Are you happy with your self?
Do you find meaning in the things that you do
What makes you truly happy?
Do you ever take this questions seriously
In search of this true identity,man can make do way
considering his spiritual well being for one thing,he is
composed of both body and soul
Such intergration leads to a better understanding of oneself
with the question:
Who am i?
What are my big aims in life?
How clear are they?
How truly Filipino am I?
How truly Christian am I?
It seeks answers the basic existential question in life,It
leads to self introspection, a journey in to the core of
human being.
Concept of Spirituality
It is the aspect of self which develops a certain level of spirituality
which is deemed as man's way of seeking as well as expressing the
meaning and purpose of his life. It speaks of the quality of one's
relationships - with God, self, others, institutions and God's entire
creation, marked by respect, forgiveness, generous service and
prayer. It is showing great refinement or high level of Christian
maturity and concern with the higher things in life such as the
Sacred or the Divine. Spirituality leads man to a deeper communion
with the Divine. It aids persons in spiritual, emotional or physical
distress, crisis or discomfort as well as those seeking to make a
significant change in their lives through self-awareness.
2. The KARKARMA or second soul can leave the body when one is
frightened or it can be stolen from the body when the person goes to
isolated place.
The Ilokano karkarma stands for natural vigor, energy,strength or
It also stands for mind and reason.
3. The ANIWAAS (aningas or lingaas) or third soul can leave the body
during sleep and visit place witch the person who owns if frequently
when awake.
If he wakes up it may lose his aniwaas and become insane.
Often thought to be constituted throughout the life
course. It is the state or fact of being an individual or
having human characteristics snd feelings.
A. Experiential Values
This approach involves experiencing something or
someone we value and it consist of encountering another
human, such as a loved one, or by experiencing the world
through a state of receptivity such as appreciating
natural beauty. The most important example of it is the
love we feel towards another like family, relatives,
friends, and workmates.
B. Creative Value
This value is the traditional existential idea of
providing oneself with meaning by becoming involved
in one's project or better in the project of one's own
life. it also includes the creativity and passion involved
in art, music, writing, invention and lastly is work.
C. Attitudinal Values
These values include practicing virtues such as
compassion, bravery, a good sense of humor, and the
like. But Frankl's most famous example is achieving
meaning by way of suffering. The ultimate goal is self-
transcendence in the spiritual realm. It is a reference to
God and a reference to religion.
Rituals are 'patterned forms of behavior that
have something to do with the supernatural
realm'. They are performed in a repetitive
nature. They can be religious or secular. "People
worldwide engage in religious rituals that
require a considerable amount of time or
personal sacrifice.
"Life cycle rituals", often referred to as 'rites of
passage', mark a status change from one important life
stage to another.
Magic is commonly referred to as " tricks" and "illusions" that
make impossible things seem to happen, usually performed as
Stein and Stein (2011), describe it as a special talent or skill;
an act that makes impossible things happen through some sort
of trickery or deception, and thereby manipulating not the
supernatural world, but rather human perception. However,
magic, as anthropologists use the term, refers to activities,
usually rituals, by which a person can compel the supernatural
to behave in certain ways
Witchcraft, commonly understood as "kulam",
refers to the idea that certain people have an inborn
power to harness spirits or energies for specific
purposes. "It is an explanation of events based on
the belief that certain individuals possess an innate
psychic power capable of causing harm, including
sickness and death" (Microsoft Encarta 2009)