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Catch Up Friday - Q1 Le1

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SCHOOL Grade Level: FOUR Checked

CATCH-UP FRIDAY Date: AUGUST 2, 2024 Quarter: 1 Date:


7:00-10:00 EDUCATION 11:15-12:15 1:15-2:00
180 minutes 10:15-11:15 40 minutes 45 minutes
40 minutes
Learning Area/s: Learning Area/s: At the end of this module, you
Peace-Community Germs and Illness
Awareness are expected to:
Learning Competency/ies: Learning Competency/ies: 1. identify the developmental changes that
I. Objectives: Identify the the common cause of illnesses. you experienced;
1. Students will define and Identify ways to prevent germs and illness
2. the differences between appropriate and
understand the concept of
respect in the context of
intercultural behavior in expressing thoughts, feelings,
understanding. and beliefs; and
2. Students will recognize 3. appreciate the developmental changes
and appreciate cultural as part of growing up.
3. Students will
demonstrate respect
towards peers from
different cultural
Sub-Theme: Sub-Theme:
Hope/Principle of Peace Germs and Illness
Topic: Topic:
Planting Peace to Others Germs and Illness
(Light Refresher- English) Introduction:Introductio Exercise/Activity: Have you noticed the changes in your
Pre-Reading: n (5 minutes)  Action Song
 Oral Language  Girl in the Mirror | Zumba® | Dance body? Can you compare how you react in
 Read one by one Begin with a brief Fitness | Live Love Party a given situation back when you were still
discussion on the in Grade 1 and now that you are in Grade
importance of treating Activity 2 - Puzzle 4? These are the developmental changes
everyone with kindness
that you experience as you grow up.
and consideration,
regardless of their
However, you need to manage yourself
cultural background. well while undergoing such development.
Emphasize the value of Remember, you have time and ways to
understanding and discover the REAL YOU! Be proud of what
appreciating differences. you are and what you are capable of
Address: J. Sumulong, Bagumbayan, Teresa, Rizal
Facebook Page: DepEd Tayo Blue Rizal - Bagumbayan Elementary School
e-mail address: bagumbayanes.109346@deped.gov.ph /
Ice Breaker Activity:
Activity: "Culture
Have students bring in
pictures or symbols
representing their
cultural background. In
small groups, they
create a collage that
highlights the diversity
within their group. Each
group then presents
their collage, explaining
the significance of the
chosen items.
Vocabulary Preview:
Introduce any unfamiliar words
from the story, such as " 

Setting the Stage: Briefly
introduce the story's title and
main character,
Cussly’s Birthday Party

During Reading: Multimedia Current Health News Sharing: Unlocking of Difficulties

Reading the short story Exploration (8 Changes
News reporting by group
Title: minutes)
Show a short video or a 1. Copy the table below on a clean sheet of
series of images paper.
depicting various
cultures and traditions.
Discuss the importance
of respecting differences
and how it contributes
to a harmonious society.

Address: J. Sumulong, Bagumbayan, Teresa, Rizal

Facebook Page: DepEd Tayo Blue Rizal - Bagumbayan Elementary School
e-mail address: bagumbayanes.109346@deped.gov.ph /
 Take turns in reading the
2. Think back when you were in Grade
1, Grade 2 and Grade 3.
3. Complete the table by listing down
the physical changes in your
body, skills that you have acquired,
and interests that you have up
to the present.

Post Reading: Small Group Learning Sessions: Developmental Change

Discussion: Facilitate a class Discussions (8
discussion about the story's is a kind of process of change that
themes, using open-ended minutes)
questions like: Provide scenarios happens in
What is the title of the story? related to cultural every person while growing up. It
Who are the characters in the differences and ask includes physical changes in the
Where is the setting of the
groups to discuss how body,
respect can be
 Kumustahan
learning of new skills, improvement of
Why do you think Cussly needs
to say sorry?  Review: Briefly review strengths, and overcoming
the previous lesson on
What have you learned from the
the Hope Principle. You
weaknesses among others.
story listened?
can ask students what Read the following statements and put
they remember about
hope and how it can
a check (√) mark if it describes you
help us in our lives. and a cross mark (X) if not.
Introduce the topic of
peace by asking students
what peace means to 1. I started to take a bath on my own
them. You can write their when I was eight years old.
answers on the board or 2. I always have to be reminded to
chart paper.
brush my teeth before sleeping at
Enrichment night.
Activity: "My 3. I sweep the floor every morning.
Compassionate 4. I help my mother in preparing food.
5. I knew how to tie my shoelaces at
Engage students in a the age of five years old.
Address: J. Sumulong, Bagumbayan, Teresa, Rizal
Facebook Page: DepEd Tayo Blue Rizal - Bagumbayan Elementary School
e-mail address: bagumbayanes.109346@deped.gov.ph /
role-playing activity 6. I still cry a lot inside a toy store so
where they act out that my parents would buy me what I
scenarios involving
cultural want.
misunderstandings. 7. I still leave my dirty clothes
Encourage discussions everywhere.
on how respect could 8. I started praying before meal when
have diffused tension in
these situations.
I was five years old.

Class Reflection (2
"My Community

Have students write a

short reflection on what
they've learned about
respect and intercultural
understanding. Ask
them to consider how
they can apply these
principles in their daily

Reflection and Sharing: Reflection and Sharing: Group Sharing and Reflection:
 Provide students with Ask students to reflect on their own ways of Write a commitment on how you can protect
time to reflect on the having a personal hygiene to prevent germs yourself and others. To show your
story and its message. and illness. commitment, trace your right or left hand on a
They can write or draw in clean sheet of paper. Write your
their journals, or you can commitment statement inside your drawing.
provide them with
sentence starters such as
"Helping others
means..." or "I can
show cooperation
Wrap-Up: Wrap-Up: Wrap-Up
Leave students with a challenge: to choose one Developmental Change
Conclusion and action to express love to someone they care
Address: J. Sumulong, Bagumbayan, Teresa, Rizal
Facebook Page: DepEd Tayo Blue Rizal - Bagumbayan Elementary School
e-mail address: bagumbayanes.109346@deped.gov.ph /
Homework about within the next week.
Summarize the key SKILLS
points discussed during
the lesson, reinforcing STRENGTH
the concept of
compassion and its role APPROPRIATE
in building a caring BEHAVIOR

Recap the key points of

the lesson, emphasizing
the importance of
respect in fostering
positive relationships
and creating an
inclusive environment.

Assignment (2
Assign a reflective
homework task where
students interview a
family member or friend
from a different cultural
background, asking
about their traditions
and experiences.
Encourage them to
share their findings in
the next class.

Address: J. Sumulong, Bagumbayan, Teresa, Rizal

Facebook Page: DepEd Tayo Blue Rizal - Bagumbayan Elementary School
e-mail address: bagumbayanes.109346@deped.gov.ph /

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