0
q1 q1 q1 q1 0 1
Transition Diagram:

Moore machine:
As output to state q1 are different therefore this state is splitted as [q10] and [q11]
Transition diagram: Transition Table:

∑ o/p
Q 0 1

→q0 q0 q10 0

q10 q10 q11 0

q11 q10 q11 1

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6] Design Mealy machine to Increment a binary number.

Mealy Machine: Let M=(Q,∑,∆,δ, λ ,q0) be the required machine.
When binary number is incremented then trailing 1’s become 0 and the first 0 immediately
before trailing 1’s become1.
Example: if input 1011 then output becomes 1100
State transition table δ= Output table λ=
∑ ∑
0 1 0 1
→q0 q1 q0 →q0 1 0
q1 q1 q1 q1 0 1
Transition Diagram:

7] Design Moore and Mealy machine to convert each occurrence of “100” by”101”.
Moore Machine: Let M=(Q,∑,∆,δ,λ ,q0) be the required machine.
Transition Table:
∑ o/p
0 1
→q0 q0 q1 0
q1 q2 q1 1
q2 q3 q1 0
q3 q0 q1 1

Transition Diagram:

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Mealy machine:
State transition table δ= Output table λ=
∑ ∑
0 1 0 1
→q0 q0 q1 →q0 0 1
q1 q2 q1 q1 0 1
q2 q3 q1 q2 1 1
q3 q0 q1 q3 0 1
Transition Diagram:

8] Design Moore machine to convert each occurrence of “1000” to”1001”.

Moore Machine: Let M=(Q,∑,∆,δ,λ ,q0) be the required machine.
Transition Table:
∑ 0 1 o/p
0 →q0 q0 q1 0

1 q1 q2 q1 1

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10 q2 q3 q1 0

100 q3 q4 q1 0

1000 q4 q0 q1 1

Transition Diagram:

9]Design Moore machine to convert each occurrence of “120” to”122”over Σ={0,1,2}

Moore Machine: Let M=(Q,∑,∆,δ,λ ,q0) be the required machine.
Transition Table:
∑ 0 1 2 o/p
0 →q0 q0 q1 q2 0
1 q1 q0 q1 q3 1

2 q2 q0 q1 q2 2

12 q3 q4 q1 q2 2

120 q4 q0 q1 q2 2

Transition Diagram:

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10] Design Moore machine to count each occurrence of “abb” Σ={a,b}

Moore Machine: Let M=(Q,∑,∆,δ,λ ,q0) be the required machine.
Transition table:
∑ a b o/p
a →q0 q2 q1 ɛ

b q1 q0 q1 ɛ

aa q2 q0 q3 ɛ

aab q3 q0 q1 0

Transition Diagram:

11] Design Mealy machine to find addition of two binary numbers.

Solution: Let ∑={0,1}
For binary addition input becomes, ∑={(0,0) ,(0,1), (1,0), (1,1) }
∆ ={0,1}

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q0 which gives no carry, q1 which gives carry

In qo state In q1 state
0+0 =0 no carry 0+0+carry=1 no carry
0+1=1 no carry 0+1+carry=0 carry
1+0=1 no carry 1+0+carry=0 carry
1+1=0 carry 1+1+carry=1 carry

Transition table:
State transition table δ=

(0,0) (0,1) (1,0) (1,1)
→q0 q0 q0 q0 q1
q1 q0 q1 q1 q1

Output table λ=

(0,0) (0,1) (1,0) (1,1)
→q0 0 1 1 0
q1 1 0 0 1

Transition Diagram:

12]Design Mealy machine to to o/p even and odd depending on the no of 1’s encountered
are Even and odd over Σ={0,1}
Solution: Let M=(Q,∑,∆,δ,λ ,q0) be the required machine.

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State transition table δ= Output table λ=

∑ ∑
0 1 0 1
→q0 q0 q1 →q0 Even odd
q1 q1 q0 q1 Odd Even

Transition Diagram:

13] Design Mealy machine to change each occurrence of “abb” to “aba” over Σ={a,b}
Solution:Let M=(Q,∑,∆,δ,λ ,q0) be the required machine.
State transition table δ= Output table λ=
∑ ∑
a b a b
→q0 q0 q2 →q0 a b
q1 q0 q1 q1 a b
q2 q0 q3 q2 a a
q3 q0 q1 q3 a b

Transition Diagram:

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Equivalence of Moore and Mealy Machines:

It is possible to convert Moore to Mealy machine. In the same way for every mealy machine we
can construct equivalent Moore machine.
➢ Moore to Mealy Conversion:
1. Assign output symbol of each state to all the incoming transitions of that the state.
2. If there is no incoming transition then output symbol of the state can be ignored.
Example: Convert the given Moore machine to Mealy machine

Fig: Moore Machine Fig: Mealy Machine

As we see from the above diagram the output of state q0 is “a”,so we will assign “a” output to
all incoming transitions of q0. Same procedure is repeated for all states.

➢ Mealy to Moore Conversion

For Every Mealy machine there is an equivalent Moore machine.
1. If all incoming transitions to a state have the same output symbol then assign the
output symbol to the state.
2. If incoming transitions to a state are having different output symbols then split the
state as many times as there are output symbols and assign each output symbol to the
new splitted state.
3. If there are no incoming transitions for any state then one of the output symbols can
be assigned to that State
4. If initial state is splitted then one of the splitted state taken as new initial state.

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Example: Convert following Mealy machine to Moore machine.

Fig: Mealy Machine Fig: Moore Machine

In above diagram we see all incoming transition to state q0 is ‘1’therefore output of q0 is ”1”
Similarly, output of q1 is ”0” and output of state q2 will be “1”.
Now, for q3 state incoming transitions have two different output symbols as “0” and”1”.
Therefore, we will split the state q3 as [q3 0] and [q3 1].The output of state [q3 0] will be “0”
and output of [q3 1] will be “1”.

Example 2: Convert the given Mealy machine to Moore machine.

Fig: Mealy Machine Fig: Moore Machine

In above diagram we see all incoming transition to state q0 is ‘a’ therefore output of q0 is ”a”
Similarly, output of q2 is ”b” and output of state q2 will be “b”.
Now, for q1 state incoming transitions have two different output symbols as “a” and”b”.
Therefore, we will split the state q1 as [q1a] and [q1b].The output of state [q1a] will be “a” and
output of [q1b] will be “b”.

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Difference between Moore and Mealy Machine

Moore Machine Mealy Machine
1. The output depends on only current The output depends on both ,the current state
state of the machine and input.
2. The output symbol is associated with The output symbol is associated with the
the state. transitions.
3. The output mapping is defined as, The output mapping is defined as,
λ: Q → ∆ λ: Q X ∑ → ∆
4. If the length of I/p sequence is n, then If the length of I/p sequence is n, then length
length of o/p sequence is n+1 of o/p sequence is also n
5. We can get the output on ɛ We cannot get the output on ɛ
6. Example Example

1 Differentiate between NFA and DFA. 05
2 Give applications of finite automata 02
3 Compare and contrast Mealy and Moore machine. Design Moore 10
machine to find residue modulo 3 for binary numbers
4 Construct NFA that accepts a set of all strings over {a, b} ending with 10
“abb”. Convert this NFA to equivalent DFA
1 State and Prove Equivalence of NFA and DFA 05
2 Design DFA to accept the strings over Σ={a,b}that begins with’aa’ but 10
not ends with ‘aa’.
3 Design Moore and Mealy machine to Decrement a binary number 10
1 Distinguish between NFA and DFA. 05
2 Design a DFA to check whether a given number is divisible by 4. 08
3 Define NDFA with an example. 02
4 Design Moore machine for the language (0+1)*(00+11) and convert it 10
to Mealy machine.
1 Design a FSM that check if a given decimal no is even 05
2 What are the steps to convert Moore machine to Mealy machine. 10
Design Moore and Mealy machine to change each occurrence of 100 to

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1 Differentiate between Moore and Mealy Machine with proper examples 10
and usage carry out conversions of Moore M/C to Mealy M/C
1 Define with examples Moore and Mealy Machine. 05
2 Design a finite state machine to determine whether a ternary number 10
with base 3 is divisibly by 5.
3 Design Mealy machine for the language (0+1)*(00+11) and convert it 10
to Moore machine.
4 Convert following NFA with epsilon moves to minimum state DFA 10

1 Compare and contrast Moore and Mealy Machine. 05
2 Convert following NFA to DFA. 10

1 Q. 1 What is a finite automaton? Give finite automata accepting 05
2 Design finite state machine to add 2 binary numbers of equal length. 10
3 Differentiate between Moore and Mealy Machine. 05
4 Write short note on applications of FA. 02
1 Differentiate between 10
1. NFA and DFA
2. Moore and Mealy Machine.
2 Find a minimum state finite automata equivalent to following automata- 10
0 1
→a b a
b a c
c d b
d* d a

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e d f
f g e
g f g
h h d
3 Convert following NFA with epsilon moves to minimum state DFA 10
accepting the same language

4 Design Mealy machine for the language (0+1)*(00+11) and convert it 10

to Moore machine.
5 Design DFAto accept following languages over Σ={0,1} 10
L={w|w starts with 0 and has odd length and start with 1 has even
L={Every odd position of w is 1}
1 Design finite state machine to accept exactly two strings baa and ab. 5
2 Convert the following NFA to DFA 5

0 1
p {p,q} p
q {r, s} t
R {p,r} t
s* ø ø

t* ø ø

3 Obtain DFA to accept the strings which contains exctly three a’s over ∑ 8
={a, b}
4 Give Moore and Mealy machine to change each occurrence of substring 10
120 to 121 over ∑ ={0, 1, 2}
5 Minimize the following DFA 10
a b
→q0 q1 q3
q1 q0 q3
q2 q1 q4
q3* q5 q5
q4 q3 q3
q5* q5 q5


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1 Define DFA and state applications of Finite Automata in brief. 05

2 Obtain DFA to accept strings of a’s and b’s with even no of a’s and 10
even no of b’s.
3 Give Mealy and Moore machine for input from ∑={0,1} if theinput 10
ends in 101, output should be x, if input ends in 110 and output should
be y, otherwise output should be z.
4 Minimize the following DFA, where q0 is start state and q3 and q5 are 10
final states

1 Design Moore and Mealy machine to change each occurrence of 10
substring abb to aba.
2 Design DFA to accept languages 10
Set of all strings with odd number of 1’s followed by even number of
Set of all strings which begin and end with different letters ∑ ={x, y, z}

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