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J.P. Parmantier" , J.P. Aparicio** and P. Faure**

.*Dassault Aviation, B.P. 300, 92214 SAINT-CLOUD, FRANCE

**Office National d'Etudes et de Recherche8 Adrospatiales



This paper presents the main principles of a method dealing with the
resolution of electromagnetic internal problems: Electromagnetic Topology. A
very interesting way is to generalize the multiconductor transmission line
network theory to the basic equation of the Electromagnetic Topology: the
B.L.T. equation.
This generalization is illustrated by the treatment of an aperture as a four
port junction. Analytical and experimental derivations of the scattering
parameters are presented. These concepts are used to study the
electromagnetic coupling in a scale model of an aircraft, and can be seen as
a convenient means to test internal electromagnetic interference.

The study of the internal electromagnetic problem should, in the future, lead
to the development of an electromagnetic design tool. An electromagnetic
design can be carried out in four phases. The first one is to design a first
prototype. The second phase is to calculate the interference in the system
previously defined. In a third phase the system has to be optimized, to be in
agreement with specific goals such as price, but also weight. The last phase
is to establish maintenance specifications once the system is entirely

Electromagnetic Topology is a powerful frequency method developed several

years ago specially for aeronautics by C.E. Baum [l] in the USA, and that
could answer these four phases. Nowadays, studies are being made to see how
far this theory can be applied or modified or completed to be successful.


The main concept of Electromagnetic Topology, as defined by C.E. Baum, is to

divide the space of interest into volumic zones in order to break down a
total complex electromagnetic problem into a group of small problems
independent of each other.
The topological diagram is a helpful abstract vision of the geometry of a
system, taking into account the electromagnetic interactions between the
different volumes. With this diagram, an inventory of all the penetration
paths into the previous volumes can be made and then an interaction graph
drawn: this description of the electromagnetic interaction between volumes is
better suited than the diagram to computerization. Figure 1 represents a
superimposition of a topological diagram with an associated interaction
According to the theory, the calculation of the interference in the system is
provided by deriving the topological networkb) associated to the interaction
graph. Figure 2 is an Clxample of such a network dealing with one external
penetration path of the interaction graph presented in figure 1. A network is
constituted by tubes related to each other through junctions. The signal
propagating on the tubes is understood in terms of wave vectors W(z) and the
coupling of external sources in terms of source wave vectors Ws. One can then
derive relations involving all the waves on the network, considering
supervectors (vectors of vectors) and supermatrices (matrices of matrices).
The propagation equation relates the wave supervectors at each extremity of
the tubes W(0) and W(L) by means of a propagation supermatrix r:

The propagation equation relates the outgoing wave supervectors W(0) and the
incoming wave supervectors W(L) by means of a scattering supermatrix S:

Combining (1) and ( 2 1 , a single equation can then be derived, taking into
account all the electromagnetic interactions on the network: it is called the
B.L.T. equation (Baum - Liu - Tesche):
(1 - sr) w(o) = sws (3)
One can already measure how this equation can be useful to perform the
optimization phase of an electromagnetic design. However, the main problem is
to express the waves and S and P supermatrices in any coupling configuration.

Figure 1: Topological diagram and

associated topological graph.

sour ce wave-

junction /
Figure 2: Topological network.

wave vector

In this approach, the concepts of topological diagram and graph remain valid.
The difference is that all the evaluations of the interference are made by
means of transfer functions. For this, judicious observables must be definied
at each node of the graph, such as electromagnetic fields or currents and
voltages and related by means of matricial expressions involving transfer
operators T, k, as defined in figure 3 . As an example, the current and
voltage at node 3.1 is given with respect to external electromagnetic

field c} by the relation:

fJ3. 1

T L ) g}o

= T3 . 1 ; 2 , 2 T 2 , 2 ; 1 , 1 (Lo+

This tool is well suited to evaluate interference on a given structure and to

propose maintenance specifications. The transfer operators can be measured or
estimated (defining bounds with matricial norms for example) [1],{3]. The
main problem is that this approach poorly lends itself to foresee the
interference value when the geometry of the structure is modified.

Figure 3: Transfer functions on

a topological graph.

72-3 I

The two previous fundamental approaches must progress each in its own way,
but it must always be kept in mind, that they must meet and merge in a single
approach in the future.
Today, an approach conciliating the two is developed, based on the fact that
a very important way to propagate the interference is constituted by cables.
As a matter of fact, the multiconductor transmission line network theory is
well suited to the B.L.T. equation formalism because all the quantities
defined in (3) can be easily expressed with respect to current I(z) and
voltage V(z) observables all along the lines [2],[5]. Figure 4 shows the
electrical modeling of a multiconductor line cell where Z and Y are the
distributed shunt impedance and parallel conductance matrices respectively.
Vsand Is are the shunt voltage and parallel current generators dealing with
the coupling of external sources'on the wires.
A Zcmatrix can be defined on each transmission line by:
zc= (Z.Y)% (3)

which allows to express the waves W(z) as:

W(z) = V(z) + ZCI(Z) (4)

r and Ws quantities can also be easily derived from Z and Y matrices and Vs
and Isvectors.
To obtain a generalization of this network transmission line formalism for
the treatment of a global electromagnetic internal problem, one may think of
integrating other forms of electromagnetic couplings into this theory.
Effectively, apertures, joints, seams, antennas are very common and important
penetration points in aeronautical vehicles.
- .-.

Z' z+dzl
Figure 4: Electrical modeling of a multiconductor cell.

This can be done in two ways. The first one deals with distributing Vsand Is
generators all along the lines, using direct measurements or 3-dimensional
codes. The second one consistsin characterizing the coupling in terms of a
network junction. This is what will be discussed now.


Geometrical configuration

The configuration is represented in figure 5. The aperture is circular, with

a diameter d, but the study remains valid for any shape, Both wires of length
1 are parallel to a ground plane at heights hiand h,respectively. The main
hypothesis here is that conducting wire paths always prevail on any external
radiation field.

Figure 5: Coupling of two wires located

on both sides of an aperture.

Electrical modeling and scattering parameters for small apertures

This model is valid insofar as the resonances of the aperture are not
involved. The electrical scheme associated with this configuration is shown
in figure 6 (the reaction of the inner wire is not taken into account). It
can be shown that current I and voltage V in the upper volume, create in the
lower wire shunt current Ieqand serial voltage Veqgenerators [3], defined as:
V e q = jwaI (5)
Ie = jwPV (6)

One can consider this configuration as a four port junction. The scattering
parameters determination implies that each port is loaded on the
characteristic impedance of the lines connected to ZcIand ZcIIrespectively
(see figure 6).
A 4x4 matrix [SI is then derived and can be divided into four blocks as
follows 141:

port, ------------------- I Port2


Figure 6: Electrical modeling of the

junction dealing with the coupling of
two wires through an aperture.
I ,V, = joal I!
port4 1._----------------..I
Port 3

1 1 1 and S I I , I I
are 2x2 matrices dealing with the scattering parameters of a
transmission line and are only slightly affected by the presence of the
aperture. More important are the 2x2 blocks SIJIIandSI, dealing with the 1 1
signal transfer from one side of the structure to the other. The expression
of S - - _components is given by:
1 1 1 1

Scattering parameters Eor large apertures

It must be noted that the relation ( 8 ) still remains valid for low
frequencies (before the resonances of the wires) and can inspire an efficient
way to go back to 01 and P values.
However, when the frequency increases, the best way to characterize the
aperture coupling is the measurement. The scattering parameter determination
is not made directly. The first step of the work generally consists in
measuring the microwave parameters So of the 4-port junction with a network
analyser [ S I . These parameters have the same definition as the "topological"
S parameters except the load impedance is fixed at Zcogenerally equal to
50 42.
The second step is to go back to the Y parameters of the junction with such a
rnatricial relation:
CY1 = -
(C11 + (C11 - Pol) (9)
with [l]: the unit matrix.

One can then derive the [ S I topological matrix, considering the local
characteristic impedance matrix [Zc] of the connected lines:
[ S I = (111 - CZCl CY])= (C11 + CzclCyl)-l (10)

Figures 7a,7b,7c illustrate as an example the variation of So,Y and S
parameters between port 1 and port 3.
It must be specified that when the length of the lines becomes greater than
the aperture size, the B.L.T. equation formalism gives the opportunity to
find the parameters in the actual reference plane of the junction.


So in d6 i

.Figure 7: Evolution of electrical
-40 parameters between port 1 and port 3.
-50 a) Microwave parameter.

b) Admittance parameter.
c) Scattering parameter.


For this case, one must consider the geometrical configuration represented in
figure 8. The upper wire in volume I has disappeared and has been replaced by
an external electromagnetic plane wave. If the aperture is short circuited,
this wave creates, short circuit electric Escand magnetic Hscfields on it,
The aperture must be supposed small enough to consider that the distribution
of the fields is homogeneous.
Then the question can be asked what should the characteristic of the fictive
wire in volume 1 - b e to create such an electromagnetic field distributions.
For this, the E.M. fields created by a wire on a conductive plane can be
calculated. According to the notations of figure 8, we have:
--+ v
Zo d - +
E = - - - (11)
sc ex
zc d2 t y2
+ I d +
Hs c = - - e (12)
R d2 t y2 Y

where Zcis the characteristic impedance of the wire, Zo the impedance of the

Volume I
I "

Figure 8: Coupling of a plane wave and

a wire located under an aperture.

At each extremity (see figure 91, two orthogonal references can be created:
Frcrq at port 1, GrCtq at port 2. The short circuit fields
_$ +
Es C
and Hsc can be expressed according to these new directions and become
respectively E s C l lHsC2 .
If I is introduced, an index dealing with volume I including indices 1 and 2,
the topological wave for the fictive wire is defined by:
w;+ = VI? ZCIII

Figure 9: Electromagnetic field

created by a wire
on a conductive plane.

where t or - indicates incoming and outgoing waves.

From (11) and (121, defining an equivalent length legby:
2 dZ+ y2
1 =- (141
eq Z d

(y = y 0 at the center of the aperture), and a topological field wave WscIby:
W-S C I = ES C I + ZoHscI (15)

a new scattering equation involving the observables at each port of the

junction is derived:

If [SI is the scattering matrix dealing with the coupling of the fictive wire
and the wire in volume 11, defined in 4 blocks as in (8) , it can be seen that
[S'] in relation (16) is equal to:

I'- , I 1 /le q

L I I 1 (17)

As the scattering parameter definition needs to have a ratio V/I equal to Zc,
it is seen that the ratio E(y)/H(y) remains equal to Zo. So, by adjusting the
value of the medium impedance, it is possible to simulate any direction of
the incident plane wave.
In fact, a single wire can be shown as an approximate tool to simulate a
plane wave but as a convenient system for testing a structure. One could also
think of measuring the scattering parameters when the wire in volume I is
replaced by a conductive plane, thereby defining a stripline.



The previous results are applied on a scale model (l/lOth 1 of the C160
Transall aircraft. Figure 10 shows the experimental set-up. Several wires (in
dotted lines) run inside the structure and the external coupling paths are
essentially constituted by two apertures 1 and 2.
An external wire excitation is chosen as in 11.1, 11.2 and 11.3, but to
maintain a constant characteristic impedance, the wire is replaced by a
coaxial cable unshielded at the level of the apertures. This convenient means
of excitation allows to easily choose the aperture to be irradiated. The
frequency range can reach up to 100 MHz with less than a 3 dB variation and
Z remains equal to 50 Ci except at the aperture level [7].

Figure 10: External and internal

wire location on the scale model.

If interference precalculations are to be made, it is necessary to make

circuit modelings of the couplings. This can be done using powerful personal
computer codes such as "Touchstone". Such a code provides the opportunity to
perform curve optimizations: specific goals are introduced and the adjustment
of pertinent parameters is made automatically.
The electrical characterization of the scale model is made in a topological
sense which means that each part is studied independently. As an example,
figure 11 represents the different ports where measurements are performed on
the wing. Considering this configuration as a four port system the So
parameters have been obtained and simultaneously, a modeling of the
electrical circuit has been done. To take resonances in the aperture into
account, several generator cells have been provided as reported in figure 12.
Finally, a comparison between measured and modeled transfer functions can be
performed using the B.L.T. equation. Figure 13 gives an example of the good
agreement between both results at port 4, Consequently, we are now able to
foresee the consequences of any modification on this geometry, by fitting the
value of the pertinent circuit elements.

Figure 11: Different ports

of measurement on a wing.

Port 4 Unshielded cable Port 3

Wire 1

Figure 12: Electrical modeling of

the coupling through the aperture
taking resonances into account.

Wire 2

Figure 13: Comparison between measured

and modeled transfer functions on port
4 of the-wing.

2+07 EM8 E+W



The electromagnetic topology must lead to the definition of an

electromagnetic design tool. Nowadays, several methods must be developed at
the same time: the fundamental concepts, elaborated by C.E. Baum; a
quantitative way dealing with the use of graph concepts. Another interesting
method, combining the two previous ones, is to generalize the multiconductor
transmission line network theory in the aim of integrating well known
electromagnetic couplings in the formalism.
The treatment of an aperture as a four-port junction is an aspect of this
development, and has proved itself to be a convenient means to test internal
electromagnetics. In the future, other aspects such as antenna couplings and
current diffusion will be treated.
In conclusion, the B.L.T. equation coupled with the multiconductor
transmission line network formalism could become, in the future, the basis of
an electromagnetic design tool.


[l] C.E. Baum,

Theory of electromagnetic interference control. Interaction Notes, Note
478, 28 December 1989.

[2] C.E. Baum, T.K. Liu, F.M. Tesche,

On the analysis of general multiconductor transmission line networks.
Interaction Notes, No 350, November 1978.

[SI F.C. Yang, C.E. Baum,

Electromagnetic Topology: measurements and norms of scattering parameters
of subshields. Electromagnetics 6, 47-59, 1986.

[4] K.S.H. Lee,

Principles, techniques and reference data (a complete concatenation of
technology from EMP interaction notes). EMP Interaction Motes, 2.1, 1980.

[5] J.P. Parmantier, G . Labaune, J.C. Alliot, P. Degauque,

Electromagnetic coupling on complex systems: Topological approach. La
Recherche Aerospatiale, n"1990-5.

[6] J.P. Parmantier, G. Labaune, J.C. Alliot, P. Degauque,

Electromagnetic Topology: Junction characterization methods. La Recherche
Akrospatiale, n"1990-5.

[7] J.P. Parmantier, J.P. Aparicio,

Electromagnetic Topology: coupling of two wires through an aperture.
Proceedings, Zurich, 1991.

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