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Campaign Events - Masquerade Ball (Print)

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Masquerade balls are a feature of civilised urban life, and eventually the PCs may be invited to attend such a prestigious event. Perhaps
they are invited to secretly meet a new patron or to stymie some plot of these attending the event or alternatively their adventure may
start unexpectedly during such an event. Masquerade balls are excellent excuses for role-playing and offer an excellent change of pace to
a typical adventure. However, designing all the guests and their costumes would take more time than even the most diligent GM has at his
disposal. That’s where Campaign Events: Masquerade Ball comes in. Presenting copious notes on masks, costumes and guests along with
hooks, opportunities and complications it takes the hassle out of running a masquerade ball and lets the GM concentrate on the important
details of the campaign!


Design: Kat Evans Welcome to this Raging Swan Press System Neutral Edition.
Development: Creighton Broadhurst Herein you’ll find evocative, inspiring text designed to help
Art: William McAusland, Bradley K. McDevitt and Marc Radle. you—the busy GM—run better, quicker and easier games.
Some artwork copyright, William McAusland. This book is compatible with most fantasy roleplaying
games. It’s impossible to create a truly system neutral book,
though, and some generic game terms—wizard, fighter, human,
CONTENTS elf and so on—may yet lurk within. These generic terms are
easily modified to the GM’s system of choice.
Mundane Masks ........................................................................... 2
Magical Masks .............................................................................. 3 If you enjoyed this book, please consider leaving a review.
Female Costumes ......................................................................... 4
Male Costumes ............................................................................. 5 If you didn’t enjoy this book, did you know Raging Swan Press
Folk of Interest.............................................................................. 6 offers a money back guarantee?
Hooks, Complications & Opportunities ........................................ 8

©Raging Swan Press 2016.

The material presented in this product first appeared in

Campaign Events: Masquerade Ball

The moral right of Kat Evans to be identified as the author of this

work has been asserted in accordance with the Copyright
Designs and Patents Act 1988.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be

reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any
form or by any means, without the prior permission in writing of
Raging Swan Press or as expressly permitted by law.

Use this table to provide details of the masks guests at the ball A pirate hat, earring and eye patch. Optionally
wear. Such masks are non-magical and so are widely available. supplied with a stuffed parrot.
Ignore any unsuitable results and simply re-roll. This mask is encrusted with a profusion of fake
green and yellow gems.
D% 59-60 A smooth elf mask with a blank expression.
01-02 An elegant lion mask, complete with full mane. 61-62 A replica death mask of an ancient Pharaoh.
A bright feathered bird mask with a curved beak, 63-64 A majestic eagle mask with a sharp beak.
03-04 65-66 An actual fencing mask, it has never seen use.
which covers the wearer’s nose.
A smooth brown eye mask, it includes two horns A fan made by intricately folded paper painted to
05-06 67-68
that curve back over the wearer's head. show a serene woodland scene.
A dark shroud with a deep hood, pulled low over 69-70 A blue jewelled turban with an attached half veil.
07-08 Elaborate make-up that mimics the face and
the wearer's face. 71-72
Stylized crow mask, like that of a plague doctor. disinterested expression of a local petty noble.
09-10 This mask is a mosaic of tiny mirrors and flat
An herbal aroma emanates from the beak. 73-74
11-12 An eye mask of delicate, pale green lace. stones.
This white mask is covered in pattered gold 75-76 A scrap of red lace covering the eyes.
13-14 An eye mask adorned with drooping violet
spirals around the wearer's eyes. 77-78
An ornately carved wooden handle supports this feathers.
15-16 An intricately carved wooden mask of a creature
plain, black mask. 79-80
A half-face mask painted in a black and white from legend.
17-18 A scarecrow mask made of coarse burlap. The
diamond pattern. 81-82
These oversized glasses have thick black frames crude features are painted on.
19-20 Make-up that makes the wearer look like a
and lenses that distort the face behind them. 83-84
Pale blue and white crystals mimic icicles on this veined marble statue.
21-22 A smooth metal mask, resembling a brass golem
mask. 85-86
A cheap-looking monster mask. Opportunistic that completely covers the wearer’s head.
23-24 An elegant, but overly high, top hat complete
vendor are selling these outside the ball. 87-88
25-26 An elaborately coiffed braided dwarven beard. with a thick lace veil.
27-28 This plain, brown sack has roughly cut eyeholes. A full-face grey mask. It smooths out all
29-30 A smooth, unadorned white porcelain mask. 89-90 expression from the wearer's face giving it a dull,
A mask like an insect head, with enormous lifeless appearance.
31-32 A tight fitting, roughly sewn brown leather mask
smooth black eyes. 91-92
A paper cut-out of one of the local deities, held that covers the whole face.
33-34 A smooth, metal eye mask that reflects the
up in front of the face on a stick. 93-94
35-36 Clown make-up. colours around it.
This elegant, colourful peacock half mask is A mask of starched white linen. It is exquisitely
37-38 95-96
particularly ornate (and heavy). embroidered with birds and flowers.
A stylised armour mask. The expression is A collection of glass gems applied in a mask
39-40 97-98
exaggerated for a more sinister appearance. pattern around the eyes.
A grey stone gargoyle face set in a sneer; blood A brown eye mask made of embossed leather.
41-42 99-100
drips from its maw. Golden nonsense runes decorate the mask.
Cracked rocks arranged in a random pattern
43-44 cover the wearer's face, making him look like an
earth spirit.
Expertly applied make-up that transforms the
wearer into another guest.
A delicate fascinator with a veil that covers the
face. The whole is pale yellow in hue.
A stag mask, with a huge set of antlers,
representative of the traditions of The Hunt.
This half mask is intricately woven from wheat;
their stalks form a headdress of sorts.
This mask is a comical pig's head wearing a chef's

Use this table to provide details of the masks guests wear at the A thick smooth green fabric covers the wearer’s
ball. These all contain magical effects, so should be used in high- 55-56 face completely. It is unclear how the wearer is
magic worlds, or for balls where no expense would be spared. able to see or breathe.
Otherwise, use sparingly. This illusion shows the wearer decapitated. She
57-58 carriers her head under one arm. The head is
wearing a stylish black eye mask, of course.
A complex arrangement of delicate spider webs
01-02 A crocodile mask with jaws that snap.
59-60 covers the wearer's face. Spiders crawl over the
A collection of autumn leaves covering the entire
03-04 webs and spin new ones as required.
head save the eyeholes. Live slugs inhabit it.
A full head goat mask, complete with horns and
05-06 A faint green mist obscures the wearer’s face. 61-62
horizontal pupils in the eyes.
A semi sheer fabric covers the wearer's face, but
07-08 A mask which presents two different faces. One
the wearer can see through it easily. 63-64
faces left, the other faces right, both can talk.
An elaborate wig; tendrils of hair writhe around
09-10 The colour of this satin eye mask shifts subtly. It
the wearer's face, obscuring it.
65-66 always appears to be a different colour, but no
A realistic red dragon mask, which periodically one ever sees it change.
emits smoke through its nostrils.
This guest smokes a pipe all evening. The thick
A third eye painted on the forehead, which 67-68 purple smoke that comes from it, keeps the
occasionally blinks. wearer's face obscured.
A complicated collection of metal gears spin and This smooth porcelain mask has exaggerated
15-16 move around, alternately obscuring and frown lines and a furrowed brow, moulded into
revealing the face. 69-70
the material. The mask moves as the wearer's
17-18 An inverted fishbowl, filled with water and fish. own face when he talks.
19-20 A lifelike (perhaps too lifelike) werewolf mask. 71-72 The wearer's face appears upside down.
A mask that shifts its appearance to mimic the This expertly applied make-up gives the illusion
face of the closest person to the wearer. 73-74 of a skull. It also changes the wearer's voice to
An orrery hat and mask—models of the planets sound lower and more ominous.
swirl around the wearer's head. A bright red, orange and yellow sunburst. It is
25-26 A swarm of insects flocks around the mask. 75-76
difficult to look at for long periods of time.
A live squid sits on the wearer's head. It's A fan, coyly held in front to the face, by an
27-28 77-78
tentacles coil and twist around the wearer's face. unseen servant.
This person's face is half illuminated from within The appearance of this mask shifts imperceptibly
29-30 79-80
and half in dark shadows. between the three different heads of a chimera.
A pumpkin head which smells of pumpkin pie An enormous minotaur mask. The eyes burn
31-32 81-82
and occasionally drops seeds. with an inner fire; smoke puffs from the nostrils.
The wearer’s face is visible, but is enveloped by A crown of flowers covers the eyes and nose. It
an intoxicating, opaque cloud of perfume. 83-84 emits an intoxicating perfume, and thorns stab
An opaque, multi-coloured bubble surrounds the at anyone trying to touch the mask.
wearer's head. This mask always shows the inner desires of the
This distinctive mask from a famous opera 85-86
37-38 person looking at it.
enhances the wearer’s singing skills. Bandages cover the entire head, except the eyes,
A very realistic fish mask. Bubbles periodically 87-88
39-40 which seem to be nothing but an empty void.
appear from the mouth. A hat with a large brim. The wearer’s face is in
Thick, rough stitches makes the wearer look like 89-90
41-42 impenetrable darkness.
a flesh golem. An illusory effect that makes the wearer look like
The wearer's head appears to be inside an 91-92
43-44 a different person every second.
alchemist's jar, preserved in chemicals. 93-94 The face appears completely featureless.
45-46 A skull mask, with glowing, red eyes. A mask made from wood. Impossibly, it stretches
47-48 The guest's face is always out of focus. 95-96
and moves with the wearer's face.
An elegant satin eye mask, when removed A dark blue velvet mask, encrusted with
49-50 97-98
reveals festering, bleeding sores. twinkling gems representing the constellations.
This chameleonic mask blends in with its This blue and white mask seems to be of ice. It is
51-52 99-100
surroundings. cold to the touch, for everyone but the wearer.
A black fur-covered cat mask, with vertical
pupiled eyes. At intervals the whiskers twitch.

Use this table to generate outfits for female characters. Since A full skirted dress, made from the brown,
this is a masked ball, where identities are concealed, consider weathered pages of old books.
rolling on the male table instead. Both male and female tables A dress made from thousands of small metal
contain some costumes suitable for either gender. Ignore any 49-50 scales, like a fish. The scales tinkle softly
whenever the wearer moves.
unsuitable results and simply re-roll.
51-52 An old, tattered and yellowing wedding dress.
53-54 A fortune teller's costume.
A dress with an enormous blue and green trail,
Elaborately embroidered robes, based on those 55-56
01-02 reminiscent of a peacock's tail.
worn by a distant culture.
A dark yellow dress with a high neck and large
A dress with a voluminous skirt, and numerous 57-58
03-04 bustle.
ruffles, popular in an earlier century.
This dress is made from anachronistic elements
A long, sleek dress in a pattern reminiscent of a from many different time periods: The sleeves
harlequin’s motley. 59-60
look 100 years old, the skirt look 500 years old,
A red silk dress. The embroidered gold dragons and the bodice is quite modern.
seem to chase each other around the hem.
A sleek red dress made from a material with
Every inch of this pale green dress is covered in 61-62
09-10 more lustre than any known fabric.
fine pleating. A navy blue hoop skirt. With a headdress like the
11-12 A scandalous display of undergarments. 63-64
sun and the planetary orbits around the skirt.
A slim skirt made of goat wool, with astrological 65-66 A recreation of a famous statue.
symbols woven into it.
67-68 The rough, soot stained work clothes of a miner.
A full skirted, bell-shaped dress that appears to
15-16 An orange dress that seems to be made from
be made of frosting and candy. 69-70
moving octopus tentacles.
17-18 A tartan kilt. 71-72 The battle armour of an ancient warrior-goddess.
19-20 A classical dancer's costume.
73-74 A full pink dress, based on a fairy tale princess.
A distinctive dress worm by a famous diva during
21-22 The white dress and wired wings of a cheap
her performances last year. 75-76
angel costume.
23-24 Roughly stitched furs, like those of a savage.
A cloak with a collar turned up which always
This shiny, green skirt resembles a mermaid's 77-78
25-26 obscures the face.
tail. 79-80 The conservative robes of the local clergy.
A provocative dancer costume, from a warmer,
27-28 A light blue satin dress with a square neck. It is
exotic land.
81-82 minimally embellished, but large panniers on the
A dress made entirely of pearls. It has a fitted, wearer’s hips support the skirt.
29-30 strapless bodice and a cage-like skirt of
The distinctive red leather armour of a notorious
suspended pearls. 83-84
A lightweight yellow cotton dress. Last The embossed patterns on this leather dress, tell
fashionable in a more romantic era. 85-86
the legend of a famed adventurer from the past.
A black dress of the current fashion, with fabric
33-34 The elegant, curved lines of this blue and green
bat wings added on the sleeves. 87-88
dress bring to mind stylized waves.
The lightweight, white robes and scarves of the
35-36 An over-the-top parody of a shepherdess’ dress.
residents of a distant desert. 89-90 It includes too many bows and ribbons to be
This dress appears to be made from discarded practical.
royal jewellery from past empires.
This dress appears to be made of opaque,
A long black dress, covered in beads and fine 91-92 stained glass. It couldn't possibly be, the way it
sequins that shimmer like stars. moves with the wearer.
A diaphanous pale green dress made from scraps 93-94 A dress made entirely of flowers.
of silk chiffon.
This floor length lavender cloak covers whatever
An elegant dress in the latest fashion, rendered 95-96 dress she may be wearing. She wears it closed
in the local ruler’s favourite colour. She takes from neck to hem all evening.
offence to anyone wearing her colour to a formal
This metal mesh of this unbelievably light dress,
event. 97-98
is too light to offer protection as armour.
A dress with an enormous skirt, completely 99-100 An emerald green gown silk gown.
covered in satin flowers, bows, ribbons and
ruffles. The wearer is so encumbered by it that
she finds it difficult to move around the ball.

Use this table to generate outfits for male characters. Since this 55-56 The bright green armour of a knight of legend.
is a masked ball, where identities are concealed, consider rolling A suit of smooth black leather. Light seems to
on the female table instead. Both male and female tables slide off it.
contain some costumes suitable for either gender. Ignore any 59-60 A slim fitting suit of red tartan.
61-62 The rags and manacles of a convict.
unsuitable results and simply re-roll.
63-64 A vibrant purple velvet pants suit.
D% 65-66 Red voluminous robes and cape.
The traditional angular armour of the dwarves.
A replica army uniform, from a long-forgotten 67-68
01-02 This suit appears to be made of stone.
69-70 A suit made entirely of tiny mirrors.
A pale imitation of the current monarch’s
03-04 The distinctive leather armour of a local,
ceremonial regalia. 71-72
ferocious orc tribe.
A brightly coloured jester’s costume, adorned
05-06 A dark green tunic and hose, like the distant
with bells. 73-74
wood elves wear.
07-08 A slim fitting black suit with a billowing cape.
A present day interpretation of the robes worn
The tattered rags of a very poor peasant. These, 75-76
09-10 by a mythical sage.
however, are made of silk.
A copy of the regal, yet fairly rugged, furs of a
11-12 The shining armour of a national hero. 77-78
Northern king.
13-14 One half (front or rear) of a pantomime horse.
An elaborate spider costume. The extra four legs
Motley hose in a pattern of black and white 79-80
15-16 move independently.
81-82 A costume of a national folk hero.
17-18 A parody of the current ruler's clothing.
The provocative blue suit of history's most
A metal suit, giving the appearance of an 83-84
19-20 infamous lover.
adamantine golem.
85-86 A thoroughly convincing owlbear costume.
Real fruit covers the wearer’s body. When one
The minimal leather armour of a gladiator. He
21-22 piece is removed (for example, by a hungry 87-88
carries a net and trident all night.
guest) another piece grows in its place.
The ink-stained, dishevelled robes of an ancient
A suit made from twigs and branches. Birds circle 89-90
23-24 scholar.
the wearer and perch on their shoulders.
Black robes embroidered with esoteric symbols,
25-26 A pirate costume, complete with parrot. 91-92
though to be worn by a death cult.
A tightly fitting white jacket covered in straps
27-28 This suit made of fresh green leaves that don't
and buckles, used to confine asylum inmates. 93-94
wilt depicts the Green Man of the forests.
This alchemist's smock was once white, but is
95-96 The most formal attire of the current era.
29-30 now covered with multi-coloured chemical
A dark blue undine costume. Wherever he walks,
stains. 97-98
he leaves a trail of wet footprints.
A copy of the vestments of the clergy of the most
31-32 99-100 Overly embellished military dress uniform.
conservative deity.
33-34 A courtier's outfit from 100 years ago.
35-36 A copy of the town watch uniform.
The loincloth and bare chest of a legendary
barbarian from history.
39-40 The tattered rags of the shambling undead.
41-42 A suit made of soft and verdant moss.
A blacksmith's leather apron and tool belt. The
wearer is unaccustomed to all the tool's weight.
45-46 A white skeleton painted on a tight, black suit.
A tangled mass of vines, as if the wearer had just
emerged from a swamp.
The livery uniform of the host's main rival:
scarlet with a unicorn coat of arms.
A stylized dragon costume: red hose, covered in
51-52 large sequins that mimic scales, and a flowing
cloak covered with the sequins mimicking wings.
An outfit made of twigs and tar. Harmless,
magical flames emanate from it.

Use this table to generate the basic details of folk the PCs Elmar Rhonar (NG male human) One of the
encounter at the ball. Use these details as a base from which to heavily armed and armoured guards is having a
portray the NPC. Ignore any unsuitable results and simply re-roll. hard time maintaining a stoic and professional
27-28 appearance. When he isn't thinking hard enough
D% about maintaining composure, a small smile
appears at the corners of his mouth and he taps
Hidrioun (LN male elf) is dressed as a satyr: bare
his toes in time with the music.
01-02 chested, furred legs and tiny horns. He plays a
Maja Boran (N female human) and her hawk
wooden flute (badly) all night. 29-30
companion are dressed up as a pirate and parrot.
Elissa (N female dwarf) is a courtesan who is at
03-04 Trakdar Tuskmaw (CN male half-orc) is wearing a
the ball to interview potential clients.
monocle and top hat and is challenging everyone
Dehir Shadromil (LG male elf) is a local baron,
31-32 to parlour games. He is trying to affect an
taking political advice from a masked guest, well
aristocratic accent, but this is a challenge around
05-06 below his station. Everyone knows about this
his large tusks.
arrangement, but it would cause a scandal if they
Togor (N female dwarf) is a farmer in weathered,
were to meet publicly.
colourless clothes. Every time she is
Anghwan (CN female elf) is a guest dressed up as
33-34 complemented on her costume, her replies,
a waiter and is deliberately messing up orders
07-08 "Why does everyone keep saying that? I'm only
and spilling drinks, though never on the other
here to deliver turnips to the kitchen."
Elana Rosewind (NG female halfling) waits at the
Kibako (CG male tengu) is wearing a flimsy paper
35-36 bar for her companion, who is invisible to all but
09-10 human mask. His beak distorts the mask in an
unsettling way.
Kiri Vanisa (N female old gnome) is a hunched,
Gibbi Diribi (N male gnome) is part of the hired
wrinkled crone who leans on a cane when she
entertainment. He is disguised (very
37-38 walks. However, when a lively tune is played, she
convincingly) as one of the roast pigs to be
11-12 dances with the grace and skill of a much
served. An instant before it is to be carved, the
younger woman.
acrobat and springs into action and performs a
Feranan Lionsil (NG male elf) is a tall elf with a
series of impressive tumbling moves.
gangly frame. Tonight he is dressed as a rotund
Wani (N female gnome) is a member of a secret 39-40
and decadent nobleman, in a red velvet tunic
society, and is looking to recruit new members.
13-14 bursting around the pillows he stuffed under it.
Since this is a masked ball, she is wearing her full
Arlaneli Areabhron (LG male half-elf) wears the
ceremonial regalia.
same green tunic everyday. Today he is wearing
Orelnia (N male half-elf) is new to the area. He 41-42
a red one. This is more shocking to those who
claims to be a time traveller from the future. He
15-16 know him than all the costumes at the ball.
is dressed in the current fashion, except for the
Lialia Stonecutter (LN female half-elf) is a
shoes, which are 300 years out of date.
reserved woman. Tonight she dresses as a tree,
Arenal Bladebane (CN female half-elf) is a world
17-18 43-44 hoping to fade into the background. Much to her
famous juggler and entertainer.
annoyance, her realistic costume has attracted
Kamrak Treebinder (NG male half-orc) is
much attention.
uncomfortable behind his horn & bone mask and
19-20 Ferhal Greyforge (CG male dwarf) is on stilts
is a bad conversationalist. Additionally, he is
tonight and dressed as an elf. He wears green
enjoying frequent sips from a hip flask.
robes, covered in silver embroidery with leaves,
Miruja Firefury (LG female half-orc) is from a 45-46
twigs and fine silver woven into his beard and
cloistered and very restrictive order. She is at her
finely dwarven wrought metal artificial ear
21-22 first masked ball. She drinks in every detail and
nervously partakes of the dancing and other
Lana Tonkerling (CN female gnome) is dressed,
impressively as a gargoyle with moving wings.
Linhorn (N male halfling) is disgusted by the 47-48
She is justifiably proud of her costume, as she's
23-24 decadency and artifice here. But he is here to
been working on it for over a year.
carry out an important task.
Sunold Ordward (N male gnome) is dressed as an
"The Blade" (NE female halfling) is a known
angler and carries a huge fish. The fish tells
assassin and is actually just here to enjoy herself.
49-50 everyone who'll listen about the angler he
25-26 She can't convince anyone of that and her
caught and about the size of the one that got
enjoyment of the evening is lessened by
everyone giving her a wide berth.

Honanal Gororan (N female elf) is dressed Livia Gundelar (N female human) is known for
51-52 inexplicably with a plain black mask. When asked telling tall tales about her explorer career.
who she is, she replies "determination" Tonight she is dressed in a mummy’s decayed
Thoral Gilson (LN male human) is the most rags. She insists it is not a costume.
53-54 famous cook in the region. He is here working as Dag (CG male human) The ordinarily taciturn
the caterer. He is intensely focused on his job. 83-84 bartender is dispensing oracular wisdom with
Giril Shog (N male dwarf) is bitter and jealous every drink.
that he wasn't hired as the entertainment. Elavia (N female half-elf) is dressed as a wraith in
Eona (LN female dwarf) is the “security” for the 85-86 black rags. Her face appears as nothing but a
evening. She is reluctantly wearing a mask, but dark hole.
refused to wear anything but her regular Liffentifle (CN male gnome) a bard whistles
armour. 87-88 incessantly, often at odds with the music being
Teelan Baccan (NG male elf) is the sommelier for played.
59-60 the evening. He is charming and flirtatious and Branel Gilson (NE female human) is working for
determined to find each guest their perfect wine. her brother Thoral (the caterer) this evening, but
Belnil Eronda (NG female elf) is the local is secretly hoping to see someone do something
61-62 herbalist and tonight is dressed all in metal and scandalous enough to be blackmailed.
gears, as a clockwork golem. Caeneth (NG female elf) This local beauty is
Girhianilid Nelfrin (CG male gnome) is dressed as 91-92 adorned with the flowers and greenery
63-64 a mad prophet. He keeps uttering cryptic and associated with the local fertility goddess.
dour predictions to everyone. Ogden Darrak (N male human) is wearing
Folfur Deelpit (NG female half-orc) is a hulking draped, white robes and his skin is painted
half-orc dressed as an enormous goblin. She is 93-94 white, to resemble the statues of a lost
65-66 very dedicated to her role: cackling maniacally civilization. He answers every question with an
and continually asking if anyone has seen any appropriate quote from that era's literature.
dogs. Dedbel Oric (NE female human) is a spy for a
Meratha Tebrion (LN male half-elf) is a notorious rival lord. She is wearing a dark-coloured,
dandy. Tonight he is wearing a replica nondescript dress and plain mask. She is hoping
67-68 troubadour costume. Unlike the real version, it is to get some new information for her employer.
exquisitely tailored and made from expensive Norbert Stritvane (N male human) is a gruff,
fabrics. abrasive townsperson dressed as a bugbear.
Fid Nilarnia (CN female gnome) The local gnome Complete with glowing eyes, hunched posture
troublemaker, delights in unmasking as many and hairy body.
guests as possible. Fortunately, due to her small Jerissa Fantella (CG female human) is dressed in
stature, she can't reach very many of the masks. the furs and carries the traps of an experienced
Zerkor Fregra (NG male half-orc) is the local hunter. To everyone's disgust, one of these traps
herbalist and is dressed as a mushroom. He gets contains a captured animal.
71-72 very excited when asked about his costume and
explains (in great detail) the intricacies of this
particular species.
Gonam Fulnar (N female half-orc) is on staff to
cast mending and prestidigitation on guests who
damage their costumes. She also casts a random
prestidigitation disguise on any guest who
arrives without a mask, usually just applying a
random colour to the unprepared guest's face.
Medred Reidrik (NG male halfling) is wearing the
costume of his favourite warrior from legend. No
one is surprised, since he always asks the bards
to sing his hero's songs.
Rowan Hilderan (CG female halfling) is dressed
strikingly as a “contract devil” she carries a
parchment and quill and offers small candies to
anyone who will sign.
Egan Selor (CN male human), the world-famous
jewel thief, has procured an invitation. He plans
to leave the ball with many more treasures than
with which he arrived.

Use this table to determine what opportunities or complications At midnight, all the lights are suddenly and
the PCs encounter. Ignore any unsuitable results and simply re- unexpectedly extinguished. Panic ensues, until a
roll. display of magical illusions begins—then their
beauty captivates the guests.
D20 A guest insists one of the PCs is a long lost, distant
relative, despite the fact the PC's face is completely
A courier rushes in with a message for the guest of
17 covered, and is unrecognisable. He follows the PC
1 honour, who leaves immediately. This creates a stir
around for the rest of the night asking annoying
among the other guests.
A noble fleeing an arranged marriage seeks the
The masked ball is being held as a funerary wake
2 PCs’ assistance. He is hoping the ball will provide
for a close friend or relative of a local noble or
enough cover for them to spirit him away to safety. 18
other dignitary. At the climax of the memorial, the
A person who appears to be wearing a monster
body is discovered to be missing.
mask, asks for help lifting a terrible curse. Of
Suddenly, half the guests are compelled to begin
course, it transpires an angry druid using a
3 dancing uncontrollably. Many display a talent for
reincarnation spell trapped the person in this body. 19
dance they have never shown before, executing
Normally, the person cannot be seen out in public
complex footwork flawlessly.
and has used the ball as a chance to get help.
In a case of mistaken identity, the PCs are thrown
The planned entertainment fails to appear and the
into the intrigues of court when a handsome man
4 ball's host asks the PCs for help finding a
20 gives one of the PCs an obviously magical oversized
rose. In truth, the rose marks the PC as the target
A minor noble instigates a brawl at the bar. It is all
of a lurking assassin.
5 a cover to damage a rival’s much more impressive
costume (about which he is insanely jealous).
The local watch recruits the PCs to help solve a
crime committed by one of the guests.
Two lovers enlist the PCs to help them meet under
the watchful eyes of their families.
A puffed up, ageing and self-important duellist
8 (who the PCs have never met before) slaps one of
the PCs with a glove and "demands satisfaction."
A gang of thugs was hired by a mysterious stranger
to wreak havoc at the ball. They ride horses
through the hall, break furniture and attack guests
A foreign spy approaches the PCs about delivering
a message discreetly to the consort of the ball's
host. He speaks in a thick, almost comical accent to
disguise his real voice.
An agitated person is frantically searching for
someone specific among the masked guests.
A rumour about one of the PCs spreads like wild
fire through the ball.
A group of hunters and druids, in protest of the
decadence of this evening, crash the ball and
13 disrupt it, throwing food at the guests and knocking
over furniture. Guests wearing animal costume feel
their ire more than most.
Upon entering the ball, everyone is handed a clue
or a map piece to a modest prize. The guests can
14 cooperate, back stab and trade, buy, sell or steal
each other's secrets. The first person to find the
treasure gets to keep it.
While the PCs are enjoying dinner, a pale blue,
15 lace-trimmed handkerchief is dropped onto one of
their plates.

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