Katritzky 1988
Katritzky 1988
Katritzky 1988
systems, where octylammonium octanoate is replaced by systems is also investigated. The results may be helpful
a long-chained a l ~ o h o l . ' ~ J ~ J ~ to clarify the molecular origin of the hydration force, but
Further work is going on in our laboratory to obtain a they may also become useful for technical applications.
better understanding of the thermodynamics in different
A+A- systems. The experimental work is concentrated on Acknowledgment. Prof. Bjorn Lindman and Prof.
obtaining phase diagrams for A+A- systems with different I%kan Wennerstrom are gratefully acknowledged for many
A+ and A- head groups, but the solubility of long-chained comments and suggestions.
alcohols and other molecules in different A+A--water Registry No. Na+A-, 1984-06-1;A+A-, 17463-34-2.
In a previous paper,' we reported studies of a series of
surfactants incorporating the 4-(N,N-dialkylamino)-
pyridine moiety as catalysts of fluorophosphate and car-
(41 %)
boxylate ester hydrolyses. All the compounds displayed
catalysis of the hydrolysis of p-nitrophenyl hexanoate,
although none efficiently catalyzed that of fluoro-
phosphate. The most surprising finding was that the single
anionic derivative, sodium 10-[butyl(6pyridinyl)amino] -
decyl sulfate (2))was more active by 1order of magnitude 1. DCCINCCHpCHzOP03H2
2.NsOH 145%)
over neutral, cationic, and zwitterionic analogues. Com-
pound 2 catalyzed the hydrolysis at pH 8.6 of Cnitrophenyl
hexanoate with Itz = 38.0 M-'s-l, which compared favor-
ably to hydrolyses utilizing the active o-iodosobenzoate
catalysts developed by Moss and co-workers.2-4 The su-
perior activity of 2 compared to its analogues of different
(95%) 3
by removal of the cyanoethylprotecting group with sodium Table 11. Second-Order Rate Constants @CAT) for the
hydroxide. Hydrolysis of.p -Nitrophenyl Hexanoate (PNPH) at pH 8.5
Sulfonate 5 and carboxylate 7 were prepared via mesy- ([PNPH] = 5.5 X lod M)
late 4, itself synthesized (95%) by reaction of 1with mesyl kCAT, M-' s-'
chloride in the presence of triethylamine. Treatment of compd no CTAC 1 mM CTAC 5 mM CTAC
4 with KZSO3/KIin refluxing ethanol gave 5 in 50% yield, 1 (ROH) 1.25 35.6 32.0
as the hydrochloride salt. Carboxylate 7 was synthesized 2 (ROSOSH) 38.0 62.2 35.8
by reaction of 4 with KCN/KI in refluxing ethanol to give 3 (ROPO3Hz) 2.36 10.0 9.05
6 (63%) followed by acidic hydrolysis (87% yield). 7 (RCOOH) 2.69 5.12 3.21
13CNMR data for intermediates and final compounds DMAP" 3.68 1.96 1.32
are shown in Table I (alcohol 1 and DMAP are included blank (no surfactant) b
for comparison purposes). Assignments were based upon "DMAP = 4-(dimethylamino)pyridine. Hydrolysis in the ab-
comparison to known systems. sence of surfactant gave a pseudo-first-order rate constant of 6.5 X
The chemical shifts are consistent with the structure s-l, which represents background hydrolysis (khyd + koT-
shown in Table I. Chemical shifts for pyridine carbons [OH-]). At the [PNPH] given above, this corresponds to an initial
C-2', C-3', and C-4' of 1 are essentially the same as those rate of 3.6 X lo4 M s-'. In comparison, using kc^^ for 3 at a con-
centration of 0.001 M, the initial rate was 130 X lo+' M s-'.
for DMAP. However, compounds 2-7 are hydrochloride
salts, and this difference is reflected in the 13C chemical Scheme I1
shifts of the pyridine nucleus. Carbon C-2' is shielded by
approximately 10 ppm, whereas C-4' is deshielded (by 1-3 R-N- (CH2)qo-A-
ppm) and C-3' is relatively unchanged compared to 1.
Similar effects have been reported for other pyridinium
Chemical shifts for the alkyl carbons were also as ex-
pected. Carbon C-1 resonated a t 6 62.2 in 1, a t slightly
higher values in 2-4, and farther upfield (at 6 30) in 5 and
7. In nitrile 6, C-1 occurred at 6 15.7, which, in combination
with the CN resonance a t 6 118.5, was useful as a diagnostic
tool for confirming the presence or disappearance of 6.
Carbons C-1 and C-2 of phosphate 3 were both split into
doublets, with 2J = 5.8 and 3J = 7.3 Hz, respectively, due
to 13C-31Pcoupling. + R'COOH
scribed previously.’
of acylpyridinium 8 is known to be the rate-determining l0-[Butyl(4-pyridinyl)amino]-l-decylPhosphate (3).
step in hydrolyses of the type RCOX RCOOH + HX.8 Barium (2-cyanoethy1)phosphate dihydrate (0.58 g; 1.73 mmol)
Electrostatic stabilization of the positive charge in 8 by and Amberlite IR-120 H.C.P. cation-exchange resin (sulfonic acid,
the anionic group could lower the transition-state energy 3 g) were stirred in water (5 mL) until the barium salt dissolved.
for its formation and thus increase the rate of formation The solution was passed through a column of the same resin (5
of 8. g), washing with water (15 mL). The water was removed by adding
Another important factor is the pKa values of the various dry pyridine (10 mL), evaporating, and repeating the process; a
yellow oil was obtained. To this was added 1 (0.51 g; 1.67 mmol)
groups involved. At the pH of the reaction medium (pH in dry pyridine (10mL) followed by dicyclohexylcarbodiimide
8.5),the 4-(dialky1amino)pyridinegroup (pKa = 9.4*) is (1.38 g; 6.70 mmol) and the mixture stirred at room temperature
The OS03H and COOH groups (pKa -3 and 4.8, re- -
approximately90% in the protonated form ( ~ F @ J P Y H + ) . ~