Assignment - Human Reproduction (4789) - Solution
Assignment - Human Reproduction (4789) - Solution
Assignment - Human Reproduction (4789) - Solution
1. First meiotic division of oogenesis results in the formation of secondary oocyte and first polar
4. Equal to 6
5. Zygote is the vital link that ensures continuity of species between organisms of one generation
and the next. It undergoes cleavage to form embryo.
7. Degeneration of a large number of primary follicles occurs from birth to puberty. (NCERT
8. Reduction division of meiosis is unequal and is completed within the tertiary follicle.
Second meiotic division results in the formation of a large ootid and a small polar
9. Seminal vesicles
10. External genitalia of females constitute Labia majora, Labia minora & clitoris.
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11. Prolactin and oxytocin are associated with normal lactation. Prolactin regulates the growth of
the mammary glands and production of milk, oxytocin stimulates milk ejection from the
mammary glands.
13. A tiny finger like structure that lies at the upper junction of two labia minora above the urethral
opening is called Clitoris
17. Diploid (2n) Spermatogonium, primary spermatocytes, zygote ' Haploid (n) : Secondary
spermatocyte, spermatid, first polar body, second polar body, ovum
Secondary spermatocyte, spematid, first polar body, second polar body, ovum ' Haploid (n)
18. Both corpus luteum and placenta are temporary endocrine glands. The corpus luteum is formed
from the remnants of the Graafian follicle. The placenta secretes hCG and hPL. The placenta is
composed of maternal tissue and foetal tissue.
19. Conceptual
20. In hysterctomized woman, implantation and menstruation are not possible because of the
removal of uterus.
21. Ovaries produce both ova and hormones. A normal human sperm consists of 4 parts-head, neck,
middle piece and tail.
22. Future extra embryonic endoderm is given by Hypoblast cells - cuboidal cells (primitive
endoderm made up of cuboidal cells)
23. Luteal phase is also considered as secretory phase in which endometrial glands secrete uterine
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24. LH and FSH decrease gradually during the follicular phase of menstrual cycle
26. Zona pellucida is synthesized by secondary oocyte. The cyclic events starting from one
menstruation to the next is called menstrual cycle. Secretion of estrogen starts within growing
27. d,b,a,c
30. Spermiogenesis
32. Levels of FSH hormones are increased in post-menopausal women (as oogenesis stops at
menopause, secretion of estrogen decreases. So secretion of FSH increases in negative feedback
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35. A\(-\)Acrosome which is filled with enzymes that help in fertilisation and is derived
from Golgi apparatus.
B\(-\)Neck which contains proximal and distal centrioles. Proximal centriole plays a
crucial role during the first cleavage of the fertilised ovum. The distal centriole gives
rise to the axial filament of long tail of sperm.
C\(-\)Middle piece which possesses 25-30 spirally arranged mitochondria which
produce energy for movement of tail that facilitate sperm motility essential for
36. FSH acts on Sertoticells stimulate secretion of some factors which help in the process
of spermiogenesis
37. Use of contraceptive methods have significant role in checking uncontrolled growth of
population. Each seminiferous tubules is lined on its inside by male germ cells and Sertoli cells.
38. Second maturation division is completed only after the entry of sperm into the Secondary oocyte.
39. Microlecithal egg : The amount of yolk in microlecithal eggs is much less than the amount of
cytoplasm. These eggs are tiny
40. In menstrual cycle of a healthy woman, Ovulatory phase-1 day; Menstrual phase-3-5 days;
Follicular phase-9-11 days; Luteal phase-14 days
41. Oxytocin
42. Zonapellucida is secreted by the oocyte around itself. Zonapellucida remain intact until the
embryo reaches the uterus
43. The entry of sperm activates the secondary oocyte for completing meiosis
44. Removal of ovaries after 5 months of pregnancy will not affect the pregnancy
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47. 3
49. * Function of Sertoli cells : Sertoli cells nourish the growing sperm cells during the
* The seminiferous tubules open into the vasa efferentia thorugh the rete testis
50. The acrosome reaction occurs after capacitation and before fertilisation. When the sperm
reaches the fallopian tube, the secretions of the fallopian tube bring about capacitation which
causes a sperm cell's tail to beat even more vigorously, and it prepares the sperm cell's plasma
membrane to fuse with the oocyte's plasma membrane. During the acrosome reaction, the
acrosomal enzymes (e.g., hyaluronidase, acrosin) are released out. This facilitates the penetration
of the sperm through the corona radiata and the zona pellucida into the oocyte. (The concept of
capacitation is beyond the NCERT Textbook content)
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