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Call of Cthulhu Quick Rules

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Call of Cthulhu Quick Rules

Rolls and Dice Physical limits: The upper limit of what can be achieved is
100 + investigators skill (requires extreme success). Anything
beyond is impossible unless investigators combine efforts.
• Difficulty can be reduced by deducting one or more
• Regular / normal - competent (<50%) helping investigator’s characteristics (lowest first)
• Hard - would challenge a professional (50-89%) until you are able to perform a skill roll. Usually only
• Extreme - limits of possibility for a human (>90%) for skill checks.
Combined checks, one roll is made and compared to each • The remaining roll follows the degrees of success.
skill listed. Keeper decides if some or all skills are required to regular <50, hard 50-89, extreme >90
e.g. Joe, STR 70 is trying to lift a beam 200. The upper limit of
what Joe can achieve on his own is 100+70=170. So
Idea Rolls - Not sure what to do next, you get a clue
everything from 90 to 170 requires an extreme success. This
regardless of if you pass or not. Player with highest INT rolls.
beam is 200 so he can’t do anything. John comes over to help.
DC of the clue set by keeper. (KRB:199) Failing an idea roll puts
He has a strength of 80. So, remove lowest first (200-70) =
any character "in the thick of it" - a negative situation where
130. This leaves John able to try and lift the beam on an
they get the clue, but in the worst possible way and often
extreme. If Peter, STR 75 also steps in to help then 200-70-
leading to danger.
75=55 leaving John able to lift it with a hard success (50-89)
• Keeper never mentioned the clue → INT roll Failed skill rolls may spend luck OR push.
• Keeper mentioned clue, players forgot → INT roll
(hard) Pushing Rolls Players justify how/why they’re pushing. GM
• Clue was made clear, several mentions → INT roll should foreshadow possible consequences of failing (typically
(extreme) dire) and always has a cost that negatively affects players even
if the outcome succeeds. Keeper should focus on interesting
Know Rolls can be used as a means to know what to do next, a
consequences rather than flat failure. A failed push is a chance
general catch-all, most people know "stuff". Usually based on
to push the story towards horror/consequences.
the level of education. EDU roll to see if you know something
about this.
Bonuses and Penalties stack. Bonus and penalty cancel
each other out. Primarily used with opposed dice rolls. Awarded Luck may only be used to alter your own rolls. Successful skill
where there is a clear advantage ≠or disadvantage. rolls that use luck do not get a skill improvement check.
Recovering Luck Players can recover luck before (or after) a
Crits and Fumbles: Crit on a 01, Fumble on 96-100 (<50 skill), session by checking their luck. 1D100 and if you fail (roll above
or 100 (>=50) luck score) → add 1d10 luck.

Development Phase/Skill Improvement: On successful Skill On a roll of 01 players can try to increase their POW. 1d100 >
checks (not spending luck) check the improvement box. POW (or >=96) increase POW by 1d10 points permanently
Improvements happen at the end of an arc. (pp179)

1d100. Rolling higher than the skill (fail) improves it by 1d10.

Mastery of a skill (>90%) awards 2d6 SAN. Self study (4
months) of an academic subject allow a skill roll.

Perception skills are: Spot Hidden (visual/smell/taste), Listen,

Psychology (motivations/intentions)

Social Skill are: Charm, fast talk, intimidate, persuade are

opposed by the same skills OR psychology. Fast talk is quick,
persuade takes time - usually 30min. If rolling against an
opposing social skill, if your target’s opposing skill is:

• <50% then you require a regular success

• 50-89% then you require a hard success Cannot Push Cannot use Luck
Luck Luck rolls
• >90 then you require an extreme success Combat or Damage rolls Damage rolls
Agreement and Opposition: If an NPC is inclined to agree SAN rolls or SAN loss SAN or SAN loss
with the player then no roll is needed. If strongly opposed then Opposed rolls Alter a crit or fumble
raise difficulty 1 or 2 degrees. In some cases there may be no Cannot push a roll in chases Reverse a firearms
chance to succeed. malfunction
Cannot push a roll and then On a pushed roll
spend luck
Opposed Rolls: both sides roll skill and the best level of Skill Rolls using luck do not
success wins. Cannot be pushed. In a tie the highest skill/ get an improvement check
ability wins. Draw again, roll d100, highest wins.

1/10 Rolls and Dice https://hackrpg.itch.io

Call of Cthulhu Quick Rules
Combat difficulty of manoeuvre.

Compare builds, attacker adds a penalty dice for each point

A combat round allows each player to perform one action. Not that the defender is bigger (1 per level to a maximum of 2). 3+
a precise unit of time. levels larger can't be done. (No bonus if the attacker's build it
Order of attack occurs based on DEX descending. Attackers
with prepared firearms get +50 to their DEX. Target gets to declare reaction: dodging, fighting back, or
manoeuvre. Makes an opposed roll.
Choice Effect
Fight Back Highest level of success wins. Draw, Escaping from being pinned, grappled, requires a successful
attacker wins, both fail - no damage fighting manoeuvre to escape.
Dodge Attacker wins with a higher level of success.
Draw, defender wins. Both fail - no damage Ranged or Thrown Weapons (not guns)
Do Nothing Attack is either an automatic success, or are treated like firearms but the target has the option to dive
gets a bonus dice (like surprise). Failure for cover. Attacks can be opposed with Dodge. Defenders can
only on a fumble. fight back if range is point-blank (1/5 DEX range). +½ DB is
Flee Not restrained, safe place to flee to. May applied to missiles/thrown weapons which depend on STR to
trigger a chase. Refer to chases and throw (eg slings, bows but NOT crossbows).
movement rates of each combatant.
General Characters can move up to MOV value in yds/m and attack
normally or move up to MOV x5 and make one melee attack at
Surprise - player neither fighting back or dodging, attacker the end of the round.
gets a free attack. The keeper may allow a Listen, Spot Hidden,
or Psychology roll to avoid the surprise. Characters can take shots at any point in their round. Weapons
need to be readied to take advantage of the +50 DEX and be
• Attackers sneaking will use their Stealth roll. fired before moving. If moving at MOV x5 the player takes a
Surprise attacks either automatically succeed or penalty die on shooting (running). DEX order may be delayed
require a skill roll with a bonus dice (firearms and to end of round if significant ground needs to be covered to
thrown weapons). reach a firing position.
• When attacking a target that is unable to or chooses
not to dodge or fight back, the attacker should roll
their attack normally, but will only fail to hit if they roll
a fumble.
Fleeing - characters can use their action to flee provided
they're not restrained, and have a safe place to flee.

Armour Hit Locations

1-3 Right Leg Optional areas to roll to
4-6 Left Leg see if armour applies.
Reduces incoming damage received. Armour doesn’t reduce 7-10 Abdomen
damage from magical attacks, poisoning, drowning, or fall 11-15 Chest
16-17 Right arm
damage. 18-19 Left arm
20 Head
Multiple Attacks
Armour Values
Heavy jacket/leather 1 point
For people usually by shooting multiple bullets where you roll
WW1 helmet 2 points
for each shot with a penalty dice. Some monsters can make
multiple attacks in one round. 1” hardwood 3 points
Kevlar vest 8 points
Bullet Proof Glass 15 points
Outnumbered 1” steel plate 19 points
Large sand bag 20 points
Once defender dodged or fought back, all subsequent melee
6” concrete 25 points
attacks get a bonus dice (not firearms).

Melee Modifiers
Fighting Manoeuvres Target has already dodged or
fought back this round
1 Bonus Die

Need to state what you are trying to do. Trip, knock down, (outnumbered). N/a if allowed
punch, knock unconscious, push off, pin down. Determines multiple attacks.
Kicking a prone target 1 Bonus Die
2/10 https://hackrpg.itch.io
Call of Cthulhu Quick Rules
Firearm Attacks surrounded by multiple adversaries.

Reaction : You can not dodge or fight back against firearm Some creatures can never be outnumbered. Eg. may have
attacks, Firearm attacks are not opposed. multiple eyes/limbs and can react to multiple adversaries

Range Reloading
Shared by ranged weapons and firearms - determines success One combat round allows you to load 2 shells into any gun, or
at hitting and requires a check. change a clip. You can also lot 1 round into a gun and fire off a
shot with a penalty die. It takes 2 rounds to change a machine
• Base range: regular success to hit gun belt.
• Long range (base x2): hard success to hit
• Extreme range (base x4): extreme success to hit - Extreme Damage
impales only occur with a critical hit (01)
When the attacker scores an extreme success on their attack
Automatic Fire (not when fighting back).

Divide firearms skill by 10 (round down). You fire volleys of Penetrating weapons : max weapon damage + max damage
bullets with this number of bullets in each volley (min 3). You bonus (DB) + one extra weapon damage roll
can fire up to your magazine size in bullets. Blunt weapons : max weapon damage + max damage bonus
Roll to hit for each volley. Each volley becomes successively
harder to hit. Each volley after the first gets an additional
penalty die. After the 2nd penalty die, the success level required
to hit increases.

Roll damage for each volley. Look at rules for multiple targets.
Multiply each volley by the number of bullets that hit in the

Multiple Targets
Waste 1 bullet per metre/yard between targets. On a successful
hit half the shots fired hit. On an extreme, all shots fired hit
and half impale. If the range/difficulty was extreme then it’s
just a normal hit, not an impale (see rules for extreme range).

Roll equal to or higher than the weapon's malfunction number.
Lever-action guns jam, all others don't fire. Cannot be
modified by luck.

Fixing a jam takes 1d6 rounds and a successful Mechanical

Repair or Firearms skill. A fumble can hit an ally or the wielder. Ranged Modifiers / Firearms
Dive for Cover (Successful dodge) - 1 Penalty Die
sacrifices target’s next attack. Can
Armour still dodge just not fight back.
Partially concealed, at least 50% 1 Penalty Die
Reduces incoming damage received. Armour doesn’t reduce Fast Moving. 8+ speed 1 Penalty Die
damage from magical attacks, poisoning, drowning, or fall Reload and shooting 1 bullet (same 1 Penalty Die
damage. round)
Small target (Build is -2 or less) 1 Penalty Die
Target is prone (ignore for point 1 Penalty Die
Outnumbered blank)
Firing 2+ shots with a handgun 1 Penalty Die on all shots
Characters or monsters that have more than 1 attack can attack Firing while running 1 Penalty Die
or fight back that many times before a bonus dice is applied.
Point blank range (1/5 DEX), not 1 Bonus Die
Once a defender has dodged or fought back, all subsequent long weapons - rifles etc
brawl attacks from other attackers get a bonus dice. Aiming for 1 round 1 Bonus Die
Target is Large (Build 4+) 1 Bonus Die
Does not apply when a single creature is making multiple brawl Mounted weapons 1 Bonus Die
attacks against you. Mechanics meant to highlight being Shooting while prone 1 Bonus Die
3/10 Combat (Firearms) https://hackrpg.itch.io
Call of Cthulhu Quick Rules
Damage Restores 1d3 HP over 1 hour if used within 24 hrs of the wound.
If used later requires a hard success. Requires access to
proper equipment and medical supplies.
If damage taken in one attack is more than your max HP, you
die. Must be used to stabilise a dying patient permanently. Can
only be used once per combat/instance of damage. First aid
A single attack that does more than half your max HP knocks and medicine can both be used on the same wound.
you prone and leads to a major wound. You need to make a
CON roll to avoid falling unconscious.
Recovery and Healing
If your HP falls to 0 you are unconscious.
Natural healing with adequate rest and no major wound is 1 HP
If your HP falls to 0 and you have a major wound you are per day.
For a major wound, make a CON check at the end of each
Unconscious: You have taken a major wound and failed the week. Success adds 1d3 HP/week. Extreme success adds 2d3
CON roll or you don’t have a major wound and your HP reaches HP and removes the wound, Remove the major wound if you
0. roll an extreme success and/or current HP is above half of full
Dying: make a CON roll at the end of each round, failing this
causes you to die. Note: There are only 2 ways to remove a major wound, an
extreme CON roll and/or any time current HP is raised above
half of maximum HP.
Recovery Environment plays an important role in healing. Rest in a
comfortable, safe environment or one with proper medical care
First Aid adds a bonus die. A poor, dirty, or inadequate environment, or
a doctor’s fumble adds a penalty die.
First aid administered within an hour of a wound restores 1 HP.
If patient is dying, the first aid stabilises the patient for an hour
on 1 temporary HP (no CON saves needed) and rouses them
from unconsciousness. After an hour a dying patient slips back
to dying unless medicine is successfully administered. First
aid can only be used once per combat/instance of damage and
cannot be used multiple times on a dying patient.


4/10 Damage and Healing https://hackrpg.itch.io

Call of Cthulhu Quick Rules
Sanity Temporary insanity lasts 1d10 hrs but investigator can
recover with a good night sleep in a safe place.
Indefinite insanity is recovered
set to POW at start, Max SAN:99 - Cthulhu Mythos skill.
Recovering from Indefinite Insanity via private care or
A fumble results in max sanity loss. Luck cannot be institution, or until the next development phase or end of
spent on a sanity roll. chapter.
Any time you fail a SAN roll, you suffer an involuntary Private care: at home or friendly location with no distractions.
reaction (keeper controlled). Examples are crying out,
Roll 1d100.
freezing, lashing out, running, etc.
• On 1-95 is a successful treatment. Add 1d3 SAN for
Sanity Loss psychiatric medications or psychoanalysis. Roll SAN.
Success means investigator is cured of insanity.
SAN Lost Effects Unsuccessful try another roll in one months time.
5+ from 1 INT roll. Fail you suppress memory
• 96-100 lose a further 1d6 SAN as the mind rebels
source otherwise temporarily insane for d10
hrs. against the treatment. No further check can be made
for one month.
1/5 current in 1 Indefinitely insane. Lasts until cured Institutionalisation and admittance to an asylum. Apart from
day over a few months. inherent dangers in these places. Roll 1d100.
Reach 0 Permanently insane, become an NPC
• 0-50: is a success. Add 1d3 SAN for medications or
psychotherapy. SAN roll. Success -> Cure.
Phases of Insanity Unsuccessful, no further checks can be made for 1
Regardless whether temporary or indefinitely, the player • 51-95: no progress made.
will go through 2 distinct phases. • 96-100: lose a further 1d6 SAN as the mind rebels
against the treatment. No further check can be made
Phase 1: Bout of Madness
for one month.
Characterises a loss of self control. Keeper may take control of Psychotherapy: roll 1d100 against doctor’s psychoanalysis skill
the character or dictate actions like fainting, shouting, or once per month. Success recovers 1d3 SAN. Fail makes no
fleeing. Character cannot lose additional SAN during a bout. progress. Fumble lose 1d6 SAN and suffer some dramatic
This phase lasts d10 rounds or d10 hours (combat/summary) setback in the therapy.

Afterwards, an item from the character's backstory Increasing skills to 90%: awards 2d6 SAN representing skill
changed permanently. appearance, behaviour, beliefs, and self-esteem of mastering a skill.
traits, phobias, possessions etc.
Reality Checks
Phase 2: Underlying Insanity
May need to be made by insane investigators who are
These are the lingering effects from the insanity and the experiencing hallucinations and visions. SAN roll to see
character is sensitive to a potential relapse. If a single perform a reality check. Succeed: investigator sees through
point of SAN is lost during this phase it triggers another delusion and keeper must say what investigator genuinely
Bout of Madness and the cycle repeats. perceives / see things as they are. Fail: Lose 1 SAN point and
trigger a bout of madness. Delusions or hallucinations persist.
Lasts for 1d10 hours with temporary insanity, or
indefinitely with indefinite insanity.
Mythos induced trauma
Phobias and Manias Mythos induced trauma / sanity loss is reflected in an increase
in Cthulhu Mythos skill. The first instance of Mythos
Gained as a consequence of sanity loss. Can be treated induced insanity always adds 5 to Cthulhu Mythos (reduce
with Psychotherapy. Outside of insanity has a role-play max sanity by same amount). Further bouts, temporary or
effect. While insane has game consequences. An indefinite, add 1 thereafter (-1 to max sanity).
investigator exposed while insane suffers:

Phobias: one penalty dice on all rolls (not fighting or Becoming Mythos Hardened
fleeing) while exposed.
When an investigator's Cthulhu Mythos skill becomes
Manias: one penalty dice on all rolls until the obsession greater than their SAN it causes a permanent shift in
has been indulged. investigators comprehension of the universe. From this
point on all SAN loss is halved.
Sanity Recovery
5/10 Sanity / Insanity (1) https://hackrpg.itch.io
Call of Cthulhu Quick Rules
Magic Investigators are likely to become possessive or corrupted by
studying mythos tomes. Obsessions can play out as a lust for
Start with magic at 1/5 POW at the start of the game. knowledge, over-protectiveness about books, feeling the book
speaks only to you, that it is changing you etc. This may also be
Regain 1 magic point per hour. (2/hr if POW>200; 3/hr if the wellspring for insanity side effects and delusions. P225
POW>300). Cannot exceed 1/5 POW.
Characters can obtain magic points > 1/5 POW. These can be
spent but cannot be regenerated beyond 1/5 POW • Roll for Sanity loss: for reading tome (if a believer)
• Cthulhu Mythos: CMI mythos points gained by initial
Casting Spells reading. CMF for a full reading.
• Mythos rating: % chance to find useful reference in
Casting requires magic points, some require artefacts, or
components. Casting Mythos spells cost Sanity. tome
• Study: time to do a full reading
Time to cast is variable. Caster needs to know the spell, be able • Suggested Spells: possible spells within tome.
to repeat incantation in an authoritative way, and often have • Initial Reading (CMI - Cthulhu Mythos Initial)
freedom of movement.

If a caster runs out of magic points, points are taken directly

from HP manifesting as physical damage. Initial Reading (CMI)
1st ATTEMPT: First Cast: Casting a new spell for the 1st time CMI (Cthulhu Mythos Initial) Takes a few days to skim a
required a POW (hard) success. Can be pushed. On a success, book and gain some understanding of what it contains.
subsequent casts don't need a roll.
Reading language rolls may be required depending on the
2nd ATTEMPT: Following a failed cast, a second attempt (push) language and the difficulty.
can be attempted at any point. On a second fail, the spell
succeeds, but dire consequences ensue. • good condition written in last Century = regular;
• old and handwritten = hard;
If players don't want to risk a 2nd fail, they can go and relearn
the spell from scratch, +2d6 weeks and a hard INT roll. This • mouldy, handwritten, falling apart = extreme.
resets the state of the cast back to an initial cast. Failing the reading roll may leave some inkling of the contents
but have failed to grasp the true meaning so no further impact.
Learning Spells Sanity Roll, only a true believer takes this sanity damage and
is able to increase their mythos skill.
Spells can be learned from a book, another person, or a mythos
entity. Learning a spell does not cost SAN. Casting a mythos Increase mythos skill by tome’s CMI value, reduce max sanity
spell does cost SAN. by this amount.
Learning from: A successful initial reading provides insights into nature of
the book and what it contains, also some idea of what spells
• Mythos tomes, requires successful CMI and a hard it might contain
INT roll.
• Another person, requires successful CMI and a hard Learning spells from a CMI requires a successful CMI + Hard
INT roll, shorter duration. INT roll
• Mythos entity, very fast, INT roll to retain spell.
Full Reading (CMF)
CMF (Cthulhu Mythos Full): Investigator must know the
Increasing POW language. No reading roll required.

When character successfully casts a spell requiring an opposed An initial reading must have been successfully undertaken first.
POW roll they can make a subsequent roll to see if they can This is now a long academic study of the text.
improve their power.
Requires a Sanity Roll, or lose the max sanity value.
1d100 > POW → 1d10 increase in power.
If the investigator's Cthulhu Mythos:

Mythos Tomes
Only 1 tome can be studied at a time.

6/10 Magic, Spell Casting, Tomes (1) - CMI https://hackrpg.itch.io

Call of Cthulhu Quick Rules
• < Tome Mythos Rating, book contains more info, Hazards - slow participants down. Can also cause harm. Never
greater benefit, add CMF stop a participant. Failed rolls can inflict damage to people (tbl
• > Tome Mythos Rating; know more than tome, lesser III) or vehicles (tbl (IV)) and slow for 1d3 MAs. Regardless of
outcome, always reach other side of hazard.
effect, add CMI
Barriers - block progress until successfully dealt with by a skill
Each subsequent study takes 2x as long as the previous one.
Apply the same SAN lost/Cthulhu mythos increase. Brute force may be used, no attack roll required.
Successful full reading allows for that language skill increase
• Vehicles 1d10 DMG / point of build.
attempt. May have effect on increasing other skills KRB:175
• Failure to destroy barrier = wrecked vehicle.
Tomes as Reference Books • Destroy barrier, vehicle takes DMG = 1/2 barrier HP
e.g Wood fence/thing door (5hp), standard exterior door (10hp),
Used when looking for obscure facts based on a book's strong external door (15hp), 9” brick wall (25hp), mature tree
contents e.g. how long a Cthonian takes to reach full maturity. (50hp), bridge support beam (100hp)

1d4 hrs, then 1d100 <= book’s cthulhu mythos rating. Success 4. Conflict
may find useful info, failure the book doesn’t contain that
information, or failure to locate it. need to be in same location unless using firearms. Attack
costs 1 MA. Number of attacks and resolution order as per
normal combat.
Stop and shoot costs 1 MA and no penalty.
1. Establish chase
Run and shoot costs 1 MA and 1 penalty dice.
Speed roll adjusts MOV for every vehicle or character.
Vehicle tires are small, have armour 3. 1 penalty dice for small
CON roll. Extreme Success: +1 MOV, Fail: -1 MOV size. 1 penalty dice if moving >8. burst tire reduces vehicle
build by 1 point.
Compare adjusted MOV. (optional) if MOV:Fleeing > MOV:
pursuer can end chase. Always have opportunity to respond regardless of remaining
MA. Overwhelmed rules still apply for melee.

2. Cut to the chase Large creatures can attack vehicle aiming to inflict damage,
or fighting manoeuvre to tip, flip, pick up.
Add participants to locations, gap of 1-2 between pursuers and
their quarry. Vehicles use drive auto skill for fighting/dodge. Each vehicle is
a weapon that inflicts
Calculate movement actions for participants
1d10 dmg/ 1 build.
Each participant gets movement actions (MA) = 1 + (Their
adjusted MOV - slowest MOV) Each full 10 points of DMG decreased vehicle build by 1 point
(remainders ignored)
Participants joining an in progress chase, roll their MOV and
then get added to an appropriate location. Vehicle build damage received can never be larger than
the build of the thing you hit.
3. Resolve Chase Round
Eg. car (build 5) hits a motorbike (build 1) doing 5d10 points of
Turns resolved in DEX order, high to low. damage. Rolls 44 :. car takes 22 points of dmg or build 2.
Motorbike is build 1 so max damage car can take is 1 build, not
Spend movement actions (MA) to: 2.

• move forward in the chase Random Hazards and Barriers: Roll 1d100
• initiate 1 attack - fighting, firearms, drive auto
• 1-59: clear
• cast a spell
• 60-84: 1 regular hazard/barrier
• perform an action: pick a lock, etc.
• 85-95: 1 hard hazard/barrier
• Gain a bonus dice on a skill on a skill roll to avoid a
• 96+: 1 extreme hazard/barrier
hazard (max 2).
Sudden hazards
No pushed rolls in a chase any point in chase, keeper or player can call for group luck roll.

7/10 Tomes (2) - CMF, Chases (1) https://hackrpg.itch.io

Call of Cthulhu Quick Rules
Pass → player favour; Fail → Keeper favour. combination thereof. All occupants of the vehicle are likely to
die. Whether or not investigators have a chance of survival is
Regular difficulty only. up to the Keeper:

Pedal to the metal • Luck rolls may be allowed. Those who are fortunate
get thrown free, though it is recommended they take
vehicles can accelerate 2-5 locations for 1 MA at risk. at least 2D10 damage.
If a vehicle’s build is otherwise reduced to zero by
• 1 MA = 1 location cumulative damage (i.e. in increments of less than the
vehicle’s starting build value), it becomes undriveable, grinding
• 1 MA = 2-3 locations; Hazards get 1 penalty dice
to a halt. Depending on the situation (and perhaps a Luck roll)
• 1 MA = 4-5 locations; Hazards get 2 penalty dice this may lead to an accident resulting in 1D10 damage for the
Note: penalty dice not applied for barriers that vehicle is driver and each passenger.
breaking through - penalty enough if they fail.

How many locations ahead can you see in perfect weather

Monsters in a chase
(adjust accordingly)?
• implied aptitude for a skill - use DEX (or other)
• Crowded city - 1d3 • implied ineptitude for a skill - use 1/5 DEX (or other)
• Suburbs - 1d6
• Straight country road - 1d10
Successful if quarry hides and pursuer fails a spot hidden.

Hiding a vehicle not easy - usually a combined Stealth and

Drive Auto roll that needs to succeed against both skills.

Passengers in vehicles
no speed rolls, and no movement actions, simple act on their
DEX order.

Can assist driver with navigation/maps/advice.

Passenger makes 1 spot hidden or navigate roll. Success, on

vehicles, next move vehicle can accelerate with 1 fewer penalty

Passenger & Vehicle Damage

if driver suffers major wound and remains conscious, may still
lose control of vehicle. roll for hazard at hard difficulty.

Table VI - vehicle collisions puts the incident as a moderate

incident (damage is 1d6 build to vehicle and 1d6 hp to players
as well as possible loss of MAs.)

Vehicle collisions - damage rolled for vehicle and then each

occupant substituting build for HP.

People can fire into vehicles targeting players (penalty dice).

Vehicles armour reduces damage.

If a vehicle’s build is reduced to half (round down) of its

starting value or lower, it is impaired; one penalty dice is
applied to all Drive Auto (or appropriate skill) rolls.

If a vehicle takes damage equal to its full build value in

one incident, the vehicle is completely wrecked in an
impressive manner. It may explode, burn, roll or suffer some

8/10 Chases (2) https://hackrpg.itch.io

Call of Cthulhu Quick Rules


MOV MPH KPH MPH KPH Vehicles Animals
5 3 5 2 4 Human Walk

6 4 6 3 5

7 6 10 5 8

8 8 13 6 10 Human Run

9 12 19 10 15

10 18 29 14 23

11 27 43 22 35 Tank Hussein Bolt

12 40 64 32 51 Steam Train Horse, lion

13 60 97 48 77 Car (economy), 6t truck, 18-wheeler, light motorbike Cheetah

14 90 145 72 116 Pickup truck, Standard Car

15 135 217 108 175 Modern Train, Deluxe Car, Prop plane, helicopter

16 200 322 160 257 Sports car, Sport bike

17 300 483 240 386 Bomber plane

18 450 724 360 579 Jet Mach 1

19 675 1086 540 869

20 1000 1609 800 1287 Mach 2

21 1500 2414 1200 1931

22 2250 3621 1800 2897 Mach 3

9/10 Speed https://hackrpg.itch.io

Call of Cthulhu Quick Rules

Min Max Examples

0 / 1d2 See a mangled animal carcass
0 / 1d3 You see a fresh corpse, see someone die (non-gory)
0 / 1d4 You kill someone in a fight

1 / 1d4+1 See a horribly mangled human

1 / 1d6 See multiple corpses, scene of a large battle
1 / 1d8 You kill an innocent
0 / 1d6 Learn of the death of a friend, loved one
1d3 / 1d10 Undergo severe torture, See a friend, ally, loved one killed
1d4 / 1d20 You kill, are forced to kill a friend, ally, loved one.

Min Max Examples

0 / 1d4 Supernatural sensation - hallucinations, missing time

0 / 1d6 Unnatural omen or magical effect, spells working

1 / 1d8 Supernatural or impossible killing
1d3 / 1d12 Possessed by an outside force, cannot stop it, experience everything
1 / 1d10 Corpse rises from the grave
1d3 / 1d12 Interact with someone you know to be dead

Min Max Examples

0 / 1d4 See supernatural creature at a distance

1 / 1d6 See supernatural creature up close

1 / 1d8 Attacked by supernatural creature, or by friend, ally, loved one
1d3 / 1d12 Attacked by singe giant supernatural creature, or hoard of creatures
1d10 / 1d100 Unimaginable cosmic horror - great old one, deity like entity

10/10 Insanity (2) https://hackrpg.itch.io

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