Sustainability 14 16831
Sustainability 14 16831
Sustainability 14 16831
Identifying Intention-Based Factors Influencing Consumers’
Willingness to Pay for Electric Vehicles: A Sustainable
Consumption Paradigm
ShiYong Zheng 1,2,3 , Hua Liu 1 , Weili Guan 2, *, Yuping Yang 1 , JiaYing Li 1 , Shah Fahad 3 and Biqing Li 1
Abstract: In an effort to reduce environmental pollution and energy consumption, the Chinese
government strongly promotes the usage of electric vehicles. However, studies focusing on assessing
consumers’ willingness to pay (WTP) for electric vehicles (EVs) are limited in the country. This
research aims to address this research gap by examining influencing factors of consumers’ WTP for
EVs in the Chinese perspective. Combined with the existing consumers’ intention factors, the current
study further contributed by augmenting the theoretical framework of the Theory of Planned Behavior
by including three new dimensions (performance expectancy, information loaded, and perceived risk)
to comprehensively analyze the willingness of Chinese consumers. Analysis is performed on survey
data from 498 consumers using EVs in Beijing, China. To evaluate formulated hypotheses, structural
equation modeling approach is employed. Empirical findings reveal that environmental knowledge
and performance expectancy positively and significantly influence behavioral intention. In contrast,
Citation: Zheng, S.; Liu, H.; Guan, overloaded information has a negative impact on behavioral intention. Moreover, subjective norms
W.; Yang, Y.; Li, J.; Fahad, S.; Li, B. are significantly and positively related to behavioral intention. The research outcomes further disclose
Identifying Intention-Based Factors that perceived risk is positively and significantly related to behavioral intention. Finally, behavioral
Influencing Consumers’ Willingness intention has a significant and positive association with WTP for EVs. The study contributes to
to Pay for Electric Vehicles: A the literature on sustainable consumption behavior and provides academics and practitioners with
Sustainable Consumption Paradigm. essential future directions.
Sustainability 2022, 14, 16831. Keywords: environmental knowledge; sustainable consumption; performance expectancy; information
overloaded; behavioral intention; willingness to pay for electric vehicles
Academic Editor: Jiageng Ruan
The higher expense of EVs, the lesser availability of charging infrastructure, and the
extended charging time prevent consumers from purchasing electric vehicles [11]. The
Chinese government has introduced several fiscal and non-fiscal policies to facilitate the
acceptance of EVs. There are several forms of fiscal policy in place, including rebates
on purchases, tax exemptions for purchases, infrastructure construction subsidies, and
subsidies for electricity prices. There are primarily non-financial policies, such as free public
charging at public charging stations and exemptions from road tolls [12]. It is important
to note that EVs are sold poorly in the private sector, where the Chinese government is
more interested in seeing EVs become a great success. The consumer’s preference for EVs
is the most critical factor in the private sector [13]. Due to this, it is essential to conduct a
comprehensive study of the key factors affecting consumers’ adoption of electric vehicles.
Several studies have investigated consumers’ perceptions of environmentally friendly
products [14]; however, very limited studies specifically focused on green vehicles, and
most were contradictory. Despite having higher levels of ENK, consumers in emerging
countries generally show a relatively low level of environmental awareness, which suggests
further research is needed in this area. According to Said et al., participants are aware
of a few local environmental concerns, but do not understand how to do sustainable
consumption practices [15]. This study aims to fill the knowledge gap regarding emerging
countries’ consumers’ BIs toward green vehicles. It is expected that the demand for green
vehicles will increase, and very little is known about consumers’ attitudes towards green
vehicles, especially young consumers. When developing marketing strategies for green
vehicles, it is essential to take into account consumers’ attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors,
as well as their WTP premium for these products. This study explores ENK, performance
expectations, IO, SN, and PR in relation to BIs and WTP for electric vehicles.
The present research makes three main contributions. Firstly, in contrast to earlier
research, this study addresses a gap in the literature by examining all the elements that may
influence BI of electric vehicles in China. According to best of authors’ knowledge, this is the
earliest study to determine the importance of BI and WTP for electric vehicles in the Chinese
context. Due to recent economic growth and population growth, the country is facing
severe energy-related challenges, necessitating comprehensive research on how electric
vehicles can be adopted. Secondly, the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) is expanded by
incorporating three unique dimensions (performance expectancy, information loaded, and
perceived risk) that may influence consumers’ BIs and WTP for EVs. Finally, the current
study extends the research results in a manner distinct from earlier studies. For example,
ENK proved to be a critical dimension in the adoption of electric vehicles. In the same
vein, beliefs about the benefits of electric vehicles remain a crucial component of TPB’s
theoretical framework.
As for the remaining part of the study, it can be summarized as follows: Firstly, the
literature regarding the theoretical foundation and hypotheses formulation is reviewed.
Secondly, data collection procedures and a sampling structure are explained to determine
the methodology for investigating the research questions. Thirdly, we deliberate the results
of the empirical analysis. In conclusion, the paper outlines the research limitations, future
opportunities for practitioners, and possible policy implications.
Hypothesis (H6):
Hypothesis BI will
(H6): BI will have
have aa positive
positive impact
impact on
on WTP
WTP for
for EVs.
3.2. Measures
We developed a survey questionnaire based on previous studies and customized
it to fit the context as shown in Appendix A. A 5-point Likert scale was used to assess
questionnaire items adapted from previous literature, (1 = strongly disagree; 5 = strongly
agree). A study by [65] provided the basis for evaluating perceived ENK, which was based
on five items. A sample item is, “I am very knowledgeable about environmental issues”.
The six items of PE have been taken from [66] study. A sample item is, “I can learn the EVs
usage as a new technology more efficiently.” According to [39], we assessed IO by utilizing
four items. The following is an example, “There was too much information about EV so I
was burdened in handling it”. In the [10] study, three items were introduced to measure
SN. The following are some examples, “If people around me use electric vehicles, this will
prompt me to buy”. In [67], four items constitute the PR. Examples of such items include “I
worry about whether EVs will really perform as well as traditional gasoline vehicles”. We
assessed BI using four items from the study of [68]. The following are some examples, “I
will try to use the fully automated vehicle if necessary, in life or in work”. To evaluate WTP
for EVs, we used four items scale from the study of [69]. A sample item is, “I am willing to
buy an electric vehicle as I can afford it”.
4. Results
4.1. Measurement Model Validation
Structural equation modeling approach is used to evaluate formulated hypotheses,
while SPSS (V 26) and SmartPLS software are used for data analysis purposes. We used
correlation analysis to check the interrelationship between variables. After analyzing
the test, the results showed a significant correlation between variables (see Table 2). We
investigated discriminant validity using the square root of average variance extracted
(AVE). The results generated reveal support for discriminant validity because AVE has a
higher square root value than its correlation with other constructs [70]. An alternate method
to discover discriminant validity is by comparing AVE by MSV value with all variables.
If AVE is greater than MSV, discriminant validity is achieved [71]. The square root of
the average variance extracted (AVE) is higher than its correlation with other constructs
according to discriminant validity estimators [71]. In addition, Table 3 also indicates that all
Sustainability 2022, 14, 16831 7 of 15
constructs’ composite reliability (CR) is above 0.70, lying between 0.850 to 0.912 [72]. After
that, we conducted a convergent validity analysis using AVE and item loadings to check
the potential association between these items [73]. Results confirm that the AVE values
for every variable are more significant than 0.5, which clears that these variables hit the
benchmark and have 50% more variance.
Constructs 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1. Behavioral Intention 0.846
2. Information Overloaded 0.719 0.779
3. Perceived Environmental Knowledge 0.831 0.737 0.821
4. Perceived Risk 0.728 0.578 0.657 0.879
5. Performance Expectancy 0.726 0.767 0.793 0.623 0.802
6. Social Norms 0.711 0.713 0.677 0.693 0.664 0.841
7. Willingness to Pay 0.652 0.662 0.732 0.696 0.727 0.628 0.766
The bold values are the AVE.
4.3. Multicollinearity
A regression test is executed to check the multicollinearity issues to find Tolerance
and Variance inflation factor (VIF) values. The VIF value should be between 0 and 3 [76].
According to the results (See Table 3), this model does not have any multicollinearity issues
because the values of VIF and Tolerance are within the suggested range of each variable
and are in line [77].
positively and significantly related to WTP for EVs (H6–β = 0.652; p < 0.001).
Table5.5. Hypotheses
Table Hypotheses testing.
Hypotheses Beta
Beta S.D
S.D t-Values
t-Values p-Values
p-Values Decision
Perceived Environmental knowledge ->
H1 Perceived Environmental 0.490 0.085 5.743 0.000 Accepted
H1 Behavioral
knowledge Intention
-> Behavioral Intention
0.490 0.085 5.743 0.000 Accepted
H2 Performance Expectancy
Performance Expectancy -> ->Behavioral
Behavioral Intention
Intention 0.015
0.015 0.077
0.077 0.198
0.198 0.013
0.013 Accepted
H3 Information
Information Overloaded
Overloaded -> ->Behavioral
Behavioral Intention
Intention -0.125
− 0.125 0.064
0.064 1.968
1.968 0.020
0.020 Accepted
H4 Subjective
Subjective Norms
Norms ->-> Behavioral
Intention 0.106
0.106 0.064
0.064 1.658
1.658 0.008
0.008 Accepted
H5 Perceived Risk -> Behavioral Intention −0.250 0.073 3.444 0.001 Accepted
H5 Perceived Risk -> Behavioral Intention -0.250 0.073 3.444 0.001 Accepted
H6 Behavioral Intention -> Willingness to Pay 0.652 0.040 16.399 0.000 Accepted
H6 Behavioral Intention -> Willingness to Pay 0.652 0.040 16.399 0.000 Accepted
5. Discussion
This study aimed to investigate the factors influencing the BI of individuals from
Beijing, China, regarding the purchase of electric vehicles. In general, the findings support
the findings of [81] that respondents from Beijing, China are highly concerned about and
committed to preserving their environment. In this study, the aim was to investigate and
analyze the drivers of consumers’ BI in order to better understand their WTP for EVs. In
this study, consumers’ ENK, PE, IO, SN, and PR are used to estimate consumers’ BI of EVs
in Beijing, China.
Our study found that all factors positively affect consumer behavior intentions and
WTP for EVs. Firstly, the findings indicate that perceived ENK significantly influences
consumer behavior toward electric vehicles. Researchers have found that consumers who
are knowledgeable about electric cars are more likely to demonstrate positive behavior
toward them. As TPB’s model shows, ENK is a significant predictor of environmental
behavior. These results are consistent with previous research that demonstrated ENK is a
reliable predictor for consumer BI [82].
The results of our study also indicate that SN is positively related to EV BI. According
to [83], consumers’ BI is strongly influenced by SN. It has been shown in previous studies
that SN has little effect either on BI or actual behavior [45,83–85]. Additionally, we found
that IO is negatively associated with the BI of an electric vehicle. The results are consistent
with the research of [39]. In light of these findings, it may be possible to alleviate overload
problems by enhancing the quality of EV-related information. Due to this, the quantity and
quality of EV-related information play equal roles in determining how much information
consumers are overloaded with, depending on the situation.
Sustainability 2022, 14, 16831 10 of 15
The results also revealed that SN is a strong influencer of BI. Previous studies have
shown that the more pressure an individual receives from significant individuals, the more
likely they are to perform a behavior [47]. Inconsistent with the research of [48] and [49],
SN is found to positively influence BI. Furthermore, the findings also advocate that PR
negatively affects BI. It is possible that PR influences consumers’ purchasing decisions [55].
According to [61], consumers have a hesitation to purchase electric vehicles due in part
to concerns about safety. An essential factor that may discourage EV acceptance is PR. In
light of this, consumers who perceive EV adoption and use risks are more likely to have
negative attitudes about these vehicles and reduce their adoption intentions.
Lastly, our findings suggest that BI has strong association with WTP for electric
vehicles. In order to determine the WTP of a particular product or service, a buyer must
determine their purchasing intentions. However, it should be noted that an individual’s
intent to buy a product may not necessarily be accompanied by an intention to pay a
premium price over alternatives (Gam et al., 2010). According to findings from the study,
participants expressed WTP more for an eco-friendly product and their actual purchasing
behavior during an auction. It is interesting to note that respondents with high BI indicated
that they would be willing to pay 40 percent more than what they actually paid.
6. Conclusions
The results of the study reveal that the level of consumer ENK, PE, IO, SN, and PR re-
garding electric vehicles is positively and significantly associated with BI. The observational
results of the study also show that consumers’ BI has a positive and significant influence on
WTP for EVs. The study’s findings demonstrate that companies must let consumers know
about the environmental and safety regulations that require the development of electric
vehicles, which validates their higher cost and price. In this study, the importance of ENK
and other attributes is highlighted as a factor in purchasing eco-friendly electric vehicles.
Finally, the study recommends that future researchers use survey data or research designs
to assess how consumers use automated vehicles.
It should also be noted that there are some limitations to this study. There are five
factors that significantly promote consumers’ EV BI: perceived ENK, PE, IO, SN, and PR
measures. Nevertheless, this research only examined the direct effects of the above factors
on BI, and the theoretical mechanism analysis is still inadequate. Future studies could
explore the indirect effect of the antecedent variables mentioned above on WTP via the
mediating role of BI. Additionally, this study was conducted in the city of Beijing, China.
However, the findings of future studies should be generalized to more cities based on their
electric vehicle usage rate. Moreover, the study applies theory to environmental behavior;
major antecedents are included in this study. Future studies can apply eco-conscious
models, value-belief-norm theories, and norm activation models to environmental behav-
ior. A future study could include additional psychological variables, such as empathy
and morality.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, S.Z.; Data curation, W.G. and S.F.; Formal analysis, Y.Y.;
Funding acquisition, H.L. and W.G.; Methodology, J.L.; Writing—original draft, B.L.; Writing—review
and editing, H.L. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research was supported by the following funds: The National Social Foundation of
China (Grant No. 20BGL247). China Postdoctoral Science Foundation: A study on the mechanism of
physician engagement behaviour in online medical communities from the perspective of network
effects (No. 2022M710038). Guangxi Science and Technology Base and Talent Special Project: Research
on the incentive mechanism of user information sharing in live e-commerce-based on social capital
perspective (No. 2020AC19034). 2021 Guangxi 14th Five-Year Education Science Planning Key Special
Project: Research on the influence of learning communities on users’ online learning behavior in the
information technology environment (No. 2021A033). 2021 Guangxi 14th Five-Year Education Science
Planning Key Special Project: Research on the influence of short video sharing on Chinese cultural
identity of international students in China-taking Jieyin as an example (No. 2021ZJY1607). 2022
Innovation Project of Guangxi Graduate Education: Research on Cultivating Innovation and Practical
Ability of Postgraduates in Local Universities in Guangxi. (No. JGY2022122). Guangxi undergraduate
teaching reform project in 2022: research on the construction of thinking and government in marketing
courses under the online and offline mixed teaching mode. (No. 2022JGB180). Teaching reform
project of Guilin University of Electronic Science and Technology: research on the construction of
the ideology and politics of the course of Brand Management. (No. JGB202114). Doctoral research
initiation project of Guilin University of Electronic Science and Technology: “Research on the incentive
mechanism of knowledge sharing in online medical communities” (No. US20001Y).
Sustainability 2022, 14, 16831 12 of 15
Institutional Review Board Statement: The study was conducted in accordance with the Declara-
tion of Helsinki and approved by the Institutional review board of Guilin University of Electronic
Technology (protocol code 894-3, 14-05-2022).
Informed Consent Statement: Informed consent was obtained from all subjects involved in the study.
Data Availability Statement: The original contributions presented in this study are included in the
article. Further inquiries can be directed to the corresponding author.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Appendix A
Strongly Strongly
Items 2 3 4
Disagree Agree
Perceived Environmental knowledge
My knowledge of environmental issues is extensive.
My understanding of environmental issues is greater than the average person. My
knowledge of reducing CO2 emissions allows me to choose the least polluting vehicles.
My understanding of the environmental impacts of vehicle consumption is good.
My understanding is that hybrid cars are more sustainable than conventional cars.
Performance Expectancy
My eco-friendly behavior would be enhanced if I used electric vehicles
My ability to learn the usage of EVs as technological advancement an be improved.
My fuel and maintenance costs can be reduced by using EVs in comparison to gasoline cars.
My motivation to buy an electric vehicle is enhanced by the availability of home charging.
I think there are no disadvantages to using electric vehicles
My learning and technical activities will be improved if I use electric vehicles
Information Overloaded
I was burdened with a lot of information about EV.
I felt that acquiring all the necessary information about EV was difficult due to the abundance
of information available.
In my experience, only a small percentage of the EV information I gathered was useful to me.
The information I received about EVs was not sufficient to assist me in making a purchasing
Subjective norms
I will be more likely to purchase an electric vehicle if I see people around me using electric
I have been advised to purchase an electric vehicle by people who have influence over me
(such as my relatives and friends)
I will purchase an electric vehicle in response to news media propaganda
Perceived Risk
I believe that using EVs could involve considerable time losses considering their
disadvantages (e.g., limited driving range and long charging times).
I have concerns regarding the performance of EVs as compared to traditional gasoline
powered vehicles
In my opinion, the environmental crisis has become more serious in recent year.
Behavioral Intentions
In my personal and professional lives, I wish to use fully electric vehicles whenever possible
I have a high probability of using a fully electric vehicle in the future
I will make every effort to utilize a fully electric vehicle if possible
I am likely to suggest fully electric vehicles to others
Willingness to pay for EVs
My financial situation permits me to purchase an electric vehicle.
My preference for electric vehicles is higher than that for gasoline-powered vehicles
My desire to purchase an electric vehicle is based on its environmental friendliness
If I do not have cash on hand, I am willing to lease an electric vehicle
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