COO v7 1501 1
COO v7 1501 1
COO v7 1501 1
Furnari D, Manual And Skeletal Muscle Therapy Com-
bined With Functional Exercise in the Treatment of Hip
and Knee Prostheses: A Randomized Clinical Trial on a
Biopsychosocial Model. Clin Onco. 2024; 7(10): 1-4
Aging (or senescence) is that period of life, characterized by a se- to always be due to a greater production of free radicals (defined as
ries of progressive irreversible changes affecting the cells, tissues ROS = Reactive Oxygen Substances). In reality, a certain amount
and organs, therefore of the whole organism, which begin when of ROS is physiologically formed in the body’s cells, hence the
this, once development is complete, has reached a adulthood, and excessive production of these or their poor elimination, has been
continue to manifest themselves, culminating in death, which oc- considered one of the most significant causes of aging due to the
curs as a consequence of them and not by the intervention of ex- fact that these free radicals interact with nucleic acids, proteins and
ternal factors. Gerontology is the biological discipline that studies lipids, altering them structurally and functionally. the only cells
this process, which can be considered both physiological, because that can have a maximum life span equal to that of the organism to
it is normally present in the life span, and pathological because which they belong are perennial or post mitotic cells (neurons and
it causes disturbances. The senile alterations, found in many or- muscle cells), that is, those without replicative activity. Certainly
gans are quite distinct from the pathologies affecting the elderly; not all perennial cells live as long as the organism, as well demon-
the branch of medicine, called Geriatrics, deals with the study of strated by the fact that the weight of the human brain, which is
these whose appearance is certainly facilitated by the modifica- 1500 g at the age of 30, decreases on average to 1390 g at the age
tions caused by aging. Lifespan:The reduction in life span seems of 90 years due to the programmed death that affects a large num-
United Prime Publications., 1
Volume 7 Issue 10 -2024 Conceptual Paper
ber of neurons. It is currently established that labile and stable cells The reduction in muscle mass and strength therefore results from
after having performed a certain number of mitoses in the culture the association of two factors, on the one hand the atrophy of mus-
medium, experience aging phenomena, which prelude to death by cle cells and on the other the reduction of daily activity. It is proven
apoptosis. “In vivo” the most important cellular changes that occur that in elderly subjects a regular muscle strengthening activity pro-
in senescence consist in hypotrophy, which is mainly reflected in motes protein anabolism and slows down the inevitable reduction
the reduction of muscle masses, and in the accumulation inside the in muscle mass and strength. Results demonstrate a great ability
cells and also in the intercellular spaces of harmful materials: lipo- to respond to the training stimulus also in elderly people, which
fucsins, substance amyeloid and metals. Physiological functions involves processes of synthesis and neuromotor plasticity even in
in general improve from birth to 30 years of age, then a decline 80-year-old subjects. The cumulative effects of aging of the central
begins, variable between the various functions, which is closely nervous system are linked to a 37% reduction in the number of
linked to lifestyle. spinal nerve fibers and a 10% reduction in the speed of conduction
Among these functions the most important: of excitement along the fibers. The execution time of relatively
complex movements is greater in elderly subjects than in young
Muscle strength
people, with the same daily physical activity. Observations suggest
Nervous function that maintaining a physically active lifestyle facilitates good pres-
Respiratory function ervation of neuromuscular function. Osteoporosis represents the
Cardiovascular function main problem of aging, especially in women after menopause. The
Bone mass picture of osteoporosis involves the progressive demineralization
of the bones which therefore become very fragile. For people over
Normally there is a continuous remodeling of the motor units, in
60, the reduction in bone mass can be 30-50%. Weight lifting can
particular at the level of the neuromuscular plaque. The remode-
counteract this phenomenon.
ling process involves atrophy and therefore effective denervation
on the one hand, but at the same time, the development of new
axonic terminals. With age, the denervation mechanism prevails
over the regenerative one, which induces muscle atrophy with irre-
versible alterations, in particular for type II muscle fibers.