Criminal Law II Reading List
Criminal Law II Reading List
Criminal Law II Reading List
The course consists of a study of the nature and elements of particular crimes. Criminal
Law in Uganda is primarily contained in the Uganda Penal Code Act and amendments made
thereto and will therefore be the basic statute under study. However note that there are
other Acts which create offences such as the Anti Terrorism Act, 2002, the Anti Corruption
Act, 2009 as well as other Civil Acts. E.g. the Companies Act 2012, which regulates the
formation, operation of companies; the Traffic and Road Safety Act, Cap 361, which
regulates the use of vehicles but also create offences. Some of the offences however already
fall within the ambit of the Uganda Penal Code.
A great deal of emphasis is put on the study of case law in order that the students
understand how the law of crime is interpreted by the courts. Students are therefore
expected to diligently read most of these cases on their own.
By the end of the Course, students will be expected to demonstrate knowledge of the nature
and elements of crimes; an understanding of the basic rules of criminal liability and
knowledge of relevant case law and legislation. Students will also be expected to solve
hypothetical problems with reference to case law and legislation.
5. Lillian Tibatemwa-Ekirikubinza, Offences Against the Person
6. Lillian Tibatemwa-Ekirikubinza, Homicides and Non-fatal Assaults in Uganda.
ii. Attempt to Commit Suicide Ss 210
Paulo s/o Mabula v.R [1953]20 EACA25
1. Kimweri v. Rep. [1968] E.A. 452
2. Uganda v. Sebastiano Otti [1994-95] HCB 21
3. Uganda v. Kdadidi [1992-93] HCB 59
4. Siraji Sajjabi v. Uganda Ct. Appeal Bo.31 of 1989
5. R. v. Abdulla 16 K.R.R. 117
6. Kella v. Rep. [1967] E.A. 809
7. R. v. Onufrejezyk [1956] Q.B. 388; [1955]1 A.U.E.R. 247
8. Uganda v. Yosefu Nyabenda part II [1972] U.L.R. 19
9. Uganda v. Tembo & Ors. (1992-93) HCB
10. Uganda v. Bosco Okello alias Anyanya (1992-93) HCB 68
11. Uganda v. Richard Kadidi (1992-93) HCB 59
e) CAUSATION ss.196
1. Charles Rwamunda v. Uganda SCCA 6/93
2. Uganda v. Albino Ojok HCCC 117/74
3. Gichunge v. R [1972] EA 546
4. Kamanzi Fred v. Uganda CA 14/97
5. Uganda v. Kadidi (above)
6. Thabo Meli and Ors. R [1954]1 ALLER 373
7. Uganda v. Sebastiano Otti [1994-95] HCB 21
8. R. vs. Muwagambo 8 E.A.C.A 28
9. R. vs Jordan 1956 Crim. Appl. 152
10. R. vs Holand 1841,
11. R. vs Enyaju 12 E.A.C.A 42
12. R. vs. Katunzi 13 E.A.C.A
19. Mshonga v. Uganda [1974] E.A. 176 (CA)
20. Sentongo v. Uganda [1975] H.C.B. 240; Cr. App. No.123 of 1974
21. Gichunge v. R. [1972] E.A. 546
22. Lokoya v. Uganda [1968] E.A. 322
23. Thabo Meli & Others v. R. [1954]1 W.L.R. 288
24. Rex v. Tuber 12 E.A.C.A. 63
25. Rotor Okoth & Another v. R. [1964] E.A. 103 (CA)
26. R. v. Katunzi 13 E.A.C.A 154
27. R. v. Ojambo s/o Nambio 11 E.A.C.A 97
28. R.v. Chisuio 1961 2 S.A. 714 Turner & Aruitage Cases 49
29. Shouklallie v. R. [1962] E.A. 81
30. R. v. Ndugo 11 E.A.C.A. 59
31. R. v. Abdulla 16 K.L.R. 58
32. Tindira s/o Chiru & Another v R. (19510 18 E.A.C.A. 180
33. R. v. Sefalu 13 K.L.R. 58
34. R. v. Sharmpal Sing [1962] E.A 13[1962]2 W.L.R. 238.
35. R. v. Ward [1956]1 Q.B. 351
36. R. v. Anderea Owori s/o v. Yowana (1947) 54 E.A.C.A. 968
37. Paulo s/o Mabula s/o v. R. (1952) 20 E.A.C.A. 207
38. R. v. Paulo s/o Fundikira & Others (1947) 54 E.A.C.A 968
39. R. v. Luka Matengula & Others (1952)5 N.R.L.L.R. 148.
40. Gaitano Nyeko v. Uganda [1968] E.A.C.A (Mimeo)
41. Orete v. Uganda [1966] E.A. 430
42. Uganda v. Senyala [1969] E.A. 204
43. J. Okoya v. Uganda [1968] E.A.332
44. Tsikalata v. Republic [1969] E.A. 349
45. Kella v. Rep. [1967] E.A. 809
46. Salumiy v. Rep. [1967] E.A. 659
47. DPP v. Beard [1920] A.C. 479; 14Cr. App. R. 159; 26 Cox 573
48. R. v. Limley (1911)22 Cox c.c. 635
49. R. v. Jaemain [1946] K.B. 74
50. Kimno Arap Kiptunji v. R. (1936)1 E.A.C.A 188
51. R. v. Byangimba (1948)10 E.A.C.A 44
52. R. v. Selemani s/o Ngulu & Anor. (1947)14 E.A.C.A 94
53. R. v. Chebiegon Arap Cherono & Anor 15 K.L.R.
54. Musa v. R 23 E.A.C.A. 555
55. Handulwe v. R. [1962]R & N 47
56. Sentali s/o Lemandwa v. R (1952) 20 E.A.C.A 230
57. R. v. Kanokiwa Njaga (1934)1 E.A.C.A 149
58. Isa Mukabya v. R. [1963] E.A. 376.
59. Uganda v. Bosco Okello alias Anyanya (1992-93) HCB 68
60. Uganda vs. John Ochieng (1992-93) HCB 80
61. Uganda vs. Yannasani Balinda (1992-93) HCB 72
62. Uganda vs. Sebastiano Otti (1994-95) HCB 21
63. Uganda vs. Turwomwe (1978) HCB 15
64. Uganda vs. Francis Gayira & Haruna Tomusange (1994-95) HCB 16
65. Joseph Rujumba vs. DPP (1935) A.C. 462
66. Woolmington vs. DPP (1935) A.C. 462
67. Okoth & Another vs. R [1964] E.A. 103
68. Uganda vs. Owere [1978] H.C.B. 77
69. Bukenya & Ors vs. Uganda [1972] E.A. 549
A. Samuels: Manslaughter: Unlawful & Dangerous Act of Causing Death 1977 93 L.Q.R.
6. Ochuku s/o Ochende v. R. (1962) 19 E.A.C.A 220
7. Yoweli Damulira v. R. (1956) 23 E.A.C.A 501
8. Marwa v. R. (1959) E.A. 660
9. Yusufu s/o Lesso v. R. 19 E.A.C.A 249
10. Manzi Mengi v. R [1964] EA 259
3. R. v. Basamuli s/o Magombe 8 E.A.C.A. 52
4. R. v. Magumu s/o Magombe E.A.C.A 52
5. R. v. Anton 7 E.A.C.A. 71
6. R. v. Ahmed & Anor 7 Z.L.R. 95
7. R. v. Mnyan Tura 7 Z.L.R. 95
1. Joseph Byarugaba v. Uganda Part 1 [1973] U.L.R. 4
2. Rajan v. R. [1958] E.A. 448
3. AG. Nyasaland v. Lejasi [1962] R & N 185
1. R v. Trolley 2 N.R.L.R. 4
2. R v. Mshangama 7X.L.R. 81
3. R v. Awame 2 Ny.L.R.19
4. R E. An application by the AG of Tanganyika [1958] E.A
A. THEFT ss 253-275
1. Kifuko v. R. 6 U.L.R. 273
2. De mello v. R. 1 T.L.R. (R) 332
3. R. v. Raval [1930] E.A 458
4. Francisco Sewava v. Uganda [1966] E.A 487
5. R. v. Yambatu 1 T.L.R. 98
6. Hawkins v. R. [1959] E.A. 47
7. R. v. Chitma 5 N.R.L.R. 385
8. Oyat v. Uganda [1957] E.A 827
9. Soko v. R. [1961] R & N 848
10. Haslett v. Republic [1967] E.A. 76
11. R. v. James 2 N.R.L.R. 94
12. Festo Magambo v. R. [1959] E.A 257
13. Nsamvu v. R. 5 N.R.L.R. 281
14. Gonthi v. R. (1958) R & N 171
15. Billiat v. R. [1957] R & N 386
16. R. v. Styles 2N.R.L.R. 27
17. Mohamed v. R. [1968] E.A. 665
18. Turon v. R. [1967] E.A. 789
19. Chokwe v. R. [1969] E.A. 23
20. Katengeh v. R. [1969] E.A. 603
21. Lerunyanyi v. R. [1968] E.A. 107
22. Ramadhani v. R. [1969] E.A. 107
23. Tumuheirwe v. Uganda [1967] E.A. 328
24. Lyasonga v. R. [1969] E.A. 272
25. Gakuba v. R [1968] E.A. 395
26. Zus v. Uganda [1967] E.A. 420
27. Jeghwa v. R. [1969] E.A. 459
28. R. v. Ndesario [1969] E.A. 267
29. Masesi v. R. [1970] E.A. 319
30. Opiyo v. R. [1070] E.A. 319
31. Husufu v. R. (1970) E.A. 102
32. Mapunda v. R. [1971] E.A
33. Kyewawura v. Uganda [1974] E.A. 293
34. Obonyo v. R. [1962] E.A. 293
35. Uganda v. Matovu [1974] E.A. 195
36. Okeno v. R. [1972] E.A. 32 (CA)
37. Kariuki & Others v. R. [1972] E.A. 559
38. Ngawana v. R. [1972 E.A. 559
39. Uganda v. Aida Kabali [1975] H.C.B. 237; Cr. Ap. 115/74
40. Onyango v. R. [1967] E.A 386
41. G. Williams: Mistake in the Law of Theft (1977) 36 C.L.J. 62
20. Mboche & Anor v. R. [1973] E.A. 95
21. Ahamada Sembajjwe & G. Kalule v. Uganda Criminal Appeal no.17 of 1977 (CA
22. Uganda v. Mukasa & Anor [1976] H.C.B. 86
23. Uganda v. Mwase & Another [1967] H.C.B. 217
24. Uganda v. Kamusini & Another [1967] H.C.B. 151
25. Wanyama & Anor v. Uganda [1977] H.C.B. 56
26. Jafar v. Uganda [1977] H.C.B 116
27. Uganda v. Mohamed & Anor [1978] 220
28. Kamya Johnson Wavamuno v. Uganda [2001-2005] H.C.B 40
Burglary is an aggravated form of housebreaking which carries an enhanced
sentence if the additional element of commission in the night is both charged and
28. Obonyo & Others v. R. [1971] E.A. 542
22. Uganda v. Mbaziira [1973] E.A. 492 (U)
23. Uganda v. Ssekabira Cr. Case 555/95
24. Lubega v. Uganda [1985] H.C.B.9
25. Uganda v. Mutumba Cr. App. 12/95
1. Anti-Terrorism Act 14/2002, S.7
2. Uganda Law Society v. Attorney General Constitutional Petition No. 18/2005
3. Uganda v Omar Awadh Omar & Others
C. SEDITION ss 39, 40
(Offence has been struck out by the Constitutional Court)
1. Wallance-Johnson v. R. (1940) A.C. 231
2. Masembe & Tabula v. R. (1948)6 U.L.R. 195
3. Haruna Kanabi v. Ugnada H.C.C.App No. 72 of 1995
4. R. v. Luima & Others 16 E.A.C.A. 128
5. EL Harthi & Others v. R. (1955) 22 E.A.C.A 404
6. Buchanana v. R. [1957] R & N 523
7. Oguda v. R. (1960) EA 745
8. Joshua v. R. [1955]2 W.L.R.8
9. R. v. Kalanji (alias Samuel) (1950) 24(1) K.L.R. 66
10. Eastern Media Institute and Andrew Mwenda v. Attorney General Constitutional
Petitions Nos. 12 of 2005 and 3 of 2006
a) PERJURY ss 94,97,98
1. Esau Wananda v. Uganda SCCA 32/91
2. Singh v. R. Vol. 24(1) K.L.R 81
3. R. v. Ponya [1947] 4 N.R.L.R. 95
4. R. v. Elok [1933] 5 U.L.R. 64
5. Shah v. R. [1958] E.A. 332
6. R. v. Rawebhi 13 K.L.R 74
a) DEFAMATION ss 179-186
1. Pfeiffer v. Stevens, [1930] I.T.L.R. (R) 178
2. R. v. Motoki 23 K.L.R. 99
3. Ismail Mohamed v. R. 24 K.L.R. 98
e) AFFRAY s 79
1. R. v. Ismael (1968) EA 607
A. RAPE AND DEFILEMENT ss 123, 124, 125, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133
1. Kayondo Robert v. Uganda CA 18/96
2. Uganda v. Lt Col Issa Galungube HCCS 30/89
3. Uganda v. Kyamusung Ivan HCCS 107/96
4. Uganda v. Odwong Dennis and Olanya [1992-93] HCB 71
5. Uganda v. Tuhumwire HCCS 296/93
6. Uganda v. Steven Mulengeta [1994-95] HCB 28
7. Oyeki Charles v. Uganda CA 126/99
8. Miller v. R [1954] ALLER 529
9. Kibale vs. Uganda [1999]1 E.A. 148
10. Nfutimukiza vs. Uganda [1999] 1 E.A 220
11. Mugoya vs. Uganda [1999] 1 E.A. 202
12. Katumba vs Uganda [2000] E.A E.A. 395
13. Jackson Zita v. Uganda SCCA 19/95
14. Uganda v. Rurahukayo John HCCS 260/97
15. Ndaula John v. Uganda CA 91/99
16. Katima John v. Ugnada CA 23/99
17. Jackson Zita v. Uganda S.C.C.App No. 19 of 95
18. Patrick Akol v. Uganda S.C.C.App No.23 of 1992
19. Uganda v. Abel Ochan Part1 [1972] U.L.R. 13
20. R. v. Morgan [1976] A.C. 182
21. Nakholi v. Republic [1967] E.A. 337
22. R. v. Mporokoso 2 N.R.L.R. 152
23. Agaya Robert v. Uganda CA 18/2000
24. Basita Hussein v. Uganda CA 35/95
25. Kayondo Fred and Anor v. Uganda CA 31/98
26. Uganda Karim Zawede HCCS 551/96
27. Njuguna s/o Wangurimu v. R. (1952) 20 E.A.C.A 196
28. Mulira v. R. (1952) 20 E.A.C.A. 223
29. Kapwepwe v. R. 5 N.R.L.R. 384
30. Chinjamba v. R. N.R.L.R. 384
31. R. v. Phiri (1954) 5 N.R.L.R. 324
32. D. v. R. (1960)r & n 755
33. R. v. Coetzee (1942) 10 E.A.C.A
34. Eria Ngobi v. R. (1953) 20 E.A.C.A 154 (U)
35. Chila & Anor v. Republic [1957] E.A. 722
36. Barugahara v. Uganda [1969] E.A. 72 (U)
37. Abasi Kibazo v. Uganda [1969] E.A. 507 (GA) (U)
38. Rex v. Ranazani Bin Mawjugu (1936)3 E.A.C.A. 39
39. Republic v. Gaidi Ali [1965] E.A. 512 (T)
40. Hamisi v. Republic [1972] E.A. 367
41. Bowers v. R. (1946) R.C.A. 170
42. Adama Bin Bushir v. R. 6 Z.L.R. 73
43. Uganda v. Kayibanda [1976] H.C.B. 253
44. Uganda v. Ocilata [1977] H.C.B. 253
45. Uganda v. Venanoro Bamutala [1979] H.C.B.4
46. H.M. Advocate v. Driffy [1983] S.L.T.7, C.L/B/Vol.9, No. 4 p.126
47. Kaitimuki v. R. [1984]3 W.L.R. 137
48. Charles Katende v. Uganda [1971] H.C.B. 313
49. Upar v. Uganda [1971] E.A. 98
50. R V Clarence (1888)22 QBD 51
C. ELOPMENT ss 127
1. Uganda v. Suleman [1971] E.A. 46
2. Uganda v. Wadada & Anor. Part 1 [1972] U.L.R. 25
3. Uganda v. Olungu [1972] E.A. 136
4. Uganda v. Ojok & Anor [1973] E.A. 489
5. Uganda v. Rukwandura [1973] E.A. 574
6. Uganda v. Akua & Anor. [1973] E.A. 246
7. Kasule v. Uganda [1978] H.C.B. 135
8. Uganda v. Rajab Bin Swaleh [1976] H.C.B. 186
9. Uganda v. Damulira [1976] H.C.B. 11
10. Uganda v. Odo [1977] H.C.B. 15
E. Bigamy (s.153),
R v Tolson (1889) 23 QBD 168
R v Wheat and Socks [1921] 2 KB 119
Bujara V Bujara HCCS 16/1998
F. INCEST (s.149)
Opiira Mathew v Uganda CA 114/1999
Bruno Kiwuuwa v Irene Namazzi (2006)
A. Kiapi: Legal Control of Official Corruption in East Africa 1968/69
U.S.S.C: Law Paper, 153-179. (Special Reserve)
A. Kiapi: Integrity in Public Life (Special Reserve)
A. Kiapi. Corruption and Its Causes (Special Reserve)
Justice Fuad: Corruption and the Criminal Law (Special Reserve)
Abdulla Anyuru: Corruption Laws in the Public Service (Special Reserve)
G. Masika: Anti Corruption Laws in Uganda (Special Reserve)
Mr. Justice Dickson: The Role of the Courts in Controlling Corruption (S.R.P)
1. Uganda Constitution Articles 225, 230, 233
2. Anti- Corruption Act, 2009
3. Anti Money Laundering Act 2013
4. Financial Institutions Act, Act 2/ 2004
5. Financial Institutions (Anti Money Laundering) Regulations SI 46/2010
6. Public Service Commission Regulations, R. 17
7. National Assembly (Powers and Privileges) Act, (Cap.249), Section 20
1. Uganda v. Teddy Ssezzi Cheeye, Criminal Case No. 1254 of 2008
2. Emmanuel Matovu V Uganda, Anti Corruption Division Crim. CA 09/ 2011
3. Uganda v. Mukhalwe, [1968] E.A. 373
4. Uganda v. Odoch Ensio HCCA No. 28/2004
5. Isango v. Republic [1968] E.A. 140
6. Gachitu v. Republic [1966] E.A. 277
7. Bhatt v. R. [1957] E.A 332
8. Warioba v. R. I.T.L.R. (R) 330
9. R. v. Ernesty 2 U.L.R. 85
10. Murtada v. R. [1953] 21 E.A.C.A. 190
11. R. v. Alule [1961] E.A. 728
12. Moledina v. R. [1960] E.A. 677
13. Singh v. R. [1956] 23 E.A.C.A. 597
14. Remtulla v. R. [1956] 16 E.A.C.A. 163
15. R. v. Jetha, 14 E.A.C.A. 122
16. Dean v. Republic [1966] E.A. 272
17. Mandia v. Republic [1966] E.A. 315
18. Attorney General v. Chisonga [1961] E.A. 312
19. Misaki Choda v. R. [1957] E.A. 495
20. Thakkar v. R. [1957] E.A. 887
21. R. v. Jamal [1955] 22 E.A.C.A. 504
22. Saleh Bin Ali v. [1966] E.A. 55
23. Re Application by Bukoba Tyraboma Club Ululi [1963] E.A. 478
24. Dent v. Kiambu [1968] E.A. 80
25. Patel v. Plateau Liquor Licensing [1954] 27 K.L.R. 147
26. R. v. Smith [1960]1 All ER 639
27. R. v. New Dould [1962]1 All ER 639
28. R. v. Shaw [1961]1 All ER 330
29. Shaw. v. DPP [1962]2 All ER 446 (H.L)
30. R. v. Brant [1943]2 All ER 156
31. Olinga v. R[1961] E.A. 555
32. R. v. Amjalema 9 E.A.C.A.3
33. R. v. Eka 11 E.A.C.A. 39
34. DPP v. Felician [1973] E.A. 440 (C.A)
35. Kassam v. Republic [1972] E.A. 551 (C.A) (T)
The High Way Code
Motor Cycles Regulations SI 30/2004
Weigh Bridge Regulations SI 25/2010
Driving Permits Regulations SI 4/ 2004
Speed Governors Regulations SI 36/2004
Rules of the Road Regulations SI 35/ 2004
Wearing Safety Belts Regulations SI 32/2004
Motor Vehicle (Third Party Risks) Act cap 214
Traffic and Road Safety Regulations SI 361 –10
Public Service Vehicles Regulations SI 361 – 60
Prescribed Alcohol Limit Regulations SI 31/ 2004
Restrictions on Use of Mobile Telephones Regulations SI 99/2004
PART iv, SS 12-27
Electronic fraud
Child pornography
Cyber harassment
Cyber stalking
Offensive communication
Unauthorised access, interception, modification, obstruction or disclosure
Related Laws
1. Electronic Signatures Act, Act 7/2011
2. Electronic Transactions Act, Act 8/2011
3. Uganda Communications Act, Act 1/2013
4. Regulation of interception of Communications Act, Act 18/2010
5. Financial Institutions (Anti Money Laundering) Regulations SI 46/2010
6. Cpl Mike Muwonge v Uganda Crim. Appeal No. 6/1990
7. Uganda v Kaluuma Abdul Khariim Session Case No. 23/2011 HC ACD