NLC Lercture45
NLC Lercture45
NLC Lercture45
Generally, the tasks of control systems can be divided into two categories: stabilisation (or regulation) and
In stabilisation problems, a control system is to be designed so that the state of the closed-loop system will
be stabilised around an equilibrium point, e.g. position control of robot arms.
In tracking control problems, the design objective is to construct a controller, so that the system output
tracks a given time-varying trajectory.
x· 1 x2
(x· 2) (− 2 x2 − ml sin x1 + u)
Remark 1 = d g . l
Our task is to bring the pendulum from an initial angle, say θ(0) =
, to the vertical-up position with
θ m
a control law u.
Generally, the tasks of control systems can be divided into two categories: stabilisation (or regulation) and
In stabilisation problems, a control system is to be designed so that the state of the closed-loop system will
be stabilised around an equilibrium point, e.g. position control of robot arms.
In tracking control problems, the design objective is to construct a controller, so that the system output
tracks a given time-varying trajectory.
x· 1 x2
(x· 2) (− 2 x2 − ml sin x1 + u)
= d g .
Its output is :
Remark 1
y(t) = x1. m
We want the output y to track a reference signal r(t) = a1sin (ω1t) + a2 sin (ω2t).
Generally, the tasks of control systems can be divided into two categories: stabilisation (or regulation) and
In stabilisation problems, a control system is to be designed so that the state of the closed-loop system will
be stabilised around an equilibrium point, e.g. position control of robot arms.
In tracking control problems, the design objective is to construct a controller, so that the system output
tracks a given time-varying trajectory.
❖ In what follows, we will only discuss the controller design to stabilise the system
x· = f (x, u)
at equilibrium point x = xss.
x· = A x + Bu.
With the state feedback control u = − K x, the closed system becomes:
x· = (A − BK )x.
It is asymptotically stable if and only if the matrix A − BK is Hurwitz, i.e. the eigenvalues of A − BK
is in the open left-half complex plane.
x· = x 2 + u. (5.1)
x· = x 2 − k x. (5.2)
The linearisation of (5.2) at the origin is x· = − k x. (5.3)
According to Theorem 3.1 (Stability and local linearization), the origin is asymptotically stable.
Notions of stabilisation
Jacobian linearization
x· = f (x, u)
f (0,0) = 0, and f is continuously differentiable in a domain Dx × Du that contains the origin
(x = 0, u = 0) with Dx ⊂ ℝn and Du ⊂ ℝm.
[ ∂x ]
∂f ∂f
x· = (x, − K x) + (x, − K x) ⋅ (−K ) = (A − BK )x.
∂u x=0
Since (A − BK ) is Hurwitz, the origin is an exponentially stable equilibrium point of the
closed-loop system.
Stabilizable: the pair (A, B ) is controllable, or some uncontrollable eigenvalues of A Nonlinear control | Besançon | 2022-2023 8
have negative real parts.
Consider a pendulum with dynamic equations :
·· · (5.4)
θ + sin θ + b θ = cu.
Design a state feedback control law u to stabilize the pendulum at an angle θ = δ1.
·· ·
At the equilibrium θ= δ1, we have θ = 0 and θ = 0. Thus the control at the steady state
uss = sin δ1.
Choose state variables x1 = θ − δ1, x2 = θ and uδ = u − uss, (5.4) becomes:
x· 1 = x2, ·
(5.5) x = f (x, u) with f (0,0) = 0
x· 2 = − [sin(x1 + δ1) − sin δ1] − bx2 + cuδ .
Linearize (5.5) at the origin yields:
Transform a nonlinear system into a (fully/partially) linear system, and then use the linear design
techniques to complete the control design.
This is not like the previous Jacobian linearization. The feedback linearisation is achieved by
exact state transformations and feedback, rather than by linear approximation, in order to cancel
the nonlinearities and impose a desired linear dynamics.
u = γ −1(x)[−ψ (x) + v] ⇒ z· = Az + Bv
Standard linear techniques
v = − Kz
Design K such that (A − BK ) is Hurwitz.
The origin z = 0 of the closed-loop system z· = (A − BK )z is globally exponentially stable.
Closed-loop system in the x-coordinates:
Consider a 2D system with the following dynamics:
x· 1
(x· 2) (−x2 cos x1 + u cos 2x1)
−2x1 + a x2 + sin x1
= (5.6)
Consider a 2D system with the following dynamics:
x· 1
(x· 2) (−x2 cos x1 + u cos 2x1)
−2x1 + a x2 + sin x1
= (5.6)
(a x2 + sin x1)
Change of variables z = T(x) = , (5.6) now becomes:
(z·2) (−2z1 cos z1 + cos z1 sin z1 + au cos 2z1)
−2z1 + z2
= (5.7)
(z2) ( ) ( 0 0) ( 2) (1)
−2z1 + z2 −2 1 z1 0 (5.8)
· = = z + v
The problem of stabilising the original nonlinear system (5.6) using the original control u is
transformed into the stabilising the new linear system (5.8) using the new input v.
( 2)
v = − (k1 k 2) z (5.9)
The poles of (5.10) are p1,2 = − 2. So the closed loop system (5.10) is stable with the input v in (5.9).
Back to the original system,
u= (v − cos z1 sin z1 + 2z1 cos z1)
a cos 2z1
(−2z2 − cos z1 sin z1 + 2z1 cos z1)
a cos 2z1
= (−2a x2 − 2a sin x1 − cos x1 sin x1 + 2x1 cos x1)
a cos 2x1
z = T(x)
Although the result is valid in a large state space, it is not valid globally. According to
π kπ
(5.11), the control law is not well defined for x1 = ± .
4 2
To implement the control law, the new states z1, z2 must be available. If they cannot be
measured directly, the original state x1, x2 must be measured and used to compute z.
If there is uncertainty in the model, e.g. a uncertain, there will be error in calculating z
and u.
u= (v − cos z1 sin z1 + 2z1 cos z1)
a cos 2z1
= (−2z2 − cos z1 sin z1 + 2z1 cos z1)
a cos 2z1
= (−2a x 2 − 2a sin x1 − cos x1 sin x1 + 2x1 cos x1)
a cos 2x1
Nonlinear control | Besançon | 2022-2023 14
A single-input nonlinear system in the form x· = f (x) + g(x)u, with f (x) and g(x) smooth on
ℝn, is said to be input-state (feedback) linearizable if there exists a region Ω in ℝn, a
diffeomorphism T : Ω → ℝn, and a nonlinear feedback law:
u = α(x) + β(x)v
Such that the new states z = T(x) and the new input v satisfy a linear time invariant relation:
z· = Az + Bv,
0 1 0 ⋯ 0 0
0 0 1 ⋯ 0 0
A= ⋮ ⋱ ⋱ ⋯ 0 ,B = ⋮ A linear companion form
0 0 0 ⋯ 1 0
0 0 0 ⋯ 0 1
Remark 1
The matrix A and B in the transformed linear system is in a linear companion form. From the
fact that any linear system can be transformed to this form with additional linear state
transformation and pole placement, generality does not lost with other form of feedback
Diffeomorphism: The map T must be invertible, i.e. there is a map T −1 such that for all
x = T −1(z) for all z inside the map T over the domain D. Moreover, both T and T −1 should
be continuously differentiable.
Transform a nonlinear system into a (fully/partially) linear system, and then use the linear design
techniques to complete the control design.
This is not like the previous Jacobian linearization. The feedback linearisation is achieved by
exact state transformations and feedback, rather than by linear approximation, in order to cancel
the nonlinearities and impose a desired linear dynamics.
u = γ −1(x)[−ψ (x) + v] ⇒ z· = Az + Bv
Standard linear techniques
v = − Kz
Design K such that (A − BK ) is Hurwitz.
The origin z = 0 of the closed-loop system z· = (A − BK )z is globally exponentially stable.
Closed-loop system in the x-coordinates:
Back to the example of the pendulum
x· 1
(x2) (−sin x1 − bx2 − u cos x1)
· = (5.7)
x· 1
(x2) (0 0) (x2) (−1)
= ( 2) =
x 0 1 0
· + v (5.8)
Apply linear state feedback:
( 2)
v = − (k1 k 2) x (5.9)
The poles of (5.10) are p1,2 = − 1. So the closed loop system (5.10) is stable with the input v in (5.9).
Back to the original system,
u= (v − sin x1 − bx2)
cos x1
(−x1 − 2x2 − sin x1 − bx2)
cos x1
(ξ) (T2(x))
η T1(x)
z= = T(x) = ,
defined for all x ∈ D ⊂ ℝn, that transforms the system into the
η· = f0(η, ξ), (5.12)
ξ = Aξ + B [ψ (x) + γ(x)u],
where (A, B) is controllable and γ(x) is nonsingular for all x ∈ D.
Assume f0(0,0) = 0, ψ (0) = 0, and f0, ψ, and γ are locally Lipschitz.
State feedback control
u = γ −1(x)[−ψ (x) + v]
(5.12) becomes:
η· = f0(η, ξ),
ξ = Aξ + Bv .
v = − Kξ, with (A − BK ) Hurwitz.
η· = f0(η, ξ),
· (5.13)
ξ = (A − BK )ξ .
Lemma 4.1
The origin of the cascade connection
η· = f0(η, ξ), ξ = (A − BK )ξ .
is asymptotically (exponentially) stable if the origin of η· = f0(η,0) is asymptotically
(exponentially) stable.
Lemma 4.2
The origin of the cascade connection
η· = f0(η, ξ), ξ = (A − BK )ξ .
is globally asymptotically stable if the origin of η· = f0(η, ξ) is input-to-state stable.
❖ An introduction example
Consider the system:
x· 1 = x12 − x13 + x2, (5.14)
x· 2 = u .
Design a control law for u such that the closed loop system is asymptotically stable at the origin.
View x2 as an input to x1
Suppose x2 = ϕ(x1) and stabilises the origin x1 = 0.
Choose x2 = ϕ(x1) = − x12 − x1 and Va(x1) = x12.
We obtain:
· ·
x· 1 = − x1 − x13 and Va(x1) = − x12 − x14 ≤ 0 with Va(0) = 0 ∀x1 ∈ ℝ.
Hence the origin of x· 1 = − x1 − x13 is globally asymptotically stable.
❖ An introduction example…
1 2 1 2
Taking V(x) = x + z as the Lyapunov function candidate for the transformed system (5.15),
2 1 2 2
V(x) = x1x· 1 + z2 z·2
= − x12 − x14 + z2 [x1 + (2x1 + 1) (−x1 − x13 + z2) + u]
η, ξ
fb(η, ξ )
[ ∂η a ]
≤ − W(η) + z g (η) + F(η, ξ) + gb(η, ξ)u
gb(η, ξ) [ ∂η ]
1 ∂Va
Choose u =− ga(η) + F(η, ξ) + Kz , k > 0,
V(η, ξ) = − W(η) − Kz 2 ≤ 0.
V(η, ξ) = 0 when η = 0 and z = 0 ⇒ ξ = ϕ(η)
⇒ ξ = ϕ(0) = 0.
According to Lyapunov’s theorem and LaSalle’s invariant theorem, the system is
asymptotically stable at the origin.
If all the assumptions hold globally, and Va(η) is radially unbounded, the origin is globally
asymptotically stable.
Apply the backstepping to the following 3D system in order to stabilize it:
x· 1 x12 − x13 + x2
x· 2 = x3 . (5.17)
x· 3 u
Hint: the above system can be viewed as a combination of the previous example (5.14)
with x3 as the input.
We first investigate the system
x· 1
(x· 2) ( )
x12 − x13 + x2
= (5.18)
Change of variables:
z3 = x3 − ϕ(x1, x2).
(5.17) then becomes:
x· 1 x12 − x13 + x2
x· 2 = ϕ(x1, x2) + z3 .
z·3 u−
(x1 − x1 + x2) −
2 3 ∂ϕ
(ϕ + z3)
∂x1 ∂x 2
Lyapunov function:
1 2
V = Va + z ,
2 3
· ∂V ∂V
V = a x· 1 + a x· 2 + z3z·3 (5.20)
∂x1 ∂x2
[ ∂x2 ∂x1 (z + ϕ) + u]
∂Va ∂ϕ 2 ∂ϕ
= − x12 − x14 − (x2 + x1 + x12) + z3 (x1 − x13 + x2) −
∂x2 3
Choose control:
∂Va ∂ϕ 2 ∂ϕ
(x1 − x1 + x2) + (z + ϕ) − z3.
u=− +
∂x2 ∂x1 ∂x2 3
(5.20) becomes:
V = − x12 − x14 − (x2 + x1 + x12) − z32 ≤ 0.
V(x) = 0 at x1 = 0, x2 = 0 and z3 = 0, which implies x3 = ϕ(0,0) = 0.
The origin is globally asymptotically stable.
Remark 2
By recursive application of backstepping, we can stabilize the strict feedback systems of the form
x· = f0(x) + g0(x)z1
z·1 = f1(x, z1) + g1(x, z1)z2
z·2 = f2(x, z1, z2) + g2(x, z1, z2)z3
z·k−1 = fk−1(x, z1, ⋯, zk−1) + gk−1(x, z1, ⋯, zk−1)zk
z·k = fk (x, z1, ⋯, zk ) + gk (x, z1, ⋯, zk )u