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Pan Os Panorama Api

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PAN-OS® and Panorama™API Usage

Version 9.1

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• For the most recent version of this guide or for access to related documentation, visit the Technical
Documentation portal docs.paloaltonetworks.com.
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Alto Networks. A list of our trademarks can be found at www.paloaltonetworks.com/company/
trademarks.html. All other marks mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective companies.

Last Revised
January 23, 2023

PAN-OS® and Panorama™API Usage Guide Version 9.1 2 ©2024 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Table of Contents
About the PAN-OS API.................................................................................... 5
PAN-OS XML API Components...............................................................................................6
Structure of a PAN-OS XML API Request............................................................................ 7
API Authentication and Security.................................................................................. 7
XML and XPath.................................................................................................................8
XPath Node Selection..................................................................................................... 9

Get Started with the PAN-OS XML API.................................................... 11

Enable API Access.....................................................................................................................12
Get Your API Key......................................................................................................................13
Make Your First API Call.........................................................................................................14
Authenticate Your API Requests...........................................................................................16
Explore the API..........................................................................................................................17
Use the API Browser.................................................................................................... 17
Use the CLI to Find XML API Syntax....................................................................... 19
Use the Web Interface to Find XML API Syntax...................................................20
PAN-OS XML API Error Codes............................................................................................. 23

PAN-OS XML API Use Cases....................................................................... 25

Upgrade a Firewall to the Latest PAN-OS Version (API).................................................26
Show and Manage GlobalProtect Users (API)....................................................................30
Query a Firewall from Panorama (API)................................................................................ 32
Upgrade PAN-OS on Multiple HA Firewalls through Panorama (API)......................... 35
Automatically Check for and Install Content Updates (API)........................................... 43
Enforce Policy using External Dynamic Lists and AutoFocus Artifacts (API).............. 48
Configure SAML 2.0 Authentication (API).......................................................................... 50

PAN-OS XML API Request Types...............................................................55

PAN-OS XML API Request Types and Actions................................................................. 56
Request Types................................................................................................................ 56
Configuration Actions................................................................................................... 56
Asynchronous and Synchronous Requests to the PAN-OS XML API.......................... 59
Configuration (API)....................................................................................................................61
Get Active Configuration.............................................................................................61
Get Candidate Configuration......................................................................................63
Set Configuration...........................................................................................................64
Edit Configuration..........................................................................................................66
Delete Configuration.....................................................................................................67
Rename Configuration..................................................................................................67

PAN-OS® and Panorama™API Usage Guide Version 9.1 3 ©2024 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Table of Contents

Clone Configuration...................................................................................................... 68
Move Configuration...................................................................................................... 69
Override Configuration................................................................................................ 69
Multi-Move or Multi-Clone Configuration.............................................................. 70
View Configuration Node Values for XPath........................................................... 70
Commit Configuration (API)....................................................................................................72
Commit............................................................................................................................. 72
Run Operational Mode Commands (API)............................................................................ 76
Get Reports (API)...................................................................................................................... 81
Dynamic Reports............................................................................................................81
Predefined Reports........................................................................................................83
Custom Reports..............................................................................................................84
Export Files (API).......................................................................................................................86
Export Packet Captures............................................................................................... 86
Export Certificates and Keys...................................................................................... 88
Export Technical Support Data.................................................................................. 89
Import Files (API).......................................................................................................................92
Importing Basics.............................................................................................................92
Import Files......................................................................................................................93
Retrieve Logs (API)....................................................................................................................94
API Log Retrieval Parameters.....................................................................................94
Example: Use the API to Retrieve Traffic Logs...................................................... 95
Apply User-ID Mapping and Populate Dynamic Groups (API)....................................... 97
Get Version Info (API)........................................................................................................... 103

Get Started with the PAN-OS REST API.................................................105

PAN-OS REST API..................................................................................................................106
Access the PAN-OS REST API............................................................................................ 107
Resource Methods and Query Parameters (REST API)................................................. 111
PAN-OS REST API Request and Response Structure....................................................114
PAN-OS REST API Error Codes.......................................................................................... 118
Work With Objects (REST API)...........................................................................................119
Create a Security Policy Rule (REST API)......................................................................... 123
Work with Policy Rules on Panorama (REST API).......................................................... 127
Create a Tag (REST API)....................................................................................................... 131
Configure a Security Zone (REST API).............................................................................. 132
Configure an SD-WAN Interface (REST API)...................................................................133
Create an SD-WAN Policy Pre Rule (REST API)............................................................. 137

PAN-OS® and Panorama™API Usage Guide Version 9.1 4 ©2024 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
About the PAN-OS API
The PAN-OS® and Panorama™ API allows you to manage firewalls and Panorama through a third-
party service, application, or script. The firewalls and Panorama support two types of API—XML
The XML API uses a tree of XML nodes to map firewall or Panorama functionality. To make an
API request, you must specify the XPath (XML Path Language) to the XML node that corresponds
to a specific setting or action. XPath allows you to navigate through the hierarchical XML tree
structure for firewalls and Panorama. To get started, see:
• PAN-OS XML API Components
• Structure of a PAN-OS XML API Request
You can use the REST API to Create, Update, Read, Delete (CRUD) Objects and Policies on the
firewalls; you can access the REST API directly on the firewall or use Panorama to perform these
operation on policies and objects from a central location and push them to the managed firewalls.
To get started, see Access the PAN-OS REST API.
Because PAN-OS API functionality mirrors that of both the web interface and the CLI, you should
familiarize yourself with both. Reading relevant portions of the PAN-OS Administrator’s Guide will
help you get a better understanding of firewall functionalities that you can access using the API.
You should also be knowledgeable about web service APIs, HTTP, XML, and XPath.

About the PAN-OS API

PAN-OS XML API Components

Use the PAN-OS XML API when you want to automate tasks you need to perform, such as:
• Create, update, and modify firewall and Panorama configurations.
• Execute operational mode commands, such as restart the system or validate configurations.
• Retrieve reports.
• Manage users through User-ID.
• Update dynamic objects without having to modify or commit new configurations.
The PAN-OS XML API offers a number of components to automate access and configuration of
Palo Alto Networks firewalls and Panorama.

Feature Description

Full access to PAN-OS The PAN-OS XML API allows you to access almost all of the
functionality functionality normally provided through the firewall web
interface and CLI.

Secure authentication and Use your administrative username and password to generate
access using API key and admin an API key to authenticate API calls. Granular roles allow you
roles to grant API access to specific functionality including reports,
logs, and operational mode commands.

Options to view XML syntax To explore all various functions of the API, you can use the
through API browser, CLI and API browser through the firewall web interface. You can
web interface debug mode also enable debug mode through the CLI to see the API
equivalent of CLI commands.

• Design your application to queue events and perform batch API updates instead of sending
single event or mapping updates.
• Limit the number of concurrent API calls to five. The suggested limit ensures that there is no
performance impact to the firewall web interface as the management plane web server handles
requests from both the API and the web interface. Limits may vary depending on the type of
request. The limit may be higher depending on the length of time required for certain requests.
To learn about the PAN-OS REST API, see PAN-OS REST API.
To learn about changes to the latest version of CLI commands that affect corresponding PAN-OS
XML API requests, see the PAN-OS CLI Quick Start.

PAN-OS® and Panorama™API Usage Guide Version 9.1 6 ©2024 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
About the PAN-OS API

Structure of a PAN-OS XML API Request

A PAN-OS XML API request typically comprises a number of parameters, as shown in the example

curl -X POST 'https://firewall/api?


• API key (key=): The API key allows you to authenticate yourself to the API when making
requests. Learn about API Authentication and Security and how to Get Your API Key.
• Request type (type=): Because the XML API allows you to perform a wide array of requests,
you must first specify the type of request you want, ranging from configuration to operation,
importing to exporting, and from reports to user ID. Learn more about Request Types.
• Action (action=): When the request type is config (configuration) or op (operational mode
command), you must also specify an associated action, such as edit, delete, or move. Learn
more about Configuration Actions.
• XML and XPath elements (xpath= or cmd=): When using configuration or operational mode
commands on the firewall, you include only the XML or the XPath that specifies the XML node.
Learn more about XML and XPath and XPath Node Selection.
To make requests to the PAN-OS XML API, you can use the GET and POST methods.
Use a GET request when the query size is less than 2K and you want to pass strings in the
Request URL. When using the GET method, append the query string to the request URL as a URL-
encoded parameter string:

GET /api/?type=keygen&user=<username>&password=<password>

Use a POST request when you are sending large amounts of form data (the request size
is between 2K to 5MB; limit the request size to 5MB) or when you are passing non-ASCII
characters. Some API requests, such as importing files, require POST. When using the POST
method, pass the parameters in the request body. In this example, the request body includes the
login credentials:

POST /api/ HTTP/1.1

Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


If you want to learn about the PAN-OS REST API structure, see PAN-OS REST API Request and
Response Structure.

API Authentication and Security

To use the API (XML or REST), you must enable API access for your administrators and get your
API key. By default, the firewall and Panorama support API requests over HTTPS. To make API
request over HTTP, you must configure an interface management profile.

PAN-OS® and Panorama™API Usage Guide Version 9.1 7 ©2024 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
About the PAN-OS API

To authenticate your API request to the firewall or Panorama, provide the API key in any of the
following ways:
• Use the custom HTTP header, X-PAN-KEY: <key> to include the API key in the HTTP
• For the XML API, include the API key as a query parameter in the HTTP request URL.
• Use Basic Authentication to pass the admin credentials as username:password with Base64
encoding in an Authorization header field.

Authorization: Basic amJPbLxpbw9UaTpXb3JrKjIwMDA=

As a best practice:
• Set an API key lifetime to enforce key rotation; you can also revoke all API keys to protect
from accidental exposure.
• Use a POST request for any call that may contain sensitive information.

You cannot use basic authentication when you Get Your API Key.

XML and XPath

The PAN-OS XML API uses XML for both requests and responses. When making requests,
construct an HTTPS GET or POST request with the correct type and action along with the correct
XPath. Here is an example API request:


Ensure you replace variables such as <hostname> and <APIkey> with the IP address or hostname
of your firewall or Panorama and API key, respectively.
When making configuration requests (type=config), you can use XPath, a syntax for selecting
nodes from within an XML document. Use the XPath to isolate and modify portions of your
configuration. The XML configuration within PAN-OS uses four different types of nodes as shown

<entry name="admin">
<entry name="guest">

PAN-OS® and Panorama™API Usage Guide Version 9.1 8 ©2024 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
About the PAN-OS API


• Root nodes are top-level nodes with no parent. Requesting the root node returns all child
• Element nodes represent containers of information. Element nodes can contain other
element nodes or simply act as a container of information. Example: <permissions></
• Attribute nodes are nodes that contain name/value pairs. Example: <entry
• Text nodes contain plain text. Example: <superuser>yes</superuser>
Explore the API with the API browser, CLI, or debug console to learn how to construct XML

XPath Node Selection

There are various ways to specify the XPath for an XML node in an API request. The simplest is
to use the location path of the resource. For example, to select all users within your management
configuration, use the following path:


The above path specifies the following XML node that includes all users:

<entry name="admin">
<entry name="guest">

PAN-OS® and Panorama™API Usage Guide Version 9.1 9 ©2024 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
About the PAN-OS API

Targeting multiple nodes in an XPath using nested elements results in a successful

command, but will not update all of the nodes. To update each node, send the
configuration to each node using multiple successive calls. For example:


To successfully update each node, target each node individually, for example:


Another method for selecting the XPath for an XML node is to select the specific node, such as
the superuser or NewUser node within the node shown above. Use XPath syntax similar to the
following to drill-down and select a specific node:

XML Node XPath Syntax



PAN-OS® and Panorama™API Usage Guide Version 9.1 10 ©2024 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Get Started with the PAN-OS XML
To use the PAN-OS XML API, first use your admin credentials to get an API key through the
keygen command type. You can then use the API key to test a simple call.
• Enable API Access
• Get Your API Key
• Authenticate Your API Requests
• Make Your First API Call
• Explore the API
• PAN-OS XML API Error Codes
This guide exercises API requests using cURL commands. However, you can use other API tools
such as Postman and RESTClient to make API requests. By default, PAN-OS uses a self-signed
certificate, so you will need to use -k parameter with cURL requests. Alternatively, you must
replace the self-signed certificate with one from a known certificate authority. If you have an
internal certificate authority, generate your own certificate and install it on the firewall.

Get Started with the PAN-OS XML API

Enable API Access

The API supports the following types of Administrators and Admin roles:
• Dynamic roles: Superuser, Superuser (readonly), Device admin, Device admin (readonly), Vsys
admin, Vsys admin (readonly)
• Role-based Admins: Device, Vsys, Panorama.
Admin Role profiles enable or disable features on the management interfaces of the firewall
or Panorama, XML API, web interface, and CLI. For more details on Administrative Roles, see
Configure an Admin Role Profile.

As a best practice, set up a separate admin account for XML API access.

STEP 1 | Select an Admin Role profile.

Go to Device > Admin Roles and select or create an admin role.

STEP 2 | Select features available to the admin role.

1. Select the XML API tab.
2. Enable or disable XML API features from the list, such as Report, Log, and Configuration.
3. Select OK to confirm your change.

STEP 3 | Assign the admin role to an administrator account.

See Configure an Administrative Account.

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Get Started with the PAN-OS XML API

Get Your API Key

To use the API, you must generate the API key required for authenticating API calls.
Then, when you use this API key in your request, you can either provide the URL encoded API key
in the request URL, or use the custom X-PAN-KEY: <key> parameter to add the key as a name-
value pair in the HTTP header.

If you have an existing key and generate another key for the same user, all existing
sessions will end for the user and previous API sessions will be deleted. If the cookie for the
request doesn’t exist but you make subsequent requests, configuration logs will show the
user as unknown.

STEP 1 | To generate an API key, make a POST request to the firewall’s hostname or IP addresses
using the administrative credentials and type=keygen:

curl -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-

urlencoded" -X POST https://firewall/api/?type=keygen -d

A successful API call returns status="success" along with the API key within the key

<response status="success">

STEP 2 | ( Optional) Revoke API keys.

You can revoke all currently valid API keys, in the event one or more keys are compromised.
To change an API key associated with an administrator account change the password
associated with the administrator account. API keys that were generated before you expired all
keys, or a key that was created using the previous credentials will no longer be valid.

If you use Panorama to manage your firewalls, Panorama and all of the firewalls that it
manages must have the same master key.

PAN-OS® and Panorama™API Usage Guide Version 9.1 13 ©2024 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Get Started with the PAN-OS XML API

Make Your First API Call

Get Your API Key to make your first call to the PAN-OS XML API. Make sure to URL encode the
request parameters in the HTTP request.
The API Docs use a number of general conventions and should not be copy and pasted verbatim.
Adjust the call to your specific firewall before making the request.

Variable Replace With

<firewall> The IP address of the firewall or Panorama

appliance you intend to target with your

apikey The unique API key you generate.

All the query strings in requests must be a URL-Encoded parameter string. If you use a space in
the URL-Encoded request, you must include either a plus sign or %20 to replace the space.
If you have trouble replicating any of the API requests in our documentation as a first step, Use
the API Browser to build your requests.
STEP 1 | Make a cURL call to get system information, which returns the IP address, hostname, and
model of your firewall. Be sure to include the API key:

curl -k -X POST 'https://<firewall>//api/?


When you make your API calls, as an alternative to providing the URL
encoded API key in the request URL, you can use the custom X-PAN-
KEY: <key> parameter to add the key as a name value pair in the
HTTP header. For example, curl -H -X POST "X-PAN-KEY:
LU234T02234565s2Z1FtZWFyWXJOSTdk1234565234565==" -k

STEP 2 | Confirm that the response to the above request looks similar to this:

<response status="success">

PAN-OS® and Panorama™API Usage Guide Version 9.1 14 ©2024 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Get Started with the PAN-OS XML API

<time>Tue Jan 8 16:22:56 2019</time>
<uptime>0 days, 18:28:38</uptime>
<app-release-date>2019/01/07 15:51:30 PST</app-release-date>
<av-release-date>2019/01/07 11:22:02 PST</av-release-date>
<threat-release-date>2019/01/07 15:51:30 PST</threat-release-

PAN-OS® and Panorama™API Usage Guide Version 9.1 15 ©2024 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Get Started with the PAN-OS XML API

Authenticate Your API Requests

Palo Alto Networks encourages you to authenticate your API requests by including a basic
authentication token in the header of your requests. The basic authentication header can be used
to authenticate both XML and REST API requests.
STEP 1 | Convert your user name and password to Base64 format.
Example: username:password converts to dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ=

STEP 2 | When making a request to the firewall, include the base64 converted token in the header
preceded by Authorization: Basic

curl -X POST 'https://firewall/api/?&type=config&action=get&xpath=/

network/interface/ethernet' -H 'Authorization: Basic

STEP 3 | Include the header in each of the subsequent requests to the firewall.

PAN-OS® and Panorama™API Usage Guide Version 9.1 16 ©2024 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Get Started with the PAN-OS XML API

Explore the API

There are several ways you can explore the API and learn how to construct your XML requests:
• Use the API Browser
• Use the CLI to Find XML API Syntax
• Use the Web Interface to Find XML API Syntax

Use the API Browser

Each firewall and Panorama provides an API browser that is accessible from your web browser.
The API browser lets you navigate through and view the corresponding XPath and API URL.
STEP 1 | Launch the web interface.
1. Use a web browser to navigate to the actual FQDN or IP address of your firewall:
2. Log in with your administrator credentials when prompted to log in to the web interface.

STEP 2 | Launch the API Browser.

Go to the API browser URL on your firewall:

STEP 3 | Drill-down to a request.

When you first open the API browser, the available Request Types display.
1. Select one of the request types to drill down to the next level of the XPath. Let’s start
with Configuration Commands, which equates to type=report:

2. Drill down further until you select a request that you want to test.

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Get Started with the PAN-OS XML API

STEP 4 | Test a request.

1. Select the URL to then test that request in the browser.

The browser shows the resulting XML response in the browser:

Along with the URL, the API browser also provides the XPath as necessary, as shown
here for a description of a predefined application:

PAN-OS® and Panorama™API Usage Guide Version 9.1 18 ©2024 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Get Started with the PAN-OS XML API

STEP 5 | When you're finished using the API browser, log out.

Use the CLI to Find XML API Syntax

Another method to determine the appropriate XML syntax and XPath for your API calls is through
the command-line interface (CLI). This method works for type=op and type=config API calls.

To learn about changes to the latest version of CLI commands that affect corresponding
PAN-OS XML API requests, see the PAN-OS CLI Quick Start.

Use the CLI to enable debug mode and then run the CLI command to receive the corresponding
XML and XPath in the response.
STEP 1 | Access the CLI.
Use an SSH client or terminal to access your firewall or Panorama CLI.

STEP 2 | Enable debug mode.

Enter the following command:

debug cli on

STEP 3 | Run a CLI command.

Enter and run a CLI command. Example:

test url http://paloaltonetworks.com

<request cmd="op" cookie="7581536015878829"

PAN-OS® and Panorama™API Usage Guide Version 9.1 19 ©2024 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Get Started with the PAN-OS XML API

STEP 4 | Use the resulting response to create an API call.

Use the cmd value and the XML elements within the operations tag to form the API call:


Depending on the CLI command, the XML tag values for cmd will vary. For example,
here is a CLI command for showing firewall information: run show system info
The corresponding API call for the CLI command:


Use the Web Interface to Find XML API Syntax

You can use the web interface along with the available debug console to explore the XML and
XPath necessary for your API calls.
First log into the web interface and then open a separate window where you can view the
corresponding XML and XPath.
STEP 1 | Launch the web interface.
Launch a web browser and enter the firewall’s IP address or hostname. Enter your user

STEP 2 | Launch the debug console.

In a separate web browser window or tab, launch the debug console:


PAN-OS® and Panorama™API Usage Guide Version 9.1 20 ©2024 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Get Started with the PAN-OS XML API

STEP 3 | Perform the action you want to replicate through the API.
In the web browser, navigate to the menu and item or action that you want to perform.

To aid in finding the relevant XML, select Clear in the debug console just before you select the
final menu or action.

STEP 4 | View the resulting XML syntax in the debug console.

In the debug console, select Refresh and then navigate through the console to the syntax
related to your choice or action:

Example XML within debug console:

<request cmd="op" cookie="3885378180190727">

<operations xml="yes">

PAN-OS® and Panorama™API Usage Guide Version 9.1 21 ©2024 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Get Started with the PAN-OS XML API

The corresponding API call looks like this:


PAN-OS® and Panorama™API Usage Guide Version 9.1 22 ©2024 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Get Started with the PAN-OS XML API

PAN-OS XML API Error Codes

The API response XML contains a status field and an error field. These are the available API error
codes and names:

Error Name Description


400 Bad request A required parameter is missing, an illegal parameter

value is used.

403 Forbidden Authentication or authorization errors including invalid

key or insufficient admin access rights. Learn how to
Get Your API Key.

1 Unknown command The specific config or operational command is not


2-5 Internal errors Check with technical support when seeing these errors.

6 Bad Xpath The xpath specified in one or more attributes of the

command is invalid. Check the API browser for proper
xpath values.

7 Object not present Object specified by the xpath is not present. For
example, entry[@name='value'] where no object with
name 'value' is present.

8 Object not unique For commands that operate on a single object, the
specified object is not unique.

10 Reference count not zero Object cannot be deleted as there are other objects
that refer to it. For example, address object still in use
in policy.

11 Internal error Check with technical support when seeing these errors.

12 Invalid object Xpath or element values provided are not complete.

13 Object not found Object presented in the request could not be found.

14 Operation not possible Operation is allowed but not possible in this case.
For example, moving a rule up one position when it is
already at the top.

PAN-OS® and Panorama™API Usage Guide Version 9.1 23 ©2024 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Get Started with the PAN-OS XML API

Error Name Description


15 Operation denied Operation is not allowed. For example, Admin not

allowed to delete own account, Running a command
that is not allowed on a passive device.

16 Unauthorized The API role does not have access rights to run this

17 Invalid command Invalid command or parameters.

18 Malformed command The XML is malformed.

19-20 Success Command completed successfully.

21 Internal error Check with technical support when seeing these errors.

22 Session timed out The session for this query timed out.

PAN-OS® and Panorama™API Usage Guide Version 9.1 24 ©2024 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
The following use cases highlight the use of the PAN-OS XML API, either to reduce repetitive
steps or to automate tasks normally you perform through the web interface or CLI.
Because the PAN-OS XML API uses a tree of XML nodes, in your API request you must specify
the correct type and action along with the XPath Node Selection. See Explore the API to learn
how to construct XML requests to be successful in using the API to meet your automation needs.
• Upgrade a Firewall to the Latest PAN-OS Version (API)
• Show and Manage GlobalProtect Users (API)
• Query a Firewall from Panorama (API)
• Upgrade PAN-OS on Multiple HA Firewalls through Panorama (API)
• Automatically Check for and Install Content Updates (API)
• Enforce Policy using External Dynamic Lists and AutoFocus Artifacts (API)
• Configure SAML 2.0 Authentication (API)


Upgrade a Firewall to the Latest PAN-OS Version (API)

You can use the PAN-OS XML API to update your firewall with the latest PAN-OS and Content
Release versions.
Because the PAN-OS XML API uses a tree of XML nodes, in your API request you must specify
the correct type and action along with the XPath Node Selection. See Explore the API to learn
how to construct XML requests.
STEP 1 | Download the latest content update.
Use the following request to first download the latest content update:

curl -X POST 'https://<firewall>/api?


If successful, the response contains a jobid that you can use to check on the status of your

<response status="success" code="19">

<line>Download job enqueued with jobid 2</line>

STEP 2 | Check on the content download status.

Use the jobid to ensure that the content download completes successfully:

curl -X POST 'https://<firewall>/api?


The response should include the following:

<response status="success">…

PAN-OS® and Panorama™API Usage Guide Version 9.1 26 ©2024 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.

STEP 3 | Install the latest content update.

Use the following request to install the newly downloaded content:

curl -X POST 'https://<firewall>/api?

type=op&cmd<request><content><upgrade><install> <version>latest</

If successful, the response contains a jobid that you can use to check on the status of your

<response status="success" code="19">

<line>Content install job enqueued with jobid

STEP 4 | Check on the content installation status.

Use the jobid to ensure that the content installation completes successfully:

curl -X POST 'https://<firewall>/api?


The response should include the following:

<response status="success">…

STEP 5 | Check for the latest PAN-OS software update.

After installing the latest Content Release update, check for the latest available PAN-OS
software updates:

curl -X POST 'https://<firewall>/api?


PAN-OS® and Panorama™API Usage Guide Version 9.1 27 ©2024 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.

In the response, the first entry is the latest version of PAN-OS:

<sw-updates last-updated-at="2015/10/20 14:16:30">
<msg />
<released-on>2015/10/20 13:23:11</released-on>

STEP 6 | Download the latest PAN-OS software update.

1. In this case, the latest version is 7.1.0-c65, so download that version:

curl -X POST 'https://<firewall>/api?


2. Use the jobid in the response to ensure that the system update download completes

curl -X POST 'https://<firewall>/api?


The response should include the following:

<response status="success">…

STEP 7 | Install the latest PAN-OS software update.

To install the latest system update, include the version in a software install request:

curl -X POST 'https://<firewall>/api?


PAN-OS® and Panorama™API Usage Guide Version 9.1 28 ©2024 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.

STEP 8 | Check on the software installation status.

Use the jobid in the response to ensure that the system update installs successfully:

curl -X POST 'https://<firewall>/api?


The response should include the following:

<response status="success">…

STEP 9 | Reboot the firewall.

After the system update installs successfully, trigger:

curl -X POST 'https://<firewall>/api?


PAN-OS® and Panorama™API Usage Guide Version 9.1 29 ©2024 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.

Show and Manage GlobalProtect Users (API)

One common use of the PAN-OS XML API is to manage GlobalProtect users. You can use two API
requests to view and then disconnect a Global Protect user who has been logged in for too long.
STEP 1 | View all GlobalProtect users.
Make a request to view all GlobalProtect users:

curl -X POST 'https://<firewall>/api?


The response contains a list of users along with related information including IP addresses,
logins, and client information:

<response status="success">
<computer>Dan’s iPhone</computer>
<client>Apple iOS 8.1.2</client>
<vpn-type>Device Level VPN</vpn-type>
<login-time>Jan.22 01:50:36</login-time>

The <login-time-utc> field is the login date/time in UNIX time format (number of seconds
elapsed since 00:00:00 1 Jan 1970). To find the list of users, filter the output for this field and
compare the <login-time-utc> value to current date and time (or another date and time).

STEP 2 | Disconnect a GlobalProtect user.

Upon identifying the user that you want to disconnect, send a request that includes the
GlobalProtect gateway, username, computer, and a force-logout reason:

curl -X POST 'https://<firewall>/api?


PAN-OS® and Panorama™API Usage Guide Version 9.1 30 ©2024 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.


A successful response shows that the user has been successfully disconnected:

<response status="success">
<response status="success">
<computer>Dan’s iPhone</computer>

PAN-OS® and Panorama™API Usage Guide Version 9.1 31 ©2024 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.

Query a Firewall from Panorama (API)

The target parameter on Panorama allows you to redirect queries to a managed firewall.
Redirecting queries to firewalls helps to reduce time and the number of steps required to issue
repetitive commands. Use the scripting language of your choice to store firewall serial numbers
and use them to issue a query to several firewalls.

Because the PAN-OS XML API uses a tree of XML nodes, in your API request you must
specify the correct type and action along with the XPath Node Selection. See Explore
the API to learn how to construct XML requests.

STEP 1 | Get a list of managed firewalls.

curl -X POST 'https://panorama/api?


If you want to get a list of connected firewalls only, use

curl -X POST 'https://panorama/api?


The response includes the serial number (serial) of each firewall.

<mac-addr />
<uptime>81 days, 20:39:41</uptime>

PAN-OS® and Panorama™API Usage Guide Version 9.1 32 ©2024 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.

<vpnclient-package-version />
<shared-policy-status />
<!--truncated -->

The response contains a <serial> XML element for each firewall.

STEP 2 | Collect firewall serial numbers.

In your script or code, store the firewall serial numbers returned in the response to the
previous request.

STEP 3 | Query a firewall from Panorama.

A normal request to show system information on a firewall looks like this:

curl -X POST 'https://firewall/api?


To directly target a firewall through Panorama, append the firewall serial number to the

curl -X POST 'https://panorama/api?


A successful response should look like this:

<response status="success">

PAN-OS® and Panorama™API Usage Guide Version 9.1 33 ©2024 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.

<time>Tue Oct 27 13:39:09 2015</time>
<uptime>12 days, 0:05:26</uptime>
<app-release-date>2015/10/26 18:10:48</app-release-date>
<av-release-date>2015/10/26 15:31:55</av-release-date>
<threat-release-date>2015/10/26 18:10:48</threat-release-
<global-protect-datafile-release-date>2015/10/27 19:41:44</

Repeat this request for each managed or connected firewall.

PAN-OS® and Panorama™API Usage Guide Version 9.1 34 ©2024 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.

Upgrade PAN-OS on Multiple HA Firewalls through

Panorama (API)
This use case highlights the ability of the PAN-OS XML API to automate a more complex
procedure, namely upgrading firewalls set up as active-passive high-availability (HA) pair.
Normally, this procedure involves multiple, manual steps on individual firewalls.

This is a high-level overview of the steps you must take in this procedure. You script or
application must incorporate error-checking and logic to implement this sequence of
Because the PAN-OS XML API uses a tree of XML nodes, in your API request you must
specify the correct type and action along with the XPath Node Selection. See Explore
the API to learn how to construct XML requests.

STEP 1 | Check for the latest PAN-OS software update through Panorama
Check for the latest available PAN-OS software updates. Include the firewall serial number in
your request:

curl -X POST 'https://panorama/api?


The response contains an array of results sorted to show the latest version first:

<response status="success">


<sw-updates last-updated-at="2016/02/03 08:29:09">

<msg />







<released-on>2016/02/02 10:57:20</released-on>


PAN-OS® and Panorama™API Usage Guide Version 9.1 35 ©2024 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.





<!-- truncated -->





STEP 2 | Download the latest PAN-OS software update.

1. In this case, the latest version is 7.1.0-c65, so download that version:

curl -X GET



2. Use the jobid in the response to ensure that the system update download completes

curl -X POST 'https://<firewall>/api?type=op&action=get&job-


The response should include the following:

<response status="success">…

STEP 3 | Install the latest PAN-OS software update.

To install the latest system update, include the version in a software install request:

curl -X POST 'https://<firewall>/api?


PAN-OS® and Panorama™API Usage Guide Version 9.1 36 ©2024 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.

STEP 4 | Check on the software installation status.

Use the jobid in the response to ensure that the system update installs successfully:

curl -X POST 'https://<firewall>/api?type=op&action=get&job-


The response should include the following:

<response status="success">…

STEP 5 | Get a list of connected firewalls.

Get a list of connected firewalls that Panorama manages:

curl -X POST 'https://panorama/api?


The response includes the serial number (serial) of each firewall.

<response status="success">

: <result>

: <devices>

: name="007200002517">

: <serial>007200002342</serial>

: <connected>yes</connected>

: <unsupported-version>no</unsupported-version>

: <deactivated>no</deactivated>

: <hostname>PM-6-1-VM</hostname>

: <ip-address></ip-address>

: <mac-addr />

: <uptime>81 days, 20:39:41</uptime>







PAN-OS® and Panorama™API Usage Guide Version 9.1 37 ©2024 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.





<vpnclient-package-version />








<shared-policy-status />





<!--truncated -->




The response contains a <serial> XML element that contains each firewall serial number.

PAN-OS® and Panorama™API Usage Guide Version 9.1 38 ©2024 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.

STEP 6 | Check for the latest PAN-OS software update.

Check to see if new software is available on your HA pair:

curl -X POST 'https://panorama/api?


The response contains an array of results sorted to show the latest version first:

<response status="success">


<sw-updates last-updated-at="2016/02/03 08:29:09">

<msg />






<released-on>2016/02/02 10:57:20</released-on>






<!-- truncated -->





PAN-OS® and Panorama™API Usage Guide Version 9.1 39 ©2024 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.

STEP 7 | Download the latest PAN-OS software update.

After determining the latest system update, download it to both firewalls in the HA pair:

curl -X POST 'https://panorama/api?


The response contains a job ID:

<response status="success" code="19">

<line>Download job enqueued with jobid 3448</line>

Use the job ID to check on the download status:

curl -X POST 'https://panorama/api?


The response contains a job status of FIN when the download is complete:

<response status="success">
<tenq>2016/02/03 08:32:00</tenq>
<line>Successfully downloaded</line>
<line>Preloading into software manager</line>
<line>Successfully loaded into software manager</line>

PAN-OS® and Panorama™API Usage Guide Version 9.1 40 ©2024 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.

STEP 8 | Suspend the active HA firewall.

Suspend the active firewall in your high-availability firewall pair:

curl -X POST 'https://panorama/api?type=op&cmd=<request><high-


The response confirms the active firewall has been suspended:

<response status="success">
<result>Successfully changed HA state to suspended</result>

STEP 9 | Install the latest software update on the suspended HA pair.

After suspending the active HA firewall, install the system update on it:

curl -X POST 'https://panorama/api?


The response shows the system update is queued:

<response status="success" code="19">

<line>Software install job enqueued with jobid 3453. Run
'show jobs id 3453' to monitor its status. Please reboot the
device after the installation is done.</line>

STEP 10 | Check on the software installation status.

Use the jobid in the response to ensure that the system update installs successfully:

curl -X POST 'https://<panorama>/api?type=op&action=get&job-


The response should include the following:

<response status="success">…

PAN-OS® and Panorama™API Usage Guide Version 9.1 41 ©2024 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.

STEP 11 | Reboot the suspended HA peer.

After installing the latest system update, reboot the suspended HA peer:

curl -X POST 'https://panorama/api?


STEP 12 | Verify that the upgrade is successful.

Show system information on your upgraded HA peer to ensure it has the latest system update
and is operational:

curl -X POST 'https://panorama/api?


STEP 13 | Makes the suspended HA peer active.

After you verify that the system update on the suspended HA peer is successful, make it active

curl -X POST 'https://panorama/api?type=op&cmd=<request><high-


The response confirms the active firewall is now active:

<response status="success">
<result>Successfully changed HA state to functional</result>

STEP 14 | Install the system update on the passive HA peer.

Once the suspended HA firewall is active, you can then repeat steps 5-8 on the now passive
HA peer.

PAN-OS® and Panorama™API Usage Guide Version 9.1 42 ©2024 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.

Automatically Check for and Install Content Updates

Using the XML API, you can programmatically check and install new content updates, including
antivirus, WildFire, and GlobalProtect updates. Check for new updates available and download
updates that have been released for at least one week.

Download, upgrade, and installation requests are asynchronous. The API responds with a
job ID while it processes your request. In your subsequent request, you use this job ID to
check on the result of your original request:

curl -X POST 'https://firewall/api?type=op&cmd=<show><jobs><id></


STEP 1 | Check for installed content on your firewall. Run the following request to view current
system information:

curl -X POST 'https://firewall/api?


STEP 2 | Confirm that the API response to the request in the previous step includes the currently
installed updates on your firewall:

<response status="success">
<time>Mon Jul 11 17:51:37 2016</time>
<uptime>11 days, 7:38:34</uptime>
<app-release-date>2016/07/09 22:30:55</app-release-date>
<av-release-date>2016/07/10 11:27:57</av-release-date>

PAN-OS® and Panorama™API Usage Guide Version 9.1 43 ©2024 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.

<threat-release-date>2016/07/09 22:30:55</threat-release-
<wildfire-release-date>2016/07/11 17:45:11</wildfire-release-
<global-protect-datafile-release-date>2016/07/11 23:40:05</

STEP 3 | Note the currently installed versions for the following updates, so that you can compare the
values after you check for the latest updates:
• global-protect-client-package-version: GlobaProtect
• app-version: Application and threat signatures.
• av-version: Antivirus signatures
• wildfire-version: WildFire malware and antivirus signatures

PAN-OS® and Panorama™API Usage Guide Version 9.1 44 ©2024 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.

STEP 4 | Check for new, available updates with the following requests and store the version field in
the response, which is the version field for GlobalProtect, and the app-version field for
all others:
• GlobalProtect:

curl -X POST 'https://firewall/api?type=op&cmd=<request><global-


• WildFire:

curl -X POST 'https://firewall/api?


• Application & Threat:

curl -X POST 'https://firewall/api?


• Antivirus:

curl -X POST 'https://firewall/api?type=op&cmd=<request><anti-


Example response:

<response status="success">
<sw-updates last-updated-at="2016/05/19 14:34:34">
<released-on>2016/07/08 15:41:18</released-on>

PAN-OS® and Panorama™API Usage Guide Version 9.1 45 ©2024 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.


Take note of the released-on XML field to verify that updates have been released for at
least a week.

STEP 5 | In your script or code, compare the version values for currently installed updates to new,
available updates. It is recommended that you only install updates that have been available
for at least a week.

STEP 6 | Download the latest content updates with these requests:

• GlobalProtect:

curl -X POST 'https://firewall/api?type=op&cmd=<request><global-


• WildFire:

curl -X POST 'https://firewall/api?


• Application & Threat:

curl -X POST 'https://firewall/api?


• Antivirus:

curl -X POST 'https://firewall/api?type=op&cmd=<request><anti-


The response contains a job ID that you can use to check on the status of the request.

<response status="success" code="19">

<line>Content install job enqueued with jobid 299</line>

Learn more about Asynchronous and Synchronous Requests to the PAN-OS XML API.

PAN-OS® and Panorama™API Usage Guide Version 9.1 46 ©2024 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.

STEP 7 | Install the latest content updates with these requests:

• GlobalProtect:

curl -X POST 'https://firewall/api?type=op&cmd=<request><global-


• WildFire:

curl -X POST 'https://firewall/api?


• Application & Threat:

curl -X POST 'https://firewall/api?


• Antivirus:

curl -X POST 'https://firewall/api?type=op&cmd=<request><anti-


The response contains a job ID that you can use to check on the status of the request.

PAN-OS® and Panorama™API Usage Guide Version 9.1 47 ©2024 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.

Enforce Policy using External Dynamic Lists and

AutoFocus Artifacts (API)
This use case allows you to use data from AutoFocus threat intelligence to create an external
dynamic list for your firewall.
Use the AutoFocus API to export AutoFocus artifacts (IP addresses, domains, or URLs) as
an export list that you can host on a web server. Learn more about AutoFocus in AutoFocus
documentation. Then use the PAN-OS XML API to add this URL as an external dynamic list to
enforce policy dynamically on the firewall. Learn more about how to use an external dynamic list
in policy.

To use AutoFocus, you must first register and activate AutoFocus.

STEP 1 | Build an AutoFocus export list. For example, if you want to block potential attacks from the
Sofacy group, search for Sofacy as the Tag, and then add the appropriate artifacts shown
within the File Analysis tab, such as DNS Activity, HTTP Requests, and Connection Activity.

Use the AutoFocus API to export the AutoFocus artifacts.

Include you the AutoFocus API key, the label of the export list,
and specify that the list should be formatted for a PAN-OS block
list. ("panosFormatted":true):
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{
"apiKey": "<apikey>",
"label": "<export-list-name>",
"panosFormatted": true
}' "https://autofocus.paloaltonetworks.com/api/v1.0/export"

The response contains a list of IP addresses, domains, or URLs, depending on the artifacts you

"bucket_info": {
"daily_points": 100000,
"minute_points": 200
"export_list": [

PAN-OS® and Panorama™API Usage Guide Version 9.1 48 ©2024 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.

STEP 2 | Host the export list as a text file on an external web server. To ensure that you have the
latest list of artifacts, frequently refresh the hosted list.

STEP 3 | Add the URL for the export list to an external dynamic list. In this example the external
dynamic list uses IP addresses:

curl -X POST 'https://firewall/api?


STEP 4 | Add the external dynamic list as match criteria in a security policy rule. In this example, the
rule denies access to IP addresses on the external dynamic list for all users on your network:

curl -X POST 'https://firewall/api?


STEP 5 | Commit the changes to the firewall:

curl -X POST 'https://firewall/api?type=commit&cmd=<commit></


You must commit only once when you add the reference to the EDL in a policy rule. Any
changes to the external dynamic list do not require a commit.

PAN-OS® and Panorama™API Usage Guide Version 9.1 49 ©2024 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.

Configure SAML 2.0 Authentication (API)

Use the PAN-OS XML API to automate the configuration of SAML 2.0 single sign-on (SSO)
and single logout (SLO). To configure SAML using the API, create scripts that import the SAML
metadata file, create a SAML authentication profile, add users and user groups, and assign the
authentication profile to firewall services. The following workflow provides an example of how to
configure SAML using the XML API.
Because the PAN-OS XML API uses a tree of XML nodes, in your API request you must specify
the correct type and action along with the XPath Node Selection. See Explore the API to learn
how to construct XML requests.
STEP 1 | (Recommended) Import a metadata file from the IdP
The metadata file contains registration information and the certificate that the IdP uses to sign
SAML messages. If you import a metadata file, you do not need to independently Create a
SAML Identity Provider (IdP) server profile. Include the metadata file path and SAML server
profile name in your GET request:
• key: API key
• file: file path to SAML metadata file. The metadata file contains registration information, as
well as the certificate that the IdP uses to sign SAML messages. Export the metadata file
from the IdP to a client system that the firewall can access. The certificate specified in the
file must meet SAML requirements. Refer also to your IdP documentation for instructions.
• profile-name: passphrase, up to 31 characters

curl -k -F file=@filename.txt -g 'https://<firewall>/api/?


If you perform this step, you can skip Step 2, Create a SAML Identity Provider (IdP) server

PAN-OS® and Panorama™API Usage Guide Version 9.1 50 ©2024 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.

STEP 2 | Create a SAML Identity Provider (IdP) server profile

If you do not import a metadata file, include IdP configuration parameters in your GET request
to create a SAML IdP server profile:
• key: API key
• vsys: location, example values: shared, vsys1, vsys2
• name: server profile name
• entity-id: identity provider id
• certificate: (Best Practice) identity provider certificate
• sso-url: identity provider SSO URL
• slo-url: identity provider SLO URL
• sso-binding: SSO SAML HTTP binding, acceptable values: post, redirect
• ssl-binding: SSL SAML HTTP binding, acceptable values: post, redirect
• max-clock-skew: difference in system time as measured in seconds between firewall and
IdP. The default value is 60 with a range of 1-900.
• validate-idp-certificate: (Best Practice) specify whether you want to validate the IdP
certificate. The default value is yes.
• want-auth-requests-signed: specify whether the IdP expects a digital signature on
authentication requests. The default value is no.

curl -X POST 'https://firewall/api?type=config&action=set&xpath=/


PAN-OS® and Panorama™API Usage Guide Version 9.1 51 ©2024 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.

STEP 3 | Create a SAML authentication profile using the PAN-OS XML API
Include SAML authentication profile parameters in your GET request:
• key: API key
• authentication-profile: authentication profile name
• enable-single-logout: specify whether you want to enable SAML single logout. The default
value is no.
• request-signing-certificate: request signing certificate name
• server-profile: SAML Identity Provider (IdP) server profile name
• certificate-profile: certificate profile name
• attribute-name-username: SAML username attribute
• attribute-name-usergroup: SAML user group attribute
• attribute-name-access-domain: SAML admin domain attribute
• attribute-name-admin-role: SAML admin role attribute

curl -X POST 'https://firewall/api?type=config&action=set&xpath=/


STEP 4 | Add users and user groups that are allowed to authenticate with this authentication profile
Include profile name and member list in your request:
• key: API key
• authentication-profile: authentication profile name
• member: users or user groups. To include specific users or group, include them in brackets:
[member1,member 3]. To include all users, include all.

curl -X POST 'https://firewall/api?type=config&action=set&xpath=/


PAN-OS® and Panorama™API Usage Guide Version 9.1 52 ©2024 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.

STEP 5 | Assign the authentication profile to firewall services that require authentication
For example, to assign the authentication profile to a superuser administrator account for web
access, include these parameters in your GET request:
• key: API key
• name: admin username
• authentication-profile: name of the SAML authentication profile

curl -X POST 'https://firewall/api?type=config&action=set&xpath=/


PAN-OS® and Panorama™API Usage Guide Version 9.1 53 ©2024 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.

PAN-OS® and Panorama™API Usage Guide Version 9.1 54 ©2024 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
PAN-OS XML API Request Types
The following topics provide common request examples that you can use to better understand the
• PAN-OS XML API Request Types and Actions
• Asynchronous and Synchronous Requests to the PAN-OS XML API
• Configuration (API)
• Commit Configuration (API)
• Run Operational Mode Commands (API)
• Get Reports (API)
• Export Files (API)
• Import Files (API)
• Retrieve Logs (API)
• Apply User-ID Mapping and Populate Dynamic Groups (API)
• Get Version Info (API)

PAN-OS XML API Request Types

PAN-OS XML API Request Types and Actions

Use PAN-OS XML API to run various requests depending on the request type that you specify:
• Request Types
• Configuration Actions

Request Types
You can currently use the following request types:

Syntax Description

type=keygen Generate API keys for authentication.

type=config Modify the configuration.

type=commit Commit firewall configuration, including partial commits.

type=op Perform operational mode commands, including checking

system status and validating configurations.

type=report Get reports, including predefined, dynamic, and custom


type=log Get logs, including traffic, threat, and event logs.

type=import Import files including configurations and certificates.

type=export Export files including packet captures, certificates, and keys.

type=user-id Update User-ID mappings.

type=version Show the PAN-OS version, serial number, and model


Configuration Actions
In addition to the request type that you specify, use available actions to modify or read
configurations using type=config:
• Actions for Modifying a Configuration
• Actions for Reading a Configuration

PAN-OS® and Panorama™API Usage Guide Version 9.1 56 ©2024 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
PAN-OS XML API Request Types

Actions for Modifying a Configuration

Configuration Action Type Syntax

Set candidate configuration action=set

Edit candidate configuration action=edit

Delete candidate object action=delete

Rename a configuration object action=rename

Clone a configuration object action=clone

Move a configuration object action=move

Override a template setting action=override

Move multiple objects in a device group or virtual action=multi-move


Clone multiple objects in a device group or virtual action=multi-clone


Show available subnode values and XPaths for a action=complete

given XPath.

Set and edit actions differ in two important ways:

• Set actions add, update, or merge configuration nodes, while edit actions replace configuration
• Set actions are non-destructive and are only additive, while edit actions can be destructive.

Actions for Reading a Configuration

Configuration Action Type Syntax

Get active configuration action=show

Get candidate configuration action=get

Show and get actions differ in three important ways:

• Show actions retrieve the active configuration, while get actions retrieve the candidate,
uncommitted configuration.
• Show actions only work when the provided XPath specifies a single node. Get actions work
with single and multiple nodes.

PAN-OS® and Panorama™API Usage Guide Version 9.1 57 ©2024 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
PAN-OS XML API Request Types

• Show actions can use relative XPath, while get actions require absolute XPath.

PAN-OS® and Panorama™API Usage Guide Version 9.1 58 ©2024 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
PAN-OS XML API Request Types

Asynchronous and Synchronous Requests to the PAN-

Most PAN-OS XML API requests are synchronous, meaning the response immediately provides
the requested data. For example, when you Make Your First API Call and request system
information, the API response is immediate and contains information such as the IP address,
hostname, and model of your firewall.
However, there are some Request Types that require more time to process and are asynchronous,
meaning they require more than one request to get final results. These API requests include the
• Get Reports (API)
• Retrieve Logs (API)
• Export Technical Support Data
• Some requests to Run Operational Mode Commands (API), including download, upgrade, and
installation requests
With asynchronous requests, you first initiate a request. The API responds with a job ID while it
processes your request. In your subsequent requests, you use this job ID to check on the results
of your original request.
Examples (replace jobid with the actual job ID):
• Get reports:

curl -X POST 'https://firewall/api?type=report&action=get&job-


• Retrieve logs:

curl -X POST 'https://firewall/api?type=log&action=get&job-


• Export technical support data:

curl -X POST 'https://firewall/api?type=export&category=tech-


• Commit:

curl -X POST 'https://firewall/api?type=commit&cmd=<commit></


PAN-OS® and Panorama™API Usage Guide Version 9.1 59 ©2024 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
PAN-OS XML API Request Types

• Operational commands:

curl -X POST 'https://firewall/api?


PAN-OS® and Panorama™API Usage Guide Version 9.1 60 ©2024 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
PAN-OS XML API Request Types

Configuration (API)
The requests examples in these topics illustrate how you can use the PAN-OS XML API to
configure your firewall.
• Get Active Configuration
• Get Candidate Configuration
• Set Configuration
• Edit Configuration
• Delete Configuration
• Rename Configuration
• Clone Configuration
• Move Configuration
• Override Configuration
• Multi-Move or Multi-Clone Configuration
• View Configuration Node Values for XPath

Get Active Configuration

• Use XPath to Get Active Configuration
• Use XPath to Get ARP Information

Use XPath to Get Active Configuration

Use action=show with no additional parameters to retrieve the entire active configuration.
STEP 1 | Use the xpath parameter to target a specific portion of the configuration. For example, to
retrieve just the security rulebase: xpath=/config/devices/entry/vsys/entry/

curl -X POST 'https://firewall/api?


There is no trailing backslash character at the end of the XPath.

STEP 2 | Confirm that the XML response for the query looks similar to the following (truncated):

<response status="success">
<rules><entry name="IT DNS Services"><profile-

PAN-OS® and Panorama™API Usage Guide Version 9.1 61 ©2024 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
PAN-OS XML API Request Types

member></source><destination><member>Data Center</
profiles><action>allow</action><tag><member>Best Practice</

Use XPath to Get ARP Information

Follow this procedure to use XPath to Get ARP Information.
STEP 1 | Use the following request to retrieve ARP information:

curl -X GET "https://<firewall>//api/?

type=op&command=<show><arp><entry name='all'/></arp></

STEP 2 | Confirm that the XML response for the query looks like the following (truncated):

<response status="success">

PAN-OS® and Panorama™API Usage Guide Version 9.1 62 ©2024 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
PAN-OS XML API Request Types

<!-- truncated -->


Get Candidate Configuration

Get the candidate configuration from a firewall by specifying the portion of the configuration
to get. Use the following request, including the xpath parameter to specify the portion of the
configuration to get.

curl -X POST 'https://firewall/api?


Configuration Node API Request

Firewall candidate
configuration curl -X POST 'https://firewall/

Firewall candidate
configuration through https://<panorama>/api/?
Panorama type=config&action=get&


Firewall candidate
configuration through curl -X POST 'https://panorama/
Panorama without api?type=config&action=get&xpath=/
specifying a firewall config/devices/entry/*[name()!

Address objects in a virtual

system (vsys). curl -X GET "https://<firewall>//

PAN-OS® and Panorama™API Usage Guide Version 9.1 63 ©2024 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
PAN-OS XML API Request Types

Configuration Node API Request

The response looks similar to the following:

<response status="success" code="19">

<result total-count="1" count="1">
<address admin="name" dirtyId="8"
time="2015/10/20 15:32:36"><entry
ip-netmask></entry><entry name="test1"><ip-

Pre-rules pushed from

Panorama. curl -X GET "https://<firewall>//

Full list of all applications.

curl -X POST 'https://firewall/

Details on the specific

application. curl -X POST 'https://firewall/

Set Configuration
Use action=set to add or create a new object at a specified location in the PAN-OS
configuration. Use the xpath parameter to specify the location of the object in the configuration.
For example, if you are adding a new rule to the security rulebase, the xpath-value would be:


PAN-OS® and Panorama™API Usage Guide Version 9.1 64 ©2024 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
PAN-OS XML API Request Types

Use the element parameter to specify a value for the object you are adding or creating using

Configuration Node API Request

Create a new rule called

rule1 in security policy https://<firewall>/api/?

where the xpath-value is:


and the element-value is:


Add an additional member Include the 'list' node in the xpath using the
to an address group or list member[text()='name'] syntax and include the members in
the element parameter. For example, to add an additional static
address object named abc to an address group named test,

curl -X POST 'https://firewall/


PAN-OS® and Panorama™API Usage Guide Version 9.1 65 ©2024 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
PAN-OS XML API Request Types

Configuration Node API Request


Create a new IP address on Specify the interface and IP address in the request:
a specific interface

curl -X GET "https://<firewall>/

ip&element=<entry name=''/>"

Enable or disable a security

rule curl -X POST 'https://firewall/

Altenatively, use <disabled>no</disabled> to enable a


Edit Configuration
Use action=edit to replace an existing object hierarchy at a specified location in the
configuration with a new value. Use the xpath parameter to specify the location of the object,
including the node to be replaced. Use the element parameter to specify a new value for the
object using its XML object hierarchy (as seen in the output of action=show).
STEP 1 | Replace the application(s) currently used in a rule rule1 with a new application:

curl -X POST 'https://firewall/api?




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PAN-OS XML API Request Types

STEP 2 | Use the response from the config show API request to create the XML body for the element.

curl -X POST 'https://firewall/api?type=config&action=show"

STEP 3 | Optionally replace all members in a node with a new set of members using the entry tag in
both the xpath and element parameters. For example, to replace all the address objects in
the address group named test with two new static members named abc and xyz, use:

curl -X POST 'https://firewall/api?


Delete Configuration
Use action=delete to delete an object at a specified location in the configuration. Use the
xpath parameter to specify the location of the object to be deleted.

Delete a rule named rule1 in the security policy:

curl -X POST 'https://firewall/api?


Delete a single member object in a group, use the object name in the xpath as
member[text()='name']. For example, to delete a static address object named abc in an
address group named test, use the following xpath:

curl -X POST 'https://firewall/api?


Rename Configuration
Use action=rename to rename an object at a specified location in the configuration. Use the
xpath parameter to specify the location of the object to be renamed. Use the newname parameter
to provide a new name for the object.

PAN-OS® and Panorama™API Usage Guide Version 9.1 67 ©2024 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
PAN-OS XML API Request Types

STEP 1 | Use the following API query to rename an address object called old_address to

curl -X POST 'https://firewall/api?


STEP 2 | Confirm that the XML response for the request looks like the following:

<response status="success" code="20">

<msg>command succeeded</msg>

Clone Configuration
Use action=clone to clone an existing configuration object. Use the xpath parameter to
specify the location of the object to be cloned. Use the from parameter to specify the source
object, and the newname parameter to provide a name for the cloned object.
STEP 1 | Use the following API query to clone a security policy called rule1 to rule2:

curl -X POST 'https://firewall/api?


STEP 2 | Confirm that the XML response for the request looks like the following:

<response status="success" name="rule2"/>

A corresponding success log is recorded in the Configuration log:

1,2014/03/19 19:07:45,0009C100708,CONFIG,0,0,2014/03/19
19:07:45,,,clone,admin,Web,Succeeded, config
devices entry vsys
vsys1 rulebase security rules,384,0x8000000000000000

PAN-OS® and Panorama™API Usage Guide Version 9.1 68 ©2024 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
PAN-OS XML API Request Types

Move Configuration
Use action=move to move the location of an existing configuration object. Use the xpath
parameter to specify the location of the object to be moved, the where parameter to specify type
of move, and dst parameter to specify the destination path.
• where=after&dst=xpath
• where=before&dst=xpath
• where=top
• where=bottom
STEP 1 | Use the following API query to move a security policy called rule1 to come after rule2:

curl -X POST 'https://firewall/api?


STEP 2 | Confirm that the XML response for the request looks like the following:

<response status="success" code="20">

<msg>command succeeded</msg>

Override Configuration
Use action=override to override a setting that was pushed to a firewall from a template. Use
the xpath parameter to specify the location of the object to override.
STEP 1 | Override the SNMP Trap profile configuration settings that were pushed to the firewall using
a template:

curl -X POST 'https://firewall/api?

snmptrap&element=<entry name="snmp" src="tpl"><version
src="tpl"><v2c src="tpl"><server src="tpl"><entry name="test"
src="tpl"><manager src="tpl"></manager><community

STEP 2 | Confirm that the XML response for the request looks like the following:

<response status="success" code="20">

<msg>command succeeded</msg>

PAN-OS® and Panorama™API Usage Guide Version 9.1 69 ©2024 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
PAN-OS XML API Request Types


Multi-Move or Multi-Clone Configuration

Use the action=multi-move and action=multi-clone actions to move and clone
addresses, address groups, services, and more across device groups and virtual systems.
Templates do not support the multi-move and multi-clone capability.
The syntax for multi-move and multi-clone specifies the xpath for the destination where the
addresses will be moved to, the xpath for the source and the list of objects within the specified
source. It also includes a flag for displaying the errors when the firewall performs a referential
integrity check on the multi-move or multi-clone action.

Move addresses addr1, addr2, to device group norcal from device group socal:

curl -X POST 'https://firewall/api?


Clone addresses addr1, addr2, to device group norcal from device group socal:

curl -X POST 'https://firewall/api?


View Configuration Node Values for XPath

Use action=complete action along with an XPath to see possible values that are available with
the XPath node.
STEP 1 | View the possible values, such as network interfaces, for multi-vsys firewalls, use the
following command:

PAN-OS® and Panorama™API Usage Guide Version 9.1 70 ©2024 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
PAN-OS XML API Request Types

curl -X POST 'https://firewall/api?


STEP 2 | Confirm that the XML response for the request looks like the following:

<response status="success" code="19">

<completion value="vsys1" vxpath="/config/devices/
current="yes" help-string="vsys1"/>

PAN-OS® and Panorama™API Usage Guide Version 9.1 71 ©2024 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
PAN-OS XML API Request Types

Commit Configuration (API)

You can use the commit API request to commit a candidate configuration to a firewall.

You can validate or revert a candidate configuration before committing it using Run
Operational Mode Commands (API).

• Commit
• Commit-All

Replace the body element in the cmd parameter with the XML element for the corresponding
commit operation.

Use the API Browser to find different options available for use with force and partial

STEP 1 | Use one of the following requests to commit a configuration:

• Commit— Commit candidate changes to the firewall.

curl -X POST 'https://firewall/api?type=commit&cmd=<commit></


• Force Commit—

curl -X POST 'https://firewall/api?


• Partial commit while excluding shared objects and device and network configuration—

curl -X POST 'https://firewall/api?


• Partial commit admin-level changes— To commit admin-level changes on a firewall, include

the administrator name in the request.

curl -X POST 'https://firewall/api?


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PAN-OS XML API Request Types

• Partial commit admin-level changes on a firewall or Panorama while excluding shared

objects—Include the administrator name in the request. Replace the $admin-name Replace

curl -X POST 'https://firewall/api?


STEP 2 | Confirm that the XML response indicates that there were no changes to commit or that the
changes are queued for commit:
• No pending changes to commit:

<response status="success" code="19">

<msg>There are no changes to commit.</msg></response>

• Pending changes:

<response status="success" code="19">

<line>Commit job enqueued with jobid 4</line>

STEP 3 | Query the status of the job using the job ID:

curl -X POST 'https://firewall/api?


STEP 4 | Confirm that the XML response details state the Configuration was committed successfully:

<response status="success">
<tenq>2021/07/21 14:33:55</tenq>

PAN-OS® and Panorama™API Usage Guide Version 9.1 73 ©2024 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
PAN-OS XML API Request Types

<line>Aggregate-ethernet interface ae1 has no member

To centrally manage firewalls from Panorama, use the commit-all API request type to push and
validate shared policy to the firewalls using device groups and configuration to Log Collectors and
firewalls using templates or template stacks.

Commit Type API Request

Pre-commit policy
validation. curl -X POST 'https://panorama/

Specific Device group

commit. curl -X POST 'https://panorama/
group><entry name="<device-group-name>"/></

Specific device group

commit without including curl -X POST 'https://panorama/
default device/network api?type=commit&action=all&cmd=<commit-
template changes. all><shared-policy><include-
group><entry name="<device-group-name>"/></

PAN-OS® and Panorama™API Usage Guide Version 9.1 74 ©2024 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
PAN-OS XML API Request Types

Commit Type API Request

Virtual system (vsys)

commit. curl -X POST 'https://panorama/
group><entry name="<device-group-name>"/
><devices><entry name="<serial_number>"><vsys><member>vsy

Specific firewall commit. curl -X POST 'https://panorama/api?

group><entry name="<device-group-
name>"><devices><entry name="<serial_number>"></

Use the API Browser to find other options available for granular commit operations on Panorama.
In the cmd parameter, you must replace the XML element for the corresponding commit-all

PAN-OS® and Panorama™API Usage Guide Version 9.1 75 ©2024 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
PAN-OS XML API Request Types

Run Operational Mode Commands (API)

Use any of the operational mode commands available on the command line interface with the
following API request:

curl -X POST 'https://firewall/api?type=op&cmd=<xml-body>"

Use the API Browser to explore operational mode commands and a complete listing of all the
options available for the xml-body and their corresponding operation.

Some requests operational mode commands, including download, upgrade, and

installation requests, are asynchronous, meaning they require more than one request to
get final results. Learn more about Asynchronous and Synchronous Requests to the

Operational Command API Request

System restart. curl -X POST 'https://firewall/api?


System software version https://<firewall>/api/?type=op&cmd=<request>

installation. <system><software><install><version>version_number</

Multi-vsys mode. curl -X POST 'https://firewall/api?


User Activity Report curl -X POST 'https://firewall/

scheduling. api?type=op&cmd=<schedule><uar-

Detailed information on curl -X POST 'https://firewall/api?

applications and threats type=op&cmd=<show><predefined><xpath>/
from the firewall. predefined/threats/vulnerability/

PAN-OS® and Panorama™API Usage Guide Version 9.1 76 ©2024 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
PAN-OS XML API Request Types

Operational Command API Request


Full configuration curl -X POST 'https://firewall/api?

validation. type=op&cmd=<validate><full></full></

Partial configuration curl -X POST 'https://firewall/api?

validation. type=op&cmd=<validate><partial><device-

Configuration saving. curl -X POST 'https://firewall/api?


Configuration loading. curl -X POST 'https://firewall/api?


Partial revert of admin- https://<firewall>/api/?type=op&cmd=<revert>

level changes for a <config><partial><admin><member>admin-name</
candidate configuration on member></admin></partial></config></revert>
a firewall.

Partial revert of admin- https://<panorama>/api/?key=apikey

level changes to Panorama &type=op&cmd=<revert><config><partial><admin><member>
by a specific administrator <admin-name></member></admin>
within a specific device <device-group><member>
group <device-group-name></member></device-group>

Base64-encoded metadata curl -X POST 'https://firewall/

of a SAML authentication api?type=op&cmd=<show><sp-
profile. metadata><management><authprofile><SAML-auth-

PAN-OS® and Panorama™API Usage Guide Version 9.1 77 ©2024 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
PAN-OS XML API Request Types

Operational Command API Request


Summary of changes curl -X POST 'https://firewall/api?

between the active and type=op&cmd=<show><config><list><change-
candidate configuration. summary/></list></config></show>"

Commit locks curl -X POST 'https://firewall/api?


Show WildFire appliances curl -X POST 'https://panorama/

connected to Panorama. api?&type=op&cmd=<show><wildfire-

System summary about • WildFire Appliance:

WildFire appliances or
WildFire clusters. curl -X POST 'https://panorama/

• WildFire Cluster:

curl -X POST 'https://panorama/api?


Generate a list of Firewalls • WildFire Appliance:

connected and sending
data to a WildFire curl -X POST 'https://panorama/
appliance or WildFire api?&type=op&cmd=<show><wildfire-
cluster. appliance><devices-reporting-data><serial-

• WildFire Cluster:

curl -X POST 'https://panorama/


PAN-OS® and Panorama™API Usage Guide Version 9.1 78 ©2024 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
PAN-OS XML API Request Types

Operational Command API Request

Display configuration • WildFire Appliance:

details about a specified
WildFire appliance or curl -X POST 'https://panorama/
WildFire cluster. api?&type=op&cmd=<show><wildfire-

• WildFire Cluster:

curl -X POST 'https://panorama/api?


Display registration activity • WildFire Appliance:

for a specified WildFire
appliance or WildFire curl -X POST 'https://panorama/
cluster. api?&type=op&cmd=<show><wildfire-

• WildFire Cluster:

curl -X POST 'https://panorama/


Display statistics for • WildFire Appliance:

a specified WildFire
appliance or WildFire curl -X POST 'https://panorama/
cluster. api?&type=op&cmd=<show><wildfire-

• WildFire Cluster:

curl -X POST 'https://panorama/api?


PAN-OS® and Panorama™API Usage Guide Version 9.1 79 ©2024 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
PAN-OS XML API Request Types

Operational Command API Request


Display a list of supported curl -X POST 'https://panorama/api?

VM images on the specified &type=op&cmd=<show><wildfire-appliance><vm-
WildFire appliance. images><serial-number><serial_number></

PAN-OS® and Panorama™API Usage Guide Version 9.1 80 ©2024 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
PAN-OS XML API Request Types

Get Reports (API)

The XML API provides a way to quickly pull the results of any report defined in the system using
the type=report parameter.
You can access three kinds of reports:
• Dynamic Reports (ACC reports)— reporttype=dynamic
• Predefined Reports— reporttype=predefined
• Custom Reports— reporttype=custom
To retrieve a specific report by name, use the reportname parameter:

curl -X POST 'https://firewall/api?type=report&reporttype=dynamic|


When you request a report, the API responds asynchronously with a job ID, which you can
use to retrieve the reports. Learn more about Asynchronous and Synchronous Requests
to the PAN-OS XML API.

• Dynamic Reports
• Predefined Reports
• Custom Reports

Dynamic Reports
You can use the API to view a number of dynamic reports, such as top-applications-
summary, top-blocked-url-summary, and top-spyware-threats-summary. For
dynamic reports, provide either a specific period using the period or a time frame using
starttime and endtime options (use a + instead of a space between the date and timestamp).
Use topn to determine the number of rows.

Dynamic Report Type API Request

Full dynamic report list.

curl -X POST 'https://firewall/api?

Last 60 seconds.

PAN-OS® and Panorama™API Usage Guide Version 9.1 81 ©2024 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
PAN-OS XML API Request Types

Dynamic Report Type API Request

Last 15 minutes.

Last hour.

Last 12 hours.

Last calendar day.


Last 7 days

Last 7 calendar days


PAN-OS® and Panorama™API Usage Guide Version 9.1 82 ©2024 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
PAN-OS XML API Request Types

Dynamic Report Type API Request

Last calendar week.


Last 30 days

Predefined Reports
Predefined reports always return data for the last 24-hour period. You can also get this list by
following the link for predefined reports, such as top-applications, top-attackers, and
bandwidth-trend on the API browser.

Dynamic Report Type API Request

Full predefined report list.

curl -X POST 'https://firewall/api?

Top applications.
curl -X POST 'https://firewall/api?

Top attackers.
curl -X POST 'https://firewall/api?

PAN-OS® and Panorama™API Usage Guide Version 9.1 83 ©2024 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
PAN-OS XML API Request Types

Dynamic Report Type API Request

Top victims.
curl -X POST 'https://firewall/api?

Custom Reports
For custom reports, the selection criteria, such as time frame, group-by, and sort-by are part
of the report definition. The API returns any shared custom reports. Note that quotes are not
required around the report name and any spaces in the report name must be URL encoded to
For custom reports created in a specific VSYS, you can retrieve them directly by specifying the
vsys parameters.
STEP 1 | Retrieve the report definition from the configuration:

curl -X POST 'https://firewall/api?


STEP 2 | Create a job to retrieve a dynamic report using reporttype=dynamic,

reportname=custom-dynamic-report, and cmd=report-definition where
report-definition is the XML definition retrieved in the previous query:


The response includes the job ID you can use to view the results:

<line>Report job enqueued with jobid 6</line>

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PAN-OS XML API Request Types


STEP 3 | View the dynamic report:


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PAN-OS XML API Request Types

Export Files (API)

You can export certain types of files from the firewall using the type=export parameter in the
API request.
Use the category parameter to specify the type of file that you want to export.
• Configuration—category=configuration
• Certificates/Keys—category=certificate
• Response pages—category= application-block-page | captive-portal-text |
file-block-continue-page | file-block-page | global-protect-portal-
custom-help-page | global-protect-portal-custom-login-page | global-
protect-portal-custom-welcome-page | ssl-cert-status-page | ssl-
optout-text | url-block-page | url-coach-text | virus-block-page>
• Technical support data—category=tech-support
• Device State—category=device-state
Use cURL tools to export the file from the firewall and save locally with a local file name:

curl -o <filename> "https://<firewall>/api/?<query-parameters>"

When using the API query from a web browser, you can specify to=filename as an optional
parameter if you would like to provide a different name when saving the file locally.
• Export Packet Captures
• Export Certificates and Keys
• Export Technical Support Data

Export Packet Captures

You can export packet captures from the firewall by specifying the PCAP type using the
category parameter:
• Export Application PCAPS
• Export Threat, Filter, and Data Filtering PCAPs

Export Application PCAPS

Application PCAPs are organized by a directory/filename structure where the directory is a
date in yyyymmdd format. Filenames for application pcaps use a SourceIP-SourcePort-
DestinationIP-DestinationPort-SessionID.pcap format.

Application PCAP Type API Request

Application PCAP directory

list. curl -X POST 'https://firewall/api?

PAN-OS® and Panorama™API Usage Guide Version 9.1 86 ©2024 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
PAN-OS XML API Request Types

Application PCAP Type API Request

List of files under a

directory using the from curl -X POST 'https://firewall/
parameter to indicate date. api?type=export&category=application-

Application PCAP file

by name using the from curl -X POST 'https://firewall/
parameter. api?type=export&category=application-

The file will be retrieved and saved locally using the name

Application PCAP file saved

locally with a custom name curl -X POST 'https://firewall/
using the to parameter. api?type=export&category=application-

Export Threat, Filter, and Data Filtering PCAPs

To export threat PCAPs, you need to provide the PCAP ID from the threat log and the search
time, which is the time that the PCAP was received on the firewall. Threat PCAP filenames use a
pcapID.pcap format.

PCAP Type API Request

Threat PCAP using PCAP

ID, device name, session curl -X POST 'https://firewall/
ID, and search api?type=export&category=threat-
name>&sessionid=<session id>&search-

List of filtered PCAPs

curl -X POST 'https://firewall/api?

PAN-OS® and Panorama™API Usage Guide Version 9.1 87 ©2024 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
PAN-OS XML API Request Types

PCAP Type API Request

Specific filtered PCAP file

curl -X POST 'https://firewall/

List of data filtering PCAP

file names curl -X POST 'https://firewall/

Specific data filtering PCAP

file curl -X POST 'https://firewall/

Export Certificates and Keys

Use the following procedure to export certificates and keys.
STEP 1 | To export certificates and keys, specify query parameters certificate-name, format,
and passphrase:

<omit this parameter to import it into a shared location>

PAN-OS® and Panorama™API Usage Guide Version 9.1 88 ©2024 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
PAN-OS XML API Request Types

• certificate-name—name of the certificate object on the firewall

• passphrase—required when including the certificate key
• format—certificate format: pkcs12, pem, or pkcs10
• include-key—yes or no parameter to include or exclude the key
• vsys—virtual system where the certificate object is used. Ignore this parameter if the
certificate is a shared object.
You can use the example above to export a certificate signing request (CSR). If you do so, then
specify the following two parameters as shown:
• format— pkcs10
• include-key— no

STEP 2 | Confirm that the XML response includes the certificate:

<!-- TRUNCATED -->

Export Technical Support Data

Debug log data sizes are large, so the API uses an asynchronous job scheduling approach to
retrieve technical support data. Learn more about Asynchronous and Synchronous Requests to
the PAN-OS XML API. The values for the action parameter are:
• action=<null>—When an action parameter is not specified, the system creates a new job to
retrieve tech support data. The initial query creates a job ID that you can then use to check on
the status of the job, retrieve results, or delete the job.
• action=status—Check the status of the job. This returns an XML response with a status
element; when the status text data is FIN the job is completed and the tech support file can be
retrieved. Example:


• action=get—Retrieve the tech support file as an attachment. The response contains a

application/octet-stream content-type and a content-disposition header with a
suggested filename; for example:

PAN-OS® and Panorama™API Usage Guide Version 9.1 89 ©2024 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
PAN-OS XML API Request Types

Content-Type: application/octet-stream

Content-Length: 19658186

Content-Description: File Transfer

Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary

Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=techsupport-8469.tgz

• action=finish—Stop an active job.

STEP 1 | Create a job to retrieve technical support data.
Use the following request:


The response includes a job ID:

<response status="success"code="19"> <result> <msg> <line>Exec job
enqueued with jobid 2</line> </msg> <job>2</job> </result></response>

STEP 2 | Check on the status of the job.

Use the job ID returned in the previous response as the job-id parameter:


A status value of FIN indicates the data is ready to be retrieved.

<response status="success">
<tenq>2012/06/14 10:11:09</tenq>

PAN-OS® and Panorama™API Usage Guide Version 9.1 90 ©2024 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
PAN-OS XML API Request Types


STEP 3 | Retrieve the tech support data.


When using cURL, you can specify the output file name as an option to cURL ( -o). After a
successful retrieval of the job data, the job is automatically deleted by the system.

STEP 4 | ( Optional) Stop the active job in case of error.

If there is an error or issue with the export job, it may not complete. In cases like this, stop the
active job:


The response includes a success message:

<response status"success">

<msg>Job 2 removed.</msg>


PAN-OS® and Panorama™API Usage Guide Version 9.1 91 ©2024 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
PAN-OS XML API Request Types

Import Files (API)

You can import certain types of files, including as software, content, licenses, and configurations
into the firewall using the type=import parameter in the API request.
Use type=import and specify the category to import these types of files:
• Software—category=software
• Content—category=<anti-virus | content | url-database | signed-url-
• Licenses—category=license
• Configuration—category=configuration
• Certificates/key—category=<certificate | high-availability-key | key-
• Response pages—category=<application-block-page | captive-portal-text |
file-block-continue-page | file-block-page | global-protect-portal-
custom-help-page | global-protect-portal-custom-login-page | global-
protect-portal-custom-welcome-page | ssl-cert-status-page | ssl-
optout-text | url-block-page | url-coach-text | virus-block-page>
• Clients—category=global-protect-client
• Custom logo—category=custom-logo
• Importing Basics
• Import Files

Importing Basics
Use cURL to import files to the firewall.

Import files to a firewall:

curl --form file=@<filename> “https://firewall/api/?<query-


Import files to a firewall via Panorama. First import the file to Panorama, then run a request
batch upload-install op command:

curl -X GET "http://<panorama>/api/?


PAN-OS® and Panorama™API Usage Guide Version 9.1 92 ©2024 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
PAN-OS XML API Request Types

Import Files
Use the API Browser to see a full list of import categories.

Import a certificate or key by specifying the type of the certificate or key file using the
category parameter:
• category=certificate
• category=keypair
• category=high-availability-key

( category=certificate or category=keypair only) Specify these additional

parameters for the certificate file and keypair imports:
• certificate-name—name of the certificate object on the firewall
• format—certificate format, pkcs12 or pem
• passphrase—required when including the certificate key
• vsys—virtual system where the certificate object is used. Ignore this parameter if the
certificate is a shared object.

curl -X POST 'https://firewall/api?

name=<certificate_name>&format=pkcs12 |

Import a GlobalProtect response pages using an additional parameter for the security profile in
which the page should be imported:


Import custom logos to different locations based on the where parameter:

where=<login-screen | main-ui | pdf-report-footer | pdf-


PAN-OS® and Panorama™API Usage Guide Version 9.1 93 ©2024 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
PAN-OS XML API Request Types

Retrieve Logs (API)

Retrieve logs from a firewall using the API.
• API Log Retrieval Parameters
• Example: Use the API to Retrieve Traffic Logs

API Log Retrieval Parameters

Specify the log type with additional optional parameters to retrieve logs from a firewall.

Parameter Description

log-type The type of logs to retrieve:

• log-type=traffic—Traffic logs
• log-type=threat—Threat logs
• log-type=config—Config logs
• log-type=system—System logs
• log-type=hipmatch— GlobalProtect Host Information Profile
(HIP) matching logs
• log-type=wildfire—WildFire logs
• log-type=url—URL filtering logs
• log-type=data—Data filtering logs
• log-type=corr—Correlated event logs as seen in the user
interface within Monitor > Automated Correlated Engine >
Correlated Events.
• log-type=corr-detail—Correlated event details as seen in
the user interface when you select an event within Monitor >
Automated Correlated Engine > Correlated Events.
• log-type=corr-categ—Correlated events by category,
currently compromised hosts seen within ACC > Threat Activity >
Compromised Hosts.
• log-type=userid—User-ID logs
• log-type=auth—Authentication logs
• log-type=gtp—GPRS Tunneling Protocol (GTP) logs
• log-type=external—External logs
• log-type=iptag—IP tag logs

query (Optional) Specify the match criteria for the logs. This is similar to
the query provided in the web interface under the Monitor tab when
viewing the logs. The query must be URL encoded.

PAN-OS® and Panorama™API Usage Guide Version 9.1 94 ©2024 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
PAN-OS XML API Request Types

Parameter Description

nlogs (Optional) Specify the number of logs to retrieve. The default is 20

when the parameter is not specified. The maximum is 5000.

skip (Optional) Specify the number of logs to skip when doing a log
retrieval. The default is 0. This is useful when retrieving logs in batches
where you can skip the previously retrieved logs.

dir (Optional) Specify whether logs are shown oldest first (forward) or
newest first (backward). Default is backward.

action (Optional) Log data sizes can be large so the API uses an asynchronous
job scheduling approach to retrieve log data. The initial query returns
a Job ID (job-id) that you can then use for future queries with the
action parameter:
• action=get—Check status of an active job or retrieve the log
data when the status is FIN (finished). This is slightly different than
the asynchronous approach to retrieve tech support data where a
separate status action is available.
• action=finish—Stop an active job.
• Not specified—When not specified, such as during an initial query,
the system creates a new job to retrieve log data.

Learn more about Asynchronous and Synchronous

Requests to the PAN-OS XML API.

Example: Use the API to Retrieve Traffic Logs

Follow these steps to use the API retrieve traffic logs.
STEP 1 | Create a job to retrieve all traffic logs that occurred after a certain time:

curl -X POST 'https://firewall/api?type=log&log-

type=traffic&query=(receive_time geq '2012/06/22 08:00:00')"

A web-browser will automatically URL encode the parameters, but when using cURL,
the query parameter must be URL encoded.


<response status="success" code="19">

<line>query job enqueued with jobid 18</line>

PAN-OS® and Panorama™API Usage Guide Version 9.1 95 ©2024 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
PAN-OS XML API Request Types


STEP 2 | Retrieve traffic log data using the following request using the job ID as the value returned in
the previous response:

curl -X POST 'https://firewall/api?


STEP 3 | Confirm that the XML response looks similar to the following:

<response status="success"">
<logs count="20" progress="100n>
<entry logid="5753304543500710425"> <domain>1</
domain> <receive_time>2012/06/13 15:43:17</receive_time>
<serial>001606000117</serial> <segno>6784588</segno>
<actionflags>0x0</actionflags> <type>TRAFFIC</
type> <subtype>start</subtype> <config_ver>1</config_ver>
<time_generated>2012/06/13 15:43:17</time_generated>
<src></src> <dst></dst>
<natsrc></natsrc> <natdst></natdst>
<rule>default allow</rule>

When the job status is FIN (finished), the response automatically includes all the logs in the
XML data response. The <log> node in XML is not present when the job status is still pending.
After successful log data retrieval, the system automatically deletes the job.

STEP 4 | ( Optional) Delete and active log retrieval job.To delete an active log retrieval job, run the
following query:

curl -X POST 'https://firewall/api?


A successful completion returns a job ID.

PAN-OS® and Panorama™API Usage Guide Version 9.1 96 ©2024 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
PAN-OS XML API Request Types

Apply User-ID Mapping and Populate Dynamic Groups

Use the type=user-id parameter to apply User-ID mapping information directly to the firewall.
If you are using a third-party VPN solution or have users who are connecting to an 802.1x
enabled wireless network, the User-ID API enables you to map users to groups so that you can
capture login events and send them to the User-ID agent or directly to the firewall. Additionally,
you can use the API to register the IP-to-user mapping information from the input file to populate
the members of a dynamic address group or dynamic user group on the firewall.

curl -F key=<apikey> --form file=@<filename> "https://<firewall>/



curl --data-urlencode key=<apikey> -d type=user-id --data-urlencode

"cmd=xml-document" https://<firewall>/api/

With your User-ID API requests, you can use the following optional parameters:
• vsys=vsys_id—Specify the vsys where you want to apply User-ID mapping.
• target=serialnumber—Specify the firewall by serial number when redirecting through

• Use a GET request if the URL query size is less than 2K and a POST request if the
request size is between 2K to 5MB. Limit the query size to 5MB.
• • When multiple login or logout events are generated at the same time, make sure to
follow these guidelines to ensure optimal firewall performance:
• Design your application to queue events and perform batch API updates instead
of sending single event or mapping updates.
• Limit the number of concurrent API calls to five. The suggested limit ensures that
there is no performance impact to the firewall web interface as the management
plane web server handles requests from both the API and the web interface.
Limits may vary depending on the type of request. The limit may be higher
depending on requests.
• (Panorama managed firewalls only) You cannot view the IP addresses of a DAG
registered using XML API on the Panorama web interface. You must log in to the
Panorama CLI to view the registered IP addresses of a DAG populated using XML
API on Panorama and use the following command:

show object registered-ip all

Use the information in the following table to apply User-ID mapping information to a firewall:

PAN-OS® and Panorama™API Usage Guide Version 9.1 97 ©2024 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
PAN-OS XML API Request Types

Mapping or Registration API Request


User-ID mapping for a Use this input file format when providing a User-ID mapping for
login, logout, or groups. a login event, logout event, or for groups:

<entry name="domain\uid1"
ip="" timeout="20">
<entry name="group1">
<entry name="user1"/
<entry name="user2"/
<entry name="group2">
<entry name="user3"/

You can include a HIP report by including a <hip-report></

hip-report> XML container within an <entry> parent

Multi-User System Entry Use the following input file format to set up a terminal server
entry on the firewall and to specify the port range and block
size of ports that will be assigned per user. If you are using the
default port range (1025 to 65534) and block size (200) you do
not need to send a multiusersystem setup message; the
firewall will automatically create the terminal server object when
it receives the first login message.

<entry ip=""
startport="xxxxx" endport="xxxxx"

PAN-OS® and Panorama™API Usage Guide Version 9.1 98 ©2024 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
PAN-OS XML API Request Types

Mapping or Registration API Request


User-ID XML multiuser When the terminal servers sends a login event payload to the
system login event firewall, it can contain multiple login events. The firewall uses the
information in the information in the login message to populate
its user mapping table. For example, if the firewall received a
packet with a source address and port of, it
would map the request to user jparker for policy enforcement.

<entry name="acme\jparker"
ip="" blockstart="20100">

User-ID XML multiuser Upon receipt of a logout event message with a blockstart
system logout parameter, the firewall removes the corresponding IP address-
port-user mapping. If the logout message contains a username
and IP address, but no blockstart parameter, the firewall
removes all mappings for the user. If the logout message
contains an IP address only, the firewall removes the multi-user
system and all associated mappings.

<entry user="domain\uid2"
ip="" blockstart="xxxxx">

Dynamic address group IP Use the following input file format to dynamically register and
address registration unregister IP addresses.
You can configure a timeout as part of the member element
to automatically unregister IP address-to-tag mapping after a
specified amount of time. By default, no timeout is specified
meaning the mapping will not timeout and must be manually

PAN-OS® and Panorama™API Usage Guide Version 9.1 99 ©2024 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
PAN-OS XML API Request Types

Mapping or Registration API Request

unregistered. Additionally, a timeout of zero (0) seconds does
not timeout. You can specify a timeout between zero (0) seconds
and 2,592,000 seconds (30 days).

<entry ip="">
<member timeout="3600">CBB09C3D-3416-4734-
<entry ip=""/>

Register tags for a user to Use the following input file format to dynamically register tags to
add that user to a dynamic a user and include that user in a dynamic user group.
user group
To register a tag for a user, that user must have an
existing user mapping or group mapping.

You can configure a timeout to automatically unregister the

user-to-tag mapping after a specified amount of time. By default,
no timeout is specified meaning the mapping will not timeout
and must be manually unregistered. You can specify a timeout
between zero (0) and 2,562,000 seconds (30 days).

<entry user="paloaltonetworks\john">

PAN-OS® and Panorama™API Usage Guide Version 9.1 100 ©2024 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
PAN-OS XML API Request Types

Mapping or Registration API Request

<entry user="paloaltonetworks\jane">
<member timeout="120">building_1</

Unregister specific tags Use the following input file format to unregister a specific
for a user to remove that dynamic tag from a user and remove the user from the dynamic
user from the dynamic user user group associated with that tag.
<entry user="paloaltonetworks\john">

Unregister all tags for a Use the following input file format to unregister all tags for a
user specific user.

<entry user="paloaltonetworks\john">

Clear all tags for all users Use the following input file format to unregister all tags from all


PAN-OS® and Panorama™API Usage Guide Version 9.1 101 ©2024 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
PAN-OS XML API Request Types

Mapping or Registration API Request


PAN-OS® and Panorama™API Usage Guide Version 9.1 102 ©2024 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
PAN-OS XML API Request Types

Get Version Info (API)

Use the type=version request type to show the PAN-OS version for a firewall or Panorama.
In addition to the PAN-OS version, this request provides a direct way to obtain the serial number
and model number.
STEP 1 | Make a request to the PAN-OS XML API and with type=version along with your API key:

curl -X POST 'https://firewall/api?type=version&key=<apikey>"

STEP 2 | Confirm that the XML response contains the software version, model, serial number, and
whether multi-vsys mode is on:

<response status="success">

PAN-OS® and Panorama™API Usage Guide Version 9.1 103 ©2024 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
PAN-OS XML API Request Types

PAN-OS® and Panorama™API Usage Guide Version 9.1 104 ©2024 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Get Started with the PAN-OS
To use the PAN-OS® and Panorama™ REST API, first use your administrative credentials to get
an API key. You can then use the API key to make API requests.
• Access the PAN-OS REST API
• Resource Methods and Query Parameters (REST API)
• PAN-OS REST API Request and Response Structure
• PAN-OS REST API Error Codes
• Work With Objects (REST API)
• Create a Security Policy Rule (REST API)
• Work with Policy Rules on Panorama (REST API)
• Create a Tag (REST API)
• Configure a Security Zone (REST API)
• Configure a Virtual SD-WAN Interface (REST API)
• Create an SD-WAN Policy Pre Rule (REST API)
The PAN-OS REST API covers a subset of the firewall and Panorama functions, and you’ll need to
use the XML API to complete the configuration and commit your changes.
The API requests in this guide use cURL commands. However, you can make API requests with
other tools such as Postman or a RESTClient. By default, PAN-OS uses a self-signed certificate, so
you will need to use the -k parameter with cURL requests. Alternatively, you can replace the self-
signed certificate with one from a trusted certificate authority. If you have an internal certificate
authority, generate your own certificate and install it on the firewall.

Get Started with the PAN-OS REST API


The PAN-OS® and Panorama™ REST API allow you to manage firewalls and Panorama through a
third-party service, application, or script.
You can use the REST API to Create, Read, Update, Delete (CRUD) Objects and Policies on the
firewalls; you can access the REST API directly on the firewall or use Panorama to perform these
operation on policies and objects from a central location and push them to the managed firewalls.
The inputs in the PAN-OS REST API generally match the web interface, and you can use the
PAN-OS Web Interface Help to familiarize yourself with the field properties, descriptions, and
supported values for each product. Reading relevant portions of the PAN-OS Administrator’s
Guide will help you get a better understanding of firewall capabilities that you can access using
the API. To use the API, you should also be knowledgeable about web service APIs and HTTP.
For performance considerations, limit the number of concurrent API calls to five. The suggested
limit ensures that there is no performance impact to the firewall web interface as the management
plane web server handles requests from both the API and the web interface. Limits may vary
depending on the type of request. The limit may be higher depending on requests.
To get started, see:
• Access the PAN-OS REST API
• Resource Methods and Query Parameters (REST API)
• PAN-OS REST API Request and Response Structure
• PAN-OS REST API Error Codes
• Work With Objects (REST API)
• Create a Security Policy Rule (REST API)
• Work with Policy Rules on Panorama (REST API)
• Create a Tag (REST API)
• Configure a Security Zone (REST API)
• Configure a Virtual SD-WAN Interface (REST API)
• Create an SD-WAN Policy Pre Rule (REST API)

PAN-OS® and Panorama™API Usage Guide Version 9.1 106 ©2024 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Get Started with the PAN-OS REST API

Access the PAN-OS REST API

The PAN-OS REST API URL format includes a base path and the URI for the endpoint:
curl -X GET "https://<IP address or FQDN>/restapi/<PAN-OS version>/
<resource URI>."
The base path includes the FQDN or IP address of the firewall or Panorama and the version. The
resource URI is the path for the resource or endpoint you want to work with, and it corresponds
with the resources you can access on the web interface. Use the PAN-OS Web Interface Help to
familiarize yourself with the field properties, descriptions, and supported values for each resource.
You can view the full list of resources in the REST API Reference on the firewall or Panorama at
To use the REST API, you must Enable API Access for your administrators and Get Your API Key.
See API Authentication and Security for details on authenticating your API requests.

The following table lists the PAN-OS 9.1 REST API resource URIs that are available on
the firewall. The resource URIs on Panorama are analogous except that resources support
both pre rule and post rule policies. The PAN-OS 9.1 REST API resources offer abilities
like managing policies on the firewall or configuring SD-WAN interfaces and policies on
Panorama. To complete the configuration, you’ll need to use the XML API on the firewall
and Panorama.

Resource URI

OBJECTS /restapi/v9.1/Objects/Addresses










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Get Started with the PAN-OS REST API

Resource URI



















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Get Started with the PAN-OS REST API

Resource URI





POLICIES /restapi/v9.1/Policies/SecurityRules










NETWORK /restapi/v9.1/Network/SDWANInterfaces







PAN-OS® and Panorama™API Usage Guide Version 9.1 109 ©2024 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Get Started with the PAN-OS REST API

Resource URI

DEVICE /restapi/v9.1/Device/VirtualSystems

PAN-OS® and Panorama™API Usage Guide Version 9.1 110 ©2024 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Get Started with the PAN-OS REST API

Resource Methods and Query Parameters (REST API)

The PAN-OS REST API requires query parameters for all API requests. The following table
describes the methods that the PAN-OS REST API supports and includes the query parameters
required for each operation.
For a list of all resource URIs, see Access the PAN-OS REST API. To start using the API, see Work
With Objects (REST API) or Create a Security Policy Rule (REST API).

Resource Method Read the Create a Modify a Delete a Rename Move a

list of resource resource resource a policy
resources resource rule(Policies


Query name optional required required required required required

location required, required, required, required, required, required,
valid valid valid valid valid valid
values values values values values values
on the on the on the on the on the on the
firewall: firewall: firewall: firewall: firewall: firewall:

shared shared shared shared shared
for for for for
, ,
Objects Objects Objects Objects
shared vsys
for only only only only
Objects , , , , values on
only vsys vsys vsys vsys
, valid valid valid valid
values on values on values on values on or
vsys Panorama: Panorama: Panorama: Panorama:
, or shared shared shared shared group
or or or or
device- device- device- device-
group group group group

vsys required, required, required, required, required, required,

if if if if if if

PAN-OS® and Panorama™API Usage Guide Version 9.1 111 ©2024 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Get Started with the PAN-OS REST API

location location location location location location

is is is is is is

vsys vsys vsys vsys vsys vsys



device- (Panorama (Panorama (Panorama (Panorama (Panorama (Panorama

group only) only) only) only) only) only)
required, required, required, required, required, required,
if if if if if if
location location location location location location
is device- is device- is device- is device- is device- is device-
group group group group group group

input- — optional, optional, — — —

format default default
format is format is

output- optional, optional, optional, optional, optional, optional,

format default default default default default default
format is format is format is format is format is format is

newname — — — — required —

where — — — — — required,





PAN-OS® and Panorama™API Usage Guide Version 9.1 112 ©2024 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Get Started with the PAN-OS REST API

dst — — — — — required,






Request Body — required required — — —

The following table shows examples of request formats with query parameters.

Action Example of Query Parameters in URL

List GET https://<firewall or Panorama IP>/restapi/v9.1/

<resource URI>?location=location&output-format=json

Create POST https://<firewall or Panorama IP>/restapi/v9.1/

<resource URI>?location=location&name=name

Edit PUT https://<firewall or Panorama IP>/restapi/v9.1/

<resource URI>?location=location&name=name

Delete DELETE https://<firewall or Panorama IP>/restapi/

v9.1/<resource URI>?location=location&name=name

Rename POST https://<firewall or Panorama IP>/restapi/v9.1/

<resource URI>:rename?location=location&name=name

Move POST https://<firewall or Panorama IP>/restapi/v9.1/

<resource URI>:move?location=location&name=name
&where=<move to>

<move to> can be top, bottom, before &dst=<policy name>, after

&dst=<policy name>

PAN-OS® and Panorama™API Usage Guide Version 9.1 113 ©2024 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Get Started with the PAN-OS REST API

PAN-OS REST API Request and Response Structure

The PAN-OS REST API enables you to perform CRUD operations with objects and use them
in policy rules. A resource in the PAN-OS REST API is an endpoint that you can configure with
parameters. When you make requests with the endpoints, you get responses that contain
information. The request and response formats support JSON (default) and XML.

In PAN-OS 9.1, after you configure the firewalls and Panorama using the REST API, you
must use the XML API or the other management interfaces to commit your changes to the
running configuration.

Request Format
The API request format is constructed as shown in the example below:

https://<IP address or FQDN of the firewall or Panorama>/restapi/

<PAN-OS version>/<resource URI>?<query parameters>request body

• Base path and the resource URI for the endpoint. See Access the PAN-OS REST API for details.
• Query parameters. Every request includes query parameters that are passed to the API
endpoint using query strings. The query parameters are appended to the URL with a ? that
indicates the start of the query string. The query parameters appear after the ?, the parameter
are concatenated with other parameters using the ampersand & symbol.

Query Parameters on the firewall • name (name) of the resource.

• location (vsys, predefined, shared,
panorama-pushed) of the resource on
which you want to perform the operation.
A predefined object or rule is built-in to
the firewall and you cannot edit, rename or
delete predefined objects or policy rules.
• virtual system (vsys) name for the resource,
if location is vsys or panorama-pushed.
• input format (input-format). JSON is
default, or XML. You can specify an input
format for HTTP methods that have a
request body, such as PUT to update and
POST to create a resource.
• output format (output-format) JSON
default, or XML

Query Parameters on Panorama • name (name) of the resource.

• location (predefined, shared, device-group,
panorama-pushed) of the resource on
which you want to perform the operation.
A predefined object or rule is built-in to

PAN-OS® and Panorama™API Usage Guide Version 9.1 114 ©2024 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Get Started with the PAN-OS REST API

Panorama and you cannot edit, rename or

delete predefined objects or policy rules.
• device group (device-group) name of the
Panorama device group to which you have
assigned the firewalls, if location is device-
• input format (input-format). JSON is
default, or XML. You can specify an input
format for HTTP methods that have a
request body, such as PUT to update and
POST to create a resource.
• output format (output-format) JSON
default, or XML

• Request body. When you create a resource with a POST request or edit a resource with a
PUT request, you include a JSON or XML formatted request body in which you specify the
properties for the resource you want to create or modify on the endpoint.

When you make an API request to the firewall or Panorama, the API key is required to
authenticate the user who is making the request. You can enter the key with the custom
HTTP header X-PAN-KEY: <key>. Learn about API Authentication and Security and
how to Get Your API Key.

Success Response Format

The HTTP response for a successful call has three elements: status, code, and result. The code is a
numeric value. Refer to the PAN-OS XML API Error Codes for details on the code included in the
HTTP response message.

"@code": "19",
"@status": "success",
"result": {
"@count": "3",
"@total-count": "3",
"entry": [
"@location": "vsys",
"@name": "fqdn1",
"@vsys": "vsys1",
"fqdn": "www.test.com"
"@location": "vsys",
"@name": "Peer1",
"@vsys": "vsys1",
"ip-netmask": ""
"@location": "vsys",
"@name": "Peer2renamed",

PAN-OS® and Panorama™API Usage Guide Version 9.1 115 ©2024 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Get Started with the PAN-OS REST API

"@oldname": "Peer2",
"@vsys": "vsys1",
"ip-netmask": ""

Error Response Format

In addition to the HTTP status code, the error response includes a JSON object or XML with error
information. The following is an example of an error response body from a REST API call to get an
address. In this example, the request is missing a query parameter:

"code": 3,
"details": [
"@type": "CauseInfo",
"causes": [
"code": 7,
"description": "Missing Query Parameter: name",
"module": "panui_restapi"
"message": "Missing Query Parameter: name"

The following table describes the error response fields.

Field Description

code Feature-specific error code. The codes are listed in PAN-OS REST
API Error Codes

message Human-readable message that corresponds to the code

details Array of objects containing detailed data about the error

details.@type Type of data in details. Currently, the only type available is


PAN-OS® and Panorama™API Usage Guide Version 9.1 116 ©2024 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Get Started with the PAN-OS REST API

Field Description
The details under CauseInfo are for readability
and debugging purposes. The value can change
between software releases. To avoid your scripts
breaking between releases, don’t parse the values in

details.causes Array of objects that convey module-level error data

details.causes.module Feature-specific module that reported the error

details.causes.code Module-level error code. If details.causes.module is panui_mgmt,

then you can find this module-level code in PAN-OS REST API
Error Codes

details.causes.description Details about the error, from the feature-specific module.

PAN-OS® and Panorama™API Usage Guide Version 9.1 117 ©2024 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Get Started with the PAN-OS REST API


The possible REST API feature-specific error response codes and their descriptions are as follows:

Error Description

1 The operation was canceled, typically by the caller.

2 Unknown internal server error.

3 Bad request. The caller specified an invalid parameter.

4 Gateway timeout. A firewall or Panorama module timed out before a backend

operation completed.

5 Not found. The requested entity was not found.

6 Conflict. The entity that the caller attempted to create already exists.

7 Forbidden. The caller does not have permission to execute the specified operation.

16 Unauthorized. The request does not have valid authentication credentials to perform
the operation.

8 Resource exhausted. Some resource has been exhausted.

9 Failed precondition. The operation was rejected because the system is not in a state
required for the execution of the operation.

10 Aborted because of conflict. A typical cause is a concurrency issue.

11 Out of range. The operation was attempted past a valid range. And example is
reaching an end-of-file.

12 Not implemented. The operation is disabled, not implemented, or not supported.

13 Internal server error. An unexpected and potentially serious internal error occurred.

14 Service unavailable. The service is temporarily unavailable.

15 Internal server error. Unrecoverable data loss or data corruption occurred.

PAN-OS® and Panorama™API Usage Guide Version 9.1 118 ©2024 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Get Started with the PAN-OS REST API

Work With Objects (REST API)

Objects are elements that you use within policy rules. The firewalls and Panorama support a large
number of objects such as tags, address objects, log forwarding profiles, and security profiles.
The examples in this section show you how to perform CRUD operations with an address
object. You can use this example to work with other objects of the firewall. Access the REST
API reference documentation at https://<IP address or FQDN of the firewall
or Panorama>/restapi-doc/ for help with the resource URIs for different objects and
the structure of the request. For an overview, see PAN-OS REST API Request and Response
• Create an Address Object
• Edit an Address Object
• Rename an Address Object
• Delete an Address Object
• Get Address Objects

Create an Address Object

Make a POST request to create an address object. In the request, the query parameters must
include the name and the location on where you want to create the object. And in the request
body include the same name, location and other properties to define the object. For example:

curl -X POST \
location=shared&name=web-servers-production' \
-d '{
"entry": [
"@location": "shared",
"@name": "web-servers-production",
"description": "what is this for?",
"fqdn": "docs.paloaltonetworks.com",
"tag": {
"member": [

Edit an Address Object

Make a PUT request and include the name and location of the object as query parameters. Include
the same location and name in the request body and define the properties of the object you’d
like to change. In the following example, you are modifying the description and adding a new tag

PAN-OS® and Panorama™API Usage Guide Version 9.1 119 ©2024 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Get Started with the PAN-OS REST API

called red to the address object. If the tag does not already exist, you must first create the tag
before you can reference it in the address object.

curl -X PUT \
location=shared&name=web-servers-production' \
-d '{
"entry": [
"@location": "shared",
"@name": "web-servers-production",
"description": "publish servers",
"fqdn": "docs.paloaltonetworks.com",
"tag": {
"member": [

The response is

"@code": "20",
"@status": "success",
"msg": "command succeeded"

Rename an Address Object

When renaming an object, make a POST request with the following query parameters—name of
the object name=<name>, l ocation=<location>, and the new name newname=<name>. The
following example renames web-servers-production to web-server-publish.

curl -X POST \
publish' \

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Get Started with the PAN-OS REST API

Delete an Address Object

Make a DELETE request and include the name and the location of the object as query parameters.
For example:

curl -X DELETE \
location=shared&name=web-server-production' \

Get Address Objects

Make a GET request to retrieve a list of all address objects within a specified location. For
example, the following query reads all address objects in vsys1 which is indicated with
location=vsys&vsys=vsys1in the query parameter.

curl -X GET \
location=vsys&vsys=vsys1' \

And the response includes the list of address objects that are configured on vsys1 on the firewall.

"@code": "19",
"@status": "success",
"result": {
"@count": "3",
"@total-count": "3",
"entry": [
"@location": "vsys",
"@name": "fqdn1",
"@vsys": "vsys1",
"fqdn": "www.test.com"
"@location": "vsys",
"@name": "Peer1",
"@vsys": "vsys1",
"ip-netmask": ""
"@location": "vsys",
"@name": "Peer2renamed",
"@oldname": "Peer2",
"@vsys": "vsys1",
"ip-netmask": ""

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Create a Security Policy Rule (REST API)

The example in this section shows you how to create and update a Security policy rule on the
firewall. Use this example to get familiar with the REST API and then make it work with other
policy types on the firewall. Access the REST API reference documentation at https://<IP
address or FQDN of the firewall or Panorama>/restapi-doc/for help with the
resource URIs for the different objects and policies and for help with the properties supported for
each type of request. For an overview, see PAN-OS REST API Request and Response Structure.
• Create an Application Object
• Create a Security Policy Rule
• Reference an Address Object in the Rule

Create an Application Object

Make a POST request to create an application object that allows you to allow browser-based
applications that belong to the category collaboration and subcategory email. To make this
application object named email-collaboration-apps available across all virtual systems
on a firewall, create the object at location=shared. Use Palo Alto Networks Applipedia,
the application database to view the attributes (Category, Subcategory, Technology, Risk
or Characteristic) that you can use to define the object. You can also refer to https://
<firewall_IP>/restapi-doc/#tag/objects-applications for details on how to
construct an application object. Here is an example.

curl -X POST \
location=shared&name=email-collaboration-apps' \
-d '{
"entry": [
"@location": "shared",
"@name": "email-collaboration-apps",
"able-to-transfer-file": "yes",
"category": "collaboration",
"description": "apps we allow for collaboration",
"risk": "2",
"subcategory": "email",
"technology": "browser-based"

You can now use this application object in a Security policy rule.

Create a Security Policy Rule

Before you start here, use the XML API or any of the other management interfaces to set up
interfaces and zones on the firewall.
To create a Security policy rule, make a POST request. In the following example, the API key is
provided as a custom header X-PAN-KEY instead of as query parameter. For more details, see

PAN-OS® and Panorama™API Usage Guide Version 9.1 123 ©2024 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
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Access the PAN-OS REST API. The query parameters include the name of the rule, location and
vsys name location=vsys&vsys=<vsys_name>&name=<rule_name>. And in the request
body specify the same name, location, vsys name, and includes additional properties for the
Security policy rule including the application object you created earlier.

curl -X POST \

location=vsys&vsys=vsys1&name=rule-example1' \
-d '{
"entry": [
"@location": "vsys",
"@name": "rule-example1",
"@vsys": "vsys1",
"action": "allow",
"application": {
"member": [
"category": {
"member": [
"destination": {
"member": [
"from": {
"member": [
"hip-profiles": {
"member": [
"service": {
"member": [
"source": {
"member": [
"source-user": {
"member": [

PAN-OS® and Panorama™API Usage Guide Version 9.1 124 ©2024 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
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"to": {
"member": [

Instead of using an application object, you can list applications by name as long as the
applications are included in the application content version installed on the firewall.

"application": {
"member": [

Reference an Address Object in the Rule

To allow access to only specific addresses in the source zone, you can include an address object
and restrict access to only those members in the source zone with "source": {"member":
["web-servers-production"]} as shown in the following example:

curl -X PUT \
location=vsys&name=rule-example1&vsys=vsys1' \
-d '{
"entry": [
"@location": "vsys",
"@name": "rule-example1",
"@vsys": "vsys1",
"action": "allow",
"application": {
"member": [
"category": {
"member": [
"destination": {
"member": [
"from": {

PAN-OS® and Panorama™API Usage Guide Version 9.1 125 ©2024 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
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"member": [
"hip-profiles": {
"member": [
"service": {
"member": [
"source": {
"member": [
"source-user": {
"member": [
"to": {
"member": [

If successful, the response is

{"@status": "success","@code": "20","msg":"command succeeded"


If the address object does not exist, the response is as follows:

{"code": 3,"message": "Invalid Object","details": [

{"@type": "CauseInfo","causes": [
{"code": 12,"module": "panui_mgmt","description":
"Invalid Object: rule-example1 -> source 'web-servers-production'
is not an allowed keyword. rule-example1 -> source web-servers-
production is an invalid ipv4/v6 address. rule-example1 -> source
web-servers-production invalid range start IP.
rule-example1 -> source 'web-servers-production' is not a valid
reference. rule-example1 -> source is invalid."

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Work with Policy Rules on Panorama (REST API)

On Panorama, you create policy rules as Pre Rules or Post Rules and then push them from
Panorama to the managed firewalls. While you can view these rules on the managed firewalls, you
can edit the Pre Rules and Post Rules only on Panorama. Pre Rules are added to the top of the
rule order and are evaluated first, and Post Rules are added after any locally defined rules on the
firewall and are at the bottom of the rule hierarchy, so they evaluated last. Post Rules typically
include rules to deny access to traffic based on the App-ID, User-ID, or Service. Pre Rules and
Post Rules are of two types: Shared Post Rules are shared across all managed devices and device
groups, and device group Post Rules are specific to a device group.
The example in this section shows you how to create and update a Security policy rule on
Panorama. Use this example to get familiar with the REST API and then make it work with
other policy types on the firewall. Access the REST API reference documentation at https://
<Panorama IP address or FQDN>/restapi-doc/ for help with the resource URIs for the
different objects and policies and for help with the properties supported for each type of request.
For an overview, see PAN-OS REST API Request and Response Structure.
• Create a Log Forwarding Profile
• Edit a Security Policy Pre Rule

Create a Log Forwarding Object

Make a POST request to create an log forwarding object that allows you to forward traffic
and threat logs to the Logging Service. To make this log forwarding object named log-
forwarding-LS available for all firewalls in the device group named devicegroup-7, create
the object at location=devicegroup-7. Include the name of the object, specify the location
as device-group and the device-group name in the query parameters location=device-
group&device-group=<dg_name>&name=<object_name>and create the request body. The
API key is provided as a custom header X-PAN-KEY.

curl -X POST \
group=devicegroup-7' \
-d ' {
"entry": {
"@name": "log-forwarding-LS",
"match-list": {
"entry": [
"@name": "only_traffic_logs",
"filter": "All Logs",
"log-type": "traffic",
"send-to-panorama": "yes"
"@name": "only_threat_logs",
"filter": "All Logs",
"log-type": "threat",

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Get Started with the PAN-OS REST API

"send-to-panorama": "yes"

You can now use this log forwarding object in a Security policy rule.

Edit a Security Policy Pre Rule

To modify a Security policy Pre Rule, make a PUT request to https://<Panorama
IP address or FQDN>/restapi/v9.1/Policies/SecurityPreRules
. The query parameters include the name of the rule, location and device group
name if the location is a device group location=device-group&device-
group=<device_group_name>&name=<rule_name>. And in the request body specify the
same name, location, device group name, and include the required properties for the Security
policy pre rule. This example shows you how to reference the log forwarding object you created
earlier. Refer to the REST API reference documentation at https://<Panorama IP address
or FQDN>/restapi-doc/ for help with the required and optional properties in the request

Use a GET request to fetch the configuration of the Security policy pre rule you want to
modify and copy the response. You can then use this as a starting point for the request
body in your PUT request and modify as needed to edit the rule.

curl -X PUT \
LOCATION=device-group&device-group=devicegroup-7&name=allow-dns' \
-d '{
"entry": [
"@device-group": "devicegroup-7",
"@location": "device-group",
"@name": "allow-dns",
"action": "allow",
"application": {
"member": [
"category": {
"member": [
"destination": {
"member": [

PAN-OS® and Panorama™API Usage Guide Version 9.1 128 ©2024 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
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"from": {
"member": [
"hip-profiles": {
"member": [
"log-setting": "log-forwarding-LS",
"log-start": "yes",
"service": {
"member": [
"source": {
"member": [
"source-user": {
"member": [
"target": {
"negate": "no"
"to": {
"member": [

The response body indicates the success or failure of the request. If you reference a Security
policy Pre Rule that does not exist because the name of the rule is invalid or the location is
incorrect, the response displays as

"code": 5,
"details": [
"@type": "CauseInfo",
"causes": [
"code": 7,
"description": "Object Not Present: No object to
"module": "panui_mgmt"

PAN-OS® and Panorama™API Usage Guide Version 9.1 129 ©2024 Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
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"message": "Object Not Present"

For help with the error codes, see PAN-OS REST API Error Codes.

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Get Started with the PAN-OS REST API

Create a Tag (REST API)

Tags allow you to group objects using keywords or phrases.
Link tags are tags that enable you use to identify groups of physical interfaces specifically for an
SD-WAN configuration on Panorama™. Some examples of link tags are Low Cost Paths, General
Access, Private HQ, and Backup. The following is an example of a REST API request to create a
link tag.

curl -X POST
-H 'X-PAN-KEY: <your key>
-d '{"entry": {"@name": "Low-Cost-Paths”,
“comments”: “Groups two low cost broadband links and a backup

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Configure a Security Zone (REST API)

Security zones are a logical way to group physical and virtual interfaces on the firewall to control
and log the traffic that traverses specific interfaces on your network. You must assign an interface
on the firewall to a security zone before that interface can process traffic. A zone can have
multiple interfaces of the same type, but an interface can belong to only one zone. You can create
zones directly on the firewall or as part of a network template on Panorama™.
The following example shows you how to use a Panorama REST API request to create a security
zone with Ethernet interfaces and a virtual SD-WAN interface. See Configure an SD-WAN
Interface (REST API) for an example of a REST API request to create a virtual SD-WAN interface
and an example of a REST API request to configure an Ethernet interface.

curl -X POST
-H 'X-PAN-KEY: <api key>'
-d '{
"entry": {
"@name": "Untrust",
"enable-user-identification": "no",
"network": {
"layer3": {
"member": [

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Configure an SD-WAN Interface (REST API)

A virtual SD-WAN interface groups multiple physical links use to communicate with the same
This example shows you how to create a virtual SD-WAN interface on Panorama™. This interface
is meant for direct Internet access from a branch, so the SD-WAN interface will include only
physical Ethernet interfaces. It’s assumed that you’ve already set up necessary templates and
device groups on Panorama. The examples use a template called SD-Branch-Network.
STEP 1 | Create a link tag.
A link tag enables you use to group physical links so that SD-WAN path selection and traffic
redirection can use the groups to maximize application and service quality. See Create a Tag
(REST API) for an example of an API request to create a link tag.

STEP 2 | Create an SD-WAN interface profile.

Create an SD-WAN interface profile to define the characteristics of ISP connections and
to control the speed of links and how frequently the firewalls monitors the link. This profile
includes both the link tag you created and the type of link that the interface is (ADSL/DLS,
Cable modem, Ethernet, Fiber, LTE/3G/4G/5G, MPLS, etc.). The following POST request
creates an SD-WAN interface profile.

curl -X POST
-H 'X-PAN-KEY: <api key>
-d '{
"entry": {
"@name": "BroadBand-low-cost",
"comment": "Low cost",
"failback-hold-time": 20,
"link-tag": "Broadband-ISP",
"link-type": "Cablemodem",
"maximum-download": 100,
"maximum-upload": 50,
"path-monitoring": "Aggressive",
"probe-frequency": 5,
"probe-idle-time": 60,
"vpn-data-tunnel-support": "yes"

STEP 3 | Configure one or more physical interfaces.

Configure the physical interface(s) that the virtual SD-WAN interface will include. This
example configures one Ethernet interface. Configuring an Ethernet interface for SD-WAN
involves three steps, which are (a) configure a Layer 3 Ethernet interface without an SD-WAN

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interface profile, (b) import the Ethernet interface into a virtual system, and (c) update the
Ethernet interface to specify the SD-WAN interface profile.
1. Configure a Layer 3 Ethernet interface.
The following is an example of an API request to configure a Layer 3 Ethernet interface
that uses DHCP for IP address assignment.

curl -X POST
-H 'X-PAN-KEY: <api key>
-d '{
"entry": {
"@name": "ethernet1/4",
"layer3": {
"dhcp-client": {
"create-default-route": "yes",
"default-route-metric": 10,
"enable": "yes",
"send-hostname": {
"enable": "no",
"hostname": "system-hostname"
"sdwan-link-settings": {
"enable": "no"

2. Import the Ethernet interface into a virtual system (vsys).

Make an API request on Panorama to import the Ethernet interface into a vsys
configuration. The example below imports the newly created Ethernet interface into
vsys1, which exists in template Branch_template. In this example, there is only one
interface. If other interfaces already exist in the vsys, though, include them all in the
interface member list.

curl -X POST
-H 'X-PAN-KEY: <api key>
-d '{
"entry": [
"@location": "template",
"@name": "vsys1",
"@template": "Branch_template",

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"import": {
"network": {
"interface": {
"member": [

3. Apply an SD-WAN interface profile to the Ethernet interface.

The example below applies an SD-WAN interface profile to the Ethernet interface to
complete the Ethernet interface configuration for SD-WAN.

curl -X PUT
-H 'X-PAN-KEY: <api key>
-d '{
"entry": {
"@name": "ethernet1/4",
"layer3": {
"dhcp-client": {
"create-default-route": "yes",
"default-route-metric": 10,
"enable": "yes",
"send-hostname": {
"enable": "no",
"hostname": "system-hostname"
"sdwan-link-settings": {
"enable": "yes",
"sdwan-interface-profile": "BroadBand-test"

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STEP 4 | Configure a virtual SD-WAN interface.

The following is an example to configure a virtual SD-WAN interface.
1. Create a parent SD-WAN interface named sdwan if one doesn’t already exist.
The following example creates the parent interface sdwan for template SDWAN-

curl -X POST
-H 'X-PAN-KEY: <api key>
-d '{
"entry": {
"@name": "sdwan"

2. Create and configure an SD-WAN interface.

Specify one or more SD-WAN-capable Ethernet interfaces that have the same
destination, for example directly to the Internet. The following example creates a virtual
SD-WAN interface that has two Ethernet interfaces, including the Ethernet interface you
configured earlier.

curl -X POST
-H 'X-PAN-KEY: <api key>
-d '{
"entry": {
"@name": "sdwan.1",
"interface": {
"member": [

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Create an SD-WAN Policy Pre Rule (REST API)

An SD-WAN policy rule specifies when and how a firewall performs application-based SD-WAN
path selection. You can configure an SD-WAN policy pre rule or post rule on Panorama™ and
push the rule to the firewalls in your device group.
The examples in this section show how to use the REST API to create an SD-WAN policy pre rule
on Panorama. An SD-WAN policy rule includes both a path quality profile and a traffic distribution
profile. The policy rule uses these two profiles to identify network quality requirements and to
determine path selection when the network doesn’t meet those quality requirements.
STEP 1 | Create a path quality profile.
A path quality profile identifies network quality or health requirements based on packet loss
percentage, jitter, and latency. Once included in an SD-WAN policy rule, the path quality
profile will control the threshold at which the firewall replaces a deteriorating path with a new
path for matching application packets. A number of predefined path quality profiles exist, but
you can create your own if none of the existing profiles meets your needs. The following POST
request creates a path quality profile called general-business2.

curl -X POST
-H 'X-PAN-KEY: <api key>
-d '{
"entry": {
"@name": "general-business2",
"metric": {
"jitter": {
"sensitivity": "medium",
"threshold": 20
"latency": {
"sensitivity": "medium",
"threshold": 300
"pkt-loss": {
"sensitivity": "medium",
"threshold": 5

STEP 2 | Create a traffic distribution profile.

Create a traffic distribution profile, which specifies how a firewall determines a new best path
if the current preferred path exceeds a path quality threshold. A traffic distribution profile
specifies one of three possible distribution methods: Best Available Path, Top-Down Priority,

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and Weighted Session Distribution. The profile also includes one or more link tags, which the
distribution method uses to narrow its selection of a new path.
The POST request below creates a traffic distribution profile that uses top-down priority and
includes two link tags: Broadband-ISP and LTE-ISP. See Create a Tag (REST API) for an
example of a REST API request to create a link tag.

curl -X POST
-H 'X-PAN-KEY: <api key>
-d '{"entry": {"@name": "BroadBand2","traffic-distribution":
"Top Down Priority","link-tags": {"entry": [
{"@name": "Broadband-ISP"
{"@name": "LTE-ISP",

STEP 3 | Create an SD-WAN policy pre rule.

An SD-WAN policy pre rule specifies application(s) and/or service(s) and a traffic distribution
profile to determine how a firewall selects the preferred path for an incoming packet that
doesn’t belong to an existing session and that matches all other criteria. Examples of the
criteria are source and destination zones, source and destination IP addresses, and source user.
The SD-WAN policy pre rule also specifies a path quality profile of thresholds for packet loss,
jitter, and latency. When one of the thresholds is exceeded, the firewall selects a new path for
the application(s) and/or service(s).
The POST request below creates an SD-WAN policy pre rule that Panorama will push to a
device group called SD-WAN_Branch. The request body parameters include both a path
quality profile and a traffic distribution profile. The parameters also include Trust-PA220 and
Wireless-PA220 as the source zones and Untrust-PA220 as the destination zone. See
Configure a Security Zone (REST API) for an example of a REST API request to create a zone.

curl -X POST
-H 'X-PAN-KEY: <api key>'
-d '{"entry": {"@name": "HQ_Service_Test","from": {"member":
},"to": {"member": ["Untrust-PA220"
},"source": {"member": ["any”

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},"source-user": {"member": ["any"

},"destination": {"member": ["any"
},"application": {"member": ["ping"
},"service": {"member": ["any"
},"negate-source": "no","negate-destination":
"no","disabled": "no","description": "For SD-WAN test","path-
quality-profile": "general-business","action": {"traffic-
distribution-profile": "BroadBand2"

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