Catalogo Errecom Es-1
Catalogo Errecom Es-1
Catalogo Errecom Es-1
Nuevo Aditivo
Antioxidante y
Antioxidant Anticorrosivo
and Anticorrosive
EN Antioxidant and Anticorrosive Treatment for internal use in AC/R systems W
What is it?
ANTIOXIDANT-ULTRA is an additive that, introduced in AC/R systems, avoids and stops the oxidation process in metal components NE
– like copper and aluminum. Therefore, the replacement of refrigerant gas and lubricant is postponed.
How does it work?
The use of ANTIOXIDANT-ULTRA has two benefits: it stabilizes Refrigerant Gas and it produces a protective barrier on metals to prevent corrosion with no
consequences on the heat exchange.
• Only 6 mL (0.20 fl oz). • Advanced formula. • Less product in the System. • Protects metal components. • Extends System life by 70-80%. • Compatible with
all refrigerant gases - including CFC, HFC and HCFC. • Does not damage gaskets and AC/R components. • Does Not accumulate in the Dryer Filter. • Does not
weaken the capacity of system.
¾6 ML up to 21 KW - 0.20 fl oz UP TO 6 tons.
Los trabajadores de mantenimiento de los sistemas de Acondicionamiento y En nuestros laboratorios hemos desarrollado un procedimiento que se compone
Refrigeración a menudo tratan el problema de las fugas de gas refrigerante, sin de 4 aditivos específicos que, utilizados en una secuencia precisa, van a eliminar
embargo sin profundizar en la razón por la que ocurren. las consecuencias de estas acciones/reacciones preservando el sistema de
En primer lugar, debe explicarse que en cualquier sistema de aire acondicionado o acondicionamiento o refrigeración de todos los problemas inherentes a las fugas
refrigeración el compresor, que es lubricado por un aceite específico, comprime un gas de gas refrigerante y del colapso del rendimiento.
refrigerante que se sobrecalienta.
Posteriormente, el gas refrigerante recalentado pasa dentro de un condensador que STEP#1 consiste en la inserción en el sistema encendido de un primer aditivo
lo enfría parcialmente hasta que se transforma en un refrigerante líquido, un siguiente llamado NO-ACID ULTRA, que tiene como objetivo restaurar el valor de Ph
filtro secador quita la humedad contenida, para pasar sucesivamente a través de una correcto del aceite.
válvula que lo hace expandirse dentro un evaporador convirtiéndolo de nuevo en un gas Al esperar al menos 5 minutos después de insertar NO-ACID ULTRA, se inserta
refrigerante gaseoso como resultado de expansión muy frío. un segundo aditivo llamado SUPER-DRY ULTRA (STEP#2).
Durante estos procesos ocurren diferentes reacciones químicas, el gas refrigerante y el Este aditivo tiene como objetivo eliminar toda la humedad que circula en el
aceite tienden a descomponerse, liberando humedad y ácidos de naturaleza halógena sistema, incorporando dentro de sus partículas las moléculas de agua que ya no
y orgánica. Después de muchas horas trabajando en el sistema, el filtro secador se son retenidas por el filtro secador saturado de humedad.
satura y la humedad comienza a circular libremente en el sistema, combinándose con Después de esperar otros 6 minutos, se continúa insertando el tercer aditivo
el flúor contenido en los gases refrigerantes y produciendo una acidez que compromete STEP#3 llamado COOL-SHOT ULTRA que tiene el objetivo de eliminar todos los
irreversiblemente muchos de los componentes del sistema, llevando a una corrosión depósitos de aceite que se han acumulado en el sistema, más específicamente
lenta pero constante de los componentes del sistema con la consecuente e inevitable dentro del condensador y del evaporador y que así va a reunirse con el aceite ya
pérdida de gas refrigerante y, sobre todo, la posible quemadura del compresor. aditivado con NO-ACID ULTRA y SUPER-DRY ULTRA.
Las fugas de gas refrigerante causan una disminución en la presión de trabajo del En este momento en el sistema se han despegado por completo todos los residuos
sistema, con el consiguiente mayor estrés en el sistema y una pérdida inevitable de de aceite y hemos restaurado el nivel correcto de lubricante dentro del compresor.
rendimiento. Después de esperar al menos 20 minutos, podemos continuar con la inserción del
Además, un porcentaje de entre 8% y 15% del volumen del aceite contenido en cuarto aditivo STEP#4 EXTREME ULTRA.
el compresor es arrastrado por el gas refrigerante por todo el sistema y tenderá a Este aditivo va a reparar todas las micro pérdidas de gas refrigerante causadas por
depositarse (“oil-fouling”) y acumularse sobre todo dentro del condensador y del los ácidos que se formaron en el aceite.
evaporador, bajando el nivel correcto de aceite en el compresor y comprometiendo el
rendimiento de todo el sistema (hará menos frío y/o menos calor).
AC/R Restoring Treatment
N E4 S T E
1/4 SAE
Cool-Shot Ultra
EN Performance Enhancer for Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Systems
What is it?
COOL-SHOT ULTRA is a Synthetic Catalyst that improves the efficiency of Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Systems, reducing the energy consumption and CO2
emissions. ERRECOM laboratories have been increasing their own Ultra collection: COOL-SHOT ULTRA formulation has been actually reduced to only 6 mL (0.20
fl oz) by even treating bigger and bigger Systems 21 KW (6 TONS).
How does it work?
COOL-SHOT ULTRA is composed of two Catalysts and a lubricating agent which enable the Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Systems to work at maximum
efficiency: only 6 mL of product can eliminate the Oil Fouling phenomenon.
• Only 6 mL (0.20 fl oz). • New advanced formula. • Less product in the System. • Restores the cooling capacity of old A/C and Refrigeration Systems.
• Improves coil heat transfer up to 76%. • Increases cooling capacity by 30-40%. • Delivers colder vent air (approx 2-3 °C) faster. • Increases of 62% the lubricity
of Compressor Oil. • Reduces Compressor Friction, with a consequent decrease of vibration and noise. • Extends System life by 70-80%. • Compatible with all
refrigerant gases - including CFC, HFC and HCFC. • Reduces annual maintenance costs by approx 20%. • Reduces CO2 emissions. • Visible to any UV Lamp.
¾6 ML up to 21 KW - 0.20 fl oz UP TO 6 tons.
Easy-Inject Kit
Easy Inject 1/4 SAE with Extreme Ultra 6 mL (0.20 fl oz)
Easy Inject 1/4 SAE con Extreme Ultra 6 mL
Art.-Nr. Description / Descripción
RK1384 Clamshell of 1 Cartrige / Blister de 1 Jeringa 20 1120
RK1412 Clamshell of 2 Cartriges / Blister de 2 Jeringas 20 1120
Art.-Nr. Description / Descripción
IN1030.R1 1/4 SAE - -
IN1031.R1 5/16 SAE - -
** 80x120xH200 cm (31,50x47,25xH78,75 inch.)
Art.-Nr. Description / Descripción
TB5164.R2 1/4 SAE - -
TB5165.R2 5/16 SAE - -
** 80x120xH200 cm (31,50x47,25xH78,75 inch.)
This publication is exclusive right of Errecom s.r.l., which forbids any reproduction and disclosure without its express consent. All care has been taken to ensure that the prices and information were correct at publication, however, Errecom s.r.l.
takes no responsibility for their use. Errecom s.r.l. reserves the right to apply any change at any time and without notice. 9
No-Acid Ultra
EN Acid Neutralizer for Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Systems
What is it?
NO-ACID ULTRA is a Neutralizer able to completely eliminate residues of Acid present in A/C and Refrigeration Systems, to prevent Compressor burnout.
How does it work?
The chemical ingredients of NO-ACID ULTRA bond to the residues of acid present in the System, and eliminate them. These residues might be caused by Refrigerant
Gas or Lubricant breakdown, moisture and Compressor burnout. Once introduced inside the System NO-ACID ULTRA prevents the formation of Acid.
• Only 6 mL (0.20 fl oz). • New advanced formula. • Less product in the System. • Completely eliminates Acid from A/C and Refrigeration System. • Neutralises
possible Acid residues caused by Compressor burnout. • Neutralises Acids introduced by A/C recovery units. • Safe with all System components. • Ideal for
preventative maintenance. • Fast and immediate effect. • Compatible with all refrigerant gases - including CFC, HFC and HCFC.
¾6 ML up to 21 KW - 0.20 fl oz UP TO 6 tons.
EN Acid Test Kit for Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Lubricants
What is it?
ACID-TEST is an essential product to locate the presence and the formation of Acid inside AC/R Systems. The use of ACID-TEST is a very important step in
a regular preventative maintenance and provides a fast and accurate method to detect the presence of acid into Lubricants.
How does it work?
ACID-TEST contains chemical ingredients that react when in contact with acidity, changing their color and indicating the nominal pH level of the Refrigeration
• Works with all Lubricants (POE - ABZ - PAO - PAG - PVE - Mineral).
• Accurate results in seconds.
• Easy to use.
• Biodegradable.
• Non-flammable.
• Non-toxic.
• Non-hazardous.
• Inexpensive (especially compared to laboratory Acid Tests).
• The Plastic Box contains 4 TESTS.
Clamshell packaging
RK1349 19 1064
** 80x120xH200 cm (31,50x47,25xH78,75 inch.)
This publication is exclusive right of Errecom s.r.l., which forbids any reproduction and disclosure without its express consent. All care has been taken to ensure that the prices and information were correct at publication, however, Errecom s.r.l.
takes no responsibility for their use. Errecom s.r.l. reserves the right to apply any change at any time and without notice. 11
Super-Dry Ultra
EN Anti-Moisture for Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Systems
What is it?
SUPER-DRY ULTRA is a Dehydrating Additive able to prevent the formation of moisture in Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Systems.
How does it work?
SUPER-DRY ULTRA contains special chemical components that improve lubricant stability and prevent the creation of moisture in Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
• Only 6 mL (0.20 fl oz). • New advanced formula. • Less product in the System. • Effective in all Systems regardless of size. • Compatible with all Refrigerant Gases
including CFC, HFC and HCFC. • Compatible with all Lubricants. • Once introduced inside the Refrigerant Gas, mixes with it, not affecting its features and circulates
throughout the System. • Safe for all Gaskets and internal Refrigeration System components. • Methanol free. • Does not affect the power and the performance of
the System. • Free from solid particles. • Helps preventing the formation of Acid.
¾6 ML up to 21 KW - 0.20 fl oz UP TO 6 tons.
EN Reconditioning Additive for Compressor replacement for A/C System Flushing
What is it?
COMPRESSOR+ is the Additive that restores the optimal working conditions of the Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Systems once you have replaced the
Compressor or flushed the circuit.
Due to the break of a Compressor,different contaminants get inside the circuit (Hydrofluoric, Hydrochloric and Carbonic Acid, such as moisture and heavy
residues of flushing liquid) that affect significantly the duration of the main components of the System.
Before providing the installation of a new A/C Compressor it is necessary to disassemble the different parts of the circuit and flush them with a flushing liquid
which can ensure the removal of these contaminants.
How does it work?
Directly added in the Lubricant that has to be included in the new Compressor, this product catches and inhibits all those particles that can be dangerous for
the new components. COMPRESSOR+ precisely neutralizes and incorporates these contaminants, immediately guaranteeing the maximum efficiency and
eliminating the possibility of future damage.
• Eliminates and completely neutralizes the contaminants in the AC/R Systems. • Fastly effective. • Does not damage the System components.
• Ideal for preventive applications.
6 mL - 0.20 fl oz 400 mL - 13.5 fl oz
12 mL - 0.4 fl oz 800 mL - 27 fl oz
30 mL - 1 fl oz 2 L - 68 fl oz
45 mL - 1.5 fl oz 3 L - 102 fl oz
60 mL - 2 fl oz 4 L - 136 fl oz
This publication is exclusive right of Errecom s.r.l., which forbids any reproduction and disclosure without its express consent. All care has been taken to ensure that the prices and information were correct at publication, however, Errecom s.r.l.
takes no responsibility for their use. Errecom s.r.l. reserves the right to apply any change at any time and without notice. 13
Strong Resistance Leaks up to 5 mm For Metal Temperature range
Fuerte resistencia Fuga shasta 5 mm components from -100 °C up to
Para componentes +270 °C
de metal Gama de temperatura
de -100°C hasta +270°C
The leak
leakstop to be
applied externally
on air co
conditioning &
refrigeration and systems
metal co
El sellador de ffugas externo para los
componentes de metal de los sistemas de Aire
Acondicionado y Refrigeración.
Refrigerant Gas Leak Stop
for Leak
Leakages up to 5 mm.
La resistencia para fugas hasta 5 mm para
Sistemas de AAire Acondicionado y Refrigeración.
This publication is exclusive right of Errecom s.r.l., which forbids any reproduction and disclosure without its express consent. All care has been taken to ensure that the prices and information were correct at publication, however, Errecom s.r.l.
14 takes no responsibility for their use. Errecom s.r.l. reserves the right to apply any change at any time and without notice.
External P
Strong Resistance For Plastic For plumbing Temperature range
Fuerte resistencia components applications from -100 °C up to
Para componentes Para aplicaciones +270 °C
de plástico hidráulicas Gama de temperatura
de -100°C hasta +270°C
The leakstop to be
applied externally
on air conditioning &
refrigeration systems
plastic components and
recommended for plumbing
El sellador de fugas externo para los componentes
de plástico de los sistemas de Aire Acondicionado
y Refrigeración indicados en sistemas hidráulicos.
This publication is exclusive right of Errecom s.r.l., which forbids any reproduction and disclosure without its express consent. All care has been taken to ensure that the prices and information were correct at publication, however, Errecom s.r.l.
takes no responsibility for their use. Errecom s.r.l. reserves the right to apply any change at any time and without notice. 15
EN A/C Joint Sealant - Warranty Seal
What is it?
It works from a temperature of -90° C to +200° C. Resistant both in vacuum and with pressures up to 500 Bar / 7250 Psi.
How does it work?
refrigerant gases, fuel gasses, lubricants, fuels, solvents and industrial gases.
• Prevents leaks.
• Allows the reopening of the joints.
• Easily removable.
EN Sealant Remover Spray
What is it?
THOR is a special fast-acting and effective chemical product, formulated to remove the residues of sealants from surfaces.
How does it work?
Directly spray THOR on the surface contaminated by the sealant, wait two minutes and clean with a cloth.
This publication is exclusive right of Errecom s.r.l., which forbids any reproduction and disclosure without its express consent. All care has been taken to ensure that the prices and information were correct at publication, however, Errecom s.r.l.
16 takes no responsibility for their use. Errecom s.r.l. reserves the right to apply any change at any time and without notice.
Refrigerant gas
leak finders.
Trace Brilliant
EN Internal Refrigerant Leak Detector
What is it?
TRACE BRILLIANT is a Highly Concentrated Red Dye for safe, fast and precise detection of Refrigerant Gas leaks from A/C and Refrigeration Systems.
How does it work?
TRACE BRILLIANT will locate the leaks even through ice and frost. Formulated with POE Lubricant, it is compatible with all Refrigerant Lubricants and gases,
including all CFC’s, HFC’s and HCFC’s.
• Leaks show as bright red stains. • Visible even through ice and frost. • Non-volatile and will not sludge or deposit gum.
• Precisely locate Refrigerant Gas leaks, no false positives.
12 Cartridges of 7,5 mL (1/4 fl oz) in Clamshell packaging Cartridge of 60 mL (2.0 fl oz) in Clamshell packaging
12 Jeringas de 7,5 mL (1/4 fl oz) envasadas en Blister Jeringa de 60 mL en Blister
Art.-Nr. Description / Descripción Art.-Nr. Description / Descripción
TR1133.A12.01 No Adapters / No Adaptadores 12 672 TR1133.E.01 No Adapters / No Adaptadores 15 840
TR1133.A12.H4 1/4 SAE + A 12 672 TR1133.E.H4 1/4 SAE + A 15 840
TR1133.A12.H8 5/16 SAE + A 12 672 TR1133.E.H8 5/16 SAE + A 15 840
TR1133.A12.H3 1/4 SAE + 5/16 SAE + A 12 672 TR1133.E.H3 1/4 SAE + 5/16 SAE + A 15 840
Plastic Bottle of 120 mL (4.0 fl oz) / Botella de Plástico de 120 mL
TR1133.G.01 12 3828
** 80x120xH200 cm (31,50x47,25xH78,75 inch.)
1/4 SAE 5/16 SAE
Adapters at page 22 / Adaptadores página 22
12 Cartridges of 7,5 mL (1/4 fl oz) in Clamshell packaging Cartridge of 60 mL (2.0 fl oz) in Clamshell packaging
12 Jeringas de 7,5 mL (1/4 fl oz) envasadas en Blister Jeringa de 60 mL en Blister
Art.-Nr. Description / Descripción Art.-Nr. Description / Descripción
TR1134.A12.01 No Adapters / No Adaptadores 12 672 TR1134.E.01 No Adapters / No Adaptadores 15 840
TR1134.A12.H4 1/4 SAE + A 12 672 TR1134.E.H4 1/4 SAE + A 15 840
TR1134.A12.H8 5/16 SAE + A 12 672 TR1134.E.H8 5/16 SAE + A 15 840
TR1134.A12.H3 1/4 SAE + 5/16 SAE + A 12 672 TR1134.E.H3 1/4 SAE + 5/16 SAE + A 15 840
Best Bubbles Fluo
Fluorescent Micro Leak Detector
What is it?
BEST BUBBLES FLUO is a fast and easy solution to identify leaks in Refrigerant Lines and components of Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Systems, even
in situations of limited visibility becoming fluorescent when exposed to UV Light.
How does it work?
BEST BUBBLES FLUO should be sprayed close to the leak point; thanks to its special formulation it adheres to surfaces ensuring immediate identification of
the leak through the formation of a large and thick bubble, that when exposed to UV Light becomes fluorescent.
• Ready to use. • Operating temperature -40°C + 80°C. • Great power of adherence to surfaces. • Visible when exposed to any UV Light.
This publication is exclusive right of Errecom s.r.l., which forbids any reproduction and disclosure without its express consent. All care has been taken to ensure that the prices and information were correct at publication, however, Errecom s.r.l.
takes no responsibility for their use. Errecom s.r.l. reserves the right to apply any change at any time and without notice. 19
Leak Finder
EN Universal Refrigerant Leak Detection Kit
What is it?
LEAK FINDER is a Universal Kit for both Automotive and HVAC&R that contains everything needed to
introduce the Leak Detector Dye, locate the leak and clean the contaminated surface.
Kit includes:
• 250 mL (8.5 fl oz) Self-Measure Bottle of Brilliant or Green Brilliant. • Stickers. • 100 mL (3.4 fl oz) Spray
Bottle of Brilliant Remover. • 50 mL Refillable Syringe Injector. • Low-pressure Port Adapter for Systems
with R134a. • 120 mm 1/4 SAE Adapter with one-way Valve. • 120 mm 5/16 SAE Adapter (R410a) with
one-way Valve. • 9 UV LED Leak Detector Lamp. • Goggles: 100% UV protection.
This publication is exclusive right of Errecom s.r.l., which forbids any reproduction and disclosure without its express consent. All care has been taken to ensure that the prices and information were correct at publication, however, Errecom s.r.l.
20 takes no responsibility for their use. Errecom s.r.l. reserves the right to apply any change at any time and without notice.
Brilliant Set
EN Refrigerant Leak Detection Kit
What is it?
BRILLIANT SET is a Universal Kit for HVAC&R that contains everything needed to introduce the Leak
Detector Dye and locate the leak.
Kit includes:
• 250-350 mL Self-Measure Bottle of Brilliant or Green Brilliant. • Stickers • 50 mL Refillable Syringe
Injector. • 120 mm 1/4 SAE Adapter with one-way Valve. • 120 mm 5/16 SAE Adapter (R410a) with
one-way Valve. • 9 LED UV Leak Detector Lamp. • Goggles: 100% UV protection.
Brilliant Remover
EN Fluorescent UV Dyes Remover
What is it?
BRILLIANT REMOVER is a cleaner to remove any trace of leak detector dye.
How does it work?
BRILLIANT REMOVER must be directly sprayed on the residues of leak detector dye; thanks to its
special formulation, it removes any trace.
Benefits: Avoids any subsequent false localization of leaks.
TR1109.01 100 mL (3.4 fl oz) Spray Bottle / Bote 100 mL Spray 32 2496
TR1108.K.01 1 Litre (34 fl oz) Spray Bottle / Bote 1 Lt Spray 06 570
TR1004.01 400 mL Aerosol Can (13.6 fl oz) / Bombona Aerosol 400 mL 12 1344
** 80x120xH200 cm (31,50x47,25xH78,75 inch.)
This publication is exclusive right of Errecom s.r.l., which forbids any reproduction and disclosure without its express consent. All care has been taken to ensure that the prices and information were correct at publication, however, Errecom s.r.l.
takes no responsibility for their use. Errecom s.r.l. reserves the right to apply any change at any time and without notice. 21
Syringe Adapters
EN 1/4 & 5/16 SAE Plastic Adapters ES Adaptadores de Plástico 1/4 & 5/16 SAE
• Completely Plastic. • Completamente de Plástico.
• For Cartridge and Push&Fill Systems. • Para Cartuchos y Sistemas Push&Fill.
• One-way Valve. • Válvula de Seguridad.
• Length of the Adapter: 30 mm. • Longitud Adaptador: 30 mm.
EN 1/4 & 5/16 SAE PRO Adapters ES Adaptadores PRO 1/4 & 5/16 SAE
• Aluminium. • Aluminio.
• For Cartridge and Push&Fill Systems. • Válvula de Seguridad.
• One-way Valve. • Para Cartuchos y Sistemas Push&Fill.
• Length of the adapter: 40 mm. • Longitud Adaptador: 40 mm.
EN 1/4 & 5/16 SAE Plastic FLEX Adapters ES Adaptadores Flexibles de Plástico
• Completely Plastic. • Completamente de Plástico.
• For Cartridge and Push&Fill Systems. • Para Cartuchos y Sistemas Push&Fill.
• One-way Valve. • Válvula de seguridad.
• Length of the Adapter: 60 mm. • Longitud de la manguera: 60 mm.
• Burst pressure of the Hose: 60 Bar. • Presión de ruptura de la manguera: 60 Bar.
EN 1/4 & 5/16 SAE PROFLEX 45° Adapters ES Adaptadores PROFLEX 45° 1/4 & 5/16 SAE
• Metal. • Metal.
• For Cartridge and Push&Fill Systems. • Válvula de Seguridad.
• One-way valve. • Longitud de la manguera: 120 mm.
• Length of the Adapter: 120 mm. • Presión de ruptura de la manguera: 60 Bar.
• Burst pressure of the Hose: 60 Bar.
This publication is exclusive right of Errecom s.r.l., which forbids any reproduction and disclosure without its express consent. All care has been taken to ensure that the prices and information were correct at publication, however, Errecom s.r.l.
22 takes no responsibility for their use. Errecom s.r.l. reserves the right to apply any change at any time and without notice.
POE Lubricants
POE 22 POE 55
Art.-Nr. Description / Descripción Art.-Nr. Description / Descripción
OL6011.Q.P2 250 mL (8.5 fl oz) Plastic Tank / Tanque de Plástico 250 mL 24 2880 OL6055.Q.P2 250 mL (8.5 fl oz) Plastic Tank / Tanque de Plástico 250 mL 24 2880
OL6011.M.P2 500 mL (17 fl oz) Plastic Tank / Tanque de Plástico 500 mL 12 1080 OL6055.M.P2 500 mL (17 fl oz) Plastic Tank / Tanque de Plástico 500 mL 12 1080
OL6011.K.P2 1 L (34 fl oz) Plastic Tank / Tanque de Plástico 1 L 12 756 OL6055.K.P2 1 L (34 fl oz) Plastic Tank / Tanque de Plástico 1 L 12 756
OL6011.UP.P2 1 GAL (3,78 L) Plastic Tank / Tanque de Plástico 1 GAL 02 140 OL6055.UP.P2 1 GAL (3,78 L) Plastic Tank / Tanque de Plástico 1 GAL 02 140
OL6011.I.P2 4 L (1.05 GAL) Plastic Tank / Tanque de Plástico 4 L 02 140 OL6055.I.P2 4 L (1.05 GAL) Plastic Tank / Tanque de Plástico 4 L 02 140
OL6011.P.P2 5 L (1.32 GAL) Plastic Tank / Tanque de Plástico 5 L 02 140 OL6055.P.P2 5 L (1.32 GAL) Plastic Tank / Tanque de Plástico 5 L 02 140
OL6011.K.01 1 L (34 fl oz) Metal Tank / Tanque de Metal 1 L 12 - OL6055.K.01 1 L (34 fl oz) Metal Tank / Tanque de Metal 1 L 12 -
OL6011.P.01 5 L (1.32 GAL) Metal Tank / Tanque de Metal 5 L 02 - OL6055.P.01 5 L (1.32 GAL) Metal Tank / Tanque de Metal 5 L 02 -
OL6011.T 25 L (6.60 GAL.) Metal Tank / Tanque de Metal 25 L 01 24 OL6055.T 25 L (6.60 GAL.) Metal Tank / Tanque de Metal 25 L 01 24
OL6011.B 200 L (52.8 GAL.) Metal Barrel / Barril de Metal 200 L 01 2 OL6055.B 200 L (52.8 GAL.) Metal Barrel / Barril de Metal 200 L 01 2
OL6011.IBC 1000 Litres (264 GAL) IBC Cube / Cubo IBC de 1000 L 01 OL6055.IBC 1000 Litres (264 GAL) IBC Cube / Cubo IBC de 1000 L 01
POE 32 POE 68
Art.-Nr. Description / Descripción Art.-Nr. Description / Descripción
OL6012.Q.P2 250 mL (8.5 fl oz) Plastic Tank / Tanque de Plástico 250 mL 24 2880 OL6016.Q.P2 250 mL (8.5 fl oz) Plastic Tank / Tanque de Plástico 250 mL 24 2880
OL6012.M.P2 500 mL (17 fl oz) Plastic Tank / Tanque de Plástico 500 mL 12 1080 OL6016.M.P2 500 mL (17 fl oz) Plastic Tank / Tanque de Plástico 500 mL 12 1080
OL6012.K.P2 1 L (34 fl oz) Plastic Tank / Tanque de Plástico 1 L 12 756 OL6016.K.P2 1 L (34 fl oz) Plastic Tank / Tanque de Plástico 1 L 12 756
OL6012.UP.P2 1 GAL (3,78 L) Plastic Tank / Tanque de Plástico 1 GAL 02 140 OL6016.UP.P2 1 GAL (3,78 L) Plastic Tank / Tanque de Plástico 1 GAL 02 140
OL6012.I.P2 4 L (1.05 GAL) Plastic Tank / Tanque de Plástico 4 L 02 140 OL6016.I.P2 4 L (1.05 GAL) Plastic Tank / Tanque de Plástico 4 L 02 140
OL6012.P.P2 5 L (1.32 GAL) Plastic Tank / Tanque de Plástico 5 L 02 140 OL6016.P.P2 5 L (1.32 GAL) Plastic Tank / Tanque de Plástico 5 L 02 140
OL6012.K.01 1 L (34 fl oz) Metal Tank / Tanque de Metal 1 L 12 - OL6016.K.01 1 L (34 fl oz) Metal Tank / Tanque de Metal 1 L 12 -
OL6012.P.01 5 L (1.32 GAL) Metal Tank / Tanque de Metal 5 L 02 - OL6016.P.01 5 L (1.32 GAL) Metal Tank / Tanque de Metal 5 L 02 -
OL6012.T 25 L (6.60 GAL.) Metal Tank / Tanque de Metal 25 L 01 24 OL6016.T 25 L (6.60 GAL.) Metal Tank / Tanque de Metal 25 L 01 24
OL6012.B 200 L (52.8 GAL.) Metal Barrel / Barril de Metal 200 L 01 2 OL6016.B 200 L (52.8 GAL.) Metal Barrel / Barril de Metal 200 L 01 2
OL6012.IBC 1000 Litres (264 GAL) IBC Cube / Cubo IBC de 1000 L 01 OL6016.IBC 1000 Litres (264 GAL) IBC Cube / Cubo IBC de 1000 L 01
Kinematic viscosity @ 100°C (cSt) 8,8 11,5 OL6062.I.P2 4 L (1.05 GAL) Plastic Tank / Tanque de Plástico 4 L 02 140
Viscosity Index 142 119 OL6062.P.P2 5 L (1.32 GAL) Plastic Tank / Tanque de Plástico 5 L 02 140
Total Acid Number (mg KOH/g) <0,03 <0,03 OL6062.K.01 1 L (34 fl oz) Metal Tank / Tanque de Metal 1 L 12 -
Pour point (°C) -49 -39
OL6062.P.01 5 L (1.32 GAL) Metal Tank / Tanque de Metal 5 L 02 -
Flash point (°C) 280 272
OL6062.T 25 L (6.60 GAL.) Metal Tank / Tanque de Metal 25 L 01 24
Density @ 15°C (g/cm³) 0,982 0,991
OL6062.B 200 L (52.8 GAL.) Metal Barrel / Barril de Metal 200 L 01 2
OL6062.IBC 1000 Litres (264 GAL) IBC Cube / Cubo IBC de 1000 L 01
POE 85 - CO2
Art.-Nr. Description / Descripción Art.-Nr. Description / Descripción
OL6063.Q.P2 250 mL (8.5 fl oz) Plastic Tank / Tanque de Plástico 250 mL 24 2880 OL6063.K.01 1 L (34 fl oz) Metal Tank / Tanque de Metal 1 L 12 -
OL6063.M.P2 500 mL (17 fl oz) Plastic Tank / Tanque de Plástico 500 mL 12 1080 OL6063.P.01 5 L (1.32 GAL) Metal Tank / Tanque de Metal 5 L 02 -
OL6063.K.P2 1 L (34 fl oz) Plastic Tank / Tanque de Plástico 1 L 12 756 OL6063.T 25 L (6.60 GAL.) Metal Tank / Tanque de Metal 25 L 01 24
OL6063.UP.P2 1 GAL (3,78 L) Plastic Tank / Tanque de Plástico 1 GAL 02 140 OL6063.B 200 L (52.8 GAL.) Metal Barrel / Barril de Metal 200 L 01 2
OL6063.I.P2 4 L (1.05 GAL) Plastic Tank / Tanque de Plástico 4 L 02 140 OL6063.IBC 1000 Litres (264 GAL) IBC Cube / Cubo IBC de 1000 L 01
OL6063.P.P2 5 L (1.32 GAL) Plastic Tank / Tanque de Plástico 5 L 02 140
** 80x120xH200 cm (31,50x47,25xH78,75 inch.)
ISO VG 46 68 OL6036.Q.P2 250 mL (8.5 fl oz) Plastic Tank / Tanque de Plástico 250 mL 24 2880
Kinematic viscosity @ 40°C (cSt) 49,7 70 OL6036.M.P2 500 mL (17 fl oz) Plastic Tank / Tanque de Plástico 500 mL 12 1080
Kinematic viscosity @ 100°C (cSt) 10,7 14 OL6036.K.P2 1 L (34 fl oz) Plastic Tank / Tanque de Plástico 1 L 12 756
Viscosity Index 213 210
OL6036.UP.P2 1 GAL (3,78 L) Plastic Tank / Tanque de Plástico 1 GAL 02 140
Total Acid Number (mg KOH/g) 0,02 0,02
OL6036.I.P2 4 L (1.05 GAL) Plastic Tank / Tanque de Plástico 4 L 02 140
Pour point (°C) -49 -46
Flash point (°C) 219 215 OL6036.P.P2 5 L (1.32 GAL) Plastic Tank / Tanque de Plástico 5 L 02 140
Density @ 15°C (g/cm³) 0,998 0,998 OL6036.IBC 1000 Litres (264 GAL) IBC Cube / Cubo IBC de 1000 L 01
ISO 68
Art.-Nr. Description / Descripción Art.-Nr. Description / Descripción
OL6037.UP.P2 250 mL (8.5 fl oz) Plastic Tank / Tanque de Plástico 250 mL 02 140 OL6037.I.P2 4 L (1.05 GAL) Plastic Tank / Tanque de Plástico 4 L 02 140
OL6037.I.P2 500 mL (17 fl oz) Plastic Tank / Tanque de Plástico 500 mL 02 140 OL6037.P.P2 5 L (1.32 GAL) Plastic Tank / Tanque de Plástico 5 L 02 140
OL6037.P.P2 1 L (34 fl oz) Plastic Tank / Tanque de Plástico 1 L 02 140 OL6037.IBC 1000 Litres (264 GAL) IBC Cube / Cubo IBC de 1000 L 01
OL6037.UP.P2 1 GAL (3,78 L) Plastic Tank / Tanque de Plástico 1 GAL 02 140
** 80x120xH200 cm (31,50x47,25xH78,75 inch.)
PAG 68 Lubricant
EN PAG 68 Lubricant for AC/R Systems PAG 68
ES Lubricante PAG 68 para Sistemas AA/R Art.-Nr. Description / Descripción
OL6069.Q.P2 250 mL (8.5 fl oz) Plastic Tank / Tanque de Plástico 250 mL 24 2880
Product Name PAG 68 OL6069.M.P2 500 mL (17 fl oz) Plastic Tank / Tanque de Plástico 500 mL 12 1080
ISO VG 68 OL6069.K.P2 1 L (34 fl oz) Plastic Tank / Tanque de Plástico 1 L 12 756
Kinematic viscosity @ 40°C (cSt) 68
OL6069.UP.P2 1 GAL (3,78 L) Plastic Tank / Tanque de Plástico 1 GAL 02 140
Kinematic viscosity @ 100°C (cSt) 12,4
OL6069.I.P2 4 L (1.05 GAL) Plastic Tank / Tanque de Plástico 4 L 02 140
Viscosity Index 181
Pour point (°C) -42 OL6069.P.P2 5 L (1.32 GAL) Plastic Tank / Tanque de Plástico 5 L 02 140
Flash point (°C) 225 OL6069.IBC 1000 Litres (264 GAL) IBC Cube / Cubo IBC de 1000 L 01
Density @ 15°C (g/cm³) 0,991
** 80x120xH200 cm (31,50x47,25xH78,75 inch.)
Product Name ISO 32 ISO 46 ISO 68 OL6054.Q.P2 250 mL (8.5 fl oz) Plastic Tank / Tanque de Plástico 250 mL 24 2880
ISO VG 32 46 68 OL6054.M.P2 500 mL (17 fl oz) Plastic Tank / Tanque de Plástico 500 mL 12 1080
Kinematic viscosity @ 40°C (cSt) 32,2 46,4 67,9 OL6054.K.P2 1 L (34 fl oz) Plastic Tank / Tanque de Plástico 1 L 12 756
Kinematic viscosity @ 100°C (cSt) 5,5 7,2 8,8 OL6054.UP.P2 1 GAL (3,78 L) Plastic Tank / Tanque de Plástico 1 GAL 02 140
Viscosity Index 105 103 102
OL6054.I.P2 4 L (1.05 GAL) Plastic Tank / Tanque de Plástico 4 L 02 140
Pour point (°C) -31 -26 -25
OL6054.P.P2 5 L (1.32 GAL) Plastic Tank / Tanque de Plástico 5 L 02 140
Flash point (°C) 210 215 220
Density @ 15°C (g/cm³) 0,87 0,872 0,877 OL6054.IBC 1000 Litres (264 GAL) IBC Cube / Cubo IBC de 1000 L 01
ISO 32 ISO 68
Art.-Nr. Description / Descripción Art.-Nr. Description / Descripción
OL6053.Q.P2 250 mL (8.5 fl oz) Plastic Tank / Tanque de Plástico 250 mL 24 2880 OL1008.Q.P2 250 mL (8.5 fl oz) Plastic Tank / Tanque de Plástico 250 mL 24 2880
OL6053.M.P2 500 mL (17 fl oz) Plastic Tank / Tanque de Plástico 500 mL 12 1080 OL1008.M.P2 500 mL (17 fl oz) Plastic Tank / Tanque de Plástico 500 mL 12 1080
OL6053.K.P2 1 L (34 fl oz) Plastic Tank / Tanque de Plástico 1 L 12 756 OL1008.K.P2 1 L (34 fl oz) Plastic Tank / Tanque de Plástico 1 L 12 756
OL6053.UP.P2 1 GAL (3,78 L) Plastic Tank / Tanque de Plástico 1 GAL 02 140 OL1008.UP.P2 1 GAL (3,78 L) Plastic Tank / Tanque de Plástico 1 GAL 02 140
OL6053.I.P2 4 L (1.05 GAL) Plastic Tank / Tanque de Plástico 4 L 02 140 OL1008.I.P2 4 L (1.05 GAL) Plastic Tank / Tanque de Plástico 4 L 02 140
OL6053.P.P2 5 L (1.32 GAL) Plastic Tank / Tanque de Plástico 5 L 02 140 OL1008.P.P2 5 L (1.32 GAL) Plastic Tank / Tanque de Plástico 5 L 02 140
OL6053.IBC 1000 Litres (264 GAL) IBC Cube / Cubo IBC de 1000 L 01 OL1008.IBC 1000 Litres (264 GAL) IBC Cube / Cubo IBC de 1000 L 01
EN Test to identify the Type of AC/R Lubricant (either POE or PAG)
What is it? POE PAG ID is an essential Test to identify the type of Synthetic Lubricant used in the Refrigeration and Conditioning System to be treated.
If you are working with a a Lubricant whose type and origin are unknown, the use of POE PAG ID is highly recommended: this test guarantees the identification of the oil category
in usage (either POE or PAG) in a quick and effective way.
How does it work? Once it comes in touch with the Lubricant, POE PAG ID contains chemical elements that react by changing the aspect of the solution. The result will indicate if
it is POE or PAG. Once a sample of Lubricant is taken and poured into one of the available tests, the solution will quickly change its appearance: if the used oil is a PAG, the mixture
will be clear. With POE oil the mixture will instead take on a cloudy appearance.
Benefits • It works with all kind of POE and PAG Lubricants. • The result will be visible in a few seconds. • Easy to use. • The package contains 4 TESTS.
Clamshell packaging
RK1411 19 1064
EN Test to verify the Type of Lubricant into AC/R Systems
What is it? OIL-TEST is a new chemical solution that allows to identify within seconds the type of Lubricant contained in a Refrigeration or A/C System. In two short steps it is possible
to identify Polyol Ester (POE), Alkylenbenzene (ABZ) or Mineral Oil.
How does it work? OIL-TEST contains chemical elements that react in contact with the Lubricant, changing its transparency, which identify the type of Lubricant inside the
Refrigeration System.
Benefits • Easy to use. • Minimise time and costs by eliminating the need for expensive laboratory tests. • Avoid expensive and widespread mistakes made by mixing POE and
mineral Lubricants. • Accurate results in seconds. • Quick check of Lubricant type prior to injecting additional Lubricant. • Compatible with all Refrigerants. • Works with all Lubricants.
• Not Recommended for Automotive or Mobile A/C or Refrigeration Systems. • The Plastic Box contains 2 TEST.
Clamshell packaging
RK1055 19 1064
** 80x120xH200 cm (31,50x47,25xH78,75 inch.)
This publication is exclusive right of Errecom s.r.l., which forbids any reproduction and disclosure without its express consent. All care has been taken to ensure that the prices and information were correct at publication, however, Errecom s.r.l.
28 takes no responsibility for their use. Errecom s.r.l. reserves the right to apply any change at any time and without notice.
Refrigeration systems
This publication is exclusive right of Errecom s.r.l., which forbids any reproduction and disclosure without its express consent. All care has been taken to ensure that the prices and information were correct at publication, however, Errecom s.r.l.
takes no responsibility for their use. Errecom s.r.l. reserves the right to apply any change at any time and without notice. 29
Flushing Fluids
Belnet Aerosol
EN Air Conditioning and Refrigeration System Flushing Fluid
What is it?
BELNET AEROSOL is the most direct, safe and simple solution to flush small Refrigeration Lines and Air Conditioning and Refrigeration System Components.
How does it work?
The Aerosol Can is highly pressurised with CO2 to powerfully propel the Belnet flushing fluid at speed. Application is with either the special Flushing Gun/Hose or
directly with the special Rubber Cone.
• Ready to use.
• High Flushing Pressure (8 Bar/116 psi).
• High pressure until empty - 3 Bar (43.5 psi) at the last drop!
• No need for additional equipment.
Flush Gun
RP1046.01 01 -
This publication is exclusive right of Errecom s.r.l., which forbids any reproduction and disclosure without its express consent. All care has been taken to ensure that the prices and information were correct at publication, however, Errecom s.r.l.
30 takes no responsibility for their use. Errecom s.r.l. reserves the right to apply any change
e at any time and without notice.
Alpha Flush
Fluid for A/C Flushing Units ES Líquido Para Estaciones de
What is it? Lavado Lineas Frigoríficas
ALPHA FLUSH is a Flushing Liquid specifically ¿Qué es?
developed to be used with all Automatic Flushing Units. ALPHA FLUSH es un líquido específicatamente estudiado
How does it work? para ser usado con todas las unidades de Lavado
It has to be introduced inside the tanks of flushing units; Automaticas.
once inserted into the A/C System it removes metal ¿Cómo funciona?
residues and exhausted oil. De colocar en los depósitos de estaciones de lavado, una
Benefits vez que circula en el Sistema de A/A elimina los residuos
• Flushing fluid specifically designed to be used with metálicos y de Lubricante exhausto.
all automatic Flushing Units. • Safe for components of Beneficios
Flushing Units. • Non Flammable. • No Adr. • No daña las componentes de las unidades de lavado.
• Eventuales residuos son compatibles con todos los Gases
Refrigerantes. • No Inflamable. • No Adr.
A/C System Flushing Fluid ES Líquido de Lavado Lineas
What is it? Frigoríficas
BELNET is a Flushing Liquid with high evaporation
specifically developed to be used in all A/C Systems. ¿Qué es?
BELNET es un Líquido de Lavado de alto nivel de evaporación
How does it work? estudiado para ser usado en los Sistemas de A/A.
It has to be introduced inside the A/C Systems through
manual or pneumatic devices; once inserted into the ¿Cómo funciona?
A/C System it removes metal residues and exhausted Una vez insertado en los Sistemas a través de sistemas
oil. manuales o néumaticos en el Sistema A/A, elimina los
residuos metálicos y de Lubricante exhausto.
• Any residual. Beneficios
• Product fast and complete evaporation. • No deja resíduos.
• Flammable. • Evapora completa y rápidamente.
• Inflamable.
1 Litre (34 fl oz) Tank
(equal to 0.8 Kg or 1.76 lbs). Disponible en Envase de Metal de 1 L
5 Litres (1.32 GAL.) Metal tank (equivalente a 0.8 kg o 1.76 lbs);
(equal to 4.0 Kg or 8.8 lbs). Disponible en Tanque de Metal de 5 L
(equivalente a 4.0 kg o 8.8 lbs).
Super Belnet
EN A/C System Flushing Fluid ES Líquido de Lavado Lineas
What is it? Frigoríficas
SUPER BELNET is a flushing liquid with high
¿Qué es?
evaporation specifically developed to be used in all A/C
SUPER BELNET es un líquido de lavado de alto nivel de
evaporación estudiado para ser usado en los Sistemas
How does it work? de A/A.
It has to be introduced inside the A/C systems through
¿Cómo funciona?
manual, pneumatic or electric devices; once inserted into
Insertado en los Sistemas tramite sistemas manuales,
the A/C system it removes metal residues and exhausted oil.
néumaticos o eléctricos, una vez insertado en el Sistema
Benefits A/A elimina los residuos metálicos y de Lubricante exhausto.
• Any residual. • Product fast and complete evaporation.
• Non Flammable.
• No deja resíduos. • Evapora completa y rápidamente.
1 Litre (34 fl oz) Tank • No inflamable.
(equal to 1.6 Kg or 3.5 lbs).
Disponible en Envase de Metal de 1 L
5 Litres (1.32 GAL) Metal tank (equivalente a 1.6 Kg o 3.5 lbs);
equal to 8.0 Kg or 17.6 lbs).
Disponible en Tanque de Metal de 5 L
(equivalente a 8.0 Kg o 17.6 lbs).
This publication is exclusive right of Errecom s.r.l., which forbids any reproduction and disclosure without its express consent. All care has been taken to ensure that the prices and information were correct at publication, however, Errecom s.r.l.
takes no responsibility for their use. Errecom s.r.l. reserves the right to apply any change at any time and without notice. 31
Flushing Equipments
Easy Flush
EN Flushing Units for A/C Systems with Electric Pump
What is it?
It is currently the fastest and easiest solution for flushing large Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Systems
Technical Features:
• Power Supply: 230/240 V – 50/60 Hz. • 20 Litres Internal Storage Tank. • Pump Capacity: 14 L/min.
• Maximum Pump Power: 0.75 KW. • Maximum Pump Pressure: 0.45 MPa. • EPDM Pump Gaskets.
• Mechanical Inlet Filter. • Fast Connection for external Nitrogen. • Clear external controls for reversing
flush cycle without disconnecting hoses. • 3m flexible hoses with 1/4 SAE ball valves. • Adapter kit for
connecting to various A/C systems. • Interchangeable connections: 1/4 SAE -3/8 SAE- 1/2 SAE (2 of
each type). • Weight: 20Kg. • Integrated cart. • Dimensions: 445x300x740 mm.
Warning! Use this flushing unit only with flushing fluid Alpha Flush.
Flush Pump
EN Electric Pump to Flush AC/R Systems
What is it?
FLUSH PUMP is a cost effective Flushing System for large Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Systems.
Technical Features:
• Power Supply: 230/240 V – 50/60 Hz.
• Pump capacity: 14 l/min.
• Maximum pump power: 0.75 KW.
• Maximum pump pressure: 0.45 MPa.
• EPDM mechanical pump Gaskets.
• 2.5 m Flexible Hoses with Female 1/4 SAE Connections.
• Interchangeable Connections: 1/4 SAE -3/8 SAE- 1/2 SAE (2 of each type).
• Storage and travel case.
This publication is exclusive right of Errecom s.r.l., which forbids any reproduction and disclosure without its express consent. All care has been taken to ensure that the prices and information were correct at publication, however, Errecom s.r.l.
32 takes no responsibility for their use. Errecom s.r.l. reserves the right to apply any change at any time and without notice.
Flushing Kit with Nitrogen 0÷50 Bar
Kit de Lavado con Nitrógeno 0÷50 Bar
EN Kit includes:
• Quick Coupler for Low Pressure Port. • 1/4 SAE x 5/16 SAE 90° Adapter. • Adapter for “One-Shot”
Nitrogen Cartridge. • A/C Connection - Adapter Kit. • Nitrogen regulator 200 Bar (IN) - 0÷48 Bar
(OUT). • Reusable aluminium Nitrogen Cartridge 2 L - 200 Bar. • Aluminium Tank with Gun for A/C
System Flushing. • 5 Litres Tank for the recovery of contaminated fluid. • Rugged Plastic storage
and Handling Box.
ES El Kit incluye:
• Enchufe rápido derecho baja presión 1/4 SAE. • Adaptador 90° 1/4 SAE M x 5/16 SAE F giratorio.
• Adaptador para Cartucho Nitrógeno a “Usar y Tirar”. • Kit Adaptadores para la Conexión a los
Sistemas de A/A. • Reductor de presión para Nitrógeno 200 Bar (IN) - 0÷48 Bar (OUT). • Bombona
con Nitrógeno recargable en Aluminio de 2 Litros. • Tanque de Aluminio con Pistola de Limpieza
A/A. • Tanque de 5 Litros para la recuperación del líquido contaminado. • Contenedor en Plástico
para el almacenaje y el transporte del Kit.
ES El Kit incluye:
ES El Kit incluye:
ES El Kit incluye:
• Tanque con Pistola de Limpieza A/A. • 2 Reducciones 1/4 SAE (M) x 3/8 SAE (M).
• 2 Reducciones 1/2 ACME (M) x 3/8 SAE (M). • 2 Reducciones 5/8 SAE (M) x 3/8 SAE (M).
• 2 Reducciones 3/8 SAE (M) x 3/8 SAE (M). • Tanque de 10 Litros para la recuperación del
líquido contaminado. • Contenedor de Plástico para el almacenaje y el transporte del Kit.
This publication is exclusive right of Errecom s.r.l., which forbids any reproduction and disclosure without its express consent. All care has been taken to ensure that the prices and information were correct at publication, however, Errecom s.r.l.
takes no responsibility for their use. Errecom s.r.l. reserves the right to apply any change at any time and without notice. 33
Fast Flush Kit
EN Kit includes:
• Belnet Aerosol Can with Thread. • Flush Gun with Hose and Ball Valve. • Nitrogen 950 CC one-
shot Cartridge. • Mini 0-10 Bar pressure regulator. • 1/4 SAE swivel Hose Adapter. • LP R134a
Quick Coupler. • 1/4 SAE (M) x 5/16 SAE (F) 90° Adapter. • Plastic case for transport.
ES El Kit incluye:
• Bombona de Belnet Aerosol con filete. • Pistola de Lavado con manguera y Válvula de Bola.
• Mini Reductor de presión 0-10 Bar. • Bombona desechable de 950 CC • Adaptador para
mangueras 1/4 SAE giratorio. • Ataque Rápido BP R134a. • Adaptador 90° 1/4 SAE M x 5/16 SAE
F. • Maleta de Plástico para el trasporte.
ES ¿Qué es?
ES ¿Qué es?
Son Adaptadores Universales con ataque 1/4 SAE Macho que permiten conectar con todas las
partes de un Sistema A/A para efectuar la operación de lavado interior en condiciones de absoluta
Easy Pass
EN Adapter Connection Kit for HVAC&R Equipment
What is it?
A simple Kit for Quick Connection of two Refrigeration Hoses to enable complete Flushing.
N2 Cartridge / Bombona N2
EN What is it? ES ¿Qué es?
It is a one-shot Cartridge of 950 CC, charged at 110 Bar pressure. Es una Bombona desechable de 950 CC cargada a presión de 110 Bar con Nitrógeno.
It is used to check A/C System leaks under pressure. Se usa para controlar fugas en presión de los Sistemas A/A.
Mini Pressure Regulator 0÷10 Bar / Mini Reductor de Presión 0÷10 Bar
EN What is it?
It is a mini pressure regulator for one-shot Cartridges of Nitrogen and Hydrogenated Nitrogen. It resists to a
maximum inlet pressure of 150 Bar and has a maximum output pressure of 10 Bar. The inlet and output pressure
can be verified thanks to two manometers of Ø 40 mm. It includes a 200 cm hose with Ball Valve at one end and
1/4 SAE Swivel Connections.
ES ¿Qué es?
Es un MiniReductor de presión para Bombonas desechables de Nitrógeno y Nitrógeno/Hidrógeno. Soporta
una presión máxima de entrada de 150 Bar y tiene una presión máxima de salida de 10 Bares. La presión de
entrada y de salida son visibles por medio de dos manómetros de Ø 40 mm. Incluye una Manguera de 200 cm
con Válvula a Esfera final y Conexión 1/4 SAE Giratorio.
ES • 300 Bar (IN) / 0÷60 Bar (OUT). • Manómetros de Alta y de Baja Presión Ø 40 mm. • Conexión 1/4 SAE Macho.
ES • 300 Bar (IN) / 0÷200 Bar (OUT). • Manómetros de Alta y de Baja Presión Ø 63 mm. • Conexión 1/4 SAE Macho.
This publication is exclusive right of Errecom s.r.l., which forbids any reproduction and disclosure without its express consent. All care has been taken to ensure that the prices and information were correct at publication, however, Errecom s.r.l.
takes no responsibility for their use. Errecom s.r.l. reserves the right to apply any change at any time and without notice. 35
Pressure Regulator & Tester 0÷60 Bar
Reductor de Presión y Control 0÷60 Bar
• 300 Bar (IN) / 0÷60 Bar (OUT) Ø 40 mm high and low pressure Manifold Gauges. • Ø 80 mm Gauge, class
1.0 with defined sector, positioning indicator and calibration screw 1/4 SAE Male & Female Connections
• 200 cm Hose with Ball Valve with 1/4 SAE Connection. • 1/4 SAE Male X 5/16 Female Adapter. • Case for storage
and handling.
ES • Manómetros 300 Bar (IN) / 0 ÷ 60 Bar (OUT) de alta y baja presión Ø 40 mm. • Manómetro de Ø 80 mm,
clase 1.0 con sectores definidos, indicador de posicionamiento y tornillo de calibración 1/4 SAE conexiones
macho y hembra • Tubo de 200 cm con 1/4 SAE válvula de bola giratoria. • Maleta de plástico para almacenamiento
y transporte.
ES ¿Qué es?
Es un kit que le permite verificar fugas de menos de 5 ppm (2 gr / año) en sistemas de Aire Acondicionado y Refrigeración
en presión con una mezcla de Nitrógeno/Hidrógeno (N 2H2) mediante el uso de un detector de fugas electrónico específico.
El Detector de fugas Electrónico también puede detectar los gases refrigerantes R134a - R410a - R407c - R1234yf R32 -
R404 - R502 - R600 - R290.
ES ¿Qué es?
Es un dispositivo electrónico diseñado específicamente para detectar una mezcla de Hidrógeno (H 2) al 5% + Nitrógeno (N 2)
al 95%. También es capaz de detectar los gases refrigerantes R134a - R410a - R407c - R1234yf - R32 - R404 - R502 - R600
- R290. El detector de fugas está equipado con un sensor de calefacción y un microprocesador que garantizan una señal
realista y muy precisa. Gracias al ajuste de intensidad y la presencia de 7 LED con una función de escala visual coloreada,
es capaz de garantizar la detección de fugas de menos de 5 ppm (2gr/año).
This publication is exclusive right of Errecom s.r.l., which forbids any reproduction and disclosure without its express consent. All care has been taken to ensure that the prices and information were correct at publication, however, Errecom s.r.l.
36 takes no responsibility for their use. Errecom s.r.l. reserves the right to apply any change at any time and without notice.
Purifying treatments
for interiors.
This publication is exclusive right of Errecom s.r.l., which forbids any reproduction and disclosure without its express consent. All care has been taken to ensure that the prices and information were correct at publication, however, Errecom s.r.l.
takes no responsibility for their use. Errecom s.r.l. reserves the right to apply any change at any time and without notice. 37
PureZone Machine Bipower
EN Ultrasonic Nebulizer
Technical Features:
• Power supply: 220V - 50/60 Hz. • Power supply: 110V - 50/60 Hz. • Power supply Plug: Schuco.
• Weight: 3.1 Kg.
ES Nebulizador Ultrasónico
Características Técnicas:
• Alimentación: 220V - 50/60 Hz. • Alimentación: 110V - 50/60 Hz. • Tipo de toma: SHUKO. • Nivel
Peso: 3.1 Kg.
ES Generador de Ozono
Características Técnicas:
• Alimentación: 100-220V - 50/60 Hz. • Temperatura de uso: 0°C ÷ 60°C. • Capacidad de producción: 800
mg/h. • Dimensiones: L285 x P130 x H210 mm. • Peso: 2,9 Kg.
This publication is exclusive right of Errecom s.r.l., which forbids any reproduction and disclosure without its express consent. All care has been taken to ensure that the prices and information were correct at publication, however, Errecom s.r.l.
38 takes no responsibility for their use. Errecom s.r.l. reserves the right to apply any change at any time and without notice.
Atom Liquid
EN Purifying Treatment for Atom Machine and Ultrasonic Nebulizers
ES Tratamiento Purificador para Atom Machine y Nebulizador Ultrasónico
Bottle or
Plastic Tank Pure Mint Lemon Smoki :RRÀ
Bote o Tanque
de Plástico
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Killer Odor
EN Odour Eliminator for Ultrasonic Nebulizer
What is it?
KILLER ODOR is an anti-odor treatment to be used with ultrasonic nebulizers.
• Effective against smoke, cigarettes, food and pet odor.
• Purifies interior air.
• Completely eliminates unpleasant smells.
• Eliminates bad smells from interiors and surfaces.
• Refreshes and restores internal air quality.
This publication is exclusive right of Errecom s.r.l., which forbids any reproduction and disclosure without its express consent. All care has been taken to ensure that the prices and information were correct at publication, however, Errecom s.r.l.
takes no responsibility for their use. Errecom s.r.l. reserves the right to apply any change at any time and without notice. 39
Purifying and Cleaning Treatments
Evaporator Ready to Use Severe Dirt No Rinsing Perfume 7\YPÄLY Frequent Use Interiors
Evaporator Cleaner
EN Non-Foam Cleaner for A/C Systems - NO BIOCIDE
What is it?
EVAPORATOR CLEANER is a liquid treatment for evaporators that cleans, refreshes and purifies the A/C system.
We recommend the use of this product in combination with INTERIOR PURIFIER - Purifying Treatment for interiors.
Evaporator Ready to Use Severe Dirt No Rinsing Perfume 7\YPÄLY Frequent Use Interiors
Power Clean In
Interior Purifier
Total Care
EN Complete Purifying Treatment for A/C Systems - NO BIOCIDE
What is it?
TOTAL CARE is a complete purifying treatment to clean and refresh the evaporator and the cockpits, leaving a pleasant fragrance of
Suitable treatment for: 100 mL (3.4 fl oz)
for A/C Systems up to 12,000 Btu/H (3 KW - 1 TONS) - for interiors up to 15 Sqm.
Suitable treatment for: 200 mL (6.8 fl oz)
for A/C Systems up to 24,000 Btu/H (6 KW - 2 TONS) - for interiors up to 30 Sqm.
Clamshell including:
• Can of EVAPORATOR CLEANER FOAM - Foam Cleaner.
• Can of INTERIOR PURIFIER - Purifying Treatment for Interiors.
• With 60 cm Canula.
Evaporator Ready to Use Severe Dirt No Rinsing Perfume 7\YPÄLY Frequent Use Interiors
This publication is exclusive right of Errecom s.r.l., which forbids any reproduction and disclosure without its express consent. All care has been taken to ensure that the prices and information were correct at publication, however, Errecom s.r.l.
42 takes no responsibility for their use. Errecom s.r.l. reserves the right to apply any change at any time and without notice.
EN Cigarette Smoke Odor Remover Spray for Interiors
What is it?
SMOKI is a special Nanotechnology Chemical Product formulated to eliminate the smell of
cigarette and tobacco from Cockpits and Environment.
How does it work?
Total release Spray can be placed at the center of the contaminated area; before performing the
treatment, close doors and windows and leave the vehicles or the room.
Ventilate the space thoroughly before entering again.
EN Pet Odor Remover Spray for Interiors
What is it?
WOOFI is a special Nanotechnology Chemical Product formulated to eliminate the smell of pets
from Cockpits and Environment.
How does it work?
Total release Spray can be placed at the center of the contaminated area; before performing the
treatment, close doors and windows and leave the vehicles or the room.
Ventilate the space thoroughly before entering again.
This publication is exclusive right of Errecom s.r.l., which forbids any reproduction and disclosure without its express consent. All care has been taken to ensure that the prices and information were correct at publication, however, Errecom s.r.l.
takes no responsibility for their use. Errecom s.r.l. reserves the right to apply any change at any time and without notice. 43
Cleaning Therapy
EN Cleaning Kit for Evaporators
What is it?
CLEANING THERAPY is the complete cleaning treatment for splits and fancoils, designed to deeply purify, clean and refresh the evaporator, filter and all
the surrounding surfaces. Cleaning Therapy is composed by two aerosol cans and one spray in bottle that allows the operator to work effectively on every
treated component.
• EVAPORATOR CLEANER FOAM is a foam product in aerosol can that has to be sprayed directly on the aluminum fins of the split or fan coil in order to
incorporate and expel all the contaminants that affect the fresh air quality produced inside the condensate drain conduit.
• INTERIOR PURIFIER is liquid product in aerosol can that has to be used after having treated the split or fancoil. The aerosol can has to be placed in the
middle of the room. Once triggered, the special dispenser gets completely emptied into the environment by providing a special treatment that will settle on
all surfaces by removing any contaminants and leaving a pleasant scent.
• CHINOOK and is a liquid product in spray bottle, specifically designed to clean the split and fancoil filters. Chinook has to be sprayed directly and then
rinsed with running water.
• The product is available in 7 Fragrances. • Easy to use;
This publication is exclusive right of Errecom s.r.l., which forbids any reproduction and disclosure without its express consent. All care has been taken to ensure that the prices and information were correct at publication, however, Errecom s.r.l.
44 takes no responsibility for their use. Errecom s.r.l. reserves the right to apply any change at any time and without notice.
Condensate drain
Emerald Tabs
EN Biodegradable Tablets for Condensate Drain in Split and Fan-Coil
What is it?
EMERALD TABS are tablets, which have been specifically developed in order to avoid the moisture formation inside the A/C system.
Thanks to their high biodegradability level (more than 99%), EMERALD TABS prevent and eliminate the putrefaction process and the formation of algae, mucilage, slime and moulds
that risk to clog and block the condensate drain pipes of A/C systems. Their formulation has been thought in total respet towards the environment. Thanks to their small dimensions
EMERALD TABS are a universal solution, suitable for every kind of A/C system. A montlhy usage of EMERALD TABS is highly recommended in order to have an effective result.
• Their very high level of biodegradability (more than 99%) avoid the pollution and impact towards the environment. • Prevents the putrefaction process of the condensate. • Prevents
the formation of algae, mucilage and moulds. • Prevents the clogging of condensate drain pipes.
This publication is exclusive right of Errecom s.r.l., which forbids any reproduction and disclosure without its express consent. All care has been taken to ensure that the prices and information were correct at publication, however, Errecom s.r.l.
46 takes no responsibility for their use. Errecom s.r.l. reserves the right to apply any change at any time and without notice.
Drain Tabs
EN Tablets for Condensate Drain in Split and Fan-Coil - No Biocide
What is it?
DRAIN TABS is a product specifically developed for the use inside Fan-Coils and condensate collection trays. It prevents and eliminates the putrefaction process and the formation
of algae, mucilage, slime and moulds that risk to clog and block condensate drain pipes of A/C systems. It is sufficient to place the TAB inside the condensate drain duct of the
fan-coil or inside the condensate collection tray of the split in the farthest point from the drainage discharge. The efficacy of the treatment depends on the use of the A/C system, but
it is normally of 1 or 2 tablets every 15/20 days for units up to 12.000 Btu/H (3 KW - 1 TONS).
• Eliminates the putrefaction process of the condensate.
• Eliminates the formation of algae, mucilage and moulds. • Prevents the clogging of condensate drain pipes.
EN Drain Tubes Cleaner - Ready to Use
What is it?
DRIZZLE is a specific fast-acting and effective chemical product, formulated to remove dirt and clogging of condensate drain tubes in A/C systems. 1.5 2
• Removes scale. Ácido
• Removes organic residues.
• Eliminates molds.
• Eliminates algae.
• It prevents the formation of new cloggings.
• Non-corrosive to metals.
This publication is exclusive right of Errecom s.r.l., which forbids any reproduction and disclosure without its express consent. All care has been taken to ensure that the prices and information were correct at publication, however, Errecom s.r.l.
takes no responsibility for their use. Errecom s.r.l. reserves the right to apply any change at any time and without notice. 47
EN Indoor Units Filter Cleaner - Ready to Use
What is it?
CHINOOK is a specific fast-acting and effective scented chemical product, formulated to clean filters of indoor units. 7.5 8.5
Removes dust, smog and mold accumulated over time.
ES Limpiador para Filtros de Unidades Internas - Pronto al Uso
¿Qué es?
CHINOOK es un producto químico específico de acción rápida y eficaz, diseñado para la limpieza de Filtros de
Unidades Internas. Elimina el polvo, smog y moho depositados durante el tiempo.
This publication is exclusive right of Errecom s.r.l., which forbids any reproduction and disclosure without its express consent. All care has been taken to ensure that the prices and information were correct at publication, however, Errecom s.r.l.
48 takes no responsibility for their use. Errecom s.r.l. reserves the right to apply any change at any time and without notice.
Evaporator Cleaners.
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Evaporator Cleaner
Evaporator Ready to Use Standard Dirt Rinsing Perfume 7\YPÄLY Frequent Use
Power Clean In
High Pressure Cleaner for Evaporators
What is it?
POWER CLEAN IN is a special Aerosol Can that has been designed to achieve a high and constant supply pressure that
allowing to easily remove extreme dirt that accumulates between the fins of the evaporators.
• Particularly suitable for the evaporators that are difficult to reach. • No need to rinse.
This publication is exclusive right of Errecom s.r.l., which forbids any reproduction and disclosure without its express consent. All care has been taken to ensure that the prices and information were correct at publication, however, Errecom s.r.l.
50 takes no responsibility for their use. Errecom s.r.l. reserves the right to apply any change at any time and without notice.
EcoJab 10 11.5
EN Biodegradable Evaporator Cleaner - Dilution 1:6
What is it?
ECOJAB is a specific fast-acting and effective chemical product, with a high biodegradability
factor, formulated to clean evaporators.
Jab 10 12
EN Evaporator and Plastic Cleaner - Dilution 1:5
What is it?
JAB is a specific fast-acting and effective scented chemical product, formulated to completely
clean internal units. It acts both on the evaporator and on plastic surfaces without damaging
them. Specifically formulated for use in environments with the presence of food. OEM APPROVED
This publication is exclusive right of Errecom s.r.l., which forbids any reproduction and disclosure without its expresss consent. All care has been taken to ensure that the prices and information were correct at publication, however, Errecom
Erreco s.r.l.
takes no responsibility for their use. Errecom s.r.l. reserves the right to apply any change at any time and without notice. 51
Evaporator Cleaner
Clench 13.5 14
EN Evaporator Cleaner with Anticorrosion Power
Dilution 1:5
What is it?
CLENCH is a specific chemical product, fast-acting and effective, formulated to clean
evaporators. Due to its cleaning power it eliminates possible corrosions and prevents their
reformation. Suitable for environments such as kitchens or food production.
Luxedo 7.5 9
EN Scented Revitalizing Treatment for Evaporators
Ready to Use
What is it?
LUXEDO is a specific scented chemical product, fast-acting and effective, formulated to
clean Evaporators. It removes organic residues and dirt accumulated over time, slowing down
its reappearance.
Evaporator Ready to Use Severe Dirt No Rinsing Perfume 7\YPÄLY Frequent Use
This publication is exclusive right of Errecom s.r.l., which forbids any reproduction and disclosure without its express consent. All care has been taken to ensure that the prices and information were correct at publication, however, Errecom s.r.l.
52 takes no responsibility for their use. Errecom s.r.l. reserves the right to apply any change at any time and without notice.
Sword 10 11
EN Scented Revitalizing Treatment for Evaporators
with Anticorrosion Power - Dilution 1:3
What is it?
SWORD is a specific scented chemical product, fast-acting and effective, formulated to clean
evaporators. It removes organic residues and encrustations accumulated over time, slowing
down its reappearance.
Evaporator Diluition Extreme Dirt Rinsing Perfume 7\YPÄLY Frequent Use Anticorrosive
Evo Tabs 8
EN Purifying Cleaner for Evaporators in Tablet
What is it?
It is an effervescent tablet that diluted in 5 liters of water produces an evaporator cleaner able
to have a good purifying action, remove intense dirt and leave a smell of cleanliness.
This publication is exclusive right of Errecom s.r.l., which forbids any reproduction and disclosure without its express consent. All care has been taken to ensure that the prices and information were correct at publication, however, Errecom s.r.l.
takes no responsibility for their use. Errecom s.r.l. reserves the right to apply any change at any time and without notice. 53
EN Liquid Disinfectant for Surfaces with Bactericide and Virucidal Efficacy
Hospitals, Nursing Homes, Physicians Studies, Clinics, Schools,
Sport Centers, Wellness Centers, Meat Shops, Confectionery
Industry, Bakeries, Bars and Restaurants, Ice-cream Shops,
Hotels, Industries for Meat Fish and Vegetables Processing.
Hospitales, Guarderías, Consultorios Médicos, Ambulatorios,
Escuelas, Instalaciones Deportivas, Balnearios, Carnicerías,
Hoteles, Industria de Procesamiento de Carnes, Pescados y
This publication is exclusive right of Errecom s.r.l., which forbids any reproduction and disclosure without its express consent. All care h
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54 takes no responsibility for their use. Errecom s.r.l. reserves the right to apply any change at any time and without notice.
Condenser cleaners.
Condenser Cleaning
EcoRestore 11 12
EN Biodegradable Condenser Cleaner OEM APPROVED
Dilution 1:4
What is it?
ECORESTORE is a specific fast-acting and effective chemical product, with high
biodegradability, formulated to clean the Condenser.
Restore 10 12.5
EN Condenser Cleaner
Dilution 1:3
What is it?
RESTORE is a specific fast-acting and effective chemical product, formulated to completely
clean Condensers. It can be used in environments with the presence of food.
This publication is exclusive right of Errecom s.r.l., which forbids any reproduction and disclosure without its express consent. All care has been taken to ensure that the prices and information were correct at publication, however, Errecom s.r.l.
56 takes no responsibility for their use. Errecom s.r.l. reserves the right to apply any change at any time and without notice.
Chisel 13 13.5
EN Condenser Cleaner with Anticorrosion Power
Dilution 1:3
What is it?
CHISEL is a specific Alkaline-Based Liquid Treatment that cleans and deeply degreases the
dirt that sets within the finned Coils of Condensers placed on vehicles and outside buildings.
EN Concentrated A/C and Refrigeration Condenser
Alkaline Cleaner - Dilution 1:2
What is it?
GOOD COND CLEANER is a specific Alkaline-Based Liquid Treatment that cleans and
deeply degreases the dirt that sets within the finned Coils of Condensers placed on vehicles
and outside buildings.
This publication is exclusive right of Errecom s.r.l., which forbids any reproduction and disclosure without its express consent. All care has been taken to ensure that the prices and information were correct at publication, however, Errecom s.r.l.
takes no responsibility for their use. Errecom s.r.l. reserves the right to apply any change at any time and without notice. 57
Alkaline Tabs
EN Alkaline Cleaner for Condensers in Tablet
What is it?
ALKALINE TABS is an effervescent tablet that diluted in 5 Litres of water generates an 8
alkaline cleaner for condensers, able to remove severe dirt.
This publication is exclusive right of Errecom s.r.l., which forbids any reproduction and disclosure without its express consent. All care has been taken to ensure that the prices and information were correct at publication, however, Errecom s.r.l.
58 takes no responsibility for their use. Errecom s.r.l. reserves the right to apply any change at any time and without notice.
Best Acid CC
EN Concentrate A/C and Refrigeration Condenser
Deoxidizer - Dilution 1:6
What is it?
1 2
BEST ACID CC is a specific acid-based liquid treatment that deeply removes incrustations
from the finned coils of condensers placed outside buildings. Ácido
Acid Tabs
EN Acid Cleaner for Condensers in Tablet
What is it?
ACID TABS is an effervescent tablet. When diluted in 5 liters of water, ACID TABS becomes an acid cleaner for condensers. Its specific action 4
is against calcareous, saline scales as well as smog and excrement. ACID TABS is therefore the ideal product for all those condensers located
in seaside places or high polluted ones. Ácido
This publication is exclusive right of Errecom s.r.l., which forbids any reproduction and disclosure without its express consent. All care has been taken to ensure that the prices and information were correct at publication, however, Errecom s.r.l.
takes no responsibility for their use. Errecom s.r.l. reserves the right to apply any change at any time and without notice. 59
Power Clean Out
EN High Pressure Cleaner for Condensers
What is it?
POWER CLEAN OUT is a special Aerosol Can that has been designed to achieve
a high and constant supply pressure that allows you to easily remove extreme dirt
that accumulates between the fins of the condensers.
• Particularly suitable for the condensers that are difficult to reach.
• No need to rinse.
Spray Pumps
What is it?
It is a tank that can be manually pressurisable, resistant even to acid products,
with adjustable nozzle to dispense any kind of Cleaner directly on evaporators
and condensers.
¿Qué es?
Es un bomba Presurizable manualmente, resistente también a los Ácidos, con
boquilla ajustable que permite la distribución de cualquier tipo de Cleaner
directamente sobre los Evaporadores y Condensadores.
This publication is exclusive right of Errecom s.r.l., which forbids any reproduction and disclosure without its express consent. All care has been taken to ensure that the prices and information were correct at publication, however, Errecom s.r.l.
60 takes no responsibility for their use. Errecom s.r.l. reserves the right to apply any change at any time and without notice.
No-Age Plus
EN Anticorrosive Protective Spray Treatment for Condensers and Evaporators E W
What is it? N
NO-AGE PLUS is an anticorrosive and antioxidant treatment for external units. The liquid spray is to be applied on
condensers and covers after cleaning operations.
How does it work?
Once applied, NO-AGE PLUS forms a transparent and thick protective film, which resists humidity, smog, salt, sand and
• Aerosol treatment for a uniform application.
• Transparent.
• Easy to use.
• Extends the condenser life.
EN Protective-Anticorrosive Treatment for Condensers - Ready to use
What is it?
NO-AGE is a protective treatment, designed for all those systems that are exposed in highly oxidizing environments (seaside, heavily polluted sites) where salt
and acid rain reduce significantly the condenser life.
How does it work?
Once you have cleaned the condenser with one acid or alkaline Cleaners, spray NO-AGE directly on it: this solution generates a microfilm that does not limit the
heat exchange of the condenser, but reduces the ability of dirt (such as salt and smog) to cling to the surfaces, protecting the metals thanks to an anticorrosive
• Easy to use.
• Safe for operator and materials.
• Extends the life of the condenser.
This publication is exclusive right of Errecom s.r.l., which forbids any reproduction and disclosure without its express consent. All care has been taken to ensure that the prices and information were correct at publication, however, Errecom s.r.l.
takes no responsibility for their use. Errecom s.r.l. reserves the right to apply any change at any time and without notice. 63
No-Age Gelly
EN Anticorrosive Protective Treatment for copper pipes AC/R systems
What is it?
It is an anticorrosive protective treatment, of transparent and thick consistence, to be applied on copper pipes of A/C system
nearby the heat-exchange points. A special brush for spreading is included.
How does it work?
NO-AGE GELLY forms a transparent and thick protective film, which resists humidity, smog, salt, sand and dust.
• To be spread with a special brush.
• Easy to use.
• Extends the Condenser life.
This publication is exclusive right of Errecom s.r.l., which forbids any reproduction and disclosure without its express consent. All care has been taken to ensure that the prices and information were correct at publication, however, Errecom s.r.l.
64 takes no responsibility for their use. Errecom s.r.l. reserves the right to apply any change at any time and without notice.
Welding Products.
This publication is exclusive right of Errecom s.r.l., which forbids any reproduction and disclosure without its express consent. All care has been taken to ensure that the prices and information were correct at publication, however, Errecom s.r.l.
takes no responsibility for their use. Errecom s.r.l. reserves the right to apply any change at any time and without notice. 65
Welding Products
EN Protective Barrier Spray for Soldering
What is it?
SHIELD-IT is a product in aerosol can to be used as protective solution for the treated soldering area. By forming a protective
shield, SHIELD-IT prevents drops or welding splashes from sticking out of various metals and materials close to the soldering
area, also allowing the easy removal of soldering residues.
SHIELD-IT can be used in combination with PROTECT GEL (which is a product that avoids the burns of all the materials close to
the soldering area and reduce the heat exchange).
• Easy to use.
• Useful as a temporary protection against weld spatters.
• Easy removable with a cloth.
Shield-It H2O
EN Water based Protective Barrier Spray for Soldering
What is it?
SHIELD-IT H 2O is a water based product in aerosol can to be used as protective solution for the treated soldering area. By
forming a protective shield, SHIELD-IT H 2O prevents drops or welding splashes from sticking out of various metals and materials
close to the soldering area, also allowing the easy removal of soldering residues.
Its water based formula caractherizes SHIELD-IT H 2O as a non-aggressive product for the operator.
SHIELD-IT H 2O can be used in combination with PROTECT GEL (which is a product that avoids burns of all the materials close
to the soldering area and reduce the heat exchange).
• Easy to use.
• Safe for the Operator.
• Useful as a temporary protection against weld spatters.
• Easy removable with a cloth.
This publication is exclusive right of Errecom s.r.l., which forbids any reproduction and disclosure without its express consent. All care has been taken to ensure that the prices and information were correct at publication, however, Errecom s.r.l.
66 takes no responsibility for their use. Errecom s.r.l. reserves the right to apply any change at any time and without notice.
Protect Gel
EN Anti-Heat Gel for Soldering
What is it?
PROTECT GEL is a special product formulated in gel to protect from the effect of heat the surfaces surrounding the point of contact
• Easy to use.
• Safe and non-toxic.
• Absorbs the heat from the welding or soldering torch avoiding the areas surrounding the affected point to burn or deform.
• Protects components and materials during welding operations to avoid costly damages caused by heat.
• Protects painted and varnished surfaces by the color change due to the heat of the welding torch.
• Gel formula that adheres to the surface to be protected without drip, stain or leave residue.
EN Anti-Heat Paste for Soldering
What is it?
During soldering and brazing operations, STOP-HEAT blocks the heat conduction, protecting surfaces and preventing areas
surrounding the welding point from burning or deforming.
Its formula in paste adheres without dripping, slipping, or leaving residues, protecting also the painted and varnished surfaces
by color changes.
• Simple to use.
• Safe and non-toxic.
• It absorbs the heat emanated from the soldering or brazing torch, preventing the areas surrounding the welding point from
burning or deforming.
• It protects components and materials during soldering to avoid expensive damages caused by heat.
• It does not drip or slip.
This publication is exclusive right of Errecom s.r.l., which forbids any reproduction and disclosure without its express consent. All care has been taken to ensure that the prices and information were correct at publication, however, Errecom s.r.l.
takes no responsibility for their use. Errecom s.r.l. reserves the right to apply any change at any time and without notice. 67
This publication is exclusive right of Errecom s.r.l., which forbids any reproduction and disclosure without its express consent. All care has been taken to ensure that the prices and information were correct at publication, however, Errecom s.r.l.
68 takes no responsibility for their use. Errecom s.r.l. reserves the right to apply any change at any time and without notice.
This publication is exclusive right of Errecom s.r.l., which forbids any reproduction and disclosure without its express consent. All care has been taken to ensure that the prices and information were correct at publication, however, Errecom s.r.l.
takes no responsibility for their use. Errecom s.r.l. reserves the right to apply any change at any time and without notice. 69
100 TB7467B TB7467R TB7467Y TBK359 100 TB7468B TB7468R TB7468Y TBK363
200 TB7567B TB7567R TB7567Y TBK360 200 TB7568B TB7568R TB7568Y TBK364
300 TB7667B TB7667R TB7667Y TBK361 300 TB7668B TB7668R TB7668Y TBK365
350 TB7767B TB7767R TB7767Y TBK362 350 TB7768B TB7768R TB7768Y TBK366
This publication is exclusive right of Errecom s.r.l., which forbids any reproduction and disclosure without its express consent. All care has been taken to ensure that the prices and information were correct at publication, however, Errecom s.r.l.
70 takes no responsibility for their use. Errecom s.r.l. reserves the right to apply any change at any time and without notice.
This publication is exclusive right of Errecom s.r.l., which forbids any reproduction and disclosure without its express consent. All care has been taken to ensure that the prices and information were correct at publication, however, Errecom s.r.l.
takes no responsibility for their use. Errecom s.r.l. reserves the right to apply any change at any time and without notice. 71
This publication is exclusive right of Errecom s.r.l., which forbids any reproduction and disclosure without its express consent. All care has been taken to ensure that the prices and information were correct at publication, however, Errecom s.r.l.
72 takes no responsibility for their use. Errecom s.r.l. reserves the right to apply any change at any time and without notice.
MN1091.01 07 -
**80x120xH200 cm (31,50x47,25xH78,75 inch.)
This publication is exclusive right of Errecom s.r.l., which forbids any reproduction and disclosure without its express consent. All care has been taken
take to ensure that the prices and information were correct at publication, however, Errecom s.r.l.
takes no responsibility
responsibi for their use. Errecom s.r.l. reserves the right to apply any change at any time and without notice. 73
Manifolds for Refrigerant Gases
with Ø 68 mm gauge HP
MN1115.01 1/4 SAE R32 - R410a 1.0
con Manometri Ø 68 mm HP
with Ø 68 mm gauge HP
MN1116.01 5/16 SAE R32 - R410a 1.0
con Manometri Ø 68 mm HP
with Ø 68 mm gauge LP
MN1117.01 1/4 SAE R32 - R410a 1.0
con Manometri Ø 68 mm LP
with Ø 68 mm gauge LP
MN1118.01 5/16 SAE R32 - R410a 1.0
con Manometri Ø 68 mm LP
MNK490 with 2mt hoses Ball Valves 1/4 SAE R32 - R410a 1.0
con tubi da 2mt Valvola a Sfera
MNK491 with 2mt hoses Ball Valves 5/16 SAE R32 - R410a 1.0
con tubi da 2mt Valvola a Sfera
MNK492 with 2mt hoses Ball Valves 1/4 SAE R32 - R410a 1.0
con tubi da 2mt Valvola a Sfera
MNK493 with 2mt hoses Ball Valves 5/16 SAE R32 - R410a 1.0
con tubi da 2mt Valvola a Sfera
with Ø 68 mm gauge
MN1119.01 1/4 SAE R32 - R410a 1.0
con Manometri Ø 68 mm
with Ø 68 mm gauge
MN1120.01 5/16 SAE R32 - R410a 1.0
con Manometri Ø 68 mm
MNK494 with 2mt hoses Ball Valves 1/4 SAE R32 - R410a 1.0
con tubi da 2mt Valvola a Sfera
MNK495 with 2mt hoses Ball Valves 5/16 SAE R32 - R410a 1.0
con tubi da 2mt Valvola a Sfera
This publication is exclusive right of Errecom s.r.l., which forbids any reproduction and disclosure without its express consent. All care has been taken to ensure that the prices and information were correct
ct at publication, however, Errecom s.r.l.
74 takes no responsibility for their use. Errecom s.r.l. reserves the right to apply any change at any time and without notice.
Manifolds for Refrigerant Gases
with Ø 68 mm gauge
MN1121.01 1/4 SAE R32 - R410a 1.0
con Manometri Ø 68 mm
with Ø 68 mm gauge
MN1122.01 5/16 SAE R32 - R410a 1.0
con Manometri Ø 68 mm
MNK496 with 2mt hoses Ball Valves 1/4 SAE R32 - R410a 1.0
con tubi da 2mt Valvola a Sfera
MNK497 with 2mt hoses Ball Valves 5/16 SAE R32 - R410a 1.0
con tubi da 2mt Valvola a Sfera
with Ø 68 mm gauge
MN1123.01 1/4 SAE R32 - R410a 1.0
con Manometri Ø 68 mm
with Ø 68 mm gauge
MN1124.01 5/16 SAE R32 - R410a 1.0
con Manometri Ø 68 mm
MNK498 with 2mt hoses Ball Valves 1/4 SAE R32 - R410a 1.0
con tubi da 2mt Valvola a Sfera
MNK499 with 2mt hoses Ball Valves 5/16 SAE R32 - R410a 1.0
con tubi da 2mt Valvola a Sfera
This publication is exclusive right of Errecom s.r.l., which forbids any reproduction and disclosure without its express consent. All care has been taken to ensure that the prices and nd information were correct at publication, however, Errecom s.r.l.
takes no responsibility for their use. Errecom s.r.l. reserves
erves the right to apply any change at any time and without notice. 75
Ezi Oil
EN Cutting Oil Spray
What is it?
EZI OIL is a universal Spray Oil essential for the lubrication of copper tubes during cutting and flanging operations.
¿Qué es?
Indicado para aislar componentes sujetos a la formación de líquido de condensación (válvulas de jsrvicio presentes an
las unidades motocondensantes, tuberías frigoríficas, boquetas y juntas). Se adhiere perfectamente a todos los metales,
tuberías frías o calientes. También indicada para proteger tuberías capilares contra vibraciones y rumores. Su especial
película permite de modelarla perfectamente a la tubería sin ensuciarse.
• Largitud: 7,50 m. • Alargamiento: 100%. • Temperatura de trabajo: -20°C / +90°C. • Película transparente para una
limpia aplicación.
TR1015.01 10
¿Qué es?
Es una herramienta que permite extraer todos los mecanismos Schrader de las válvulas de cargas.
RL1001.01 10
¿Qué es?
Es una herramienta circular a seis puntas que permite enderezar sin dañar las aletas en aluminio de los Evaporadores
y de los Condensadores. Tiene la posibilidad de ser usado con aletas de las siguientes dimensiones 6/8/10/12/14/15.
RL1010.01 10
This publication is exclusive right of Errecom s.r.l., which forbids any reproduction and disclosure without its express consent. All care has been taken to ensure that the prices and information were correct at publication, however, Errecom s.r.l.
76 takes no responsibility for their use. Errecom s.r.l. reserves the right to apply any change at any time and without notice.
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Horeca Solutions
EN Ice Machine Cleaner - Ready to Use
What is it?
SNOW PLOW is a specific fast-acting and effective chemical product, formulated to clean ice
maker machines, with descaling and anti-limestone action.
EN Ice Dissolver for Cooling Appliances - Ready to Use
What is it?
AXE is a specific fast-acting and effective chemical product, formulated to dissolve the ice
and facilitate its removal. It also slows down the formation of new ice.
This publication is exclusive right of Errecom s.r.l., which forbids any reproduction and disclosure without its express consent. All care has been taken to ensure that the prices and information were correct at publication, however, Errecom s.r.l.
78 takes no responsibility for their use. Errecom s.r.l. reserves the right to apply any change at any time and without notice.
EN Coffee Machine Cleaner - Ready to Use
What is it?
MOKA is a specific fast-acting and effective chemical product, formulated to clean coffee
maker machines, with descaling and anti limestone action.
This publication is exclusive right of Errecom s.r.l., which forbids any reproduction and disclosure without its express consent. All care has been taken to ensure that the prices and information were correct at publication, however, Errecom s.r.l.
takes no responsibility for their use. Errecom s.r.l. reserves the right to apply any change at any time and without notice. 79
No Odor
EN Anti Odour Treatment - Ready to Use
What is it?
NO ODOR is an anti-odour treatment to be directly sprayed on surfaces.
• Effective against odours of smoke, cigarettes, pets and food. • Suitable to clean garbage
containers. • Completely eliminate unpleasant odours. • Eliminates bad smells from interiors
and surfaces. • Refresh and restore air quality.
EN Odor Remover Treatment for Urine - Ready to use
What is it?
UKLIN is a specific fast-acting and effective chemical product, formulated to remove and
impede the new formation of the unpleasant smell of urine.
This publication is exclusive right of Errecom s.r.l., which forbids any reproduction and disclosure without its express consent. All care has been taken to ensure that the prices and information were correct at publication, however, Errecom
Errec s.r.l.
80 takes no responsibility for their use. Errecom s.r.l. reserves the right to apply any change at any time and without notice.
EN Professional Unblocker for Slow Running Drains
Ready to Use
What is it?
FLOW is a specific fast-acting and effective chemical product, formulated to remove
bottlenecks from domestic slow running drains.
• Clears slow running drains.
• Removes clogs of soap.
• Eliminates unpleasant odors.
EN Professional Unblocker for Clogged Drains
Ready to Use
What is it?
Specific fast-acting and effective chemical product, formulated to remove bottlenecks from
domestic clogged drains.
• Clears clogged drains. • Non-corrosive to metals. • Removes clogs of soap.
• Removes organic residues such as hair and grease. • Eliminates unpleasant odors. • For
professional use.
This publication is exclusive right of Errecom s.r.l., which forbids any reproduction and disclosure without its express consent. All care has been taken to ensure that the prices and information were correct at publication, however, Errecom s.r.l.
takes no responsibility for their use. Errecom s.r.l. reserves the right to apply any change at any time and without notice. 81
EN Cleaner for Solar Panels - Ready to use
What is it?
How does it work?
APOLLO has to be sprayed directly on the solar panel without dilution. Allow it to act for 5 minutes, then rinse with water.
This publication is exclusive right of Errecom s.r.l., which forbids any reproduction and disclosure without its express consent. All care has been taken to ensure that the prices and information were correct at publication, however, Errecom s.r.l.
82 takes no responsibility for their use. Errecom s.r.l. reserves the right to apply any change at any time and without notice.
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