Team Project Paper Assignment - MO221 - FA21
Team Project Paper Assignment - MO221 - FA21
Team Project Paper Assignment - MO221 - FA21
FALL 2021
For this assignment, your team must conduct a detailed investigation and analysis of MO-related topics
at a real-world organization of your choosing. Your primary data source for your analysis will be your
interviews with managers. However, you must also conduct independent, outside, research for this
assignment. Careful selection and integration of this outside research will help shape and explain your
findings. Furthermore, you must clearly incorporate MO221 course concepts in your analyses, including
those found in the class readings, lectures, discussions, exercises, and homework assignments.
We want this project to provide you with a structured opportunity to practice engaging with
professionals, demonstrating that you deeply understand and can apply MO concepts to actual
The components of the Team Project Paper, worth 20% of your MO221 grade, are as follows:
3. Body (5.5-6 pages)– Analyze the TWO key areas; each content area should be fully developed,
so focus on quality over quantity.
You should apply and integrate course concepts throughout your paper to frame and
explain your analyses and implications.
Draw conclusions about each concept area’s importance in management and
organizations--this is not simply an explanation of what you were told in interviews, but
should represent deeper thinking about the information you discovered in interviews
and research, as well as what you have learned in class.
Integrate and analyze the interview/observational data you collected (e.g., quotes and
examples) to explain and support your analyses and conclusions; your team interview
data is your primary dataset and should provide the main evidence and examples for
your exploration of each MO concept area.
o Note: Interview questions should be designed to gain information about these
areas of interest (motivation, team dynamics, performance management,
leadership, conflict, etc.)
Integrate a variety of outside references to enhance and elaborate on your analyses and
implications. The selection and use of this material should demonstrate an effort to be
diverse and substantive--do not just tack them onto the text or insert them as an exhibit
at the back.
o Include a minimum of 2-4 outside references per team member. Outside
research involves non-assigned materials, such as scientific papers, managerial
articles, etc.
o Note that the readings, videos, podcasts, slides, and other MO221 materials
can be used (and should be cited) but they do not count as “outside research”
in this paper.
o The company’s website can be cited, but it will count as a single reference no
matter how many parts of the website are used.
o Make sure to cite all sources used properly using Chicago Manual Style (CMS)
using endnotes. For guidance on CMS, please visit the BU Library resource page
found here:
4. Conclusion – overarching take-aways (0.5 page): Briefly summarize your paper and deliver clear
key insights/message for readers.
Imagine if busy readers (such as the company’s CEO) only have time to read your
paper’s conclusion, they should be able to understand your methodology, findings, and
5. Demonstrate thoughtful reflection and learning about the importance of MO concepts in the
modern organization in your paper.
You have some freedom here to discuss concepts in a way that makes the most sense to
your team, as long as you are professional and organized.
Demonstrate critical thinking and provide novel insights thorough deep research and
comprehensive understanding of the characteristics of the company and its industry.
6. Overall, the paper should be written with smooth transition between paragraphs and topics,
natural integration of interview data and outside research, and logical organization of topics,
arguments, and data.
Required Basic Components (Format)
1. A maximum of 8-pages with page numbers, double spacing, endnotes, 1” margins, and 12-point
type. The endnotes page does not count against the page limit.
2. A cover page (course, assignment title, team, company, date) with team member names and
signatures (this page also does not count against the page limit).
3. A clear introduction, organized body, and meaningful conclusion.
4. A business writing style, including professional language, a cohesive voice, and concise /focused
writing. The document must be proofread to prevent typos and grammatical/spelling errors.
5. Appendices to support your analysis, which must include:
Endnotes: All citations should be placed in endnotes (1,2,3…) formatted in Chicago
Manual Style (CMS) a separate page after the conclusion section of the paper. For
guidance on CMS, please visit for
“Notes and Bibliography: Sample Citation” (see the format of “Notes”). Do not include a
separate bibliography.
Interview Summaries: Each team member must individually write a 2-4 page (double-
spaced) interview summary to be included in the appendices of your final paper
following the “endnotes” section:
List interviewer (student) name; interviewee name and position within the
organization; contact information for interviewee (email and phone); date of
Include some specific Q & A transcriptions from your interviews in order to
capture key quotes which can be used in your analysis (a full transcript is not
necessary). Make it clear when you paraphrase or use direct quotes; direct
quotes should be indicated with quotation marks.
Should be formatted cohesively—all teammates should use the same format
Thank-You Notes: following your interviews, each team member must send a personal
thank you note to each interviewee; they can be sent via email.
Include a screenshot of each thank you note in the appendix to your report
following the “Interview Summaries” section to demonstrate the notes were
Other Appendices (optional): as needed to explain and reinforce your analyses, such as:
Organizational charts
Company mission/vision statements and /or other cultural artifacts
Sample company materials, such as performance management forms, policies,
Information from job review sites such as Glass Door or Vault
On this and all assignments, students are expected to comply with Boston University’s Academic
Conduct Code and to pursue the highest standards of academic honesty. This includes, but is not limited
to, refraining from cheating, plagiarizing, research misconduct, misrepresenting one’s work, or
inappropriately collaborating. All papers are due by the date indicated in your syllabus. Any papers that
are uploaded or handed in late (e.g., after class has commenced) will be down-graded a full grade for
each late day or part day. See the syllabus for further elaboration on the late policy.
MO221 Assignment 2: Team Project Paper Grading Rubric
FALL 2021
Team: Organization:
Below Exceeds Area: Formatting and Style
Meets document requirements (e.g., 8 pages text, cover page with signatures, citations, endnotes,
thank you notes, exhibits, page numbers, double spacing, 1” margins, 12-point type, etc.) Paper is
formatted appropriately, including an introduction/thesis statement, body, and conclusion.
Interview summaries are correctly and cohesively formatted, has been carefully proofread – few
grammar & punctuation errors, no spelling errors. Demonstrates that all teammates conducted an
interview and sent thank you note.
Below Exceeds Area: Analysis
Significant and meaningful inclusion of evidence and examples from all teammate interviews and/or
company visits (e.g., examples, quotes, charts) to support your main points and analyses.
Below Exceeds Area: Research
Application of outside research to frame/explain your analyses and conclusions. Includes a sufficient
number and variety of high-quality sources and types of information beyond course materials.
Sources are well-integrated (flow with writing) and add substance to analysis.